/* AbiWord * Copyright (C) 2004 Tomas Frydrych * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef GR_WIN32_UNISCRIBE_H #define GR_WIN32_UNISCRIBE_H #include "ut_types.h" #if 0 #include #else #include /* opaque types */ typedef void* SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS; typedef void* SCRIPT_CACHE; /* various constants */ #define SGCM_RTL 0x00000001 #define SSA_PASSWORD 0x00000001 #define SSA_TAB 0x00000002 #define SSA_CLIP 0x00000004 #define SSA_FIT 0x00000008 #define SSA_DZWG 0x00000010 #define SSA_FALLBACK 0x00000020 #define SSA_BREAK 0x00000040 #define SSA_GLYPHS 0x00000080 #define SSA_RTL 0x00000100 #define SSA_GCP 0x00000200 #define SSA_HOTKEY 0x00000400 #define SSA_METAFILE 0x00000800 #define SSA_LINK 0x00001000 #define SSA_HIDEHOTKEY 0x00002000 #define SSA_HOTKEYONLY 0x00002400 #define SSA_FULLMEASURE 0x04000000 #define SSA_LPKANSIFALLBACK 0x08000000 #define SSA_PIDX 0x10000000 #define SSA_LAYOUTRTL 0x20000000 #define SSA_DONTGLYPH 0x40000000 #define SSA_NOKASHIDA 0x80000000 #define SIC_COMPLEX 1 #define SIC_ASCIIDIGIT 2 #define SIC_NEUTRAL 4 #define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_CONTEXT 0 #define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NONE 1 #define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NATIONAL 2 #define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_TRADITIONAL 3 /* enum definitions */ typedef enum _SCRIPT_JUSTIFY { SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_NONE = 0, SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_BLANK = 1, //0001 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_CHARACTER = 2, //0010 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED1 = 3, SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_BLANK = 4, //0100 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED2 = 5, //0101 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED3 = 6, //0110 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_NORMAL = 7, //0111 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_KASHIDA = 8, //1000 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_ALEF = 9, //1001 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_HA = 10,//1010 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_RA = 11,//1011 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_BA = 12,//1100 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_BARA = 13,//1101 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_SEEN = 14,//1110 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED4 = 15 //1111 } SCRIPT_JUSTIFY; /* struct definitions */ typedef struct _SCRIPT_STATE { WORD uBidiLevel :5; WORD fOverrideDirection :1; WORD fInhibitSymSwap :1; WORD fCharShape :1; WORD fDigitSubstitute :1; WORD fInhibitLigate :1; WORD fDisplayZWG :1; WORD fArabicNumContext :1; WORD fGcpClusters :1; WORD fReserved :1; WORD fEngineReserved :2; } SCRIPT_STATE; typedef struct _SCRIPT_CONTROL { DWORD uDefaultLanguage :16; DWORD fContextDigits :1; DWORD fInvertPreBoundDir :1; DWORD fInvertPostBoundDir :1; DWORD fLinkStringBefore :1; DWORD fLinkStringAfter :1; DWORD fNeutralOverride :1; DWORD fNumericOverride :1; DWORD fLegacyBidiClass :1; DWORD fReserved :8; } SCRIPT_CONTROL; typedef struct _SCRIPT_ANALYSIS { WORD eScript :10; WORD fRTL :1; WORD fLayoutRTL :1; WORD fLinkBefore :1; WORD fLinkAfter :1; WORD fLogicalOrder :1; WORD fNoGlyphIndex :1; SCRIPT_STATE s; } SCRIPT_ANALYSIS; typedef struct _SCRIPT_ITEM { int iCharPos; SCRIPT_ANALYSIS a; } SCRIPT_ITEM; typedef struct _SCRIPT_VISATTR { WORD uJustification :4; WORD fClusterStart :1; WORD fDiacritic :1; WORD fZeroWidth :1; WORD fReserved :1; WORD fShapeReserved :8; } SCRIPT_VISATTR; typedef struct _GOFFSET { LONG du; LONG dv; } GOFFSET; typedef struct _SCRIPT_LOGATTR { BYTE fSoftBreak :1; BYTE fWhiteSpace :1; BYTE fCharStop :1; BYTE fWordStop :1; BYTE fInvalid :1; BYTE fReserved :3; } SCRIPT_LOGATTR; typedef struct _SCRIPT_PROPERTIES { DWORD langid :16; DWORD fNumeric :1; DWORD fComplex :1; DWORD fNeedsWordBreaking :1; DWORD fNeedsCaretInfo :1; DWORD bCharSet :8; DWORD fControl :1; DWORD fPrivateUseArea :1; DWORD fNeedsCharacterJustify :1; DWORD fInvalidGlyph :1; DWORD fInvalidLogAttr :1; DWORD fCDM :1; DWORD fAmbiguousCharSet :1; DWORD fClusterSizeVaries :1; DWORD fRejectInvalid :1; } SCRIPT_PROPERTIES; typedef struct _SCRIPT_FONTPROPERTIES { int cBytes; WORD wgBlank; WORD wgDefault; WORD wgInvalid; WORD wgKashida; int iKashidaWidth; } SCRIPT_FONTPROPERTIES; typedef struct _SCRIPT_TABDEF { int cTabStops; int iScale; int *pTabStops; int iTabOrigin; } SCRIPT_TABDEF; typedef struct _SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE { DWORD NationalDigitLanguage :16; DWORD TraditionalDigitLanguage :16; DWORD DigitSubstitute :8; DWORD dwReserved; } SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE; #endif G_BEGIN_DECLS /* functions -- we are loading these dynamically, so we define them as pointers, and prefix t for type */ typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptApplyDigitSubstitution) (const SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE* psds, SCRIPT_CONTROL* psc, SCRIPT_STATE* pss); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptApplyLogicalWidth) (const int *piDx, int cChars, int cGlyphs, const WORD *pwLogClust, const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, const int *piAdvance, const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, ABC *pABC, int *piJustify); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptBreak) (const WCHAR *pwcChars, int cChars, const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, SCRIPT_LOGATTR *psla); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptCacheGetHeight) (HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, long *tmHeight); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptCPtoX) (int iCP, BOOL fTrailing, int cChars, int cGlyphs, const WORD *pwLogClust, const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, const int *piAdvance, const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, int *piX); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptFreeCache) (SCRIPT_CACHE *psc); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptGetCMap) (HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, const WCHAR *pwcInChars, int cChars, DWORD dwFlags, WORD *pwOutGlyphs); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptGetFontProperties) (HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, SCRIPT_FONTPROPERTIES *sfp); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptGetGlyphABCWidth) (HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, WORD wGlyph, ABC *pABC); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptGetLogicalWidths) (const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, int cChars, int cGlyphs, const int *piGlyphWidth, const WORD *pwLogClust, const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, int *piDx); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptGetProperties) (const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES ***ppSp, int *piNumScripts); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptIsComplex) (const WCHAR *pwcInChars, int cInChars, DWORD dwFlags); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptItemize) (const WCHAR *pwcInChars, int cInChars, int cMaxItems, const SCRIPT_CONTROL *psControl, const SCRIPT_STATE *psState, SCRIPT_ITEM *pItems, int *pcItems); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptJustify) (const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, const int *piAdvance, int cGlyphs, int iDx, int iMinKashida, int *piJustify); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptLayout) (int cRuns, const BYTE *pbLevel, int *piVisualToLogical, int *piLogicalToVisual); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptPlace) (HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, const WORD *pwGlyphs, int cGlyphs, const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, int *piAdvance, GOFFSET *pGoffset, ABC *pABC); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptRecordDigitSubstitution) (LCID Locale, SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE *psds); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptShape) (HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, const WCHAR *pwcChars, int cChars, int cMaxGlyphs, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, WORD *pwOutGlyphs, WORD *pwLogClust, SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, int *pcGlyphs); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptStringAnalyse) (HDC hdc, const void *pString, int cString, int cGlyphs, int iCharset, DWORD dwFlags, int iReqWidth, SCRIPT_CONTROL *psControl, SCRIPT_STATE *psState, const int *piDx, SCRIPT_TABDEF *pTabdef, const BYTE *pbInClass, SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS *pssa); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *tScriptStringCPtoX) (SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa, int icp, BOOL fTrailing, int *pX); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptStringFree) (SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS *pssa); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptStringGetLogicalWidths) (SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa, int *piDx); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptStringGetOrder) (SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa, UINT *puOrder); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptStringOut) (SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa, int iX, int iY, UINT uOptions, const RECT *prc, int iMinSel, int iMaxSel, BOOL fDisabled); typedef const int* (WINAPI * tScriptString_pcOutChars) (SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa); typedef const SCRIPT_LOGATTR* (WINAPI * tScriptString_pLogAttr) (SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa); typedef const SIZE* (WINAPI * tScriptString_pSize) (SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptStringValidate) (SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptStringXtoCP) (SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa, int iX, int *piCh, int *piTrailing); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptTextOut) (const HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, int x, int y, UINT fuOptions, const RECT *lprc, const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, const WCHAR *pwcReserved, int iReserved, const WORD *pwGlyphs, int cGlyphs, const int *piAdvance, const int *piJustify, const GOFFSET *pGoffset); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * tScriptXtoCP) (int iX, int cChars, int cGlyphs, const WORD *pwLogClust, const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, const int *piAdvance, const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, int *piCP, int *piTrailing); G_END_DECLS #endif