SpectrumView 0 0 544 373 This page gives an overview of the spectrum of this element. Using the mouse you can zoom into the spectrum. This page gives an overview of the spectrum of this element. 9 6 2 Settings 9 6 6 0 Maximum &value: maximumValue This sets the rightmost wavelength of the spectrum. This sets the rightmost wavelength of the spectrum. nm 2 1000 780 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 6 0 &Minimum value: minimumValue This sets the leftmost wavelength of the spectrum. This sets the leftmost wavelength of the spectrum. nm 1 999 380 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Selected Peak 9 6 6 0 Intensity: 6 0 Wavelength: List of all Peaks 9 6 Number Wavelength Intensity 0 0 0 100 This is the spectrum of the element. This is the spectrum of the element. Qt::Vertical 20 40 KTabWidget QTabWidget
SpectrumWidget QWidget