/*************************************************************************** Vocabulary Document for KDE Edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright : (C) 1999-2001 Ewald Arnold (C) 2005-2007 Peter Hedlund (C) 2007 Frederik Gladhorn ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "keduvocdocument.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "keduvocexpression.h" #include "keduvoclesson.h" #include "keduvocleitnerbox.h" #include "keduvocwordtype.h" #include "keduvockvtmlwriter.h" #include "keduvockvtml2writer.h" #include "keduvoccsvreader.h" #include "keduvoccsvwriter.h" #include "keduvockvtml2reader.h" #include "keduvocwqlreader.h" #include "keduvocpaukerreader.h" #include "keduvocvokabelnreader.h" #include "keduvocxdxfreader.h" #define WQL_IDENT "WordQuiz" #define KVTML_EXT "kvtml" #define CSV_EXT "csv" #define TXT_EXT "txt" #define WQL_EXT "wql" class KEduVocDocument::KEduVocDocumentPrivate { public: KEduVocDocumentPrivate( KEduVocDocument* qq ) : q( qq ) { m_lessonContainer = 0; m_wordTypeContainer = 0; m_leitnerContainer = 0; init(); } ~KEduVocDocumentPrivate(); void init(); KEduVocDocument* q; bool m_dirty; KUrl m_url; // save these to document QList m_identifiers; QList m_extraSizeHints; QList m_sizeHints; QString m_generator; QString m_queryorg; QString m_querytrans; QStringList m_tenseDescriptions; QSet m_usages; QString m_title; QString m_author; QString m_authorContact; QString m_license; QString m_comment; QString m_version; QString m_csvDelimiter; /** Categories that can later be used to sork kvtml files: * language, music, children, anatomy */ QString m_category; KEduVocLesson * m_lessonContainer; KEduVocWordType * m_wordTypeContainer; KEduVocLeitnerBox * m_leitnerContainer; }; KEduVocDocument::KEduVocDocumentPrivate::~KEduVocDocumentPrivate() { delete m_lessonContainer; delete m_wordTypeContainer; delete m_leitnerContainer; } void KEduVocDocument::KEduVocDocumentPrivate::init() { delete m_lessonContainer; m_lessonContainer = new KEduVocLesson(i18nc("The top level lesson which contains all other lessons of the document.", "Document Lesson")); m_lessonContainer->setContainerType(KEduVocLesson::Lesson); delete m_wordTypeContainer; m_wordTypeContainer = new KEduVocWordType(i18n( "Word types" )); if ( m_leitnerContainer ) { delete m_leitnerContainer; } m_leitnerContainer = new KEduVocLeitnerBox(i18n( "Leitner Box" )); m_tenseDescriptions.clear(); m_identifiers.clear(); m_extraSizeHints.clear(); m_sizeHints.clear(); m_dirty = false; m_queryorg = ""; m_querytrans = ""; m_url.setFileName( i18n( "Untitled" ) ); m_author = ""; m_title = ""; m_comment = ""; m_version = ""; m_generator = ""; m_csvDelimiter = QString( '\t' ); m_usages.clear(); m_license.clear(); m_category.clear(); } KEduVocDocument::KEduVocDocument( QObject *parent ) : QObject( parent ), d( new KEduVocDocumentPrivate( this ) ) { kDebug() << "constructor done"; } KEduVocDocument::~KEduVocDocument() { delete d; } void KEduVocDocument::setModified( bool dirty ) { d->m_dirty = dirty; emit docModified( d->m_dirty ); } KEduVocDocument::FileType KEduVocDocument::detectFileType( const QString &fileName ) { QIODevice * f = KFilterDev::deviceForFile( fileName ); if ( !f->open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { kDebug(1100) << "Warning, could not open QIODevice for file: " << fileName; delete f; return Csv; } QTextStream ts( f ); QString line1; QString line2; line1 = ts.readLine(); if ( !ts.atEnd() ) { line2 = ts.readLine(); } /* * Vokabeln.de files: The header seems to be something like this: "Name Lang1 - Lang2",123,234,456 0 or something longer: "Name Lang1 - Lang2 [..] Blah, blah, blah...",123,234,456 0 */ QString tmp; if ( line1.startsWith(QChar::fromLatin1('"'))) { ts.seek(0); tmp = ts.readLine(); // There shouldn't be headers longer than 10 lines. for ( int x=0; x < 10; x++) { if (tmp.contains( "\"," )) { tmp = ts.readLine(); if (tmp.endsWith('0')) { f->close(); delete f; return Vokabeln; } } tmp = ts.readLine(); } } f->close(); delete f; if ( line1.startsWith(QString::fromLatin1(" 0 ) { return Pauker; } if ( line2.indexOf( "xdxf", 0 ) > 0 ) { return Xdxf; } else { return Kvtml; } } if ( line1 == WQL_IDENT ) { return Wql; } return Csv; } int KEduVocDocument::open( const KUrl& url ) { // save csv delimiter to preserve it in case this is a csv document QString csv = d->m_csvDelimiter; // clear all other properties d->init(); if ( !url.isEmpty() ) { d->m_url = url; } d->m_csvDelimiter = csv; bool read = false; QString errorMessage = i18n( "Cannot open file
", url.path() ); QString temporaryFile; if ( KIO::NetAccess::download( url, temporaryFile, 0 ) ) { QIODevice * f = KFilterDev::deviceForFile( temporaryFile ); if ( !f->open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { kError() << errorMessage; delete f; return FileCannotRead; } FileType ft = detectFileType( temporaryFile ); switch ( ft ) { case Kvtml: { kDebug(1100) << "Reading KVTML document..."; KEduVocKvtml2Reader kvtmlReader( f ); read = kvtmlReader.readDoc( this ); if ( !read ) { errorMessage = kvtmlReader.errorMessage(); } } break; case Wql: { kDebug(1100) << "Reading WordQuiz (WQL) document..."; KEduVocWqlReader wqlReader( f ); d->m_url.setFileName( i18n( "Untitled" ) ); read = wqlReader.readDoc( this ); if ( !read ) { errorMessage = wqlReader.errorMessage(); } } break; case Pauker: { kDebug(1100) << "Reading Pauker document..."; KEduVocPaukerReader paukerReader( this ); d->m_url.setFileName( i18n( "Untitled" ) ); read = paukerReader.read( f ); if ( !read ) { errorMessage = i18n( "Parse error at line %1, column %2:\n%3", paukerReader.lineNumber(), paukerReader.columnNumber(), paukerReader.errorString() ); } } break; case Vokabeln: { kDebug(1100) << "Reading Vokabeln document..."; KEduVocVokabelnReader vokabelnReader( f ); d->m_url.setFileName( i18n( "Untitled" ) ); read = vokabelnReader.readDoc( this ); if ( !read ) { errorMessage = vokabelnReader.errorMessage(); } } break; case Csv: { kDebug(1100) << "Reading CVS document..."; KEduVocCsvReader csvReader( f ); read = csvReader.readDoc( this ); if ( !read ) { errorMessage = csvReader.errorMessage(); } } break; case Xdxf: { kDebug(1100) << "Reading XDXF document..."; KEduVocXdxfReader xdxfReader( this ); d->m_url.setFileName( i18n( "Untitled" ) ); read = xdxfReader.read( f ); if ( !read ) { errorMessage = i18n( "Parse error at line %1, column %2:\n%3", xdxfReader.lineNumber(), xdxfReader.columnNumber(), xdxfReader.errorString() ); } } break; default: { kDebug(1100) << "Reading KVTML document (fallback)..."; KEduVocKvtml2Reader kvtmlReader( f ); read = kvtmlReader.readDoc( this ); if ( !read ) { errorMessage = kvtmlReader.errorMessage(); } } } if ( !read ) { QString msg = i18n( "Could not open or properly read \"%1\"\n(Error reported: %2)", url.path(), errorMessage ); kError() << msg << i18n( "Error Opening File" ); ///@todo make the readers return int, pass on the error message properly delete f; return FileReaderFailed; } f->close(); delete f; KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( temporaryFile ); } if ( !read ) { return FileReaderFailed; } setModified(false); return 0; } int KEduVocDocument::saveAs( const KUrl & url, FileType ft, const QString & generator ) { KUrl tmp( url ); if ( ft == Automatic ) { if ( tmp.path().right( strlen( "." KVTML_EXT ) ) == "." KVTML_EXT ) ft = Kvtml; else if ( tmp.path().right( strlen( "." CSV_EXT ) ) == "." CSV_EXT ) ft = Csv; else { return FileTypeUnknown; } } QFile f( tmp.path() ); if ( !f.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) { kError() << i18n( "Cannot write to file %1", tmp.path() ); return FileCannotWrite; } bool saved = false; switch ( ft ) { case Kvtml: { // write version 2 file KEduVocKvtml2Writer kvtmlWriter( &f ); saved = kvtmlWriter.writeDoc( this, generator ); } break; ///@todo port me // case Kvtml1: { // // write old version 1 file // KEduVocKvtmlWriter kvtmlWriter( &f ); // saved = kvtmlWriter.writeDoc( this, generator ); // } // break; case Csv: { KEduVocCsvWriter csvWriter( &f ); saved = csvWriter.writeDoc( this, generator ); } break; default: { kError() << "kvcotrainDoc::saveAs(): unknown filetype" << endl; } break; } // switch f.close(); if ( !saved ) { kError() << "Error Saving File" << tmp.path(); return FileWriterFailed; } d->m_url = tmp; setModified( false ); return 0; } QByteArray KEduVocDocument::toByteArray(const QString &generator) { // no file needed KEduVocKvtml2Writer kvtmlWriter(0); return kvtmlWriter.toByteArray( this, generator ); } void KEduVocDocument::merge( KEduVocDocument *docToMerge, bool matchIdentifiers ) { Q_UNUSED(docToMerge) Q_UNUSED(matchIdentifiers) kDebug(1100) << "Merging of docs is not implemented"; /// @todo IMPLEMENT ME // This code was really horribly broken. // Now with the new classes we could attempt to reactivate it. // A rewrite might be easier. /* if (docToMerge) { QStringList new_names = docToMerge->lessonDescriptions(); QStringList new_types = docToMerge->typeDescriptions(); QStringList new_tenses = docToMerge->tenseDescriptions(); QList old_in_query = lessonsInPractice(); QList new_in_query = docToMerge->lessonsInPractice(); QStringList new_usages = docToMerge->usageDescriptions(); int lesson_offset = d->m_lessonDescriptions.count(); for (int i = 0; i < new_names.count(); i++) { d->m_lessonDescriptions.append(new_names[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < new_in_query.count(); i++) old_in_query.append(new_in_query[i] + lesson_offset); setLessonsInPractice(old_in_query); int types_offset = d->m_typeDescriptions.count(); for (int i = 0; i < new_types.count(); i++) { d->m_typeDescriptions.append(new_types[i]); } int tenses_offset = d->m_tenseDescriptions.count(); for (int i = 0; i < new_tenses.count(); i++) { d->m_tenseDescriptions.append(new_tenses[i]); } int usages_offset = d->m_usageDescriptions.count(); for (int i = 0; i < new_usages.count(); i++) { d->m_usageDescriptions.append(new_usages[i]); } bool equal = true; if (originalIdentifier() != docToMerge->originalIdentifier()) equal = false; for (int i = 1; i < identifierCount(); i++) if (identifier(i) != docToMerge->identifier(i)) equal = false; if (!matchIdentifiers) equal = true; ///@todo massive cheating, problem if docToMerge has more identifiers than this if (equal) { // easy way: same language codes, just append for (int i = 0; i < docToMerge->entryCount(); i++) { KEduVocExpression *expr = docToMerge->entry(i); expr->setLesson(expr->lesson() + lesson_offset); for (int lang = 0; lang <= expr->translationCount(); lang++) { QString t = expr->translation(lang).type(); // adjust type offset if (!t.isEmpty() && t.left(1) == QM_USER_TYPE) { QString t2; t.remove(0, 1); t2.setNum(t.toInt() + types_offset); t2.prepend(QM_USER_TYPE); expr->translation(lang).setType (t2); } t = expr->translation(lang).usageLabel(); // adjust usage offset QString tg; if (!t.isEmpty()) { QString t2; while (t.left(strlen(":")) == UL_USER_USAGE) { QString n; t.remove(0, 1); int next; if ((next = t.indexOf(":")) >= 0) { n = t.left(next); t.remove(0, next + 1); } else { n = t; t = ""; } t2.setNum(n.toInt() + usages_offset); t2.prepend(UL_USER_USAGE); if (tg.length() == 0) tg = t2; else tg += ':' + t2; } if (tg.length() == 0) tg = t; else if (t.length() != 0) tg += ':' + t; expr->translation(lang).setUsageLabel (tg); } KEduVocConjugation conj = expr->translation(lang).conjugation(); bool condirty = false; for (int ci = 0; ci < conj.entryCount(); ci++) { t = conj.getType(ci); if (!t.isEmpty() && t.left(1) == UL_USER_TENSE) { t.remove(0, strlen(UL_USER_TENSE)); QString t2; t2.setNum(t.toInt() + tenses_offset); t2.prepend(UL_USER_TENSE); conj.setType(ci, t2); condirty = true; } if (condirty) expr->translation(lang).setConjugation(conj); } } appendEntry(expr); } setModified(); } else { // hard way: move entries around, most attributes get lost QList move_matrix; QList cs_equal; QString s; for (int i = 0; i < qMax (identifierCount(), docToMerge->identifierCount()); i++) cs_equal.append(false); move_matrix.append(docToMerge->indexOfIdentifier(originalIdentifier())); for (int i = 1; i < identifierCount(); i++) move_matrix.append(docToMerge->indexOfIdentifier(identifier(i))); for (int j = 0; j < docToMerge->entryCount(); j++) { KEduVocExpression new_expr; KEduVocExpression *expr = docToMerge->entry(j); new_expr.setLesson(expr->lesson()+lesson_offset); for (int i = 0; i < move_matrix.count(); i++) { int lpos = move_matrix[i]; if (lpos >= 0) { if (lpos == 0) s = expr->original(); else s = expr->translation(lpos); if (!cs_equal[lpos]) { cs_equal[lpos] = true; QString id = lpos == 0 ? originalIdentifier() : identifier(lpos); } if (i == 0) new_expr.setOriginal(s); else new_expr.setTranslation(i, s); QString r = expr->remark(lpos); new_expr.setRemark (i, r); QString t = expr->type(lpos); if (!t.isEmpty() && t.left(1) == QM_USER_TYPE) { QString t2; t.remove(0, 1); t2.setNum(t.toInt() + types_offset); t2.prepend(QM_USER_TYPE); new_expr.setType(i, t2); } t = expr->usageLabel(lpos); if (!t.isEmpty() && t.left(1) == QM_USER_TYPE) { QString t2; t.remove(0, 1); t2.setNum(t.toInt() + usages_offset); t2.prepend(QM_USER_TYPE); new_expr.setUsageLabel(i, t2); } KEduVocConjugation conj = expr->conjugation(lpos); for (int ci = 0; ci < conj.entryCount(); ci++) { t = conj.getType(ci); if (!t.isEmpty() && t.left(1) == QM_USER_TYPE) { t.remove (0, strlen(QM_USER_TYPE)); QString t2; t2.setNum(t.toInt() + tenses_offset); t2.prepend(QM_USER_TYPE); conj.setType(ci, t2); } } } } // only append if entries are used bool used = !new_expr.original().isEmpty(); for (int i = 1; i < identifierCount(); i++) if (!new_expr.translation(i).isEmpty()) used = true; if (used) { appendEntry(&new_expr); setModified(); } } } } */ } const KEduVocIdentifier& KEduVocDocument::identifier( int index ) const { if ( index < 0 || index >= d->m_identifiers.size() ) { kError() << " Error: Invalid identifier index: " << index; } return d->m_identifiers[index]; } KEduVocIdentifier& KEduVocDocument::identifier( int index ) { if ( index < 0 || index >= d->m_identifiers.size() ) { kError() << " Error: Invalid identifier index: " << index; } return d->m_identifiers[index]; } void KEduVocDocument::setIdentifier( int idx, const KEduVocIdentifier &id ) { if ( idx >= 0 && idx < d->m_identifiers.size() ) { d->m_identifiers[idx] = id; } setModified(true); } // works if const is removed int KEduVocDocument::indexOfIdentifier( const QString &name ) const { for (int i = 0; i < identifierCount(); i++) if (identifier(i).locale() == name) return i; return -1; } void KEduVocDocument::removeIdentifier( int index ) { if ( index < d->m_identifiers.size() && index >= 0 ) { d->m_identifiers.removeAt( index ); d->m_lessonContainer->removeTranslation( index ); } } bool KEduVocDocument::isModified() const { return d->m_dirty; } int KEduVocDocument::identifierCount() const { return d->m_identifiers.count(); // number of translations } int KEduVocDocument::appendIdentifier( const KEduVocIdentifier& id ) { int i = d->m_identifiers.size(); //kDebug(1100) << "appendIdentifier: " << i << id.name() << id.locale(); d->m_identifiers.append( id ); if ( id.name().isEmpty() ) { if ( i == 0 ) { identifier(i).setName(i18nc("The name of the first language/column of vocabulary, if we have to guess it.", "Original")); } else { identifier(i).setName(i18nc( "The name of the second, third ... language/column of vocabulary, if we have to guess it.", "Translation %1", i ) ); } } return i; } KEduVocLesson * KEduVocDocument::lesson() { return d->m_lessonContainer; } KEduVocWordType * KEduVocDocument::wordTypeContainer() { return d->m_wordTypeContainer; } KEduVocLeitnerBox * KEduVocDocument::leitnerContainer() { return d->m_leitnerContainer; } KUrl KEduVocDocument::url() const { return d->m_url; } void KEduVocDocument::setUrl( const KUrl& url ) { d->m_url = url; } QString KEduVocDocument::title() const { if ( d->m_title.isEmpty() ) return d->m_url.fileName(); else return d->m_title; } void KEduVocDocument::setTitle( const QString & title ) { d->m_title = title; d->m_lessonContainer->setName(title); setModified(true); } QString KEduVocDocument::author() const { return d->m_author; } void KEduVocDocument::setAuthor( const QString & s ) { d->m_author = s.simplified(); setModified(true); } QString KEduVocDocument::authorContact() const { return d->m_authorContact; } void KEduVocDocument::setAuthorContact( const QString & s ) { d->m_authorContact = s.simplified(); setModified(true); } QString KEduVocDocument::license() const { return d->m_license; } QString KEduVocDocument::documentComment() const { return d->m_comment; } void KEduVocDocument::setCategory( const QString & category ) { d->m_category = category; setModified(true); } QString KEduVocDocument::category() const { return d->m_category; ///@todo make writer/reader use this } void KEduVocDocument::queryIdentifier( QString &org, QString &trans ) const { org = d->m_queryorg; trans = d->m_querytrans; } void KEduVocDocument::setQueryIdentifier( const QString &org, const QString &trans ) { d->m_queryorg = org; d->m_querytrans = trans; setModified(true); } void KEduVocDocument::setLicense( const QString & s ) { d->m_license = s.simplified(); setModified(true); } void KEduVocDocument::setDocumentComment( const QString & s ) { d->m_comment = s.trimmed(); setModified(true); } void KEduVocDocument::setGenerator( const QString & generator ) { d->m_generator = generator; setModified(true); } QString KEduVocDocument::generator() const { return d->m_generator; } QString KEduVocDocument::version() const { return d->m_version; } void KEduVocDocument::setVersion( const QString & vers ) { d->m_version = vers; setModified(true); } QString KEduVocDocument::csvDelimiter() const { return d->m_csvDelimiter; } void KEduVocDocument::setCsvDelimiter( const QString &delimiter ) { d->m_csvDelimiter = delimiter; setModified(true); } QString KEduVocDocument::pattern( FileDialogMode mode ) { static const struct SupportedFilter { bool reading; bool writing; const char* extensions; const char* description; } filters[] = { { true, true, "*.kvtml", I18N_NOOP( "KDE Vocabulary Document" ) }, { true, false, "*.wql", I18N_NOOP( "KWordQuiz Document" ) }, { true, false, "*.xml.qz *.pau.gz", I18N_NOOP( "Pauker Lesson" ) }, { true, false, "*.voc", I18N_NOOP( "Vokabeltrainer" ) }, { true, false, "*.xdxf", I18N_NOOP( "XML Dictionary Exchange Format" ) }, { true, true, "*.csv", I18N_NOOP( "Comma Separated Values (CSV)" ) }, // last is marker for the end, do not remove it { false, false, 0, 0 } }; QStringList newfilters; QStringList allext; for ( int i = 0; filters[i].extensions; ++i ) { if (( mode == Reading && filters[i].reading ) || ( mode == Writing && filters[i].writing ) ) { newfilters.append( QLatin1String( filters[i].extensions ) + '|' + i18n( filters[i].description ) ); allext.append( QLatin1String( filters[i].extensions ) ); } } if ( mode == Reading ) { newfilters.prepend( allext.join( " " ) + '|' + i18n( "All supported documents" ) ); } return newfilters.join( "\n" ); } QString KEduVocDocument::errorDescription( int errorCode ) { switch (errorCode) { case NoError: return i18n("No error found."); case InvalidXml: return i18n("Invalid XML in document."); case FileTypeUnknown: return i18n("Unknown file type."); case FileCannotWrite: return i18n("File is not writeable."); case FileWriterFailed: return i18n("File writer failed."); case FileCannotRead: return i18n("File is not readable."); case FileReaderFailed: return i18n("The file reader failed."); case FileDoesNotExist: return i18n("The file does not exist."); case Unknown: default: return i18n("Unknown error."); } } #include "keduvocdocument.moc"