/** * Copyright (C) 2007 Evan Dandrea under the GPLv2 */ /* * This file should cover importing into all Firefox versions up to and * including Firefox 2. Firefox 3.0 will introduce a new backend (finally) for * bookmarks and history using SQLite. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "registry.h" typedef struct folder { char* title; char* description; char* ptf; } folder; typedef struct hlink { char* title; char* url; char* icon; char* feed; char* description; } hlink; typedef enum { HREF, ICON, FEED, PTF } attr_type; typedef enum { FOLDER, LINK, HR } item_type; typedef struct element { void* attributes; item_type type; struct element* next; struct element* children; } element; char* read_tag(const char* line) { char* ret; const char* ptr = line; int count = 0; while(*ptr != '<') { if(*ptr == '\0') return NULL; ptr++; } line = ++ptr; while(*ptr != '>' && *ptr != ' ') { if(*ptr == '\0') return NULL; count++; ptr++; } ret = malloc(count+1); memcpy(ret,line,count); ret[count] = '\0'; return ret; } char* getcontent(const char* string) { char* ret; const char* ptr = string; int count = 0; while(*ptr != '\0') ptr++; // Find the > while(*ptr != '>') { if(ptr == string) return NULL; ptr--; } ptr--; // Find the > if(*ptr != 'D') { while(*ptr != '>') { if(ptr == string) return NULL; ptr--; } } else ptr++; string = ++ptr; // DD ends in a newline while(*ptr != '<' && *ptr != '\n') { if(*ptr == '\0') return NULL; count++; ptr++; } ret = malloc(count+1); memcpy(ret,string,count); ret[count] = '\0'; return ret; } char* getattrib(const char* string, attr_type attr) { const char* href; const char* end; char* ret = NULL; int count = 0; const char* temp; if(attr == HREF) temp = "HREF="; else if(attr == ICON) temp = "ICON="; else if(attr == FEED) temp = "FEEDURL="; else if(attr == PTF) temp = "PERSONAL_TOOLBAR_FOLDER="; href = strstr(string, temp); if(!href) return NULL; while(*href != '\"') href++; end = ++href; while(*end != '\"') { count++; end++; } ret = malloc(count+1); memcpy(ret,href,count); ret[count] = '\0'; return ret; } int count_whitespace(const char* string) { int count = 0; while(isspace(*string)) { count++; string++; } return count; } element* current; // To avoid having to iterate the entire list on every addition. element* new_element(element** lst, item_type t, void* attributes) { element* el; el = (element *)malloc(sizeof(element)); el->next = NULL; el->children = NULL; el->type = t; el->attributes = attributes; if(current) current->next = el; if(!(*lst)) { *lst = el; } current = el; return el; } element* append_element(element* parent, item_type t, void* attributes) { element* el; el = (element *)malloc(sizeof(element)); el->next = NULL; el->children = NULL; el->type = t; el->attributes = attributes; if(parent->children) { element* ptr = parent->children; while(ptr->next != NULL) { ptr = ptr->next; } ptr->next = el; } else { parent->children = el; } return el; } char* strip_whitespace(char* line) { char* start = line; char* end = NULL; while(*start == ' ' || *start == '\t') start++; end = start; while(*end != '\r' && *end != '\t') { if(*end == '\n') break; end++; } *end = '\0'; if(start == end) return NULL; return start; } void opera_build(FILE* fp, element* parent, element** list) { char* title = NULL; char* line = NULL; char* sline = NULL; char* tmp = NULL; size_t len = 0; ssize_t read; bool reread = false; while (true) { if(!reread) { if((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) == -1) return; } else { reread = false; } sline = strip_whitespace(line); if(!sline) continue; if(sline[0] == '-') return; if(sline[0] != '#') continue; if(strcmp(sline, "#FOLDER") == 0) { title = NULL; while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) { sline = strip_whitespace(line); if(!sline) continue; if(sline[0] == '-') return; if(sline[0] == '#') { reread = true; break; } tmp = sline; while(tmp && *tmp != '=') { tmp++; } if(!tmp) continue; *tmp = '\0'; if(strcmp(sline, "NAME") == 0) { title = malloc(strlen(tmp+1) + 1); strcpy(title, tmp+1); // For now we don't import the Trash folder. if(strcmp(title,"Trash") == 0) { free(title); while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) { sline = strip_whitespace(line); if(sline) if(strcmp(sline, "-") == 0) break; } break; } folder* f; f = (folder *)malloc(sizeof(folder)); f->title = title; f->description = NULL; f->ptf = NULL; element* p = NULL; if(parent) { p = append_element(parent, FOLDER, f); } else { p = new_element(list, FOLDER, f); } opera_build(fp, p, list); } } } else if(strcmp(sline, "#URL") == 0) { char* url = NULL; title = NULL; while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) { sline = strip_whitespace(line); if(!sline) continue; if(*sline == '\r' || *sline == '\n') continue; if(sline[0] == '#' || sline[0] == '-') { reread = true; break; } tmp = sline; while(tmp && *tmp != '=') { tmp++; } if(!tmp) continue; *tmp = '\0'; if(strcmp(sline, "NAME") == 0) { title = malloc(strlen(tmp+1) + 1); strcpy(title, tmp+1); } else if(strcmp(sline, "URL") == 0) { url = malloc(strlen(tmp+1) + 1); strcpy(url, tmp+1); } if(title && url) { hlink* l; l = (hlink *)malloc(sizeof(hlink)); l->url = url; l->title = title; l->feed = NULL; l->description = NULL; l->icon = NULL; if(parent) { append_element(parent, LINK, l); } else { new_element(list, LINK, l); } break; } } } } } const char* blacklisted_urls[] = { "http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll", "http://go.microsoft.com", NULL }; bool url_blacklisted(const char* url) { int i = 0; while(blacklisted_urls[i] != NULL) { if(strncmp(url, blacklisted_urls[i], strlen(blacklisted_urls[i])) == 0) return true; i++; } return false; } void internet_explorer_build(const char* path, element* parent, element** list) { struct dirent *dp; struct stat statbuf; DIR *dfd; FILE* fp; char * line = NULL; size_t len = 0; ssize_t read; char* url = NULL; if(chdir(path) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not chdir into %s\n", path); return; } dfd = opendir("."); if(dfd != NULL) { while((dp = readdir(dfd)) != NULL) { if((strcmp(dp->d_name,".") == 0) || (strcmp(dp->d_name,"..") == 0)) continue; char* tmp = dp->d_name; while(*tmp != '\0') tmp++; while(tmp != dp->d_name && *tmp != '.') tmp--; if(tmp != dp->d_name) { if(strcmp(tmp,".url") == 0) { fp = fopen(dp->d_name, "r"); while((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) { char utag[5]; strncpy(utag, line, 5); utag[4] = '\0'; if(strcmp(utag,"URL=") == 0) { url = malloc(strlen(line+4)); memcpy(url,line+4, strlen(line+4)-1); url[strlen(line+4)-2] = '\0'; } } *tmp = '\0'; if(url && !url_blacklisted(url)) { char* title = malloc(strlen(dp->d_name)+1); strcpy(title, dp->d_name); hlink* l; l = (hlink *)malloc(sizeof(hlink)); l->url = url; l->title = title; l->feed = NULL; l->description = NULL; l->icon = NULL; if(parent) { append_element(parent, LINK, l); } else { new_element(list, LINK, l); } } fclose(fp); } } else { stat(dp->d_name,&statbuf); if((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) { // is a directory char* title = malloc(strlen(dp->d_name)+1); strcpy(title, dp->d_name); folder* f; f = (folder *)malloc(sizeof(folder)); f->title = title; f->description = NULL; f->ptf = NULL; element* p; if(parent) { p = append_element(parent, FOLDER, f); } else { p = new_element(list, FOLDER, f); } internet_explorer_build(dp->d_name, p, list); } } } closedir(dfd); } chdir(".."); return; } void firefox_build(FILE* fp, element* parent, element** list) { // if parent is set then we will descend into parent and look at that level. char * line = NULL; char* tag = NULL; size_t len = 0; ssize_t read; bool repeat = false; while (true) { if(!repeat) { if((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) == -1) break; } else { repeat = false; } tag = read_tag(line); if(!tag) continue; if(strcmp(tag, "/DL") == 0) { return; } // Horizontal Rule else if(strcmp(tag, "HR") == 0) { if(parent) { append_element(parent, HR, NULL); } else { new_element(list, HR, NULL); } } // Either a bookmark or a folder. else if(strcmp(tag, "DT") == 0) { int offset = count_whitespace(line)+4; free(tag); tag = read_tag(line + offset); if(!tag) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find a tag after DT in line: %s\n", line + offset); return; } // Bookmark if(strcmp(tag, "A") == 0) { char* url = getattrib(line+offset+2, HREF); char* title = getcontent(line+offset+2); char* icon = getattrib(line+offset+2, ICON); char* feed = getattrib(line+offset+2, FEED); char* description = NULL; if((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) == -1) { puts("Got an EOF after an H3 tag. Corrupt file?"); return; } tag = read_tag(line); if(strcmp(tag, "DD") == 0) { description = getcontent(line+1); } else repeat = true; hlink* l; l = (hlink *)malloc(sizeof(hlink)); l->url = url; l->title = title; l->icon = icon; l->feed = feed; l->description = description; if(parent) { append_element(parent, LINK, l); } else { new_element(list, LINK, l); } } // Folder else if(strcmp(tag, "H3") == 0) { char* title = getcontent(line+offset+3); char* description = NULL; char* ptf = getattrib(line+offset+3, PTF); if((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) == -1) { puts("Got an EOF after an H3 tag. Corrupt file?"); return; } tag = read_tag(line); if(!tag) continue; if(strcmp(tag, "DD") == 0 || strcmp(tag, "DL") == 0) { description = getcontent(line+1); } else { puts("Tag after H3 was not DD or DL."); return; } folder* f; f = (folder *)malloc(sizeof(folder)); f->title = title; f->description = description; f->ptf = ptf; element* p; if(parent) { p = append_element(parent, FOLDER, f); } else { p = new_element(list, FOLDER, f); } firefox_build(fp, p, list); } } free(tag); } if (line) free(line); return; } void firefox_format_worker(FILE* fp, const element* ptr) { char* title = NULL; char* description = NULL; char* url = NULL; char* feed = NULL; char* icon = NULL; char* ptf = NULL; char linkstr[64] = "\0"; while(ptr) { switch(ptr->type) { case HR : fprintf(fp, "
\n"); break; case LINK : title = ((hlink *)ptr->attributes)->title; url = ((hlink *)ptr->attributes)->url; feed = ((hlink *)ptr->attributes)->feed; description = ((hlink *)ptr->attributes)->description; icon = ((hlink *)ptr->attributes)->icon; strcpy(linkstr, "
%s\n"); if(icon && feed) fprintf(fp, linkstr, url, feed, icon, title); else if(icon) fprintf(fp, linkstr, url, icon, title); else if(feed) fprintf(fp, linkstr, url, feed, title); else fprintf(fp, linkstr, url, title); linkstr[0] = '\0'; if(description) fprintf(fp, "
%s\n", description); break; case FOLDER : title = ((folder *)ptr->attributes)->title; description = ((folder *)ptr->attributes)->description; ptf = ((folder *)ptr->attributes)->ptf; if(ptf == NULL) fprintf(fp, "


\n", title); else { fprintf(fp, "

" "%s

\n", title); } if(description) fprintf(fp, "
%s\n", description); fprintf(fp, "

\n"); if(ptr->children) firefox_format_worker(fp, ptr->children); fprintf(fp, "

\n"); break; default : puts("Error: Type not A, H3, or HR."); break; } ptr = ptr->next; } return; } void firefox_format(const element* ptr, const char* file) { FILE* fp; const char intro[] = "\n" "\n" "\n" "Bookmarks\n" "


\n" "

\n\n"; fp = fopen(file, "w"); if(fp) { fprintf(fp, intro); firefox_format_worker(fp, ptr); fprintf(fp, "

\n"); fclose(fp); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s for writing.\n", file); } } #if 0 void firefox_format_test(element* curr) { while(curr) { switch(curr->type) { case HR : puts("Horizontal Rule"); break; case LINK : printf("Link: %s (%s)\n", ((hlink *)curr->attributes)->title, ((hlink *)curr->attributes)->url); /* printf("Link: %s (%s)\nFeed: %s\n%s\n", ((hlink *)curr->attributes)->title, ((hlink *)curr->attributes)->url, ((hlink *)curr->attributes)->feed, ((hlink *)curr->attributes)->icon); */ break; case FOLDER : printf("Folder: %s (%s)\n", ((folder *)curr->attributes)->title, ((folder *)curr->attributes)->description); if(curr->children) { puts("Folder has children."); firefox_format_test(curr->children); puts("Done iterating children."); } break; default : puts("Unknown"); break; } curr = curr->next; } puts(""); return; } #endif void merge(element** to, element* from) { element* t = *to; element* f = from; bool found = false; while(f) { while(t) { if(t->type == f->type) { int type = t->type; switch(type) { case HR : found = true; break; case LINK : if(strcmp(((hlink *)t->attributes)->url, ((hlink *)f->attributes)->url) == 0) { found = true; } break; case FOLDER : if(strcmp(((folder *)t->attributes)->title, ((folder *)f->attributes)->title) == 0) { if(f->children && t->children) { merge(&t->children, f->children); } found = true; } break; default : puts("Link type unknown."); break; } if(found) break; } t = t->next; } if(!found) { element* ptr; element* temp = f; // Remove from its list if(from != f) { ptr = from; while(ptr->next != f) ptr = ptr->next; ptr->next = f->next; f = ptr->next; } else { // It was the first element in the list from = f->next; f = from; } // Append to the other list ptr = *to; while(ptr->next) ptr = ptr->next; ptr->next = temp; temp->next = NULL; } else { f = f->next; } found = false; t = *to; } } void setup_import(char** fullpath, element** to_bookmarks) { struct dirent *dp; struct stat statbuf; DIR *dfd; char* to_firefoxdir = NULL; char* d_name; FILE* fp; char* path = NULL; char bookmarksfile[32]; *bookmarksfile = '\0'; char random[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; //26 asprintf(&to_firefoxdir, "%s/home/%s/.mozilla/firefox", to_location, to_user); char* mkdir = NULL; // This might be dangerous. asprintf(&mkdir, "mkdir -p %s", to_firefoxdir); system(mkdir); free(mkdir); if(chdir(to_firefoxdir) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not change directory to %s\n", to_firefoxdir); return; } dfd = opendir("."); if(dfd == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open directory."); return; } while((dp = readdir(dfd)) != NULL) { if((strcmp(dp->d_name,".") == 0) || (strcmp(dp->d_name,"..") == 0)) continue; stat(dp->d_name,&statbuf); if(!S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) continue; // Make sure we're looking at the default profile. d_name = malloc(strlen(dp->d_name)+1); strcpy(d_name,dp->d_name); char* d_nameptr = d_name; while(*d_nameptr != '\0') d_nameptr++; while(*d_nameptr != '.' && d_nameptr != dp->d_name) d_nameptr--; if(strcmp(d_nameptr,".default") == 0) { strcpy(bookmarksfile, dp->d_name); strcat(bookmarksfile, "/bookmarks.html"); break; } free(d_name); } closedir(dfd); if(bookmarksfile[0] != '\0') { fp = fopen(bookmarksfile, "r"); if(fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file, %s\n", bookmarksfile); return; } firefox_build(fp, NULL, to_bookmarks); fclose(fp); asprintf(fullpath, "%s/%s", to_firefoxdir, bookmarksfile); } else { int r, i; char b[17]; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { r = (int)((double)rand() / ((double)RAND_MAX + 1) * 26); b[i] = random[r]; } b[8] = '\0'; strcat(b, ".default"); asprintf(&path, "%s/profiles.ini", to_firefoxdir); fp = fopen(path, "a"); free(path); fprintf(fp, "[General]\nStartWithLastProfile=1\n\n[Profile0]\n" "Name=default\nIsRelative=1\nPath=%s\n\n", b); fclose(fp); asprintf(&path, "%s/%s", to_firefoxdir, b); asprintf(&mkdir, "mkdir -p %s", path); system(mkdir); free(mkdir); asprintf(fullpath, "%s/bookmarks.html", path); free(path); } free(to_firefoxdir); } void firefox_import_firefox(void) { struct dirent *dp, *dp2; struct stat statbuf; DIR *dfd, *dfd2; char bookmarksfile[32] = "\0"; FILE* fp; element* from_bookmarks = NULL; element* to_bookmarks = NULL; char* from_firefoxdir = NULL; char* fullpath = NULL; bool found = false; setup_import(&fullpath, &to_bookmarks); // Build a tree of the bookmarks file(s) we're importing from, then merge it // with the new bookmarks tree. if(os_type == LINUX) { asprintf(&from_firefoxdir, "%s/home/%s/.mozilla/firefox", from_location, from_user); } else if(os_type == WINDOWSXP) { char* appdata = NULL; char* path; appdata = findkey(user_key_file, "\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\" "CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders\\Local AppData"); if(!appdata) { printf("Couldn't find %s\n", appdata); return; } path = reformat_path(appdata); free(appdata); asprintf(&from_firefoxdir, "%s/%s/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles", from_location, path); free(path); } if(chdir(from_firefoxdir) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not change directory to %s.\n", from_firefoxdir); return; } free(from_firefoxdir); dfd = opendir("."); if(dfd != NULL) { while((dp = readdir(dfd)) != NULL) { if((strcmp(dp->d_name,".") == 0) || (strcmp(dp->d_name,"..") == 0)) continue; stat(dp->d_name,&statbuf); if(!S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) continue; dfd2 = opendir(dp->d_name); if(dfd != NULL) { while((dp2 = readdir(dfd2)) != NULL) { if(strcmp(dp2->d_name,"bookmarks.html") == 0) found = true; } } closedir(dfd2); if(found) { found = false; strcpy(bookmarksfile,dp->d_name); strcat(bookmarksfile,"/bookmarks.html"); fp = fopen(bookmarksfile,"r"); if(fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file, %s.\n", bookmarksfile); continue; } // TODO: get rid of current. current = NULL; firefox_build(fp, NULL, &from_bookmarks); fclose(fp); if(to_bookmarks) merge(&to_bookmarks, from_bookmarks); else to_bookmarks = from_bookmarks; } } closedir(dfd); } // Now we translate the tree into a bookmarks.html file. firefox_format(to_bookmarks, fullpath); free(fullpath); } void firefox_import_opera(void) { FILE* fp; char* bookmarksfile, *path; element* to_bookmarks = NULL; element* from_bookmarks = NULL; char* fullpath = NULL; char* appdata = NULL; setup_import(&fullpath, &to_bookmarks); appdata = findkey(user_key_file, "\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\" "CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders\\Local AppData"); if(!appdata) { printf("Couldn't find %s\n", appdata); return; } path = reformat_path(appdata); free(appdata); asprintf(&bookmarksfile, "%s/%s/Opera/Opera/profile/opera6.adr", from_location, path); free(path); fp = fopen(bookmarksfile, "r"); if(fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file, %s.\n", bookmarksfile); return; } free(bookmarksfile); current = NULL; opera_build(fp, NULL, &from_bookmarks); fclose(fp); if(to_bookmarks) merge(&to_bookmarks, from_bookmarks); else to_bookmarks = from_bookmarks; firefox_format(to_bookmarks, fullpath); free(fullpath); } void firefox_import_internetexplorer(void) { char* from_iedir = NULL; element* to_bookmarks = NULL; element* from_bookmarks = NULL; char* fullpath = NULL; char* path; char* favorites = NULL; setup_import(&fullpath, &to_bookmarks); favorites = findkey(user_key_file, "\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\" "CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders\\Favorites"); if(!favorites) { printf("Couldn't find %s\n", favorites); return; } path = reformat_path(favorites); free(favorites); asprintf(&from_iedir, "%s/%s", from_location, path); free(path); current = NULL; internet_explorer_build(from_iedir, NULL, &from_bookmarks); free(from_iedir); if(to_bookmarks) merge(&to_bookmarks, from_bookmarks); else to_bookmarks = from_bookmarks; firefox_format(to_bookmarks, fullpath); free(fullpath); } // vim:ai:et:sts=4:tw=80:sw=4: