/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. Copyright 2000-2011 the Rosegarden development team. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include #include #include "RosegardenScrollView.h" #include "misc/Debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Rosegarden { // Smooth scroll checks // const int RosegardenScrollView::AutoscrollMargin = 16; const int RosegardenScrollView::InitialScrollTime = 30; const int RosegardenScrollView::InitialScrollShortcut = 5; const int RosegardenScrollView::MaxScrollDelta = 100; // max a.scroll speed const double RosegardenScrollView::ScrollShortcutValue = 1.04;// shortcuteration rate RosegardenScrollView::RosegardenScrollView(QWidget* parent, const char* name) //, WFlags f) : QAbstractScrollArea(parent), m_bottomWidget(0), m_currentBottomWidgetHeight( -1), m_smoothScroll(true), m_smoothScrollTimeInterval(DefaultSmoothScrollTimeInterval), m_minDeltaScroll(DefaultMinDeltaScroll), m_autoScrollTime(InitialScrollTime), m_autoScrollShortcut(InitialScrollShortcut), m_autoScrollXMargin(0), m_autoScrollYMargin(0), m_currentScrollDirection(None), m_scrollDirectionConstraint(NoFollow), m_autoScrolling(false) { setDragAutoScroll(true); //&&& could not find replacement connect( &m_autoScrollTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( doAutoScroll() ) ); } // convenience methods, added for qt4 support // they will either use (I'm not shure yet): // QRegion QWidget::visibleRegion () // or // this->horizontalScrollBar().value() // + this->width() // int RosegardenScrollView::contentsX() //### todo: when GUI is ready: check the following code { return this->horizontalScrollBar()->value(); } int RosegardenScrollView::contentsY() { return this->verticalScrollBar()->value(); } void RosegardenScrollView::setContentsPos(int posX, int posY) { this->horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(posX); this->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(posY); return; } int RosegardenScrollView::visibleWidth() { // These were converted by someone to contentsX + this->width() - didn't look right return this->viewport()->width(); // return this->width(); } int RosegardenScrollView::visibleHeight() { return this->viewport()->height(); // return this->height(); } int RosegardenScrollView::contentsWidth() { return m_vwidth; } int RosegardenScrollView::contentsHeight() { return m_vheight; } void RosegardenScrollView::resizeContents(int w, int h) // Code lifted from Q3ScrollView { int ow = m_vwidth; int oh = m_vheight; m_vwidth = w; m_vheight = h; // d->scrollbar_timer.start(0, true); // This was necessary until I fixed the resizeEvent connection //### CJ - Don't think this is necessary - slightly confused as we're resizing the content, not the widget // if (d->children.isEmpty() && d->policy == Default) // setResizePolicy(Manual); if (ow > w) { // Swap int t=w; w=ow; ow=t; } // Refresh area ow..w if (ow < visibleWidth() && w >= 0) { if (ow < 0) ow = 0; if (w > visibleWidth()) w = visibleWidth(); this->viewport()->update(contentsX()+ow, 0, w-ow, visibleHeight()); } if (oh > h) { // Swap int t=h; h=oh; oh=t; } // Refresh area oh..h if (oh < visibleHeight() && h >= 0) { if (oh < 0) oh = 0; if (h > visibleHeight()) h = visibleHeight(); this->viewport()->update(0, contentsY()+oh, visibleWidth(), h-oh); } } void RosegardenScrollView::updateContents(int x, int y, int w, int h) // Code lifted from Q3ScrollView { if (!isVisible() || !updatesEnabled()) return; // RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenScrollView::updateContents" << endl; QWidget* vp = viewport(); // Translate x -= contentsX(); y -= contentsY(); if (x < 0) { w += x; x = 0; } if (y < 0) { h += y; y = 0; } if (w < 0 || h < 0) return; if (x > visibleWidth() || y > visibleHeight()) return; if (w > visibleWidth()) w = visibleWidth(); if (h > visibleHeight()) h = visibleHeight(); //### CJ - I don't think we used a clipped_viewport on Q3ScrollView //if (d->clipped_viewport) { //// Translate clipper() to viewport() //x -= d->clipped_viewport->x(); //y -= d->clipped_viewport->y(); //} vp->update(x, y, w, h); updateScrollBars(); } void RosegardenScrollView::updateContents(const QRect& r) { updateContents(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); } void RosegardenScrollView::updateContents() { updateContents(contentsX(), contentsY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight()); } void RosegardenScrollView::updateScrollBars() { horizontalScrollBar()->setPageStep(visibleWidth()); horizontalScrollBar()->setLineStep(visibleWidth() / 10); horizontalScrollBar()->setMaximum( std::max(contentsWidth()-visibleWidth(),0)); verticalScrollBar()->setPageStep(visibleHeight()); verticalScrollBar()->setLineStep(visibleHeight() / 10); verticalScrollBar()->setMaximum( std::max(contentsHeight()-visibleHeight(),0)); // RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenScrollView::updateScrollBars :" << // " pagewidth - " << visibleWidth() << // " pageheight - " << visibleHeight(); } void RosegardenScrollView::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* event ) { viewportPaintEvent( event ); } QPoint RosegardenScrollView::viewportToContents(const QPoint& vp) { return QPoint(vp.x() + contentsX(), vp.y() + contentsY()); } void RosegardenScrollView::viewportPaintEvent( QPaintEvent* event ) { } void RosegardenScrollView::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { viewportMousePressEvent( event ); } void RosegardenScrollView::viewportMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { QMouseEvent ce(e->type(), viewportToContents(e->pos()), e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->state()); contentsMousePressEvent(&ce); if (!ce.isAccepted()) e->ignore(); } void RosegardenScrollView::contentsMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { } void RosegardenScrollView::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { viewportMouseReleaseEvent( event ); } void RosegardenScrollView::viewportMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { QMouseEvent ce(e->type(), viewportToContents(e->pos()), e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->state()); contentsMouseReleaseEvent(&ce); if (!ce.isAccepted()) e->ignore(); } void RosegardenScrollView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { } void RosegardenScrollView::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { viewportMouseMoveEvent( event ); } void RosegardenScrollView::viewportMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { QMouseEvent ce(e->type(), viewportToContents(e->pos()), e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->state()); contentsMouseMoveEvent(&ce); if (!ce.isAccepted()) e->ignore(); } void RosegardenScrollView::contentsMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { } void RosegardenScrollView::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { viewportMouseDoubleClickEvent( event ); } void RosegardenScrollView::viewportMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { QMouseEvent ce(e->type(), viewportToContents(e->pos()), e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->state()); contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(&ce); if (!ce.isAccepted()) e->ignore(); } void RosegardenScrollView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { } void RosegardenScrollView::setDragAutoScroll(bool state) { } void RosegardenScrollView::setBottomFixedWidget(QWidget* w) { m_bottomWidget = w; if (m_bottomWidget) { m_bottomWidget->reparent(this, 0, QPoint(0, 0)); m_bottomWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); setViewportMargins( 0, 0, 0, m_bottomWidget->sizeHint().height() ); RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenScrollView::setBottomFixedWidget" << endl; } } void RosegardenScrollView::startAutoScroll() { // RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenScrollView::startAutoScroll()\n"; if ( !m_autoScrollTimer.isActive() ) { m_autoScrollTime = InitialScrollTime; m_autoScrollShortcut = InitialScrollShortcut; m_autoScrollTimer.start( m_autoScrollTime ); } QPoint autoScrollStartPoint = viewport()->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ); m_autoScrollYMargin = autoScrollStartPoint.y() / 10; m_autoScrollXMargin = autoScrollStartPoint.x() / 10; m_autoScrolling = true; } void RosegardenScrollView::startAutoScroll(int directionConstraint) { setScrollDirectionConstraint(directionConstraint); startAutoScroll(); } void RosegardenScrollView::stopAutoScroll() { // RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenScrollView::stopAutoScroll()\n"; m_autoScrollTimer.stop(); m_minDeltaScroll = DefaultMinDeltaScroll; m_currentScrollDirection = None; m_autoScrolling = false; } void RosegardenScrollView::doAutoScroll() { // RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenScrollView::doAutoScroll()\n"; QPoint p = viewport()->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ); QPoint dp = p - m_previousP; m_previousP = p; m_autoScrollTimer.start( m_autoScrollTime ); ScrollDirection scrollDirection = None; int dx = 0, dy = 0; if (m_scrollDirectionConstraint & FollowVertical) { if ( p.y() < m_autoScrollYMargin ) { dy = -(int(m_minDeltaScroll)); scrollDirection = Top; } else if ( p.y() > visibleHeight() - m_autoScrollYMargin ) { dy = + (int(m_minDeltaScroll)); scrollDirection = Bottom; } } bool startDecelerating = false; if (m_scrollDirectionConstraint & FollowHorizontal) { // RG_DEBUG << "p.x() : " << p.x() << " - visibleWidth : " << visibleWidth() << " - autoScrollXMargin : " << m_autoScrollXMargin << endl; if ( p.x() < m_autoScrollXMargin ) { if ( dp.x() > 0 ) { startDecelerating = true; m_minDeltaScroll /= ScrollShortcutValue; } dx = -(int(m_minDeltaScroll)); scrollDirection = Left; } else if ( p.x() > visibleWidth() - m_autoScrollXMargin ) { if ( dp.x() < 0 ) { startDecelerating = true; m_minDeltaScroll /= ScrollShortcutValue; } dx = + (int(m_minDeltaScroll)); scrollDirection = Right; } } // RG_DEBUG << "dx: " << dx << ", dy: " << dy << endl; if ( (dx || dy) && ((scrollDirection == m_currentScrollDirection) || (m_currentScrollDirection == None)) ) { // scroll(dx, dy); this->horizontalScrollBar()->setValue( this->horizontalScrollBar()->value() + dx ); this->verticalScrollBar()->setValue( this->verticalScrollBar()->value() + dy ); if ( startDecelerating ) m_minDeltaScroll /= ScrollShortcutValue; else m_minDeltaScroll *= ScrollShortcutValue; if (m_minDeltaScroll > MaxScrollDelta ) m_minDeltaScroll = MaxScrollDelta; m_currentScrollDirection = scrollDirection; } else { // Don't automatically stopAutoScroll() here, the mouse button // is presumably still pressed. m_minDeltaScroll = DefaultMinDeltaScroll; m_currentScrollDirection = None; } } const int RosegardenScrollView::DefaultSmoothScrollTimeInterval = 10; const double RosegardenScrollView::DefaultMinDeltaScroll = 1.2; bool RosegardenScrollView::isTimeForSmoothScroll() { static int desktopWidth = QApplication::desktop()->width(), desktopHeight = QApplication::desktop()->height(); if (m_smoothScroll) { int ta = m_scrollShortcuterationTimer.elapsed(); int t = m_scrollTimer.elapsed(); RG_DEBUG << "t = " << t << ", ta = " << ta << ", int " << m_smoothScrollTimeInterval << ", delta " << m_minDeltaScroll << endl; if (t < m_smoothScrollTimeInterval) { return false; } else { if (ta > 300) { // reset smoothScrollTimeInterval m_smoothScrollTimeInterval = DefaultSmoothScrollTimeInterval; m_minDeltaScroll = DefaultMinDeltaScroll; m_scrollShortcuterationTimer.restart(); } else if (ta > 50) { // m_smoothScrollTimeInterval /= 2; m_minDeltaScroll *= 1.08; m_scrollShortcuterationTimer.restart(); } m_scrollTimer.restart(); return true; } } return true; } void RosegardenScrollView::slotScrollHoriz(int hpos) { QScrollBar* hbar = getMainHorizontalScrollBar(); int currentContentYPos = contentsY(); /* Lots of performance hitting debug RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenScrollView::slotScrollHoriz: hpos is " << hpos << ", contentsX is " << contentsX() << ", visibleWidth is " << visibleWidth() << endl; */ if (hpos == 0) { // returning to zero // hbar->setValue(0); setContentsPos(0, currentContentYPos); //@@@ // possible replacement: ?? //this->widget()->move( 0, currentContentYPos ) } else if (hpos > (contentsX() + visibleWidth() * 1.6) || hpos < (contentsX() - visibleWidth() * 0.7)) { // miles off one side or the other // hbar->setValue(hpos - int(visibleWidth() * 0.4)); setContentsPos(hpos - int(visibleWidth() * 0.4), currentContentYPos); } else if (hpos > (contentsX() + visibleWidth() * 0.9)) { // moving off the right hand side of the view // hbar->setValue(hbar->value() + int(visibleWidth() * 0.6)); setContentsPos(hbar->value() + int(visibleWidth() * 0.6), currentContentYPos); } else if (hpos < (contentsX() + visibleWidth() * 0.1)) { // moving off the left // hbar->setValue(hbar->value() - int(visibleWidth() * 0.6)); setContentsPos(hbar->value() - int(visibleWidth() * 0.6), currentContentYPos); } } void RosegardenScrollView::slotScrollHorizSmallSteps(int hpos) { QScrollBar* hbar = getMainHorizontalScrollBar(); int currentContentYPos = contentsY(); int diff = 0; if (hpos == 0) { // returning to zero // hbar->setValue(0); setContentsPos(0, currentContentYPos); } else if ((diff = int(hpos - (contentsX() + visibleWidth() * 0.90))) > 0) { // moving off the right hand side of the view int delta = diff / 6; int diff10 = std::min(diff, (int)m_minDeltaScroll); delta = std::max(delta, diff10); // hbar->setValue(hbar->value() + delta); setContentsPos(hbar->value() + delta, currentContentYPos); } else if ((diff = int(hpos - (contentsX() + visibleWidth() * 0.10))) < 0) { // moving off the left int delta = -diff / 6; int diff10 = std::min( -diff, (int)m_minDeltaScroll); delta = std::max(delta, diff10); // hbar->setValue(hbar->value() - delta); setContentsPos(hbar->value() - delta, currentContentYPos); } } void RosegardenScrollView::slotScrollVertSmallSteps(int vpos) { QScrollBar* vbar = verticalScrollBar(); // RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenCanvasView::slotScrollVertSmallSteps - Start: vpos is " << vpos << ", contentsY is " << contentsY() << ", visibleHeight is " << visibleHeight() << endl; // As a special case (or hack), ignore any request made before we've // actually been rendered and sized if (visibleHeight() <= 1) return ; int diff = 0; if (vpos == 0) { // returning to zero vbar->setValue(0); } else if ((diff = int(vpos - (contentsY() + visibleHeight() * 0.90))) > 0) { // moving off up int delta = diff / 6; int diff10 = std::min(diff, (int)m_minDeltaScroll); delta = std::max(delta, diff10); vbar->setValue(vbar->value() + diff); } else if ((diff = int(vpos - (contentsY() + visibleHeight() * 0.10))) < 0) { // moving off down int delta = -diff / 6; int diff10 = std::min( -diff, (int)m_minDeltaScroll); delta = std::max(delta, diff10); vbar->setValue(vbar->value() - delta); } } void RosegardenScrollView::slotScrollVertToTop(int vpos) { QScrollBar* vbar = verticalScrollBar(); if (vpos < visibleHeight() / 3) vbar->setValue(0); else vbar->setValue(vpos - visibleHeight() / 5); } void RosegardenScrollView::slotSetScrollPos(const QPoint &pos) { horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(pos.x()); verticalScrollBar()->setValue(pos.y()); } void RosegardenScrollView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e) { QAbstractScrollArea::resizeEvent(e); updateScrollBars(); //### What was the purpose of this? // if (!horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible()) updateBottomWidgetGeometry(); } void RosegardenScrollView::setHBarGeometry(QScrollBar &hbar, int x, int y, int w, int h) { ///@TODO Not available in QAbstractScrollArea - Q3ScrollView::setHBarGeometry(hbar, x, y, w, h); // hbar.setGeometry( x,y, w,h ); updateBottomWidgetGeometry(); } void RosegardenScrollView::updateBottomWidgetGeometry() { RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenScrollView::updateBottomWidgetGeometry" << endl; if (!m_bottomWidget) return ; int bottomWidgetHeight = m_bottomWidget->sizeHint().height(); setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, bottomWidgetHeight); QRect r = frameRect(); int hScrollBarHeight = 0; if (horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible()) hScrollBarHeight = horizontalScrollBar()->height() + 2; // + 2 offset needed to preserve border shadow int vScrollBarWidth = 0; if (verticalScrollBar()->isVisible()) vScrollBarWidth = verticalScrollBar()->width(); m_bottomWidget->setGeometry(r.x(), r.y() + r.height() - bottomWidgetHeight - hScrollBarHeight, r.width() - vScrollBarWidth, bottomWidgetHeight); if (bottomWidgetHeight != m_currentBottomWidgetHeight) { emit bottomWidgetHeightChanged(bottomWidgetHeight); m_currentBottomWidgetHeight = bottomWidgetHeight; } } void RosegardenScrollView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) { if (e->modifiers() & Qt::CTRL) { if (e->delta() > 0) emit zoomIn(); else if (e->delta() < 0) emit zoomOut(); return ; } // For some reason that I don't understand, vertical scrolling // with the wheel in the main window is extremely slow. The // factor of 10 applied here is to compensate for that. No doubt // on someone else's machine it will turn out to have been fine // before this factor was applied, and unusable now... QWheelEvent w(e->pos(), e->globalPos(), e->delta() * 10, e->buttons(), e->modifiers(), e->orientation()); QAbstractScrollArea::wheelEvent(&w); } } #include "RosegardenScrollView.moc"