/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. Copyright 2000-2011 the Rosegarden development team. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "TrackEditor.h" #include "TrackButtons.h" #include "misc/Strings.h" #include "misc/Debug.h" #include "misc/ConfigGroups.h" #include "gui/seqmanager/SequenceManager.h" #include "gui/rulers/StandardRuler.h" #include "base/Composition.h" #include "base/MidiProgram.h" #include "base/RealTime.h" #include "base/RulerScale.h" #include "base/Segment.h" #include "base/Selection.h" #include "commands/segment/AddTracksCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/DeleteTracksCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentEraseCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentInsertCommand.h" #include "commands/segment/SegmentRepeatToCopyCommand.h" #include "compositionview/CompositionModel.h" #include "compositionview/CompositionModelImpl.h" #include "compositionview/CompositionView.h" #include "document/CommandHistory.h" #include "document/RosegardenDocument.h" #include "gui/application/RosegardenMainWindow.h" #include "gui/rulers/ChordNameRuler.h" #include "gui/rulers/TempoRuler.h" #include "gui/rulers/LoopRuler.h" #include "gui/general/IconLoader.h" #include "gui/widgets/ProgressDialog.h" #include "gui/widgets/DeferScrollArea.h" #include "sound/AudioFile.h" #include "document/Command.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Rosegarden { TrackEditor::TrackEditor(RosegardenDocument* doc, QWidget* rosegardenguiview, RulerScale *rulerScale, bool showTrackLabels, double initialUnitsPerPixel, QWidget* parent, const char* name) : QWidget(parent), m_doc(doc), m_rulerScale(rulerScale), m_topStandardRuler(0), m_bottomStandardRuler(0), m_trackButtons(0), m_compositionView(0), m_trackButtonScroll(0), m_showTrackLabels(showTrackLabels), m_canvasWidth(0), m_compositionRefreshStatusId(doc->getComposition().getNewRefreshStatusId()), m_playTracking(true), m_initialUnitsPerPixel(initialUnitsPerPixel) { setObjectName(name); // accept dnd setAcceptDrops(true); //setDragEnabled(true); init(rosegardenguiview); slotReadjustCanvasSize(); } TrackEditor::~TrackEditor() { delete m_chordNameRuler; delete m_compositionModel; } void TrackEditor::init(QWidget* rosegardenguiview) { QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(this); grid->setMargin(0); grid->setSpacing(0); int trackLabelWidth = 200; int barButtonsHeight = 25; m_chordNameRuler = new ChordNameRuler(m_rulerScale, m_doc, 0.0, 20, this); grid->addWidget(m_chordNameRuler, 0, 1); // m_chordNameRuler->hide(); m_tempoRuler = new TempoRuler(m_rulerScale, m_doc, RosegardenMainWindow::self(), 0.0, 24, true, this); grid->addWidget(m_tempoRuler, 1, 1); m_tempoRuler->connectSignals(); // m_tempoRuler->hide(); // // Top Bar Buttons // m_topStandardRuler = new StandardRuler(m_doc, m_rulerScale, 0, barButtonsHeight, false, this, "topbarbuttons"); m_topStandardRuler->connectRulerToDocPointer(m_doc); m_topStandardRuler->setContentsMargins(2,0,0,0); grid->addWidget(m_topStandardRuler, 2, 1); // m_topStandardRuler->hide(); // // Segment Canvas // m_compositionModel = new CompositionModelImpl(m_doc->getComposition(), m_doc->getStudio(), m_rulerScale, getTrackCellHeight()); connect(rosegardenguiview, SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId)), m_compositionModel, SLOT(slotInstrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId))); connect(rosegardenguiview->parent(), SIGNAL(instrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId)), m_compositionModel, SLOT(slotInstrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId))); m_compositionView = new CompositionView(m_doc, m_compositionModel, this); IconLoader il; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup( GeneralOptionsConfigGroup ); if ( qStrToBool( settings.value("backgroundtextures", "true" ) ) ) { QPixmap background = il.loadPixmap("bg-segmentcanvas"); if (!background.isNull()) { m_compositionView->setBackgroundPixmap(background); m_compositionView->viewport()->setBackgroundPixmap(background); } } // // Bottom Bar Buttons // m_bottomStandardRuler = new StandardRuler(m_doc, m_rulerScale, 0, barButtonsHeight, true, m_compositionView, "bottombarbuttons"); m_bottomStandardRuler->connectRulerToDocPointer(m_doc); m_bottomStandardRuler->setContentsMargins(2,0,0,0); m_compositionView->setBottomFixedWidget(m_bottomStandardRuler); grid->addWidget(m_compositionView, 3, 1, 2, 1); // Multi-cell widget FromRow, FromCol, RowSpan, ColSpan QSize hsbSize = m_compositionView->horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint(); grid->setRowMinimumHeight(4,hsbSize.height() + m_bottomStandardRuler->height()); grid->setColumnStretch(1, 10); // to make sure the seg canvas doesn't leave a "blank" grey space when // loading a file which has a low zoom factor // Track Buttons // m_trackButtonScroll = new DeferScrollArea(this); // Scroll bars always off m_trackButtonScroll->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); m_trackButtonScroll->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); grid->addWidget(m_trackButtonScroll, 3, 0); int canvasHeight = getTrackCellHeight() * std::max(40u, m_doc->getComposition().getNbTracks()); m_trackButtons = new TrackButtons(m_doc, getTrackCellHeight(), trackLabelWidth, m_showTrackLabels, canvasHeight, m_trackButtonScroll, "TRACK_BUTTONS"); // permit styling; internal string; no tr() m_trackButtonScroll->setWidget(m_trackButtons); connect(m_trackButtons, SIGNAL(widthChanged()), this, SLOT(slotTrackButtonsWidthChanged())); connect(m_trackButtons, SIGNAL(trackSelected(int)), rosegardenguiview, SLOT(slotSelectTrackSegments(int))); connect(m_trackButtons, SIGNAL(instrumentSelected(int)), rosegardenguiview, SLOT(slotUpdateInstrumentParameterBox(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(stateChange(QString, bool)), rosegardenguiview, SIGNAL(stateChange(QString, bool))); connect(m_trackButtons, SIGNAL(modified()), m_doc, SLOT(slotDocumentModified())); connect(m_trackButtons, SIGNAL(muteButton(TrackId, bool)), rosegardenguiview, SLOT(slotSetMuteButton(TrackId, bool))); // connect loop rulers' follow-scroll signals connect(m_topStandardRuler->getLoopRuler(), SIGNAL(startMouseMove(int)), m_compositionView, SLOT(startAutoScroll(int))); connect(m_topStandardRuler->getLoopRuler(), SIGNAL(stopMouseMove()), m_compositionView, SLOT(stopAutoScroll())); connect(m_bottomStandardRuler->getLoopRuler(), SIGNAL(startMouseMove(int)), m_compositionView, SLOT(startAutoScroll(int))); connect(m_bottomStandardRuler->getLoopRuler(), SIGNAL(stopMouseMove()), m_compositionView, SLOT(stopAutoScroll())); //&&& Interesting one here. Q(3)ScrollArea had a contentsMoving signal we // used to grab for some purpose. Q(Abstract)ScrollArea has no usable // signals whatsoever. I think this is why autoscrolling is still slightly // wonky in Thorn, but I don't reckon there's much to do about this one // unless we write a custom widget or something. // //connect(m_compositionView, SIGNAL(contentsMoving(int, int)), // this, SLOT(slotCanvasScrolled(int, int))); // Synchronize bar buttons' scrollview with segment canvas' scrollbar // connect(m_compositionView->verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotVerticalScrollTrackButtons(int))); // connect(m_vertScrollBar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), // this, SLOT(slotVerticalScrollTrackButtons(int))); connect(m_compositionView->verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(slotVerticalScrollTrackButtons(int))); // scrolling with mouse wheel connect(m_trackButtonScroll, SIGNAL(gotWheelEvent(QWheelEvent*)), m_compositionView, SLOT(slotExternalWheelEvent(QWheelEvent*))); // Connect horizontal scrollbar // connect(m_compositionView->horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), m_topStandardRuler, SLOT(slotScrollHoriz(int))); connect(m_compositionView->horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), m_topStandardRuler, SLOT(slotScrollHoriz(int))); connect(m_compositionView->horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), m_bottomStandardRuler, SLOT(slotScrollHoriz(int))); connect(m_compositionView->horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), m_bottomStandardRuler, SLOT(slotScrollHoriz(int))); connect(m_compositionView->horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), m_tempoRuler, SLOT(slotScrollHoriz(int))); connect(m_compositionView->horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), m_tempoRuler, SLOT(slotScrollHoriz(int))); connect(m_compositionView->horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), m_chordNameRuler, SLOT(slotScrollHoriz(int))); connect(m_compositionView->horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), m_chordNameRuler, SLOT(slotScrollHoriz(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(needUpdate()), m_compositionView, SLOT(slotUpdateSegmentsDrawBuffer())); connect(m_compositionView->getModel(), SIGNAL(selectedSegments(const SegmentSelection &)), rosegardenguiview, SLOT(slotSelectedSegments(const SegmentSelection &))); connect(m_compositionView, SIGNAL(zoomIn()), RosegardenMainWindow::self(), SLOT(slotZoomIn())); connect(m_compositionView, SIGNAL(zoomOut()), RosegardenMainWindow::self(), SLOT(slotZoomOut())); connect(CommandHistory::getInstance(), SIGNAL(commandExecuted()), this, SLOT(update())); connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(pointerPositionChanged(timeT)), this, SLOT(slotSetPointerPosition(timeT))); // // pointer and loop drag signals from top and bottom bar buttons (loop rulers actually) // connect(m_topStandardRuler, SIGNAL(dragPointerToPosition(timeT)), this, SLOT(slotPointerDraggedToPosition(timeT))); connect(m_bottomStandardRuler, SIGNAL(dragPointerToPosition(timeT)), this, SLOT(slotPointerDraggedToPosition(timeT))); connect(m_topStandardRuler, SIGNAL(dragLoopToPosition(timeT)), this, SLOT(slotLoopDraggedToPosition(timeT))); connect(m_bottomStandardRuler, SIGNAL(dragLoopToPosition(timeT)), this, SLOT(slotLoopDraggedToPosition(timeT))); connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(loopChanged(timeT, timeT)), this, SLOT(slotSetLoop(timeT, timeT))); settings.endGroup(); } void TrackEditor::slotReadjustCanvasSize() { m_compositionView->slotUpdateSize(); } void TrackEditor::slotTrackButtonsWidthChanged() { // We need to make sure the trackButtons geometry is fully updated // // ProgressDialog::processEvents(); m_trackButtonScroll->setMinimumWidth(m_trackButtons->width()); m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); } int TrackEditor::getTrackCellHeight() const { int size; static QFont defaultFont; // do some scrabbling around for a reasonable size // size = defaultFont.pixelSize(); if (size < 8) { if (QApplication::font(this).pixelSize() < 8) size = 12; else size = QApplication::font(this).pixelSize(); } return size + 12; } bool TrackEditor::isCompositionModified() { return m_doc->getComposition().getRefreshStatus (m_compositionRefreshStatusId).needsRefresh(); } void TrackEditor::setCompositionModified(bool c) { m_doc->getComposition().getRefreshStatus (m_compositionRefreshStatusId).setNeedsRefresh(c); } void TrackEditor::updateRulers() { if (getTempoRuler() != 0) getTempoRuler()->update(); if (getChordNameRuler() != 0) getChordNameRuler()->update(); getTopStandardRuler()->update(); getBottomStandardRuler()->update(); } void TrackEditor::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e) { // RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::paintEvent" << endl; if (isCompositionModified()) { RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::paintEvent: Composition modified" << endl; //!!! These calls from within a paintEvent look ugly slotReadjustCanvasSize(); m_trackButtons->slotUpdateTracks(); m_compositionView->clearSegmentRectsCache(true); m_compositionView->updateContents(); // m_compositionView->update(); Composition &composition = m_doc->getComposition(); if (composition.getNbSegments() == 0) { emit stateChange("have_segments", false); // no segments : reverse state emit stateChange("have_selection", false); // no segments : reverse state } else { emit stateChange("have_segments", true); if (m_compositionView->haveSelection()) emit stateChange("have_selection", true); else emit stateChange("have_selection", false); // no selection : reverse state } setCompositionModified(false); } QWidget::paintEvent(e); } void TrackEditor::slotAddTracks(unsigned int nbNewTracks, InstrumentId id, int position) { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); AddTracksCommand* command = new AddTracksCommand(&comp, nbNewTracks, id, position); addCommandToHistory(command); slotReadjustCanvasSize(); } void TrackEditor::slotDeleteTracks(std::vector tracks) { Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); DeleteTracksCommand* command = new DeleteTracksCommand(&comp, tracks); addCommandToHistory(command); } void TrackEditor::addSegment(int track, int time, unsigned int duration) { if (!m_doc) return ; // sanity check SegmentInsertCommand *command = new SegmentInsertCommand(m_doc, track, time, duration); addCommandToHistory(command); } void TrackEditor::slotSegmentOrderChanged(int section, int fromIdx, int toIdx) { RG_DEBUG << QString("TrackEditor::segmentOrderChanged(section : %1, from %2, to %3)") .arg(section).arg(fromIdx).arg(toIdx) << endl; //!!! how do we get here? need to involve a command emit needUpdate(); } void TrackEditor::slotCanvasScrolled(int x, int y) { // update the pointer position if the user is dragging it from the loop ruler if ((m_topStandardRuler && m_topStandardRuler->getLoopRuler() && m_topStandardRuler->getLoopRuler()->hasActiveMousePress() && !m_topStandardRuler->getLoopRuler()->getLoopingMode()) || (m_bottomStandardRuler && m_bottomStandardRuler->getLoopRuler() && m_bottomStandardRuler->getLoopRuler()->hasActiveMousePress() && !m_bottomStandardRuler->getLoopRuler()->getLoopingMode())) { int mx = m_compositionView->viewport()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()).x(); m_compositionView->setPointerPos(x + mx); // bad idea, creates a feedback loop // timeT t = m_compositionView->grid().getRulerScale()->getTimeForX(x + mx); // slotSetPointerPosition(t); } } void TrackEditor::slotSetPointerPosition(timeT position) { SimpleRulerScale *ruler = dynamic_cast(m_rulerScale); if (!ruler) return ; double pos = m_compositionView->grid().getRulerScale()->getXForTime(position); int currentPointerPos = m_compositionView->getPointerPos(); double distance = pos - currentPointerPos; if (distance < 0.0) distance = -distance; if (distance >= 1.0) { if (m_doc && m_doc->getSequenceManager() && (m_doc->getSequenceManager()->getTransportStatus() != STOPPED)) { if (m_playTracking) { getCompositionView()->slotScrollHoriz(int(double(position) / ruler->getUnitsPerPixel())); } } else if (!getCompositionView()->isAutoScrolling()) { int newpos = int(double(position) / ruler->getUnitsPerPixel()); // RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::slotSetPointerPosition(" // << position // << ") : calling canvas->slotScrollHoriz() " // << newpos << endl; getCompositionView()->slotScrollHoriz(newpos); } m_compositionView->setPointerPos(pos); } } void TrackEditor::slotPointerDraggedToPosition(timeT position) { int currentPointerPos = m_compositionView->getPointerPos(); double newPosition; if (handleAutoScroll(currentPointerPos, position, newPosition)) m_compositionView->setPointerPos(int(newPosition)); } void TrackEditor::slotLoopDraggedToPosition(timeT position) { if (m_doc) { int currentEndLoopPos = m_doc->getComposition().getLoopEnd(); double dummy; handleAutoScroll(currentEndLoopPos, position, dummy); } } bool TrackEditor::handleAutoScroll(int currentPosition, timeT newTimePosition, double &newPosition) { SimpleRulerScale *ruler = dynamic_cast(m_rulerScale); if (!ruler) return false; newPosition = m_compositionView->grid().getRulerScale()->getXForTime(newTimePosition); double distance = fabs(newPosition - currentPosition); bool moveDetected = distance >= 1.0; if (moveDetected) { if (m_doc && m_doc->getSequenceManager() && (m_doc->getSequenceManager()->getTransportStatus() != STOPPED)) { if (m_playTracking) { getCompositionView()->slotScrollHoriz(int(double(newTimePosition) / ruler->getUnitsPerPixel())); } } else { int newpos = int(double(newTimePosition) / ruler->getUnitsPerPixel()); getCompositionView()->slotScrollHorizSmallSteps(newpos); getCompositionView()->doAutoScroll(); } } return moveDetected; } void TrackEditor::slotToggleTracking() { m_playTracking = !m_playTracking; } void TrackEditor::slotSetLoop(timeT start, timeT end) { getTopStandardRuler()->getLoopRuler()->slotSetLoopMarker(start, end); getBottomStandardRuler()->getLoopRuler()->slotSetLoopMarker(start, end); } void TrackEditor::addCommandToHistory(Command *command) { CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command); } void TrackEditor::slotScrollToTrack(int track) { ///!!! Reconfigure to use m_compositionmodel to return y value for track number // Find the vertical track pos int newY = track * getTrackCellHeight(); RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::scrollToTrack(" << track << ") scrolling to Y " << newY << endl; // Scroll the segment view; it will scroll tracks by connected signals // slotVerticalScrollTrackButtons(newY); // This is currently a bit broke m_compositionView->slotScrollVertSmallSteps(newY); // This works but is basic McBasic //m_compositionView->setContentsPos(m_compositionView->contentsX(),newY); } void TrackEditor::slotDeleteSelectedSegments() { MacroCommand *macro = new MacroCommand("Delete Segments"); SegmentSelection segments = m_compositionView->getSelectedSegments(); if (segments.size() == 0) return ; SegmentSelection::iterator it; // Clear the selection before erasing the Segments // the selection points to // m_compositionView->getModel()->clearSelected(); // Create the compound command // for (it = segments.begin(); it != segments.end(); it++) { macro->addCommand(new SegmentEraseCommand(*it, &m_doc->getAudioFileManager())); } addCommandToHistory(macro); } void TrackEditor::slotTurnRepeatingSegmentToRealCopies() { RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::slotTurnRepeatingSegmentToRealCopies" << endl; SegmentSelection segments = m_compositionView->getSelectedSegments(); if (segments.size() == 0) return ; QString text; if (segments.size() == 1) text = tr("Turn Repeating Segment into Real Copies"); else text = tr("Turn Repeating Segments into Real Copies"); MacroCommand *macro = new MacroCommand(text); SegmentSelection::iterator it = segments.begin(); for (; it != segments.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->isRepeating()) { macro->addCommand(new SegmentRepeatToCopyCommand(*it)); } } addCommandToHistory(macro); } void TrackEditor::slotVerticalScrollTrackButtons(int y) { // m_trackButtonScroll->setContentsPos(0, y); m_trackButtonScroll->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(y); // ensureVisible ( int x, int y, int xmargin = 50, int ymargin = 50 ) // m_trackButtonScroll->ensureVisible ( 0, y, 50, 20 ); } void TrackEditor::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e) { const QMimeData *mime; mime = e->mimeData(); QStringList formats(mime->formats()); if (mime->hasFormat("text/uri-list") || mime->hasFormat("text/plain")) { if (e->proposedAction() & Qt::CopyAction) { e->acceptProposedAction(); } else { e->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); e->accept(); } }else{ RG_DEBUG << "HINT: Unaccepted MimeFormat in TrackEditor::dragEnterEvent : " << formats << endl; } } void TrackEditor::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *){ // pass } void TrackEditor::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e) { QStringList uriList; QString text; QString audioText; if (e->provides("text/uri-list") || e->provides("text/plain")) { if (e->proposedAction() & Qt::CopyAction) { e->acceptProposedAction(); } else { e->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); e->accept(); } if (e->provides("text/uri-list")) { // note: we could also do // QList uList = e->mimeData()->urls(); uriList = QString::fromLocal8Bit(e->encodedData("text/uri-list").data()) .split(QRegExp("[\\r\\n]+"), QString::SkipEmptyParts); } if (e->provides("text/plain")) { text = e->mimeData()->text(); //text = QString::fromLocal8Bit(e->encodedData("text/plain").data()); //uriList << text; } } if (uriList.empty() && text == "") { RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::dropEvent: Nothing dropped" << endl; return; } RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::dropEvent: uri list is " << uriList << ", text is " << text << endl; QPoint cpoint = m_compositionView->mapFrom(this, e->pos()); int trackPos = m_compositionView->grid().getYBin (cpoint.y() + m_compositionView->contentsY()); timeT time = m_compositionView->grid().snapX (cpoint.x() + m_compositionView->contentsX()); RG_DEBUG << "trackPos = " << trackPos << ", time = " << time << endl; Track *track = m_doc->getComposition().getTrackByPosition(trackPos); bool internal = (e->source() != 0); // have a source widget if (!internal && !uriList.empty()) { // Update code allow multiple audio drops to TrackEditor // Old behavoir of stopping if .rg or .midi file encountered still works // We have a URI, and it didn't come from within RG RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::dropEvent() : got URI :" << uriList.first() << endl; QStringList::const_iterator ci; for (ci = uriList.constBegin(); ci != uriList.constEnd(); ++ci) { QString uri = *ci; QString tester = uri.toLower(); if (tester.endsWith(".rg") || tester.endsWith(".rgp") || tester.endsWith(".mid") || tester.endsWith(".midi")) { // is a rosegarden document or project emit droppedDocument(uri); return; // // WARNING // // DO NOT PERFORM ANY OPERATIONS AFTER THAT // EMITTING THIS SIGNAL TRIGGERS THE LOADING OF A NEW DOCUMENT // AND AS A CONSEQUENCE THE DELETION OF THIS TrackEditor OBJECT // } else { if (!track) return; RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::dropEvent() : dropping at track pos = " << trackPos << ", time = " << time << ", x = " << e->pos().x() << endl; audioText.clear(); QTextStream t(&audioText, QIODevice::ReadWrite); t << uri << "\n"; t << track->getId() << "\n"; t << time << "\n"; t.flush(); RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::dropEvent() audioText = \n " << audioText << "\n"; emit droppedNewAudio(QString(audioText)); // connected to RosegardenMainViewWidget::droppedNewAudio() } } } else if (internal && !text.isEmpty()) { // We have some text and a source widget: this is an internal // drop, which will hopefully turn out to be from the audio // file manager RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::dropEvent() : got text info " << endl; QString tester = text.toLower(); if (tester.endsWith(".rg") || tester.endsWith(".rgp") || tester.endsWith(".mid") || tester.endsWith(".midi")) { // presumably unlikely for an internal drop, but we can // handle it so no reason not to emit droppedDocument(text); return; // // WARNING // // DO NOT PERFORM ANY OPERATIONS AFTER THAT // EMITTING THIS SIGNAL TRIGGERS THE LOADING OF A NEW DOCUMENT // AND AS A CONSEQUENCE THE DELETION OF THIS TrackEditor OBJECT // } else { if (!track) return; // if it's a RG-internal drag-drop, use the text data provided QTextStream s(&text); //qt4 QString id; AudioFileId audioFileId; RealTime startTime, endTime; // read the audio info checking for end of stream s >> id; s >> audioFileId; s >> startTime.sec; s >> startTime.nsec; s >> endTime.sec; s >> endTime.nsec; // We know e->source() is non-NULL, tested it above when // setting internal, but no harm in leaving this check in QString sourceName = "NULL"; if (e->source()) sourceName = e->source()->objectName(); RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::dropEvent() - event source : " << sourceName << endl; if (sourceName == "AudioListView") { // only create something if this is data from the right client RG_DEBUG << "TrackEditor::dropEvent() : dropping at track pos = " << trackPos << ", time = " << time << ", x = " << e->pos().x() << endl; QString audioText; QTextStream t(&audioText); t << audioFileId << "\n"; t << track->getId() << "\n"; t << time << "\n"; // time on canvas t << startTime.sec << "\n"; t << startTime.nsec << "\n"; t << endTime.sec << "\n"; t << endTime.nsec << "\n"; emit droppedAudio(audioText); } else { // data is not from AudioFileManager QMessageBox::warning (this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Rosegarden cannot accept dropped files of this type.")); } } } } } // end namespace Rosegarden #include "TrackEditor.moc"