default: includes wvstreams.verify all: includes wvstreams.verify wvstreams.html wvstreams.pdf html: wvstreams.sgml wvstreams.html ps: pdf: wvstreams.pdf rtf: wvstreams.rtf IMGFILES=$(shell [ -d img ] && find img -type f) ALL_WVSGML=$(shell /bin/ls *.wvsgml 2>/dev/null) %.verify: %.sgml # Syntax check nsgmls $< >/dev/null # Syntax check passed %.sgml: %.wvsgml *.m4 $(ALL_WVSGML) Makefile @echo Preprocessing $< to $@... @M4PATH=egfiles:../weaver/src m4 sgmlmacros.m4 $< | awk ' \ BEGIN { \ paropen = 0; \ parready = 0; \ disabled = 0; \ autopunc = 0; \ } \ \ /^[ ]*--AUTOPUNC--[ ]*$$/ { \ autopunc = !autopunc; \ next; \ } \ \ /^[ ]*--SNIP--[ ]*$$/ { \ disabled = !disabled; \ next; \ } \ \ \ (autopunc==1) { \ gsub("&", "\\&"); \ gsub("<", "\\<"); \ gsub(">", "\\>"); \ } \ \ parready && !disabled && !paropen && /^[ ]*[-A-Za-z0-9]/ { \ print ""; \ print; \ parready = 0; \ paropen = 1; \ next; \ } \ \ paropen && !disabled && !parready && /^[ ]*$$/ { \ print ""; \ print; \ parready = 1; \ paropen = 0; \ next; \ } \ \ /^[ ]*$$/ { \ parready = 1; \ } \ \ { print; } \ ' | cat -s >$@ %.html: %.sgml HTML.dsl ${IMGFILES} ${MAKE} dirimages rm -rf $@ $*.html.tmp mkdir -p $*.html.tmp # Copy only the required .gif files set -e; \ for d in $$(grep '"[^"]*\.gif"' $*.sgml \ | sed 's,^.*"img/\([^"]*\.gif\)".*$$,\1,'); \ do \ mkdir -p "$*.html.tmp/img/$$(dirname $$d)"; \ ${MAKE} img.tmp/$$d; \ cp -v img.tmp/$$d $*.html.tmp/img/$$d; \ done # Generate html cd $*.html.tmp && jade -t sgml -d ../HTML.dsl ../$*.sgml mv $*.html.tmp $@ %.rtf: %.sgml ${IMGFILES} $(MAKE) dirimages htmlimages rm -f $@ jade -t rtf -o $*.rtf.tmp \ -d /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/docbook/nwalsh/print/docbook.dsl $< cat $*.rtf.tmp | sed 's,"img/\(.*\)\.[^.]*","img.tmp/\1.gif",g' >$@ rm -f $*.rtf.tmp %.tex: %.sgml rm -f $@ jade -t tex -o $*.tex.tmp \ -d /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/docbook/nwalsh/print/docbook.dsl $< cat $*.tex.tmp | sed 's,{img/\(.*\)\.[^.]*},{img.tmp/\1.eps},g' >$@ rm -f $*.tex.tmp %.dvi: jadetex.fmt %.tex ${IMGFILES} ${MAKE} teximages jadetex $*.tex /dev/null # generate .aux files for xrefs jadetex $*.tex /dev/null # actually generate output jadetex $*.tex /dev/null # actually generate output %.dvi dvips -q -o $@ $< $@ img.tmp/%.eps img.tmp/ img.tmp/%.pnm pnmtops -dpi 100 -width 350 $< >$@ img.tmp/%.gif: img.tmp/%.ppm ppmtogif -interlace $< >$@ img.tmp/%.ppm: img.tmp/ gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ppm -r75x75 -sOutputFile=$@ $< -c quit includes: $(shell grep 'include(.*)' $(ALL_WVSGML) /dev/null clean: $(MAKE) -C egfiles clean rm -f *~ *.fmt *.tex *.ps *.pdf *.dvi *.aux *.log *.rtf HTML.manifest rm -rf *.html *.tmp rm -f $$(echo "$(ALL_WVSGML)" | sed 's/\.wvsgml/.sgml/g')