/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. Copyright 2000-2011 the Rosegarden development team. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "AudioPropertiesPage.h" #include "misc/Strings.h" #include "ConfigurationPage.h" #include "document/RosegardenDocument.h" #include "sequencer/RosegardenSequencer.h" #include "gui/studio/AudioPluginManager.h" #include "gui/general/FileSource.h" #include "sound/AudioFileManager.h" #include "TabbedConfigurationPage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif namespace Rosegarden { AudioPropertiesPage::AudioPropertiesPage(RosegardenDocument *doc, QWidget *parent) : TabbedConfigurationPage(doc, parent) { AudioFileManager &afm = doc->getAudioFileManager(); QFrame *frame = new QFrame(m_tabWidget); frame->setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10); QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout(frame); layout->setSpacing(5); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Audio file path:"), frame), 0, 0); m_path = new QLabel(afm.getAudioPath(), frame); layout->addWidget(m_path, 0, 1); m_changePathButton = new QPushButton(tr("Choose..."), frame); layout->addWidget(m_changePathButton, 0, 2); m_diskSpace = new QLabel(frame); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Disk space remaining:"), frame), 1, 0); layout->addWidget(m_diskSpace, 1, 1); m_minutesAtStereo = new QLabel(frame); layout->addWidget( new QLabel(tr("Equivalent minutes of 16-bit stereo:"), frame), 2, 0); layout->addWidget(m_minutesAtStereo, 2, 1, Qt::AlignCenter); layout->setRowStretch(3, 2); frame->setLayout(layout); calculateStats(); connect(m_changePathButton, SIGNAL(released()), SLOT(slotFileDialog())); addTab(frame, tr("Modify audio path")); } void AudioPropertiesPage::calculateStats() { #ifdef WIN32 ULARGE_INTEGER available, total, totalFree; if (GetDiskFreeSpaceExA(m_path->text().toLocal8Bit().data(), &available, &total, &totalFree)) { __int64 a = available.QuadPart; __int64 t = total.QuadPart; __int64 u = 0; if (t > a) u = t - a; slotFoundMountPoint(m_path->text(), t / 1024, u / 1024, a / 1024); } else { std::cerr << "WARNING: GetDiskFreeSpaceEx failed: error code " << GetLastError() << std::endl; } #else struct statvfs buf; if (!statvfs(m_path->text().toLocal8Bit().data(), &buf)) { // do the multiplies and divides in this order to reduce the // likelihood of arithmetic overflow std::cerr << "statvfs(" << m_path->text().toLocal8Bit().data() << ") says available: " << buf.f_bavail << ", total: " << buf.f_blocks << ", block size: " << buf.f_bsize << std::endl; uint64_t available = ((buf.f_bavail / 1024) * buf.f_bsize); uint64_t total = ((buf.f_blocks / 1024) * buf.f_bsize); uint64_t used = 0; if (total > available) used = total - available; slotFoundMountPoint(m_path->text(), total, used, available); } else { perror("statvfs failed"); } #endif } void AudioPropertiesPage::slotFoundMountPoint(const QString&, unsigned long kBSize, unsigned long /*kBUsed*/, unsigned long kBAvail ) { m_diskSpace->setText(tr("%1 kB out of %2 kB (%3% kB used)") //KIO::convertSizeFromKB .arg(kBAvail) //KIO::convertSizeFromKB .arg(kBSize) .arg(100 - (int)(100.0 * kBAvail / kBSize) )); AudioPluginManager *apm = m_doc->getPluginManager(); int sampleRate = RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()->getSampleRate(); // Work out total bytes and divide this by the sample rate times the // number of channels (2) times the number of bytes per sample (2) // times 60 seconds. // float stereoMins = ( float(kBAvail) * 1024.0 ) / ( float(sampleRate) * 2.0 * 2.0 * 60.0 ); QString minsStr; minsStr.sprintf("%8.1f", stereoMins); m_minutesAtStereo-> setText(QString("%1 %2 %3Hz").arg(minsStr) .arg(tr("minutes at")) .arg(sampleRate)); } void AudioPropertiesPage::slotFileDialog() { AudioFileManager &afm = m_doc->getAudioFileManager(); QFileDialog *fileDialog = new QFileDialog(this, tr("Audio Recording Path"), afm.getAudioPath()); fileDialog->setFileMode( QFileDialog::Directory ); // Interestingly enough, these slots didn't exist in stable_1_7 either, and // nobody ever noticed the Qt runtime warnings. // // connect(fileDialog, SIGNAL(fileSelected(const QString&)), // SLOT(slotFileSelected(const QString&))); // // connect(fileDialog, SIGNAL(destroyed()), // SLOT(slotDirectoryDialogClosed())); if (fileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { m_path->setText(fileDialog->selectedFile()); calculateStats(); } delete fileDialog; } void AudioPropertiesPage::apply() { AudioFileManager &afm = m_doc->getAudioFileManager(); QString newDir = m_path->text(); if (!newDir.isNull()) { afm.setAudioPath(newDir); m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); } } } #include "AudioPropertiesPage.moc"