#!/usr/bin/python ################################################################################## # # ktouchgen.py Builds Levelfiles for ktouch # This is an enhanced reimplementation of a programm written by # Haavard Froeiland # # This Version was written by # Hendrik Naumann # License: GPL # Last edited: 11.10.2001 ################################################################################## # # SYNTAX OF THE CONFIGFILE # # Sections: # [Main] # level_rows = Generated rows per level # row_length = Length of the generated rows # # [Level] Settings for the Levels to create # lchars = Chars that must be in the words # in the following levels these chars will be # permitted to be in the words # title = Title of the Level. If not given it is set to # lchars # rows = Number of rows. This overwrites level_rows. # type = 0 Wordlist will be used for Level. If type is # not given this is default. # type > 0 Words will be created from lchars and permitted # chars. The number of type indicates the length # of the genrated words. # ################################################################################## from whrandom import randint, random import string from string import join, maketrans, translate, count, strip, lower, find, upper import time import sys import ConfigParser import regex DOCSTRING = """ Usage: ./ktouchgen.py wordfile configfile outputfile wordfile Is an file containing the words the levels are build from. It should contain one word on each line configfile File that contains the configuration of the levels. See ktouchgen.py for documentation. outputfile The name of the new levelfile. If it exists it will be overwritten. """ class LevelList: "Level List Class" def __init__(self, Levelchars, Permitchars): self.list = {0:[join(Levelchars,"")]} self.wordcount = 0.0 self.llist = Levelchars self.plist = Permitchars def SelectWords(self, Wordlist): """ SelectWords(self, Wordlist) Searches for words only contain Permitchars and at least one Levelchar. Calculate the number of levelchars / per chars of the word and fill this values in an mapping {lchars/chars*1000 :[list of words with this property]} """ Transstring = maketrans("","") pliststring = join(self.plist, "") lliststring = join(self.llist, "") for Word in Wordlist: lchar_count = 0 if len(translate(Word, Transstring, pliststring)) == 0: lchar_count = len(Word) - len(translate(Word, Transstring, lliststring)) if lchar_count: weight = int((float(lchar_count) / float(len(Word))) * 1000) if self.list.has_key(weight): self.list[weight].append(Word) else: self.list[weight] = [Word] self.wordcount = self.wordcount + 1 def GetRandomList(self, listlength): """ GetRandomList(self, listlength) Returns a list of randomwords with listlength length. First choose words with most Levelchars, if these are not enough, words with less are chosen. """ retlist = [] selectlist = [] length = 0 val = 0 temp = 0 keys = self.list.keys() keys.sort() keys.reverse() for key in keys: if length < listlength: for count in range(len(self.list[key]) - 1): if length < listlength and key > 0 : num = randint (0, len(self.list[key]) - 1) word = self.list[key][num] temp = temp + key del(self.list[key][num]) val = val + 1 length = length + len(word) selectlist.append(word) else: break else: break temp = float(temp) / val / 10 print 'Got words with an averages of %(temp).2f %% lchars.' %vars() # Select the returnlist from selectlist val = val - 1 length = 0 while length < listlength: word = selectlist[randint(0, val)] length = length + len(word) retlist.append(word) return retlist def GenArtWord(self, Wordlength): """ GenArtWord(self, Wordlength) Builds an artifical word (with length Wordlength) out of Levelchars and Permitchars. Does it like: random(lchar) + random(pchar) + ..... """ ret = "" while len(ret) < Wordlength: ret = ret + self.llist[randint(0, len(self.llist) - 1)] + self.plist[randint(0, len(self.plist) - 1)] return ret def GetArtList(self, Listlength, Wordlength): """ GetArtList(self, Listlength, Wordlength) Buids an Wordlist with length Listlength out of artificial words. See: self.GenArtWord() """ length = 0 ret = [] while length < Listlength: word = self.GenArtWord(Wordlength) ret.append(word) length = length + len(word) return ret def main(argv): Wordlist = [] UpcaseWordlist = [] # Reading the Wordlist try: wordfile = open(argv[1], 'r') except IOError: print "\nWordfile couldn't be opened.\n", DOCSTRING return 1 # Create two Wordlists, one with first char lowered # (more words for the first levels) and one like it is read for wordstring in wordfile.readlines(): wordstring = strip(wordstring) if lower(wordstring) != wordstring: UpcaseWordlist.append(wordstring) Wordlist.append(lower(wordstring)) wordfile.close() # Parse the configfile # Creates a List Levelops with [(Options), ] # Optiontuple contains (lchars, title, rows) conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: file = open(argv[2],'r') except IOError: print '\nConfigfile could not be opened.\n', DOCSTRING return 1 file.close() conf.read(argv[2]) try: Rowlength = conf.getint('Main', 'row_length') except ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError: print '\nWrong configfile. See ktouchgen.py for Documentation.' + DOCSTRING Levelrows = conf.getint('Main', 'level_rows') Levelops = [] Levelnum = 1 section = 'Level' + str(Levelnum) while conf.has_section(section): lchars = [] try: for char in strip(conf.get(section, 'lchars')): lchars.append(char) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: print '\nNo characters defined for level %(Levelnum)s !' %vars() return 1 try: title = conf.get(section, 'title') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: title = join(lchars) try: rows = conf.getint(section, 'rows') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: rows = Levelrows try: type = conf.getint(section, 'type') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: type = 0 Levelops.append((lchars, title, rows, type)) Levelnum = Levelnum + 1 section = 'Level' + str(Levelnum) print '\nConfiguration for %(Levelnum)s levels read. \n!!! Be aware, if the Levels are not numberd correctly \n!!! they will not be read completely!' %vars() # Generate Output try: outfile = open(argv[3], 'w') except IOError: print "Outputfile could not be opened.\n", DOCSTRING return 1 outfile.write('#########################################################\n' +\ '# Trainingfile generaded ' + time.ctime(time.time()) + '\n' +\ '# Program written by Hendrik Naumann \n' +\ '# Inspired by Håvard Frøiland\'s version\n' +\ '#########################################################\n') permit_chars = [] Levelnum = 0 for Option in Levelops: cachestring = "" Levelnum = Levelnum + 1 for new_char in Option[0]: if new_char not in join(permit_chars,""): permit_chars.extend(Option[0]) outfile.write('\n# Level %(Levelnum)s\n' %vars() + Option[1] + "\n") print "Generating Level " + str(Levelnum) print join(permit_chars,"") # Generate a LevelList object and give the needed Wordlists levelwordlist = LevelList (Option[0], permit_chars) if Option[3] == 0: if lower(join(permit_chars,"")) != join(permit_chars,""): if upper(join(Option[0],"")) != join(Option[0],""): levelwordlist.SelectWords(Wordlist) levelwordlist.SelectWords(UpcaseWordlist) else: levelwordlist.SelectWords(Wordlist) randomlist = levelwordlist.GetRandomList(Rowlength * Option[2]) else: randomlist = levelwordlist.GetArtList(Rowlength * Option[2], Option[3]) # Write the randomlist for word in randomlist: cachestring = cachestring + " " + word if len(cachestring) > Rowlength - 3: outfile.write(strip(cachestring) + "\n") cachestring = "" outfile.close() return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 4: main(sys.argv) else: print '\nWrong number of parameters\n' + DOCSTRING