// This file is part of the Marble Desktop Globe.
// This program is free software licensed under the GNU LGPL. You can
// find a copy of this license in LICENSE.txt in the top directory of
// the source code.
// Copyright 2009      Bastian Holst <bastianholst@gmx.de>


#include <QtCore/QThread>
#include <QtCore/QMutex>
#include <QtCore/QSet>

namespace Marble
// Lives inside the new Thread
class FileStorageWatcherThread : public QObject
	explicit FileStorageWatcherThread( const QString &dataDirectory, QObject * parent = 0 );
	quint64 cacheLimit();
	 * Is emitted when a variable has changed.
	void variableChanged();
    public Q_SLOTS:
         * Sets the limit of the cache in @p bytes.
	void setCacheLimit( quint64 bytes );
	 * Add @p bytes to the current cache size.
	 * So FileStorageWatcher is aware of the current cache size.
	void addToCurrentSize( qint64 bytes );
	 * Setting current cache size to 0.
	void resetCurrentSize();
	 * Updates the name of the theme.
	 * Important for deleting behavior.
	 * @param mapTheme The identifier of the new theme.
	void updateTheme( QString mapTheme );
	 * Stop doing things that take a long time to quit.
	void prepareQuit();
	 * Getting the current size of the data stored on the disc
	void getCurrentCacheSize();

    private Q_SLOTS:
	 * Ensures that the cache doesn't exceed limits.
	void ensureCacheSize();
	Q_DISABLE_COPY( FileStorageWatcherThread )
	 * Deletes files of a planet if needed
	void ensureSizePerPlanet( QString planetDirectory, QString currentTheme = QString() );
	 * Deletes files of a theme if needed
	void ensureSizePerTheme( QString themeDirectory );
	 * Returns true if it is necessary to delete files.
	bool keepDeleting() const;
	QString m_dataDirectory;
        quint64 m_cacheLimit;
	quint64 m_cacheSoftLimit;
        quint64 m_currentCacheSize;
	quint8  m_filesDeleted;
	bool 	m_deleting;
	QString m_mapThemeId;
	QMutex	m_limitMutex;
	QMutex	m_themeMutex;
	bool	m_willQuit;

// Lives inside main thread
class FileStorageWatcher : public QThread
	 * Creates a new FileStorageWatcher, which is a thread watching the
	 * space Marble takes on the hard drive and deletes files if necessary.
	 * @param dataDirectory The directory where the data is stored
	 * @param parent The parent of the object.
	explicit FileStorageWatcher( const QString &dataDirectory = QString(), QObject * parent = 0 );
	 * Returns the limit of the cache in bytes.
	quint64 cacheLimit();
    public Q_SLOTS:
         * Sets the limit of the cache in @p bytes.
	void setCacheLimit( quint64 bytes );
	 * Add @p bytes to the current cache size.
	 * So FileStorageWatcher is aware of the current cache size.
	void addToCurrentSize( qint64 bytes );
	 * Setting current cache size to 0.
	void resetCurrentSize();
	 * Updates the name of the theme.
	 * Important for deleting behavior.
	 * @param mapTheme The identifier of the new theme.
	void updateTheme( QString mapTheme );
	void sizeChanged( qint64 bytes );
	void cleared();
	 * The function being called at starting Thread.
	 * The thread is started by QThread::start().
	void run();
	Q_DISABLE_COPY( FileStorageWatcher )
	QString m_dataDirectory;
	FileStorageWatcherThread *m_thread;
	QMutex *m_themeLimitMutex;
	QString m_theme;
	quint64 m_limit;
	bool m_started;
	bool m_quitting;
