/*************************************************************************** * ktouchcolorscheme.cpp * * --------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 by Andreas Nicolai * * * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "ktouchcolorscheme.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define WRITE_COLOR(z,x,y) e = doc.createElement(x); \ n = doc.createTextNode( (y).name() ); \ e.appendChild(n); \ z.appendChild(e); #define READ_COLOR(x,y) c = n.namedItem(x); \ if (!c.isNull()) y = QColor(c.firstChild().nodeValue()); QList KTouchColorScheme::m_colorSchemes; void KTouchColorScheme::clear() { // the default scheme is the classic one m_teacherTextColor = QColor("#000032"); m_teacherBackground = QColor("#BEBEFF"); m_studentTextColor = QColor("#003200"); m_studentBackground = QColor("#9FFF9F"); m_errorTextColor = Qt::white; m_errorBackground = QColor("#AC0000"); m_frame = Qt::black; m_background[0] = QColor(255,238, 7); m_background[4] = QColor(247,138,247); m_background[1] = QColor( 14,164,239); m_background[5] = QColor(158,255,155); m_background[2] = QColor(158,255,155); m_background[6] = QColor( 14,164,239); m_background[3] = QColor(252,138,138); m_background[7] = QColor(255,238, 7); m_text = Qt::black; m_backgroundH = Qt::darkBlue; m_textH = Qt::white; m_cBackground = Qt::gray; m_cText = Qt::black; m_cBackgroundH = Qt::white; m_cTextH = Qt::black; m_default = false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool KTouchColorScheme::read(const QDomNode& node) { // kdDebug() << "[KTouchColorScheme::read] " << endl; QDomNode name = node.namedItem("Name"); if (name.isNull()) m_name = i18n("untitled color scheme"); else m_name = name.firstChild().nodeValue(); // kdDebug() << " Reading scheme = " << m_name << endl; QDomNode n = node.namedItem("LineColors"); if (!n.isNull()) { QDomNode c; READ_COLOR("TeacherTextColor", m_teacherTextColor); READ_COLOR("TeacherBackground", m_teacherBackground); READ_COLOR("StudentTextColor", m_studentTextColor); READ_COLOR("StudentBackground", m_studentBackground); READ_COLOR("ErrorTextColor", m_errorTextColor); READ_COLOR("ErrorBackground", m_errorBackground); } n = node.namedItem("KeyboardColors"); if (!n.isNull()) { QDomNode c; READ_COLOR("KeyFrame", m_frame); for (unsigned int i=0; i<8; ++i) { READ_COLOR(QString("KeyBack_%1").arg(i), m_background[i]); } READ_COLOR("KeyText", m_text); READ_COLOR("KeyBackHigh", m_backgroundH); READ_COLOR("KeyTextHigh", m_textH); READ_COLOR("KeyBackControl", m_cBackground); READ_COLOR("KeyTextControl", m_cText); READ_COLOR("KeyBackControlHigh", m_cBackgroundH); READ_COLOR("KeyTextControlHigh", m_cTextH); } return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KTouchColorScheme::write(QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& root) const { //kdDebug() << "[KTouchColorScheme::write] " << endl; QDomElement element = doc.createElement("KTouchColorScheme"); // append name of color scheme QDomElement name = doc.createElement("Name"); QDomText name_text; if (m_name.isEmpty()) name_text = doc.createTextNode( i18n("untitled color scheme") ); else name_text = doc.createTextNode(m_name); name.appendChild(name_text); element.appendChild(name); // store slide line colors QDomElement line_colors = doc.createElement("LineColors"); QDomElement e; QDomText n; WRITE_COLOR(line_colors, "TeacherTextColor", m_teacherTextColor); WRITE_COLOR(line_colors, "TeacherBackground", m_teacherBackground); WRITE_COLOR(line_colors, "StudentTextColor", m_studentTextColor); WRITE_COLOR(line_colors, "StudentBackground", m_studentBackground); WRITE_COLOR(line_colors, "ErrorTextColor", m_errorTextColor); WRITE_COLOR(line_colors, "ErrorBackground", m_errorBackground); element.appendChild(line_colors); // done with slide line colors // write key drawing colors QDomElement key_colors = doc.createElement("KeyboardColors"); WRITE_COLOR(key_colors, "KeyFrame", m_frame); for (unsigned int i=0; i<8; ++i) { WRITE_COLOR(key_colors, QString("KeyBack_%1").arg(i), m_background[i]); } WRITE_COLOR(key_colors, "KeyText", m_text); WRITE_COLOR(key_colors, "KeyBackHigh", m_backgroundH); WRITE_COLOR(key_colors, "KeyTextHigh", m_textH); WRITE_COLOR(key_colors, "KeyBackControl", m_cBackground); WRITE_COLOR(key_colors, "KeyTextControl", m_cText); WRITE_COLOR(key_colors, "KeyBackControlHigh", m_cBackgroundH); WRITE_COLOR(key_colors, "KeyTextControlHigh", m_cTextH); element.appendChild(key_colors); root.appendChild(element); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool KTouchColorScheme::readList(QWidget * window, const KUrl& url) { if (url.isEmpty()) return false; //kdDebug() << "[KTouchColorScheme::readList] " << endl; //kdDebug() << " url = '" << url.url() << "'" << endl; QString tmp_file; bool result = KIO::NetAccess::download(url, tmp_file, window); if (result) { // Ok, that was successful, try to parse the XML doc now QFile infile(tmp_file); if ( !infile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { // FIXME : KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile(tmp_file); return false; // Bugger it... couldn't open it... } QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent( &infile ); // read the document QDomNodeList schemes = doc.elementsByTagName("KTouchColorScheme"); int num = schemes.count(); if (num > 0) { //kdDebug() << " reading " << schemes.count() << " color maps..." << endl; for (int i=0; i::const_iterator it = m_colorSchemes.constBegin(); it != m_colorSchemes.constEnd(); ++it) { if (!it->m_default) it->write(doc, root); } // and save it QString tmp_file; KTemporaryFile *temp=0; if (url.isLocalFile()) tmp_file=url.toLocalFile(); // for local files the path is sufficient else { temp=new KTemporaryFile; // for remote files create a temporary file first temp->open(); tmp_file=temp->fileName(); } QFile outfile(tmp_file); if ( !outfile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) { if (temp) delete temp; // kDebug() << "Error creating tmp file '"+tmp_file+"' for writing color map!"; return false; } QTextStream out( &outfile ); out << doc.toString(); outfile.close(); // if we have a temporary file, we still need to upload it if (temp) { KIO::NetAccess::upload(tmp_file, url, window); delete temp; } return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KTouchColorScheme::createDefaults() { m_colorSchemes.clear(); KTouchColorScheme color; color.m_default = true; color.m_name = i18n("Black && White"); color.m_teacherTextColor = Qt::black; color.m_teacherBackground = Qt::white; color.m_studentTextColor = Qt::black; color.m_studentBackground = Qt::white; color.m_errorTextColor = Qt::white; color.m_errorBackground = Qt::black; color.m_frame = Qt::black; for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) color.m_background[i] = Qt::white; color.m_text = Qt::black; color.m_backgroundH = Qt::black; color.m_textH = Qt::white; color.m_cBackground = Qt::gray; color.m_cText = Qt::black; color.m_cBackgroundH = Qt::white; color.m_cTextH = Qt::black; m_colorSchemes.push_back(color); color.m_name = i18n("Classic"); color.m_teacherTextColor = QColor("#000032"); color.m_teacherBackground = QColor("#BEBEFF"); color.m_studentTextColor = QColor("#003200"); color.m_studentBackground = QColor("#9FFF9F"); color.m_errorTextColor = Qt::white; color.m_errorBackground = QColor("#AC0000"); color.m_frame = Qt::black; color.m_background[0] = QColor(255,238, 7); color.m_background[4] = QColor(247,138,247); color.m_background[1] = QColor( 14,164,239); color.m_background[5] = QColor(158,255,155); color.m_background[2] = QColor(158,255,155); color.m_background[6] = QColor( 14,164,239); color.m_background[3] = QColor(252,138,138); color.m_background[7] = QColor(255,238, 7); color.m_text = Qt::black; color.m_backgroundH = Qt::darkBlue; color.m_textH = Qt::white; color.m_cBackground = Qt::gray; color.m_cText = Qt::black; color.m_cBackgroundH = Qt::white; color.m_cTextH = Qt::black; m_colorSchemes.push_back(color); color.m_name = i18n("Deep Blue"); color.m_teacherTextColor = Qt::white; color.m_teacherBackground = QColor( 0, 39, 80); color.m_studentTextColor = Qt::white; color.m_studentBackground = QColor( 39, 59,127); color.m_errorTextColor = QColor("#B5CFFF"); color.m_errorBackground = QColor("#640000"); color.m_frame = QColor(220,220,220); color.m_background[0] = QColor( 0, 39, 80); color.m_background[4] = QColor( 24, 19, 72); color.m_background[1] = QColor( 39, 59,127); color.m_background[5] = QColor( 8, 44,124); color.m_background[2] = QColor( 4, 39, 53); color.m_background[6] = QColor( 10, 82,158); color.m_background[3] = QColor( 40, 32,121); color.m_background[7] = QColor( 43, 60,124); color.m_text = Qt::white; color.m_backgroundH = QColor(125,180,255,50); color.m_textH = Qt::darkBlue; color.m_cBackground = Qt::black; color.m_cText = Qt::white; color.m_cBackgroundH = QColor(111,121,73,100); color.m_cTextH = Qt::white; m_colorSchemes.push_back(color); color.m_name = i18n("Stripy"); color.m_teacherTextColor = Qt::white; color.m_teacherBackground = QColor( 39, 70, 227); color.m_studentTextColor = Qt::white; color.m_studentBackground = QColor( 39, 70, 127); color.m_errorTextColor = Qt::white; color.m_errorBackground = Qt::darkGray; color.m_frame = Qt::black; for (int i=0; i<8; i=i+2) color.m_background[i] = QColor( 39, 70, 127); for (int i=1; i<8; i=i+2) color.m_background[i] = Qt::darkGray; color.m_text = Qt::black; color.m_backgroundH = QColor( 39, 70, 227); color.m_textH = Qt::white; color.m_cBackground = Qt::gray; color.m_cText = Qt::black; color.m_cBackgroundH = QColor( 39, 70, 227); color.m_cTextH = Qt::black; m_colorSchemes.push_back(color); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------