/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. Copyright 2000-2011 the Rosegarden development team. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "NotationStaff.h" #include "misc/Debug.h" #include #include "misc/Strings.h" #include "misc/ConfigGroups.h" #include "base/Composition.h" #include "base/Device.h" #include "base/Event.h" #include "base/Exception.h" #include "base/Instrument.h" #include "base/MidiDevice.h" #include "base/MidiTypes.h" #include "base/NotationQuantizer.h" #include "base/NotationRules.h" #include "base/NotationTypes.h" #include "base/Profiler.h" #include "base/Segment.h" #include "base/Selection.h" #include "base/SnapGrid.h" #include "base/Studio.h" #include "base/Track.h" #include "base/ViewElement.h" #include "document/RosegardenDocument.h" #include "gui/editors/guitar/Chord.h" #include "gui/general/PixmapFunctions.h" #include "gui/general/ProgressReporter.h" #include "NotationChord.h" #include "NotationElement.h" #include "NotationProperties.h" #include "NotationHLayout.h" #include "NotationScene.h" #include "NoteFontFactory.h" #include "NotePixmapFactory.h" #include "NotePixmapParameters.h" #include "NoteStyleFactory.h" #include "StaffLayout.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Rosegarden { NotationStaff::NotationStaff(NotationScene *scene, Segment *segment, SnapGrid *snapGrid, int id, NotePixmapFactory *normalFactory, NotePixmapFactory *smallFactory) : ViewSegment(*segment), StaffLayout(scene, this, snapGrid, id, normalFactory->getSize(), normalFactory->getStaffLineThickness(), LinearMode, 0, 0, // pageMode, pageWidth and pageHeight set later 0 // row spacing ), ProgressReporter(0), m_notePixmapFactory(normalFactory), m_graceNotePixmapFactory(smallFactory), m_previewItem(0), m_staffName(0), m_notationScene(scene), m_legerLineCount(8), m_barNumbersEvery(0), m_colourQuantize(true), m_showUnknowns(true), m_showRanges(true), m_showCollisions(true), m_printPainter(0), m_refreshStatusId(segment->getNewRefreshStatusId()) { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup( NotationViewConfigGroup ); m_colourQuantize = qStrToBool( settings.value("colourquantize", "false" ) ) ; // Shouldn't change these during the lifetime of the staff, really: m_showUnknowns = qStrToBool( settings.value("showunknowns", "false" ) ) ; m_showRanges = qStrToBool( settings.value("showranges", "true" ) ) ; m_showCollisions = qStrToBool( settings.value("showcollisions", "true" ) ) ; m_keySigCancelMode = settings.value("keysigcancelmode", 1).toInt() ; settings.endGroup(); setLineThickness(m_notePixmapFactory->getStaffLineThickness()); } NotationStaff::~NotationStaff() { NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::~NotationStaff()" << endl; deleteTimeSignatures(); } SegmentRefreshStatus & NotationStaff::getRefreshStatus() const { return m_segment.getRefreshStatus(m_refreshStatusId); } void NotationStaff::resetRefreshStatus() { m_segment.getRefreshStatus(m_refreshStatusId).setNeedsRefresh(false); } void NotationStaff::setNotePixmapFactories(NotePixmapFactory *normal, NotePixmapFactory *small) { m_notePixmapFactory = normal; m_graceNotePixmapFactory = small; setResolution(m_notePixmapFactory->getSize()); setLineThickness(m_notePixmapFactory->getStaffLineThickness()); } void NotationStaff::insertTimeSignature(double layoutX, const TimeSignature &timeSig) { if (timeSig.isHidden()) return ; m_notePixmapFactory->setSelected(false); QGraphicsItem *item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeTimeSig(timeSig); // QCanvasTimeSigSprite *sprite = // new QCanvasTimeSigSprite(layoutX, pixmap, m_canvas); StaffLayoutCoords sigCoords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords(layoutX, getLayoutYForHeight(4)); getScene()->addItem(item); item->setPos(sigCoords.first, (double)sigCoords.second); item->show(); m_timeSigs.insert(item); } void NotationStaff::deleteTimeSignatures() { // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::deleteTimeSignatures()" << endl; for (ItemSet::iterator i = m_timeSigs.begin(); i != m_timeSigs.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } m_timeSigs.clear(); } void NotationStaff::insertRepeatedClefAndKey(double layoutX, int barNo) { bool needClef = false, needKey = false; timeT t; timeT barStart = getSegment().getComposition()->getBarStart(barNo); Clef clef = getSegment().getClefAtTime(barStart, t); if (t < barStart) needClef = true; ::Rosegarden::Key key = getSegment().getKeyAtTime(barStart, t); if (t < barStart) needKey = true; double dx = m_notePixmapFactory->getBarMargin() / 2; if (!m_notationScene->isInPrintMode()) m_notePixmapFactory->setShaded(true); if (needClef) { int layoutY = getLayoutYForHeight(clef.getAxisHeight()); StaffLayoutCoords coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords(layoutX + dx, layoutY); QGraphicsItem *item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeClef(clef); getScene()->addItem(item); item->setPos(coords.first, coords.second); item->show(); m_repeatedClefsAndKeys.insert(item); dx += item->boundingRect().width() + m_notePixmapFactory->getNoteBodyWidth() * 2 / 3; } if (needKey) { int layoutY = getLayoutYForHeight(12); StaffLayoutCoords coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords(layoutX + dx, layoutY); QGraphicsItem *item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeKey(key, clef); getScene()->addItem(item); item->setPos(coords.first, coords.second); item->show(); m_repeatedClefsAndKeys.insert(item); dx += item->boundingRect().width(); } m_notePixmapFactory->setShaded(false); } void NotationStaff::deleteRepeatedClefsAndKeys() { for (ItemSet::iterator i = m_repeatedClefsAndKeys.begin(); i != m_repeatedClefsAndKeys.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } m_repeatedClefsAndKeys.clear(); } void NotationStaff::drawStaffName() { delete m_staffName; m_staffNameText = getSegment().getComposition()-> getTrackById(getSegment().getTrack())->getLabel(); m_staffName = m_notePixmapFactory->makeText(Text(m_staffNameText, Text::StaffName)); getScene()->addItem(m_staffName); int layoutY = getLayoutYForHeight(3); StaffLayoutCoords coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords(0, layoutY); m_staffName->setPos(getX() + getMargin() + m_notePixmapFactory->getNoteBodyWidth(), coords.second - m_staffName->boundingRect().height() / 2); m_staffName->show(); } bool NotationStaff::isStaffNameUpToDate() { return (m_staffNameText == getSegment().getComposition()-> getTrackById(getSegment().getTrack())->getLabel()); } timeT NotationStaff::getTimeAtSceneCoords(double cx, int cy) const { StaffLayoutCoords layoutCoords = getLayoutCoordsForSceneCoords(cx, cy); RulerScale * rs = m_notationScene->getHLayout(); return rs->getTimeForX(layoutCoords.first); } void NotationStaff::getClefAndKeyAtSceneCoords(double cx, int cy, Clef &clef, ::Rosegarden::Key &key) const { StaffLayoutCoords layoutCoords = getLayoutCoordsForSceneCoords(cx, cy); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < m_clefChanges.size(); ++i) { if (m_clefChanges[i].first > layoutCoords.first) break; clef = m_clefChanges[i].second; } for (i = 0; i < m_keyChanges.size(); ++i) { if (m_keyChanges[i].first > layoutCoords.first) break; key = m_keyChanges[i].second; } } /*!!! ViewElementList::iterator NotationStaff::getClosestElementToLayoutX(double x, Event *&clef, Event *&key, bool notesAndRestsOnly, int proximityThreshold) { START_TIMING; double minDist = 10e9, prevDist = 10e9; NotationElementList *notes = getViewElementList(); NotationElementList::iterator it, result; // TODO: this is grossly inefficient for (it = notes->begin(); it != notes->end(); ++it) { NotationElement *el = static_cast(*it); bool before = ((*it)->getLayoutX() < x); if (!el->isNote() && !el->isRest()) { if (before) { if ((*it)->event()->isa(Clef::EventType)) { clef = (*it)->event(); } else if ((*it)->event()->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) { key = (*it)->event(); } } if (notesAndRestsOnly) continue; } double dx = x - (*it)->getLayoutX(); if (dx < 0) dx = -dx; if (dx < minDist) { minDist = dx; result = it; } else if (!before) { break; } prevDist = dx; } if (proximityThreshold > 0 && minDist > proximityThreshold) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::getClosestElementToLayoutX() : element is too far away : " << minDist << endl; return notes->end(); } NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::getClosestElementToLayoutX: found element at layout " << (*result)->getLayoutX() << " - we're at layout " << x << endl; PRINT_ELAPSED("NotationStaff::getClosestElementToLayoutX"); return result; } */ ViewElementList::iterator NotationStaff::getElementUnderLayoutX(double x, Event *&clef, Event *&key) { NotationElementList *notes = getViewElementList(); NotationElementList::iterator it; // TODO: this is grossly inefficient for (it = notes->begin(); it != notes->end(); ++it) { NotationElement* el = static_cast(*it); bool before = ((*it)->getLayoutX() <= x); if (!el->isNote() && !el->isRest()) { if (before) { if ((*it)->event()->isa(Clef::EventType)) { clef = (*it)->event(); } else if ((*it)->event()->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) { key = (*it)->event(); } } } double airX, airWidth; el->getLayoutAirspace(airX, airWidth); if (x >= airX && x < airX + airWidth) { return it; } else if (!before) { if (it != notes->begin()) --it; return it; } } return notes->end(); } QString NotationStaff::getNoteNameAtSceneCoords(double x, int y, Accidental) const { //!!! We have one version of this translate note name stuff in // MidiPitchLabel, another one in TrackParameterBox, and now this one. // // This needs to be refactored one day to avoid all the frigged up hackery, // and just have one unified way of making these strings, used everywhere. // I think putting the tr() nonsense in base/ probably makes sense for // this, and just have a Pitch method that returns a pre-translated string. // // But not just now. I'll slap a couple of pieces of duct tape on it for // now, and we'll worry about bigger issues. Clef clef; ::Rosegarden::Key key; getClefAndKeyAtSceneCoords(x, y, clef, key); QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup( GeneralOptionsConfigGroup ); int baseOctave = settings.value("midipitchoctave", -2).toInt() ; settings.endGroup(); Pitch p(getHeightAtSceneCoords(x, y), clef, key); // This duplicates a lot of code in Pitch::getAsString and elsewhere, but // I'm not taking time out to gather all of this up and merge it together // into something nice and clean we could just call here. // get the note letter name in the key (eg. A) std::string s; s = p.getNoteName(key); // get the accidental, and append it immediately after the letter name, to // create an English style string (eg. Ab) Accidental acc = p.getAccidental(key); if (acc == Accidentals::Sharp) s += "#"; else if (acc == Accidentals::Flat) s += "b"; // run the English string through tr() to get it translated by way of the // QObject context (all variants are in the extracted QMenuStrings.cpp // file, and available for translation, so this *should* get us the best // spelling for a given key, since we're using the actual key, and not a // guess QString tmp = QObject::tr(strtoqstr(s), "note name"); // now tack on the octave, so translators don't have to deal with it tmp += tr(" %1").arg(p.getOctave(baseOctave)); return tmp; } void NotationStaff::renderElements(timeT from, timeT to) { NotationElementList::iterator i = getViewElementList()->findTime(from); NotationElementList::iterator j = getViewElementList()->findTime(to); renderElements(i, j); } void NotationStaff::renderElements(NotationElementList::iterator from, NotationElementList::iterator to) { // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff " << this << "::renderElements()" << endl; Profiler profiler("NotationStaff::renderElements"); emit setOperationName(tr("Rendering staff %1...").arg(getId() + 1)); emit setValue(0); throwIfCancelled(); int elementCount = 0; timeT endTime = (to != getViewElementList()->end() ? (*to)->getViewAbsoluteTime() : getSegment().getEndMarkerTime()); timeT startTime = (from != to ? (*from)->getViewAbsoluteTime() : endTime); Clef currentClef = getSegment().getClefAtTime(startTime); ::Rosegarden::Key currentKey = getSegment().getKeyAtTime(startTime); for (NotationElementList::iterator it = from, nextIt = from; it != to; it = nextIt) { ++nextIt; if (isDirectlyPrintable(*it)) { // notes are renderable direct to the printer, so don't render // them to the scene here continue; } bool selected = isSelected(it); // NOTATION_DEBUG << "Rendering at " << (*it)->getAbsoluteTime() // << " (selected = " << selected << ")" << endl; renderSingleElement(it, currentClef, currentKey, selected); if ((endTime > startTime) && (++elementCount % 200 == 0)) { timeT myTime = (*it)->getViewAbsoluteTime(); emit setValue((myTime - startTime) * 100 / (endTime - startTime)); throwIfCancelled(); } } // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff " << this << "::renderElements: " // << elementCount << " elements rendered" << endl; } void NotationStaff::renderPrintable(timeT from, timeT to) { if (!m_printPainter) return ; Profiler profiler("NotationStaff::renderElements"); emit setOperationName(tr("Rendering notes on staff %1...").arg(getId() + 1)); emit setValue(0); throwIfCancelled(); // These are only used when rendering keys, and we don't do that // here, so we don't care what they are Clef currentClef; ::Rosegarden::Key currentKey; Composition *composition = getSegment().getComposition(); NotationElementList::iterator beginAt = getViewElementList()->findTime(composition->getBarStartForTime(from)); NotationElementList::iterator endAt = getViewElementList()->findTime(composition->getBarEndForTime(to)); int elementCount = 0; for (NotationElementList::iterator it = beginAt, nextIt = beginAt; it != endAt; it = nextIt) { ++nextIt; if (!isDirectlyPrintable(*it)) { continue; } bool selected = isSelected(it); // NOTATION_DEBUG << "Rendering at " << (*it)->getAbsoluteTime() // << " (selected = " << selected << ")" << endl; renderSingleElement(it, currentClef, currentKey, selected); if ((to > from) && (++elementCount % 200 == 0)) { timeT myTime = (*it)->getViewAbsoluteTime(); emit setValue((myTime - from) * 100 / (to - from)); throwIfCancelled(); } } // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff " << this << "::renderElements: " // << elementCount << " elements rendered" << endl; } const NotationProperties & NotationStaff::getProperties() const { return m_notationScene->getProperties(); } bool NotationStaff::elementNeedsRegenerating(NotationElementList::iterator i) { NotationElement *elt = static_cast(*i); NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::elementNeedsRegenerating: "; if (!elt->getItem()) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "yes (no item)" << endl; return true; } if (isSelected(i) != elt->isSelected()) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "yes (selection status changed)" << endl; return true; } if (elt->event()->isa(Indication::EventType)) { // determining whether to redraw an indication is complicated NOTATION_DEBUG << "probably (is indication)" << endl; return !elt->isRecentlyRegenerated(); } if (!elt->isNote()) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "no (is not note)" << endl; return false; } // If the note's y-coordinate has changed, we should redraw it -- // its stem direction may have changed, or it may need leger // lines. This will happen e.g. if the user inserts a new clef; // unfortunately this means inserting clefs is rather slow. if (!elementNotMovedInY(elt)) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "yes (is note, height changed)" << endl; return true; } // If the event is a beamed or tied-forward note, then we might // need a new item if the distance from this note to the next has // changed (because the beam or tie is part of the note's item). bool spanning = false; (void)(elt->event()->get(getProperties().BEAMED, spanning)); if (!spanning) { (void)(elt->event()->get(BaseProperties::TIED_FORWARD, spanning)); } if (!spanning) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "no (is simple note, height unchanged)" << endl; return false; } if (elementShiftedOnly(i)) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "no (is spanning note but only shifted)" << endl; return false; } NOTATION_DEBUG << "yes (is spanning note with complex move)" << endl; return true; } void NotationStaff::positionElements(timeT from, timeT to) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff " << this << "::positionElements()" << from << " -> " << to << endl; Profiler profiler("NotationStaff::positionElements", true); // Following 4 lines are a workaround to not have m_clefChanges and // m_keyChanges truncated when positionElements() is called with // args outside current segment. // Maybe a better fix would be not to call positionElements() with // such args ... int startTime = getSegment().getStartTime(); if (from < startTime) from = startTime; if (to < startTime) to = startTime; if (to == from) return; emit setOperationName(tr("Positioning staff %1...").arg(getId() + 1)); emit setValue(0); throwIfCancelled(); // not used // const NotationProperties &properties(getProperties()); int elementsPositioned = 0; int elementsRendered = 0; // diagnostic Composition *composition = getSegment().getComposition(); // not used // timeT nextBarTime = composition->getBarEndForTime(to); NotationElementList::iterator beginAt = getViewElementList()->findTime(composition->getBarStartForTime(from)); NotationElementList::iterator endAt = getViewElementList()->findTime(composition->getBarEndForTime(to)); if (beginAt == getViewElementList()->end()) return ; truncateClefsAndKeysAt(static_cast((*beginAt)->getLayoutX())); Clef currentClef; // used for rendering key sigs bool haveCurrentClef = false; ::Rosegarden::Key currentKey; bool haveCurrentKey = false; for (NotationElementList::iterator it = beginAt, nextIt = beginAt; it != endAt; it = nextIt) { NotationElement * el = static_cast(*it); ++nextIt; if (el->event()->isa(Clef::EventType)) { currentClef = Clef(*el->event()); m_clefChanges.push_back(ClefChange(int(el->getLayoutX()), currentClef)); haveCurrentClef = true; } else if (el->event()->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) { m_keyChanges.push_back(KeyChange(int(el->getLayoutX()), ::Rosegarden::Key(*el->event()))); if (!haveCurrentClef) { // need this to know how to present the key currentClef = getSegment().getClefAtTime (el->event()->getAbsoluteTime()); haveCurrentClef = true; } if (!haveCurrentKey) { // stores the key _before_ this one currentKey = getSegment().getKeyAtTime (el->event()->getAbsoluteTime() - 1); haveCurrentKey = true; } } else if (isDirectlyPrintable(el)) { // these are rendered by renderPrintable for printing continue; } bool selected = isSelected(it); bool needNewItem = elementNeedsRegenerating(it); if (needNewItem) { renderSingleElement(it, currentClef, currentKey, selected); ++elementsRendered; } if (el->event()->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) { // update currentKey after rendering, not before currentKey = ::Rosegarden::Key(*el->event()); } if (!needNewItem) { StaffLayoutCoords coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords (el->getLayoutX(), (int)el->getLayoutY()); el->reposition(coords.first, (double)coords.second); } el->setSelected(selected); if ((to > from) && (++elementsPositioned % 300 == 0)) { timeT myTime = el->getViewAbsoluteTime(); emit setValue((myTime - from) * 100 / (to - from)); throwIfCancelled(); } } NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff " << this << "::positionElements " << from << " -> " << to << ": " << elementsPositioned << " elements positioned, " << elementsRendered << " re-rendered" << endl; NotePixmapFactory::dumpStats(std::cerr); } void NotationStaff::truncateClefsAndKeysAt(int x) { for (std::vector::iterator i = m_clefChanges.begin(); i != m_clefChanges.end(); ++i) { if (i->first >= x) { m_clefChanges.erase(i, m_clefChanges.end()); break; } } for (std::vector::iterator i = m_keyChanges.begin(); i != m_keyChanges.end(); ++i) { if (i->first >= x) { m_keyChanges.erase(i, m_keyChanges.end()); break; } } } bool NotationStaff::elementNotMovedInY(NotationElement *elt) { if (!elt->getItem()) return false; StaffLayoutCoords coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords (elt->getLayoutX(), (int)elt->getLayoutY()); bool ok = (int)(elt->getSceneY()) == (int)(coords.second); if (!ok) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "elementNotMovedInY: elt at " << elt->getViewAbsoluteTime() << ", ok is " << ok << endl; NOTATION_DEBUG << "(cf " << (int)(elt->getSceneY()) << " vs " << (int)(coords.second) << ")" << endl; } return ok; } bool NotationStaff::elementShiftedOnly(NotationElementList::iterator i) { int shift = 0; bool ok = false; for (NotationElementList::iterator j = i; j != getViewElementList()->end(); ++j) { NotationElement *elt = static_cast(*j); if (!elt->getItem()) break; StaffLayoutCoords coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords (elt->getLayoutX(), (int)elt->getLayoutY()); // regard any shift in y as suspicious if ((int)(elt->getSceneY()) != (int)(coords.second)) break; int myShift = (int)(elt->getSceneX()) - (int)(coords.first); if (j == i) shift = myShift; else if (myShift != shift) break; if (elt->getViewAbsoluteTime() > (*i)->getViewAbsoluteTime()) { // all events up to and including this one have passed ok = true; break; } } if (!ok) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "elementShiftedOnly: elt at " << (*i)->getViewAbsoluteTime() << ", ok is " << ok << endl; } return ok; } bool NotationStaff::isDirectlyPrintable(ViewElement *velt) { if (!m_printPainter) return false; return (velt->event()->isa(Note::EventType) || velt->event()->isa(Note::EventRestType) || velt->event()->isa(Text::EventType) || velt->event()->isa(Indication::EventType)); } void NotationStaff::renderSingleElement(ViewElementList::iterator &vli, const Clef ¤tClef, const ::Rosegarden::Key ¤tKey, bool selected) { const NotationProperties &properties(getProperties()); static NotePixmapParameters restParams(Note::Crotchet, 0); NotationElement* elt = static_cast(*vli); bool invisible = false; if (elt->event()->get (BaseProperties::INVISIBLE, invisible) && invisible) { // if (m_printPainter) return ; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup( NotationOptionsConfigGroup ); bool showInvisibles = qStrToBool( settings.value("showinvisibles", "true" ) ) ; settings.endGroup(); if (!showInvisibles) return; } try { m_notePixmapFactory->setNoteStyle (NoteStyleFactory::getStyleForEvent(elt->event())); } catch (NoteStyleFactory::StyleUnavailable u) { std::cerr << "WARNING: Note style unavailable: " << u.getMessage() << std::endl; static bool warned = false; if (!warned) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Rosegarden"), tr( u.getMessage().c_str() )); warned = true; } } try { QGraphicsItem *item = 0; m_notePixmapFactory->setSelected(selected); m_notePixmapFactory->setShaded(invisible); int z = selected ? 3 : 0; // these are actually only used for the printer stuff StaffLayoutCoords coords; if (m_printPainter) { coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords (elt->getLayoutX(), (int)elt->getLayoutY()); } FitPolicy policy = PretendItFittedAllAlong; NOTATION_DEBUG << "renderSingleElement: Inspecting something at " << elt->event()->getAbsoluteTime() << endl; NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::renderSingleElement: Setting selected at " << elt->event()->getAbsoluteTime() << " to " << selected << endl; if (elt->isNote()) { renderNote(vli); } else if (elt->isRest()) { // rests can have marks int markCount = 0; if (elt->event()->has(BaseProperties::MARK_COUNT)) markCount = elt->event()->get(BaseProperties::MARK_COUNT); if (markCount) { std::cerr << "NotationStaff: Houston, we have a rest, and it has marks. A fermata mayhap?" << std::endl; restParams.setMarks(Marks::getMarks(*elt->event())); std::cerr << " marks size: " << restParams.m_marks.size() << std::endl; } bool ignoreRest = false; // NotationHLayout sets this property if it finds the rest // in the middle of a chord -- Quantizer still sometimes gets // this wrong elt->event()->get(properties.REST_TOO_SHORT, ignoreRest); if (!ignoreRest) { Note::Type note = elt->event()->get(BaseProperties::NOTE_TYPE); int dots = elt->event()->get(BaseProperties::NOTE_DOTS); restParams.setNoteType(note); restParams.setDots(dots); setTuplingParameters(elt, restParams); restParams.setQuantized(false); bool restOutside = false; elt->event()->get (properties.REST_OUTSIDE_STAVE, restOutside); restParams.setRestOutside(restOutside); if (restOutside) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::renderSingleElement() : rest outside staff" << endl; if (note == Note::DoubleWholeNote) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::renderSingleElement() : breve rest needs leger lines" << endl; restParams.setLegerLines(5); } } if (m_printPainter) { m_notePixmapFactory->drawRest (restParams, *m_printPainter, int(coords.first), coords.second); } else { NOTATION_DEBUG << "renderSingleElement: It's a normal rest" << endl; item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeRest(restParams); } } } else if (elt->event()->isa(Clef::EventType)) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "renderSingleElement: It's a clef" << endl; item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeClef(Clef(*elt->event())); } else if (elt->event()->isa(Symbol::EventType)) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "renderSingleElement: It's a symbol" << endl; item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeSymbol(Symbol(*elt->event())); } else if (elt->event()->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) { ::Rosegarden::Key key(*elt->event()); ::Rosegarden::Key cancelKey = currentKey; if (m_keySigCancelMode == 0) { // only when entering C maj / A min if (key.getAccidentalCount() != 0) cancelKey = ::Rosegarden::Key(); } else if (m_keySigCancelMode == 1) { // only when reducing acc count if (!(key.isSharp() == cancelKey.isSharp() && key.getAccidentalCount() < cancelKey.getAccidentalCount())) { cancelKey = ::Rosegarden::Key(); } } NOTATION_DEBUG << "renderSingleElement: It's a key" << endl; item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeKey(key, currentClef, cancelKey); } else if (elt->event()->isa(Text::EventType)) { policy = MoveBackToFit; if (elt->event()->has(Text::TextTypePropertyName) && elt->event()->get(Text::TextTypePropertyName) == Text::Annotation && !m_notationScene->areAnnotationsVisible()) { // nothing I guess } else if (elt->event()->has(Text::TextTypePropertyName) && elt->event()->get(Text::TextTypePropertyName) == Text::LilyPondDirective && !m_notationScene->areLilyPondDirectivesVisible()) { // nothing here either } else { try { if (m_printPainter) { Text text(*elt->event()); int length = m_notePixmapFactory->getTextWidth(text); for (double w = -1, inc = 0; w != 0; inc += w) { w = setPainterClipping(m_printPainter, elt->getLayoutX(), int(elt->getLayoutY()), int(inc), length, coords, policy); m_notePixmapFactory->drawText (text, *m_printPainter, int(coords.first), coords.second); m_printPainter->restore(); } } else { NOTATION_DEBUG << "renderSingleElement: It's a normal text" << endl; item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeText(Text(*elt->event())); } } catch (Exception e) { // Text ctor failed NOTATION_DEBUG << "Bad text event" << endl; } } } else if (elt->event()->isa(Indication::EventType)) { policy = SplitToFit; try { Indication indication(*elt->event()); timeT indicationDuration = indication.getIndicationDuration(); timeT indicationEndTime = elt->getViewAbsoluteTime() + indicationDuration; NotationElementList::iterator indicationEnd = getViewElementList()->findTime(indicationEndTime); std::string indicationType = indication.getIndicationType(); int length, y1; if ((indicationType == Indication::Slur || indicationType == Indication::PhrasingSlur) && indicationEnd != getViewElementList()->begin()) { --indicationEnd; } if ((indicationType != Indication::Slur && indicationType != Indication::PhrasingSlur) && indicationEnd != getViewElementList()->begin() && (indicationEnd == getViewElementList()->end() || indicationEndTime == getSegment().getBarStartForTime(indicationEndTime))) { while (indicationEnd == getViewElementList()->end() || (*indicationEnd)->getViewAbsoluteTime() >= indicationEndTime) --indicationEnd; double x, w; static_cast(*indicationEnd)-> getLayoutAirspace(x, w); length = (int)(x + w - elt->getLayoutX() - m_notePixmapFactory->getBarMargin()); } else { length = (int)((*indicationEnd)->getLayoutX() - elt->getLayoutX()); if (indication.isOttavaType()) { length -= m_notePixmapFactory->getNoteBodyWidth(); } } y1 = (int)(*indicationEnd)->getLayoutY(); if (length < m_notePixmapFactory->getNoteBodyWidth()) { length = m_notePixmapFactory->getNoteBodyWidth(); } if (indicationType == Indication::Crescendo || indicationType == Indication::Decrescendo) { if (m_printPainter) { for (double w = -1, inc = 0; w != 0; inc += w) { w = setPainterClipping(m_printPainter, elt->getLayoutX(), int(elt->getLayoutY()), int(inc), length, coords, policy); m_notePixmapFactory->drawHairpin (length, indicationType == Indication::Crescendo, *m_printPainter, int(coords.first), coords.second); m_printPainter->restore(); } } else { item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeHairpin (length, indicationType == Indication::Crescendo); } } else if (indicationType == Indication::TrillLine) { // skip m_printPainter as it is no longer relevant item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeTrillLine(length); } else if (indicationType == Indication::Slur || indicationType == Indication::PhrasingSlur) { bool above = true; long dy = 0; long length = 10; elt->event()->get(properties.SLUR_ABOVE, above); elt->event()->get(properties.SLUR_Y_DELTA, dy); elt->event()->get(properties.SLUR_LENGTH, length); if (m_printPainter) { for (double w = -1, inc = 0; w != 0; inc += w) { w = setPainterClipping(m_printPainter, elt->getLayoutX(), int(elt->getLayoutY()), int(inc), length, coords, policy); m_notePixmapFactory->drawSlur (length, dy, above, indicationType == Indication::PhrasingSlur, *m_printPainter, int(coords.first), coords.second); m_printPainter->restore(); } } else { item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeSlur (length, dy, above, indicationType == Indication::PhrasingSlur); } } else { int octaves = indication.getOttavaShift(); if (octaves != 0) { if (m_printPainter) { for (double w = -1, inc = 0; w != 0; inc += w) { w = setPainterClipping(m_printPainter, elt->getLayoutX(), int(elt->getLayoutY()), int(inc), length, coords, policy); m_notePixmapFactory->drawOttava (length, octaves, *m_printPainter, int(coords.first), coords.second); m_printPainter->restore(); } } else { item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeOttava (length, octaves); } } else { NOTATION_DEBUG << "Unrecognised indicationType " << indicationType << endl; if (m_showUnknowns) { item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeUnknown(); } } } } catch (...) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "Bad indication!" << endl; } } else if (elt->event()->isa(Controller::EventType)) { bool isSustain = false; long controlNumber = 0; elt->event()->get (Controller::NUMBER, controlNumber); Studio *studio = &m_notationScene->getDocument()->getStudio(); Track *track = getSegment().getComposition()->getTrackById (getSegment().getTrack()); if (track) { Instrument *instrument = studio->getInstrumentById (track->getInstrument()); if (instrument) { MidiDevice *device = dynamic_cast (instrument->getDevice()); if (device) { for (ControlList::const_iterator i = device->getControlParameters().begin(); i != device->getControlParameters().end(); ++i) { if (i->getType() == Controller::EventType && i->getControllerValue() == controlNumber) { if (i->getName() == "Sustain" || strtoqstr(i->getName()) == tr("Sustain")) { isSustain = true; } break; } } } else if (instrument->getDevice() && instrument->getDevice()->getType() == Device::SoftSynth) { if (controlNumber == 64) { isSustain = true; } } } } if (isSustain) { long value = 0; elt->event()->get(Controller::VALUE, value); if (value > 0) { item = m_notePixmapFactory->makePedalDown(); } else { item = m_notePixmapFactory->makePedalUp(); } } else { if (m_showUnknowns) { item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeUnknown(); } } } else if (elt->event()->isa(Guitar::Chord::EventType)) { // Create a guitar chord pixmap try { Guitar::Chord chord (*elt->event()); /* UNUSED - for printing, just use a large pixmap as below if (m_printPainter) { int length = m_notePixmapFactory->getTextWidth(text); for (double w = -1, inc = 0; w != 0; inc += w) { w = setPainterClipping(m_printPainter, elt->getLayoutX(), int(elt->getLayoutY()), int(inc), length, coords, policy); m_notePixmapFactory->drawText (text, *m_printPainter, int(coords.first), coords.second); m_printPainter->restore(); } } else { */ item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeGuitarChord (chord.getFingering(), int(coords.first), coords.second); // } } catch (Exception e) { // GuitarChord ctor failed NOTATION_DEBUG << "Bad guitar chord event" << endl; } } else { if (m_showUnknowns) { item = m_notePixmapFactory->makeUnknown(); } } // Show the result, one way or another if (elt->isNote()) { // No need, we already set and showed it in renderNote } else if (item) { setItem(elt, item, z, policy); } else { elt->removeItem(); } } catch (...) { std::cerr << "Event lacks the proper properties: " << std::endl; elt->event()->dump(std::cerr); } m_notePixmapFactory->setSelected(false); m_notePixmapFactory->setShaded(false); } double NotationStaff::setPainterClipping(QPainter *painter, double lx, int ly, double dx, double w, StaffLayoutCoords &coords, FitPolicy policy) { painter->save(); // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::setPainterClipping: lx " << lx << ", dx " << dx << ", w " << w << endl; coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords(lx + dx, ly); int row = getRowForLayoutX(lx + dx); double rightMargin = getSceneXForRightOfRow(row); double available = rightMargin - coords.first; // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::setPainterClipping: row " << row << ", rightMargin " << rightMargin << ", available " << available << endl; switch (policy) { case SplitToFit: { bool fit = (w - dx <= available + m_notePixmapFactory->getNoteBodyWidth()); if (dx > 0.01 || !fit) { int clipLeft = int(coords.first), clipWidth = int(available); if (dx < 0.01) { // never clip the left side of the first part of something clipWidth += clipLeft; clipLeft = 0; } QRect clip(clipLeft, coords.second - getRowSpacing() / 2, clipWidth, getRowSpacing()); painter->setClipRect(clip, Qt::ReplaceClip); //QPainter::CoordPainter); coords.first -= dx; } if (fit) { return 0.0; } return available; } case MoveBackToFit: if (w - dx > available + m_notePixmapFactory->getNoteBodyWidth()) { coords.first -= (w - dx) - available; } return 0.0; case PretendItFittedAllAlong: return 0.0; } return 0.0; } void NotationStaff::setItem(NotationElement *elt, QGraphicsItem *item, int z, FitPolicy policy) { double layoutX = elt->getLayoutX(); int layoutY = (int)elt->getLayoutY(); elt->removeItem(); while (1) { StaffLayoutCoords coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords(layoutX, layoutY); double sceneX = coords.first; int sceneY = coords.second; QGraphicsPixmapItem *pitem = dynamic_cast(item); NoteItem *nitem = dynamic_cast(item); if (m_pageMode != LinearMode && policy != PretendItFittedAllAlong && (pitem || nitem)) { QPixmap pixmap; QPointF offset; if (pitem) { pixmap = pitem->pixmap(); offset = pitem->offset(); } else { pixmap = nitem->makePixmap(); offset = nitem->offset(); } int row = getRowForLayoutX(layoutX); double rightMargin = getSceneXForRightOfRow(row); double extent = sceneX + pixmap.width(); NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::setPixmap: row " << row << ", right margin " << rightMargin << ", extent " << extent << endl; if (extent > rightMargin + m_notePixmapFactory->getNoteBodyWidth()) { if (policy == SplitToFit) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "splitting at " << (rightMargin-sceneX) << endl; std::pair split = PixmapFunctions::splitPixmap(pixmap, int(rightMargin - sceneX)); QGraphicsPixmapItem *left = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(split.first); left->setOffset(offset); QGraphicsPixmapItem *right = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(split.second); right->setOffset(QPointF(0, offset.y())); getScene()->addItem(left); left->setZValue(z); left->show(); if (elt->getItem()) { elt->addItem(left, sceneX, sceneY); } else { elt->setItem(left, sceneX, sceneY); } delete item; item = right; layoutX += rightMargin - sceneX + 0.01; // ensure flip to next row continue; } else { // policy == MoveBackToFit elt->setLayoutX(elt->getLayoutX() - (extent - rightMargin)); coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords(layoutX, layoutY); sceneX = coords.first; } } } NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::setItem: item = " << (void *)item << " (pitem = " << (void *)pitem << ", scene = " << item->scene() << ")" << endl; getScene()->addItem(item); item->setZValue(z); if (elt->getItem()) { elt->addItem(item, sceneX, sceneY); } else { elt->setItem(item, sceneX, sceneY); } item->show(); break; } } void NotationStaff::renderNote(ViewElementList::iterator &vli) { NotationElement *elt = static_cast(*vli); const NotationProperties &properties(getProperties()); static NotePixmapParameters params(Note::Crotchet, 0); Note::Type note = elt->event()->get(BaseProperties::NOTE_TYPE); int dots = elt->event()->get(BaseProperties::NOTE_DOTS); Accidental accidental = Accidentals::NoAccidental; (void)elt->event()->get(properties.DISPLAY_ACCIDENTAL, accidental); bool cautionary = false; if (accidental != Accidentals::NoAccidental) { (void)elt->event()->get (properties.DISPLAY_ACCIDENTAL_IS_CAUTIONARY, cautionary); } bool up = true; // (void)(elt->event()->get(properties.STEM_UP, up)); (void)(elt->event()->get(properties.VIEW_LOCAL_STEM_UP, up)); bool flag = true; (void)(elt->event()->get(properties.DRAW_FLAG, flag)); bool beamed = false; (void)(elt->event()->get(properties.BEAMED, beamed)); bool shifted = false; (void)(elt->event()->get(properties.NOTE_HEAD_SHIFTED, shifted)); bool dotShifted = false; (void)(elt->event()->get(properties.NOTE_DOT_SHIFTED, dotShifted)); long stemLength = m_notePixmapFactory->getNoteBodyHeight(); (void)(elt->event()->get(properties.UNBEAMED_STEM_LENGTH, stemLength)); long heightOnStaff = 0; int legerLines = 0; (void)(elt->event()->get(properties.HEIGHT_ON_STAFF, heightOnStaff)); if (heightOnStaff < 0) { legerLines = heightOnStaff; } else if (heightOnStaff > 8) { legerLines = heightOnStaff - 8; } long slashes = 0; (void)(elt->event()->get(properties.SLASHES, slashes)); bool quantized = false; if (m_colourQuantize && !elt->isTuplet()) { quantized = (elt->getViewAbsoluteTime() != elt->event()->getAbsoluteTime() || elt->getViewDuration() != elt->event()->getDuration()); } params.setQuantized(quantized); bool trigger = false; if (elt->event()->has(BaseProperties::TRIGGER_SEGMENT_ID)) trigger = true; params.setTrigger(trigger); bool inRange = true; Pitch p(*elt->event()); Segment *segment = &getSegment(); if (m_showRanges) { int pitch = p.getPerformancePitch(); if (pitch > segment->getHighestPlayable() || pitch < segment->getLowestPlayable()) { inRange = false; } } params.setInRange(inRange); params.setNoteType(note); params.setDots(dots); params.setAccidental(accidental); params.setAccidentalCautionary(cautionary); params.setNoteHeadShifted(shifted); params.setNoteDotShifted(dotShifted); params.setDrawFlag(flag); params.setDrawStem(true); params.setStemGoesUp(up); params.setLegerLines(legerLines); params.setSlashes(slashes); params.setBeamed(false); params.setIsOnLine(heightOnStaff % 2 == 0); params.removeMarks(); params.setSafeVertDistance(0); bool primary = false; int safeVertDistance = 0; if (elt->event()->get(properties.CHORD_PRIMARY_NOTE, primary) && primary) { long marks = 0; elt->event()->get(properties.CHORD_MARK_COUNT, marks); if (marks) { NotationChord chord(*getViewElementList(), vli, m_segment.getComposition()->getNotationQuantizer(), properties); params.setMarks(chord.getMarksForChord()); } // params.setMarks(Marks::getMarks(*elt->event())); if (up && note < Note::Semibreve) { safeVertDistance = m_notePixmapFactory->getStemLength(); safeVertDistance = std::max(safeVertDistance, int(stemLength)); } } long tieLength = 0; (void)(elt->event()->get(properties.TIE_LENGTH, tieLength)); if (tieLength > 0) { params.setTied(true); params.setTieLength(tieLength); } else { params.setTied(false); } if (elt->event()->has(BaseProperties::TIE_IS_ABOVE)) { params.setTiePosition (true, elt->event()->get(BaseProperties::TIE_IS_ABOVE)); } else { params.setTiePosition(false, false); // the default } long accidentalShift = 0; bool accidentalExtra = false; if (elt->event()->get(properties.ACCIDENTAL_SHIFT, accidentalShift)) { elt->event()->get(properties.ACCIDENTAL_EXTRA_SHIFT, accidentalExtra); } params.setAccidentalShift(accidentalShift); params.setAccExtraShift(accidentalExtra); double airX, airWidth; elt->getLayoutAirspace(airX, airWidth); params.setWidth(int(airWidth)); if (beamed) { if (elt->event()->get(properties.CHORD_PRIMARY_NOTE, primary) && primary) { int myY = elt->event()->get(properties.BEAM_MY_Y); stemLength = myY - (int)elt->getLayoutY(); if (stemLength < 0) stemLength = -stemLength; int nextBeamCount = elt->event()->get(properties.BEAM_NEXT_BEAM_COUNT); int width = elt->event()->get(properties.BEAM_SECTION_WIDTH); int gradient = elt->event()->get(properties.BEAM_GRADIENT); bool thisPartialBeams(false), nextPartialBeams(false); (void)elt->event()->get (properties.BEAM_THIS_PART_BEAMS, thisPartialBeams); (void)elt->event()->get (properties.BEAM_NEXT_PART_BEAMS, nextPartialBeams); params.setBeamed(true); params.setNextBeamCount(nextBeamCount); params.setThisPartialBeams(thisPartialBeams); params.setNextPartialBeams(nextPartialBeams); params.setWidth(width); params.setGradient((double)gradient / 100.0); if (up) safeVertDistance = stemLength; } else { params.setBeamed(false); params.setDrawStem(false); } } if (heightOnStaff < 7) { int gap = (((7 - heightOnStaff) * m_notePixmapFactory->getLineSpacing()) / 2); if (safeVertDistance < gap) safeVertDistance = gap; } params.setStemLength(stemLength); params.setSafeVertDistance(safeVertDistance); setTuplingParameters(elt, params); NotePixmapFactory *factory = m_notePixmapFactory; if (elt->isGrace()) { // lift this code from elsewhere to fix #1930309, and it seems to work a // treat, as y'all Wrongpondians are wont to say params.setLegerLines(heightOnStaff < 0 ? heightOnStaff : heightOnStaff > 8 ? heightOnStaff - 8 : 0); m_graceNotePixmapFactory->setSelected(m_notePixmapFactory->isSelected()); m_graceNotePixmapFactory->setShaded(m_notePixmapFactory->isShaded()); factory = m_graceNotePixmapFactory; } if (m_printPainter) { // Return no scene item, but instead render straight to // the printer. StaffLayoutCoords coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords (elt->getLayoutX(), (int)elt->getLayoutY()); // We don't actually know how wide the note drawing will be, // but we should be able to use a fairly pessimistic estimate // without causing any problems int length = tieLength + 10 * m_notePixmapFactory->getNoteBodyWidth(); for (double w = -1, inc = 0; w != 0; inc += w) { w = setPainterClipping(m_printPainter, elt->getLayoutX(), int(elt->getLayoutY()), int(inc), length, coords, SplitToFit); factory->drawNote (params, *m_printPainter, int(coords.first), coords.second); m_printPainter->restore(); // save() called by setPainterClipping } } else { // The normal on-screen case bool collision = false; QGraphicsItem *haloItem = 0; if (m_showCollisions) { collision = elt->isColliding(); if (collision) { // Make collision halo haloItem = factory->makeNoteHalo(params); haloItem->setZValue(-1); } } QGraphicsItem *item = factory->makeNote(params); int z = 0; if (factory->isSelected()) z = 3; else if (quantized) z = 2; setItem(elt, item, z, SplitToFit); if (collision) { // Display collision halo StaffLayoutCoords coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords(elt->getLayoutX(), elt->getLayoutY()); double sceneX = coords.first; int sceneY = coords.second; elt->addItem(haloItem, sceneX, sceneY); getScene()->addItem(haloItem); haloItem->show(); } } } void NotationStaff::setTuplingParameters(NotationElement *elt, NotePixmapParameters ¶ms) { const NotationProperties &properties(getProperties()); params.setTupletCount(0); long tuplingLineY = 0; bool tupled = (elt->event()->get(properties.TUPLING_LINE_MY_Y, tuplingLineY)); if (tupled) { long tuplingLineWidth = 0; if (!elt->event()->get (properties.TUPLING_LINE_WIDTH, tuplingLineWidth)) { std::cerr << "WARNING: Tupled event at " << elt->event()->getAbsoluteTime() << " has no tupling line width" << std::endl; } long tuplingLineGradient = 0; if (!(elt->event()->get (properties.TUPLING_LINE_GRADIENT, tuplingLineGradient))) { std::cerr << "WARNING: Tupled event at " << elt->event()->getAbsoluteTime() << " has no tupling line gradient" << std::endl; } bool tuplingLineFollowsBeam = false; elt->event()->get (properties.TUPLING_LINE_FOLLOWS_BEAM, tuplingLineFollowsBeam); long tupletCount; if (elt->event()->get (BaseProperties::BEAMED_GROUP_UNTUPLED_COUNT, tupletCount)) { params.setTupletCount(tupletCount); params.setTuplingLineY(tuplingLineY - (int)elt->getLayoutY()); params.setTuplingLineWidth(tuplingLineWidth); params.setTuplingLineGradient(double(tuplingLineGradient) / 100.0); params.setTuplingLineFollowsBeam(tuplingLineFollowsBeam); } } } bool NotationStaff::isSelected(NotationElementList::iterator it) { const EventSelection *selection = m_notationScene->getSelection(); return selection && selection->contains((*it)->event()); } void NotationStaff::showPreviewNote(double layoutX, int heightOnStaff, const Note ¬e, bool grace) { NotePixmapFactory *npf = m_notePixmapFactory; if (grace) npf = m_graceNotePixmapFactory; NotePixmapParameters params(note.getNoteType(), note.getDots()); NotationRules rules; params.setAccidental(Accidentals::NoAccidental); params.setNoteHeadShifted(false); params.setDrawFlag(true); params.setDrawStem(true); params.setStemGoesUp(rules.isStemUp(heightOnStaff)); params.setLegerLines(heightOnStaff < 0 ? heightOnStaff : heightOnStaff > 8 ? heightOnStaff - 8 : 0); params.setBeamed(false); params.setIsOnLine(heightOnStaff % 2 == 0); params.setTied(false); params.setBeamed(false); params.setTupletCount(0); params.setSelected(false); params.setHighlighted(true); delete m_previewItem; m_previewItem = npf->makeNote(params); int layoutY = getLayoutYForHeight(heightOnStaff); StaffLayoutCoords coords = getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords(layoutX, layoutY); getScene()->addItem(m_previewItem); m_previewItem->setPos(coords.first, (double)coords.second); m_previewItem->setZValue(4); m_previewItem->show(); } void NotationStaff::clearPreviewNote() { if (!m_previewItem) return; m_previewItem->hide(); delete m_previewItem; m_previewItem = 0; } bool NotationStaff::wrapEvent(Event *e) { bool wrap = true; /*!!! always wrap unknowns, just don't necessarily render them? if (!m_showUnknowns) { std::string etype = e->getType(); if (etype != Note::EventType && etype != Note::EventRestType && etype != Clef::EventType && etype != Key::EventType && etype != Indication::EventType && etype != Text::EventType) { wrap = false; } } */ if (wrap) wrap = ViewSegment::wrapEvent(e); return wrap; } void NotationStaff::eventRemoved(const Segment *segment, Event *event) { ViewSegment::eventRemoved(segment, event); m_notationScene->handleEventRemoved(event); } void NotationStaff::regenerate(timeT from, timeT to, bool secondary) { Profiler profiler("NotationStaff::regenerate", true); // Secondary is true if this regeneration was caused by edits to // another staff, and the content of this staff has not itself // changed. // The staff must have been re-layed-out (by the layout engine) // before this is called to regenerate its elements. //!!! NB This does not yet correctly handle clef and key lists! if (to < from) { std::cerr << "NotationStaff::regenerate(" << from << ", " << to << ", " << secondary << "): ERROR: to < from" << std::endl; to = from; } from = getSegment().getBarStartForTime(from); to = getSegment().getBarEndForTime(to); NotationElementList::iterator i = getViewElementList()->findTime(from); NotationElementList::iterator j = getViewElementList()->findTime(to); int resetCount = 0; if (!secondary) { for (NotationElementList::iterator k = i; k != j; ++k) { if (*k) { static_cast(*k)->removeItem(); ++resetCount; } } } NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationStaff::regenerate: explicitly reset items for " << resetCount << " elements" << endl; Profiler profiler2("NotationStaff::regenerate: repositioning", true); //!!! would be simpler if positionElements could also be called //!!! with iterators -- if renderElements/positionElements are //!!! going to be internal functions, it's OK and more consistent //!!! for them both to take itrs. positionElements has a quirk //!!! that makes it not totally trivial to change (use of //!!! nextBarTime) if (i != getViewElementList()->end()) { positionElements((*i)->getViewAbsoluteTime(), getSegment().getEndMarkerTime()); } else { // Shouldn't happen; if it does, let's re-do everything just in case positionElements(getSegment().getStartTime(), getSegment().getEndMarkerTime()); } } void NotationStaff::setPrintPainter(QPainter *painter) { m_printPainter = painter; } void NotationStaff::checkAndCompleteClefsAndKeys(int bar) { // Look for Clef or Key in current bar Composition *composition = getSegment().getComposition(); timeT barStartTime = composition->getBarStart(bar); timeT barEndTime = composition->getBarEnd(bar); for (ViewElementList::iterator it = getViewElementList()->findTime(barStartTime); (it != getViewElementList()->end()) && ((*it)->getViewAbsoluteTime() < barEndTime); ++it) { if ((*it)->event()->isa(Clef::EventType)) { // Clef found Clef clef = *(*it)->event(); // Is this clef already in m_clefChanges list ? int xClef = int((*it)->getLayoutX()); bool found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_clefChanges.size(); ++i) { if ( (m_clefChanges[i].first == xClef) && (m_clefChanges[i].second == clef)) { found = true; break; } } // If not, add it if (!found) { m_clefChanges.push_back(ClefChange(xClef, clef)); } } else if ((*it)->event()->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) { ::Rosegarden::Key key = *(*it)->event(); // Is this key already in m_keyChanges list ? int xKey = int((*it)->getLayoutX()); bool found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_keyChanges.size(); ++i) { if ( (m_keyChanges[i].first == xKey) && (m_keyChanges[i].second == key)) { found = true; break; } } // If not, add it if (!found) { m_keyChanges.push_back(KeyChange(xKey, key)); } } } } StaffLayout::BarStyle NotationStaff::getBarStyle(int barNo) const { const Segment *s = &getSegment(); Composition *c = s->getComposition(); int firstBar = c->getBarNumber(s->getStartTime()); int lastNonEmptyBar = c->getBarNumber(s->getEndMarkerTime() - 1); // Currently only the first and last bar in a segment have any // possibility of getting special treatment: if (barNo > firstBar && barNo <= lastNonEmptyBar) return PlainBar; // First and last bar in a repeating segment get repeat bars. if (s->isRepeating()) { if (barNo == firstBar) return RepeatStartBar; else if (barNo == lastNonEmptyBar + 1) return RepeatEndBar; } if (barNo <= lastNonEmptyBar) return PlainBar; // Last bar on a given track gets heavy double bars. Exploit the // fact that Composition's iterator returns segments in track // order. Segment *lastSegmentOnTrack = 0; for (Composition::iterator i = c->begin(); i != c->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->getTrack() == s->getTrack()) { lastSegmentOnTrack = *i; } else if (lastSegmentOnTrack != 0) { break; } } if (&getSegment() == lastSegmentOnTrack) return HeavyDoubleBar; else return PlainBar; } double NotationStaff::getBarInset(int barNo, bool isFirstBarInRow) const { StaffLayout::BarStyle style = getBarStyle(barNo); NOTATION_DEBUG << "getBarInset(" << barNo << "," << isFirstBarInRow << ")" << endl; if (!(style == RepeatStartBar || style == RepeatBothBar)) return 0.0; const Segment &s = getSegment(); Composition *composition = s.getComposition(); timeT barStart = composition->getBarStart(barNo); double inset = 0.0; NOTATION_DEBUG << "ready" << endl; bool haveKey = false, haveClef = false; ::Rosegarden::Key key; ::Rosegarden::Key cancelKey; Clef clef; for (Segment::const_iterator i = s.findTime(barStart); s.isBeforeEndMarker(i) && ((*i)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() == barStart); ++i) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "type " << (*i)->getType() << " at " << (*i)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() << endl; if ((*i)->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) { try { key = ::Rosegarden::Key(**i); if (barNo > composition->getBarNumber(s.getStartTime())) { cancelKey = s.getKeyAtTime(barStart - 1); } if (m_keySigCancelMode == 0) { // only when entering C maj / A min if (key.getAccidentalCount() != 0) cancelKey = ::Rosegarden::Key(); } else if (m_keySigCancelMode == 1) { // only when reducing acc count if (!(key.isSharp() == cancelKey.isSharp() && key.getAccidentalCount() < cancelKey.getAccidentalCount())) { cancelKey = ::Rosegarden::Key(); } } haveKey = true; } catch (...) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "getBarInset: Bad key in event" << endl; } } else if ((*i)->isa(Clef::EventType)) { try { clef = Clef(**i); haveClef = true; } catch (...) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "getBarInset: Bad clef in event" << endl; } } } if (isFirstBarInRow) { if (!haveKey) { key = s.getKeyAtTime(barStart); haveKey = true; } if (!haveClef) { clef = s.getClefAtTime(barStart); haveClef = true; } } if (haveKey) { inset += m_notePixmapFactory->getKeyWidth(key, cancelKey); } if (haveClef) { inset += m_notePixmapFactory->getClefWidth(clef); } if (haveClef || haveKey) { inset += m_notePixmapFactory->getBarMargin() / 3; } if (haveClef && haveKey) { inset += m_notePixmapFactory->getNoteBodyWidth() / 2; } NOTATION_DEBUG << "getBarInset(" << barNo << "," << isFirstBarInRow << "): inset " << inset << endl; return inset; } Rosegarden::ViewElement * NotationStaff::makeViewElement(Rosegarden::Event* e) { return new NotationElement(e); } }