/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. Copyright 2000-2008 the Rosegarden development team. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "MatrixVelocity.h" #include "base/BaseProperties.h" #include "base/Event.h" #include "base/Segment.h" #include "base/Selection.h" #include "base/SnapGrid.h" #include "base/ViewElement.h" #include "document/CommandHistory.h" #include "commands/edit/ChangeVelocityCommand.h" #include "MatrixElement.h" #include "MatrixViewSegment.h" #include "MatrixMouseEvent.h" #include "MatrixTool.h" #include "MatrixScene.h" #include "MatrixWidget.h" #include "misc/Debug.h" namespace Rosegarden { MatrixVelocity::MatrixVelocity(MatrixWidget *widget) : MatrixTool("matrixvelocity.rc", "MatrixVelocity", widget), m_mouseStartY(0), m_velocityDelta(0), m_screenPixelsScale(100), m_velocityScale(0), m_currentElement(0), m_currentViewSegment(0) { createAction("select", SLOT(slotSelectSelected())); createAction("draw", SLOT(slotDrawSelected())); createAction("erase", SLOT(slotEraseSelected())); createAction("move", SLOT(slotMoveSelected())); createAction("resize", SLOT(slotResizeSelected())); createMenu(); } void MatrixVelocity::handleEventRemoved(Event *event) { if (m_currentElement && m_currentElement->event() == event) { m_currentElement = 0; } } void MatrixVelocity::handleLeftButtonPress(const MatrixMouseEvent *e) { if (!e->element) return; m_currentViewSegment = e->viewSegment; m_currentElement = e->element; // Get mouse pointer m_mouseStartY = e->sceneY; // Add this element and allow velocity change EventSelection *selection = m_scene->getSelection(); if (selection) { EventSelection *newSelection; if ((e->modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) || selection->contains(m_currentElement->event())) { newSelection = new EventSelection(*selection); } else { newSelection = new EventSelection(m_currentViewSegment->getSegment()); } newSelection->addEvent(m_currentElement->event()); m_scene->setSelection(newSelection, true); } else { m_scene->setSingleSelectedEvent(m_currentViewSegment, m_currentElement, true); } } MatrixVelocity::FollowMode MatrixVelocity::handleMouseMove(const MatrixMouseEvent *e) { setBasicContextHelp(); if (!e || !m_currentElement || !m_currentViewSegment) { m_mouseStartY = 0; return NoFollow; } // Check if left mousebutton is down if (!(e->buttons & Qt::LeftButton)) { m_mouseStartY = 0; return NoFollow; } // Calculate velocity scale factor if ((m_mouseStartY - e->sceneY) > m_screenPixelsScale) { m_velocityScale = 1.0; } else if ((m_mouseStartY - e->sceneY) < -m_screenPixelsScale) { m_velocityScale = -1.0; } else { m_velocityScale = (double)(m_mouseStartY - e->sceneY) / // (double)(m_screenPixelsScale * 2); (double)(m_screenPixelsScale); } m_velocityDelta = 128 * m_velocityScale; /*m_velocityDelta=(m_mouseStartY-(e->pos()).y()); if (m_velocityDelta > m_screenPixelsScale) m_velocityDelta=m_screenPixelsScale; else if (m_velocityDelta < -m_screenPixelsScale) m_velocityDelta=-m_screenPixelsScale; m_velocityScale=1.0+(double)m_velocityDelta/(double)m_screenPixelsScale; m_velocityDelta*=2.0; */ // Preview velocity delta in contexthelp setContextHelp(tr("Velocity change: %1").arg(m_velocityDelta)); // Preview calculated velocity info on element // Dupe from MatrixMover EventSelection* selection = m_scene->getSelection(); // MatrixElement *element = 0; // int maxY = m_currentViewSegment->getCanvasYForHeight(0); for (EventSelection::eventcontainer::iterator it = selection->getSegmentEvents().begin(); it != selection->getSegmentEvents().end(); ++it) { // MatrixElement *element = m_currentViewSegment->getElement(*it); // if (!element) continue; MatrixElement *element = 0; ViewElementList::iterator vi = m_currentViewSegment->findEvent(*it); if (vi != m_currentViewSegment->getViewElementList()->end()) { element = static_cast(*vi); } if (!element) continue; // timeT diffTime = element->getViewAbsoluteTime() - // m_currentElement->getViewAbsoluteTime(); // int epitch = 0; // if (element->event()->has(PITCH)) { // epitch = element->event()->get(PITCH); // } int velocity = 64; if (element->event()->has(BaseProperties::VELOCITY)) { velocity = element->event()->get(BaseProperties::VELOCITY); } // element->reconfigure(newTime + diffTime, // element->getViewDuration(), // epitch + diffPitch); element->reconfigure(velocity+m_velocityDelta); element->setSelected(true); } emit hoveredOverNoteChanged(); /** Might be something for the feature EventSelection* selection = m_mParentView->getCurrentSelection(); EventSelection::eventcontainer::iterator it = selection->getSegmentEvents().begin(); MatrixElement *element = 0; for (; it != selection->getSegmentEvents().end(); it++) { element = m_currentViewSegment->getElement(*it); if (element) { // Somehow show the calculated velocity for each selected element // char label[16]; // sprintf(label,"%d",(*it->getVelocity())*m_velocityScale); // element->label(label) /// DOES NOT EXISTS } } */ return NoFollow; } void MatrixVelocity::handleMouseRelease(const MatrixMouseEvent *e) { if (!e || !m_currentElement || !m_currentViewSegment) { m_mouseStartY = 0; return; } EventSelection *selection = m_scene->getSelection(); if (selection) selection = new EventSelection(*selection); else selection = new EventSelection(m_currentViewSegment->getSegment()); if (selection->getAddedEvents() == 0 || m_velocityDelta == 0) { delete selection; return; } else { QString commandLabel = tr("Change Velocity"); if (selection->getAddedEvents() > 1) { commandLabel = tr("Change Velocities"); } CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand (new ChangeVelocityCommand(m_velocityDelta, *selection, false)); } // Reset the start of mousemove m_velocityDelta = m_mouseStartY = 0; m_currentElement = 0; setBasicContextHelp(); delete selection; } void MatrixVelocity::ready() { setBasicContextHelp(); m_widget->setCanvasCursor(Qt::sizeVerCursor); } void MatrixVelocity::stow() { } void MatrixVelocity::setBasicContextHelp() { EventSelection *selection = m_scene->getSelection(); if (selection && selection->getAddedEvents() > 1) { setContextHelp(tr("Click and drag to scale velocity of selected notes")); } else { setContextHelp(tr("Click and drag to scale velocity of note")); } } const QString MatrixVelocity::ToolName = "velocity"; } #include "MatrixVelocity.moc"