WVPART(netmap, Network Mapping and Intelligence - the NetMap Library, WVCHAPTER(wvnetcap, WvNetCap - network packet capture, WvStream-based network packet capture routines. ) WVCHAPTER(wvnetmap, WvNetMap - raw host information, The Weaver network map: here, we keep track of which network addresses are used, by whom, how often, and where. Correspondingly, the data structures are really sick looking. ) WVCHAPTER(wvnetintel, WvNetIntelligence - network map reduction, Weaver "Network Intelligence" takes data from the Network Map (WvNetMap) and synthesizes useful things from it. Currently, those useful things include suggested local IP addresses for a network device, and a reasonable routing table. ) WVCHAPTER(wvpingprobe, WvPingProbe - active probing, The WvPingProbe class lets you ping hosts creatively and easily, and then munge the results. ) WVCHAPTER(wvnetguide, WvNetGuide - route manipulation and overrides, WvNetGuide is a higher-level interface to the kernel routing table. We can tell it about "dynamic" routes, which come up automatically when they are needed. ) )