#include "FileZilla.h" #include "locale_initializer.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBTINYXML #include #else #include "../tinyxml/tinyxml.h" #endif #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_BINRELOC #define BR_PTHREADS 0 #include "prefix.h" #endif // Custom main method to initialize proper locale #ifdef __WXGTK__ struct t_fallbacks { const char* locale; const char* fallback; }; struct t_fallbacks fallbacks[] = { // The following entries are needed due to missing language codes wxWidgets { "ka", "ka_GE" }, { "ku", "ku_TR" }, { "ne", "ne_NP" }, // Fallback chain for English { "en", "en_US" }, { "en_US", "en_GB" }, { "en_GB", "C" }, // Base names { "ar", "ar_EG" }, { "ca", "ca_ES" }, { "de", "de_DE" }, { "el", "el_GR" }, { "es", "es_ES" }, { "fr", "fr_FR" }, { "it", "it_IT" }, { "nl", "nl_NL" }, { "ru", "ru_RU" }, { "sv", "sv_SE" }, { "tr", "tr_TR" }, { 0, 0 } }; bool CInitializer::error = false; static std::string mkstr(const char* str) { if (!str) return ""; else return str; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::string locale = CInitializer::GetLocaleOption(); if (locale != "") { if (!CInitializer::SetLocale(locale)) { #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ printf("failed to set locale\n"); #endif CInitializer::error = true; } else { #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ printf("locale set to %s\n", setlocale(LC_ALL, 0)); #endif } } return wxEntry(argc, argv); } bool CInitializer::SetLocaleReal(const std::string& locale) { if (!setlocale(LC_ALL, locale.c_str())) return false; #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ printf("setlocale %s successful\n", locale.c_str()); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SETENV setenv("LC_ALL", locale.c_str(), 1); #else std::string str("LC_ALL="); str += locale; putenv(str.c_str()); #endif return true; } bool CInitializer::SetLocale(const std::string& arg) { const char *encodings[] = { "UTF-8", "UTF8", "utf-8", "utf8", 0 }; for (int i = 0; encodings[i]; i++) { std::string locale = CInitializer::LocaleAddEncoding(arg, encodings[i]); if (SetLocaleReal(locale)) return true; } if (CInitializer::SetLocaleReal(arg)) return true; int i = 0; while (fallbacks[i].locale) { if (fallbacks[i].locale == arg) return SetLocale(fallbacks[i].fallback); i++; } return false; } std::string CInitializer::CheckPathForDefaults(std::string path, int strip, std::string suffix) { if (path.empty()) return ""; if (path[path.size() - 1] == '/') path = path.substr(0, path.size() - 1); while (strip--) { int p = path.rfind('/'); if (p == -1) return ""; path = path.substr(0, p); } path += '/' + suffix; struct stat buf; if (!stat(path.c_str(), &buf)) return path; return ""; } std::string CInitializer::GetDefaultsXmlFile() { std::string fzdatadir = mkstr(getenv("FZ_DATADIR")); std::string file = CheckPathForDefaults(fzdatadir, 0, "fzdefaults.xml"); if (!file.empty()) return file; file = CheckPathForDefaults(fzdatadir, 1, "fzdefaults.xml"); if (!file.empty()) return file; std::string home = mkstr(getenv("HOME")); if (!home.empty()) { if (home[home.size() - 1] != '/') home += '/'; home += ".filezilla/fzdefaults.xml"; struct stat buf; if (!stat(home.c_str(), &buf)) return home; } file = "/etc/filezilla/fzdefaults.xml"; struct stat buf; if (!stat(file.c_str(), &buf)) return file; file = CheckPathForDefaults(mkstr(SELFPATH), 2, "share/filezilla/fzdefaults.xml"); if (!file.empty()) return file; file = CheckPathForDefaults(mkstr(DATADIR), 0, "filezilla/fzdefaults.xml"); if (!file.empty()) return file; std::string path = mkstr(getenv("PATH")); while (!path.empty()) { std::string segment; int pos = path.find(':'); if (pos == -1) segment.swap(path); else { segment = path.substr(0, pos); path = path.substr(pos + 1); } file = CheckPathForDefaults(segment, 1, "share/filezilla/fzdefaults.xml"); if (!file.empty()) return file; } return ""; } std::string CInitializer::ReadSettingsFromDefaults(std::string file) { std::string dir = CInitializer::GetSettingFromFile(file, "Config Location"); if (dir.empty()) return ""; std::string result; while (!dir.empty()) { std::string token; int pos = dir.find('/'); if (pos == -1) token.swap(dir); else { token = dir.substr(0, pos); dir = dir.substr(pos + 1); } if (token[0] == '$') { if (token[1] == '$') result += token.substr(1); else if (token.size() > 1) { std::string value = mkstr(getenv(token.substr(1).c_str())); result += value; } } else result += token; result += '/'; } struct stat buf; if (stat(result.c_str(), &buf)) return ""; if (result[result.size() - 1] != '/') result += '/'; return result; } std::string CInitializer::GetSettingFromFile(std::string file, const std::string& name) { TiXmlDocument xmldoc; if (!xmldoc.LoadFile(file.c_str())) return ""; TiXmlElement* main = xmldoc.FirstChildElement("FileZilla3"); if (!main) return ""; TiXmlElement* settings = main->FirstChildElement("Settings"); if (!settings) return ""; for (TiXmlElement* setting = settings->FirstChildElement("Setting"); setting; setting = setting->NextSiblingElement("Setting")) { const char* nodeVal = setting->Attribute("name"); if (!nodeVal || strcmp(nodeVal, name.c_str())) continue; TiXmlNode* textNode = setting->FirstChild(); if (!textNode || !textNode->ToText()) continue; return mkstr(textNode->Value()); } return ""; } std::string CInitializer::GetSettingsDir() { std::string defaults = GetDefaultsXmlFile(); if (!defaults.empty()) { std::string dir = CInitializer::ReadSettingsFromDefaults(defaults); if (!dir.empty()) return dir; } std::string home = mkstr(getenv("HOME")); if (home.empty()) return ""; if (home[home.size() - 1] != '/') home += '/'; home += ".filezilla/"; return home; } std::string CInitializer::GetLocaleOption() { const std::string dir = GetSettingsDir(); if (dir.empty()) return ""; #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ printf("Reading locale option from %sfilezilla.xml\n", dir.c_str()); #endif std::string locale = GetSettingFromFile(dir + "filezilla.xml", "Language Code"); return locale; } std::string CInitializer::LocaleAddEncoding(const std::string& locale, const std::string& encoding) { int pos = locale.find('@'); if (pos == -1) return locale + '.' + encoding; return locale.substr(0, pos) + '.' + encoding + locale.substr(pos); } #endif //__WXGTK__