kigdocument.noaxes() kigdocument.nogrid() a = Point(0., 0.) b = Point(0., 1.) c = Point(-0.3,1.6) d = Point(0.2,1.4) kigdocument.hideobjects() e = CentralSymmetry (a, b) angolo1 = Angle(e, b, c) angolo2 = Angle(e, b, d) segmento0 = Segment(a, b, VISIBLE) segmento1 = Segment(b, c, VISIBLE) segmento2 = Segment(b, d, VISIBLE) def tree (p1, p2, n): # build a tree with a trunk from p1 to p2, depth n s = Segment (p1, p2, VISIBLE) if n == 0: return p3 = CentralSymmetry (p1, p2) p4a = Rotate (p3, p2, angolo1) p5a = Scale2 (p4a, p2, segmento0, segmento1) p4b = Rotate (p3, p2, angolo2) p5b = Scale2 (p4b, p2, segmento0, segmento2) tree (p2, p5a, n-1) tree (p2, p5b, n-1) tree (a, b, 6)