# Translation of ISO-3166 (country names) to Slovak # # This file is distributed under the same license as the iso-codes package. # # Copyright (C) # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2004 # Peter Mann , 2004, 2006. # Pavol Cvengros , 2001. # (translations from drakfw) # Alastair McKinstry , 2001. # Ivan Masár , 2007, 2008, 2009. # # source: # http://www.geodesy.gov.sk # http://www.fao.org/ (historic names) # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: iso_3166 3.12.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Debian iso-codes team \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-30 09:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-01 12:48+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Ivan Masár \n" "Language-Team: Slovak \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #. name for AFG msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "Afganistan" #. official_name for AFG msgid "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" msgstr "Afghanistanská islamská republika" #. name for ALA msgid "Åland Islands" msgstr "Ålandy" #. name for ALB msgid "Albania" msgstr "Albánsko" #. official_name for ALB msgid "Republic of Albania" msgstr "Albánska republika" #. name for DZA msgid "Algeria" msgstr "Alžírsko" #. official_name for DZA msgid "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria" msgstr "Alžírska demokratická ľudová republika" #. name for ASM msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "Americká Samoa" #. name for AND msgid "Andorra" msgstr "Andorra" #. official_name for AND msgid "Principality of Andorra" msgstr "Andorrské kniežatstvo" #. name for AGO msgid "Angola" msgstr "Angola" #. official_name for AGO msgid "Republic of Angola" msgstr "Angolská republika" #. name for AIA msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "Anguilla" #. name for ATA msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "Antarktída" #. name for ATG msgid "Antigua and Barbuda" msgstr "Antigua a Barbuda" #. name for ARG msgid "Argentina" msgstr "Argentína" #. official_name for ARG msgid "Argentine Republic" msgstr "Argentínska republika" #. name for ARM msgid "Armenia" msgstr "Arménsko" #. official_name for ARM msgid "Republic of Armenia" msgstr "Arménska republika" #. name for ABW msgid "Aruba" msgstr "Aruba" #. name for AUS msgid "Australia" msgstr "Austrália" #. name for AUT msgid "Austria" msgstr "Rakúsko" #. official_name for AUT msgid "Republic of Austria" msgstr "Rakúska republika" #. name for AZE msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "Azerbajdžan" #. official_name for AZE msgid "Republic of Azerbaijan" msgstr "Azerbajdžanská republika" #. name for BHS msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "Bahamy" #. official_name for BHS msgid "Commonwealth of the Bahamas" msgstr "Bahamské spoločenstvo" #. name for BHR msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "Bahrajn" #. official_name for BHR msgid "Kingdom of Bahrain" msgstr "Bahrajnské kráľovstvo" #. name for BGD msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "Bangladéš" #. official_name for BGD msgid "People's Republic of Bangladesh" msgstr "Bangladéšska ľudová republika" #. name for BRB msgid "Barbados" msgstr "Barbados" #. name for BLR msgid "Belarus" msgstr "Bielorusko" #. official_name for BLR msgid "Republic of Belarus" msgstr "Bieloruská republika" #. name for BEL msgid "Belgium" msgstr "Belgicko" #. official_name for BEL msgid "Kingdom of Belgium" msgstr "Belgické kráľovstvo" #. name for BLZ msgid "Belize" msgstr "Belize" #. name for BEN msgid "Benin" msgstr "Benin" #. official_name for BEN msgid "Republic of Benin" msgstr "Beninská republika" #. name for BMU msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "Bermudy" #. name for BTN msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "Bhután" #. official_name for BTN msgid "Kingdom of Bhutan" msgstr "Bhutánske kráľovstvo" # for now unchanged at geodesy.gov.sk #. name for BOL msgid "Bolivia, Plurinational State of" msgstr "Bolívijská republika" # for now unchanged at geodesy.gov.sk #. official_name for BOL msgid "Plurinational State of Bolivia" msgstr "Bolívijská republika" #. common_name for BOL msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "Bolívia" #. name for BIH msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "Bosna a Hercegovina" #. official_name for BIH msgid "Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "Republika Bosny a Hercegoviny" #. name for BWA msgid "Botswana" msgstr "Botswana" #. official_name for BWA msgid "Republic of Botswana" msgstr "Botswanská republika" #. name for BVT msgid "Bouvet Island" msgstr "Bouvetov ostrov" #. name for BRA msgid "Brazil" msgstr "Brazília" #. official_name for BRA msgid "Federative Republic of Brazil" msgstr "Brazílska federatívna republika" #. name for IOT msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "Britské indickooceánske územie" #. name for BRN msgid "Brunei Darussalam" msgstr "Brunejsko-darussalamský štát" #. name for BGR msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulharsko" #. official_name for BGR msgid "Republic of Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulharská republika" #. name for BFA msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "Burkina Faso" #. name for BDI msgid "Burundi" msgstr "Burundi" #. official_name for BDI msgid "Republic of Burundi" msgstr "Burundská republika" #. name for KHM msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "Kambodža" #. official_name for KHM msgid "Kingdom of Cambodia" msgstr "Kambodžské kráľovstvo" #. name for CMR msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "Kamerun" #. official_name for CMR msgid "Republic of Cameroon" msgstr "Kamerunská republika" #. name for CAN msgid "Canada" msgstr "Kanada" #. name for CPV msgid "Cape Verde" msgstr "Kapverdy" #. official_name for CPV msgid "Republic of Cape Verde" msgstr "Kapverdská republika" #. name for CYM msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "Kajmanie ostrovy" #. name for CAF msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "Stredoafrická republika" #. name for TCD msgid "Chad" msgstr "Čad" #. official_name for TCD msgid "Republic of Chad" msgstr "Čadská republika" #. name for CHL msgid "Chile" msgstr "Čile" #. official_name for CHL msgid "Republic of Chile" msgstr "Čilská republika" #. name for CHN msgid "China" msgstr "Čína" #. official_name for CHN msgid "People's Republic of China" msgstr "Čínska ľudová republika" #. name for CXR msgid "Christmas Island" msgstr "Vianočný ostrov" #. name for CCK msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" msgstr "Kokosové ostrovy" #. name for COL msgid "Colombia" msgstr "Kolumbia" #. official_name for COL msgid "Republic of Colombia" msgstr "Kolumbijská republika" #. name for COM msgid "Comoros" msgstr "Komory" #. official_name for COM msgid "Union of the Comoros" msgstr "Komorský zväz" #. name for COG msgid "Congo" msgstr "Kongo" #. official_name for COG msgid "Republic of the Congo" msgstr "Konžská republika" #. name for COD msgid "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the" msgstr "Konžská demokratická republika" #. name for COK msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "Cookove ostrovy" #. name for CRI msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "Kostarika" #. official_name for CRI msgid "Republic of Costa Rica" msgstr "Kostarická republika" #. name for CIV msgid "Côte d'Ivoire" msgstr "Pobrežie Slonoviny" #. official_name for CIV msgid "Republic of Côte d'Ivoire" msgstr "Republika Pobrežia Slonoviny" #. name for HRV msgid "Croatia" msgstr "Chorvátsko" #. official_name for HRV msgid "Republic of Croatia" msgstr "Chorvátska republika" #. name for CUB msgid "Cuba" msgstr "Kuba" #. official_name for CUB msgid "Republic of Cuba" msgstr "Kubánska republika" #. name for CYP msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "Cyprus" #. official_name for CYP msgid "Republic of Cyprus" msgstr "Cyperská republika" #. name for CZE msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "Česká republika" #. name for DNK msgid "Denmark" msgstr "Dánsko" #. official_name for DNK msgid "Kingdom of Denmark" msgstr "Dánske kráľovstvo" #. name for DJI msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "Džibutsko" #. official_name for DJI msgid "Republic of Djibouti" msgstr "Džibutská republika" #. name for DMA msgid "Dominica" msgstr "Dominika" #. official_name for DMA msgid "Commonwealth of Dominica" msgstr "Dominické spoločenstvo" #. name for DOM msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "Dominikánska republika" #. name for ECU msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "Ekvádor" #. official_name for ECU msgid "Republic of Ecuador" msgstr "Ekvádorská republika" #. name for EGY msgid "Egypt" msgstr "Egypt" #. official_name for EGY msgid "Arab Republic of Egypt" msgstr "Egyptská arabská republika" #. name for SLV msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "Salvádor" #. official_name for SLV msgid "Republic of El Salvador" msgstr "Salvádorská republika" #. name for GNQ msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "Rovníková Guinea" #. official_name for GNQ msgid "Republic of Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "Republika Rovníkovej Guiney" #. name for ERI msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "Eritrea" #. name for EST msgid "Estonia" msgstr "Estónsko" #. official_name for EST msgid "Republic of Estonia" msgstr "Estónska republika" #. name for ETH, historic names for ETH (withdrawn 1993-07-16) msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "Etiópia" #. official_name for ETH msgid "Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia" msgstr "Etiópska federatívna demokratická republika" #. name for FLK msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" msgstr "Falklandy (Malvíny)" #. name for FRO msgid "Faroe Islands" msgstr "Faerské ostrovy" #. name for FJI msgid "Fiji" msgstr "Fidži" #. official_name for FJI msgid "Republic of the Fiji Islands" msgstr "Republika Fidžijských ostrovov" #. name for FIN msgid "Finland" msgstr "Fínsko" #. official_name for FIN msgid "Republic of Finland" msgstr "Fínska republika" #. name for FRA msgid "France" msgstr "Francúzsko" #. official_name for FRA msgid "French Republic" msgstr "Francúzska republika" #. name for GUF msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "Francúzska Guyana" #. name for PYF msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "Francúzska Polynézia" #. name for ATF msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "Francúzske južné a antarktické územia" #. name for GAB msgid "Gabon" msgstr "Gabon" #. official_name for GAB msgid "Gabonese Republic" msgstr "Gabonská republika" #. name for GMB msgid "Gambia" msgstr "Gambia" #. official_name for GMB msgid "Republic of the Gambia" msgstr "Gambijská republika" #. name for GEO msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Gruzínsko" #. name for DEU msgid "Germany" msgstr "Nemecko" #. official_name for DEU msgid "Federal Republic of Germany" msgstr "Nemecká spolková republika" #. name for GHA msgid "Ghana" msgstr "Ghana" #. official_name for GHA msgid "Republic of Ghana" msgstr "Ghanská republika" #. name for GIB msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "Gibraltár" #. name for GRC msgid "Greece" msgstr "Grécko" # pozn.: Na výslovnú žiadosť gréckej strany sa v medzinárodných dohodách, zmluvách a podobných dokumentoch medzi Gréckou republikou a Slovenskou republikou používa podoba Helénska republika, v ostatných prípadoch podoba Grécka republika. #. official_name for GRC msgid "Hellenic Republic" msgstr "Grécka republika" #. name for GRL msgid "Greenland" msgstr "Grónsko" #. name for GRD msgid "Grenada" msgstr "Grenada" #. name for GLP msgid "Guadeloupe" msgstr "Guadeloupe" #. name for GUM msgid "Guam" msgstr "Guam" #. name for GTM msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "Guatemala" #. official_name for GTM msgid "Republic of Guatemala" msgstr "Guatemalská republika" #. name for GGY msgid "Guernsey" msgstr "Guernsey" #. name for GIN msgid "Guinea" msgstr "Guinea" #. official_name for GIN msgid "Republic of Guinea" msgstr "Guinejská republika" #. name for GNB msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Guinea-Bissau" #. official_name for GNB msgid "Republic of Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Guinejsko-bissauská republika" #. name for GUY msgid "Guyana" msgstr "Guyana" #. official_name for GUY msgid "Republic of Guyana" msgstr "Guyanská kooperatívna republika" #. name for HTI msgid "Haiti" msgstr "Haiti" #. official_name for HTI msgid "Republic of Haiti" msgstr "Haitská republika" #. name for HMD msgid "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" msgstr "Heardov ostrov" #. name for VAT msgid "Holy See (Vatican City State)" msgstr "Svätá stolica (Vatikánsky mestský štát)" #. name for HND msgid "Honduras" msgstr "Honduras" #. official_name for HND msgid "Republic of Honduras" msgstr "Honduraská republika" #. name for HKG msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "Hongkong" #. official_name for HKG msgid "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China" msgstr "Osobitná administratívna oblasť Číny Hongkong" #. name for HUN msgid "Hungary" msgstr "Maďarsko" #. official_name for HUN msgid "Republic of Hungary" msgstr "Maďarská republika" #. name for ISL msgid "Iceland" msgstr "Island" #. official_name for ISL msgid "Republic of Iceland" msgstr "Islandská republika" #. name for IND msgid "India" msgstr "India" #. official_name for IND msgid "Republic of India" msgstr "Indická republika" #. name for IDN msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "Indonézia" #. official_name for IDN msgid "Republic of Indonesia" msgstr "Indonézska republika" #. name for IRN msgid "Iran, Islamic Republic of" msgstr "Iránska islamská republika" #. official_name for IRN msgid "Islamic Republic of Iran" msgstr "Iránska islamská republika" #. name for IRQ msgid "Iraq" msgstr "Irak" #. official_name for IRQ msgid "Republic of Iraq" msgstr "Iracká republika" #. name for IRL msgid "Ireland" msgstr "Írsko" #. name for IMN msgid "Isle of Man" msgstr "Man" #. name for ISR msgid "Israel" msgstr "Izrael" #. official_name for ISR msgid "State of Israel" msgstr "Izraelský štát" #. name for ITA msgid "Italy" msgstr "Taliansko" #. official_name for ITA msgid "Italian Republic" msgstr "Talianska republika" #. name for JAM msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "Jamajka" #. name for JPN msgid "Japan" msgstr "Japonsko" #. name for JEY msgid "Jersey" msgstr "Jersey" #. name for JOR msgid "Jordan" msgstr "Jordánsko" #. official_name for JOR msgid "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan" msgstr "Jordánske hášimovské kráľovstvo" #. name for KAZ msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "Kazachstan" #. official_name for KAZ msgid "Republic of Kazakhstan" msgstr "Kazašská republika" #. name for KEN msgid "Kenya" msgstr "Keňa" #. official_name for KEN msgid "Republic of Kenya" msgstr "Kenská republika" #. name for KIR msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "Kiribati" #. official_name for KIR msgid "Republic of Kiribati" msgstr "Kiribatská republika" #. name for PRK msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" msgstr "Kórejská ľudovodemokratická republika" #. official_name for PRK msgid "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" msgstr "Kórejská ľudovodemokratická republika" #. name for KOR msgid "Korea, Republic of" msgstr "Kórejská republika" #. name for KWT msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "Kuvajt" #. official_name for KWT msgid "State of Kuwait" msgstr "Kuvajtský štát" #. name for KGZ msgid "Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "Kirgizsko" #. official_name for KGZ msgid "Kyrgyz Republic" msgstr "Kirgizská republika" #. name for LAO msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic" msgstr "Laoská ľudovodemokratická republika" #. name for LVA msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Lotyšsko" #. official_name for LVA msgid "Republic of Latvia" msgstr "Lotyšská republika" #. name for LBN msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "Libanon" #. official_name for LBN msgid "Lebanese Republic" msgstr "Libanonská republika" #. name for LSO msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "Lesotho" #. official_name for LSO msgid "Kingdom of Lesotho" msgstr "Lesothské kráľovstvo" #. name for LBR msgid "Liberia" msgstr "Libéria" #. official_name for LBR msgid "Republic of Liberia" msgstr "Libérijská republika" #. name for LBY msgid "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" msgstr "Líbya" #. official_name for LBY msgid "Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" msgstr "Líbyjská arabská ľudová socialistická džamahírija" #. common_name for LBY msgid "Libya" msgstr "Líbya" #. name for LIE msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "Lichtenštajnsko" #. official_name for LIE msgid "Principality of Liechtenstein" msgstr "Lichtenštajnské kniežatstvo" #. name for LTU msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "Litva" #. official_name for LTU msgid "Republic of Lithuania" msgstr "Litovská republika" #. name for LUX msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "Luxembursko" #. official_name for LUX msgid "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" msgstr "Luxemburské veľkovojvodstvo" #. name for MAC msgid "Macao" msgstr "Macao" #. official_name for MAC msgid "Macao Special Administrative Region of China" msgstr "Osobitná administratívna oblasť Číny Macao" #. name for MKD msgid "Macedonia, Republic of" msgstr "Macedónska republika" #. official_name for MKD msgid "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" msgstr "Bývalá juhoslovanská republika Macedónsko" #. name for MDG msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "Madagaskar" #. official_name for MDG msgid "Republic of Madagascar" msgstr "Madagaskarská republika" #. name for MWI msgid "Malawi" msgstr "Malawi" #. official_name for MWI msgid "Republic of Malawi" msgstr "Malawijská republika" #. name for MYS msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "Malajzia" #. name for MDV msgid "Maldives" msgstr "Maldivy" #. official_name for MDV msgid "Republic of Maldives" msgstr "Maldivská republika" #. name for MLI msgid "Mali" msgstr "Mali" #. official_name for MLI msgid "Republic of Mali" msgstr "Malijská republika" #. name for MLT msgid "Malta" msgstr "Malta" #. official_name for MLT msgid "Republic of Malta" msgstr "Maltská republika" #. name for MHL msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "Marshallove ostrovy" #. official_name for MHL msgid "Republic of the Marshall Islands" msgstr "Republika Marshallových ostrovov" #. name for MTQ msgid "Martinique" msgstr "Martinik" #. name for MRT msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "Mauritánia" #. official_name for MRT msgid "Islamic Republic of Mauritania" msgstr "Mauritánska islamská republika" #. name for MUS msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "Maurícius" #. official_name for MUS msgid "Republic of Mauritius" msgstr "Maurícijská republika" #. name for MYT msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "Mayotte" #. name for MEX msgid "Mexico" msgstr "Mexiko" #. official_name for MEX msgid "United Mexican States" msgstr "Spojené štáty mexické" #. name for FSM msgid "Micronesia, Federated States of" msgstr "Mikronézske federatívne štáty" #. official_name for FSM msgid "Federated States of Micronesia" msgstr "Mikronézske federatívne štáty" #. name for MDA msgid "Moldova, Republic of" msgstr "Moldavská republika" #. official_name for MDA msgid "Republic of Moldova" msgstr "Moldavská republika" #. common_name for MDA msgid "Moldova" msgstr "Moldavsko" #. name for MCO msgid "Monaco" msgstr "Monako" #. official_name for MCO msgid "Principality of Monaco" msgstr "Monacké kniežatstvo" #. name for MNG msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "Mongolsko" #. name for MNE, official_name for MNE msgid "Montenegro" msgstr "Čierna Hora" #. name for MSR msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "Montserrat" #. name for MAR msgid "Morocco" msgstr "Maroko" #. official_name for MAR msgid "Kingdom of Morocco" msgstr "Marocké kráľovstvo" #. name for MOZ msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "Mozambik" #. official_name for MOZ msgid "Republic of Mozambique" msgstr "Mozambická republika" #. name for MMR msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "Mjanmarsko" #. official_name for MMR msgid "Union of Myanmar" msgstr "Mjanmarský zväz" #. name for NAM msgid "Namibia" msgstr "Namíbia" #. official_name for NAM msgid "Republic of Namibia" msgstr "Namíbijská republika" #. name for NRU msgid "Nauru" msgstr "Nauru" #. official_name for NRU msgid "Republic of Nauru" msgstr "Nauruská republika" #. name for NPL msgid "Nepal" msgstr "Nepál" #. official_name for NPL msgid "Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal" msgstr "Nepálska federatívna demokratická republika" #. name for NLD msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "Holandsko" #. official_name for NLD msgid "Kingdom of the Netherlands" msgstr "Holandské kráľovstvo" #. name for ANT, historic names for ANT (withdrawn 1993-07-12) msgid "Netherlands Antilles" msgstr "Holandské Antily" #. name for NCL msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "Nová Kaledónia" #. name for NZL msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "Nový Zéland" #. name for NIC msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "Nikaragua" #. official_name for NIC msgid "Republic of Nicaragua" msgstr "Nikaragujská republika" #. name for NER msgid "Niger" msgstr "Niger" #. official_name for NER msgid "Republic of the Niger" msgstr "Nigerská republika" #. name for NGA msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "Nigéria" #. official_name for NGA msgid "Federal Republic of Nigeria" msgstr "Nigérijská federatívna republika" #. name for NIU msgid "Niue" msgstr "Niue" #. official_name for NIU msgid "Republic of Niue" msgstr "Republika Niue" #. name for NFK msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "Norfolk" #. name for MNP msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "Severné Mariány" #. official_name for MNP msgid "Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "Spoločenstvo Severných Marián" #. name for NOR msgid "Norway" msgstr "Nórsko" #. official_name for NOR msgid "Kingdom of Norway" msgstr "Nórske kráľovstvo" #. name for OMN msgid "Oman" msgstr "Omán" #. official_name for OMN msgid "Sultanate of Oman" msgstr "Ománsky sultanát" #. name for PAK msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "Pakistan" #. official_name for PAK msgid "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" msgstr "Pakistanská islamská republika" #. name for PLW msgid "Palau" msgstr "Palau" #. official_name for PLW msgid "Republic of Palau" msgstr "Palauská republika" #. name for PSE msgid "Palestinian Territory, Occupied" msgstr "palestínske územie, Okupované" #. official_name for PSE msgid "Occupied Palestinian Territory" msgstr "Okupované palestínske územie" #. name for PAN msgid "Panama" msgstr "Panama" #. official_name for PAN msgid "Republic of Panama" msgstr "Panamská republika" #. name for PNG msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "Papua - Nová Guinea" #. name for PRY msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "Paraguaj" #. official_name for PRY msgid "Republic of Paraguay" msgstr "Paraguajská republika" #. name for PER msgid "Peru" msgstr "Peru" #. official_name for PER msgid "Republic of Peru" msgstr "Peruánska republika" #. name for PHL msgid "Philippines" msgstr "Filipíny" #. official_name for PHL msgid "Republic of the Philippines" msgstr "Filipínska republika" #. name for PCN msgid "Pitcairn" msgstr "Pitcairnove ostrovy" #. name for POL msgid "Poland" msgstr "Poľsko" #. official_name for POL msgid "Republic of Poland" msgstr "Poľská republika" #. name for PRT msgid "Portugal" msgstr "Portugalsko" #. official_name for PRT msgid "Portuguese Republic" msgstr "Portugalská republika" #. name for PRI msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "Portoriko" #. name for QAT msgid "Qatar" msgstr "Katar" #. official_name for QAT msgid "State of Qatar" msgstr "Katarský štát" #. name for REU msgid "Reunion" msgstr "Réunion" #. name for ROU msgid "Romania" msgstr "Rumunsko" #. name for RUS msgid "Russian Federation" msgstr "Ruská federácia" #. name for RWA msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "Rwanda" #. official_name for RWA msgid "Rwandese Republic" msgstr "Rwandská republika" #. name for BLM msgid "Saint Barthélemy" msgstr "Svätý Bartolomej" #. name for SHN msgid "Saint Helena" msgstr "Svätá Helena" #. name for KNA msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis" msgstr "Svätý Krištof a Nevis" #. name for LCA msgid "Saint Lucia" msgstr "Svätá Lucia" #. name for MAF msgid "Saint Martin (French part)" msgstr "Saint Martin" #. name for SPM msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" msgstr "Saint Pierre a Miquelon" #. name for VCT msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" msgstr "Svätý Vincent a Grenadíny" #. name for WSM msgid "Samoa" msgstr "Samoa" #. official_name for WSM msgid "Independent State of Samoa" msgstr "Samojský nezávislý štát" #. name for SMR msgid "San Marino" msgstr "San Maríno" #. official_name for SMR msgid "Republic of San Marino" msgstr "Sanmarínska republika" #. name for STP msgid "Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "Svätý Tomáš a Princov ostrov" #. official_name for STP msgid "Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "Demokratická republika Svätého Tomáša a Princovho ostrova" #. name for SAU msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Saudská Arábia" #. official_name for SAU msgid "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Saudskoarabské kráľovstvo" #. name for SEN msgid "Senegal" msgstr "Senegal" #. official_name for SEN msgid "Republic of Senegal" msgstr "Senegalská republika" #. name for SRB msgid "Serbia" msgstr "Srbsko" #. official_name for SRB msgid "Republic of Serbia" msgstr "Srbská republika" #. name for SYC msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "Seychely" #. official_name for SYC msgid "Republic of Seychelles" msgstr "Seychelská republika" #. name for SLE msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "Sierra Leone" #. official_name for SLE msgid "Republic of Sierra Leone" msgstr "Sierraleonská republika" #. name for SGP msgid "Singapore" msgstr "Singapur" #. official_name for SGP msgid "Republic of Singapore" msgstr "Singapurská republika" #. name for SVK msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "Slovensko" #. official_name for SVK msgid "Slovak Republic" msgstr "Slovenská republika" #. name for SVN msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "Slovinsko" #. official_name for SVN msgid "Republic of Slovenia" msgstr "Slovinská republika" #. name for SLB msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "Šalamúnove ostrovy" #. name for SOM msgid "Somalia" msgstr "Somálsko" #. official_name for SOM msgid "Somali Republic" msgstr "Somálska republika" #. name for ZAF msgid "South Africa" msgstr "Južná Afrika" #. official_name for ZAF msgid "Republic of South Africa" msgstr "Juhoafrická republika" #. name for SGS msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" msgstr "Južná Georgia a Južné Sandwichove ostrovy" #. name for ESP msgid "Spain" msgstr "Španielsko" #. official_name for ESP msgid "Kingdom of Spain" msgstr "Španielske kráľovstvo" #. name for LKA msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "Srí Lanka" #. official_name for LKA msgid "Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka" msgstr "Srílanská demokratická socialistická republika" #. name for SDN msgid "Sudan" msgstr "Sudán" #. official_name for SDN msgid "Republic of the Sudan" msgstr "Sudánska republika" #. name for SUR msgid "Suriname" msgstr "Surinam" #. official_name for SUR msgid "Republic of Suriname" msgstr "Surinamská republika" #. name for SJM msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" msgstr "Svalbard a Jan Mayen" #. name for SWZ msgid "Swaziland" msgstr "Svazijsko" #. official_name for SWZ msgid "Kingdom of Swaziland" msgstr "Svazijské kráľovstvo" #. name for SWE msgid "Sweden" msgstr "Švédsko" #. official_name for SWE msgid "Kingdom of Sweden" msgstr "Švédske kráľovstvo" #. name for CHE msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "Švajčiarsko" #. official_name for CHE msgid "Swiss Confederation" msgstr "Švajčiarska konfederácia" #. name for SYR msgid "Syrian Arab Republic" msgstr "Sýrska arabská republika" #. name for TWN, official_name for TWN msgid "Taiwan, Province of China" msgstr "Taiwan, provincia Číny" #. common_name for TWN msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "Taiwan" #. name for TJK msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "Tadžikistan" #. official_name for TJK msgid "Republic of Tajikistan" msgstr "Tadžická republika" #. name for TZA msgid "Tanzania, United Republic of" msgstr "Tanzánijská zjednotená republika" #. official_name for TZA msgid "United Republic of Tanzania" msgstr "Tanzánijská zjednotená republika" #. name for THA msgid "Thailand" msgstr "Thajsko" #. official_name for THA msgid "Kingdom of Thailand" msgstr "Thajské kráľovstvo" #. name for TLS msgid "Timor-Leste" msgstr "Východný Timor" #. official_name for TLS msgid "Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste" msgstr "Východotimorská demokratická republika" #. name for TGO msgid "Togo" msgstr "Togo" #. official_name for TGO msgid "Togolese Republic" msgstr "Togská republika" #. name for TKL msgid "Tokelau" msgstr "Tokelau" #. name for TON msgid "Tonga" msgstr "Tonga" #. official_name for TON msgid "Kingdom of Tonga" msgstr "Tongské kráľovstvo" #. name for TTO msgid "Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "Trinidad a Tobago" #. official_name for TTO msgid "Republic of Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "Republika Trinidadu a Tobaga" #. name for TUN msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "Tunisko" #. official_name for TUN msgid "Republic of Tunisia" msgstr "Tuniská republika" #. name for TUR msgid "Turkey" msgstr "Turecko" #. official_name for TUR msgid "Republic of Turkey" msgstr "Turecká republika" #. name for TKM msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "Turkménsko" #. name for TCA msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands" msgstr "Ostrovy Turks a Caicos" #. name for TUV msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "Tuvalu" #. name for UGA msgid "Uganda" msgstr "Uganda" #. official_name for UGA msgid "Republic of Uganda" msgstr "Ugandská republika" #. name for UKR msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "Ukrajina" #. name for ARE msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "Spojené arabské emiráty" #. name for GBR msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "Spojené kráľovstvo" #. official_name for GBR msgid "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" msgstr "Spojené kráľovstvo Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska" #. name for USA msgid "United States" msgstr "Spojené štáty" #. official_name for USA msgid "United States of America" msgstr "Spojené štáty americké" #. name for UMI msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "Menšie odľahlé ostrovy Spojených štátov" #. name for URY msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "Uruguaj" #. official_name for URY msgid "Eastern Republic of Uruguay" msgstr "Uruguajská východná republika" #. name for UZB msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "Uzbekistan" #. official_name for UZB msgid "Republic of Uzbekistan" msgstr "Uzbecká republika" #. name for VUT msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatu" #. official_name for VUT msgid "Republic of Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatská republika" #. name for VEN msgid "Venezuela, Bolivarian republic of" msgstr "Venezuelská bolívarovská republika" #. official_name for VEN msgid "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela" msgstr "Venezuelská bolívarovská republika" #. common_name for VEN msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "Venezuela" #. name for VNM msgid "Viet Nam" msgstr "Vietnam" #. official_name for VNM msgid "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam" msgstr "Vietnamská socialistická republika" #. name for VGB msgid "Virgin Islands, British" msgstr "Panenské ostrovy, Britské" #. official_name for VGB msgid "British Virgin Islands" msgstr "Britské Panenské ostrovy" #. name for VIR msgid "Virgin Islands, U.S." msgstr "Panenské ostrovy, Americké" #. official_name for VIR msgid "Virgin Islands of the United States" msgstr "Panenské ostrovy Spojených štátov" #. name for WLF msgid "Wallis and Futuna" msgstr "Wallis a Futuna" #. name for ESH msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "Západná Sahara" #. name for YEM msgid "Yemen" msgstr "Jemen" #. official_name for YEM msgid "Republic of Yemen" msgstr "Jemenská republika" #. name for ZMB msgid "Zambia" msgstr "Zambia" #. official_name for ZMB msgid "Republic of Zambia" msgstr "Zambijská republika" #. name for ZWE msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "Zimbabwe" #. official_name for ZWE msgid "Republic of Zimbabwe" msgstr "Zimbabwianska republika" #. historic names for ATB (withdrawn 1979) msgid "British Antarctic Territory" msgstr "Britské antarktické územie" #. historic names for BUR (withdrawn 1989-12-05) msgid "Burma, Socialist Republic of the Union of" msgstr "Socialistická republika Barmský zväz" #. historic names for BYS (withdrawn 1992-06-15) msgid "Byelorussian SSR Soviet Socialist Republic" msgstr "Bieloruská sovietska socialistická republika" #. historic names for CTE (withdrawn 1984) msgid "Canton and Enderbury Islands" msgstr "ostrovy Canton a Enderbury" #. historic names for CSK (withdrawn 1993-06-15) msgid "Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic" msgstr "Československo, Československá socialistická republika" #. historic names for DHY (withdrawn 1977) msgid "Dahomey" msgstr "Dahome" #. historic names for ATN (withdrawn 1983) msgid "Dronning Maud Land" msgstr "Zem kráľovnej Maud" #. historic names for TMP (withdrawn 2002-05-20) msgid "East Timor" msgstr "Východný Timor" #. historic names for FXX (withdrawn 1997-07-14) msgid "France, Metropolitan" msgstr "Metropolitné Francúzsko" #. historic names for AFI (withdrawn 1977) msgid "French Afars and Issas" msgstr "Francúzske pobrežie Afarov a Isasov" #. historic names for ATF (withdrawn 1979) msgid "French Southern and Antarctic Territories" msgstr "Francúzske južné a antarktické územia" #. historic names for DDR (withdrawn 1990-10-30) msgid "German Democratic Republic" msgstr "Nemecká demokratická republika" #. historic names for DEU (withdrawn 1990-10-30) msgid "Germany, Federal Republic of" msgstr "Nemecká spolková republika" #. historic names for GEL (withdrawn 1979) msgid "Gilbert and Ellice Islands" msgstr "Gilbertove a lagúnové ostrovy" #. historic names for JTN (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Johnston Island" msgstr "Johnston" #. historic names for MID (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Midway Islands" msgstr "Midwajské ostrovy" #. historic names for NTZ (withdrawn 1993-07-12) msgid "Neutral Zone" msgstr "neutrálne pôdy" #. historic names for NHB (withdrawn 1980) msgid "New Hebrides" msgstr "Nové Hebridy" #. historic names for PCI (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Pacific Islands (trust territory)" msgstr "Poručnícke územie tichomorských ostrovov" #. historic names for PAN (withdrawn 1993-07-22) msgid "Panama, Republic of" msgstr "Panamská republika" #. historic names for PCZ (withdrawn 1980) msgid "Panama Canal Zone" msgstr "Panamské prieplavové pásmo" #. historic names for ROM (withdrawn 2002-02-01) msgid "Romania, Socialist Republic of" msgstr "Rumunská socialistická republika" # sk.wikipedia: Svätý Krištof a Nevis (do roku 2006 bol slovenský krátky tvar Svätý Krištof) #. historic names for KNA (withdrawn 1988) msgid "St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla" msgstr "Svätý Krištof" #. historic names for SCG (withdrawn 2006-06-05) msgid "Serbia and Montenegro" msgstr "Srbsko a Čierna Hora" #. historic names for SKM (withdrawn 1975) msgid "Sikkim" msgstr "Sikkim" # sk.wikipedia: Zimbabwe, dlhý tvar Zimbabwianska republika (1964 - 1979 a december 1979-1980 Rodézia, 1898/1901 - 1964 Južná Rodézia, jún - december 1979 Zimbabwe-Rodézia) #. historic names for RHO (withdrawn 1980) msgid "Southern Rhodesia" msgstr "Rodézia" #. historic names for ESH (withdrawn 1988) msgid "Spanish Sahara" msgstr "Španielska Sahara" #. historic names for PUS (withdrawn 1986) msgid "US Miscellaneous Pacific Islands" msgstr "Tichomorské ostrovy pod správou USA" #. historic names for SUN (withdrawn 1992-08-30) msgid "USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" msgstr "ZSSR, Zväz sovietskych socialistických republík" #. historic names for HVO (withdrawn 1984) msgid "Upper Volta, Republic of" msgstr "Republika Horná Volta" #. historic names for VAT (withdrawn 1996-04-03) msgid "Vatican City State (Holy See)" msgstr "Vatikánsky mestský štát (Svätá stolica)" #. historic names for VDR (withdrawn 1977) msgid "Viet-Nam, Democratic Republic of" msgstr "Vietnamská demokratická republika" #. historic names for WAK (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Wake Island" msgstr "Wake" #. historic names for YMD (withdrawn 1990-08-14) msgid "Yemen, Democratic, People's Democratic Republic of" msgstr "Jemenská ľudovodemokratická republika" #. historic names for YEM (withdrawn 1990-08-14) msgid "Yemen, Yemen Arab Republic" msgstr "Jemenská arabská republika" #. historic names for YUG (withdrawn 1993-07-28) msgid "Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of" msgstr "Socialistická federatívna republika Juhoslávia" #. historic names for ZAR (withdrawn 1997-07-14) msgid "Zaire, Republic of" msgstr "Zairská republika"