MolcalcWidgetBase 0 0 694 540 0 Calculator Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 16 6 0 Enter molecular formula here This box can be used to enter the formula for the molecule. e.g. 1.> CaCO3 e.g. 2.> MeOH e.g. 3.> #EDTA# Click on this button to calculate. Click on this button to calculate. Calc QFrame::HLine QFrame::Sunken Qt::Horizontal Sans Serif 12 50 false false false false Qt::AlignCenter true true true true Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 41 131 Details Composition 520 0 Elemental composition This table previews the elemental composition of the molecule, i.e. the percentage of each element in the molecule. false 1 5 true Element Atoms Atomic mass Total mass Percentage Aliases used Aliases used in the formula This displays all the aliases used in the molecule. For instance, in the molecule MeOH, the alias used is Me = CH3. 1 1 aliases Aliases Define alias Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Short-form Short form of the alias You can specify the short form of the alias used here, for instance, Me. Full-form You can enter the full form of the alias in this box, for instance, CH3. Click to add the alias Click to add the alias if it is valid. Add Alias 0 300 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised Pre-defined aliases User-defined aliases List of pre-defined aliases. This table displays all the pre-defined aliases. 15 1 List of user-defined aliases. This is the list of aliases that you or some other user has added. 15 1 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 397 KLineEdit QLineEdit