# # # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. """Module for nxagent interaction and session runtime """ import errno import gobject import logging import os import re import signal from cStringIO import StringIO from neatx import constants from neatx import daemon from neatx import errors from neatx import protocol from neatx import utils _STATUS_MAP = { constants.SESS_STATE_STARTING: re.compile(r"^Session:\s+Starting\s+session\s+at\s+"), constants.SESS_STATE_WAITING: re.compile(r"Info:\s+Waiting\s+for\s+connection\s+from\s+" r"'(?P.*)'\s+on\s+port\s+'(?P\d+)'\."), constants.SESS_STATE_RUNNING: re.compile(r"^Session:\s+Session\s+(started|resumed)\s+at\s+"), constants.SESS_STATE_SUSPENDING: re.compile(r"^Session:\s+Suspending\s+session\s+at\s+"), constants.SESS_STATE_SUSPENDED: re.compile(r"^Session:\s+Session\s+suspended\s+at\s+"), constants.SESS_STATE_TERMINATING: re.compile(r"^Session:\s+(Terminat|Abort)ing\s+session\s+at\s+"), constants.SESS_STATE_TERMINATED: re.compile(r"^Session:\s+Session\s+(terminat|abort)ed\s+at\s+"), } _WATCHDOG_PID_RE = re.compile(r"^Info:\s+Watchdog\s+running\s+with\s+pid\s+" r"'(?P\d+)'\.") _WAIT_WATCHDOG_RE = re.compile(r"^Info:\s+Waiting\s+the\s+watchdog\s+" r"process\s+to\s+complete\.") _AGENT_PID_RE = re.compile(r"^Info:\s+Agent\s+running\s+with\s+pid\s+" r"'(?P\d+)'\.") _GENERAL_ERROR_RE = re.compile(r"^Error:\s+(?P.*)$") _GENERAL_WARNING_RE = re.compile(r"^Warning:\s+(?P.*)$") _GEOMETRY_RE = re.compile(r"^Info:\s+Screen\s+\[0\]\s+resized\s+to\s+" r"geometry\s+\[(?P[^\]]+)\]" r"( fullscreen \[(?P\d)\])?\.$") class UserApplication(daemon.Program): """Wraps the user-defined application. """ def __init__(self, env, cwd, args, logfile, login=False): """Initializes this class. @type env: dict @param env: Environment variables @type cwd: str @param cwd: Working directory @type args: list @param args: Command and arguments @type logfile: str @param logfile: Path to application logfile @type login: boolean @param login: Run the command as a login shell """ if login: executable = args[0] args = args[:] args[0] = "-%s" % os.path.basename(args[0]) else: executable = None lang = self._GetLangEnv(env) if lang: env['LANG'] = lang # TODO: logfile daemon.Program.__init__(self, args, env=env, cwd=cwd, executable=executable, umask=constants.DEFAULT_APP_UMASK) def _GetLangEnv(self, env): lang_rx = re.compile("^\s*Language\s*=\s*(?P\S+)\s*$", re.M) dmrc_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.dmrc") if not os.path.exists(dmrc_path): logging.debug("Dmrc doesn't exist") return logging.debug("Dmrc exists") try: contents = open(dmrc_path).read() except IOError, err: logging.warning("Error reading %r: %r", dmrc_path, err.strerror) return m = lang_rx.match(contents) if not m: logging.debug("Dmrc doesn't contain Language setting") return lang = m.group("lang") logging.debug("Dmrc language setting %r", lang) return lang class XAuthProgram(daemon.Program): """Wrapper for xauth. Quoting xauth(1): "The xauth program is used to edit and display the authorization information used in connecting to the X server." """ _MIT_MAGIC_COOKIE_1 = "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1" def __init__(self, env, filename, cookies, cfg): """Initializes this class. @type env: dict @param env: Environment variables @type cookies: list of tuples @param cookies: Cookies as [(display, cookie), ...] @type cfg: L{config.Config} @param cfg: Configuration object """ args = [cfg.xauth, "-f", filename] daemon.Program.__init__(self, args, env=env, stdin_data=self.__BuildInput(cookies)) @classmethod def __BuildInput(cls, cookies): """Builds the input for xauth. @type cookies: list of tuples @param cookies: Cookies as [(display, cookie), ...] """ buf = StringIO() for (display, cookie) in cookies: buf.write("add %s %s %s\n" % (display, cls._MIT_MAGIC_COOKIE_1, cookie)) buf.write("exit\n") return buf.getvalue() class XRdbProgram(daemon.Program): """Wrapper for xrdb. Quoting xrdb(1): "X server resource database utility. Xrdb is used to get or set the contents of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property [...] Most X clients use the RESOURCE_MANAGER and SCREEN_RESOURCES properties to get user preferences about color, fonts, and so on for applications." """ def __init__(self, env, settings, cfg): args = [cfg.xrdb, "-merge"] if not settings.endswith(os.linesep): settings += os.linesep xrdbenv = env.copy() xrdbenv["LC_ALL"] = "C" daemon.Program.__init__(self, args, env=xrdbenv, stdin_data=settings) class NxDialogProgram(daemon.Program): """Wrapper for nxdialog program. """ def __init__(self, env, dlgtype, caption, message): args = [constants.NXDIALOG, "--dialog", dlgtype, "--caption", caption, "--message", message] daemon.Program.__init__(self, args, env=env) class NxAgentProgram(daemon.Program): """Wraps nxagent and acts on its output. """ DISPLAY_READY_SIGNAL = "display-ready" __gsignals__ = { DISPLAY_READY_SIGNAL: (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()), } def __init__(self, ctx): """Initializes this class. @type ctx: NxNodeContext @param ctx: Nxnode context object """ self._ctx = ctx args = [self._ctx.cfg.nxagent] + self._GetNxAgentArgs() display = self._GetDisplayWithOptions() logging.debug("Display for nxagent: %r", display) env = ctx.session.GetSessionEnvVars().copy() env["DISPLAY"] = display env["NX_CLIENT"] = constants.NXDIALOG self._agent_pid = None self._watchdog_pid = None self._want_restore = False daemon.Program.__init__(self, args, env=env) signal_name = daemon.ChopReader.SLICE_COMPLETE_SIGNAL self._stderr_line_reg = \ daemon.SignalRegistration(self, self.stderr_line.connect(signal_name, self._HandleStderrLine)) def Start(self): """Starts nxagent. See L{daemon.Program.Start} for more details. """ # Ensure options file exists self._UpdateOptionsFile() pid = daemon.Program.Start(self) self._agent_pid = pid return pid def Restore(self): """Prepare session restore. Depending on the current status, different things need to be done. If the session is already suspended, SIGHUP can be sent right away. If it's still running, sending SIGHUP will suspend the session and can be restored after sending another SIGHUP. """ sess = self._ctx.session if sess.state == constants.SESS_STATE_SUSPENDING: # Restore once in suspended status self._want_restore = True elif sess.state == constants.SESS_STATE_SUSPENDED: # Restore directly self._PrepareSessionRestore() elif sess.state == constants.SESS_STATE_RUNNING: # Send SIGHUP to terminate session self._SendSighup() # Send SIGHUP again on status change self._want_restore = True else: raise errors.GenericError("Cannot restore session in %r state" % sess.state) def Terminate(self): """Terminates nxagent by sending SIGTERM. """ return self._SendSignal(signal.SIGTERM) def _SendSighup(self): """Sends a SIGHUP signal to nxagent. """ return self._SendSignal(signal.SIGHUP) def _SendSignal(self, signum): """Sends a signal to nxagent. @type signum: int @param signum: Signal number """ # Get signal name as string signame = utils.GetSignalName(signum) logging.info("Sending %s to nxagent", signame) try: os.kill(self._agent_pid, signum) except OSError, err: # kill(2) on ESRCH: The pid or process group does not exist. Note that # an existing process might be a zombie, a process which already # committed termination, but has not yet been wait(2)ed for. if err.errno not in (errno.ESRCH, ): raise logging.exception("Failed to send %s to nxagent", signame) def _HandleStderrLine(self, _, line): """Handle a line on nxagent's stderr output. @type line: string @param line: Line without newline """ if self._CheckStatus(line): return m = _WATCHDOG_PID_RE.match(line) if m: self._watchdog_pid = int(m.group("pid")) logging.info("Matched info watchdog, PID %r", self._watchdog_pid) return m = _AGENT_PID_RE.match(line) if m: real_agent_pid = int(m.group("pid")) logging.info("Matched info agent_pid, PID %r", real_agent_pid) if self._agent_pid != real_agent_pid: # Probably caused by nxagent being a shell script logging.warning("Agent pid (%r) doesn't match spawned PID (%r)", self._agent_pid, real_agent_pid) self._agent_pid = real_agent_pid return m = _WAIT_WATCHDOG_RE.match(line) if m: if self._watchdog_pid is None: logging.error("Matched info kill_watchdog, but no known watchdog pid") else: # Before terminating, nxagent starts a separate process, called # watchdog here, which must be sent SIGTERM. Otherwise it wouldn't # terminate. try: os.kill(self._watchdog_pid, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError, err: logging.warning(("Matched info kill_watchdog, got error from " "killing PID %r: %r"), self._watchdog_pid, err) else: logging.info("Matched info kill_watchdog, sent SIGTERM.") return m = _GENERAL_ERROR_RE.match(line) if m: logging.error("Agent error: %s", m.group("error")) return m = _GENERAL_WARNING_RE.match(line) if m: logging.warning("Agent warning: %s", m.group("warning")) return m = _GEOMETRY_RE.match(line) if m: geometry = m.group("geometry") fullscreen = (m.group("fullscreen") == "1") self._ChangeGeometry(geometry, fullscreen) logging.info("Matched info geometry change, new is %r, fullscreen %r", geometry, fullscreen) return def _CheckStatus(self, line, _status_map=None): """Check whether the line indicates a session status change. @type line: string @param line: Line without newline """ sess = self._ctx.session if _status_map is None: _status_map = _STATUS_MAP for status, rx in _status_map.iteritems(): m = rx.match(line) if m: logging.info("Nxagent changed status from %r to %r", sess.state, status) self._ChangeStatus(m, sess.state, status) return True return False def _ChangeStatus(self, m, old, new): """Called when session status changed. @type m: x @param m: Regex match object @type old: str @param old: Previous session status @type new: str @param new: New session status """ sess = self._ctx.session if new == old: pass elif new == constants.SESS_STATE_WAITING: if old == constants.SESS_STATE_STARTING: self.__EmitDisplayReady() port = m.group("port") try: portnum = int(port) except ValueError: logging.warning("Port number for nxagent (%r) is not numeric", port) portnum = None logging.debug("Setting session port to %r", portnum) sess.port = portnum elif (old == constants.SESS_STATE_SUSPENDING and new == constants.SESS_STATE_SUSPENDED and self._want_restore): self._want_restore = False self._PrepareSessionRestore() elif (old == constants.SESS_STATE_TERMINATING and new == constants.SESS_STATE_TERMINATED): logging.info("Nxagent terminated") sess.state = new sess.Save() def _PrepareSessionRestore(self): """Prepare session restore by telling nxagent to reopen its port. """ # Write options file with new options self._UpdateOptionsFile() # Send SIGHUP to reopen port self._SendSighup() def _ChangeGeometry(self, geometry, fullscreen): """Called when geometry changed. @type geometry: str @param geometry: Geometry information @type fullscreen: boolean @param fullscreen: Fullscreen state """ sess = self._ctx.session sess.geometry = geometry sess.fullscreen = fullscreen sess.Save() def _FormatNxAgentOptions(self, opts): """Formats options for nxagent. @type opts: dict @param opts: Options """ sess = self._ctx.session formatted = ",".join(["%s=%s" % (name, value) for name, value in opts.iteritems()]) return "nx/nx,%s:%d\n" % (formatted, sess.display) def _GetDisplayWithOptions(self): """Returns the value for the DISPLAY variable for nxagent. """ sess = self._ctx.session self.__CheckStrChars(sess.optionsfile, "Session options file") return "nx/nx,options=%s:%d" % (sess.optionsfile, sess.display) def _GetOptions(self): """Returns session options for nxagent. @rtype: dict @return: Options """ sess = self._ctx.session # We need to write the type without the "unix-" prefix for nxagent if sess.type.startswith(constants.SESS_TYPE_UNIX_PREFIX): shorttype = sess.type[len(constants.SESS_TYPE_UNIX_PREFIX):] else: shorttype = sess.type opts = { # This limits what IPs nxagent will accept connections from. When using # encrypted sessions, connections are always from localhost. Unencrypted # connections come directly from nxclient. # Note: Unencrypted connections are not supported. "accept": "", "backingstore": "1", "cache": protocol.FormatNxSize(sess.cache), "cleanup": "0", "client": sess.client, "clipboard": "both", "composite": "1", "cookie": sess.cookie, "id": sess.full_id, "images": protocol.FormatNxSize(sess.images), "keyboard": sess.keyboard, "link": sess.link, # TODO: What is this used for in nxagent? "product": "Neatx-%s" % constants.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION, "render": "1", "resize": protocol.FormatNxBoolean(sess.resize), "shmem": "1", "shpix": "1", "strict": "0", } if sess.type == constants.SESS_TYPE_SHADOW: # TODO: Make shadowmode configurable and/or controllable by the shadowed # user. Be aware, though, that this flag is under the control of the # shadowing user. # 0 = view only, 1 = interactive opts["shadowmode"] = "1" # TODO: Check which UID we should pass here. opts["shadowuid"] = self._ctx.uid opts["shadow"] = ":%s" % sess.shadow_display if sess.rootless: opts["menu"] = "1" else: opts["geometry"] = sess.geometry opts["fullscreen"] = protocol.FormatNxBoolean(sess.fullscreen) if sess.rootless and sess.type == constants.SESS_TYPE_CONSOLE: opts["type"] = "rootless" else: opts["type"] = shorttype return opts def _GetNxAgentArgs(self): """Returns command line arguments for nxagent. """ sess = self._ctx.session if sess.type == constants.SESS_TYPE_SHADOW: # Run nxagent in shadow mode mode = "-S" elif sess.rootless: # Run nxagent in rootless mode mode = "-R" else: # Run nxagent in desktop mode mode = "-D" args = [ mode, "-name", sess.windowname, "-options", self._ctx.session.optionsfile, # Disable permanently-open TCP port for X protocol (doesn't affect # nxagent port). "-nolisten", "tcp", ":%d" % sess.display, ] if sess.type == constants.SESS_TYPE_SHADOW: args.append("-nopersistent") return args def _UpdateOptionsFile(self): """Update session options file. """ self._WriteOptionsFile(self._GetOptions()) def _WriteOptionsFile(self, opts): """Writes session options to the session-specific options file. @type opts: dict @param opts: Options """ sess = self._ctx.session filename = sess.optionsfile self.__CheckOptsChars(opts) formatted = self._FormatNxAgentOptions(opts) logging.debug("Writing session options %r to %s", formatted, filename) utils.WriteFile(filename, data=formatted, mode=0600) def __EmitDisplayReady(self): self.emit(self.DISPLAY_READY_SIGNAL) def __CheckOptsChars(self, opts): """Checks to make sure option name/values don't contain illegal characters. @type opts: dict @param opts: Options """ for name, value in opts.iteritems(): self.__CheckStrChars(name, "Name of option %r" % name) self.__CheckStrChars(value, "Value of option %r (%r)" % (name, value)) def __CheckStrChars(self, s, description): """Checks to make sure string don't contain illegal characters. @type s: string @param s: text to test @type description: string @param description: description of text """ illegal_chars = [","] for c in illegal_chars: if c in s: raise errors.IllegalCharacterError("%s contains illegal character %r" % (description, c))