#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Checker for file headers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make sure each Python file has a correct file header including copyright and license information. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import sys, os, re import getopt import cStringIO from os.path import join, splitext, abspath checkers = {} def checker(*suffixes, **kwds): only_pkg = kwds.pop('only_pkg', False) def deco(func): for suffix in suffixes: checkers.setdefault(suffix, []).append(func) func.only_pkg = only_pkg return func return deco name_mail_re = r'[\w ]+(<.*?>)?' copyright_re = re.compile(r'^ :copyright: Copyright 200\d(-20\d\d)? ' r'by %s(, %s)*[,.]$' % (name_mail_re, name_mail_re)) license_re = re.compile(r" :license: (.*?).\n") copyright_2_re = re.compile(r'^ %s(, %s)*[,.]$' % (name_mail_re, name_mail_re)) coding_re = re.compile(r'coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)') not_ix_re = re.compile(r'\bnot\s+\S+?\s+i[sn]\s\S+') is_const_re = re.compile(r'if.*?==\s+(None|False|True)\b') misspellings = ["developement", "adress", "verificate", # ALLOW-MISSPELLING "informations"] # ALLOW-MISSPELLING @checker('.py') def check_syntax(fn, lines): try: compile(''.join(lines), fn, "exec") except SyntaxError, err: yield 0, "not compilable: %s" % err @checker('.py') def check_style_and_encoding(fn, lines): encoding = 'ascii' for lno, line in enumerate(lines): if len(line) > 81: yield lno+1, "line too long" if lno < 2: co = coding_re.search(line) if co: encoding = co.group(1) if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue #m = not_ix_re.search(line) #if m: # yield lno+1, '"' + m.group() + '"' if is_const_re.search(line): yield lno+1, 'using == None/True/False' try: line.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError, err: yield lno+1, "not decodable: %s\n Line: %r" % (err, line) except LookupError, err: yield 0, "unknown encoding: %s" % encoding encoding = 'latin1' @checker('.py', only_pkg=True) def check_fileheader(fn, lines): # line number correction c = 1 if lines[0:1] == ['#!/usr/bin/env python\n']: lines = lines[1:] c = 2 llist = [] docopen = False for lno, l in enumerate(lines): llist.append(l) if lno == 0: if l == '# -*- coding: rot13 -*-\n': # special-case pony package return elif l != '# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n': yield 1, "missing coding declaration" elif lno == 1: if l != '"""\n' and l != 'r"""\n': yield 2, 'missing docstring begin (""")' else: docopen = True elif docopen: if l == '"""\n': # end of docstring if lno <= 4: yield lno+c, "missing module name in docstring" break if l != "\n" and l[:4] != ' ' and docopen: yield lno+c, "missing correct docstring indentation" if lno == 2: # if not in package, don't check the module name modname = fn[:-3].replace('/', '.').replace('.__init__', '') while modname: if l.lower()[4:-1] == modname: break modname = '.'.join(modname.split('.')[1:]) else: yield 3, "wrong module name in docstring heading" modnamelen = len(l.strip()) elif lno == 3: if l.strip() != modnamelen * "~": yield 4, "wrong module name underline, should be ~~~...~" else: yield 0, "missing end and/or start of docstring..." # check for copyright and license fields license = llist[-2:-1] if not license or not license_re.match(license[0]): yield 0, "no correct license info" ci = -3 copyright = llist[ci:ci+1] while copyright and copyright_2_re.match(copyright[0]): ci -= 1 copyright = llist[ci:ci+1] if not copyright or not copyright_re.match(copyright[0]): yield 0, "no correct copyright info" @checker('.py', '.html', '.rst') def check_whitespace_and_spelling(fn, lines): for lno, line in enumerate(lines): if "\t" in line: yield lno+1, "OMG TABS!!!1 " if line[:-1].rstrip(' \t') != line[:-1]: yield lno+1, "trailing whitespace" for word in misspellings: if word in line and 'ALLOW-MISSPELLING' not in line: yield lno+1, '"%s" used' % word bad_tags = ('', '', '', '
', '>out, "%s:%d: %s" % (fn, lno, msg) num += 1 if verbose: print if num == 0: print "No errors found." else: print out.getvalue().rstrip('\n') print "%d error%s found." % (num, num > 1 and "s" or "") return int(num > 0) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))