/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. Copyright 2000-2011 the Rosegarden development team. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "RosegardenMainWindow.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/TrackEditor.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/TrackButtons.h" #include "misc/Debug.h" #include "misc/Strings.h" #include "gui/application/TransportStatus.h" #include "base/AnalysisTypes.h" #include "base/AudioPluginInstance.h" #include "base/Clipboard.h" #include "base/Composition.h" #include "base/CompositionTimeSliceAdapter.h" #include "base/Configuration.h" #include "base/Device.h" #include "base/Exception.h" #include "base/Instrument.h" #include "base/MidiDevice.h" #include "base/MidiProgram.h" #include "base/NotationTypes.h" #include "base/Profiler.h" #include "base/RealTime.h" #include "base/Segment.h" #include "base/SegmentNotationHelper.h" #include "base/Selection.h" #include "base/Studio.h" #include "base/Track.h" #include "commands/edit/CopyCommand.h" #include "commands/edit/CutCommand.h" #include "commands/edit/EventQuantizeCommand.h" #include "commands/edit/PasteSegmentsCommand.h" #include "commands/edit/TransposeCommand.h" #include "commands/edit/AddMarkerCommand.h" #include "commands/edit/ModifyMarkerCommand.h" #include "commands/edit/RemoveMarkerCommand.h" #include "commands/notation/KeyInsertionCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/AddTempoChangeCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/AddTimeSignatureAndNormalizeCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/AddTimeSignatureCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/AudioSegmentAutoSplitCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/AudioSegmentRescaleCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/AudioSegmentSplitCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/ChangeCompositionLengthCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/CreateTempoMapFromSegmentCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/CutRangeCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/DeleteRangeCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/InsertRangeCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/ModifyDefaultTempoCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/MoveTracksCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/PasteRangeCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/RemoveTempoChangeCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentAutoSplitCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentChangeTransposeCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentJoinCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentLabelCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentReconfigureCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentRescaleCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentSplitByPitchCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentSplitByRecordingSrcCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentSplitCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentTransposeCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentSyncCommand.h" #include "commands/studio/CreateOrDeleteDeviceCommand.h" #include "commands/studio/ModifyDeviceCommand.h" #include "document/io/CsoundExporter.h" #include "document/io/HydrogenLoader.h" #include "document/io/LilyPondExporter.h" #include "document/CommandHistory.h" #include "document/io/RG21Loader.h" #include "document/io/MupExporter.h" #include "document/io/MusicXmlExporter.h" #include "document/RosegardenDocument.h" #include "misc/ConfigGroups.h" #include "gui/application/RosegardenApplication.h" #include "gui/dialogs/AddTracksDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/AboutDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/AudioManagerDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/AudioPluginDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/AudioSplitDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/BeatsBarsDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/CompositionLengthDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/ConfigureDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/CountdownDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/DialogSuppressor.h" #include "gui/dialogs/DocumentConfigureDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/FileMergeDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/IdentifyTextCodecDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/IntervalDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/LilyPondOptionsDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/ManageMetronomeDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/QuantizeDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/RescaleDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/SplitByPitchDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/SplitByRecordingSrcDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/TempoDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/TimeDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/TimeSignatureDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/TransportDialog.h" #include "gui/editors/parameters/InstrumentParameterBox.h" #include "gui/editors/parameters/RosegardenParameterArea.h" #include "gui/editors/parameters/SegmentParameterBox.h" #include "gui/editors/parameters/TrackParameterBox.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/compositionview/CompositionView.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/MarkerEditor.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/PlayListDialog.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/PlayList.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentEraser.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentJoiner.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentMover.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentPencil.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentResizer.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentSelector.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentSplitter.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentToolBox.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/TrackLabel.h" #include "gui/editors/segment/TriggerSegmentManager.h" #include "gui/editors/tempo/TempoView.h" #include "gui/general/EditViewBase.h" #include "gui/general/IconLoader.h" #include "gui/general/FileSource.h" #include "gui/general/ResourceFinder.h" #include "gui/general/AutoSaveFinder.h" #include "gui/general/LilyPondProcessor.h" #include "gui/general/ProjectPackager.h" #include "gui/general/PresetHandlerDialog.h" #include "gui/widgets/StartupLogo.h" #include "gui/widgets/TmpStatusMsg.h" #include "gui/widgets/WarningWidget.h" #include "gui/seqmanager/MidiFilterDialog.h" #include "gui/seqmanager/SequenceManager.h" #include "gui/studio/AudioMixerWindow.h" #include "gui/studio/AudioPlugin.h" #include "gui/studio/AudioPluginManager.h" #include "gui/studio/AudioPluginOSCGUIManager.h" #include "gui/studio/BankEditorDialog.h" #include "gui/studio/DeviceManagerDialog.h" #include "gui/studio/MidiMixerWindow.h" #include "gui/studio/RemapInstrumentDialog.h" #include "gui/studio/StudioControl.h" #include "gui/studio/SynthPluginManagerDialog.h" #include "gui/studio/ControlEditorDialog.h" #include "gui/widgets/CurrentProgressDialog.h" #include "gui/widgets/ProgressBar.h" #include "gui/widgets/ProgressDialog.h" #include "gui/widgets/FileDialog.h" #include "LircClient.h" #include "LircCommander.h" #include "RosegardenMainViewWidget.h" #include "SetWaitCursor.h" #include "sequencer/RosegardenSequencer.h" #include "sequencer/SequencerThread.h" #include "sound/AudioFile.h" #include "sound/AudioFileManager.h" #include "sound/MappedCommon.h" #include "sound/MappedEventList.h" #include "sound/MappedEvent.h" #include "sound/MappedStudio.h" #include "sound/MidiFile.h" #include "sound/PluginIdentifier.h" #include "sound/SoundDriver.h" #include "StartupTester.h" #include "gui/widgets/TmpStatusMsg.h" #include "gui/studio/DeviceManagerDialog.h" #include "gui/widgets/InputDialog.h" #include "TranzportClient.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Ladish lv1 support #include // for errno #include // for sigaction() #include // for strerror() #include // for pipe() #include namespace Rosegarden { RosegardenMainWindow::RosegardenMainWindow(bool useSequencer, QObject *startupStatusMessageReceiver) : QMainWindow(0), m_alwaysUseDefaultStudio(false), m_actionsSetup(false), m_view(0), m_mainDockWidget(0), m_dockLeft(0), m_doc(0), m_recentFiles(0), m_sequencerThread(0), m_sequencerCheckedIn(false), #ifdef HAVE_LIBJACK m_jackProcess(0), #endif m_cpuBar(0), m_zoomSlider(0), m_zoomLabel(0), m_statusBarLabel1(0), m_seqManager(0), m_transport(0), m_audioManagerDialog(0), m_originatingJump(false), m_storedLoopStart(0), m_storedLoopEnd(0), m_useSequencer(useSequencer), m_dockVisible(true), m_autoSaveTimer(new QTimer(static_cast(this))), m_clipboard(new Clipboard), m_playList(0), m_synthManager(0), m_audioMixer(0), m_midiMixer(0), m_bankEditor(0), m_markerEditor(0), m_tempoView(0), m_triggerSegmentManager(0), m_pluginGUIManager(new AudioPluginOSCGUIManager(this)), m_playTimer(new QTimer(static_cast(this))), m_stopTimer(new QTimer(static_cast(this))), m_startupTester(0), m_firstRun(false), m_haveAudioImporter(false), m_parameterArea(0), #ifdef HAVE_LIRC m_lircClient(0), m_lircCommander(0), #endif m_tranzport(0), m_deviceManager(0), m_warningWidget(0) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); setObjectName("App"); m_myself = this; if (startupStatusMessageReceiver) { QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(startupStatusMessage(QString)), startupStatusMessageReceiver, SLOT(slotShowStatusMessage(QString))); } if (m_useSequencer) { emit startupStatusMessage(tr("Starting sequencer...")); launchSequencer(); } // Plugin manager // emit startupStatusMessage(tr("Initializing plugin manager...")); m_pluginManager = new AudioPluginManager(); QPixmap dummyPixmap; // any icon will do // start of docking code this->setDockOptions(QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks); RosegardenDocument* doc = new RosegardenDocument(this, m_pluginManager); m_dockLeft = new QDockWidget(tr("Special Parameters"), this); m_dockLeft->setMinimumSize(180, 200); //### fix arbitrary value for min-size addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, m_dockLeft); m_dockLeft->setFeatures(QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetFloatable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable); m_parameterArea = new RosegardenParameterArea(m_dockLeft, "RosegardenParameterArea"); m_dockLeft->setWidget(m_parameterArea); // Populate the parameter-box area with the respective // parameter box widgets. m_segmentParameterBox = new SegmentParameterBox(doc, m_parameterArea); m_parameterArea->addRosegardenParameterBox(m_segmentParameterBox); m_trackParameterBox = new TrackParameterBox(doc, m_parameterArea); m_parameterArea->addRosegardenParameterBox(m_trackParameterBox); m_instrumentParameterBox = new InstrumentParameterBox(doc, m_parameterArea); m_parameterArea->addRosegardenParameterBox(m_instrumentParameterBox); // Now that we've added the parameter boxes, we set this as the QScrollArea's widget m_parameterArea->setScrollAreaWidget(); m_dockLeft->setMaximumWidth(m_dockLeft->sizeHint().width()); // Lookup the configuration parameter that specifies the default // arrangement, and instantiate it. // call inits to invoke all other construction parts // emit startupStatusMessage(tr("Initializing view...")); initStatusBar(); setupActions(); initZoomToolbar(); QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); m_parameterArea->setArrangement((RosegardenParameterArea::Arrangement) settings.value("sidebarstyle", RosegardenParameterArea::CLASSIC_STYLE).toUInt()); connect(m_parameterArea, SIGNAL(hidden()), this, SLOT(slotParameterAreaHidden())); // Load the initial document (this includes doc's own autoload) // setDocument(doc); emit startupStatusMessage(tr("Starting sequence manager...")); // transport is created by setupActions() m_seqManager = new SequenceManager(getTransport()); m_seqManager->setDocument(m_doc); connect(m_seqManager, SIGNAL(sendWarning(int, QString, QString)), this, SLOT(slotDisplayWarning(int, QString, QString))); if (m_useSequencer) { // Check the sound driver status and warn the user of any // problems. This warning has to happen early, in case it // affects the ability to load plugins etc from a file on the // command line. m_seqManager->checkSoundDriverStatus(true); } if (m_view) { connect(m_seqManager, SIGNAL(controllerDeviceEventReceived(MappedEvent *)), m_view, SLOT(slotControllerDeviceEventReceived(MappedEvent *))); MIDIInstrumentParameterPanel *mipp; mipp = m_instrumentParameterBox->getMIDIInstrumentParameterPanel(); if(! mipp){ RG_DEBUG << "Error: m_instrumentParameterBox->getMIDIInstrumentParameterPanel() is NULL in RosegardenMainWindow.cpp 445 \n"; } connect(m_seqManager, SIGNAL(signalSelectProgramNoSend(int,int,int)), (QObject*)mipp, SLOT(slotSelectProgramNoSend(int,int,int))); } if (m_seqManager->getSoundDriverStatus() & AUDIO_OK) { slotStateChanged("got_audio", true); } else { slotStateChanged("got_audio", false); } // If we're restarting the gui then make sure any transient // studio objects are cleared away. emit startupStatusMessage(tr("Clearing studio data...")); m_seqManager->reinitialiseSequencerStudio(); // Send the transport control statuses for MMC and JACK // m_seqManager->sendTransportControlStatuses(); // Now autoload // enterActionState("new_file"); //@@@ JAS orig. 0 leaveActionState("have_segments"); //@@@ JAS orig. KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse leaveActionState("have_selection"); //@@@ JAS orig. KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse slotTestClipboard(); // Check for lack of MIDI devices and disable Studio options accordingly // if (!m_doc->getStudio().haveMidiDevices()) leaveActionState("got_midi_devices"); //@@@ JAS orig. KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse emit startupStatusMessage(tr("Starting...")); readOptions(); // All toolbars should be created before this is called //### implement or find alternative : rgTempQtIV->setAutoSaveSettings(MainWindowConfigGroup, true); #ifdef HAVE_LIRC try { m_lircClient = new LircClient(); } catch (Exception e) { RG_DEBUG << e.getMessage().c_str() << endl; // continue without m_lircClient = 0; } if (m_lircClient) { m_lircCommander = new LircCommander(m_lircClient, this); } #endif // Tranzport try { m_tranzport = new TranzportClient(this); } catch (Exception e) { m_tranzport = 0; RG_DEBUG << e.getMessage().c_str() <restoreGeometry(settings.value("Main_Window_Geometry").toByteArray()); this->restoreState(settings.value("Main_Window_State").toByteArray()); settings.endGroup(); connectOutsideCtorHack(); checkAudioPath(); if (!installSignalHandlers()) qWarning("%s", "Signal handlers not installed!"); } RosegardenMainWindow::~RosegardenMainWindow() { RG_DEBUG << "~RosegardenMainWindow()\n"; if (getView() && getView()->getTrackEditor() && getView()->getTrackEditor()->getCompositionView()) { getView()->getTrackEditor()->getCompositionView()->endAudioPreviewGeneration(); } delete m_pluginGUIManager; if (isSequencerRunning()) { RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()->quit(); usleep(300000); delete m_sequencerThread; } delete m_transport; delete m_seqManager; #ifdef HAVE_LIRC delete m_lircCommander; delete m_lircClient; #endif delete m_tranzport; delete m_doc; Profiles::getInstance()->dump(); } int RosegardenMainWindow::sigpipe[2]; /* Handler for system signals (SIGUSR1, SIGINT...) * Write a message to the pipe and leave as soon as possible */ void RosegardenMainWindow::handleSignal(int sig) { if (write(sigpipe[1], &sig, sizeof(sig)) == -1) { qWarning("write() failed: %s", std::strerror(errno)); } } /* Install signal handlers (may be more than one; called from the * constructor of your MainWindow class*/ bool RosegardenMainWindow::installSignalHandlers() { /*install pipe to forward received system signals*/ if (pipe(sigpipe) < 0) { qWarning("pipe() failed: %s", std::strerror(errno)); return false; } /*install notifier to handle pipe messages*/ QSocketNotifier* signalNotifier = new QSocketNotifier(sigpipe[0], QSocketNotifier::Read, this); connect(signalNotifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(signalAction(int))); /*install signal handlers*/ struct sigaction action; memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action)); action.sa_handler = handleSignal; if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &action, NULL) == -1) { qWarning("sigaction() failed: %s", std::strerror(errno)); return false; } return true; } /* Slot to give response to the incoming pipe message; e.g.: save current file */ void RosegardenMainWindow::signalAction(int fd) { int message; if (read(fd, &message, sizeof(message)) == -1) { qWarning("read() failed: %s", std::strerror(errno)); return; } switch (message) { case SIGUSR1: slotFileSave(); break; default: qWarning("Unexpected signal received: %d", message); break; } } void RosegardenMainWindow::connectOutsideCtorHack() { // AudioParameterPanel has the button, you click, it signals // InstrumentParameterBox which relays the signal here via this connection: connect(m_instrumentParameterBox, SIGNAL(selectPlugin(QWidget *, InstrumentId, int)), this, SLOT(slotShowPluginDialog(QWidget *, InstrumentId, int))); connect(m_instrumentParameterBox, SIGNAL(showPluginGUI(InstrumentId, int)), this, SLOT(slotShowPluginGUI(InstrumentId, int))); // relay this through our own signal so that others can use it too connect(m_instrumentParameterBox, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId)), this, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId))); // relay this through our own signal so that others can use it too connect(m_instrumentParameterBox, SIGNAL(instrumentPercussionSetChanged(Instrument *)), this, SIGNAL(instrumentPercussionSetChanged(Instrument *))); connect(this, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId)), m_instrumentParameterBox, SLOT(slotInstrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId))); connect(this, SIGNAL(pluginSelected(InstrumentId, int, int)), m_instrumentParameterBox, SLOT(slotPluginSelected(InstrumentId, int, int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(pluginBypassed(InstrumentId, int, bool)), m_instrumentParameterBox, SLOT(slotPluginBypassed(InstrumentId, int, bool))); } void RosegardenMainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { if (queryClose()) { // Save window geometry and toolbar/dock state RG_DEBUG << "[geometry] RosegardenMainWindow - Saving main window geometry..." << endl; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(WindowGeometryConfigGroup); settings.setValue("Main_Window_Geometry", this->saveGeometry()); settings.setValue("Main_Window_State", this->saveState()); settings.endGroup(); settings.beginGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); settings.setValue("show_status_bar", !statusBar()->isHidden()); settings.setValue("show_stock_toolbar", !findToolbar("Main Toolbar")->isHidden()); settings.setValue("show_tools_toolbar", !findToolbar("Tools Toolbar")->isHidden()); settings.setValue("show_tracks_toolbar", !findToolbar("Tracks Toolbar")->isHidden()); settings.setValue("show_editors_toolbar", !findToolbar("Editors Toolbar")->isHidden()); settings.setValue("show_transport_toolbar", !findToolbar("Transport Toolbar")->isHidden()); settings.setValue("show_zoom_toolbar", !findToolbar("Zoom Toolbar")->isHidden()); settings.setValue("alwaysusedefaultstudio", m_alwaysUseDefaultStudio); settings.setValue("show_transport", findAction("show_transport")->isChecked()); if (m_transport) { settings.setValue("transport_flap_extended", m_transport->isExpanded()); } settings.setValue("show_tracklabels", findAction("show_tracklabels")->isChecked()); settings.setValue("show_rulers", findAction("show_rulers")->isChecked()); settings.setValue("show_tempo_ruler", findAction("show_tempo_ruler")->isChecked()); settings.setValue("show_chord_name_ruler", findAction("show_chord_name_ruler")->isChecked()); settings.setValue("show_previews", findAction("show_previews")->isChecked()); settings.setValue("show_segment_labels", findAction("show_segment_labels")->isChecked()); settings.setValue("show_inst_segment_parameters", findAction("show_inst_segment_parameters")->isChecked()); settings.setValue("enable_midi_routing", findAction("enable_midi_routing")->isChecked()); settings.endGroup(); event->accept(); } else { event->ignore(); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::setupActions() { createAction("file_new", SLOT(slotFileNew())); createAction("file_open", SLOT(slotFileOpen())); createAction("file_save", SLOT(slotFileSave())); createAction("file_save_as", SLOT(slotFileSaveAs())); createAction("file_save_as_template", SLOT(slotFileSaveAsTemplate())); createAction("file_revert", SLOT(slotRevertToSaved())); createAction("file_close", SLOT(slotFileClose())); createAction("file_quit", SLOT(slotQuit())); createAction("edit_cut", SLOT(slotEditCut())); createAction("edit_copy", SLOT(slotEditCopy())); createAction("edit_paste", SLOT(slotEditPaste())); createAction("options_configure", SLOT(slotConfigure())); createAction("file_import_project", SLOT(slotImportProject())); createAction("file_import_midi", SLOT(slotImportMIDI())); createAction("file_import_rg21", SLOT(slotImportRG21())); createAction("file_import_hydrogen", SLOT(slotImportHydrogen())); createAction("file_merge", SLOT(slotMerge())); createAction("file_merge_midi", SLOT(slotMergeMIDI())); createAction("file_merge_rg21", SLOT(slotMergeRG21())); createAction("file_merge_hydrogen", SLOT(slotMergeHydrogen())); createAction("file_export_project", SLOT(slotExportProject())); createAction("file_export_midi", SLOT(slotExportMIDI())); createAction("file_export_lilypond", SLOT(slotExportLilyPond())); createAction("file_export_musicxml", SLOT(slotExportMusicXml())); createAction("file_export_csound", SLOT(slotExportCsound())); createAction("file_export_mup", SLOT(slotExportMup())); createAction("file_print_lilypond", SLOT(slotPrintLilyPond())); createAction("file_preview_lilypond", SLOT(slotPreviewLilyPond())); createAction("file_show_playlist", SLOT(slotPlayList())); // Help menu createAction("manual", SLOT(slotHelp())); createAction("tutorial", SLOT(slotTutorial())); createAction("guidelines", SLOT(slotBugGuidelines())); createAction("help_about_app", SLOT(slotHelpAbout())); createAction("help_about_qt", SLOT(slotHelpAboutQt())); createAction("donate", SLOT(slotDonate())); createAction("show_stock_toolbar", SLOT(slotToggleToolBar())); createAction("show_tools_toolbar", SLOT(slotToggleToolsToolBar())); createAction("show_tracks_toolbar", SLOT(slotToggleTracksToolBar())); createAction("show_editors_toolbar", SLOT(slotToggleEditorsToolBar())); createAction("show_transport_toolbar", SLOT(slotToggleTransportToolBar())); createAction("show_zoom_toolbar", SLOT(slotToggleZoomToolBar())); createAction("show_status_bar", SLOT(slotToggleStatusBar())); createAction("show_transport", SLOT(slotToggleTransport())); createAction("show_tracklabels", SLOT(slotToggleTrackLabels())); createAction("show_rulers", SLOT(slotToggleRulers())); createAction("show_tempo_ruler", SLOT(slotToggleTempoRuler())); createAction("show_chord_name_ruler", SLOT(slotToggleChordNameRuler())); createAction("show_previews", SLOT(slotTogglePreviews())); createAction("show_inst_segment_parameters", SLOT(slotDockParametersBack())); createAction("select", SLOT(slotPointerSelected())); createAction("draw", SLOT(slotDrawSelected())); createAction("erase", SLOT(slotEraseSelected())); createAction("move", SLOT(slotMoveSelected())); createAction("resize", SLOT(slotResizeSelected())); createAction("split", SLOT(slotSplitSelected())); createAction("join", SLOT(slotJoinSelected())); createAction("harmonize_selection", SLOT(slotHarmonizeSelection())); createAction("add_time_signature", SLOT(slotEditTimeSignature())); createAction("edit_tempos", SLOT(slotEditTempos())); createAction("cut_range", SLOT(slotCutRange())); createAction("copy_range", SLOT(slotCopyRange())); createAction("paste_range", SLOT(slotPasteRange())); createAction("delete_range", SLOT(slotDeleteRange())); createAction("insert_range", SLOT(slotInsertRange())); createAction("delete", SLOT(slotDeleteSelectedSegments())); createAction("select_all", SLOT(slotSelectAll())); createAction("add_tempo", SLOT(slotEditTempo())); createAction("change_composition_length", SLOT(slotChangeCompositionLength())); createAction("edit_markers", SLOT(slotEditMarkers())); createAction("edit_doc_properties", SLOT(slotEditDocumentProperties())); // throw a redundant copy on the View menu; even though it edits too, we // just call it "View -> Document Properties" (I got this idea when I // noticed that some piece of configuration in OO.o was on two different // menus, when I looked for it in two different places, and found it in // both. It seems reasonable to me if not overdone.) createAction("view_doc_properties", SLOT(slotEditDocumentProperties())); createAction("edit_default", SLOT(slotEdit())); createAction("edit_matrix", SLOT(slotEditInMatrix())); createAction("edit_percussion_matrix", SLOT(slotEditInPercussionMatrix())); createAction("edit_notation", SLOT(slotEditAsNotation())); createAction("edit_event_list", SLOT(slotEditInEventList())); createAction("edit_pitch_tracker", SLOT(slotEditInPitchTracker())); createAction("quantize_selection", SLOT(slotQuantizeSelection())); createAction("relabel_segment", SLOT(slotRelabelSegments())); createAction("transpose", SLOT(slotTransposeSegments())); createAction("switch_preset", SLOT(slotSwitchPreset())); createAction("repeat_quantize", SLOT(slotRepeatQuantizeSelection())); createAction("rescale", SLOT(slotRescaleSelection())); createAction("auto_split", SLOT(slotAutoSplitSelection())); createAction("split_by_pitch", SLOT(slotSplitSelectionByPitch())); createAction("split_by_recording", SLOT(slotSplitSelectionByRecordedSrc())); createAction("split_at_time", SLOT(slotSplitSelectionAtTime())); createAction("jog_left", SLOT(slotJogLeft())); createAction("jog_right", SLOT(slotJogRight())); createAction("set_segment_start", SLOT(slotSetSegmentStartTimes())); createAction("set_segment_duration", SLOT(slotSetSegmentDurations())); createAction("join_segments", SLOT(slotJoinSegments())); createAction("repeats_to_real_copies", SLOT(slotRepeatingSegments())); createAction("manage_trigger_segments", SLOT(slotManageTriggerSegments())); createAction("groove_quantize", SLOT(slotGrooveQuantize())); createAction("set_tempo_to_segment_length", SLOT(slotTempoToSegmentLength())); createAction("audio_manager", SLOT(slotAudioManager())); createAction("show_segment_labels", SLOT(slotToggleSegmentLabels())); createAction("add_track", SLOT(slotAddTrack())); createAction("add_tracks", SLOT(slotAddTracks())); createAction("delete_track", SLOT(slotDeleteTrack())); createAction("move_track_down", SLOT(slotMoveTrackDown())); createAction("move_track_up", SLOT(slotMoveTrackUp())); createAction("select_next_track", SLOT(slotTrackDown())); createAction("select_previous_track", SLOT(slotTrackUp())); createAction("toggle_mute_track", SLOT(slotToggleMutedCurrentTrack())); createAction("toggle_arm_track", SLOT(slotToggleRecordCurrentTrack())); createAction("mute_all_tracks", SLOT(slotMuteAllTracks())); createAction("unmute_all_tracks", SLOT(slotUnmuteAllTracks())); createAction("remap_instruments", SLOT(slotRemapInstruments())); createAction("audio_mixer", SLOT(slotOpenAudioMixer())); createAction("midi_mixer", SLOT(slotOpenMidiMixer())); createAction("manage_midi_devices", SLOT(slotManageMIDIDevices())); createAction("manage_synths", SLOT(slotManageSynths())); createAction("modify_midi_filters", SLOT(slotModifyMIDIFilters())); createAction("enable_midi_routing", SLOT(slotEnableMIDIThruRouting())); createAction("manage_metronome", SLOT(slotManageMetronome())); createAction("save_default_studio", SLOT(slotSaveDefaultStudio())); createAction("load_default_studio", SLOT(slotImportDefaultStudio())); createAction("load_studio", SLOT(slotImportStudio())); createAction("reset_midi_network", SLOT(slotResetMidiNetwork())); createAction("set_quick_marker", SLOT(slotSetQuickMarker())); createAction("jump_to_quick_marker", SLOT(slotJumpToQuickMarker())); createAction("play", SLOT(slotPlay())); createAction("stop", SLOT(slotStop())); createAction("fast_forward", SLOT(slotFastforward())); createAction("rewind", SLOT(slotRewind())); createAction("recordtoggle", SLOT(slotToggleRecord())); createAction("record", SLOT(slotRecord())); createAction("rewindtobeginning", SLOT(slotRewindToBeginning())); createAction("fastforwardtoend", SLOT(slotFastForwardToEnd())); createAction("toggle_tracking", SLOT(slotToggleTracking())); createAction("panic", SLOT(slotPanic())); createAction("debug_dump_segments", SLOT(slotDebugDump())); createAction("repeat_segment_onoff", m_segmentParameterBox, SLOT(slotRepeatPressed())); createGUI("rosegardenmainwindow.rc"); setupRecentFilesMenu(); createAndSetupTransport(); connect(&m_recentFiles, SIGNAL(recentChanged()), this, SLOT(setupRecentFilesMenu())); // transport toolbar is hidden by default - TODO : this should be in options // //toolBar("Transport Toolbar")->hide(); // was QPopupMenu QMenu* setTrackInstrumentMenu = this->findChild("set_track_instrument"); if (setTrackInstrumentMenu) { connect(setTrackInstrumentMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(slotPopulateTrackInstrumentPopup())); } else { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::setupActions() : couldn't find set_track_instrument menu - check rosegardenui.rcn\n"; } setRewFFwdToAutoRepeat(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::setupRecentFilesMenu() { QMenu *menu = findMenu("file_open_recent"); if (!menu) { std::cerr << "ERROR: RosegardenMainWindow::setupRecentFilesMenu: No recent files menu!" << std::endl; return; } menu->clear(); std::vector files = m_recentFiles.getRecent(); for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { QAction *action = new QAction(files[i], this); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFileOpenRecent())); menu->addAction(action); if (i == 0) action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+R")); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::setRewFFwdToAutoRepeat() { // This one didn't work in Classic either. Looking at it as a fresh // problem, it was tricky. The QAction has an objectName() of "rewind" // but the QToolButton associated with that action has no object name at // all. We kind of have to go around our ass to get to our elbow on // this one. // get pointers to the actual actions QAction *rewAction = findAction("rewind"); QAction *ffwAction = findAction("fast_forward"); QWidget* transportToolbar = this->findToolbar("Transport Toolbar"); if (transportToolbar) { // get a list of all the toolbar's children (presumably they're // QToolButtons, but use this kind of thing with caution on customized // QToolBars!) QList widgets = transportToolbar->findChildren(); // iterate through the entire list of children for (QList::iterator i = widgets.begin(); i != widgets.end(); ++i) { // get a pointer to the button's default action QAction *act = (*i)->defaultAction(); // compare pointers, if they match, we've found the button // associated with that action // // we then have to not only setAutoRepeat() on it, but also connect // it up differently from what it got in createAction(), as // determined empirically (bleargh!!) if (act == rewAction) { connect((*i), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRewind())); } else if (act == ffwAction) { connect((*i), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFastforward())); } else { continue; } // Must have found an button to update (*i)->removeAction(act); (*i)->setAutoRepeat(true); } } else { RG_DEBUG << "transportToolbar == 0\n"; } } void RosegardenMainWindow::initZoomToolbar() { //### Zoom toolbar has already been created. Find it instead. // QToolBar *zoomToolbar = this->addToolBar("Zoom Toolbar"); // QToolBar *zoomToolbar = findToolbar("Zoom Toolbar"); if (!zoomToolbar) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::initZoomToolbar() : " << "zoom toolbar not found" << endl; return ; } QLabel *label = new QLabel(tr(" Zoom: ")); label->setObjectName("Humbug"); zoomToolbar->addWidget(label); std::vector zoomSizes; // in units-per-pixel double defaultBarWidth44 = 100.0; double duration44 = TimeSignature(4, 4).getBarDuration(); static double factors[] = { 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 , 20.0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(factors) / sizeof(factors[0]); ++i) { zoomSizes.push_back(duration44 / (defaultBarWidth44 * factors[i])); } // zoom labels QString minZoom = QString("%1%").arg(factors[0] * 100.0); QString maxZoom = QString("%1%").arg(factors[(sizeof(factors) / sizeof(factors[0])) - 1] * 100.0); m_zoomSlider = new ZoomSlider (zoomSizes, -1, Qt::Horizontal, zoomToolbar); m_zoomSlider->setTracking(true); m_zoomSlider->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); m_zoomLabel = new QLabel(minZoom, zoomToolbar); m_zoomLabel->setIndent(10); m_zoomLabel->setObjectName("Humbug"); connect(m_zoomSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotChangeZoom(int))); zoomToolbar->addWidget(m_zoomSlider); zoomToolbar->addWidget(m_zoomLabel); // set initial zoom - we might want to make this a settings option // m_zoomSlider->setToDefault(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::initStatusBar() { TmpStatusMsg::setDefaultMsg(""); m_cpuBar = new ProgressBar(100, statusBar()); m_cpuBar->setObjectName("Main Window progress bar"); // to help keep ProgressBar objects straight m_cpuBar->setFixedWidth(60); m_cpuBar->setFixedHeight(18); QFont font = m_cpuBar->font(); font.setPixelSize(10); m_cpuBar->setFont(font); m_cpuBar->setTextVisible(false); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(m_cpuBar); // status warning widget replaces a glob of annoying startup dialogs m_warningWidget = new WarningWidget(this); // since the graphics warning doesn't make use of the usual plumbing, go // ahead and set that up right here // //!!! Must put this enum someplace central as this is the third or fourth // time I've pasted the code enum GraphicsSystem { Raster, Native, OpenGL }; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); bool safeGraphics = (settings.value("graphics_system", Native).toInt() == Native); settings.endGroup(); m_warningWidget->setGraphicsAdvisory(safeGraphics); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(m_warningWidget); statusBar()->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); } void RosegardenMainWindow::initView() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::initView()" << endl; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); // Ensure that the start and end markers for the piece are set // to something reasonable // if (comp.getStartMarker() == 0 && comp.getEndMarker() == 0) { int endMarker = comp.getBarRange(100 + comp.getNbBars()).second; comp.setEndMarker(endMarker); } // The plan is to set the new central view via setCentralWidget in // a moment, which schedules the old one for deletion later via // deleteLater. However, we need to make sure that the old one // behaves as if it's already been deleted -- i.e. that it and its // entire tree of children send no signals between now and its // actual deletion. // RosegardenMainViewWidget *oldView = m_view; if (oldView) { oldView->blockSignals(true); // a qt-ism that I have never actually used before. brief innit foreach (QObject *o, oldView->findChildren()) { o->blockSignals(true); } } // We also need to make sure the parameter boxes don't send any // signals to the old view! // disconnect(m_segmentParameterBox, 0, oldView, 0); disconnect(m_instrumentParameterBox, 0, oldView, 0); disconnect(m_trackParameterBox, 0, oldView, 0); // and ensure we don't pass on this signal: // disconnect(this, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId)), 0, 0); RosegardenMainViewWidget *swapView = new RosegardenMainViewWidget (findAction("show_tracklabels")->isChecked(), m_segmentParameterBox, m_instrumentParameterBox, m_trackParameterBox, this); // Connect up this signal so that we can force tool mode // changes from the view connect(swapView, SIGNAL(activateTool(QString)), this, SLOT(slotActivateTool(QString))); connect(swapView, SIGNAL(segmentsSelected(const SegmentSelection &)), SIGNAL(segmentsSelected(const SegmentSelection &))); connect(swapView, SIGNAL(addAudioFile(AudioFileId)), SLOT(slotAddAudioFile(AudioFileId))); connect(swapView, SIGNAL(toggleSolo(bool)), SLOT(slotToggleSolo(bool))); m_doc->attachView(swapView); setWindowTitle(tr("%1 - %2").arg(m_doc->getTitle()).arg(qApp->applicationName())); // Transport setup // std::string transportMode = m_doc->getConfiguration().get (DocumentConfiguration::TransportMode); slotEnableTransport(true); // and the time signature // getTransport()->setTimeSignature(comp.getTimeSignatureAt(comp.getPosition())); // set the tempo in the transport // getTransport()->setTempo(comp.getCurrentTempo()); // bring the transport to the front // getTransport()->raise(); // set the play metronome button getTransport()->MetronomeButton()->setOn(comp.usePlayMetronome()); // Set the solo button getTransport()->SoloButton()->setOn(comp.isSolo()); // set the transport mode found in the configuration getTransport()->setNewMode(transportMode); // set the pointer position // slotSetPointerPosition(m_doc->getComposition().getPosition()); m_view = swapView; connect(m_view, SIGNAL(stateChange(QString, bool)), this, SLOT (slotStateChanged(QString, bool))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId)), this, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId))); // We only check for the SequenceManager to make sure // we're not on the first pass though - we don't want // to send these toggles twice on initialisation. // // Clunky but we just about get away with it for the // moment. // if (m_seqManager != 0) { slotToggleChordNameRuler(); slotToggleRulers(); slotToggleTempoRuler(); slotTogglePreviews(); slotToggleSegmentLabels(); // Reset any loop on the sequencer // try { if (isUsingSequencer()) m_seqManager->setLoop(0, 0); leaveActionState("have_range"); //@@@ JAS orig. KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse } catch (QString s) { StartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); QMessageBox::critical(dynamic_cast(this), tr("Rosegarden"), s, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); CurrentProgressDialog::thaw(); } connect(m_seqManager, SIGNAL(controllerDeviceEventReceived(MappedEvent *)), m_view, SLOT(slotControllerDeviceEventReceived(MappedEvent *))); } // delete m_playList; // m_playList = 0; delete m_synthManager; m_synthManager = 0; delete m_audioMixer; m_audioMixer = 0; delete m_bankEditor; m_bankEditor = 0; delete m_markerEditor; m_markerEditor = 0; delete m_tempoView; m_tempoView = 0; delete m_triggerSegmentManager; m_triggerSegmentManager = 0; setCentralWidget(m_view); // this also deletes oldView (via deleteLater) // set the highlighted track m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments(comp.getSelectedTrack()); // play tracking on in the editor by default: turn off if need be /* was toggle */ // old. QAction *trackingAction = dynamic_cast // (actionCollection()->action("toggle_tracking")); QAction *trackingAction = findAction("toggle_tracking"); if (trackingAction && !trackingAction->isChecked()) { m_view->getTrackEditor()->slotToggleTracking(); } m_view->show(); connect(m_view->getTrackEditor()->getCompositionView(), SIGNAL(showContextHelp(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotShowToolHelp(const QString &))); // We have to do this to make sure that the 2nd call ("select") // actually has any effect. Activating the same radio action // doesn't work the 2nd time (like pressing down the same radio // button twice - it doesn't have any effect), so if you load two // files in a row, on the 2nd file a new CompositionView will be // created but its tool won't be set, even though it will appear // to be selected. // QAction *actionx = this->findAction(QString("move")); actionx->trigger(); if (m_doc->getComposition().getNbSegments() > 0){ QAction *actionx = this->findAction(QString("select")); actionx->trigger(); } else { QAction *actionx = this->findAction(QString("draw")); actionx->trigger(); } /* int zoomLevel = m_doc->getConfiguration(). get (DocumentConfiguration::ZoomLevel); */ //QSettings settings; int zoomLevel = m_doc->getConfiguration().get(DocumentConfiguration::ZoomLevel); m_zoomSlider->setSize(double(zoomLevel) / 1000.0); slotChangeZoom(zoomLevel); //slotChangeZoom(int(m_zoomSlider->getCurrentSize())); enterActionState("new_file"); //@@@ JAS orig. 0 qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100); if (findAction("show_chord_name_ruler")->isChecked()) { SetWaitCursor swc; m_view->initChordNameRuler(); } else { m_view->initChordNameRuler(); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::setDocument(RosegardenDocument* newDocument) { if (m_doc == newDocument) return; emit documentAboutToChange(); qApp->processEvents(); // to make sure all opened dialogs (mixer, midi devices...) are closed // Take care of all subparts which depend on the document // Caption // QString caption = qApp->applicationName(); setWindowTitle(tr("%1 - %2").arg(newDocument->getTitle()).arg(caption)); // // reset AudioManagerDialog // // // delete m_audioManagerDialog; // TODO : replace this with a connection to documentAboutToChange() sig. // m_audioManagerDialog = 0; RosegardenDocument* oldDoc = m_doc; m_doc = newDocument; if (m_seqManager) // when we're called at startup, the seq. man. isn't created yet m_seqManager->setDocument(m_doc); if (m_markerEditor) m_markerEditor->setDocument(m_doc); if (m_tempoView) { delete m_tempoView; m_tempoView = 0; } if (m_triggerSegmentManager) m_triggerSegmentManager->setDocument(m_doc); m_trackParameterBox->setDocument(m_doc); m_segmentParameterBox->setDocument(m_doc); m_instrumentParameterBox->setDocument(m_doc); if (m_pluginGUIManager) { m_pluginGUIManager->stopAllGUIs(); m_pluginGUIManager->setStudio(&m_doc->getStudio()); } if (getView() && getView()->getTrackEditor() && getView()->getTrackEditor()->getCompositionView()) { getView()->getTrackEditor()->getCompositionView()->endAudioPreviewGeneration(); } // this will delete all edit views // delete oldDoc; // connect needed signals // connect(m_segmentParameterBox, SIGNAL(documentModified()), m_doc, SLOT(slotDocumentModified())); connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(pointerPositionChanged(timeT)), this, SLOT(slotSetPointerPosition(timeT))); connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(documentModified(bool)), this, SLOT(slotDocumentModified(bool))); // connecting this independently of slotDocumentModified in the hope that it // will better reflect the true state of things connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(documentModified(bool)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateTitle(bool))); connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(loopChanged(timeT, timeT)), this, SLOT(slotSetLoop(timeT, timeT))); // CommandHistory::getInstance()->attachView(actionCollection()); //&&& needed ? how to ? connect(CommandHistory::getInstance(), SIGNAL(commandExecuted()), SLOT(update())); connect(CommandHistory::getInstance(), SIGNAL(commandExecuted()), SLOT(slotTestClipboard())); // connect and start the autosave timer connect(m_autoSaveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotAutoSave())); m_autoSaveTimer->start(m_doc->getAutoSavePeriod() * 1000); // Connect the playback timer // connect(m_playTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotUpdatePlaybackPosition())); connect(m_stopTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateMonitoring())); connect(m_playTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotCheckTransportStatus())); connect(m_stopTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotCheckTransportStatus())); // finally recreate the main view // initView(); if (getView() && getView()->getTrackEditor()) { connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(makeTrackVisible(int)), getView()->getTrackEditor(), SLOT(slotScrollToTrack(int))); } connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(devicesResyncd()), this, SLOT(slotDocumentDevicesResyncd())); RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()->connectSomething(); m_doc->checkSequencerTimer(); m_doc->clearModifiedStatus(); if (newDocument->getStudio().haveMidiDevices()) { enterActionState("got_midi_devices"); //@@@ JAS orig. 0 } else { leaveActionState("got_midi_devices"); //@@@ JAS orig KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse } // Ensure the sequencer knows about any audio files // we've loaded as part of the new Composition // m_doc->prepareAudio(); // Remove the audio segments from the clipboard as they point to // bogus file IDs now. m_clipboard->removeAudioSegments(); // Do not reset instrument prog. changes after all. // if (m_seqManager) // m_seqManager->preparePlayback(true); Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); // Set any loaded loop at the Composition and // on the marker on CompositionView and clients // if (m_seqManager) m_doc->setLoop(comp.getLoopStart(), comp.getLoopEnd()); emit documentChanged(m_doc); m_doc->clearModifiedStatus(); // because it's set as modified by the various // init operations // TODO: this sucks, have to sort it out somehow. // Readjust canvas size // m_view->getTrackEditor()->slotReadjustCanvasSize(); m_stopTimer->start(100); } void RosegardenMainWindow::openFile(QString filePath, ImportType type) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::openFile " << filePath << endl; if (type == ImportCheckType && filePath.endsWith(".rgp")) { importProject(filePath); return ; } RosegardenDocument *doc = createDocument(filePath, type); if (doc) { setDocument(doc); // fix # 1235755, "SPB combo not updating after document swap" RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::openFile(): calling slotDocColoursChanged() in doc" << endl; doc->slotDocColoursChanged(); QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); if (qStrToBool(settings.value("alwaysusedefaultstudio", "false"))) { m_alwaysUseDefaultStudio = true; QString autoloadFile = ResourceFinder().getAutoloadPath(); QFileInfo autoloadFileInfo(autoloadFile); if (autoloadFile != "" && autoloadFileInfo.isReadable()) { RG_DEBUG << "Importing default studio from " << autoloadFile << endl; slotImportStudioFromFile(autoloadFile); } } QFileInfo fInfo(filePath); QString tmp (fInfo.absFilePath()); m_recentFiles.add(tmp); settings.endGroup(); } } RosegardenDocument* RosegardenMainWindow::createDocument(QString filePath, ImportType importType) { QFileInfo info(filePath); RosegardenDocument *doc = 0; if (!info.exists()) { // can happen with command-line arg, so... QMessageBox::warning(dynamic_cast(this), filePath, tr("File \"%1\" does not exist").arg(filePath), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); return 0; } if (info.isDir()) { QMessageBox::warning(dynamic_cast(this), filePath, tr("File \"%1\" is actually a directory").arg(filePath), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); return 0; } QFile file(filePath); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString errStr = tr("You do not have read permission for \"%1\"").arg(filePath); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), errStr, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); return 0; } // Stop if playing // if (m_seqManager && m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == PLAYING) slotStop(); slotEnableTransport(false); if (importType == ImportCheckType) { //KMimeType::Ptr fileMimeType = KMimeType::findByPath(filePath); //&&& disabled mime, used file-ext. instead /* if (fileMimeType->objectName() == "audio/x-midi") importType = ImportMIDI; else if (fileMimeType->objectName() == "audio/x-rosegarden") */ QString testFileType = filePath.toLower(); if(testFileType.endsWith(".mid") || testFileType.endsWith(".midi")) importType = ImportMIDI; else if (testFileType.endsWith(".rg")) importType = ImportRG4; else if (testFileType.endsWith(".rose")) importType = ImportRG21; else if (testFileType.endsWith(".h2song")) importType = ImportHydrogen; } switch (importType) { case ImportMIDI: doc = createDocumentFromMIDIFile(filePath); break; case ImportRG21: doc = createDocumentFromRG21File(filePath); break; case ImportHydrogen: doc = createDocumentFromHydrogenFile(filePath); break; default: doc = createDocumentFromRGFile(filePath); } slotEnableTransport(true); return doc; } RosegardenDocument* RosegardenMainWindow::createDocumentFromRGFile(QString filePath) { // Check for an autosaved file to recover QString effectiveFilePath = filePath; QString autoSaveFileName = AutoSaveFinder().checkAutoSaveFile(filePath); bool recovering = (autoSaveFileName != ""); if (recovering) { // First check if the auto-save file is more recent than the doc QFileInfo docFileInfo(filePath), autoSaveFileInfo(autoSaveFileName); if (docFileInfo.lastModified() < autoSaveFileInfo.lastModified()) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::openFile : " << "found a more recent autosave file\n"; // At this point the splash screen may still be there, hide it if // it's the case StartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); // It is, so ask the user if he wants to use the autosave file int reply = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("An auto-save file for this document has been found\nDo you want to open it instead ?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes) // open the autosave file instead effectiveFilePath = autoSaveFileName; else { // user doesn't want the autosave, so delete it // so it won't bother us again if we reload QFile::remove(autoSaveFileName); recovering = false; } } else { recovering = false; } } // Create a new blank document // RosegardenDocument *newDoc = new RosegardenDocument(this, m_pluginManager, true); // skipAutoload // ignore return thingy // if (newDoc->openDocument(effectiveFilePath)) { if (recovering) { // Mark the document as modified, // set the "regular" filepath and name (not those of // the autosaved doc) // newDoc->slotDocumentModified(); QFileInfo info(filePath); newDoc->setAbsFilePath(info.absFilePath()); newDoc->setTitle(info.fileName()); } else { newDoc->clearModifiedStatus(); } } else { delete newDoc; return 0; } return newDoc; } void RosegardenMainWindow::readOptions() { QSettings settings; // Statusbar and toolbars toggling action status // bool opt; settings.beginGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_status_bar", "true")); findAction("show_status_bar")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleStatusBar(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_stock_toolbar", "true")); findAction("show_stock_toolbar")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleToolBar(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_tools_toolbar", "true")); findAction("show_tools_toolbar")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleToolsToolBar(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_tracks_toolbar", "true")); findAction("show_tracks_toolbar")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleTracksToolBar(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_editors_toolbar", "true")); findAction("show_editors_toolbar")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleEditorsToolBar(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_transport_toolbar", "true")); findAction("show_transport_toolbar")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleTransportToolBar(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_zoom_toolbar", "true")); findAction("show_zoom_toolbar")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleZoomToolBar(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_transport", "true")) ; findAction("show_transport")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleTransport(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("transport_flap_extended", "true")) ; #ifdef SETTING_LOG_DEBUG _settingLog(QString("SETTING 3 : transport flap extended = %1").arg(opt)); #endif if (opt) getTransport()->slotPanelOpenButtonClicked(); else getTransport()->slotPanelCloseButtonClicked(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_tracklabels", "true")) ; #ifdef SETTING_LOG_DEBUG _settingLog(QString("SETTING 3 : show track labels = %1").arg(opt)); #endif findAction("show_tracklabels")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleTrackLabels(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_rulers", "true")) ; findAction("show_rulers")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleRulers(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_tempo_ruler", "true")) ; findAction("show_tempo_ruler")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleTempoRuler(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_chord_name_ruler", "false")) ; findAction("show_chord_name_ruler")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleChordNameRuler(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_previews", "true")) ; findAction("show_previews")->setChecked(opt); slotTogglePreviews(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_segment_labels", "true")) ; findAction("show_segment_labels")->setChecked(opt); slotToggleSegmentLabels(); opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("show_inst_segment_parameters", true)); findAction("show_inst_segment_parameters")->setChecked(opt); slotDockParametersBack(); // MIDI Thru routing opt = qStrToBool(settings.value("enable_midi_routing", "true")) ; findAction("enable_midi_routing")->setChecked(opt); slotEnableMIDIThruRouting(); settings.endGroup(); m_actionsSetup = true; } void RosegardenMainWindow::saveGlobalProperties() { QSettings settings; //@@@ JAS Do we need a settings.startGroup() here? if (m_doc->getTitle() != tr("Untitled") && !m_doc->isModified()) { // saving to tempfile not necessary } else { QString filename = m_doc->getAbsFilePath(); settings.setValue("filename", filename); settings.setValue("modified", m_doc->isModified()); QString tempname = AutoSaveFinder().getAutoSavePath(filename); if (tempname != "") { QString errMsg; bool res = m_doc->saveDocument(tempname, errMsg); if (!res) { if (!errMsg.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Could not save document at %1\nError was : %2").arg(tempname).arg(errMsg)); } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Could not save document at %1").arg(tempname)); } } } } } void RosegardenMainWindow::readGlobalProperties() { QSettings settings; //@@@ JAS Do we need a settings.startGroup() here? QString filename = settings.value("filename", "").toString(); bool modified = qStrToBool(settings.value("modified", "false")) ; if (modified) { QString tempname = AutoSaveFinder().checkAutoSaveFile(filename); if (tempname != "") { slotEnableTransport(false); m_doc->openDocument(tempname); slotEnableTransport(true); m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); QFileInfo info(filename); m_doc->setAbsFilePath(info.absFilePath()); m_doc->setTitle(info.fileName()); } } else { if (!filename.isEmpty()) { slotEnableTransport(false); m_doc->openDocument(filename); slotEnableTransport(true); } } QString caption = qApp->applicationName(); setWindowTitle(tr("%1 - %2").arg(m_doc->getTitle()).arg(caption)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent*) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::showEvent()\n"; getTransport()->raise(); //KMainWindow::showEvent(e); //&&& disabled. a debug function ? //QMainWindow::showEvent(e); } bool RosegardenMainWindow::queryClose() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::queryClose" << endl; #ifdef SETTING_LOG_DEBUG _settingLog(QString("SETTING 1 : transport flap extended = %1").arg(getTransport()->isExpanded())); _settingLog(QString("SETTING 1 : show track labels = %1").arg(findAction("show_tracklabels")->isChecked())); #endif QString errMsg; bool canClose = m_doc->saveIfModified(); /* if (canClose && m_transport) { // or else the closing of the transport will toggle off the // 'view transport' action, and its state will be saved as // 'off' // disconnect(m_transport, SIGNAL(closed()), this, SLOT(slotCloseTransport())); } */ return canClose; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotFileNewWindow() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Opening a new application window..."), this); RosegardenMainWindow *new_window = new RosegardenMainWindow(); new_window->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotFileNew() { // RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotFileNew()\n"; TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Creating new document..."), this); bool makeNew = false; if (!m_doc->isModified()) { makeNew = true; // m_doc->closeDocument(); } else if (m_doc->saveIfModified()) { makeNew = true; } if (makeNew) { setDocument(new RosegardenDocument(this, m_pluginManager)); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdateTitle(bool m) { //NB: I seems like using doc->isModified() would be a more accurate state // test than the value of m, but in practice there is a lag factor of a few // ms where we have gotten one value in m here, and isModified() is in the // opposite state briefly. I don't think there's any real concern there, so // I just switched everything over to use the state of the bool passed with // the signal and ignore isModified() RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdateTitle(" << m << ")" << endl; QString caption = qApp->applicationName(); QString indicator = (m ? "*" : ""); setWindowTitle(tr("%1%2 - %3").arg(indicator).arg(m_doc->getTitle()).arg(caption)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotOpenDroppedURL(QString url) { qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100); // ProgressDialog::processEvents(); // or else we get a crash because the // track editor is erased too soon - it is the originator of the signal // this slot is connected to. if (!m_doc->saveIfModified()) return ; openURL(QUrl(url)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::openURL(QString url) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::openURL: QString " << url << endl; openURL(QUrl(url)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::openURL(const QUrl& url) { SetWaitCursor waitCursor; // related: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qurl.html#FormattingOption-enum QString netFile = url.toString(QUrl::None); RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::openURL: QUrl " << netFile << endl; if (!url.isValid()) { QString string; string = tr("Malformed URL\n%1").arg(netFile); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), string); return ; } QString target; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); bool useBrokenLegacyWindowTitles = settings.value("long_window_titles", false).toBool(); settings.endGroup(); QString caption(url.path()); //&&& KIO used to show a progress dialog of its own; we need to //replicate that FileSource source(url); if (!source.isAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Cannot open file %1").arg(url.toString())); return ; } target = source.getLocalFilename(); RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::openURL: target : " << target << endl; if (!m_doc->saveIfModified()) return ; source.waitForData(); openFile(target); // A curious thing here. The original intent everywhere is clear, and // the document title was supposed to be set with (QFileInfo).fileName(), // which changes "/home/foo/bar/blee/dog/rat/bob/dungleflungie/Foobar.rg" // into "Foobar.rg" but that never worked, because of this next line. // // Chris Cherrett prefers the broken behavior, so I've added a config option // to re-enable this line, which derives the caption from (QUrl).path(). If // we don't set this here, it gets set in three or four other places shortly // after loading a file, so there's nothing else to do here. if (useBrokenLegacyWindowTitles) setWindowTitle(caption); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotFileOpen() { slotStatusHelpMsg(tr("Opening file...")); QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); QString lastOpenedVersion = settings.value("Last File Opened Version", "none").toString(); settings.endGroup(); if (lastOpenedVersion != VERSION) { // We haven't opened any files with this version of the // program before. Default to the examples directory. QString examplesDir = ResourceFinder().getResourceDir("examples"); settings.beginGroup(RecentDirsConfigGroup); QString recentString = settings.value("ROSEGARDEN", "").toString() ; settings.setValue ("ROSEGARDEN", QString("file:%1,%2").arg(examplesDir).arg(recentString)); } settings.endGroup(); settings.beginGroup(LastUsedPathsConfigGroup); QString directory = settings.value("open_file", QDir::homePath()).toString(); QString fname = FileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), directory, tr("All supported files") + " (*.rg *.RG *.rgt *.RGT *.rgp *.RGP *.mid *.MID *.midi *.MIDI)" + ";;" + tr("Rosegarden files") + " (*.rg *.RG *.rgp *.RGP *.rgt *.RGT)" + ";;" + tr("MIDI files") + " (*.mid *.MID *.midi *.MIDI)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", 0, 0); QUrl url(fname); if (url.isEmpty()) { return ; } QDir d = QFileInfo(url.path()).dir(); directory = d.canonicalPath(); settings.setValue("open_file", directory); settings.endGroup(); if (m_doc && !m_doc->saveIfModified()) return ; settings.beginGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); settings.setValue("Last File Opened Version", VERSION); openURL(url); settings.endGroup(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotMerge() { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(LastUsedPathsConfigGroup); QString directory = settings.value("merge_file", QDir::homePath()).toString(); QUrl url = FileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), directory, tr("Rosegarden files") + " (*.rg *.RG)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", 0, 0); if (url.isEmpty()) { return ; } QDir d = QFileInfo(url.path()).dir(); directory = d.canonicalPath(); settings.setValue("merge_file", directory); settings.endGroup(); QString target; //&&& KIO used to show a progress dialog of its own; we need to //replicate that FileSource source(url); if (!source.isAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Cannot open file %1").arg(url.toString())); return; } source.waitForData(); target = source.getLocalFilename(); mergeFile(target); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotFileOpenRecent() { QObject *obj = sender(); QAction *action = dynamic_cast(obj); if (!action) { std::cerr << "WARNING: RosegardenMainWindow::slotFileOpenRecent: sender is not an action" << std::endl; return; } QString path = action->text(); if (path == "") return; TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Opening file..."), this); if (m_doc) { if (!m_doc->saveIfModified()) { return ; } } openURL(path); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotFileSave() { if (!m_doc /*|| !m_doc->isModified()*/) return ; // ALWAYS save, even if doc is not modified. TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Saving file..."), this); // if it's a new file (no file path), or an imported file // (file path doesn't end with .rg), call saveAs // if (!m_doc->isRegularDotRGFile()) { slotFileSaveAs(); } else { SetWaitCursor waitCursor; QString errMsg, docFilePath = m_doc->getAbsFilePath(); bool res = m_doc->saveDocument(docFilePath, errMsg); if (!res) { if (! errMsg.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Could not save document at %1\nError was : %2") .arg(docFilePath).arg(errMsg)); else QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Could not save document at %1") .arg(docFilePath)); } } } QString RosegardenMainWindow::getValidWriteFileName(QString descriptiveExtension, QString label) { // extract first extension listed in descriptiveExtension, for instance, // ".rg" from "Rosegarden files (*.rg)", or ".mid" from // "MIDI Files (*.mid *.midi)" // int left = descriptiveExtension.indexOf("*."); int right = descriptiveExtension.indexOf(QRegExp("[ ]"),left); QString extension = descriptiveExtension.mid(left+1,right-left-1); // keep track of last place used to save, by type of file (this behavior is // quite new and different, and should probably be considered experimental, // although the more I think about the unexpected consequences of this idea // that I didn't think through at the outset, the more I think the idea is // just better than I realized, and this was a great idea) QString path_key = "save_file"; if (extension == ".rgt") path_key = "save_template"; else if (extension == ".mid") path_key = "export_midi"; else if (extension == ".xml") path_key = "export_music_xml"; else if (extension == ".ly") path_key = "export_lilypond"; else if (extension == ".csd") path_key = "export_csound"; else if (extension == ".mup") path_key = "export_mup"; //RG_DEBUG << // "RosegardenMainWindow::getValidWriteFileName() : extension = " << // extension << endl << // " path key = " << // path_key; // Get the directory from the settings QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(LastUsedPathsConfigGroup); QString directory = settings.value(path_key, QDir::homePath()).toString(); QFileInfo originalFileInfo(m_doc->getAbsFilePath()); // Most applications (e.g. OpenOffice.org and the GIMP) use the document's // directory for Save As... and Export rather than the last directory // the user saved to. To use the document's directory, replace // "directory" in the FileDialog::getSaveFileName() call with // originalFileInfo.absolutePath(). // Confirm the overwrite of the file later. // // (Hah, all these compiler warnings are useful for something after all. // This used to not do anything with the label parameter, and always said // "Save File" 100% of the time.) QString name = FileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, label, directory, originalFileInfo.baseName(), descriptiveExtension, 0, FileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite); //RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::getValidWriteFileName() : " << // "FileDialog::getSaveFileName returned " << name; if (name.isEmpty()) return name; // Append extension if we don't have one // if (!extension.isEmpty()) { static QRegExp rgFile("\\..{1,4}$"); if (rgFile.indexIn(name) == -1) { name += extension; } } // if we get a string like "/tmp/~/foo.rg" assume the last saved path was // /tmp and the desired new path is ~ and try to doctor the string up, which // may well fail, but it's better to try if (name.contains("~")) { name = name.remove(0, name.indexOf("~") + 1); name = name.prepend(QDir::homePath()); //RG_DEBUG << "doctored filename after ~ swap: " << name; } QUrl *u = new QUrl(name); if (!u->isValid()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Sorry.
\"%1\" is not a valid filename.
").arg(name)); return ""; } QFileInfo info(name); if (info.isDir()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("You have specified a folder/directory.")); return ""; } if (info.exists()) { int overwrite = QMessageBox::question( this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("The specified file exists. Overwrite?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No); if (overwrite != QMessageBox::Yes) return ""; } // Write the directory to the settings QDir d = QFileInfo(u->path()).dir(); directory = d.canonicalPath(); settings.setValue(path_key, directory); settings.endGroup(); return name; } bool RosegardenMainWindow::slotFileSaveAs(bool asTemplate) { if (!m_doc) return false; TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Saving file%1with a new filename...", "'file%1with' is correct. %1 will either become ' ' or ' as a template ' at runtime"). arg(asTemplate ? tr(" as a template ") : " "), this); QString fileType(asTemplate ? tr("Rosegarden templates") : tr("Rosegarden files")); QString fileExtension(asTemplate ? " (*.rgt *.RGT)" : " (*.rg *.RG)"); QString dialogMessage(asTemplate ? tr("Save as template...") : tr("Save as...")); QString newName = getValidWriteFileName (fileType + fileExtension + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", dialogMessage); if (newName.isEmpty()) return false; SetWaitCursor waitCursor; QFileInfo saveAsInfo(newName); m_doc->setTitle(saveAsInfo.fileName()); m_doc->setAbsFilePath(saveAsInfo.absFilePath()); QString errMsg; bool res = m_doc->saveDocument(newName, errMsg); // save template as read-only, even though this is largely pointless if (asTemplate) { QFile chmod(saveAsInfo.absFilePath()); chmod.setPermissions(QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::ReadUser | /* for potential platform-independence */ QFile::ReadGroup | QFile::ReadOther); } if (!res) { if (!errMsg.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Could not save document at %1\nError was : %2") .arg(newName).arg(errMsg)); else QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Could not save document at %1") .arg(newName)); } else { m_recentFiles.add(newName); QString caption = qApp->applicationName(); setWindowTitle(tr("%1 - %2").arg(m_doc->getTitle()).arg(caption)); // update the edit view's captions too emit compositionStateUpdate(); } return res; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotFileClose() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotFileClose()" << endl; if (!m_doc) return ; TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Closing file..."), this); if (m_doc->saveIfModified()) { setDocument(new RosegardenDocument(this, m_pluginManager)); } // Don't close the whole view (i.e. Quit), just close the doc. // close(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotQuit() { slotStatusMsg(tr("Exiting...")); Profiles::getInstance()->dump(); if (queryClose()) close(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditCut() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Cutting selection..."), this); SegmentSelection selection(m_view->getSelection()); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new CutCommand(selection, m_clipboard)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditCopy() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Copying selection to clipboard..."), this); SegmentSelection selection(m_view->getSelection()); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new CopyCommand(selection, m_clipboard)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditPaste() { if (m_clipboard->isEmpty()) { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Clipboard is empty"), this); return ; } TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Inserting clipboard contents..."), this); // for now, but we could paste at the time of the first copied // segment and then do ghosting drag or something timeT insertionTime = m_doc->getComposition().getPosition(); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new PasteSegmentsCommand(&m_doc->getComposition(), m_clipboard, insertionTime, m_doc->getComposition().getSelectedTrack(), false)); // User preference? Update song pointer position on paste m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(m_doc->getComposition().getPosition()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotCutRange() { timeT t0 = m_doc->getComposition().getLoopStart(); timeT t1 = m_doc->getComposition().getLoopEnd(); if (t0 == t1) return ; CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new CutRangeCommand(&m_doc->getComposition(), t0, t1, m_clipboard)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotCopyRange() { timeT t0 = m_doc->getComposition().getLoopStart(); timeT t1 = m_doc->getComposition().getLoopEnd(); if (t0 == t1) return ; CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new CopyCommand(&m_doc->getComposition(), t0, t1, m_clipboard)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPasteRange() { if (m_clipboard->isEmpty()) return ; CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new PasteRangeCommand(&m_doc->getComposition(), m_clipboard, m_doc->getComposition().getPosition())); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeleteRange() { // ??? Dead Code. There is no reference to the delete_range action in // the rc. timeT t0 = m_doc->getComposition().getLoopStart(); timeT t1 = m_doc->getComposition().getLoopEnd(); if (t0 == t1) return ; CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new DeleteRangeCommand(&m_doc->getComposition(), t0, t1)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotInsertRange() { timeT t0 = m_doc->getComposition().getPosition(); std::pair r = m_doc->getComposition().getBarRangeForTime(t0); TimeDialog dialog(m_view, tr("Duration of empty range to insert"), &m_doc->getComposition(), t0, r.second - r.first, 1, false); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new InsertRangeCommand(&m_doc->getComposition(), t0, dialog.getTime())); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSelectAll() { m_view->slotSelectAllSegments(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeleteSelectedSegments() { m_view->getTrackEditor()->slotDeleteSelectedSegments(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotQuantizeSelection() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; //!!! this should all be in rosegardenguiview QuantizeDialog dialog(m_view); if (dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return ; SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); MacroCommand *command = new MacroCommand (EventQuantizeCommand::getGlobalName()); for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { command->addCommand(new EventQuantizeCommand (**i, (*i)->getStartTime(), (*i)->getEndTime(), dialog.getQuantizer())); } m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(command); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotRepeatQuantizeSelection() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; //!!! this should all be in rosegardenguiview SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); MacroCommand *command = new MacroCommand (EventQuantizeCommand::getGlobalName()); for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { command->addCommand(new EventQuantizeCommand (**i, (*i)->getStartTime(), (*i)->getEndTime(), "Quantize Dialog Grid", // no tr (config group name) EventQuantizeCommand::QUANTIZE_NORMAL)); } m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(command); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotGrooveQuantize() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); if (selection.size() != 1) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("This function needs no more than one segment to be selected.")); return ; } Segment *s = *selection.begin(); m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(new CreateTempoMapFromSegmentCommand(s)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotJoinSegments() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; //!!! this should all be in rosegardenguiview //!!! should it? SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); if (selection.size() == 0) return ; for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->getType() != Segment::Internal) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Can't join Audio segments")); return ; } } m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(new SegmentJoinCommand(selection)); m_view->updateSelectionContents(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotRescaleSelection() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; //!!! this should all be in rosegardenguiview //!!! should it? SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); timeT startTime = 0, endTime = 0; for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { if ((i == selection.begin()) || ((*i)->getStartTime() < startTime)) { startTime = (*i)->getStartTime(); } if ((i == selection.begin()) || ((*i)->getEndMarkerTime() > endTime)) { endTime = (*i)->getEndMarkerTime(); } } RescaleDialog dialog(m_view, &m_doc->getComposition(), startTime, endTime - startTime, Note(Note::Shortest).getDuration(), false, false); if (dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return ; std::vector asrcs; int mult = dialog.getNewDuration(); int div = endTime - startTime; float ratio = float(mult) / float(div); std::cerr << "slotRescaleSelection: mult = " << mult << ", div = " << div << ", ratio = " << ratio << std::endl; MacroCommand *command = new MacroCommand (SegmentRescaleCommand::getGlobalName()); bool pathTested = false; for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->getType() == Segment::Audio) { if (!pathTested) { testAudioPath(tr("rescaling an audio file")); pathTested = true; } AudioSegmentRescaleCommand *asrc = new AudioSegmentRescaleCommand (m_doc, *i, ratio); command->addCommand(asrc); asrcs.push_back(asrc); } else { command->addCommand(new SegmentRescaleCommand(*i, mult, div)); } } ProgressDialog *progressDlg = 0; if (!asrcs.empty()) { progressDlg = new ProgressDialog (tr("Rescaling audio file..."), (QWidget*)this); for (size_t i = 0; i < asrcs.size(); ++i) { asrcs[i]->connectProgressDialog(progressDlg); } } m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(command); if (!asrcs.empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < asrcs.size(); ++i) { asrcs[i]->disconnectProgressDialog(progressDlg); //&&& obsolete (?) } progressDlg->setLabelText(tr("Generating audio preview...")); connect(&m_doc->getAudioFileManager(), SIGNAL(setValue(int)), progressDlg, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(progressDlg, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), &m_doc->getAudioFileManager(), SLOT(slotStopPreview())); for (size_t i = 0; i < asrcs.size(); ++i) { int fid = asrcs[i]->getNewAudioFileId(); if (fid >= 0) { slotAddAudioFile(fid); m_doc->getAudioFileManager().generatePreview(fid); } int complete = i + 1 / asrcs.size(); progressDlg->setValue(complete); } } if (progressDlg) { progressDlg->close(); } } bool RosegardenMainWindow::testAudioPath(QString op) { try { m_doc->getAudioFileManager().testAudioPath(); } catch (AudioFileManager::BadAudioPathException) { // changing the following parent to 0 fixes a nasty style problem cheap: if (QMessageBox::warning (0, tr("Warning"), tr("The audio file path does not exist or is not writable.\nYou must set the audio file path to a valid directory in Document Properties before %1.\nWould you like to set it now?", op), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Yes ){ slotOpenAudioPathSettings(); } return false; } return true; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotAutoSplitSelection() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; //!!! this should all be in rosegardenguiview //!!! or should it? SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); MacroCommand *command = new MacroCommand (SegmentAutoSplitCommand::getGlobalName()); for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->getType() == Segment::Audio) { AudioSplitDialog aSD(this, (*i), m_doc); if (aSD.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // split to threshold // command->addCommand( new AudioSegmentAutoSplitCommand(m_doc, *i, aSD.getThreshold())); } } else { command->addCommand(new SegmentAutoSplitCommand(*i)); } } m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(command); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotJogLeft() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotJogLeft" << endl; jogSelection(-Note(Note::Demisemiquaver).getDuration()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotJogRight() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotJogRight" << endl; jogSelection(Note(Note::Demisemiquaver).getDuration()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::jogSelection(timeT amount) { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); SegmentReconfigureCommand *command = new SegmentReconfigureCommand(tr("Jog Selection")); for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { command->addSegment((*i), (*i)->getStartTime() + amount, (*i)->getEndMarkerTime(FALSE) + amount, (*i)->getTrack()); } m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(command); } void RosegardenMainWindow::createAndSetupTransport() { // create the Transport GUI and add the callbacks to the // buttons and keyboard shortcuts // m_transport = new TransportDialog(this); plugShortcuts(m_transport, m_transport->getShortcuts()); // Ensure that the checkbox is unchecked if the dialog // is closed connect(m_transport, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(slotCloseTransport())); // Handle loop setting and unsetting from the transport loop button // connect(m_transport, SIGNAL(setLoop()), SLOT(slotSetLoop())); connect(m_transport, SIGNAL(unsetLoop()), SLOT(slotUnsetLoop())); connect(m_transport, SIGNAL(panic()), SLOT(slotPanic())); connect(m_transport, SIGNAL(editTempo(QWidget*)), SLOT(slotEditTempo(QWidget*))); connect(m_transport, SIGNAL(editTimeSignature(QWidget*)), SLOT(slotEditTimeSignature(QWidget*))); connect(m_transport, SIGNAL(editTransportTime(QWidget*)), SLOT(slotEditTransportTime(QWidget*))); // Handle set loop start/stop time buttons. // connect(m_transport, SIGNAL(setLoopStartTime()), SLOT(slotSetLoopStart())); connect(m_transport, SIGNAL(setLoopStopTime()), SLOT(slotSetLoopStop())); if (m_seqManager != 0) m_seqManager->setTransport(m_transport); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSplitSelectionByPitch() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; SplitByPitchDialog dialog(m_view); if (dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return ; SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); MacroCommand *command = new MacroCommand (SegmentSplitByPitchCommand::getGlobalName()); bool haveSomething = false; for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->getType() == Segment::Audio) { // nothing } else { command->addCommand (new SegmentSplitByPitchCommand (*i, dialog.getPitch(), dialog.getShouldRange(), dialog.getShouldDuplicateNonNoteEvents(), (SegmentSplitByPitchCommand::ClefHandling) dialog.getClefHandling())); haveSomething = true; } } if (haveSomething) m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(command); //!!! else complain } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSplitSelectionByRecordedSrc() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; SplitByRecordingSrcDialog dialog(m_view, m_doc); if (dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return ; SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); MacroCommand *command = new MacroCommand (SegmentSplitByRecordingSrcCommand::getGlobalName()); bool haveSomething = false; for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->getType() == Segment::Audio) { // nothing } else { command->addCommand (new SegmentSplitByRecordingSrcCommand(*i, dialog.getChannel(), dialog.getDevice())); haveSomething = true; } } if (haveSomething) m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(command); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSplitSelectionAtTime() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); if (selection.empty()) return ; timeT now = m_doc->getComposition().getPosition(); QString title = tr("Split %n Segment(s) at Time", "", selection.size()); TimeDialog dialog(m_view, title, &m_doc->getComposition(), now, true); MacroCommand *command = new MacroCommand(title); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { int segmentCount = 0; for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->getType() == Segment::Audio) { AudioSegmentSplitCommand *subCommand = new AudioSegmentSplitCommand(*i, dialog.getTime()); if (subCommand->isValid()) { command->addCommand(subCommand); ++segmentCount; } } else { SegmentSplitCommand *subCommand = new SegmentSplitCommand(*i, dialog.getTime()); if (subCommand->isValid()) { command->addCommand(subCommand); ++segmentCount; } } } if (segmentCount) { // Change the command's name to indicate how many segments were // actually split. title = tr("Split %n Segment(s) at Time", "", segmentCount); command->setName(title); m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(command); } else { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Split time is not within a selected segment.\n" "No segment will be split.")); } } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetSegmentStartTimes() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); if (selection.empty()) return ; timeT someTime = (*selection.begin())->getStartTime(); TimeDialog dialog(m_view, tr("Segment Start Time"), &m_doc->getComposition(), someTime, false); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { bool plural = (selection.size() > 1); SegmentReconfigureCommand *command = new SegmentReconfigureCommand(plural ? tr("Set Segment Start Times") : tr("Set Segment Start Time")); for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { command->addSegment (*i, dialog.getTime(), (*i)->getEndMarkerTime(FALSE) - (*i)->getStartTime() + dialog.getTime(), (*i)->getTrack()); } m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(command); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetSegmentDurations() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); if (selection.empty()) return ; timeT someTime = (*selection.begin())->getStartTime(); timeT someDuration = (*selection.begin())->getEndMarkerTime() - (*selection.begin())->getStartTime(); TimeDialog dialog(m_view, tr("Segment Duration"), &m_doc->getComposition(), someTime, someDuration, Note(Note::Shortest).getDuration(), false); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { bool plural = (selection.size() > 1); SegmentReconfigureCommand *command = new SegmentReconfigureCommand(plural ? tr("Set Segment Durations") : tr("Set Segment Duration")); for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { command->addSegment (*i, (*i)->getStartTime(), (*i)->getStartTime() + dialog.getTime(), (*i)->getTrack()); } m_view->slotAddCommandToHistory(command); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotHarmonizeSelection() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); //!!! This should be somewhere else too CompositionTimeSliceAdapter adapter(&m_doc->getComposition(), &selection); AnalysisHelper helper; Segment *segment = new Segment; helper.guessHarmonies(adapter, *segment); //!!! do nothing with the results yet delete segment; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotTempoToSegmentLength() { slotTempoToSegmentLength(this); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotTempoToSegmentLength(QWidget* parent) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotTempoToSegmentLength" << endl; if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); // Only set for a single selection // if (selection.size() == 1 && (*selection.begin())->getType() == Segment::Audio) { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); Segment *seg = *selection.begin(); TimeSignature timeSig = comp.getTimeSignatureAt(seg->getStartTime()); timeT endTime = seg->getEndTime(); if (seg->getRawEndMarkerTime()) endTime = seg->getEndMarkerTime(); RealTime segDuration = seg->getAudioEndTime() - seg->getAudioStartTime(); int beats = 0; // Get user to tell us how many beats or bars the segment contains BeatsBarsDialog dialog(parent); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { beats = dialog.getQuantity(); // beats (or bars) if (dialog.getMode() == 1) // bars (multiply by time sig) beats *= timeSig.getBeatsPerBar(); #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_FROM_AUDIO RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotTempoToSegmentLength - beats = " << beats << " mode = " << ((dialog.getMode() == 0) ? "bars" : "beats") << endl << " beats per bar = " << timeSig.getBeatsPerBar() << " user quantity = " << dialog.getQuantity() << " user mode = " << dialog.getMode() << endl; #endif } else { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotTempoToSegmentLength - BeatsBarsDialog aborted" << endl; return ; } double beatLengthUsec = double(segDuration.sec * 1000000 + segDuration.usec()) / double(beats); // New tempo is a minute divided by time of beat // converted up (#1414252) to a sane value via getTempoFoQpm() // tempoT newTempo = comp.getTempoForQpm(60.0 * 1000000.0 / beatLengthUsec); #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_FROM_AUDIO RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotTempoToSegmentLength info: " << endl << " beatLengthUsec = " << beatLengthUsec << endl << " segDuration.usec = " << segDuration.usec() << endl << " newTempo = " << newTempo << endl; #endif MacroCommand *macro = new MacroCommand(tr("Set Global Tempo")); // Remove all tempo changes in reverse order so as the index numbers // don't becoming meaningless as the command gets unwound. // for (int i = 0; i < comp.getTempoChangeCount(); i++) macro->addCommand(new RemoveTempoChangeCommand(&comp, (comp.getTempoChangeCount() - 1 - i))); // add tempo change at time zero // macro->addCommand(new AddTempoChangeCommand(&comp, 0, newTempo)); // execute CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(macro); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleSegmentLabels() { QAction* act = this->findAction("show_segment_labels"); if (act) { m_view->slotShowSegmentLabels(act->isChecked()); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEdit() { m_view->slotEditSegment(0); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditAsNotation() { m_view->slotEditSegmentNotation(0); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditInMatrix() { m_view->slotEditSegmentMatrix(0); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditInPercussionMatrix() { m_view->slotEditSegmentPercussionMatrix(0); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditInEventList() { m_view->slotEditSegmentEventList(0); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditInPitchTracker() { m_view->slotEditSegmentPitchTracker(0); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTempos() { slotEditTempos(m_doc->getComposition().getPosition()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleToolBar() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Toggle the toolbar..."), this); if (findAction("show_stock_toolbar")->isChecked()) findToolbar("Main Toolbar")->show(); else findToolbar("Main Toolbar")->hide(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleToolsToolBar() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Toggle the tools toolbar..."), this); if (findAction("show_tools_toolbar")->isChecked()) findToolbar("Tools Toolbar")->show(); else findToolbar("Tools Toolbar")->hide(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleTracksToolBar() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Toggle the tracks toolbar..."), this); if (findAction("show_tracks_toolbar")->isChecked()) findToolbar("Tracks Toolbar")->show(); else findToolbar("Tracks Toolbar")->hide(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleEditorsToolBar() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Toggle the editor toolbar..."), this); if (findAction("show_editors_toolbar")->isChecked()) findToolbar("Editors Toolbar")->show(); else findToolbar("Editors Toolbar")->hide(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleTransportToolBar() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Toggle the transport toolbar..."), this); if (findAction("show_transport_toolbar")->isChecked()) findToolbar("Transport Toolbar")->show(); else findToolbar("Transport Toolbar")->hide(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleZoomToolBar() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Toggle the zoom toolbar..."), this); if (findAction("show_zoom_toolbar")->isChecked()) findToolbar("Zoom Toolbar")->show(); else findToolbar("Zoom Toolbar")->hide(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleTransport() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Toggle the Transport"), this); if (findAction("show_transport")->isChecked()) { getTransport()->show(); getTransport()->raise(); getTransport()->blockSignals(false); } else { getTransport()->hide(); getTransport()->blockSignals(true); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleTransportVisibility() { /** * We need this because selecting the menu items automatically toggles * the "show_transport" state, while pressing "T" key does not. */ TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Toggle the Transport"), this); QAction *a = findAction("show_transport"); if (a->isChecked()) { a->setChecked(false); } else { a->setChecked(true); } slotToggleTransport(); } /*### * Not used anymore -- is here something valuable to save for slotToggleTransport ? (hjj) * void RosegardenMainWindow::slotHideTransport() { QAction *a = findAction("show_transport"); if (a && a->isChecked()) { a->blockSignals(true); a->setChecked(false); a->blockSignals(false); } getTransport()->hide(); getTransport()->blockSignals(true); } */ void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleTrackLabels() { if (findAction("show_tracklabels")->isChecked()) { #ifdef SETTING_LOG_DEBUG _settingLog("toggle track labels on"); #endif m_view->getTrackEditor()->getTrackButtons()-> changeTrackInstrumentLabels(TrackLabel::ShowTrack); } else { #ifdef SETTING_LOG_DEBUG _settingLog("toggle track labels off"); #endif m_view->getTrackEditor()->getTrackButtons()-> changeTrackInstrumentLabels(TrackLabel::ShowInstrument); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleRulers() { m_view->slotShowRulers(findAction("show_rulers")->isChecked()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleTempoRuler() { m_view->slotShowTempoRuler(findAction("show_tempo_ruler")->isChecked()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleChordNameRuler() { m_view->slotShowChordNameRuler(findAction("show_chord_name_ruler")->isChecked()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotTogglePreviews() { m_view->slotShowPreviews(findAction("show_previews")->isChecked()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDockParametersBack() { if (findAction("show_inst_segment_parameters")->isChecked()) { m_dockLeft->setVisible(true); } else { m_dockLeft->setVisible(false); } // m_dockLeft->dockBack(); /*&&& m_dockLeft->setFloating(false); m_dockLeft->setVisible(true); */ } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotParametersClosed() { // ??? This code appears to be dead. m_dockVisible = false; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotParameterAreaHidden() { // Since the parameter area is now hidden, clear the checkbox in the // menu to keep things in sync. findAction("show_inst_segment_parameters")->setChecked(false); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotParametersDockedBack(QDockWidget* dw, int) //qt4: Qt::DockWidgetAreas //qt3 was: QDockWidget::DockPosition) { if (dw == m_dockLeft) { m_dockVisible = true; } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleStatusBar() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Toggle the statusbar..."), this); if (!findAction("show_status_bar")->isChecked()) statusBar()->hide(); else statusBar()->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotStatusMsg(QString text) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // change status message permanently statusBar()->clearMessage(); // statusBar()->changeItem(text, EditViewBase::ID_STATUS_MSG); // statusBar()->showMessage(text, EditViewBase::ID_STATUS_MSG); statusBar()->showMessage(text, 0); // note: last param == timeout } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotStatusHelpMsg(QString text) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // change status message of whole statusbar temporary (text, msec) statusBar()->message(text, 2000); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEnableTransport(bool enable) { if (m_transport) getTransport()->setEnabled(enable); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPointerSelected() { m_view->selectTool(SegmentSelector::ToolName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEraseSelected() { m_view->selectTool(SegmentEraser::ToolName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDrawSelected() { m_view->selectTool(SegmentPencil::ToolName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotMoveSelected() { m_view->selectTool(SegmentMover::ToolName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotResizeSelected() { m_view->selectTool(SegmentResizer::ToolName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotJoinSelected() { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("The join tool isn't implemented yet. Instead please highlight " "the segments you want to join and then use the menu option:\n\n" " Segments->Collapse Segments.\n"), tr("Join tool not yet implemented")); m_view->selectTool(SegmentJoiner::ToolName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSplitSelected() { m_view->selectTool(SegmentSplitter::ToolName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotAddTrack() { if (!m_view) return ; // default to the base number - might not actually exist though // InstrumentId id = MidiInstrumentBase; // Get the first Internal/MIDI instrument // DeviceList *devices = m_doc->getStudio().getDevices(); bool have = false; for (DeviceList::iterator it = devices->begin(); it != devices->end() && !have; it++) { if ((*it)->getType() != Device::Midi) continue; InstrumentList instruments = (*it)->getAllInstruments(); for (InstrumentList::iterator iit = instruments.begin(); iit != instruments.end(); iit++) { if ((*iit)->getId() >= MidiInstrumentBase) { id = (*iit)->getId(); have = true; break; } } } Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); TrackId trackId = comp.getSelectedTrack(); Track *track = comp.getTrackById(trackId); int pos = -1; if (track) pos = track->getPosition() + 1; m_view->slotAddTracks(1, id, pos); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotAddTracks() { if (!m_view) return ; // default to the base number - might not actually exist though // InstrumentId id = MidiInstrumentBase; // Get the first Internal/MIDI instrument // DeviceList *devices = m_doc->getStudio().getDevices(); bool have = false; for (DeviceList::iterator it = devices->begin(); it != devices->end() && !have; it++) { if ((*it)->getType() != Device::Midi) continue; InstrumentList instruments = (*it)->getAllInstruments(); for (InstrumentList::iterator iit = instruments.begin(); iit != instruments.end(); iit++) { if ((*iit)->getId() >= MidiInstrumentBase) { id = (*iit)->getId(); have = true; break; } } } Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); TrackId trackId = comp.getSelectedTrack(); Track *track = comp.getTrackById(trackId); int pos = 0; if (track) pos = track->getPosition(); AddTracksDialog dialog(this, pos); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { m_view->slotAddTracks(dialog.getTracks(), id, dialog.getInsertPosition()); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeleteTrack() { if (!m_view) return ; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); TrackId trackId = comp.getSelectedTrack(); Track *track = comp.getTrackById(trackId); RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeleteTrack() : about to delete track id " << trackId << endl; if (track == 0) return ; // Always have at least one track in a composition // if (comp.getNbTracks() == 1) return ; // VLADA if (m_view->haveSelection()) { SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments(trackId); m_view->getTrackEditor()->slotDeleteSelectedSegments(); m_view->slotPropagateSegmentSelection(selection); } else { m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments(trackId); m_view->getTrackEditor()->slotDeleteSelectedSegments(); } //VLADA int position = track->getPosition(); // Delete the track // std::vector tracks; tracks.push_back(trackId); m_view->slotDeleteTracks(tracks); // Select a new valid track // if (comp.getTrackByPosition(position)) trackId = comp.getTrackByPosition(position)->getId(); else if (comp.getTrackByPosition(position - 1)) trackId = comp.getTrackByPosition(position - 1)->getId(); else { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeleteTrack - " << "can't select a highlighted track after delete" << endl; } comp.setSelectedTrack(trackId); // unused: // Instrument *inst = m_doc->getStudio(). // getInstrumentById(comp.getTrackById(trackId)->getInstrument()); //VLADA // m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments(trackId); //VLADA } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotMoveTrackDown() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotMoveTrackDown" << endl; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); Track *srcTrack = comp.getTrackById(comp.getSelectedTrack()); // Check for track object // if (srcTrack == 0) return ; // Check destination track exists // Track *destTrack = comp.getTrackByPosition(srcTrack->getPosition() + 1); if (destTrack == 0) return ; MoveTracksCommand *command = new MoveTracksCommand(&comp, srcTrack->getId(), destTrack->getId()); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command); // make sure we're showing the right selection m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments(comp.getSelectedTrack()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotMoveTrackUp() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotMoveTrackUp" << endl; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); Track *srcTrack = comp.getTrackById(comp.getSelectedTrack()); // Check for track object // if (srcTrack == 0) return ; // Check we're not at the top already // if (srcTrack->getPosition() == 0) return ; // Check destination track exists // Track *destTrack = comp.getTrackByPosition(srcTrack->getPosition() - 1); if (destTrack == 0) return ; MoveTracksCommand *command = new MoveTracksCommand(&comp, srcTrack->getId(), destTrack->getId()); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command); // make sure we're showing the right selection m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments(comp.getSelectedTrack()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotRevertToSaved() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotRevertToSaved" << endl; if (m_doc->isModified()) { int revert = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Revert modified document to previous saved version?")); if (revert == QMessageBox::No) return ; openFile(m_doc->getAbsFilePath()); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotImportProject() { if (m_doc && !m_doc->saveIfModified()) return ; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(LastUsedPathsConfigGroup); QString directory = settings.value("import_project", QDir::homePath()).toString(); QUrl url = FileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Import Rosegarden Project File"), directory, tr("Rosegarden Project files") + " (*.rgp *.RGP)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", 0, 0); if (url.isEmpty()) { return ; } QDir d = QFileInfo(url.path()).dir(); directory = d.canonicalPath(); settings.setValue("import_project", directory); settings.endGroup(); //&&& KIO used to show a progress dialog of its own; we need to //replicate that QString tmpfile; FileSource source(url); if (!source.isAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Cannot open file %1").arg(url.toString())); return ; } source.waitForData(); tmpfile = source.getLocalFilename(); importProject(tmpfile); } void RosegardenMainWindow::importProject(QString filePath) { // Launch the project packager script-in-a-dialog in Unpack mode: ProjectPackager *dialog = new ProjectPackager(this, m_doc, ProjectPackager::Unpack, filePath); if (dialog->exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return; } // open the true filename contained within and extracted from the package (foo.rgp might have // contained bar.rg) openURL(dialog->getTrueFilename()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotImportMIDI() { if (m_doc && !m_doc->saveIfModified()) return ; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(LastUsedPathsConfigGroup); QString directory = settings.value("import_midi", QDir::homePath()).toString(); QUrl url = FileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open MIDI File"), directory, tr("MIDI files") + " (*.mid *.midi *.MID *.MIDI)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", 0, 0); if (url.isEmpty()) { return ; } QDir d = QFileInfo(url.path()).dir(); directory = d.canonicalPath(); settings.setValue("import_midi", directory); settings.endGroup(); //&&& KIO used to show a progress dialog of its own; we need to //replicate that QString tmpfile; FileSource source(url); if (!source.isAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Cannot open file %1").arg(url.toString())); return ; } source.waitForData(); tmpfile = source.getLocalFilename(); openFile(tmpfile, ImportMIDI); // does everything including setting the document } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotMergeMIDI() { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(LastUsedPathsConfigGroup); QString directory = settings.value("merge_midi", QDir::homePath()).toString(); QUrl url = FileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Merge MIDI File"), directory, tr("MIDI files") + " (*.mid *.midi *.MID *.MIDI)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", 0, 0); if (url.isEmpty()) { return ; } QDir d = QFileInfo(url.path()).dir(); directory = d.canonicalPath(); settings.setValue("merge_midi", directory); settings.endGroup(); //&&& KIO used to show a progress dialog of its own; we need to //replicate that QString tmpfile; FileSource source(url); if (!source.isAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Cannot open file %1").arg(url.toString())); return ; } tmpfile = source.getLocalFilename(); source.waitForData(); mergeFile(tmpfile, ImportMIDI); } QTextCodec * RosegardenMainWindow::guessTextCodec(std::string text) { QTextCodec *codec = 0; for (int c = 0; c < int(text.length()); ++c) { if (text[c] & 0x80) { CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); StartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); IdentifyTextCodecDialog dialog(0, text); dialog.exec(); QString codecName = dialog.getCodec(); CurrentProgressDialog::thaw(); if (codecName != "") { codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(codecName.toAscii()); } break; } } return codec; } void RosegardenMainWindow::fixTextEncodings(Composition *c) { QTextCodec *codec = 0; for (Composition::iterator i = c->begin(); i != c->end(); ++i) { for (Segment::iterator j = (*i)->begin(); j != (*i)->end(); ++j) { if ((*j)->isa(Text::EventType)) { std::string text; if ((*j)->get (Text::TextPropertyName, text)) { if (!codec) codec = guessTextCodec(text); if (codec) { (*j)->set (Text::TextPropertyName, convertFromCodec(text, codec)); } } } } } if (!codec) codec = guessTextCodec(c->getCopyrightNote()); if (codec) c->setCopyrightNote(convertFromCodec(c->getCopyrightNote(), codec)); for (Composition::trackcontainer::iterator i = c->getTracks().begin(); i != c->getTracks().end(); ++i) { if (!codec) codec = guessTextCodec(i->second->getLabel()); if (codec) i->second->setLabel(convertFromCodec(i->second->getLabel(), codec)); } for (Composition::iterator i = c->begin(); i != c->end(); ++i) { if (!codec) codec = guessTextCodec((*i)->getLabel()); if (codec) (*i)->setLabel(convertFromCodec((*i)->getLabel(), codec)); } } RosegardenDocument* RosegardenMainWindow::createDocumentFromMIDIFile(QString file) { //if (!merge && !m_doc->saveIfModified()) return; // Create new document (autoload is inherent) // RosegardenDocument *newDoc = new RosegardenDocument(this, m_pluginManager); QString fname(QFile::encodeName(file)); MidiFile midiFile(fname, &newDoc->getStudio()); StartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); ProgressDialog *progressDlg = new ProgressDialog(tr("Importing MIDI file..."), (QWidget*)this); CurrentProgressDialog::set(progressDlg); connect(&midiFile, SIGNAL(setValue(int)), progressDlg, SLOT(setValue(int))); if (!midiFile.open()) { CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); // NOTE: Someone flagged midiFile.getError() with a warning about tr(). // This stuff either gets translated at the source, if we own it, or it // doesn't get translated at all, if we don't (eg. errors from the // underlying filesystem, a library, etc.) QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), strtoqstr(midiFile.getError())); delete newDoc; progressDlg->close(); return 0; } midiFile.convertToRosegarden(newDoc->getComposition(), MidiFile::CONVERT_REPLACE); disconnect(&midiFile, 0, progressDlg, 0); fixTextEncodings(&newDoc->getComposition()); // Set modification flag // newDoc->slotDocumentModified(); // Set the caption // newDoc->setTitle(QFileInfo(file).fileName()); newDoc->setAbsFilePath(QFileInfo(file).absFilePath()); // Clean up for notation purposes (after reinitialise, because that // sets the composition's end marker time which is needed here) progressDlg->setLabelText(tr("Calculating notation...")); progressDlg->setValue(0); qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100); Composition *comp = &newDoc->getComposition(); for (Composition::iterator i = comp->begin(); i != comp->end(); ++i) { Segment &segment = **i; SegmentNotationHelper helper(segment); segment.insert(helper.guessClef(segment.begin(), segment.getEndMarker()) .getAsEvent(segment.getStartTime())); } progressDlg->setValue(10); for (Composition::iterator i = comp->begin(); i != comp->end(); ++i) { // find first key event in each segment (we'd have done the // same for clefs, except there is no MIDI clef event) Segment &segment = **i; timeT firstKeyTime = segment.getEndMarkerTime(); for (Segment::iterator si = segment.begin(); segment.isBeforeEndMarker(si); ++si) { if ((*si)->isa(Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) { firstKeyTime = (*si)->getAbsoluteTime(); break; } } if (firstKeyTime > segment.getStartTime()) { CompositionTimeSliceAdapter adapter (comp, timeT(0), firstKeyTime); AnalysisHelper helper; segment.insert(helper.guessKey(adapter).getAsEvent (segment.getStartTime())); } } progressDlg->setValue(20); int totalProgress = 20; int progressPer = 80; int nbSegments = comp->getNbSegments(); if (nbSegments > 0) progressPer = (int)(80.0 / double(comp->getNbSegments())); MacroCommand *command = new MacroCommand(tr("Calculate Notation")); for (Composition::iterator i = comp->begin(); i != comp->end(); ++i) { Segment &segment = **i; timeT startTime(segment.getStartTime()); timeT endTime(segment.getEndMarkerTime()); // std::cerr << "segment: start time " << segment.getStartTime() << ", end time " << segment.getEndTime() << ", end marker time " << segment.getEndMarkerTime() << ", events " << segment.size() << std::endl; EventQuantizeCommand *subCommand = new EventQuantizeCommand (segment, startTime, endTime, NotationOptionsConfigGroup, EventQuantizeCommand::QUANTIZE_NOTATION_ONLY); //Compute progress so far. totalProgress += progressPer; subCommand->setProgressTotal(totalProgress, progressPer + 1); QObject::connect(subCommand, SIGNAL(setValue(int)), progressDlg, SLOT(setValue(int))); command->addCommand(subCommand); } CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command); if (comp->getTimeSignatureCount() == 0) { CompositionTimeSliceAdapter adapter(comp); AnalysisHelper analysisHelper; TimeSignature timeSig = analysisHelper.guessTimeSignature(adapter); comp->addTimeSignature(0, timeSig); } progressDlg->close(); return newDoc; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotImportRG21() { if (m_doc && !m_doc->saveIfModified()) return ; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(LastUsedPathsConfigGroup); QString directory = settings.value("import_relic", QDir::homePath()).toString(); QUrl url = FileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open X11 Rosegarden File"), directory, tr("X11 Rosegarden files") + " (*.rose)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", 0, 0); if (url.isEmpty()) { return ; } QDir d = QFileInfo(url.path()).dir(); directory = d.canonicalPath(); settings.setValue("import_relic", directory); settings.endGroup(); //&&& KIO used to show a progress dialog of its own; we need to //replicate that QString tmpfile; FileSource source(url); if (!source.isAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Cannot open file %1").arg(url.toString())); return ; } tmpfile = source.getLocalFilename(); source.waitForData(); openFile(tmpfile, ImportRG21); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotMergeRG21() { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(LastUsedPathsConfigGroup); QString directory = settings.value("merge_relic", QDir::homePath()).toString(); QUrl url = FileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open X11 Rosegarden File"), directory, tr("X11 Rosegarden files") + " (*.rose)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", 0, 0); if (url.isEmpty()) { return ; } QDir d = QFileInfo(url.path()).dir(); directory = d.canonicalPath(); settings.setValue("import_relic", directory); settings.endGroup(); //&&& KIO used to show a progress dialog of its own; we need to //replicate that QString tmpfile; FileSource source(url); if (!source.isAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Cannot open file %1").arg(url.toString())); return ; } tmpfile = source.getLocalFilename(); source.waitForData(); mergeFile(tmpfile, ImportRG21); } RosegardenDocument* RosegardenMainWindow::createDocumentFromRG21File(QString file) { StartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); ProgressDialog *progressDlg = new ProgressDialog( tr("Importing X11 Rosegarden file..."), (QWidget*)this); CurrentProgressDialog::set(progressDlg); // Inherent autoload // RosegardenDocument *newDoc = new RosegardenDocument(this, m_pluginManager); RG21Loader rg21Loader(&newDoc->getStudio()); // TODO: make RG21Loader to actually emit these signals // connect(&rg21Loader, SIGNAL(setValue(int)), progressDlg, SLOT(setValue(int))); // "your starter for 40%" - helps the "freeze" work progressDlg->setValue(40); if (!rg21Loader.load(file, newDoc->getComposition())) { CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Can't load X11 Rosegarden file. It appears to be corrupted.")); delete newDoc; progressDlg->close(); return 0; } // Set modification flag // newDoc->slotDocumentModified(); // Set the caption and add recent // newDoc->setTitle(QFileInfo(file).fileName()); newDoc->setAbsFilePath(QFileInfo(file).absFilePath()); progressDlg->close(); return newDoc; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotImportHydrogen() { if (m_doc && !m_doc->saveIfModified()) return ; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(LastUsedPathsConfigGroup); QString directory = settings.value("import_hydrogen", QDir::homePath()).toString(); QUrl url = FileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Hydrogen File"), directory, tr("All files") + " (*)", 0, 0); if (url.isEmpty()) { return ; } QDir d = QFileInfo(url.path()).dir(); directory = d.canonicalPath(); settings.setValue("import_hydrogen", directory); settings.endGroup(); //&&& KIO used to show a progress dialog of its own; we need to //replicate that QString tmpfile; FileSource source(url); if (!source.isAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Cannot open file %1").arg(url.toString())); return ; } tmpfile = source.getLocalFilename(); source.waitForData(); openFile(tmpfile, ImportHydrogen); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotMergeHydrogen() { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(LastUsedPathsConfigGroup); QString directory = settings.value("merge_hydrogen", QDir::homePath()).toString(); QUrl url = FileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Hydrogen File"), directory, tr("All files") + " (*)", 0, 0); if (url.isEmpty()) { return ; } QDir d = QFileInfo(url.path()).dir(); directory = d.canonicalPath(); settings.setValue("merge_hydrogen", directory); settings.endGroup(); //&&& KIO used to show a progress dialog of its own; we need to //replicate that QString tmpfile; FileSource source(url); if (!source.isAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Cannot open file %1").arg(url.toString())); return ; } tmpfile = source.getLocalFilename(); source.waitForData(); mergeFile(tmpfile, ImportHydrogen); } RosegardenDocument* RosegardenMainWindow::createDocumentFromHydrogenFile(QString file) { StartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); ProgressDialog *progressDlg = new ProgressDialog( tr("Importing Hydrogen file..."), (QWidget*) this); CurrentProgressDialog::set(progressDlg); // Inherent autoload // RosegardenDocument *newDoc = new RosegardenDocument(this, m_pluginManager); HydrogenLoader hydrogenLoader(&newDoc->getStudio()); // TODO: make RG21Loader to actually emit these signals // connect(&hydrogenLoader, SIGNAL(setValue(int)), progressDlg, SLOT(setValue(int))); // "your starter for 40%" - helps the "freeze" work progressDlg->setValue(40); if (!hydrogenLoader.load(file, newDoc->getComposition())) { CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Can't load Hydrogen file. It appears to be corrupted.")); delete newDoc; progressDlg->close(); return 0; } // Set modification flag // newDoc->slotDocumentModified(); // Set the caption and add recent // newDoc->setTitle(QFileInfo(file).fileName()); newDoc->setAbsFilePath(QFileInfo(file).absFilePath()); progressDlg->close(); return newDoc; } void RosegardenMainWindow::mergeFile(QString filePath, ImportType type) { RosegardenDocument *doc = createDocument(filePath, type); if (doc) { if (m_doc) { bool timingsDiffer = false; Composition &c1 = m_doc->getComposition(); Composition &c2 = doc->getComposition(); // compare tempos and time sigs in the two -- rather laborious if (c1.getTimeSignatureCount() != c2.getTimeSignatureCount()) { timingsDiffer = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < c1.getTimeSignatureCount(); ++i) { std::pair t1 = c1.getTimeSignatureChange(i); std::pair t2 = c2.getTimeSignatureChange(i); if (t1.first != t2.first || t1.second != t2.second) { timingsDiffer = true; break; } } } if (c1.getTempoChangeCount() != c2.getTempoChangeCount()) { timingsDiffer = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < c1.getTempoChangeCount(); ++i) { std::pair t1 = c1.getTempoChange(i); std::pair t2 = c2.getTempoChange(i); if (t1.first != t2.first || t1.second != t2.second) { timingsDiffer = true; break; } } } FileMergeDialog dialog(this, filePath, timingsDiffer); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { m_doc->mergeDocument(doc, dialog.getMergeOptions()); } delete doc; } else { setDocument(doc); } } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotCheckTransportStatus() { ExternalTransport::TransportRequest req; RealTime rt; bool have = RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()-> getNextTransportRequest(req, rt); if (have) { switch (req) { case ExternalTransport::TransportNoChange: break; case ExternalTransport::TransportStop: stop(); break; case ExternalTransport::TransportStart: play(); break; case ExternalTransport::TransportPlay: play(); break; case ExternalTransport::TransportRecord: record(); break; case ExternalTransport::TransportJumpToTime: jumpToTime(rt); break; case ExternalTransport::TransportStartAtTime: startAtTime(rt); break; case ExternalTransport::TransportStopAtTime: stop(); jumpToTime(rt); break; } } TransportStatus status = RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()-> getStatus(); if (status == PLAYING || status == RECORDING) { //@@@ JAS orig ? KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse : KXMLGUIClient::StateNoReverse leaveActionState("not_playing"); } else { enterActionState("not_playing"); } if (m_seqManager) { m_seqManager->setTransportStatus(status); MappedEventList asynchronousQueue = RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()->pullAsynchronousMidiQueue(); if (!asynchronousQueue.empty()) { m_seqManager->processAsynchronousMidi(asynchronousQueue, 0); if (m_view) { m_view->updateMeters(); } } } return; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdatePlaybackPosition() { static int callbackCount = 0; // Either sequencer mappper or the sequence manager could be missing at // this point. // if (!m_seqManager) return; MappedEvent ev; bool haveEvent = SequencerDataBlock::getInstance()->getVisual(ev); if (haveEvent) getTransport()->setMidiOutLabel(&ev); RealTime position = SequencerDataBlock::getInstance()->getPositionPointer(); // std::cerr << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdatePlaybackPosition: mapper pos = " << position << std::endl; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); timeT elapsedTime = comp.getElapsedTimeForRealTime(position); // std::cerr << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdatePlaybackPosition: mapper timeT = " << elapsedTime << std::endl; if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING) { MappedEventList mC; if (SequencerDataBlock::getInstance()->getRecordedEvents(mC) > 0) { m_seqManager->processAsynchronousMidi(mC, 0); m_doc->insertRecordedMidi(mC); } m_doc->updateRecordingMIDISegment(); m_doc->updateRecordingAudioSegments(); } m_originatingJump = true; m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(elapsedTime); m_originatingJump = false; if (m_audioMixer && m_audioMixer->isVisible()) m_audioMixer->updateMeters(); if (m_midiMixer && m_midiMixer->isVisible()) m_midiMixer->updateMeters(); m_view->updateMeters(); if (++callbackCount == 60) { slotUpdateCPUMeter(true); callbackCount = 0; } // if (elapsedTime >= comp.getEndMarker()) // slotStop(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdateCPUMeter(bool playing) { static std::ifstream *statstream = 0; static bool modified = false; static unsigned long lastBusy = 0, lastIdle = 0; if (playing) { if (!statstream) { statstream = new std::ifstream("/proc/stat", std::ios::in); } if (!statstream || !*statstream) return ; statstream->seekg(0, std::ios::beg); std::string cpu; unsigned long user, nice, sys, idle; *statstream >> cpu; *statstream >> user; *statstream >> nice; *statstream >> sys; *statstream >> idle; unsigned long busy = user + nice + sys; unsigned long count = 0; if (lastBusy > 0) { unsigned long bd = busy - lastBusy; unsigned long id = idle - lastIdle; if (bd + id > 0) count = bd * 100 / (bd + id); if (count > 100) count = 100; } lastBusy = busy; lastIdle = idle; // correct use of m_cpuBar; it's the CPU meter, and from now on, // nothing else (use ProgressDialog for reporting any kind of progress) if (m_cpuBar) { if (!modified) { m_cpuBar->setTextVisible(true); m_cpuBar->setFormat("CPU %p%"); } m_cpuBar->setValue(count); } modified = true; } else if (modified) { if (m_cpuBar) { m_cpuBar->setTextVisible(false); m_cpuBar->setFormat("%p%"); m_cpuBar->setValue(0); } modified = false; } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdateMonitoring() { if (m_audioMixer && m_audioMixer->isVisible()) m_audioMixer->updateMonitorMeters(); if (m_midiMixer && m_midiMixer->isVisible()) m_midiMixer->updateMonitorMeter(); m_view->updateMonitorMeters(); slotUpdateCPUMeter(false); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetPointerPosition(timeT t) { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); // std::cerr << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetPointerPosition: t = " << t << std::endl; if (m_seqManager) { if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == PLAYING || m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING) { if (t > comp.getEndMarker()) { if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == PLAYING) { slotStop(); t = comp.getEndMarker(); m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(t); //causes this method to be re-invoked return ; } else { // if recording, increase composition duration std::pair timeRange = comp.getBarRangeForTime(t); timeT barDuration = timeRange.second - timeRange.first; timeT newEndMarker = t + 10 * barDuration; comp.setEndMarker(newEndMarker); getView()->getTrackEditor()->slotReadjustCanvasSize(); getView()->getTrackEditor()->updateRulers(); } } } // cc 20050520 - jump at the sequencer even if we're not playing, // because we might be a transport master of some kind try { if (!m_originatingJump) { m_seqManager->sendSequencerJump(comp.getElapsedRealTime(t)); } } catch (QString s) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), s); } } // set the time sig getTransport()->setTimeSignature(comp.getTimeSignatureAt(t)); // and the tempo getTransport()->setTempo(comp.getTempoAtTime(t)); // and the time // TransportDialog::TimeDisplayMode mode = getTransport()->getCurrentMode(); if (mode == TransportDialog::BarMode || mode == TransportDialog::BarMetronomeMode) { slotDisplayBarTime(t); } else { RealTime rT(comp.getElapsedRealTime(t)); if (getTransport()->isShowingTimeToEnd()) { rT = rT - comp.getElapsedRealTime(comp.getDuration()); } if (mode == TransportDialog::RealMode) { getTransport()->displayRealTime(rT); } else if (mode == TransportDialog::SMPTEMode) { getTransport()->displaySMPTETime(rT); } else { getTransport()->displayFrameTime(rT); } } // handle transport mode configuration changes std::string modeAsString = getTransport()->getCurrentModeAsString(); if (m_doc->getConfiguration().get (DocumentConfiguration::TransportMode) != modeAsString) { m_doc->getConfiguration().set (DocumentConfiguration::TransportMode, modeAsString); //m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); to avoid being prompted for a file change when merely changing the transport display } // Update position on the marker editor if it's available // if (m_markerEditor) m_markerEditor->updatePosition(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDisplayBarTime(timeT t) { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); int barNo = comp.getBarNumber(t); timeT barStart = comp.getBarStart(barNo); TimeSignature timeSig = comp.getTimeSignatureAt(t); timeT beatDuration = timeSig.getBeatDuration(); int beatNo = (t - barStart) / beatDuration; int unitNo = (t - barStart) - (beatNo * beatDuration); if (getTransport()->isShowingTimeToEnd()) { barNo = barNo + 1 - comp.getNbBars(); beatNo = timeSig.getBeatsPerBar() - 1 - beatNo; unitNo = timeSig.getBeatDuration() - 1 - unitNo; } else { // convert to 1-based display bar numbers barNo += 1; beatNo += 1; } // show units in hemidemis (or whatever), not in raw time ticks unitNo /= Note(Note::Shortest).getDuration(); getTransport()->displayBarTime(barNo, beatNo, unitNo); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotRefreshTimeDisplay() { if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == PLAYING || m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING) { return ; // it'll be refreshed in a moment anyway } slotSetPointerPosition(m_doc->getComposition().getPosition()); } bool RosegardenMainWindow::isTrackEditorPlayTracking() const { return m_view->getTrackEditor()->isTracking(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleTracking() { m_view->getTrackEditor()->slotToggleTracking(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotTestStartupTester() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotTestStartupTester" << endl; if (!m_startupTester) { m_startupTester = new StartupTester(); connect(m_startupTester, SIGNAL(newerVersionAvailable(QString)), this, SLOT(slotNewerVersionAvailable(QString))); m_startupTester->start(); QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(slotTestStartupTester())); return ; } if (!m_startupTester->isReady()) { QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(slotTestStartupTester())); return ; } /* QStringList missingFeatures; QStringList allMissing; QStringList missing; #ifdef HAVE_LIBJACK if (m_seqManager && (m_seqManager->getSoundDriverStatus() & AUDIO_OK)) { m_haveAudioImporter = m_startupTester->haveAudioFileImporter(&missing); if (!m_haveAudioImporter) { missingFeatures.push_back(tr("General audio file import and conversion")); if (missing.count() == 0) { allMissing.push_back(tr("The Rosegarden Audio File Importer helper script")); } else { for (int i = 0; i < missing.count(); ++i) { if (missingFeatures.count() > 1) { allMissing.push_back(tr("%1 - for audio file import").arg(missing[i])); } else { allMissing.push_back(missing[i]); } } } } } #endif if (missingFeatures.count() > 0) { QString message = tr("

Helper programs not found

Rosegarden could not find one or more helper programs which it needs to provide some features. The following features will not be available:

"); message += tr("
    "); for (int i = 0; i < missingFeatures.count(); ++i) { message += tr("
  • %1
  • ").arg(missingFeatures[i]); } message += tr("
"); message += tr("

To fix this, you should install the following additional programs:

"); message += tr("
    "); for (int i = 0; i < allMissing.count(); ++i) { message += tr("
  • %1
  • ").arg(allMissing[i]); } message += tr("
"); awaitDialogClearance(); QString shortMessage = tr("Helper programs not found"); // QMessageBox info(m_view); // info.setText(shortMessage); // info.setInformativeText(message); // info.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); // info.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); // info.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); // // if (!DialogSuppressor::shouldSuppress // (&info, "startuphelpersmissing")) { // info.exec(); // } // Looks like Thorn will have to keep the startup test for // audiofile-importer around indefinitely, and so we need to move that // irritating @#@^@#^ dialog into the warning widget, and get it out of // my face before I punch it right in the nose. m_warningWidget->queueMessage(shortMessage, message); }*/ m_startupTester->wait(); delete m_startupTester; m_startupTester = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDebugDump() { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); comp.dump(std::cerr); } bool RosegardenMainWindow::launchSequencer() { if (!isUsingSequencer()) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::launchSequencer() - not using seq. - returning\n"; return false; // no need to launch anything } if (isSequencerRunning()) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::launchSequencer() - sequencer already running - returning\n"; if (m_seqManager) m_seqManager->checkSoundDriverStatus(false); return true; } m_sequencerThread = new SequencerThread(); connect(m_sequencerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotSequencerExited())); m_sequencerThread->start(); RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::launchSequencer: Sequencer thread is " << m_sequencerThread << endl; if (m_doc) m_doc->checkSequencerTimer(); if (m_doc && m_doc->getStudio().haveMidiDevices()) { enterActionState("got_midi_devices"); //@@@ JAS orig. 0 } else { leaveActionState("got_midi_devices"); //@@@ JAS orig. KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse } return true; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDocumentDevicesResyncd() { //!DEVPUSH how to replace this? m_sequencerCheckedIn = true; m_trackParameterBox->slotPopulateDeviceLists(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSequencerExited() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotSequencerExited Sequencer exited\n"; StartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); if (m_sequencerCheckedIn) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("The Rosegarden sequencer process has exited unexpectedly. Sound and recording will no longer be available for this session.\nPlease exit and restart Rosegarden to restore sound capability.")); } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("The Rosegarden sequencer could not be started, so sound and recording will be unavailable for this session.\nFor assistance with correct audio and MIDI configuration, go to http://rosegardenmusic.com.")); } delete m_sequencerThread; m_sequencerThread = 0; // isSequencerRunning() will return false // but isUsingSequencer() will keep returning true // so pressing the play button may attempt to restart the sequencer } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotExportProject() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Exporting Rosegarden Project file..."), this); QString fileName = getValidWriteFileName (tr("Rosegarden Project files") + " (*.rgp *.RGP)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", tr("Export as...")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return ; QString rgFile = fileName; rgFile.replace(QRegExp(".rg.rgp$"), ".rg"); rgFile.replace(QRegExp(".rgp$"), ".rg"); // I have a ton of weird files and suspect problems with this, but maybe // not: RG_DEBUG << "getValidWriteFileName() returned " << fileName.toStdString() << endl << " rgFile: " << fileName.toStdString() << endl; CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); QString errMsg; if (!m_doc->saveDocument(rgFile, errMsg, true)) { // pretend it's autosave QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Saving Rosegarden file to package failed: %1").arg(errMsg)); CurrentProgressDialog::thaw(); return ; } // Launch the project packager script-in-a-dialog in Pack mode: ProjectPackager *dialog = new ProjectPackager(this, m_doc, ProjectPackager::Pack, fileName); if (dialog->exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return; } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotExportMIDI() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Exporting MIDI file..."), this); QString fileName = getValidWriteFileName (tr("Standard MIDI files") + " (*.mid *.midi *.MID *.MIDI)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", tr("Export as...")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return ; exportMIDIFile(fileName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::exportMIDIFile(QString file) { ProgressDialog * progressDlg = new ProgressDialog(tr("Exporting MIDI file..."), (QWidget*)this); QString fname(QFile::encodeName(file)); MidiFile midiFile(fname, &m_doc->getStudio()); connect(&midiFile, SIGNAL(setValue(int)), progressDlg, SLOT(setValue(int))); midiFile.convertToMidi(m_doc->getComposition()); if (!midiFile.write()) { CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Export failed. The file could not be opened for writing.")); } progressDlg->close(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotExportCsound() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Exporting Csound score file..."), this); QString fileName = getValidWriteFileName (tr("Csound files") + " (*.csd *.CSD)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", tr("Export as...")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return ; exportCsoundFile(fileName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::exportCsoundFile(QString file) { ProgressDialog *progressDlg = new ProgressDialog(tr("Exporting Csound score file..."), (QWidget*)this); CsoundExporter e(this, &m_doc->getComposition(), std::string(QFile::encodeName(file))); connect(&e, SIGNAL(setValue(int)), progressDlg, SLOT(setValue(int))); if (!e.write()) { CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Export failed. The file could not be opened for writing.")); } progressDlg->close(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotExportMup() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Exporting Mup file..."), this); QString fileName = getValidWriteFileName (tr("Mup files") + " (*.mup *.MUP)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", tr("Export as...")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return ; exportMupFile(fileName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::exportMupFile(QString file) { ProgressDialog *progressDlg = new ProgressDialog(tr("Exporting Mup file..."), (QWidget*)this); MupExporter e(this, &m_doc->getComposition(), std::string(QFile::encodeName(file))); connect(&e, SIGNAL(setValue(int)), progressDlg, SLOT(setValue(int))); if (!e.write()) { CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Export failed. The file could not be opened for writing.")); } progressDlg->close(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotExportLilyPond() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Exporting LilyPond file..."), this); QString fileName = getValidWriteFileName (tr("LilyPond files") + " (*.ly *.LY)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", tr("Export as...")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return ; exportLilyPondFile(fileName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPrintLilyPond() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Printing with LilyPond..."), this); QString filename = getLilyPondTmpFilename(); if (filename.isEmpty()) return; if (!exportLilyPondFile(filename, true)) { return ; } LilyPondProcessor *dialog = new LilyPondProcessor(this, LilyPondProcessor::Print, filename); dialog->exec(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPreviewLilyPond() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Previewing LilyPond file..."), this); QString filename = getLilyPondTmpFilename(); if (filename.isEmpty()) return; if (!exportLilyPondFile(filename, true)) { return ; } LilyPondProcessor *dialog = new LilyPondProcessor(this, LilyPondProcessor::Preview, filename); dialog->exec(); } QString RosegardenMainWindow::getLilyPondTmpFilename() { QString mask = QString("%1/rosegarden_tmp_XXXXXX.ly").arg(QDir::tempPath()); std::cerr << "RosegardenMainWindow::getLilyPondTmpName() - using tmp file: " << qstrtostr(mask) << std::endl; QTemporaryFile *file = new QTemporaryFile(mask); file->setAutoRemove(true); if (!file->open()) { // getLilyPondTmpFilename() in RosegardenMainWindow:: and in NotationView:: are nearly in sync. // However, the following line is commented out in NotationView::getLilyPondTmpFilename() CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("

Failed to open a temporary file for LilyPond export.

" "

This probably means you have run out of disk space on


"). arg(QDir::tempPath())); delete file; return QString(); } QString filename = file->fileName(); // must call this before close() file->close(); // we just want the filename return filename; } bool RosegardenMainWindow::exportLilyPondFile(QString file, bool forPreview) { QString caption = "", heading = ""; if (forPreview) { caption = tr("LilyPond Preview Options"); heading = tr("LilyPond preview options"); } LilyPondOptionsDialog dialog(this, m_doc, caption, heading); if (dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return false; } ProgressDialog *progressDlg = new ProgressDialog(tr("Exporting LilyPond file..."), (QWidget*)this); LilyPondExporter e(this, m_doc, std::string(QFile::encodeName(file))); connect(&e, SIGNAL(setValue(int)), progressDlg, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(progressDlg, SIGNAL(canceled()), &e, SLOT(slotCancel())); if (!e.write()) { CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); if (!e.isOperationCancelled()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Export failed. The file could not be opened for writing.")); } progressDlg->close(); return false; } progressDlg->close(); return true; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotExportMusicXml() { TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Exporting MusicXML file..."), this); QString fileName = getValidWriteFileName (tr("XML files") + " (*.xml *.XML)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", tr("Export as...")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return ; exportMusicXmlFile(fileName); } void RosegardenMainWindow::exportMusicXmlFile(QString file) { ProgressDialog *progressDlg = new ProgressDialog(tr("Exporting MusicXML file..."), (QWidget*)this); MusicXmlExporter e(this, m_doc, std::string(QFile::encodeName(file))); connect(&e, SIGNAL(setValue(int)), progressDlg, SLOT(setValue(int))); if (!e.write()) { CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Export failed. The file could not be opened for writing.")); } progressDlg->close(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotCloseTransport() { findAction("show_transport")->setChecked(false); slotToggleTransport(); // hides the transport } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeleteTransport() { delete m_transport; m_transport = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotActivateTool(QString toolName) { if (toolName == SegmentSelector::ToolName) { findAction("select")->trigger(); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleMetronome() { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == STARTING_TO_RECORD || m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING || m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING_ARMED) { if (comp.useRecordMetronome()) comp.setRecordMetronome(false); else comp.setRecordMetronome(true); getTransport()->MetronomeButton()->setOn(comp.useRecordMetronome()); } else { if (comp.usePlayMetronome()) comp.setPlayMetronome(false); else comp.setPlayMetronome(true); getTransport()->MetronomeButton()->setOn(comp.usePlayMetronome()); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotRewindToBeginning() { // ignore requests if recording // if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING) return ; m_seqManager->rewindToBeginning(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotFastForwardToEnd() { // ignore requests if recording // if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING) return ; m_seqManager->fastForwardToEnd(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetPlayPosition(timeT time) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetPlayPosition(" << time << ")" << endl; if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING) return ; m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(time); if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == PLAYING) return ; slotPlay(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotRecord() { if (!isUsingSequencer()) return ; if (!isSequencerRunning()) { // Try to launch sequencer and return if we fail // if (!launchSequencer()) return; } if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING) { slotStop(); return ; } else if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == PLAYING) { slotToggleRecord(); return ; } // Attempt to start recording // try { m_seqManager->record(false); } catch (QString s) { // We should already be stopped by this point so just unset // the buttons after clicking the dialog. // QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), s); getTransport()->MetronomeButton()->setOn(false); getTransport()->RecordButton()->setOn(false); getTransport()->PlayButton()->setOn(false); return ; } catch (AudioFileManager::BadAudioPathException e) { if (QMessageBox::warning (0, tr("Warning"), tr("The audio file path does not exist or is not writable.\nPlease set the audio file path to a valid directory in Document Properties before recording audio.\nWould you like to set it now?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel) // default button == QMessageBox::Yes) { slotOpenAudioPathSettings(); }//end if getTransport()->MetronomeButton()->setOn(false); getTransport()->RecordButton()->setOn(false); getTransport()->PlayButton()->setOn(false); return ; } catch (Exception e) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), strtoqstr(e.getMessage())); getTransport()->MetronomeButton()->setOn(false); getTransport()->RecordButton()->setOn(false); getTransport()->PlayButton()->setOn(false); return ; } // plugin the keyboard shortcuts for focus on this dialog plugShortcuts(m_seqManager->getCountdownDialog(), m_seqManager->getCountdownDialog()->getShortcuts()); connect(m_seqManager->getCountdownDialog(), SIGNAL(stopped()), this, SLOT(slotStop())); // Start the playback timer - this fetches the current sequencer position &c // m_stopTimer->stop(); m_playTimer->start(23); // avoid multiples of 10 just so as // to avoid always having the same digit // in one place on the transport. How // shallow.) } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleRecord() { if (!isUsingSequencer() || (!isSequencerRunning() && !launchSequencer())) return; try { m_seqManager->record(true); } catch (QString s) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), s); } catch (AudioFileManager::BadAudioPathException e) { if (QMessageBox::warning (0, tr("Error"), tr("The audio file path does not exist or is not writable.\nPlease set the audio file path to a valid directory in Document Properties before you start to record audio.\nWould you like to set it now?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Yes ){ //tr("Set audio file path")) == QMessageBox::Continue) { slotOpenAudioPathSettings(); } } catch (Exception e) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), strtoqstr(e.getMessage())); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetLoop(timeT lhs, timeT rhs) { try { m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); m_seqManager->setLoop(lhs, rhs); // toggle the loop button if (lhs != rhs) { getTransport()->LoopButton()->setOn(true); enterActionState("have_range"); //@@@ JAS orig. KXMLGUIClient::StateNoReverse } else { getTransport()->LoopButton()->setOn(false); leaveActionState("have_range"); //@@@ JAS orig. KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse } } catch (QString s) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), s); } } bool RosegardenMainWindow::isUsingSequencer() { return m_useSequencer; } bool RosegardenMainWindow::isSequencerRunning() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::isSequencerRunning: m_useSequencer = " << m_useSequencer << ", m_sequencerThread = " << m_sequencerThread << endl; return m_useSequencer && (m_sequencerThread != 0); } void RosegardenMainWindow::alive() { if (m_doc) m_doc->checkSequencerTimer(); if (m_doc && m_doc->getStudio().haveMidiDevices()) { enterActionState("got_midi_devices"); //@@@ JAS orig. 0 } else { leaveActionState("got_midi_devices"); //@@@ JAS orig. KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPlay() { if (!isUsingSequencer()) return ; if (!isSequencerRunning()) { // Try to launch sequencer and return if it fails // if (!launchSequencer()) return; } if (!m_seqManager) return; // If we're armed and ready to record then do this instead (calling // slotRecord ensures we don't toggle the recording state in // SequenceManager) // if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING_ARMED) { slotRecord(); return ; } bool pausedPlayback = false; try { pausedPlayback = m_seqManager->play(); // this will stop playback (pause) if it's already running // Check the new state of the transport and start or stop timer // accordingly // if (!pausedPlayback) { // Start the playback timer - this fetches the current sequencer position &c // m_stopTimer->stop(); m_playTimer->start(23); } else { m_playTimer->stop(); m_stopTimer->start(100); } } catch (QString s) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), s); m_playTimer->stop(); m_stopTimer->start(100); } catch (Exception e) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), strtoqstr(e.getMessage())); m_playTimer->stop(); m_stopTimer->start(100); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotJumpToTime(RealTime rt) { Composition *comp = &m_doc->getComposition(); timeT t = comp->getElapsedTimeForRealTime(rt); m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(t); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotStartAtTime(RealTime rt) { slotJumpToTime(rt); slotPlay(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotStop() { if (m_seqManager && m_seqManager->getCountdownDialog()) { disconnect(m_seqManager->getCountdownDialog(), SIGNAL(stopped()), this, SLOT(slotStop())); disconnect(m_seqManager->getCountdownDialog(), SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotStop())); } try { if (m_seqManager) m_seqManager->stopping(); } catch (Exception e) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), strtoqstr(e.getMessage())); } // stop the playback timer m_playTimer->stop(); m_stopTimer->start(100); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotRewind() { // ignore requests if recording // if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING) return ; if (m_seqManager) m_seqManager->rewind(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotFastforward() { // ignore requests if recording // if (m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING) return ; if (m_seqManager) m_seqManager->fastforward(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetLoop() { // restore loop m_doc->setLoop(m_storedLoopStart, m_storedLoopEnd); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotUnsetLoop() { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); // store the loop m_storedLoopStart = comp.getLoopStart(); m_storedLoopEnd = comp.getLoopEnd(); // clear the loop at the composition and propagate to the rest // of the display items m_doc->setLoop(0, 0); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetLoopStart() { // Check so that start time is before endtime, othervise move upp the // endtime to that same pos. if (m_doc->getComposition().getPosition() < m_doc->getComposition().getLoopEnd()) { m_doc->setLoop(m_doc->getComposition().getPosition(), m_doc->getComposition().getLoopEnd()); } else { m_doc->setLoop(m_doc->getComposition().getPosition(), m_doc->getComposition().getPosition()); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetLoopStop() { // Check so that end time is after start time, othervise move upp the // start time to that same pos. if (m_doc->getComposition().getLoopStart() < m_doc->getComposition().getPosition()) { m_doc->setLoop(m_doc->getComposition().getLoopStart(), m_doc->getComposition().getPosition()); } else { m_doc->setLoop(m_doc->getComposition().getPosition(), m_doc->getComposition().getPosition()); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleSolo(bool value) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleSolo value = " << value << endl; m_doc->getComposition().setSolo(value); getTransport()->SoloButton()->setOn(value); m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); emit compositionStateUpdate(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotTrackUp() { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); TrackId tid = comp.getSelectedTrack(); TrackId pos = comp.getTrackById(tid)->getPosition(); // If at top already if (pos == 0) return ; Track *track = comp.getTrackByPosition(pos - 1); // If the track exists if (track) { comp.setSelectedTrack(track->getId()); m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments(comp.getSelectedTrack()); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotTrackDown() { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); TrackId tid = comp.getSelectedTrack(); TrackId pos = comp.getTrackById(tid)->getPosition(); Track *track = comp.getTrackByPosition(pos + 1); // If the track exists if (track) { comp.setSelectedTrack(track->getId()); m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments(comp.getSelectedTrack()); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotMuteAllTracks() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotMuteAllTracks" << endl; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); Composition::trackcontainer tracks = comp.getTracks(); Composition::trackiterator tit; for (tit = tracks.begin(); tit != tracks.end(); ++tit) m_view->slotSetMute((*tit).second->getInstrument(), true); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotUnmuteAllTracks() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotUnmuteAllTracks" << endl; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); Composition::trackcontainer tracks = comp.getTracks(); Composition::trackiterator tit; for (tit = tracks.begin(); tit != tracks.end(); ++tit) m_view->slotSetMute((*tit).second->getInstrument(), false); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleMutedCurrentTrack() { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); TrackId tid = comp.getSelectedTrack(); Track *track = comp.getTrackById(tid); // If the track exists if (track) { bool isMuted = track->isMuted(); m_view->slotSetMuteButton(tid, !isMuted); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotToggleRecordCurrentTrack() { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); TrackId tid = comp.getSelectedTrack(); int pos = comp.getTrackPositionById(tid); m_view->getTrackEditor()->getTrackButtons()->slotToggleRecordTrack(pos); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotConfigure() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotConfigure\n"; ConfigureDialog *configDlg = new ConfigureDialog(m_doc, this); connect(configDlg, SIGNAL(updateAutoSaveInterval(unsigned int)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateAutoSaveInterval(unsigned int))); connect(configDlg, SIGNAL(updateSidebarStyle(unsigned int)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSidebarStyle(unsigned int))); configDlg->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditDocumentProperties() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditDocumentProperties\n"; DocumentConfigureDialog *configDlg = new DocumentConfigureDialog(m_doc, this); configDlg->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotOpenAudioPathSettings() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotOpenAudioPathSettings\n"; DocumentConfigureDialog *configDlg = new DocumentConfigureDialog(m_doc, this); configDlg->showAudioPage(); configDlg->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditKeys() { //&&& // KKeyDialog::configure(actionCollection()); //&&& disabled KKeyDialog for now } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditToolbars() { //&&& // KEditToolbar dlg(actionCollection(), "rosegardenui.rc"); //&&& disabled Toolbar config. no qt4 equival. /* QToolBar dlg; connect(&dlg, SIGNAL(newToolbarConfig()), SLOT(slotUpdateToolbars())); dlg.exec(); */ } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdateToolbars() { // createGUI("rosegardenui.rc"); findAction("show_stock_toolbar")->setChecked(!(findToolbar("Main Toolbar")->isHidden())); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTempo() { slotEditTempo(this); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTempo(timeT atTime) { slotEditTempo(this, atTime); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTempo(QWidget *parent) { slotEditTempo(parent, m_doc->getComposition().getPosition()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTempo(QWidget *parent, timeT atTime) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTempo\n"; TempoDialog tempoDialog(parent, m_doc); connect(&tempoDialog, SIGNAL(changeTempo(timeT, tempoT, tempoT, TempoDialog::TempoDialogAction)), SLOT(slotChangeTempo(timeT, tempoT, tempoT, TempoDialog::TempoDialogAction))); tempoDialog.setTempoPosition(atTime); tempoDialog.exec(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTimeSignature() { slotEditTimeSignature(this); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTimeSignature(timeT atTime) { slotEditTimeSignature(this, atTime); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTimeSignature(QWidget *parent) { slotEditTimeSignature(parent, m_doc->getComposition().getPosition()); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTimeSignature(QWidget *parent, timeT time) { Composition &composition(m_doc->getComposition()); TimeSignature sig = composition.getTimeSignatureAt(time); TimeSignatureDialog dialog(parent, &composition, time, sig); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { time = dialog.getTime(); if (dialog.shouldNormalizeRests()) { CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new AddTimeSignatureAndNormalizeCommand (&composition, time, dialog.getTimeSignature())); } else { CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new AddTimeSignatureCommand (&composition, time, dialog.getTimeSignature())); } } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTransportTime() { slotEditTransportTime(this); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTransportTime(QWidget *parent) { TimeDialog dialog(parent, tr("Move playback pointer to time"), &m_doc->getComposition(), m_doc->getComposition().getPosition(), true); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(dialog.getTime()); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangeZoom(int) { double duration44 = TimeSignature(4, 4).getBarDuration(); double value = double(m_zoomSlider->getCurrentSize()); m_zoomLabel->setText(tr("%1%").arg(duration44 / value)); RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangeZoom : zoom size = " << m_zoomSlider->getCurrentSize() << endl; // initZoomToolbar sets the zoom value. With some old versions of // Qt3.0, this can cause slotChangeZoom() to be called while the // view hasn't been initialized yet, so we need to check it's not // null // if (m_view) m_view->setZoomSize(m_zoomSlider->getCurrentSize()); long newZoom = int(m_zoomSlider->getCurrentSize() * 1000.0); if (m_doc->getConfiguration().get (DocumentConfiguration::ZoomLevel) != newZoom) { m_doc->getConfiguration().set (DocumentConfiguration::ZoomLevel, newZoom); m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotZoomIn() { m_zoomSlider->increment(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotZoomOut() { m_zoomSlider->decrement(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangeTempo(timeT time, tempoT value, tempoT target, TempoDialog::TempoDialogAction action) { //!!! handle target Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); // We define a macro command here and build up the command // label as we add commands on. // if (action == TempoDialog::AddTempo) { CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new AddTempoChangeCommand(&comp, time, value, target)); } else if (action == TempoDialog::ReplaceTempo) { int index = comp.getTempoChangeNumberAt(time); // if there's no previous tempo change then just set globally // if (index == -1) { CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new AddTempoChangeCommand(&comp, 0, value, target)); return ; } // get time of previous tempo change timeT prevTime = comp.getTempoChange(index).first; MacroCommand *macro = new MacroCommand(tr("Replace Tempo Change at %1").arg(time)); macro->addCommand(new RemoveTempoChangeCommand(&comp, index)); macro->addCommand(new AddTempoChangeCommand(&comp, prevTime, value, target)); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(macro); } else if (action == TempoDialog::AddTempoAtBarStart) { CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(new AddTempoChangeCommand(&comp, comp.getBarStartForTime(time), value, target)); } else if (action == TempoDialog::GlobalTempo || action == TempoDialog::GlobalTempoWithDefault) { MacroCommand *macro = new MacroCommand(tr("Set Global Tempo")); // Remove all tempo changes in reverse order so as the index numbers // don't becoming meaningless as the command gets unwound. // for (int i = 0; i < comp.getTempoChangeCount(); i++) macro->addCommand(new RemoveTempoChangeCommand(&comp, (comp.getTempoChangeCount() - 1 - i))); // add tempo change at time zero // macro->addCommand(new AddTempoChangeCommand(&comp, 0, value, target)); // are we setting default too? // if (action == TempoDialog::GlobalTempoWithDefault) { macro->setName(tr("Set Global and Default Tempo")); macro->addCommand(new ModifyDefaultTempoCommand(&comp, value)); } CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(macro); } else { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangeTempo() - " << "unrecognised tempo command" << endl; } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotMoveTempo(timeT oldTime, timeT newTime) { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); int index = comp.getTempoChangeNumberAt(oldTime); if (index < 0) return ; MacroCommand *macro = new MacroCommand(tr("Move Tempo Change")); std::pair tc = comp.getTempoChange(index); std::pair tr = comp.getTempoRamping(index, false); macro->addCommand(new RemoveTempoChangeCommand(&comp, index)); macro->addCommand(new AddTempoChangeCommand(&comp, newTime, tc.second, tr.first ? tr.second : -1)); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(macro); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeleteTempo(timeT t) { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); int index = comp.getTempoChangeNumberAt(t); if (index < 0) return ; CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(new RemoveTempoChangeCommand (&comp, index)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotAddMarker(timeT time) { AddMarkerCommand *command = new AddMarkerCommand(&m_doc->getComposition(), time, qStrToStrUtf8(tr("new marker")), qStrToStrUtf8(tr("no description")) ); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeleteMarker(int id, timeT time, QString name, QString description) { RemoveMarkerCommand *command = new RemoveMarkerCommand(&m_doc->getComposition(), id, time, qstrtostr(name), qstrtostr(description)); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDocumentModified(bool m) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotDocumentModified(" << m << ") - doc path = " << m_doc->getAbsFilePath() << endl; if (!m_doc->getAbsFilePath().isEmpty()) { slotStateChanged("saved_file_modified", m); } else { slotStateChanged("new_file_modified", m); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotStateChanged(QString s, bool noReverse) { if (noReverse) { enterActionState(s); } else { leaveActionState(s); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotTestClipboard() { // use qt4: //QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); //QString originalText = clipboard->text(); if (m_clipboard->isEmpty()) { leaveActionState("have_clipboard"); //@@@ JAS orig. KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse leaveActionState("have_clipboard_single_segment"); //@@@ JAS orig. KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse } else { enterActionState("have_clipboard"); if (m_clipboard->isSingleSegment()) { //@@@ JAS orig. KXMLGUIClient::StateNoReverse : KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse enterActionState("have_clipboard_single_segment"); } else { leaveActionState("have_clipboard_single_segment"); } } } void RosegardenMainWindow::plugShortcuts(QWidget *widget, QShortcut *acc) { // // Shortcuts are now defined in *.rc files. // // new qt4: // QWidget* sc_parent = this; // QShortcut* sc_tmp; // types:Qt::WidgetShortcut, Qt::ApplicationShortcut, Qt::WindowShortcut /** * Shortcuts for showing/hiding Transport. */ // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_T), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotToggleTransportVisibility())); /** * Shortcuts for playing. */ // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_MediaPlay), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotPlay())); // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Enter), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotPlay())); // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Return + Qt::CTRL), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotPlay())); /** * Shortcuts for stopping. */ // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_MediaStop), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotStop())); // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Insert), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotStop())); /** * Shortcuts for fast forwarding. */ // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_MediaNext), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotFastforward())); // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_PageDown), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotFastforward())); /** * Shortcuts for rewinding. */ // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_MediaPrevious), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotRewind())); // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_PageUp), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotRewind())); /** * Shortcuts for fast forwarding to end. */ // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_End), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotFastForwardToEnd())); /** * Shortcuts for rewinding to beginning. */ // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Home), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotRewindToBeginning())); /** * Shortcuts for recording. */ // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_MediaRecord), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotToggleRecord())); // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Space), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotToggleRecord())); TransportDialog *transport = dynamic_cast(widget); if (transport) { // Should not use just Qt::Key_M, because it is used for "Open in MatrixView" // Are these needed, because we also have "Ctrl + 1" ... "Ctrl + 9" and "1" ... "9" // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_M), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); //sc_tmp = m_jumpToQuickMarkerAction->shortcut(); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotJumpToQuickMarker())); // sc_tmp = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_M), sc_parent, 0, 0, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); //sc_tmp = m_setQuickMarkerAction->shortcut(); // connect(sc_tmp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotSetQuickMarker())); connect(transport->PlayButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotPlay())); connect(transport->StopButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotStop())); connect(transport->FfwdButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotFastforward())); connect(transport->RewindButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRewind())); connect(transport->RecordButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRecord())); connect(transport->RewindEndButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRewindToBeginning())); connect(transport->FfwdEndButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFastForwardToEnd())); connect(transport->MetronomeButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotToggleMetronome())); connect(transport->SoloButton(), SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotToggleSolo(bool))); connect(transport->TimeDisplayButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRefreshTimeDisplay())); connect(transport->ToEndButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotRefreshTimeDisplay())); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::setCursor(const QCursor& cursor) { //KDockMainWindow::setCursor(cursor); // this->setCursor(cursor); // note. this (qmainwindow) now contains main dock // play it safe, so we can use this class at anytime even very early in the app init if ((getView() && getView()->getTrackEditor() && getView()->getTrackEditor()->getCompositionView() && getView()->getTrackEditor()->getCompositionView()->viewport())) { getView()->getTrackEditor()->getCompositionView()->viewport()->setCursor(cursor); } // view, main window... // getView()->setCursor(cursor); // toolbars... // /* //&&& what does this do? - disabled QPtrListIterator tbIter = toolBarIterator(); QToolBar* tb = 0; while ((tb = tbIter.current()) != 0) { tb->setCursor(cursor); ++tbIter; } */ if (m_dockLeft) m_dockLeft->setCursor(cursor); } QVector RosegardenMainWindow::createRecordAudioFiles(const QVector &recordInstruments) { QVector qv; // Refuse to start recording to "Untitled" for the user's own good. (Want // proof? Look at my 3.9G ~/rosegarden full of meaningless files not // associated with anything particular. The ones since 2005, at least I // know the date I recorded them, but that isn't very helpful.) // // I weighed the user inconvenience carefully, and decided to do this to // maximize the value of the new filenames that include the title and // instrument alias. It's worthelss if they all say "Untitled" and there's // no way to make "pick this and set that up before you hit this" intuitive, // so I've had to throw instructions in their face. if (m_doc->getTitle() == tr("Untitled")) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Rosegarden"), // TRANSLATOR: you may change "doc:audio-filename-en" to a page in your // language if you wish. The n in n.wav refers to an unknown // number, such as might be used in a mathematical equation tr("

You must choose a filename for this composition before recording audio.

Audio files will be saved to %1 as rg-[filename]-[instrument]-date_time-n.wav. You may wish to rename audio instruments before recording as well. For more information, please see the Rosegarden Wiki.

") .arg(m_doc->getAudioFileManager().getAudioPath()), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); slotFileSave(); //!!! // We should return and cancel here, but the way all of this is strung // together makes that tricky. Let's see if we ever get a bug about "I // tried to record audio, and it told me I had to choose a new name, and // I decided to test my boundaries as a user and canceled the dialog, // and recording started anyway!" If so, this is the place! Anyway, // the aim here is to be helpful, not draconian. } for (int i = 0; i < recordInstruments.size(); ++i) { AudioFile *aF = 0; try { std::string alias = ""; Instrument *ins = m_doc->getStudio().getInstrumentById(recordInstruments[i]); if (ins) alias = ins->getAlias(); aF = m_doc->getAudioFileManager().createRecordingAudioFile(m_doc->getTitle(), strtoqstr(alias)); if (aF) { // createRecordingAudioFile doesn't actually write to the disk, // and in principle it shouldn't fail qv.push_back(aF->getFilename()); m_doc->addRecordAudioSegment(recordInstruments[i], aF->getId()); } else { std::cerr << "ERROR: RosegardenMainWindow::createRecordAudioFiles: Failed to create recording audio file" << std::endl; return qv; } } catch (AudioFileManager::BadAudioPathException e) { delete aF; std::cerr << "ERROR: RosegardenMainWindow::createRecordAudioFiles: Failed to create recording audio file: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl; return qv; } } return qv; } QString RosegardenMainWindow::getAudioFilePath() { return m_doc->getAudioFileManager().getAudioPath(); } QVector RosegardenMainWindow::getArmedInstruments() { std::set iid; const Composition::recordtrackcontainer &tr = m_doc->getComposition().getRecordTracks(); for (Composition::recordtrackcontainer::const_iterator i = tr.begin(); i != tr.end(); ++i) { TrackId tid = (*i); Track *track = m_doc->getComposition().getTrackById(tid); if (track) { iid.insert(track->getInstrument()); } else { std::cerr << "Warning: RosegardenMainWindow::getArmedInstruments: Armed track " << tid << " not found in Composition" << std::endl; } } QVector iv; for (std::set ::iterator ii = iid.begin(); ii != iid.end(); ++ii) { iv.push_back(*ii); } return iv; } void RosegardenMainWindow::showError(QString error) { StartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); // This is principally used for return values from DSSI plugin // configure() calls. It seems some plugins return a string // telling you when everything's OK, as well as error strings, but // dssi.h does make it reasonably clear that configure() should // only return a string when there is actually a problem, so we're // going to stick with a warning dialog here rather than an // information one QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Rosegarden"), error); CurrentProgressDialog::thaw(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotAudioManager() { if (m_audioManagerDialog) { m_audioManagerDialog->show(); m_audioManagerDialog->raise(); m_audioManagerDialog->setActiveWindow(); return ; } m_audioManagerDialog = new AudioManagerDialog(this, m_doc); connect(m_audioManagerDialog, SIGNAL(playAudioFile(AudioFileId, const RealTime &, const RealTime&)), SLOT(slotPlayAudioFile(AudioFileId, const RealTime &, const RealTime &))); connect(m_audioManagerDialog, SIGNAL(addAudioFile(AudioFileId)), SLOT(slotAddAudioFile(AudioFileId))); connect(m_audioManagerDialog, SIGNAL(deleteAudioFile(AudioFileId)), SLOT(slotDeleteAudioFile(AudioFileId))); // // Sync segment selection between audio man. dialog and main window // // from dialog to us... connect(m_audioManagerDialog, SIGNAL(segmentsSelected(const SegmentSelection&)), m_view, SLOT(slotPropagateSegmentSelection(const SegmentSelection&))); // and from us to dialog connect(this, SIGNAL(segmentsSelected(const SegmentSelection&)), m_audioManagerDialog, SLOT(slotSegmentSelection(const SegmentSelection&))); connect(m_audioManagerDialog, SIGNAL(deleteSegments(const SegmentSelection&)), SLOT(slotDeleteSegments(const SegmentSelection&))); connect(m_audioManagerDialog, SIGNAL(insertAudioSegment(AudioFileId, const RealTime&, const RealTime&)), m_view, SLOT(slotAddAudioSegmentDefaultPosition(AudioFileId, const RealTime&, const RealTime&))); connect(m_audioManagerDialog, SIGNAL(cancelPlayingAudioFile(AudioFileId)), SLOT(slotCancelAudioPlayingFile(AudioFileId))); connect(m_audioManagerDialog, SIGNAL(deleteAllAudioFiles()), SLOT(slotDeleteAllAudioFiles())); // Make sure we know when the audio man. dialog is closing // connect(m_audioManagerDialog, SIGNAL(closing()), SLOT(slotAudioManagerClosed())); // And that it goes away when the current document is changing // connect(this, SIGNAL(documentAboutToChange()), m_audioManagerDialog, SLOT(close())); m_audioManagerDialog->setAudioSubsystemStatus( m_seqManager->getSoundDriverStatus() & AUDIO_OK); plugShortcuts(m_audioManagerDialog, m_audioManagerDialog->getShortcuts()); m_audioManagerDialog->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPlayAudioFile(unsigned int id, const RealTime &startTime, const RealTime &duration) { AudioFile *aF = m_doc->getAudioFileManager().getAudioFile(id); if (aF == 0) return ; MappedEvent mE(m_doc->getStudio(). getAudioPreviewInstrument(), id, RealTime(-120, 0), duration, // duration startTime); // start index StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mE); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotAddAudioFile(unsigned int id) { AudioFile *aF = m_doc->getAudioFileManager().getAudioFile(id); if (aF == 0) return; int result = RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()-> addAudioFile(aF->getFilename(), aF->getId()); if (!result) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Sequencer failed to add audio file %1").arg(aF->getFilename())); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeleteAudioFile(unsigned int id) { if (m_doc->getAudioFileManager().removeFile(id) == false) return ; int result = RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()->removeAudioFile(id); if (!result) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Sequencer failed to remove audio file id %1").arg(id)); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeleteSegments(const SegmentSelection &selection) { m_view->slotPropagateSegmentSelection(selection); slotDeleteSelectedSegments(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotCancelAudioPlayingFile(AudioFileId id) { AudioFile *aF = m_doc->getAudioFileManager().getAudioFile(id); if (aF == 0) return ; MappedEvent mE(m_doc->getStudio(). getAudioPreviewInstrument(), MappedEvent::AudioCancel, id); StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mE); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeleteAllAudioFiles() { m_doc->getAudioFileManager().clear(); // Clear at the sequencer // RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()->clearAllAudioFiles(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotRepeatingSegments() { m_view->getTrackEditor()->slotTurnRepeatingSegmentToRealCopies(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotRelabelSegments() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; SegmentSelection selection(m_view->getSelection()); QString editLabel; if (selection.size() == 0) return ; else if (selection.size() == 1) editLabel = tr("Modify Segment label"); else editLabel = tr("Modify Segments label"); TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Relabelling selection..."), this); // Generate label QString label = strtoqstr((*selection.begin())->getLabel()); for (SegmentSelection::iterator i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { if (strtoqstr((*i)->getLabel()) != label) label = ""; } bool ok = false; QString newLabel = InputDialog::getText(dynamic_cast(this), tr("Input"), tr("Enter new label"), LineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok); if (ok) { CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new SegmentLabelCommand(selection, newLabel)); m_view->getTrackEditor()->getCompositionView()->slotUpdateSegmentsDrawBuffer(); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotTransposeSegments() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; IntervalDialog intervalDialog(this, true, true); int ok = intervalDialog.exec(); int semitones = intervalDialog.getChromaticDistance(); int steps = intervalDialog.getDiatonicDistance(); if (!ok || (semitones == 0 && steps == 0)) return; CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new SegmentTransposeCommand(m_view->getSelection(), intervalDialog.getChangeKey(), steps, semitones, intervalDialog.getTransposeSegmentBack())); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangeCompositionLength() { CompositionLengthDialog dialog(this, &m_doc->getComposition()); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { ChangeCompositionLengthCommand *command = new ChangeCompositionLengthCommand( &m_doc->getComposition(), dialog.getStartMarker(), dialog.getEndMarker()); m_view->getTrackEditor()->getCompositionView()->clearSegmentRectsCache(true); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command); // If you change the composition length to 50 while the pointer is still // at 100 and save, the pointer position is saved, and the document // re-extends itself to 100 when you reload. I was going to bother to // do some nice "if the pointer is beyond the new end then move the // pointer" logic here, but it's more than a oneliner, and so we'll just // rewind the damn cursor to the beginning as insurance against this, // and dust off our hands. slotRewindToBeginning(); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotManageMIDIDevices() { if (m_deviceManager) { m_deviceManager->show(); m_deviceManager->raise(); m_deviceManager->setActiveWindow(); return; } if (!m_deviceManager) { m_deviceManager = new DeviceManagerDialog(this, getDocument()); connect(m_deviceManager, SIGNAL(editBanks(DeviceId)), this, SLOT(slotEditBanks(DeviceId))); connect(m_deviceManager, SIGNAL(editControllers(DeviceId)), this, SLOT(slotEditControlParameters(DeviceId))); connect(m_deviceManager, SIGNAL(closing()), this, SLOT(slotDeviceManagerClosed())); connect(this, SIGNAL(documentAboutToChange()), m_deviceManager, SLOT(close())); if (m_midiMixer) { connect(m_deviceManager, SIGNAL(deviceNamesChanged()), m_midiMixer, SLOT(slotSynchronise())); } connect(m_deviceManager, SIGNAL(deviceNamesChanged()), m_trackParameterBox, SLOT(slotPopulateDeviceLists())); } QToolButton *tb = findChild("manage_midi_devices"); if(tb){ tb->setDown(true); } // Prevent the device manager from being resized larger or smaller than the // size it first renders at. I tried to correct this in Designer, but long // story short, the only way I could get the form preview to behave properly // was to fix its size in the .ui file. That can't possibly work well, so // we'll try fixing its size here, after it has been calculated against the // user environment. QSize renderedSize = m_deviceManager->size(); m_deviceManager->setMinimumSize(renderedSize); m_deviceManager->setMaximumSize(renderedSize); m_deviceManager->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotManageSynths() { if (m_synthManager) { m_synthManager->show(); m_synthManager->raise(); m_synthManager->setActiveWindow(); return ; } m_synthManager = new SynthPluginManagerDialog(this, m_doc, m_pluginGUIManager); connect(m_synthManager, SIGNAL(closing()), this, SLOT(slotSynthPluginManagerClosed())); connect(this, SIGNAL(documentAboutToChange()), m_synthManager, SLOT(close())); connect(m_synthManager, SIGNAL(pluginSelected(InstrumentId, int, int)), this, SLOT(slotPluginSelected(InstrumentId, int, int))); connect(m_synthManager, SIGNAL(showPluginDialog(QWidget *, InstrumentId, int)), this, SLOT(slotShowPluginDialog(QWidget *, InstrumentId, int))); connect(m_synthManager, SIGNAL(showPluginGUI(InstrumentId, int)), this, SLOT(slotShowPluginGUI(InstrumentId, int))); m_synthManager->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotOpenAudioMixer() { if (m_audioMixer) { m_audioMixer->show(); m_audioMixer->raise(); m_audioMixer->setActiveWindow(); return ; } m_audioMixer = new AudioMixerWindow(this, m_doc); connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(windowActivated()), m_view, SLOT(slotActiveMainWindowChanged())); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(controllerDeviceEventReceived(MappedEvent *, const void *)), m_audioMixer, SLOT(slotControllerDeviceEventReceived(MappedEvent *, const void *))); connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(closing()), this, SLOT(slotAudioMixerClosed())); // this works connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(selectPlugin(QWidget *, InstrumentId, int)), this, SLOT(slotShowPluginDialog(QWidget *, InstrumentId, int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(pluginSelected(InstrumentId, int, int)), m_audioMixer, SLOT(slotPluginSelected(InstrumentId, int, int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(pluginBypassed(InstrumentId, int, bool)), m_audioMixer, SLOT(slotPluginBypassed(InstrumentId, int, bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(documentAboutToChange()), m_audioMixer, SLOT(close())); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(checkTrackAssignments()), m_audioMixer, SLOT(slotTrackAssignmentsChanged())); connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(play()), this, SLOT(slotPlay())); connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(stop()), this, SLOT(slotStop())); connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(fastForwardPlayback()), this, SLOT(slotFastforward())); connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(rewindPlayback()), this, SLOT(slotRewind())); connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(fastForwardPlaybackToEnd()), this, SLOT(slotFastForwardToEnd())); connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(rewindPlaybackToBeginning()), this, SLOT(slotRewindToBeginning())); connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(record()), this, SLOT(slotRecord())); connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(panic()), this, SLOT(slotPanic())); connect(m_audioMixer, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId)), this, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId))); connect(this, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId)), m_audioMixer, SLOT(slotUpdateInstrument(InstrumentId))); if (m_synthManager) { connect(m_synthManager, SIGNAL(pluginSelected(InstrumentId, int, int)), m_audioMixer, SLOT(slotPluginSelected(InstrumentId, int, int))); } plugShortcuts(m_audioMixer, m_audioMixer->getShortcuts()); m_audioMixer->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotOpenMidiMixer() { if (m_midiMixer) { m_midiMixer->show(); m_midiMixer->raise(); m_midiMixer->setActiveWindow(); return ; } m_midiMixer = new MidiMixerWindow(this, m_doc); connect(m_midiMixer, SIGNAL(windowActivated()), m_view, SLOT(slotActiveMainWindowChanged())); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(controllerDeviceEventReceived(MappedEvent *, const void *)), m_midiMixer, SLOT(slotControllerDeviceEventReceived(MappedEvent *, const void *))); connect(m_midiMixer, SIGNAL(closing()), this, SLOT(slotMidiMixerClosed())); connect(this, SIGNAL(documentAboutToChange()), m_midiMixer, SLOT(close())); connect(m_midiMixer, SIGNAL(play()), this, SLOT(slotPlay())); connect(m_midiMixer, SIGNAL(stop()), this, SLOT(slotStop())); connect(m_midiMixer, SIGNAL(fastForwardPlayback()), this, SLOT(slotFastforward())); connect(m_midiMixer, SIGNAL(rewindPlayback()), this, SLOT(slotRewind())); connect(m_midiMixer, SIGNAL(fastForwardPlaybackToEnd()), this, SLOT(slotFastForwardToEnd())); connect(m_midiMixer, SIGNAL(rewindPlaybackToBeginning()), this, SLOT(slotRewindToBeginning())); connect(m_midiMixer, SIGNAL(record()), this, SLOT(slotRecord())); connect(m_midiMixer, SIGNAL(panic()), this, SLOT(slotPanic())); connect(m_midiMixer, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId)), this, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId))); connect(this, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId)), m_midiMixer, SLOT(slotUpdateInstrument(InstrumentId))); plugShortcuts(m_midiMixer, m_midiMixer->getShortcuts()); m_midiMixer->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditControlParameters(DeviceId device) { for (std::set ::iterator i = m_controlEditors.begin(); i != m_controlEditors.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->getDevice() == device) { (*i)->show(); (*i)->raise(); (*i)->setActiveWindow(); return ; } } ControlEditorDialog *controlEditor = new ControlEditorDialog(this, m_doc, device); m_controlEditors.insert(controlEditor); RG_DEBUG << "inserting control editor dialog, have " << m_controlEditors.size() << " now" << endl; connect(controlEditor, SIGNAL(closing()), SLOT(slotControlEditorClosed())); connect(this, SIGNAL(documentAboutToChange()), controlEditor, SLOT(close())); connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(devicesResyncd()), controlEditor, SLOT(slotUpdate())); controlEditor->resize(780, 360); controlEditor->move(50, 80); controlEditor->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditBanks() { slotEditBanks(Device::NO_DEVICE); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditBanks(DeviceId device) { if (m_bankEditor) { if (device != Device::NO_DEVICE) m_bankEditor->setCurrentDevice(device); m_bankEditor->show(); m_bankEditor->raise(); m_bankEditor->setActiveWindow(); return ; } m_bankEditor = new BankEditorDialog(this, m_doc, device); connect(m_bankEditor, SIGNAL(closing()), this, SLOT(slotBankEditorClosed())); connect(this, SIGNAL(documentAboutToChange()), m_bankEditor, SLOT(slotFileClose())); // Cheating way of updating the track/instrument list // connect(m_bankEditor, SIGNAL(deviceNamesChanged()), m_view, SLOT(slotSynchroniseWithComposition())); // Assume a m_device manager at this point, but check // Need to refresh the device manager as well connect(m_bankEditor, SIGNAL(deviceNamesChanged()), m_deviceManager, SLOT(slotResyncDevicesReceived())); m_bankEditor->show(); connect(m_bankEditor, SIGNAL(deviceNamesChanged()), m_trackParameterBox, SLOT(slotPopulateDeviceLists())); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotManageTriggerSegments() { if (m_triggerSegmentManager) { m_triggerSegmentManager->show(); m_triggerSegmentManager->raise(); m_triggerSegmentManager->setActiveWindow(); return ; } m_triggerSegmentManager = new TriggerSegmentManager(this, m_doc); connect(m_triggerSegmentManager, SIGNAL(closing()), SLOT(slotTriggerManagerClosed())); connect(m_triggerSegmentManager, SIGNAL(editTriggerSegment(int)), m_view, SLOT(slotEditTriggerSegment(int))); m_triggerSegmentManager->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotTriggerManagerClosed() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotTriggerManagerClosed" << endl; m_triggerSegmentManager = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditMarkers() { if (m_markerEditor) { m_markerEditor->show(); m_markerEditor->raise(); m_markerEditor->setActiveWindow(); return ; } m_markerEditor = new MarkerEditor(this, m_doc); connect(m_markerEditor, SIGNAL(closing()), SLOT(slotMarkerEditorClosed())); connect(m_markerEditor, SIGNAL(jumpToMarker(timeT)), m_doc, SLOT(slotSetPointerPosition(timeT))); plugShortcuts(m_markerEditor, m_markerEditor->getShortcuts()); m_markerEditor->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotMarkerEditorClosed() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotMarkerEditorClosed" << endl; m_markerEditor = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEditTempos(timeT t) { if (m_tempoView) { m_tempoView->show(); m_tempoView->raise(); m_tempoView->setActiveWindow(); return ; } m_tempoView = new TempoView(m_doc, getView(), t); connect(m_tempoView, SIGNAL(closing()), SLOT(slotTempoViewClosed())); connect(m_tempoView, SIGNAL(windowActivated()), getView(), SLOT(slotActiveMainWindowChanged())); connect(m_tempoView, SIGNAL(changeTempo(timeT, tempoT, tempoT, TempoDialog::TempoDialogAction)), this, SLOT(slotChangeTempo(timeT, tempoT, tempoT, TempoDialog::TempoDialogAction))); connect(m_tempoView, SIGNAL(saveFile()), this, SLOT(slotFileSave())); plugShortcuts(m_tempoView, m_tempoView->getShortcuts()); m_tempoView->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotTempoViewClosed() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotTempoViewClosed" << endl; m_tempoView = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotControlEditorClosed() { const QObject *s = sender(); RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotControlEditorClosed" << endl; for (std::set::iterator i = m_controlEditors.begin(); i != m_controlEditors.end(); ++i) { if (*i == s) { m_controlEditors.erase(i); RG_DEBUG << "removed control editor dialog, have " << m_controlEditors.size() << " left" << endl; return ; } } std::cerr << "WARNING: control editor " << s << " closed, but couldn't find it in our control editor list (we have " << m_controlEditors.size() << " editors)" << std::endl; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotShowPluginDialog(QWidget *parent, InstrumentId instrumentId, int index) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotShowPluginDialog(" << parent << ", " << instrumentId << ", " << index << ")" << endl; if (!parent) parent = this; int key = (index << 16) + instrumentId; if (m_pluginDialogs[key]) { m_pluginDialogs[key]->show(); m_pluginDialogs[key]->raise(); m_pluginDialogs[key]->setActiveWindow(); return ; } PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_doc->getStudio().getContainerById(instrumentId); if (!container) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotShowPluginDialog - " << "no instrument or buss of id " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } // only create a dialog if we've got a plugin instance AudioPluginInstance *inst = container->getPlugin(index); if (!inst) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotShowPluginDialog - " << "no AudioPluginInstance found for index " << index << endl; return ; } // Create the plugin dialog // AudioPluginDialog *dialog = new AudioPluginDialog(parent, m_doc->getPluginManager(), m_pluginGUIManager, container, index); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(windowActivated()), m_view, SLOT(slotActiveMainWindowChanged())); /* This feature isn't provided by the plugin dialog connect(m_view, SIGNAL(controllerDeviceEventReceived(MappedEvent *, const void *)), dialog, SLOT(slotControllerDeviceEventReceived(MappedEvent *, const void *))); */ // Plug the new dialog into the standard keyboard shortcuts so // that we can use them still while the plugin has focus. // plugShortcuts(dialog, dialog->getShortcuts()); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(pluginSelected(InstrumentId, int, int)), this, SLOT(slotPluginSelected(InstrumentId, int, int))); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(pluginPortChanged(InstrumentId, int, int)), this, SLOT(slotPluginPortChanged(InstrumentId, int, int))); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(pluginProgramChanged(InstrumentId, int)), this, SLOT(slotPluginProgramChanged(InstrumentId, int))); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(changePluginConfiguration(InstrumentId, int, bool, QString, QString)), this, SLOT(slotChangePluginConfiguration(InstrumentId, int, bool, QString, QString))); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(showPluginGUI(InstrumentId, int)), this, SLOT(slotShowPluginGUI(InstrumentId, int))); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(stopPluginGUI(InstrumentId, int)), this, SLOT(slotStopPluginGUI(InstrumentId, int))); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(bypassed(InstrumentId, int, bool)), this, SLOT(slotPluginBypassed(InstrumentId, int, bool))); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(destroyed(InstrumentId, int)), this, SLOT(slotPluginDialogDestroyed(InstrumentId, int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(documentAboutToChange()), dialog, SLOT(close())); m_pluginDialogs[key] = dialog; m_pluginDialogs[key]->show(); // Set modified m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginSelected(InstrumentId instrumentId, int index, int plugin) { const QObject *s = sender(); bool fromSynthMgr = (s == m_synthManager); // It's assumed that ports etc will already have been set up on // the AudioPluginInstance before this is invoked. PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_doc->getStudio().getContainerById(instrumentId); if (!container) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginSelected - " << "no instrument or buss of id " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } AudioPluginInstance *inst = container->getPlugin(index); if (!inst) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginSelected - " << "got index of unknown plugin!" << endl; return ; } if (plugin == -1) { // Destroy plugin instance //!!! seems iffy -- why can't we just unassign it? if (StudioControl:: destroyStudioObject(inst->getMappedId())) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginSelected - " << "cannot destroy Studio object " << inst->getMappedId() << endl; } inst->setAssigned(false); } else { // If unassigned then create a sequencer instance of this // AudioPluginInstance. // if (inst->isAssigned()) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginSelected - " << " setting identifier for mapper id " << inst->getMappedId() << " to " << strtoqstr(inst->getIdentifier()) << endl; StudioControl::setStudioObjectProperty(inst->getMappedId(), MappedPluginSlot::Identifier, strtoqstr(inst->getIdentifier())); } else { // create a studio object at the sequencer MappedObjectId newId = StudioControl::createStudioObject (MappedObject::PluginSlot); RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginSelected - " << " new MappedObjectId = " << newId << endl; // set the new Mapped ID and that this instance // is assigned inst->setMappedId(newId); inst->setAssigned(true); // set the instrument id StudioControl::setStudioObjectProperty (newId, MappedObject::Instrument, MappedObjectValue(instrumentId)); // set the position StudioControl::setStudioObjectProperty (newId, MappedObject::Position, MappedObjectValue(index)); // set the plugin id StudioControl::setStudioObjectProperty (newId, MappedPluginSlot::Identifier, strtoqstr(inst->getIdentifier())); } } int pluginMappedId = inst->getMappedId(); //!!! much code duplicated here from RosegardenDocument::initialiseStudio inst->setConfigurationValue (qstrtostr(PluginIdentifier::RESERVED_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_KEY), qstrtostr(m_doc->getAudioFileManager().getAudioPath())); // Set opaque string configuration data (e.g. for DSSI plugin) // MappedObjectPropertyList config; for (AudioPluginInstance::ConfigMap::const_iterator i = inst->getConfiguration().begin(); i != inst->getConfiguration().end(); ++i) { config.push_back(strtoqstr(i->first)); config.push_back(strtoqstr(i->second)); } QString error = StudioControl::setStudioObjectPropertyList (pluginMappedId, MappedPluginSlot::Configuration, config); if (error != "") showError(error); // Set the bypass // StudioControl::setStudioObjectProperty (pluginMappedId, MappedPluginSlot::Bypassed, MappedObjectValue(inst->isBypassed())); // Set the program // if (inst->getProgram() != "") { StudioControl::setStudioObjectProperty (pluginMappedId, MappedPluginSlot::Program, strtoqstr(inst->getProgram())); } // Set all the port values // PortInstanceIterator portIt; for (portIt = inst->begin(); portIt != inst->end(); ++portIt) { StudioControl::setStudioPluginPort (pluginMappedId, (*portIt)->number, (*portIt)->value); } if (fromSynthMgr) { int key = (index << 16) + instrumentId; if (m_pluginDialogs[key]) { m_pluginDialogs[key]->updatePlugin(plugin); } } else if (m_synthManager) { m_synthManager->updatePlugin(instrumentId, plugin); } emit pluginSelected(instrumentId, index, plugin); // Set modified m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangePluginPort(InstrumentId instrumentId, int pluginIndex, int portIndex, float value) { PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_doc->getStudio().getContainerById(instrumentId); if (!container) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangePluginPort - " << "no instrument or buss of id " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } AudioPluginInstance *inst = container->getPlugin(pluginIndex); if (!inst) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangePluginPort - " << "no plugin at index " << pluginIndex << " on " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } PluginPortInstance *port = inst->getPort(portIndex); if (!port) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangePluginPort - no port " << portIndex << endl; return ; } RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginPortChanged - " << "setting plugin port (" << inst->getMappedId() << ", " << portIndex << ") from " << port->value << " to " << value << endl; port->setValue(value); StudioControl::setStudioPluginPort(inst->getMappedId(), portIndex, port->value); m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); // This modification came from The Outside! int key = (pluginIndex << 16) + instrumentId; if (m_pluginDialogs[key]) { m_pluginDialogs[key]->updatePluginPortControl(portIndex); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginPortChanged(InstrumentId instrumentId, int pluginIndex, int portIndex) { PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_doc->getStudio().getContainerById(instrumentId); if (!container) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginPortChanged - " << "no instrument or buss of id " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } AudioPluginInstance *inst = container->getPlugin(pluginIndex); if (!inst) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginPortChanged - " << "no plugin at index " << pluginIndex << " on " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } PluginPortInstance *port = inst->getPort(portIndex); if (!port) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginPortChanged - no port " << portIndex << endl; return ; } RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginPortChanged - " << "setting plugin port (" << inst->getMappedId() << ", " << portIndex << ") to " << port->value << endl; StudioControl::setStudioPluginPort(inst->getMappedId(), portIndex, port->value); m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); // This modification came from our own plugin dialog, so update // any external GUIs if (m_pluginGUIManager) { m_pluginGUIManager->updatePort(instrumentId, pluginIndex, portIndex); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangePluginProgram(InstrumentId instrumentId, int pluginIndex, QString program) { PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_doc->getStudio().getContainerById(instrumentId); if (!container) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangePluginProgram - " << "no instrument or buss of id " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } AudioPluginInstance *inst = container->getPlugin(pluginIndex); if (!inst) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangePluginProgram - " << "no plugin at index " << pluginIndex << " on " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangePluginProgram - " << "setting plugin program (" << inst->getMappedId() << ") from " << strtoqstr(inst->getProgram()) << " to " << program << endl; inst->setProgram(qstrtostr(program)); StudioControl:: setStudioObjectProperty(inst->getMappedId(), MappedPluginSlot::Program, program); PortInstanceIterator portIt; for (portIt = inst->begin(); portIt != inst->end(); ++portIt) { float value = StudioControl::getStudioPluginPort (inst->getMappedId(), (*portIt)->number); (*portIt)->value = value; } // Set modified m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); int key = (pluginIndex << 16) + instrumentId; if (m_pluginDialogs[key]) { m_pluginDialogs[key]->updatePluginProgramControl(); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginProgramChanged(InstrumentId instrumentId, int pluginIndex) { PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_doc->getStudio().getContainerById(instrumentId); if (!container) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginProgramChanged - " << "no instrument or buss of id " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } AudioPluginInstance *inst = container->getPlugin(pluginIndex); if (!inst) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginProgramChanged - " << "no plugin at index " << pluginIndex << " on " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } QString program = strtoqstr(inst->getProgram()); RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginProgramChanged - " << "setting plugin program (" << inst->getMappedId() << ") to " << program << endl; StudioControl:: setStudioObjectProperty(inst->getMappedId(), MappedPluginSlot::Program, program); PortInstanceIterator portIt; for (portIt = inst->begin(); portIt != inst->end(); ++portIt) { float value = StudioControl::getStudioPluginPort (inst->getMappedId(), (*portIt)->number); (*portIt)->value = value; } // Set modified m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); if (m_pluginGUIManager) m_pluginGUIManager->updateProgram(instrumentId, pluginIndex); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangePluginConfiguration(InstrumentId instrumentId, int index, bool global, QString key, QString value) { PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_doc->getStudio().getContainerById(instrumentId); if (!container) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangePluginConfiguration - " << "no instrument or buss of id " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } AudioPluginInstance *inst = container->getPlugin(index); if (global && inst) { // Set the same configuration on other plugins in the same // instance group AudioPlugin *pl = m_pluginManager->getPluginByIdentifier(strtoqstr(inst->getIdentifier())); if (pl && pl->isGrouped()) { InstrumentList il = m_doc->getStudio().getAllInstruments(); for (InstrumentList::iterator i = il.begin(); i != il.end(); ++i) { for (PluginInstanceIterator pli = (*i)->beginPlugins(); pli != (*i)->endPlugins(); ++pli) { if (*pli && (*pli)->isAssigned() && (*pli)->getIdentifier() == inst->getIdentifier() && (*pli) != inst) { slotChangePluginConfiguration ((*i)->getId(), (*pli)->getPosition(), false, key, value); m_pluginGUIManager->updateConfiguration ((*i)->getId(), (*pli)->getPosition(), key); } } } } } if (inst) { inst->setConfigurationValue(qstrtostr(key), qstrtostr(value)); MappedObjectPropertyList config; for (AudioPluginInstance::ConfigMap::const_iterator i = inst->getConfiguration().begin(); i != inst->getConfiguration().end(); ++i) { config.push_back(strtoqstr(i->first)); config.push_back(strtoqstr(i->second)); } RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotChangePluginConfiguration: setting new config on mapped id " << inst->getMappedId() << endl; QString error = StudioControl::setStudioObjectPropertyList (inst->getMappedId(), MappedPluginSlot::Configuration, config); if (error != "") showError(error); // Set modified m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); int key = (index << 16) + instrumentId; if (m_pluginDialogs[key]) { m_pluginDialogs[key]->updatePluginProgramList(); } } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginDialogDestroyed(InstrumentId instrumentId, int index) { int key = (index << 16) + instrumentId; m_pluginDialogs[key] = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginBypassed(InstrumentId instrumentId, int pluginIndex, bool bp) { PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_doc->getStudio().getContainerById(instrumentId); if (!container) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginBypassed - " << "no instrument or buss of id " << instrumentId << endl; return ; } AudioPluginInstance *inst = container->getPlugin(pluginIndex); if (inst) { StudioControl::setStudioObjectProperty (inst->getMappedId(), MappedPluginSlot::Bypassed, MappedObjectValue(bp)); // Set the bypass on the instance // inst->setBypass(bp); // Set modified m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); } emit pluginBypassed(instrumentId, pluginIndex, bp); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotShowPluginGUI(InstrumentId instrument, int index) { m_pluginGUIManager->showGUI(instrument, index); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotStopPluginGUI(InstrumentId instrument, int index) { m_pluginGUIManager->stopGUI(instrument, index); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPluginGUIExited(InstrumentId instrument, int index) { int key = (index << 16) + instrument; if (m_pluginDialogs[key]) { m_pluginDialogs[key]->guiExited(); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPlayList() { if (!m_playList) { m_playList = new PlayListDialog(tr("Play List"), this); connect(m_playList, SIGNAL(closing()), this, SLOT(slotPlayListClosed())); connect(m_playList->getPlayList(), SIGNAL(play(QString)), this, SLOT(slotPlayListPlay(QString))); } m_playList->show(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPlayListPlay(QString url) { // RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPlayListPlay() - called with: " << url << endl; slotStop(); openURL(url); slotPlay(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPlayListClosed() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotPlayListClosed()\n"; if( m_playList ){ // delete m_playList; m_playList = 0; } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotHelp() { // TRANSLATORS: if the manual is translated into your language, you can // change the two-letter language code in this URL to point to your language // version, eg. "http://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/doc:manual-es" for the // Spanish version. If your language doesn't yet have a translation, feel // free to create one. QString helpURL = tr("http://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/doc:manual-en"); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(helpURL)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotTutorial() { QString tutorialURL = tr("http://rosegardenmusic.com/tutorials/"); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(tutorialURL)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotBugGuidelines() { QString glURL = tr("http://rosegarden.sourceforge.net/tutorial/bug-guidelines.html"); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(glURL)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotHelpAbout() { new AboutDialog(this); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotHelpAboutQt() { QMessageBox::aboutQt(this, tr("Rosegarden")); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDonate() { QString url("https://sourceforge.net/project/project_donations.php?group_id=4932"); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotBankEditorClosed() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotBankEditorClosed()\n"; if (m_doc->isModified()) { if (m_view) { m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments(m_doc->getComposition().getSelectedTrack()); } } m_bankEditor = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeviceManagerClosed() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotDeviceManagerClosed()\n"; if (m_doc->isModified()) { if (m_view) { m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments(m_doc->getComposition().getSelectedTrack()); } } m_deviceManager = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSynthPluginManagerClosed() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotSynthPluginManagerClosed()\n"; m_synthManager = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotAudioMixerClosed() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotAudioMixerClosed()\n"; m_audioMixer = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotMidiMixerClosed() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotMidiMixerClosed()\n"; m_midiMixer = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotAudioManagerClosed() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotAudioManagerClosed()\n"; if (m_doc->isModified()) { if (m_view) m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments(m_doc->getComposition().getSelectedTrack()); } m_audioManagerDialog = 0; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPanic() { if (m_seqManager) { // Stop the transport before we send a panic as the // playback goes all to hell anyway. // slotStop(); ProgressDialog *progressDlg = new ProgressDialog( tr("Queueing MIDI panic events for tranmission..."), (QWidget*)this); CurrentProgressDialog::set(progressDlg); connect(m_seqManager, SIGNAL(setValue(int)), progressDlg, SLOT(setValue(int))); m_seqManager->panic(); progressDlg->close(); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotPopulateTrackInstrumentPopup() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetTrackInstrument\n"; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); Track *track = comp.getTrackById(comp.getSelectedTrack()); if (!track) { RG_DEBUG << "Weird: no track available for instrument popup!" << endl; return ; } Instrument* instrument = m_doc->getStudio().getInstrumentById(track->getInstrument()); // QPopupMenu* popup = dynamic_cast(factory()->container("set_track_instrument", this)); QMenu* popup = this->findChild("set_track_instrument"); m_view->getTrackEditor()->getTrackButtons()->populateInstrumentPopup(instrument, popup); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotRemapInstruments() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotRemapInstruments\n"; RemapInstrumentDialog dialog(this, m_doc); connect(&dialog, SIGNAL(applyClicked()), m_view->getTrackEditor()->getTrackButtons(), SLOT(slotSynchroniseWithComposition())); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { RG_DEBUG << "slotRemapInstruments - accepted\n"; } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSaveDefaultStudio() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotSaveDefaultStudio\n"; int reply = QMessageBox::warning (this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Are you sure you want to save this as your default studio?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No); if (reply != QMessageBox::Yes) return ; TmpStatusMsg msg(tr("Saving current document as default studio..."), this); QString autoloadFile = ResourceFinder().getAutoloadSavePath(); RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotSaveDefaultStudio : saving studio in " << autoloadFile << endl; SetWaitCursor waitCursor; QString errMsg; bool res = m_doc->saveDocument(autoloadFile, errMsg); if (!res) { if (!errMsg.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Could not auto-save document at %1\nError was : %2") .arg(autoloadFile).arg(errMsg)); else QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Could not auto-save document at %1") .arg(autoloadFile)); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotImportDefaultStudio() { int reply = QMessageBox::warning (this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Are you sure you want to import your default studio and lose the current one?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); if (reply != QMessageBox::Yes) return ; QString autoloadFile = ResourceFinder().getAutoloadPath(); QFileInfo autoloadFileInfo(autoloadFile); if (!autoloadFileInfo.isReadable()) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenDocument::slotImportDefaultStudio - " << "can't find autoload file - defaulting" << endl; return ; } slotImportStudioFromFile(autoloadFile); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotImportStudio() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotImportStudio()\n"; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(LastUsedPathsConfigGroup); QString directory = settings.value("import_studio", ResourceFinder().getResourceDir("library")).toString(); QUrl url = FileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Import Studio from File"), directory, tr("All supported files") + " (*.rg *.RG *.rgt *.RGT *.rgp *.RGP)" + ";;" + tr("All files") + " (*)", 0, 0); if (url.isEmpty()) return ; QDir d = QFileInfo(url.path()).dir(); directory = d.canonicalPath(); settings.setValue("import_studio", directory); settings.endGroup(); QString target; FileSource source(url); if (!source.isAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Cannot open file %1").arg(url.toString())); return ; } target = source.getLocalFilename(); source.waitForData(); slotImportStudioFromFile(target); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotImportStudioFromFile(const QString &file) { // We're only using this document temporarily, so we don't want to let it // obliterate the command history! bool clearCommandHistory = false, skipAutoload = true; RosegardenDocument *doc = new RosegardenDocument(this, 0, skipAutoload, clearCommandHistory); Studio &oldStudio = m_doc->getStudio(); Studio &newStudio = doc->getStudio(); // Add some dummy devices for when we open the document. We guess // that the file won't have more than 32 devices. // // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // newStudio.addDevice("", i, Device::Midi); // } //!DEVPUSH review this if (doc->openDocument(file, true)) { // true because we actually // do want to create devices // on the sequencer here MacroCommand *command = new MacroCommand(tr("Import Studio")); // We actually only copy across MIDI play devices... for now std::vector midiPlayDevices; for (DeviceList::const_iterator i = oldStudio.begin(); i != oldStudio.end(); ++i) { MidiDevice *md = dynamic_cast(*i); if (md && (md->getDirection() == MidiDevice::Play)) { midiPlayDevices.push_back((*i)->getId()); } } std::vector::iterator di(midiPlayDevices.begin()); for (DeviceList::const_iterator i = newStudio.begin(); i != newStudio.end(); ++i) { MidiDevice *md = dynamic_cast(*i); if (md && (md->getDirection() == MidiDevice::Play)) { if (di != midiPlayDevices.end()) { MidiDevice::VariationType variation (md->getVariationType()); BankList bl(md->getBanks()); ProgramList pl(md->getPrograms()); ControlList cl(md->getControlParameters()); ModifyDeviceCommand* mdCommand = new ModifyDeviceCommand(&oldStudio, *di, md->getName(), md->getLibrarianName(), md->getLibrarianEmail()); mdCommand->setVariation(variation); mdCommand->setBankList(bl); mdCommand->setProgramList(pl); mdCommand->setControlList(cl); mdCommand->setOverwrite(true); mdCommand->setRename(md->getName() != ""); command->addCommand(mdCommand); ++di; } } } while (di != midiPlayDevices.end()) { command->addCommand(new CreateOrDeleteDeviceCommand (&oldStudio, *di)); ++di; } oldStudio.setMIDIThruFilter(newStudio.getMIDIThruFilter()); oldStudio.setMIDIRecordFilter(newStudio.getMIDIRecordFilter()); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command); m_doc->initialiseStudio(); // The other document will have reset it if (m_view) { m_view->slotSelectTrackSegments (m_doc->getComposition().getSelectedTrack()); } } delete doc; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotResetMidiNetwork() { if (m_seqManager) { m_seqManager->preparePlayback(true); m_seqManager->resetMidiNetwork(); } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotModifyMIDIFilters() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotModifyMIDIFilters" << endl; MidiFilterDialog dialog(this, m_doc); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { RG_DEBUG << "slotModifyMIDIFilters - accepted" << endl; } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotManageMetronome() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotManageMetronome" << endl; ManageMetronomeDialog dialog(this, m_doc); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { RG_DEBUG << "slotManageMetronome - accepted" << endl; } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotAutoSave() { if (!m_seqManager || m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == PLAYING || m_seqManager->getTransportStatus() == RECORDING) return ; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); if (! qStrToBool(settings.value("autosave", "true"))) { settings.endGroup(); return ; } m_doc->slotAutoSave(); settings.endGroup(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdateAutoSaveInterval(unsigned int interval) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdateAutoSaveInterval - " << "changed interval to " << interval << endl; m_autoSaveTimer->changeInterval(int(interval) * 1000); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdateSidebarStyle(unsigned int style) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotUpdateSidebarStyle - " << "changed style to " << style << endl; if (m_parameterArea) m_parameterArea->setArrangement((RosegardenParameterArea::Arrangement) style); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotShowTip() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotShowTip" << endl; // KTipDialog::showTip(this, locate("data", "rosegarden/tips"), true); //&&& showTip dialog deactivated. } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotShowToolHelp(const QString &s) { QString msg = s; if (msg != "") msg = " " + msg; slotStatusMsg(msg); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotEnableMIDIThruRouting() { m_seqManager->enableMIDIThruRouting(findAction("enable_midi_routing")->isChecked()); } TransportDialog* RosegardenMainWindow::getTransport() { if (m_transport == 0) createAndSetupTransport(); return m_transport; } RosegardenDocument *RosegardenMainWindow::getDocument() const { return m_doc; } void RosegardenMainWindow::awaitDialogClearance() { std::cerr << "RosegardenMainWindow::awaitDialogClearance: entering" << std::endl; bool haveDialog = true; QDialog *c; QList cl; int i; while (haveDialog) { // std::cerr << "RosegardenMainWindow::awaitDialogClearance: looping" << std::endl; cl = findChildren(); haveDialog = false; for(i=0; i < cl.size(); i++){ c = cl.at(i); if(c->isVisible() && c->objectName() != "Rosegarden Transport"){ haveDialog = true; break; } } if (haveDialog) { qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 300); } } std::cerr << "RosegardenMainWindow::awaitDialogClearance: exiting" << std::endl; } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotNewerVersionAvailable(QString v) { QString text(tr("

Newer version available

")); QString informativeText(tr("

You are using version %1. Version %2 is now available.

Please consult the Rosegarden website for more information.

").arg(VERSION).arg(v)); slotDisplayWarning(WarningWidget::Info, text, informativeText); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetQuickMarker() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotSetQuickMarker" << endl; m_doc->setQuickMarker(); getView()->getTrackEditor()->updateRulers(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotJumpToQuickMarker() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenMainWindow::slotJumpToQuickMarker" << endl; m_doc->jumpToQuickMarker(); } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotDisplayWarning(int type, QString text, QString informativeText) { std::cerr << "MAIN WINDOW DISPLAY WARNING: type " << type << " text" << qstrtostr(text) << std::endl; // I'll need a hack way to make it look like my system isn't broken, for // screenshots, even though in reality Ubuntu 9.04 is totally hopeless //#define PEACHY_HACK #ifdef PEACHY_HACK return; #endif // queue up the message, which trips the warning or info icon in so doing m_warningWidget->queueMessage(type, text, informativeText); // set up the error state for the appropriate icon... this should probably // be managed some other way, but that's organic growth for you switch (type) { case WarningWidget::Midi: m_warningWidget->setMidiWarning(true); break; case WarningWidget::Audio: m_warningWidget->setAudioWarning(true); break; case WarningWidget::Timer: m_warningWidget->setTimerWarning(true); break; case WarningWidget::Other: case WarningWidget::Info: default: break; } } void RosegardenMainWindow::slotSwitchPreset() { if (!m_view->haveSelection()) return ; // Code pasted from NotationView.cpp with very coarse adaptation performed. // Really, I think both places need some more thought about what "selected // segments" and "all segments on this track" mean. Definitely more work // could be done here. TODO PresetHandlerDialog dialog(this, true); if (dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; if (dialog.getConvertAllSegments()) { // get all segments for this track and convert them. Composition& comp = getDocument()->getComposition(); TrackId selectedTrack = comp.getSelectedTrack(); // satisfy #1885251 the way that seems most reasonble to me at the // moment, only changing track parameters when acting on all segments on // this track from the notation view // //!!! This won't be undoable, and I'm not sure if that's seriously // wrong, or just mildly wrong, but I'm betting somebody will tell me // about it if this was inappropriate Track *track = comp.getTrackById(selectedTrack); track->setPresetLabel( qstrtostr(dialog.getName()) ); track->setClef(dialog.getClef()); track->setTranspose(dialog.getTranspose()); track->setLowestPlayable(dialog.getLowRange()); track->setHighestPlayable(dialog.getHighRange()); CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(new SegmentSyncCommand( comp.getSegments(), selectedTrack, dialog.getTranspose(), dialog.getLowRange(), dialog.getHighRange(), clefIndexToClef(dialog.getClef()))); } else { CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(new SegmentSyncCommand( m_view->getSelection(), dialog.getTranspose(), dialog.getLowRange(), dialog.getHighRange(), clefIndexToClef(dialog.getClef()))); } m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); // Fix #1885520 (Update track parameter widget when preset changed from notation) getView()->getTrackParameterBox()->slotUpdateControls(-1); } void RosegardenMainWindow::checkAudioPath() { QString audioPath = m_doc->getAudioFileManager().getAudioPath(); QDir dir(audioPath); QString text(tr("

Invalid audio path

")); QString correctThis(tr("

You will not be able to record audio or drag and drop audio files onto Rosegarden until you correct this in View -> Document Properties -> Audio.

")); if (!dir.exists()) { text = tr("

Created audio path

"); QString informativeText(tr("

Rosegarden created the audio path \"%1\" to use for audio recording, and to receive dropped audio files.

If you wish to use a different path, change this in View -> Document Properties -> Audio.

").arg(audioPath)); slotDisplayWarning(WarningWidget::Info, text, informativeText); if (!dir.mkpath(audioPath)) { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenDocument::testAudioPath() - audio path did not exist. Tried to create it, and failed." << endl; QString informativeText(tr("

The audio path \"%1\" did not exist, and could not be created.

").arg(audioPath).arg(correctThis)); slotDisplayWarning(WarningWidget::Audio, text, informativeText); } } else { QTemporaryFile tmp(audioPath); QString informativeText(tr("

The audio path \"%1\" exists, but is not writable.

").arg(audioPath).arg(correctThis)); bool showError = false; if (tmp.open()) { if (tmp.write("0", 1) == -1) { std::cout << "could not write file" << std::endl; showError = true; } } else { showError = true; } if (showError) { slotDisplayWarning(WarningWidget::Audio, text, informativeText); } if (tmp.isOpen()) tmp.close(); } // This is all more convenient than intentionally breaking things in my system // to trigger warning conditions. It's not a real test of function, but it // serves to test form. //#define WARNING_WIDGET_WORKOUT #ifdef WARNING_WIDGET_WORKOUT slotDisplayWarning(WarningWidget::Audio, "Audio warning!", "Informative audio warning!"); slotDisplayWarning(WarningWidget::Midi, "MIDI warning!", "Informative MIDI warning!"); slotDisplayWarning(WarningWidget::Timer, "Timer warning!", "Informative timer warning!"); slotDisplayWarning(WarningWidget::Other, "Misc. warning!", "Informative misc. warning!"); slotDisplayWarning(WarningWidget::Info, "Information", "Informative information!"); #endif } RosegardenMainWindow *RosegardenMainWindow::m_myself = 0; }// end namespace Rosegarden #include "RosegardenMainWindow.moc"