#!/usr/bin/python # =========================================================================== # eXe # Copyright 2004-2006, University of Auckland # Copyright 2004-2008 eXe Project, http://eXeLearning.org/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # =========================================================================== """ Main application class, pulls together everything and runs it. """ import os import sys import shutil import time import re import getpass from tempfile import mkdtemp # Make it so we can import our own nevow and twisted etc. if os.name == 'posix': sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/share/exe') from getopt import getopt, GetoptError from exe.webui.webserver import WebServer # Must import reactor AFTER WebServer. It's yucky, but that's life from twisted.internet import reactor from exe.webui.browser import launchBrowser from exe.engine.idevicestore import IdeviceStore from exe.engine.packagestore import PackageStore from exe.engine.translate import installSafeTranslate from exe.engine import version from exe import globals from exe.engine.path import TempDirPath import logging import re log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Windows_Log(object): """ Logging for py2exe application """ def __init__(self, level): self.level = level def write(self, text): log.log(self.level, text) if sys.platform[:3] == "win": # put stderr and stdout into the log file sys.stdout = Windows_Log(logging.INFO) sys.stderr = Windows_Log(logging.ERROR) del Windows_Log # Global application variable globals.application = None class Application: """ Main application class, pulls together everything and runs it. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ self.config = None self.packageStore = None self.ideviceStore = None self.packagePath = None self.webServer = None self.standalone = False # Used for the ready to run exe self.persistNonPersistants = False self.tempWebDir = mkdtemp('.eXe') self.afterUpgradeHandlers = [] assert globals.application is None, "You tried to instantiate two Application objects" globals.application = self def main(self): """ Main function, starts eXe """ self.processArgs() self.loadConfiguration() try: username = getpass.getuser() except ImportError: username = '' eXeStart = globals.application.tempWebDir eXeStart = re.sub("[\/|\\\\][^\/|\\\\]*$","",eXeStart) eXeStart = eXeStart + '/tmpExeStartupTime.' + username if os.path.exists(eXeStart): inStartFH=open(eXeStart, "r") lastRunTimeS = 0 for line in inStartFH: try: lastRunTimeS = int(line) except ValueError: lastRunTimeS = 0 inStartFH.close() log.debug('lastRunTimeS: ' + `lastRunTimeS`) currentTime = int (time.time()) currentTime2 = int (time.time()) log.info('currentTime: ' + `currentTime`) if(currentTime <= lastRunTimeS + 3 and currentTime >= lastRunTimeS): #self.xulMessage(_('eXe appears to already be running')) #log.info('eXe appears to already be running: lastRunTimes: ' + `lastRunTimeS` + ' currentTime: ' + `currentTime` + 'currentTime2: ' + `currentTime2`) return None else: log.info('eXeStart: ' + eXeStart) log.info('tempWebDir: ' + globals.application.tempWebDir) # if a document was double clicked to launch on Win32, # make sure we have the long pathname if sys.platform[:3] == "win" and self.packagePath is not None: self.packagePath = self.config.getLongPathName(self.packagePath) installSafeTranslate() self.preLaunch() # preLaunch() has called find_port() to set config.port (the IP port #) if self.config.port >= 0: self.launch() log.info('serving') self.serve() log.info('done serving') else: #self.xulMessage(_('eXe appears to already be running')) log.error('eXe appears to already be running') log.error('looks like the eXe server was not able to find a valid port; terminating...') shutil.rmtree(self.tempWebDir, True) try: os.remove(eXeStart) except IOError: pass def processArgs(self): """ Processes the command line arguments """ try: options, packages = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hV", ["help", "version", "standalone"]) except GetoptError: self.usage() sys.exit(2) if len(packages) == 1: self.packagePath = packages[0] elif len(packages) > 1: self.usage() sys.exit(2) for option in options: if option[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print "eXe", version.version sys.exit() elif option[0] in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit() elif option[0].lower() == '--standalone': self.standalone = True def loadConfiguration(self): """ Loads the config file and applies all the settings """ if self.standalone: from exe.engine.standaloneconfig import StandaloneConfig self.config = StandaloneConfig() elif sys.platform[:3] == "win": from exe.engine.winconfig import WinConfig self.config = WinConfig() elif sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": from exe.engine.macconfig import MacConfig self.config = MacConfig() else: from exe.engine.linuxconfig import LinuxConfig self.config = LinuxConfig() log.debug("logging set up") def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.packageStore = PackageStore() self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir/'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port() def serve(self): """ Starts the web server, this func doesn't return until after the app has finished """ print "Welcome to eXe: the eLearning XHTML editor" log.info("eXe running...") self.webServer.run() def _loadPackage(self, packagePath): #""" #Convenience function for loading the first package that we'll browse to #""" try: #XXXX xxxx log.info("webDir: " + self.config.webDir) log.info("tempWebDir: " + self.tempWebDir) inSplashFile = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.xulTemplate" outSplashFile = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.xul" outSplashData = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.dat" outSplashFile = self.tempWebDir + "/splash.xul" outSplashData = self.tempWebDir + "/splash.dat" log.info("inSplashFile: " + inSplashFile) log.info("outSplashFile: " + outSplashFile) log.info("outSplashData: " + outSplashData) #resets any splash page data outSplashFH = open(outSplashData, "w") outSplashFH.write("") outSplashFH.close() inSplashFH = open(inSplashFile, "r") outSplashFH = open(outSplashFile, "w") pleaseWaitLoad = _(u'Please wait until loading finishes') for line in inSplashFH: line = line.replace("LOADING_FILE_NAME", packagePath) line = line.replace("PLEASE_WAIT_LOAD", pleaseWaitLoad) outSplashFH.write(line) inSplashFH.close() outSplashFH.close() log.info("packagePath: " + packagePath) launchBrowser(self.config, outSplashFile, "splash") shutil.copyfile(self.config.webDir + '/images/exe_logo.png', self.tempWebDir + '/exe_logo.png') package = self.packageStore.loadPackage(packagePath) port = self.config.port editorUrl = u'' % (port, package.name) log.info("package.name: "+package.name) log.info("editorUrl: " + editorUrl) log.info("TempDirPath: " + editorUrl) outSplashFH = open(outSplashData, "w") outSplashFH.write("1000;" + editorUrl) outSplashFH.close() self.webServer.root.bindNewPackage(package) return package except Exception, e: log.error('Error loading first Package (%s): %s' % (packagePath, e)) message = _(u'Sorry, wrong file format') outSplashFH=open(globals.application.tempWebDir + \ '/splash.dat',"w") message = re.sub(";",":",message) port = self.config.port outSplashFH.write("1000;" + `port` + "/;" + \ message) outSplashFH.close() return None def xulMessage(self, msg): """ launches the web browser and displays a message without the need of a running/responding webserver """ inXulMsgFile = self.config.webDir + "/docs/xulMsg.xulTemplate" outXulMsgFile = self.tempWebDir + "/xulMsg.xul" log.info("outXulMsgFile: " + outXulMsgFile) log.info("xulMessage: " + msg) inXulMsgFH = open(inXulMsgFile, "r") outXulMsgFH = open(outXulMsgFile, "w") for line in inXulMsgFH: line = re.sub("XUL_MESSAGE", msg, line) outXulMsgFH.write(line) inXulMsgFH.close() outXulMsgFH.close() launchBrowser(self.config, outXulMsgFile, "xulMsg") shutil.copyfile(self.config.webDir + '/images/exe_logo.png', self.tempWebDir + '/exe_logo.png') #allow sufficient time for the file to be read before exiting #which automatically deletes the tempWebDir and all files time.sleep(3) def launch(self): """ launches the webbrowser """ package = None if self.packagePath: package = self._loadPackage(self.packagePath) else: launchBrowser(self.config, "", "") def usage(self): """ Print usage info """ print "Usage: "+os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])+" [OPTION] [PACKAGE]" print " -V, --version print version information and exit" print " -h, --help display this help and exit" print " --standalone Run totally from current directory" print "Settings are read from exe.conf " print "in $HOME/.exe on Linux/Unix or" print "in Documents and Settings//Application Data/exe " print "on Windows" # 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