o-------------------------------------------------------------------------------o | | | PySyCache | | | | Version 3.1 | | | | Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Vincent DEROO (vincent.pysycache@free.fr) | | | o-------------------------------------------------------------------------------o o---- Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------o For use PySyCache, you need : - python (http://www.python.org) - pygame (http://www.pygame.org/) Theses libraries are available for a lots of operating systems. If you don't have them, go on the web sites. o---- PySyCache ----------------------------------------------------------------o For install PySyCache from sources, you have scripts - install.sh - install.bat that you execute in your environnement. You can edit the target directories if you need. For install binaries of PySyCache, you can use some packages that contributors have made : - Linux distribution : Mandriva, Slackware, Debian - Windows binaries : a setup is available on the web site of PySyCache o---- Additionnal themes -------------------------------------------------------o Additionnal themes are not GPL compliant, are often with a creative common license (BY, BY-NC, BY-NC-SA, BY-SA) or FAL and may be copyrighted. So you can download theses additionnal themes only from the pysycache web site. Their installation is easy : unzip the file with themes in the main directory of PySyCache : that's all ! o---- Test ---------------------------------------------------------------------o PySyCache have been verified with - Linux (Debian, Mandriva) - Windows XP - Macintosh (Mac OS 10.4.6) with a Duron 1000Mhz and 512Mo of RAM a iBook G3 with 768Mo of RAM