// Created by Microsoft (R) C/C++ Compiler Version 13.00.9466 (b086ed06). // // e:\dev\niti\src\exchangeit\outlook\debug\pstorec.tlh // // C++ source equivalent of Win32 type library c:\windows\system32\pstorec.dll // compiler-generated file created 06/13/03 at 16:47:23 - DO NOT EDIT! #pragma once #pragma pack(push, 8) #include namespace PSTORECLib { // // Forward references and typedefs // struct __declspec(uuid("5a6f1ebd-2db1-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) /* LIBID */ __PSTORECLib; struct /* coclass */ CPStore; struct __declspec(uuid("5a6f1ebf-2db1-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) /* interface */ IEnumPStoreProviders; struct _PST_PROVIDERINFO; struct __declspec(uuid("5a6f1ec0-2db1-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) /* interface */ IPStore; struct _PST_TYPEINFO; struct _PST_ACCESSRULESET; struct _PST_ACCESSRULE; struct _PST_ACCESSCLAUSE; struct __declspec(uuid("789c1cbf-31ee-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) /* interface */ IEnumPStoreTypes; struct _PST_PROMPTINFO; struct __declspec(uuid("5a6f1ec1-2db1-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) /* interface */ IEnumPStoreItems; struct /* coclass */ CEnumTypes; struct /* coclass */ CEnumItems; // // Smart pointer typedef declarations // _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEnumPStoreProviders, __uuidof(IEnumPStoreProviders)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEnumPStoreTypes, __uuidof(IEnumPStoreTypes)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEnumPStoreItems, __uuidof(IEnumPStoreItems)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPStore, __uuidof(IPStore)); // // Type library items // struct __declspec(uuid("5a6f1ec3-2db1-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) CPStore; // [ default ] interface IEnumPStoreProviders // interface IPStore struct _PST_PROVIDERINFO { unsigned long cbSize; GUID ID; unsigned long Capabilities; LPWSTR szProviderName; }; struct __declspec(uuid("5a6f1ebf-2db1-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) IEnumPStoreProviders : IUnknown { // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall Next ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long celt, /*[out]*/ struct _PST_PROVIDERINFO * * rgelt, /*[in,out]*/ unsigned long * pceltFetched ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall Skip ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long celt ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall Reset ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall Clone ( /*[out]*/ struct IEnumPStoreProviders * * ppenum ) = 0; }; struct _PST_TYPEINFO { unsigned long cbSize; LPWSTR szDisplayName; }; struct _PST_ACCESSCLAUSE { unsigned long cbSize; unsigned long ClauseType; unsigned long cbClauseData; unsigned char * pbClauseData; }; struct _PST_ACCESSRULE { unsigned long cbSize; unsigned long AccessModeFlags; unsigned long cClauses; struct _PST_ACCESSCLAUSE * rgClauses; }; struct _PST_ACCESSRULESET { unsigned long cbSize; unsigned long cRules; struct _PST_ACCESSRULE * rgRules; }; struct __declspec(uuid("789c1cbf-31ee-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) IEnumPStoreTypes : IUnknown { // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall Next ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long celt, /*[out]*/ GUID * rgelt, /*[in,out]*/ unsigned long * pceltFetched ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall Skip ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long celt ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall Reset ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall Clone ( /*[out]*/ struct IEnumPStoreTypes * * ppenum ) = 0; }; struct _PST_PROMPTINFO { unsigned long cbSize; unsigned long dwPromptFlags; unsigned long hwndApp; LPWSTR szPrompt; }; struct __declspec(uuid("5a6f1ec1-2db1-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) IEnumPStoreItems : IUnknown { // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall Next ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long celt, /*[out]*/ LPWSTR * rgelt, /*[in,out]*/ unsigned long * pceltFetched ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall Skip ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long celt ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall Reset ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall Clone ( /*[out]*/ struct IEnumPStoreItems * * ppenum ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("5a6f1ec0-2db1-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) IPStore : IUnknown { // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetInfo ( /*[out]*/ struct _PST_PROVIDERINFO * * ppProperties ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetProvParam ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwParam, /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcbData, /*[out]*/ unsigned char * * ppbData, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetProvParam ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwParam, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cbData, /*[in]*/ unsigned char * pbData, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall CreateType ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pType, /*[in]*/ struct _PST_TYPEINFO * pInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pType, /*[out]*/ struct _PST_TYPEINFO * * ppInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall DeleteType ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pType, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall CreateSubtype ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pType, /*[in]*/ GUID * pSubtype, /*[in]*/ struct _PST_TYPEINFO * pInfo, /*[in]*/ struct _PST_ACCESSRULESET * pRules, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetSubtypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pType, /*[in]*/ GUID * pSubtype, /*[out]*/ struct _PST_TYPEINFO * * ppInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall DeleteSubtype ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pType, /*[in]*/ GUID * pSubtype, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall ReadAccessRuleset ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pType, /*[in]*/ GUID * pSubtype, /*[out]*/ struct _PST_ACCESSRULESET * * ppRules, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall WriteAccessRuleset ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pType, /*[in]*/ GUID * pSubtype, /*[in]*/ struct _PST_ACCESSRULESET * pRules, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall EnumTypes ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags, /*[in]*/ struct IEnumPStoreTypes * * ppenum ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall EnumSubtypes ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pType, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags, /*[in]*/ struct IEnumPStoreTypes * * ppenum ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall DeleteItem ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemType, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemSubtype, /*[in]*/ LPWSTR szItemName, /*[in]*/ struct _PST_PROMPTINFO * pPromptInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall ReadItem ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemType, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemSubtype, /*[in]*/ LPWSTR szItemName, /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcbData, /*[out]*/ unsigned char * * ppbData, /*[in]*/ struct _PST_PROMPTINFO * pPromptInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall WriteItem ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemType, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemSubtype, /*[in]*/ LPWSTR szItemName, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cbData, /*[in]*/ unsigned char * pbData, /*[in]*/ struct _PST_PROMPTINFO * pPromptInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwDefaultConfirmationStyle, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall OpenItem ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemType, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemSubtype, /*[in]*/ LPWSTR szItemName, /*[in]*/ unsigned long ModeFlags, /*[in]*/ struct _PST_PROMPTINFO * pPromptInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall CloseItem ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemType, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemSubtype, /*[in]*/ LPWSTR szItemName, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall EnumItems ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long Key, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemType, /*[in]*/ GUID * pItemSubtype, /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwFlags, /*[in]*/ struct IEnumPStoreItems * * ppenum ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("09bb61e7-31ec-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) CEnumTypes; // [ default ] interface IEnumPStoreTypes struct __declspec(uuid("09bb61e6-31ec-11d0-8c39-00c04fd9126b")) CEnumItems; // [ default ] interface IEnumPStoreItems } // namespace PSTORECLib #pragma pack(pop)