Hydrogen ManualAntonioPirainoAlessandroCominu22/may/2005Hydrogen is a software synthesizer which can be used alone,
emulating a drum machine based on patterns, or via an external MIDI
keyboard/sequencer software. Hydrogen compiles on Linux/x86 and Mac OS X,
although the latter is still experimental, so ask in the developers
mailing list for further details.IntroductionDownload
The latest stable version of hydrogen is available as a tarball at
It is possible to download the latest source files directly from our
subversion server with:
$svn co http://svn.assembla.com/svn/hydrogen/trunk
A certain release can be fetched with:
$svn co http://svn.assembla.com/svn/hydrogen/tags/0.9.3Compiling Hydrogen depends on the following libraries:qt (>= 4.0) at http://www.trolltech.comlibsndfile at http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/ALSA (>= 1.x) at http://www.alsa-project.com
(only if you wish to use ALSA as audio driver)Jack Audio Connection Kit (>= 0.80) at
(only if you wish to use Jack as audio driver)PortAudio at http://www.portaudio.com
(only if you wish to use PortAudio as audio driver)Flac at http://flac.sf.net (only if you
wish to use flac samples)ladspa at http://ladspa.org (only if you wish
to use ladspa effects)liblrdf at http://liblrdf.sf.net (only if you wish to use lrdf to categorise effects)lash at http://lash.nongnu.org (only if
you wish to use lash)Please install them with your distribution's package manager. If
you're running a debian-based system, you can install the libraries
with:$apt-get install libqt4-dev g++ libasound2-dev \
libjack-dev liblrdf0-dev libflac++-dev libtar-dev libsndfile1-dev \
liblash-dev libportaudio-dev libportmidi-dev BuildDecompress the tarball or go to the directory where the subversion copy
was checked out:$cd hydrogen-*$scons$su -c "scons install"Before compiling, check for additional options with:$scons --helpIf you want to use features which are not enabled by default (for
instance PortAudio), you can enable them with:$scons portaudio=1Namely, if you get some error while running Hydrogen and you want
to report it remember to configure hydrogen with:$scons debug=1To clean up compiled code:$scons -cAudio preferencesFirst of all you should make shure that the audio engine is
configured properly. The preferences dialog can be accessed via the tools
menu (tools -> preferences).The Audio System tabFrom the "Audio System" tab () it is possible to modify the
audio driver being used (OSS, Jack, ALSA, PortAudio) with its buffer and
sampling rate (unless using JACK, in this case the audio driver
configuration should happen before starting the JACK server).We can set some features of Hydrogen like "Enable track outputs"
useful if you want to add effects to a single instrument with
jack-rack. "Connect to Default Output Pair" connects the output to the
default ports: uncheck this if you want to connect JACK output to other
ports without disconnecting them firstKeep also an eye on the value of "Polyphony": depending on your
CPU you may want to change the max simultaneous notes in order to
prevent hydrogen from overunning the audio driver.The Audio System Tab
The following drivers are available:
jackd: The Jack driver is a
professional audio server which permits very low lag and exchanges
with other audio software. We strongly recommend using
this driver to have the best out of Hydrogen. JACK
server will start automatically if not already running.ALSA: the widely adopted
Linux standard audio driversOSS: The Oss audio driver
uses /dev/dsp and it's based on the OSS interface which is supported
by the vast majority of sound cards available for linux; this said,
the use of this audio driver blocks /dev/dsp until Hydrogen is
closed i.e. unusable by any other software. Use it as last
resort.PortAudio: an open-source
multiplatform audio driverCoreAudio: a driver for Mac
OS X (experimental)The Midi System tabThe "Midi System" tab ()
concerns the MIDI input. You can choose the MIDI driver and input, setup
channels, binding actions to MIDI events.The MIDI System TabThe Appearance tabThe "Appearance" tab () let's you to modify Hydrogen
and QT graphical properties.The Appearance TabThe Audio Engine tabThe audio engine info is a window with various stats about
Hydrogen and the audio driver. In case JACK is used, buffer and sampling
rate should be set before starting Hydrogen (JACK automatically starts
when an application tries to connect).The Audio Engine Info WindowUsing HydrogenUsed FiletypesBefore working with Hydrogen, please familiarize with these
filetypes:*.h2pattern: XML file
describing a single pattern. Patterns are group of beats and are
managed in the pattern editor.*.h2song: XML file describing
the whole song (or sequence). Songs are group of patterns with their
properties and are manager using the song editor*.h2playlist: XML file
describing a playlist.A Playlist is a (ordered) group of songs.*.h2drumkit: a compressed and
archived folder containing all sound samples composing a drumkit and a
description XML file. Drumkits are basically group of sound
samples.Main menuProjects: this menu offers file
related functions.New - Create a new songShow Info - Set general properties of the
song such as name, author, license and generic notesOpen - Open a songOpen Demo - Open a demo song (demo songs
are stored in
$INSTALLPATH/share/hydrogen/data/demo_songs)Open recent - Open a menu showing last used
songsSave - Save changes to current songSave as - Save current song specifying a
name (default path:
$HOME/.hydrogen/data/songs)Open pattern - Open a saved pattern
belonging to the current drumkitExport pattern as - Saves a
pattern. It will be stored in
$HOME/.hydrogen/data/patterns/drumkit_nameExport MIDI file - Export current song in
MIDI formatExport song - Export current song in WAV
formatQuit - Quit HydrogenInstruments: this menu offers
instruments and drumkit (sound libraries) functions.Add instrument - Add a new instrument to
your current drumkitClear all - Delete all instruments from the
current drumkitSave library - Saves all instruments
settings (and their sound samples) in
$HOME/.hydrogen/data/library_nameExport library - Compress all instruments
samples and settings in a drumkit in
$HOME/.hydrogen/data/library_nameImport library - Imports another drumkit
from the local filesystem or download it from a remote location
through an XML feed. The XML file that should be provided is NOT RSS compliant (see Hydrogen
website for an example). To load another drumkit in your
current working session of Hydrogen, read .Tools: opens the mixer, the
playlist editor, the instrument rack and the general preferences
window.Playlist editor - A tool to manage
playlists.Mixer - Open the mixer window.Instrument rack - Open the instrument rack
panel.Preferences - Open the main preferences
window. Read on how to configure
Hydrogen.Debug: tools mainly for debugging
and monitoring Hydrogen (only available when compiled with debug
support).Show audio engine info - Open a monitor
with various statsdebug action - Insert debug
commands.Print Objects - Print on stdout current
objects map.InfoUser manual - Open a window with this
manual :)About - The usual window with licence
information, acknowledgements, etc.The main toolbarBefore analyzing the two main frames of Hydrogen, let's take a quick
look at the main toolbar and its components:Pilot the song using the start, stop, pause, etc. buttonsChoose between "pattern" or "song" mode: in "pattern" mode only
the currently selected pattern will play, while in "song" mode all
patterns inserted will be played.An advanced tap tempo function: choose note length and how many
notes to wait before recalculating BPM, then click the comma key
repeatedly until the 'R' letter will appear and the BPM will be
updated. (see )Manually set BPMManage JACK transportOpen the mixer and the instrument rack panelsThe Main ToolbarMain controls to start [Hotkey =
Spacebar], stop, fast forward, rewind, loop a song or a
pattern.Set Pattern/Song Mode.Set speed of playing (range: 30-400 bpm) [Hotkey = mouse wheel] and button to
enable/disable metronomeShows CPU load.Shows MIDI events.Click to enable Jack transport: Hydrogen will work as 'slave'
with another 'master' program (e.g. Ardour). This applet is only
available if Jack Audio Driver is selected.Other useful keybindings (not customizable for the
moment):[CTRL + O] = Open File
[CTRL + S] = Save File
[Backspace] = Restart
song or pattern from the beginning
Tap Tempo and BeatCounterIt is possible to change tempo at any time using the tap-tempo and
BeatCounter features of Hydrogen. You can change these while playing or
while the song is stopped. To change the tempo, hit the
, (comma) key in tempo for the number of beats in the
measure. After the correct number of beats are met, the tempo will
change to the average tempo that you tapped in. If you continue to tap,
these new taps will become a part of a rolling average. If you tap
accidentally, or if you wait too long between taps, the tap tempo
counter will start over.The Tap Tempo is a part of the BeatCounter, which is essentially a
Tap Tempo on steroids. By default the BeatCounter display is not
visible. To see the BeatCounter widget click the upright button
(BC) between Song/Pattern mode selector and the
BPM-widget. Or, it can be shown by pressing the comma key
(,).The tempo that you tap will be considered even beats of the beat
type. The beat type can be set to 1/8 (for eight-note beats), 1/4 (for
quarter-note beats), 1/2 (for half-note beats), and 1/1 (for whole-note
beats). To change the beat type use the left arrow buttons. To change
the number of beats that are counted, use the right arrow button. You
can set from 2 to 16 beats. (I.e. if you set the beat to 6, you will
have to tap 6 times before the new tempo is computed and set.) When the
display shows an R, it means that the BeatCounter
is ready to start from 0. Every time you tap with the comma key, it
will show the number of taps that you have entered (1, 2, 3...).The button in the bottom right-hand controls the auto-start
feature, and it toggles between S and
P. When it shows P for
(Play), the song will set the new tempo and
automatically start to play after you tap the right number of beats (if
it's not already playing, of course). This way, if you have the
BeatCounter set up for 4/4, you can tap 1-2-3-4, and start playing on
the next beat. When it shows S (for Set
BPM), the auto-start is disabled.For example: Suppose you have a live band, Hydrogen, and a
softsynth that is controlled by Seq24)... and you want them all to start
at the same time. Set the beat type to 1/4 and the number of beats to
4. Enable auto-start (button shows P). Count off
the band 1-2-3-4 (while tapping the comma key) — and everyone
starts on 1.Another example: Same situation, but the song doesn't require
Hydrogen or synths until some point later. During that time, a human
(e.g. guitar player) will be setting the tempo. On the measure before
Hydrogen is supposed to play, tap the comma key 1-2-3-4 with the
beat... and you're in on the next beat (at the right tempo).If you are using the JACK Transport, the BeatCounter continues to
work. If another program is the JACK Transport Master, Hydrogen will
respond to tempo change events from that application. Note that in this
situation, Hydrogen is supposed to be a slave, so
some of the BeatCounter features will be disabled or will not work
properly. If Hydrogen is the JACK Transport Master, tempo changes from
Hydrogen will be reflected in those programs (if they support
it).Some of the settings to adjust the BeatCounter's latency
compensation, and they are located on the General
tab of the Preferences Dialog (
). Here there are two spinboxes:Beat counter drift
compensation in 1/10ms — adjust to
compensate for latency between the keyboard and the
program.Beat counter start
offset in ms — adjust the time between the
BeatCounter's last input stroke and when the song starts playing (if
auto-start is activated).Note that these can be set to positive (+) or negative (-) values.
In order to find useful values for these, you will need to take some
time to play with it. Also, you may want different values depending on
the speed of your hardware, audio devices, drivers, etc. Using the
BeatCounter effectively requires practice.Song EditorThe "Song Editor" () gives an
overview of the whole timeline of the song (e.g. intro, verse, bridge,
chorus and so on); each blue coloured square on this panel is a complete
bar as shown in the underlying "Pattern Editor" panel. Here we have
complete freedom to add, remove or move patterns in any order we
prefer. We can also copy and paste patterns: use left mouse button to
highlight an area and drag it around. Dragging with CTRL key pressed
copies the patterns.
The Song Editor comes with 7 buttons:
Completely delete all patterns
(asks for confirmation!).
Create a new pattern (and asks
for a name).
Move currently selected pattern
up or down.
Enable selecting patterns for
copy & paste (Select Mode).
Enable Draw Mode.
Switch from "Single pattern mode"
to "Stacked pattern mode" and back..
Under these buttons there is a list of patterns created and when
they will played (each square == 1 bar). Click on an squarebox to add or
cancel the pattern. Clicking on right mouse button over the name of a
pattern will bring up a menu to change name of the pattern or to allow
copying/deleting it. Patterns with very same name are not allowed.The Song EditorPattern EditorThe "Pattern Editor" frame ()
lets us create or modify the pattern (bar) which is being played, or
add/remove notes and tune intensity as well. On the higher-left side you
find a pair of LCD screens: the first one lets you choose the size of a
pattern while the second represents the current grid resolution (4 through
64). Selecting an instrument which has at least one note in the pattern
will show a few vertical bars (one per note) on the lowest part of this
frame. Those frame shows the so called "note properties". This are special
properties which can be set for every single note. Hydrogen knows of 3
Properties: Velocity, Pan and Lead/Lag. Lead and Lag allows a slight note
lead or lag in respect of the actual beat. The range is ca. 5 ticks which
equals around ca. 10 ms at a tempo of 120bpm.
The button
(hear new notes) will play the sample as it's been added to the
pattern. Finally you can move an instrument up and down in the sequence
with the buttons
. A useful Quantize feature is available activating
. This way the beats inserted will automatically respect the grid
resolution currently applied.
The Pattern EditorRememeber this constraint concerning the grid: if you are working
with a resolution of 16 you can't go back to 8 and remove a 16th note; on
the other hand if you are working with a resolution of 8 and you try to
insert a note in the middle of two bars (looking for a 16 bars precision),
notes will be placed in the previous or in the following 8th bar. This
contraint can be removed if you disable the whole grid resolution (choose
"off" from the grid resolution LCD control). Now you'll be able to place
notes wherever you prefer.Each instrument has its own set of features accessible
right-clicking with your mouse on it; Fill/Clear notes fills or deletes every
note of that instrument in the current pattern (remember that filling a
pattern is always relative to the grid resolution set) and finally
Randomize velocity
automatically apply a pseudo-random velocity to each note of that
instrument in the pattern. The more velocity you set on the instrument,
the more hydrogen will hit hard on that instrument when
played.The small green and red squares beside the instrument name are the
mute and solo buttons.Also, you can set new beats clicking on
which enables direct input by MIDI events or by keyboard according to the
following map key=instrument:Note that the name of the instrument depends on the
drumkit loaded. This list refers to the GMKit loaded by default. The
position of the instrument, however, is the same.Z = KickX = Snare JazzC = Snare RockV = Tom LowB = Tom MidN = Tom HiM = CowbellQ = Ride JazzW = Ride RockE = Instrument No. 17 (currently not assigned)R = Instrument No. 18 (currently not assigned)T = Instrument No. 20 (currently not assigned)Y = Instrument No. 22 (currently not assigned)U = Instrument No. 24 (currently not assigned)S = StickD = Hand ClapG = Closed HHH = Pedal HHJ = Open HH2 = Crash3 = Crash Jazz5 = Instrument No. 19 (currently not assigned)6 = Instrument No. 21 (currently not assigned)7 = Instrument No. 23 (currently not assigned)Here's a quick reference of the above bindings for your
convenience. See for a basic
walkthrough of how the pattern editor works.MixerThe MixerThe Mixer frame () is useful for tuning a
global or single volume of the current drumkit. It shows the current peak
(click on
to disable, useful on old CPUs) and let you set the maximum peak allowed
(tune with the fader knob of the instrument), lets you modify attributes
like pan, play solo
, mute
or test play only that instrument
; selecting in the Pattern Editor an instrument causes a blue LED to light
on (near the play button). Near the global volume knob, you can set 3
global effect such a swing (shifts a few notes back or forward not
randomly), timing (modify timings of the notes) and humanize effect
(random velocity editing).
In addition to all this you can set up to 4 special LADSPA effects for
each instrument switching the
button. See next section for a detailed overview.
Sound Library (Drumkit Manager)The Sound Library saves you time in managing your drum kits,
favorite patterns, and favorite songs. When making new songs and drum
kits, the Sound Library makes it easier for you to reuse and mix the
instruments and patterns from other kits and songs.System DrumkitsThis lists the drumkits that were installed by your system
administrator. It was determined by the compile-time prefix. On
Unix-like operating systems, this is usually /usr/share/hydrogen/data/drumkits, or
possibly /usr/local/share/hydrogen/data/drumkits.
These kits are available to all users on the system, and users are
usually not able to add to them.To load a drumkit from here, right-click the drumkit and select
Load. This will replace your current drumkit
with the one that you selected. To load a single instrument from that
kit, left-click the plus to the left of the
drumkit's name to show all the instruments. With your left mouse
button, click and drag the instrument into your current kit. The
instrument will be added to the drumkit that you currently have
loaded.User DrumkitsThese are your own drum kits that you can manage yourself. They
are usually stored in $HOME/.hydrogen/data/drumkits. When you are
creating a new drumkit, you can save it here by selecting
library.Loading drumkits and instruments to use is the same as for the
System Drumkits (see ).Patterns in the Sound LibraryBefore you save your favorite patterns to the sound library, be
sure to edit it's properties by right-clicking and selecting
Properties. There, you can give the pattern
a title and a category. You can use one of the categories already
provided, or create your own categories by simply typing in a category
name. The category name is important, because the patterns will be
filed by category in the Sound Library.You can save your favorite patterns in the sound library by right
clicking the title of the pattern in the song editor, and selecting
Save Pattern. It will appear in the Sound
Library underneath Patterns and the category that
you assigned to the pattern.Songs in the Sound LibraryTo save songs in the Sound Library, put them in your data
directory underneath the songs
folder (usually $HOME/data/songs.
To remove them, remove the file from that folder.Drumkits and Instrument EditingCreating a new drumkit with Hydrogen is done with the Instrument
Editor. Using the instrument editor you can load samples, set envelope
parameters, set the gain, and a few other advanced features like mute
groups, low-pass resonance filter, and pitch randomization.Instead of creating your own drumkit, you can also use or download
existing drumkits using the .Concepts
The synthesizer in Hydrogen is a sample-based synthesizer. A sample
is a piece of pre-recorded audio (usually between .1 sec and 3 sec).
To play a note, the sample is simply played back at the right time.
There's a few concepts and terms that you should understand when you
are putting together a drumkit. (See for
more detailed explanations.)
Sampling Synthesizer TermsSampleA short recording of a sound,
typically between .1 and 3.0 seconds long.GainVolume
adjustment.VelocityHow hard you hit a
note.ADSR Envelope GeneratorAn
Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release envelope generator. After you trigger
a note, Hydrogen will attack the note by
increasing its volume from 0 to the full velocity of the note.
After reaching full velocity, it will decay the
note by lowering the volume until it reaches the
sustain level. When the note is
released, Hydrogen reduces the volume from the
sustain level back down to 0.AttackThe amount of time to go from 0 to full
velocity.DecayThe amount of time to go from full velocity to the sustain
volume.SustainThe level (how loud) to hold the note between the
sustain and the release. It is a percentage of the velocity. It
does not depend on time.ReleaseThe amount of time to go from the sustain volume back down
to 0.
Typical samples that are used in Hydrogen are: the sound of a single
drum hit, the sound of a single cymbal hit, the sound of a single
cowbell hit. Whenever you put a note in the pattern (or play a note
using MIDI), Hydrogen will play whatever sound you have loaded. So,
to put together a drum kit you need to gather short recordings of the
bass drum, each tom, each cymbal, the high hat open, the high hat
closed, the snare drum (snare on), the snare drum (snare off), rim
shots, etc.
However, there are no rules about what a sample can be. It's not
uncommon to use Hydrogen to trigger non-drum sounds like: audio clips
of people talking, a clip from a song, sound effects, audio clips from
movies, and famous people speaking. Be creative!
Creating a New DrumkitTo start a brand new drum kit, select
InstrumentsClear All
. This will give you a bank of 32 blank instruments. To delete
instruments, right-click on on each instrument and select
Delete Instrument. To add more instruments,
InstrumentsAdd instrument
Select an instrument to start editing it. This is done by
left-clicking on the name of the instrument in the instrument list (at
the left). You will notice that the name of the instrument in the
Instrument Editor matches the one that you clicked.After you have your drum kit working the way you want, select
InstrumentsSave library
. It will ask you for the name of the kit to save. If you wish to
overwrite an existing kit, you will need to type in
the same name as the kit that you want to replace.Drumkits are automatically stored in the data directory (i.e. $HOME/data/drumkits).To export a drumkit (for sharing with others), it must first be
loaded into your Sound Library. Then, select
InstrumentsExport library
from the menu. Select the drum kit that you wish to export, and give it
a file name to save it to.Creating an Instrument and LayersFor each instrument in a drum kit, you can load several samples
and set different synthesizer parameters. This section will step you
through how to create a new instrument and load the samples.To begin creating an instrument, select
InstrumentsAdd instrument. This will give you a blank
instrument to start from.Now, you need two samples. Any .WAV or .FLAC file will do.
Hydrogen provides several in the data/drumkits directory.In the instrument editor, click on Layers.
You can layer several samples into the instrument. Which one is played
depends on the velocity of the incoming note. Click Load
Layer and point the Audio File Browser to
your sample. Note that the Audio File Browser will
allow you to preview the sample before you load it. It will also allow
you to load more than one sample at a time. But for now, only load
one.After you load the sample, you'll see that there is now a
1 at the top, and the topmost rectangle has turned
light blue. To load a second sample, click the slot just below it, and
then click Load Layer to bring in another
sample.After bringing in both samples, you'll probably notice that only
the first sample is being played whenever you
trigger the instrument. This is because you need to set the
velocity ranges for the layers. Move your mouse to
the sides of the light blue rectangles and you see that you get a
left-right drag cursor. Now drag the sample to the left or right (like
a curtain). You will now see Layer 2 appear.The velocity setting for the layer is 0-velocity on the left, and
full velocity on the right. Set up Layer 1 to sound for soft notes, and
Layer 2 to sound for hard notes. (I.e. Layer 1 on the left and Layer 2
on the right.)Now, in the pattern area, set up a simple pattern that plays this
instrument. Adjust the velocity settings on each note so that you can
get the different samples to sound. Now set the pattern to loop and
notice how your different samples are getting triggered. (To learn
about editing a pattern, see )For each layer, you can set the Gain and
the Pitch. The pitch also has a
Fine adjustment.Use the Gain adjustment to control how loud
the sample will play. This is necessary because it's extremely
difficult to get a set of samples that all sound at about the same
volume. By adjusting here, the samples that were recorded too quietly
can be turned up to match your loud samples (that had to be turned
down).It is very easy to set the Gain too high,
causing your sample to clip. Remember to test the gain with
full-velocity notes. If you clip your signal here, it will only get
worse as Hydrogen processes it.The pitch of the sample can be modified with the pitch controls.
The Pitch knob adjust the pitch in musical
half-steps. (So, -12 is down 1 octave). The pitch on the right adjusts
the pitch ±50 cents. (One half-step is 100 cents.)The pitch is adjusted by playing the sample back faster or
slower. This is called the Dopplar Effect. So, if you have a
1-second sample that you turn down -12 (1 octave), you sample will
only last for .5-seconds.Instrument ParametersIn the instrument editor, click on the
General button. Here you can adjust several
parameters that are for the whole instrument (not for each layer). The
parameters that you can adjust are:Envelope parameters:
Attack, Decay,
Sustain, Release.
(See )Gain:
The overall volume of the instrument.Mute
Group: Which mute group this instrument is a
member of (see ).Filter Parameters:
Bypass, Cutoff,
PitchIt's important that you understand in order to continue
on.Envelope ParametersWhen the instrument is triggered, its volume is run through an
ADSR Envelope. The parameters operate as follows:Attack — the amount
of time that the volume of the sample goes
from 0 to the full velocity of the note. If the value is 0, the
sample will play immediately at full velocity. If the value is
1.0, the sample volume will use the maximum time available for the
attack paramater.
The attack, decay, and release parameters are all set by
the number of audio samples. This means
that the time changes depending on the sample rate of your sound
card. The max time for each of them is 100,000 audio samples
(typ. 2.27 sec at 44.1 kHz).Decay — the amount of
time for the volume of the sample to go from
full velocity down to the sustain volume. If the value is 0, the
sample will immediately skip from the attack volume to the sustain
volume. If the value is 1.0, the sample volume will use the
maximum time available for the decay parameter.Sustain — the
volume to play the note after the decay phase
is over, and until the note is released. If set to 0, the note
will be silent. If set to 1.0, the note will play at full
velocity.Release — the
time to fade out the note from the sustain
volume back down to 0 (silent). If set to 0, the note will fade
out in the minimum amount of time (about 5 ms). If set to 1, it
will fade out for the maximum time available.If the sample is shorter than the times that you specify, the
sample will end, regardless of which phase of the ADSR it is in. If
the note is sustained, it does not draw out the
note while you are holding it. It only holds the gain (volume)
parameter during that time.Gain and Mute GroupThe gain sets the overall volume for the sample. This gain is
applied after the gain that you set for the layer, and before the gain
that is set for the mixer. If the Gain is 0, the instrument will be
silent. If the gain is 1.0 the volume of the samples will not be
adjusted (i.e. 0 dB). If the gain is set higher, the samples will be
amplified.It is very easy to set the Gain too
high, causing your sample to clip. Remember to test the gain with
full-velocity notes. If you clip your signal here, it will only get
worse as Hydrogen processes it.Hydrogen provides more mute groups than you know what to do with
(over 256). A mute group is a grouping of instruments that are
mutually exclusive — only one instrument may be playing at any
time. If one is playing and another instrument in the group is
triggered, it will immediately silence (mute) and start playing the
other instrument. This is useful, especially, for instruments like
hi-hats where the open sound and the closed sound are different
instruments.If the mute group is set to Off, then the
instrument is not part of any mute grouping. If the mute group is set
to any number, then that is the group that the instrument is a part
of. To set other instruments into the same grouping, set their mute
group parameter to the same number. (For example, to group all the
high-hat instruments, you can set all their mute group parameters to
1. To have a snare drum mute group, set their mute group parameters
to 2.)Filter and Random PitchThe filter is a low-pass resonance filter. If you don't wish to
use is, click the BYPass button so that it's
red. If it's not red, then the filter is active. The cutoff
parameter adjusts the cutoff frequency for the filter. The resonance
parameter adjusts how much to resonate the cutoff frequency. If the
resonance is set to 0, then the filter is just a simple low-pass
filter.The cutoff frequency of the filter varies with the sample rate
of your audio card. The range of the knob (0 to 1.0) is optimized
for a 48,000 kHz sample rate.The random pitch paramater allows you to randomly vary the pitch
of the sample every time it is triggered. The value is set between 0
and 1.0. The pitch change is fairly small: ±2 half-steps
× value. Using this sparingly can help your sequences to sound
more like a real drummer.Tips on Editing InstrumentsWith all of the different parameters available to tweak, it can be
difficult to set up something that sounds nice when you're done. Here's
a few tips on setting up an instrument:Turn down the gain. Every time
you have a gain knob (i.e. an amplifier), this is called a
gain stage. With every gain stage you have, it's
easy to overdrive your signal — which means the signal gets
distorted by clipping. In addition, if you have two samples that, by
themselves, peg your meters — what do you think happens when you
combine them? That's right, you overdrive the signal again.If things sound bad and distorted, start by turning down the gain
setting on the layer... especially if it's larger than 1.0. Then turn
down the instrument gain. Then any gain on a LADSPA effect. Then the
fader on the mixer. Then the master output fader.Test samples at full velocity.
Your sample will be played louder if the velocity is higher. So, if you
set everything to sound nice and full with velocity at 0.7, what will
happen when you get a full velocity of 1.0? (Hint:
clipping.)Try to use samples that are -6 dB
max. Visually, this means samples that peak at only
1/2 of full scale. Otherwise, turn your layer gain to about
.5.Remove all DC offsets from the
sample. In a sample editor, there is usually a line down the
center of your sample's waveform. This is the zero-line. The beginning
of your sample should be on this line. The end of your sample should
also be on this line. However, if your signal is a little above or a
little below this line, you will hear a click at the beginning and the
end of your sample whenever it is played. If your sample editor doesn't
provide any tools to fix a DC Offset problem, you can eliminate the
noise by putting a slight fade-in/out at the ends of your sample.The ADSR will not be longer than your
sample. If you have a short sample, it doesn't matter how
long you set the attack and delay — the sample will stop playing
at the end.Things change with the sample
rate. If you have a really nice setup with all your
parameters painstakenly tweaked... things will
change if you change the sample rate of your audio card. Many of
Hydrogens internal settings and parameters are done based on how many
samples go by, and not on how many seconds go by. The sort of things
that change are: anything time-base (like attack and release) and
anything frequency based (like the cutoff frequency).LADSPA pluginsHydrogen can also add effects to sounds using any LADSPA plugin
library. You need to have installed the LADSPA sources (available from
http://www.ladspa.org) and
while this will give a rough idea of how it works you should really have a
taste of the real thing installing one or more plugin libraries, it's as
simple as a scons && scons install. Here are a
few places to download plugin libraries:SWH-Plugins available at http://plugin.org.uk. Note that before compiling these plugins
you need the FFTW tarball from http://www.fftw.org.CMT available at http://www.ladspa.org.TAP available at http://tap-plugins.sf.net.Plugins KillA LADSPA plugin is compiled, executable code. It is capable of
hanging, crashing, freezing, screaching, overflowing buffers, and even
phoning home. If you start having issues with Hydrogen, disable your
plugins and see if things improve. Some plugins are not designed for
real-time use, and some are just plain better than others.Once you have installed a few plugins open a song you'd like add an
effect to and select an instrument that has a few beats in the pattern. In
the Mixer click on
and select one of the four available effect line Click on the Edit button
), than on Select the FX: this will bring up another window
() that lets you choose an effect
amongst those installed, they are alphabetically sorted and
categorized. Once you're done, adjust the level from the mixer and start
playing. Each round knob in the FX part controls the level of its effect.
If you want to quickly enable/disable the effect click the Bypass (
button.Select an EffectA new song"Song" mode and "Pattern" modeThis is just a quick-and-dirty walkthrough to Hydrogen. Refer to the
tutorial for a more detailed overview.Hydrogen has 2 main modes: "Pattern" mode and "Song" mode (refer to
for the buttons to activate). When
"Pattern" mode is activated the current pattern is continously repeated,
so to help changing it until we don't like it, while "Song" mode repeats
only the current pattern: this is useful when putting together the
patterns, to create the whole structure for the song.A new patternWe'll start from an empty song with an empty pattern, as created by
default: "pattern" mode should be selected now. It is also possible to
change name of the pattern. Now let's click on the Play
button and while the pattern is playing let's add notes in the grid of the
Song Editor () simply
left_mouse_clicking on it: adjust grid resolution and BPM speed if
needed. Rememeber some constraints of the grid: if you are working with a
resolution of 16 you can't go back to 8 and remove a 16th note; same thing
happens if you are working with a resolution of 8 and you try to insert a
note in the middle of two bars (looking for a 16 bars precision): they
will be placed on the previous or on the following 8th bar (unless you
choose off from the Grid Resolution LCD, in this case
you're free to place notes wherever you prefer). Be
sure to select the correct pattern in the Song Editor before adding notes
in the Pattern Editor!The Pattern EditorA new sequenceOnce patterns are created (), we
can copy/paste/delete them simply dragging with the mouse (activate the
select mode for the Song Editor and keep pressed left mouse button to
select those you want to move or copy).Inserting Notes in a PatternAdjust from the mixerOf course we can always use the mixer window, either when creating
or playing patterns.The Mixer frame () is made of 32
independent tracks, each of these is binded to an instrument, plus a
"Master Output" line to adjust general output volume and a "FX" button to
set effects. Every line features 3 buttons (
), pan adjust (
), current maximum peak, volume fader and name of the track. Clicking on
will play the selected instrument, cutting the others. The "Mute"
, simply mute that instrument. The maximun peak
indicates the maximun volume reached from the instrument; the peak must
be in a range of 0.0 and 1.0 (in you can
see a few volumes too loud), otherwise it will get distorted producing a
weird sound (especially with OSS audio driver), in this case it's better
to set volume down; keep an eye on each vu-meter.
The MixerGlossaryThis is a glossary of general terms encountered when using Hydrogen,
synthesizers, drums, or samplers. The definitions in the text are
simplified, but the definitions here are more general and have more
explanation. For example, the text of the manual would have you believe
that an ADSR is the only kind of envelope generator, and could only ever
control the volume. While it's simple for new users, it's not quite
right.ADSRA type of envelope generator that allows you to control the
Sustain, and
Release parameters.
Generally, the
parameters are proportional to
the velocity.In Hydrogen, the ADSR envelope generator only controls the volume
(attenuation).Read more about this in the Wikipedia
Article ADSR
EnvelopeAttackThis is the first phase of an ADSR envelope, and is the amount
of time to turn the parameter up from
0 to full velocity after triggering the note.AttenuationIn filters and mixers, this the amount that a signal is reduced
(volume).Band-Pass FilterA filter that preserves a cetertain band of frequencies, and
attenuates (silences) all others. This is often done by combining a
high-pass and a low-pass filter.ClippingA phenomenon that happens to a signal when the signal is too large
for whatever is receiving it. The peaks of the signal (which are
normally smooth curves) get cut off straight at the max volume
(clipped). This distorts the sound and is usually undesirable.An example of clipping is when you play music louder than your
speaker can handle. Parts of the music sound harsh and fuzzy.Cutoff FrequencyOn high-pass and low-pass filters, this is the frequency that
divides between those that pass, and those that are attenuated
(silenced). In a high-pass resonance filter, or a low-pass resonance
filter, the cutoff is also the frequency zone that gets boosted.For example, if you have a low-pass filter and you set the cutoff
frequency high (i.e. 20kHz)... the filter will not affect the sound.
All the audible frequencies will pass through undisturbed. As you lower
the cutoff frequency to something like 40 Hz (the low string on a bass
guitar), it sounds like someone is putting a blanket over the speaker.
The higher frequencies are being attenuated above 30 Hz.DecayAfter reaching full velocity from the attack, this is the amount
of time to turn the parameter down from full
velocity to the sustain level.Envelope GeneratorA way to control (change) a parameter over time as a response to
triggering, holding, and releasing a note.Did your eyes just glaze over? Let's try again:Imagine that you're playing a note on the keyboard and you have
your other hand on a knob (volume, filter cutoff, etc.). As you play
the note, you twist the knob (often up, then down... or down, then up).
You do the same thing on each note. That's what an envelope generator
does. See also ADSRFaderA slider control used to adjust the attenuation (volume) in a
mixer. Faders always have an "audio" taper, which means that the
attenuation amount changes on an exponential scale.FilterA device that changes a sound by attenuating specific frequencies.
A tone knob is an example of a simple, low-pass filter.GainIn an amplifier, this adjust how much (or how little) a signal is
amplified (volume). A higher gain value is a louder signal.High-Pass FilterA filter that attenuates (silences) low frequencies, but allows
high frequencies to pass through.InstrumentIn Hydrogen, an instrument is a single noise-maker (like a bass
drum kick, or a tom).LayerIn an instrument you can load several different samples (each one
called a layer), and have a different
sample play depending on the velocity of the note. Only one sample at a
time will play.Suppose you have a sample of a floor tom being struck softly. If
you simply play the sample louder — it will
not sound the same as a real tom that has been
struck very hard. If you wish to mimic this in your instrument, you can
load one sample for soft playing, and a different sample for loud
playing.Low-Pass FilterA filter that attenuates (silences) high frequences, but allows
low frequencies to pass through.MuteTo make no noise. A setting on an instrument that prevents any
audio output.Mute GroupA group of instruments (samples) that should mute (stop playing)
immediately after another instrument in the group is triggered.This is typically used in hi-hats, where there's a different
instrument (sample) for when the hi-hat is open or closed. With a real
hi-hat, the sound of the open hi-hat will stop as soon as you close it.
However, if you use two samples — the open sound will continue
even after you have triggered the closed sound. By placing both
instruments in the same mute group (group #1, for example)... triggering
closed sound will immediately stop the open sound (and vice
versa).OctaveA span of frequencies where the top-most frequency is exactly
twice the frequency of the bottom frequency.For example, the range 20 Hz to 40 Hz is an octave. So is 120 Hz
to 240 Hz, and 575 Hz to 1150 Hz. While the frequency differences are
very different (20 Hz, 120 Hz, and 575 Hz, respectively), to the human
ear they sound like the same distance.ReleaseAfter the note is released, this is the amount of
time to reduce the parameter from the sustain level
to 0.ResonanceWhen referring to a resonance filter, this is the parameter that
determines how much of a boost (gain) to give the frequencies at the
cutoff.Resonance FilterA filter that gives a large boost to a very narrow range of
frequencies. Typically it will be part of a high-pass or a low-pass
filter, where the boosted frequencies are centered on the cut-off
frequency.Roll-offThis is the amount that frequencies are attenuated (suppressed) as
the frequency changes (typically measured in dB/octave).For example, in a low-pass filter the frequences below the cutoff
frequency are not attenuated (they pass-through with the same volume).
Same with the cutoff frequency. As you go above the cutoff frequency,
the frequencies that are near the cutoff frequency are not attenuated
very much at all. However, the frequencies that are much higher than
the cutoff are attenuated (suppressed) a lot. This is usually
approximated by a straight line (on a log scale) and measured in in dB
of attenuation per octave of frequency.SampleA short recording of a sound, typically between .1 and 3.0 seconds
long.SustainThe level to hold the parameter after
finishing the decay time. This level will be maintained until the not
is released.VelocityHow hard you hit a note.MIDI devices are required to send this information along with the
note. Synthesizers use this information to adjust several parameters on
the sample (typically the volume). In Hydrogen, it is only used to
adjust how loud the sample is played back.