#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- #*********************************************************************** # pysycache : a program for learn to use the mouse # Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Vincent DEROO (vincent.pysycache@free.fr) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc. : # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA02110-1301, USA #*********************************************************************** #******************************************************************************* # Importation des modules #******************************************************************************* import sys import getopt, string import random import time import locale import random import os.path import pygame from pygame.locals import * import datas from pysyclasses import MouseOfActivity from pysymove import ApplicationMove from pysyclick import ApplicationClick from pysybuttons import ApplicationButtons from pysydblclick import ApplicationDblClick from pysypuzzle import ApplicationPuzzle from pysyclasses import BtnOfMenu import const import pysymove import pysyclick import pysybuttons import pysydblclick import pysypuzzle import pysypreferences import pysyscores import pysycredits #******************************************************************************* # Event detection # #******************************************************************************* def DetectEvent(): """ Traitement des evenements """ for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: return 0 elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: return 0 elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: #*************** evenement deplacement de la souris *************** event0 = event.pos[0] event1 = event.pos[1] screen = pygame.display.get_surface() #redessin de la souris a sa position actuelle const.GMaSourisCurrentPositionX = event0 const.GMaSourisCurrentPositionY = event1 for o in const.GLstSouris.sprites(): o.move(const.Gbackground_image) ShowTheHelpOnActivty() const.GLstSouris.draw(screen) pygame.display.update() return 1 elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: #---------------------- on relache la souris ----------------------- ok = 0 event0 = event.pos[0] event1 = event.pos[1] screen = pygame.display.get_surface() #recherche du bouton concerne for btn in TabBtnMenu : if ( event0 >= btn.left ) & ( event0 <= btn.left + btn.largeur ) & ( event1 >= btn.top ) & ( event1 <= btn.top + btn.hauteur ) : ok = 1 #----------- show the correct window ----------------- #mise a jour de la zone d'aide const.Gbackground_image.blit(Background_Restore, (300, 300), (300, 300, 370, 200)) if const.GWithSound == 1 : if not pygame.mixer.get_init(): print "Cannot load sound : pygame error : ", pygame.get_error() else: if pygame.mixer.music.get_busy : pygame.mixer.music.stop() if ( btn.id == 1 ) : #activite move const.AppMove.Execute() elif ( btn.id == 2) : #activite click const.AppClick.Execute() elif ( btn.id == 3) : #activite boutons const.AppButtons.Execute() elif ( btn.id == 4) : #Quitter return 0 elif ( btn.id == 7) : #activite double-click const.AppDblClick.Execute() elif ( btn.id == 8) : #preferences pysypreferences.ShowWindow(0) elif ( btn.id == 9) : #meilleurs scores pysyscores.ShowWindow(0, 0, 0, 0) elif ( btn.id == 10): #activite puzzle const.AppPuzzle.Execute() elif ( btn.id == 11): #activite menu pysycredits.ShowWindow(0, 0, 0, 0) break if ok == 1: const.Gbackground_image.blit(Background_Restore, (0,0)) for btn in TabBtnMenu: btn.visible = 1 btn.LoadNormalPicture(Background_Restore) screen.blit(const.Gbackground_image, (0,0)) const.GLstSouris.empty() const.GLstSouris.add(MouseOfActivity(400, 300, "souris.png") ) for o in const.GLstSouris.sprites(): o.move(const.Gbackground_image) const.GLstSouris.draw(screen) pygame.display.update() return 1 #******************************************************************************* # #******************************************************************************* def ShowTheHelpOnActivty(): #recherche du bouton menu concerne par un survol #pour afficher l'aide sur l'activite inarea = 999 screen = pygame.display.get_surface() for btn in TabBtnMenu: if ( const.GMaSourisCurrentPositionX >= btn.left ) & ( const.GMaSourisCurrentPositionX <= btn.left + btn.largeur ) & ( const.GMaSourisCurrentPositionY >= btn.top ) & ( const.GMaSourisCurrentPositionY <= btn.top + btn.hauteur ) : #on est au dessus d'un bouton menu inarea = btn.id #peut on afficher l'image floutee ? if const.GBtnMenu != inarea: #on est actuellement en image normale et on passe en image floue #effacer l'ancien for btnold in TabBtnMenu: if btnold.id == const.GBtnMenu : #mise a jour de l'image btnold.LoadNormalPicture(Background_Restore) break const.GBtnMenu = btn.id #afficher les effets visuels et sonores d'un survol pour l'aide btn.LoadSecondPicture(Background_Restore) #mise a jour de la zone d'aide (effacement) const.Gbackground_image.blit(Background_Restore, (171, 361), (171, 361, 400, 180)) screen.blit(Background_Restore, (171, 361), (171, 361, 400, 180) ) datas.ShowHelpOfBoutonMenu(btn.id, const.Gbackground_image) else: #on est deja en image floue : on ne fait rien pass break if inarea == 999: #on est pas au dessus d'un bouton menu #il faut remettre le bouton menu en normal if const.GBtnMenu == 999: #on est deja en bouton normal pass else: #on est en bouton flou : on passe a normal for btn in TabBtnMenu: if btn.id == const.GBtnMenu: #mise a jour de l'image du bouton btn.LoadNormalPicture(Background_Restore) #mise a jour de la zone d'aide (effacement) const.Gbackground_image.blit(Background_Restore, (171, 361), (171, 361, 400, 180)) screen.blit(Background_Restore, (171, 361), (171, 361, 400, 180) ) break const.GBtnMenu = 999 #******************************************************************************* # Main of the program # # parameters typfull = 0 : in window # # = 1 : fullscreen # #******************************************************************************* def ShowWindow(typfull): global TabBtnMenu #tableau des boutons de l'application TabBtnMenu = [] global Background_Restore #lecture du fichier de configuration de l'utilisateur if const.GPysyUserMode == 0: #un joueur par utilisateur machine filenameuser = os.path.join(const.GRepPersoUser, "pysycacherc") #lecture du fichier de config const.GPrefUserInit.ReadConfigOfUser(filenameuser) else: #la lecture du fichier de config est faite en amont pass datas.InitializePreferences() #------------------------- Initialise son --------------------------------- if const.GWithSound == 1: try: pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 2048) except Exception, err: const.GWithSound = 0 const.GSoundError = 1 print "" print "" print "*************************************************************" print "*" print '* Error in sound initialization : ', err print "*" print "*************************************************************" #------------------------- Initialise screen ------------------------------ if const.GPysyUserMode == 0: try: (nbtry, nbfail) = pygame.init() if nbfail != 0: const.GWithSound = 0 const.GSoundError = 1 datas.DebugMessage("Some errors occurs in pygame.init() : all sounds will be desactivated ") except Exception, err: print "" print "" print "*************************************************************" print "*" print '* Error in initialization : ', err print "*" print "*************************************************************" datas.DebugMessage("") datas.DebugMessage("Information on display") if const.GDebug == 1 : print pygame.display.Info() #whe hide the mouse for all the game pygame.mouse.set_visible(const.CACHE) #------------ recuperation de la valeur de la langue ----------------------- datas.InitializeLang() #chargement du dictionnaire datas.LoadDicoLang() if const.GPysyUserMode == 0: if const.GWithFullScreen == 0: #mode fenetre screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600)) imgicone, img_rect = datas.Load_image("images", "pysycache-32x32.png") pygame.display.set_icon(imgicone) else: #mode plein ecran screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600), FULLSCREEN) else: screen = pygame.display.get_surface() datas.DebugMessage("") datas.DebugMessage("Information on display") if const.GDebug == 1: print pygame.display.Info() pygame.display.set_caption('PySyCache') const.AppMove.InitializeApp(unicode("themes-move"), "move") const.AppClick.InitializeApp(unicode("themes-click"), "click") const.AppButtons.InitializeApp(unicode("themes-buttons"), "buttons") const.AppDblClick.InitializeApp(unicode("themes-dblclick"), "dblclick") const.AppPuzzle.InitializeApp(unicode("themes-puzzle"), "puzzle") #-------------------------- image vide de fond ----------------------------- if const.GPysyUserMode == 0: background_image, background_rect = datas.Load_image("images", "fond1.png") screen.blit(background_image, (0,0)) pygame.display.update() #attende de 1/2 seconde pygame.time.delay(500) #musique de fond datas.Load_sound("sounds", "startup.ogg") #------------------ transition vers le titre du jeu ------------------------ datas.ShowTransitionOfTheme(const.GDureeTransition, "fond2.png", 0) pygame.time.delay(1000) #----------------------- transition vers le menu --------------------------- const.Gbackground_image, background_rect = datas.Load_image("images", "fond-menu.png") Background_Restore, background_rect = datas.Load_image("images", "fond-menu.png") datas.ShowTransitionOfTheme(const.GDureeTransition, "fond-menu.png", 0) #----------------------------- liste des boutons --------------------------- const.GBtnMenu = 999 TabBtnMenu[:]=[] TabBtnMenu.append(BtnOfMenu("fond-menu.png", 1, 'menu-move1.png', 'menu-move.png', 19, 390) ) #menu vers activite move TabBtnMenu.append(BtnOfMenu("fond-menu.png", 2, 'menu-click1.png', 'menu-click.png', 98, 217) ) #menu vers activite clic TabBtnMenu.append(BtnOfMenu("fond-menu.png", 3, 'menu-button1.png', 'menu-button.png', 258, 161) ) #menu vers activite boutons TabBtnMenu.append(BtnOfMenu("fond-menu.png", 7, 'menu-dblclick1.png', 'menu-dblclick.png', 418, 115) ) #menu double click TabBtnMenu.append(BtnOfMenu("fond-menu.png", 8, 'btn-pref1.png', 'btn-pref.png', 612, 435) ) #menu preferences TabBtnMenu.append(BtnOfMenu("fond-menu.png", 9, 'btn-scores1.png', 'btn-scores.png', 602, 37) ) #menu scores TabBtnMenu.append(BtnOfMenu("fond-menu.png", 10, 'menu-puzzle1.png', 'menu-puzzle.png', 547, 260)) #menu puzzle TabBtnMenu.append(BtnOfMenu("fond-menu.png", 11, 'menu-credits1.png', 'menu-credits.png', 55, 40)) #menu credits TabBtnMenu.append(BtnOfMenu("fond-menu.png", 4, 'btn-quitter1.png', 'btn-quitter.png', 690, 545) ) #menu quitter for btn in TabBtnMenu: btn.visible = 1 btn.LoadNormalPicture(Background_Restore) screen.blit(const.Gbackground_image, (0, 0)) #------------------- changer la souris en main ------------------------- const.GLstSouris.empty() const.GLstSouris.add(MouseOfActivity(400, 300, "souris.png") ) for o in const.GLstSouris.sprites(): o.move(const.Gbackground_image) const.GLstSouris.draw(screen) pygame.display.update() pygame.event.clear() const.GTypeSouris = const.EVENT_JEU0 #---------------------- entree dans la boucle principale ------------------- running = 1 while running: datas.Temporisation() #----------------- recherche des evt ----------------------------------- running = DetectEvent() datas.ShowFPS()