// Copyright (C) 2003 Dominique Devriese // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA // 02110-1301, USA. #include "circle_type.h" #include #include "circle_imp.h" #include "bogus_imp.h" #include "line_imp.h" #include "point_imp.h" #include "special_imptypes.h" #include "../misc/common.h" #include static const char constructcirclethroughpointstat[] = I18N_NOOP( "Construct a circle through this point" ); static const char constructcirclewithcenterstat[] = I18N_NOOP( "Construct a circle with this center" ); static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecCircleBCP[] = { { PointImp::stype(), constructcirclewithcenterstat, I18N_NOOP( "Select the center of the new circle..." ), false }, { PointImp::stype(), constructcirclethroughpointstat, I18N_NOOP( "Select a point for the new circle to go through..." ), true } }; KIG_INSTANTIATE_OBJECT_TYPE_INSTANCE( CircleBCPType ) CircleBCPType::CircleBCPType() : ObjectABType( "CircleBCP", argsspecCircleBCP, 2 ) { } CircleBCPType::~CircleBCPType() { } const CircleBCPType* CircleBCPType::instance() { static const CircleBCPType s; return &s; } ObjectImp* CircleBCPType::calcx( const Coordinate& a, const Coordinate& b ) const { return new CircleImp( a, ( b - a ).length() ); } const CircleBTPType* CircleBTPType::instance() { static const CircleBTPType t; return &t; } static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecCircleBTP[] = { { PointImp::stype(), constructcirclethroughpointstat, I18N_NOOP( "Select a point for the new circle to go through..." ), true }, { PointImp::stype(), constructcirclethroughpointstat, I18N_NOOP( "Select a point for the new circle to go through..." ), true }, { PointImp::stype(), constructcirclethroughpointstat, I18N_NOOP( "Select a point for the new circle to go through..." ), true } }; KIG_INSTANTIATE_OBJECT_TYPE_INSTANCE( CircleBTPType ) CircleBTPType::CircleBTPType() : ArgsParserObjectType( "CircleBTP", argsspecCircleBTP, 3 ) { } CircleBTPType::~CircleBTPType() { } ObjectImp* CircleBTPType::calc( const Args& args, const KigDocument& ) const { if ( ! margsparser.checkArgs( args, 2 ) ) return new InvalidImp; const Coordinate a = static_cast( args[0] )->coordinate(); const Coordinate b = static_cast( args[1] )->coordinate(); Coordinate c; if ( args.size() == 3 ) c = static_cast( args[2] )->coordinate(); else { // we pick the third point so that the three points form a // triangle with equal sides... // midpoint: Coordinate m = ( b + a ) / 2; if ( b.y != a.y ) { // direction of the perpend: double d = -(b.x-a.x)/(b.y-a.y); // length: // sqrt( 3 ) == tan( 60° ) == sqrt( 2^2 - 1^2 ) double l = 1.73205080756 * (a-b).length() / 2; double d2 = d*d; double l2 = l*l; double dx = sqrt( l2 / ( d2 + 1 ) ); double dy = sqrt( l2 * d2 / ( d2 + 1 ) ); if( d < 0 ) dy = -dy; c.x = m.x + dx; c.y = m.y + dy; } else { c.x = m.x; c.y = m.y + ( a.x - b.x ); }; }; const Coordinate center = calcCenter( a, b, c ); if ( center.valid() ) return new CircleImp( center, (center - a ).length() ); /* * case of collinear points, we need to identify the intermediate one */ double xmin = fmin( a.x, fmin( b.x, c.x) ); double xmax = fmax( a.x, fmax( b.x, c.x) ); double ymin = fmin( a.y, fmin( b.y, c.y) ); double ymax = fmax( a.y, fmax( b.y, c.y) ); double axy, bxy, cxy; /* decide whether to work with x coordinate or y coordinate */ if ( xmax - xmin > ymax - ymin ) { axy = a.x; bxy = b.x; cxy = c.x; } else { axy = a.y; bxy = b.y; cxy = c.y; } /* * compute baricentric coordinate of c with respect to a and b * (if a and c are not coincident) */ if ( fabs( cxy - axy ) < 1e-6*fabs( bxy - axy ) ) return new InvalidImp; double t = (bxy - axy)/(cxy - axy); if ( fabs( t ) < 1e-6 || fabs( 1.0 - t ) < 1e-6 ) return new InvalidImp; /* * t < 0: a between c and b * 0 < t < 1: b between a and c * t > 1: c between a and b */ if ( t < 0.0 ) return new LineImp( c, b ); if ( t > 1.0 ) return new LineImp( a, b ); return new LineImp( a, c ); } const ObjectImpType* CircleBCPType::resultId() const { return CircleImp::stype(); } const ObjectImpType* CircleBTPType::resultId() const { return CircleImp::stype(); } static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecCircleBPR[] = { { PointImp::stype(), constructcirclewithcenterstat, I18N_NOOP( "Select the center of the new circle..." ), false }, { &lengthimptypeinstance, I18N_NOOP( "With this radius" ), I18N_NOOP( "Select the length of the radius..." ), false } }; KIG_INSTANTIATE_OBJECT_TYPE_INSTANCE( CircleBPRType ) CircleBPRType::CircleBPRType() : ArgsParserObjectType( "CircleBPR", argsspecCircleBPR, 2 ) { } CircleBPRType::~CircleBPRType() { } const CircleBPRType* CircleBPRType::instance() { static const CircleBPRType t; return &t; } ObjectImp* CircleBPRType::calc( const Args& args, const KigDocument& ) const { if ( ! margsparser.checkArgs( args ) ) return new InvalidImp; const Coordinate c = static_cast( args[0] )->coordinate(); bool valid; double r = getDoubleFromImp( args[1], valid); if ( ! valid ) return new InvalidImp; r = fabs( r ); // double r = static_cast( args[1] )->data(); return new CircleImp( c, r ); } const ObjectImpType* CircleBPRType::resultId() const { return CircleImp::stype(); }