# # # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. """Module for utility functions""" import errno import fcntl import logging import logging.handlers import os import os.path import pwd import resource import re import signal import sys import syslog import tempfile import termios import time from neatx import constants from neatx import errors _SHELL_UNQUOTED_RE = re.compile('^[-.,=:/_+@A-Za-z0-9]+$') try: DEV_NULL = os.devnull except AttributeError: DEV_NULL = "/dev/null" class CustomSyslogHandler(logging.Handler): """Custom syslog handler. logging.handlers.SysLogHandler doesn't support splitting exceptions into several lines. This class should only be used once per process. """ _LEVEL_MAP = { logging.CRITICAL: syslog.LOG_CRIT, logging.ERROR: syslog.LOG_ERR, logging.WARNING: syslog.LOG_WARNING, logging.INFO: syslog.LOG_INFO, logging.DEBUG: syslog.LOG_DEBUG, } def __init__(self, ident): """Initializes instances. @type ident: string @param ident: String prepended to every message """ logging.Handler.__init__(self) syslog.openlog(ident, syslog.LOG_PID, syslog.LOG_USER) def close(self): syslog.closelog() def _MapLogLevel(self, levelno): """Maps log level to syslog. @type levelno: int @param levelno: Log level Default is LOG_DEBUG. """ return self._LEVEL_MAP.get(levelno, syslog.LOG_DEBUG) def emit(self, record): """Send a log record to syslog. @type record: logging.LogRecord @param record: Log record """ msg = self.format(record) if record.exc_info: messages = msg.split(os.linesep) else: messages = [msg] priority = self._MapLogLevel(record.levelno) for msg in messages: syslog.syslog(priority, msg) class LoggingSetupOptions(object): def __init__(self, debug, logtostderr): """Initializes logging setup options class. @type debug: bool @param debug: Whether to enable debug log messages @type logtostderr: bool @param logtostderr: Whether to write log messages to stderr """ self.debug = debug self.logtostderr = logtostderr class LoggingSetup(object): """Logging setup class. This class should only be used once per process. """ def __init__(self, program): """Configures the logging module @type program: str @param program: the name under which we should log messages """ self._program = program self._options = None self._root_logger = None self._stderr_handler = None self._syslog_handler = None def Init(self): """Initializes the logging module. """ assert not self._root_logger assert not self._stderr_handler assert not self._syslog_handler # Get root logger self._root_logger = self._InitRootLogger() # Create stderr handler self._stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) # Create syslog handler self._syslog_handler = CustomSyslogHandler(self._program) self._ConfigureHandlers() def SetOptions(self, options): """Configure logging setup. @type options: L{LoggingSetupOptions} @param options: Configuration object """ self._options = options self._ConfigureHandlers() @staticmethod def _InitRootLogger(): """Initializes and returns the root logger. """ root_logger = logging.getLogger("") root_logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) # Remove all previously setup handlers for handler in root_logger.handlers: root_logger.removeHandler(handler) handler.close() return root_logger def _ConfigureHandlers(self): """Set formatters and levels for handlers. """ stderr_level = None syslog_level = None if self._options is None: # Log error and above stderr_level = logging.ERROR else: if self._options.debug: # Log everything level = logging.NOTSET else: # Log info and above (e.g. error) level = logging.INFO if self._options.logtostderr: stderr_level = level else: syslog_level = level # Configure handlers self._ConfigureSingleHandler(self._stderr_handler, stderr_level, False) self._ConfigureSingleHandler(self._syslog_handler, syslog_level, True) def _ConfigureSingleHandler(self, handler, level, is_syslog): """Configures a handler based on the parameters. """ if level is None: self._root_logger.removeHandler(handler) return debug = self._options is not None and self._options.debug fmt = self._GetMessageFormat(self._program, is_syslog, debug) handler.setLevel(level) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt)) self._root_logger.addHandler(handler) @staticmethod def _GetMessageFormat(program, is_syslog, debug): """Returns message format. """ assert "%" not in program if is_syslog: fmt = "" else: fmt = "%(asctime)s: " + program + " pid=%(process)d " fmt += "%(levelname)s" if debug: fmt += " %(module)s:%(lineno)s" fmt += " %(message)s" return fmt def WithoutTerminalEcho(fd, fn, *args, **kwargs): """Calls function with ECHO flag disabled on passed file descriptor. @type fd: file or int @param fd: File descriptor @type fn: callable @param fn: Called function """ assert callable(fn) # Keep old terminal settings try: old = termios.tcgetattr(fd) except termios.error, err: if err.args[0] not in (errno.ENOTTY, errno.EINVAL): raise old = None if old is not None: new = old[:] # Disable the echo flag in lflags (index 3) new[3] &= ~termios.ECHO termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, new) try: return fn(*args, **kwargs) finally: if old is not None: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old) def NormalizeSpace(text): """Replace all whitespace (\\s) with a single space. Whitespace at start and end are also removed. """ return re.sub(r"\s+", " ", text).strip() def RemoveFile(filename): """Remove a file ignoring some errors. Remove a file, ignoring non-existing ones or directories. Other errors are passed. @type filename: str @param filename: the file to be removed """ try: os.unlink(filename) except OSError, err: if err.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EISDIR): raise def SetCloseOnExecFlag(fd, enable): """Sets or unsets the close-on-exec flag on a file descriptor. @type fd: int @param fd: File descriptor @type enable: bool @param enable: Whether to set or unset it. """ flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD) if enable: flags |= fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC else: flags &= ~fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, flags) def SetNonblockFlag(fd, enable): """Sets or unsets the O_NONBLOCK flag on on a file descriptor. @type fd: int @param fd: File descriptor @type enable: bool @param enable: Whether to set or unset it """ flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) if enable: flags |= os.O_NONBLOCK else: flags &= ~os.O_NONBLOCK fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags) def ListVisibleFiles(path): """Returns a list of visible files in a directory. @type path: str @param path: the directory to enumerate @rtype: list @return: the list of all files not starting with a dot """ files = [i for i in os.listdir(path) if not i.startswith(".")] files.sort() return files def WriteFile(file_name, fn=None, data=None, mode=None, uid=-1, gid=-1): """(Over)write a file atomically. The file_name and either fn (a function taking one argument, the file descriptor, and which should write the data to it) or data (the contents of the file) must be passed. The other arguments are optional and allow setting the file mode, owner and group of the file. If the function (WriteFile) doesn't raise an exception, it has succeeded and the target file has the new contents. If the function has raised an exception, an existing target file should be unmodified and the temporary file should be removed. @type file_name: str @param file_name: the target filename @type fn: callable @param fn: content writing function, called with file descriptor as parameter @type data: str @param data: contents of the file @type mode: int @param mode: file mode @type uid: int @param uid: the owner of the file @type gid: int @param gid: the group of the file @raise errors.ProgrammerError: if any of the arguments are not valid """ if not os.path.isabs(file_name): raise errors.ProgrammerError("Path passed to WriteFile is not" " absolute: '%s'" % file_name) if [fn, data].count(None) != 1: raise errors.ProgrammerError("fn or data required") dir_name, base_name = os.path.split(file_name) fd, new_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=".tmp", suffix=base_name, dir=dir_name) try: if uid != -1 or gid != -1: os.chown(new_name, uid, gid) if mode: os.chmod(new_name, mode) if data is not None: os.write(fd, data) else: fn(fd) os.fsync(fd) os.rename(new_name, file_name) finally: os.close(fd) # Make sure temporary file is removed in any case RemoveFile(new_name) def FormatTable(data, columns): """Formats a list of input data as a table. Columns must be passed via the C{columns} parameter. It must be a list of tuples, each containing the column caption, width and a function to retrieve the value. If the width is negative, the value is aligned to the right. The column function is called for every item. Example: >>> columns = [ ("Name", 10, lambda item: item[0]), ("Value", -5, lambda item: item[1]), ] >>> data = [("Row%d" % i, i) for i in xrange(3)] >>> print "\\n".join(utils.FormatTable(data, columns)) Name Value ---------- ----- Row0 0 Row1 1 Row2 2 @type data: list @param data: Input data @type columns: list of tuples @param columns: Column definitions @rtype: list of strings @return: Rows as strings """ col_width = [] header_row = [] dashes_row = [] format_fields = [] for idx, (header, width, _) in enumerate(columns): if idx == (len(columns) - 1) and width >= 0: # Last column col_width.append(None) fmt = "%s" else: col_width.append(abs(width)) if width < 0: fmt = "%*s" else: fmt = "%-*s" format_fields.append(fmt) if col_width[idx] is not None: header_row.append(col_width[idx]) dashes_row.append(col_width[idx]) header_row.append(header) dashes_row.append(abs(width) * "-") format = " ".join(format_fields) rows = [header_row, dashes_row] for item in data: row = [] for idx, (_, width, fn) in enumerate(columns): if col_width[idx] is not None: row.append(col_width[idx]) row.append(fn(item)) rows.append(row) return [format % tuple(row) for row in rows] class RetryTimeout(Exception): """Retry loop timed out. """ class RetryAgain(Exception): """Retry again. """ def Retry(fn, start, factor, limit, timeout, _time=time): """Call a function repeatedly until it succeeds. The function C{fn} is called repeatedly until it doesn't throw L{RetryAgain} anymore. Between calls a delay starting at C{start} and multiplied by C{factor} on each run until it's above C{limit} is inserted. After a total of C{timeout} seconds, the retry loop fails with L{RetryTimeout}. @type fn: callable @param fn: Function to be called (no parameters supported) @type start: float @param start: Initial value for delay @type factor: float @param factor: Factor for delay increase @type limit: float @param limit: Upper limit for delay @type timeout: float @param timeout: Total timeout @return: Return value of function """ assert start > 0 assert factor > 1.0 assert limit >= 0 end_time = _time.time() + timeout delay = start while True: try: return fn() except RetryAgain: pass if _time.time() > end_time: raise RetryTimeout() _time.sleep(delay) if delay < limit: delay *= factor def ShellQuote(value): """Quotes shell argument according to POSIX. @type value: str @param value: the argument to be quoted @rtype: str @return: the quoted value """ if _SHELL_UNQUOTED_RE.match(value): return value else: return "'%s'" % value.replace("'", "'\\''") def ShellQuoteArgs(args): """Quotes a list of shell arguments. @type args: list @param args: list of arguments to be quoted @rtype: str @return: the quoted arguments concatenaned with spaces """ return " ".join([ShellQuote(i) for i in args]) def CloseFd(fd, retries=5): """Close a file descriptor ignoring errors. @type fd: int @param fd: File descriptor @type retries: int @param retries: How many retries to make, in case we get any other error than EBADF """ while retries > 0: retries -= 1 try: os.close(fd) except OSError, err: if err.errno != errno.EBADF: continue break def GetMaxFd(): """Determine max file descriptor number. @rtype: int @return: Max file descriptor number """ maxfd = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1] if maxfd == resource.RLIM_INFINITY: # Default maximum for the number of available file descriptors. maxfd = 1024 try: maxfd = os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX") except ValueError: pass if maxfd < 0: maxfd = 1024 return maxfd def StartDaemon(fn): """Start a daemon process. Starts a daemon process by double-forking and invoking a function. The function should then use exec*(2) to start the process. """ # First fork pid = os.fork() if pid != 0: # Parent process # Try to avoid zombies try: os.waitpid(pid, 0) except OSError: pass return # First child process os.setsid() # Second fork pid = os.fork() if pid != 0: # Second parent process os._exit(0) # Second child process os.chdir("/") os.umask(077) # Close all file descriptors for fd in xrange(GetMaxFd()): CloseFd(fd) # Open /dev/null fd = os.open(DEV_NULL, os.O_RDWR) # Redirect stdio to /dev/null os.dup2(fd, constants.STDIN_FILENO) os.dup2(fd, constants.STDOUT_FILENO) os.dup2(fd, constants.STDERR_FILENO) try: # Call function starting daemon fn() os._exit(0) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): raise except: os._exit(1) def CallWithSignalHandlers(sigtbl, fn, *args, **kwargs): previous = {} try: for (signum, handler) in sigtbl.iteritems(): # Setup handler prev_handler = signal.signal(signum, handler) try: previous[signum] = prev_handler except Exception: # Restore previous handler signal.signal(signum, prev_handler) raise return fn(*args, **kwargs) finally: for (signum, prev_handler) in previous.items(): signal.signal(signum, prev_handler) # If successful, remove from dict del previous[signum] assert not previous def _GetSignalNumberTable(_signal=signal): table = {} for name in dir(_signal): if name.startswith("SIG") and not name.startswith("SIG_"): signum = getattr(_signal, name) if isinstance(signum, (int, long)): table[signum] = name return table def GetSignalName(signum, _signal=signal): """Returns signal name by signal number. If the signal number is not known, "Signal 123" is returned (with the passed signal number instead of 123). @type signum: int @param signum: Signal number @rtype: str @return: Signal name """ # This table could be cached table = _GetSignalNumberTable(_signal=_signal) try: return table[signum] except KeyError: return "Signal %s" % signum def _ConvertVersionPart(value): """Tries to convert a value to an integer. """ try: return int(value) except ValueError: return value def _GetVersionSplitter(sep, count): """Returns callable to split wanted parts from version. @type sep: string @param sep: String of separator characters @type count: int @param count: How many parts to return """ assert sep assert count == -1 or count > 0 # str.split is a lot faster but doesn't provide the right semantics when # the caller wants more than one possible separator. #if len(sep) == 1: # if count == -1: # return lambda ver: ver.split(sep) # else: # return lambda ver: ver.split(sep, count)[:count] re_split = re.compile("[%s]" % re.escape(sep)).split if count == -1: return lambda ver: re_split(ver) else: return lambda ver: re_split(ver, count)[:count] def GetVersionComparator(sep, count=-1): """Returns a cmp-compatible function to compare two version strings. @type sep: string @param sep: String of separator characters, similar to strsep(3) @type count: int @param count: How many parts to compare (-1 for all) """ # TODO: Support for versions such as "1.2~alpha0" split_fn = _GetVersionSplitter(sep, count) split_version = lambda ver: map(_ConvertVersionPart, split_fn(ver)) return lambda x, y: cmp(split_version(x), split_version(y)) def ParseVersion(version, sep, digits): """Parses a version and converts it to a number. Example: >>> ParseVersion("", ".-", [2, 2, 2]) 30307 >>> ParseVersion("", ".-", [2, 2, 4]) 3030005 >>> ParseVersion("", ".-", [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]) 303090201 >>> ParseVersion("12.1", ".-", [2, 2, 2, 2]) 12010000 >>> ParseVersion("23.193", ".-", [2, 4]) 230193 @type version: str @param version: Version string @type sep: string @param sep: String of separator characters, similar to strsep(3) @type digits: list @param digits: List of digits to be used per part """ split_fn = _GetVersionSplitter(sep, len(digits)) parts = split_fn(version) version = 0 total_exp = 0 for idx, exp in reversed(list(enumerate(digits))): try: value = int(parts[idx]) except IndexError: value = 0 if value > 10 ** exp: raise ValueError("Version part %s (%r) too long for %s digits" % (idx, value, exp)) version += (10 ** total_exp) * value total_exp += exp return version def FormatVersion(version, sep, digits): """Format version number. @type version: int @param version: Version number (as returned by L{ParseVersion}) @type sep: string @param sep: Separator string between digits @type digits: list @param digits: List of digits used per part in the version numbers """ # TODO: Implement support for more than one separator parts = [] next = version for exp in reversed(digits): (next, value) = divmod(next, 10 ** exp) parts.append(str(value)) if next > 0: raise ValueError("Invalid version number (%r) for given digits (%r)" % (version, digits)) parts.reverse() return sep.join(parts) def LogFunctionWithPrefix(fn, prefix): return lambda msg, *args, **kwargs: fn(prefix + msg, *args, **kwargs) def GetExitcodeSignal(status): if status < 0: return (None, -status) else: return (status, None) def GetCurrentUserName(): """Returns the name of the user that owns the current process. """ return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]