PlotSetupWidget 0 0 735 433 9 6 6 0 Last element: 2 111 36 6 0 First element: 1 110 X-Axis 9 6 6 0 X: KCB_x Here you can define what you want to plot Atomic Number Mass Electronegativity Melting Point Boiling Point Atomic Radius Covalent Radius 6 0 Average value: 6 0 Maximum value: 6 0 Minimum value: Y-Axis 9 6 6 0 Y: KCB_x Here you can define what you want to plot 1 Atomic Number Mass Electronegativity Melting Point Boiling Point Atomic Radius Covalent Radius Average value: Maximum value: Minimum value: 6 0 Display: comboElementLabels No Labels Element Names Element Symbols Full range 81 58 Element Type All elements Metals Non-Metals / Metalloids s block elements p block elements d block elements f block elements Noble gases Alkalie metals Alkaline earth metals Lanthanides Actinides Radio-active elements KComboBox QComboBox
KPlotWidget QFrame