# =========================================================================== # eXe # Copyright 2004-2006, University of Auckland # Copyright 2004-2008 eXe Project, http://eXeLearning.org/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # =========================================================================== """ Gallery Idevice. Enables you to easily manage a bunch of images and thumbnails """ import Image, ImageDraw from twisted.persisted.styles import requireUpgrade from copy import copy, deepcopy import logging from exe.engine.idevice import Idevice from exe.engine.field import TextField from exe.engine.path import Path, TempDirPath, toUnicode from exe.engine.persist import Persistable from exe.engine.resource import Resource from exe.engine.translate import lateTranslate from exe.webui.common import docType from exe import globals as G import os import codecs log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _ShowsResources(Persistable): """ Base class for gallery and gallery image. In Preview mode, resourcesUrl = 'resources/' but in export mode, resourcesUrl = None. Doing it this way, we don't need seperate functions for preview and view/export. The ideal solution would be to not have the URL to resources change ever. """ # Class attribute resourcesUrl = 'resources/' @staticmethod def export(): """ Turns on export mode. """ _ShowsResources.resourcesUrl = '' @staticmethod def preview(): """ Turns on preview mode. """ _ShowsResources.resourcesUrl = 'resources/' # =========================================================================== class GalleryImage(_ShowsResources): """ Holds a gallery image and its caption. Can produce a thumbnail and a preview, popup window. """ persistenceVersion = 3 # Default attribute values _parent = None _caption = None _id = None thumbnailSize = (128, 128) size = thumbnailSize bgColour = 0x808080 def __init__(self, parent, caption, originalImagePath, mkThumbnail=True): """ 'parent' is a GalleryIdevice instance 'caption' is some text that will be displayed with the image 'originalImagePath' is the local path to the image 'mkThumbnail' allows easier other, non-image, embedding by not attempting a thumbnail where not applicable. """ self.parent = parent self._caption = TextField(caption) self._imageResource = None self._thumbnailResource = None self.makeThumbnail = mkThumbnail self._saveFiles(originalImagePath) def _saveFiles(self, originalImagePath=None): """ Copies the image file and saves the thumbnail file 'originalImagePath' is a Path instance setting 'originalImagePath' to None, will just recreate the thumbnail resources from the existing image resource. """ package = self.parent.parentNode.package # protect against corrupt elps with images/resources which have # somehow gone missing (appears to have been due to faulty Extracts) if originalImagePath is not None: if not os.path.exists(originalImagePath) \ or not os.path.isfile(originalImagePath): # If we can't find the image, apologize to the user... log.error("Couldn't find image: %s\n" % (originalImagePath)) # and then gracefully bow out of the rest of this: originalImagePath = None # IDEALLY: want to also load and place a "broken image" here, # but for now, at least exit gracefully, yah? return if originalImagePath is not None: originalImagePath = Path(originalImagePath) # Copy the original image self._imageResource = Resource(self.parent, originalImagePath) # Create the thumbnail if not self.makeThumbnail or self._thumbnailResource is not None: return try: image = Image.open(toUnicode(self._imageResource.path)) except Exception, e: # If we can't load the image, apologize to the user... log.error("Couldn't load image: %s\nBecause: %s" % (self._imageResource.path, str(e))) image = Image.new('RGBA', self.thumbnailSize, (0xFF, 0, 0, 0)) self._msgImage(image, _(u"No Thumbnail Available. Could not load original image.")) self.size = image.size try: image.thumbnail(self.thumbnailSize, Image.ANTIALIAS) except Exception, e: # If we can't load the image, apologize to the user... log.error("Couldn't shrink image: %s\nBecause: %s" % (self._imageResource.path, str(e))) image = Image.new('RGBA', self.thumbnailSize, (0xFF, 0, 0, 0)) self._msgImage(image, _(u"No Thumbnail Available. Could not shrink original image.")) image2 = Image.new('RGBA', self.thumbnailSize, (0xFF, 0, 0, 0)) width1, height1 = image.size width2, height2 = image2.size left = int(round((width2 - width1) / 2.)) top = int(round((height2 - height1) / 2.)) try: image2.paste(image, (left, top)) except IOError: # If we cannot handle this type of image, print a nice message in # the thumbnail self._defaultThumbnail(image2) tmpDir = TempDirPath() thumbnailPath = Path(tmpDir/self._imageResource.path.namebase + "Thumbnail.png").unique() try: image2.save(thumbnailPath) self._thumbnailResource = Resource(self.parent, thumbnailPath) finally: thumbnailPath.remove() def _defaultThumbnail(self, image): """ Draws a nice default thumbnail on 'image' """ self._msgImage(image, _(u"No Thumbnail Available. Could not shrink image.")) def _msgImage(self, image, msg): """ Puts a message in an image """ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) draw.rectangle([(0, 0), self.thumbnailSize], fill="black") words = msg.split(' ') size = draw.textsize(msg) top = 1 # Word wrap while words: if top > self.thumbnailSize[1]: # Ran over bottom break # Find the longest string of words that can fit on this line for ln in range(len(words), -1, -1): size = draw.textsize(' '.join(words[:ln])) if size[0] <= self.thumbnailSize[0]: break draw.text((1, top), ' '.join(words[:ln])) words = words[ln:] top += size[1] # Public Methods def delete(self): """ Removes our files from resources and removes us from our parent's list """ if self._imageResource: self._imageResource.delete() if self.makeThumbnail and self._thumbnailResource: self._thumbnailResource.delete() self.parent = None # This also removes our self from our parent's list # Property Handlers def set_parent(self, parent): """ Used for changing the parent attribute, handles adding and removing from parents images list """ if self._parent is not parent: if self._parent: self._parent.images.remove(self) self._id = None if parent: parent.images.append(self) self._id = parent.genImageId() self._parent = parent def get_imageFilename(self): """ Returns the full path to the image """ return self._imageResource.path def set_imageFilename(self, filename): """ Totally changes the image to point to a new filename """ if self._imageResource: self._imageResource.delete() if self.makeThumbnail and self._thumbnailResource: self._thumbnailResource.delete() self._saveFiles(filename) def get_thumbnailFilename(self): """ Returns the full path to the thumbnail """ if (not self.makeThumbnail) or (not self._thumbnailResource): return None return self._thumbnailResource.path def set_caption(self, value): """ Set's the text of our caption """ self._caption.content = value def __repr__(self): """ Represents 'GalleryImage' as a string for the programmer """ return '' # Properties imageFilename = property(get_imageFilename, set_imageFilename) thumbnailFilename = property(get_thumbnailFilename) caption = property(lambda self: self._caption.content, set_caption) parent = property(lambda self: self._parent, set_parent) imageSrc = property(lambda self: '%s%s' % (self.resourcesUrl , self._imageResource.storageName)) thumbnailSrc = property(lambda self: '%s%s' % (self.resourcesUrl, self._thumbnailResource.storageName)) # note that the above thumbnailSrc might also eventually want some # error checking for cases where self.makeThumbnail == false # For now, though, it is left to the objects using makeThumbnail==false # to not inappropriately reference thumbnailSrc. # id is unique on this page even out side of the block id = property(lambda self: self._id) index = property(lambda self: self.parent.images.index(self)) def upgradeToVersion1(self): """ Called to upgrade from 0.10 to 0.11 """ # Create the HTML popup window self._htmlFilename = Path(self._imageFilename).namebase + '.html' def _upgradeImageToVersion2(self): """ Upgrades to exe v0.12 """ # In case upgradeToVersion1 above has not been called yet requireUpgrade(self) self._imageResource = Resource(self.parent, Path(self._imageFilename)) self._thumbnailResource = Resource(self.parent, Path(self._thumbnailFilename)) self._htmlResource = Resource(self.parent, Path(self._htmlFilename)) del self._imageFilename del self._thumbnailFilename del self._htmlFilename def _deleteHTMLResource(self): """ Delete our HTML Resource """ if hasattr(self, '_htmlResource') and self._htmlResource: self._htmlResource.delete() del self._htmlResource def upgradeToVersion2(self): """ Upgrades to verison 0.20 """ G.application.afterUpgradeHandlers.append(self._deleteHTMLResource) def upgradeToVersion3(self): """ Adds new makeThumnail, to support non-image media """ self.makeThumbnail = True # =========================================================================== class GalleryImages(Persistable, list): """ Allows easy access to gallery images """ def __init__(self, idevice): """ Just takes the idevice who it is working for """ list.__init__(self) self.idevice = idevice def __getstate__(self): """ Enables jellying of our list items """ result = Persistable.__getstate__(self) result['.listitems'] = list(self) return result def __setstate__(self, state): """ Enables jellying of our list items """ for item in state['.listitems']: self.append(item) del state['.listitems'] Persistable.__setstate__(self, state) # Sequence handler functions def __getitem__(self, index): """ Allows one to retrieve an image by index or id """ if isinstance(index, int) or isinstance(index, slice): return list.__getitem__(self, index) else: for image in self: if image.id == index: return image else: raise KeyError(index) def __delitem__(self, index): """ Cleanly removes the image and its filens """ self[index].delete() def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ Makes sure deepcopy doesn't double the entries in our list """ result = GalleryImages(deepcopy(self.idevice, memo)) memo[id(self)] = result for image in self: result.append(deepcopy(image, memo)) return result def __repr__(self): """ Represents 'GalleryImages' as a string for the programmer """ return '' # =========================================================================== class GalleryIdevice(_ShowsResources, Idevice): """ Gallery Idevice. Enables you to easily manage a bunch of images and thumbnails. """ # Class attributes persistenceVersion = 7 previewSize = (320.0, 240.0) # Default attribute values _htmlResource = None def __init__(self, parentNode=None): """ Sets up the idevice title and instructions etc """ Idevice.__init__(self, x_(u"Image Gallery"), x_(u"eXe Project"), x_(u"""

Where you have a number of images that relate to each other or to a particular learning exercise you may wish to display these in a gallery context rather then individually.

"""), x_(u"Use this Idevice if you have a lot of images to " "show."), "gallery", parentNode) self.emphasis = Idevice.SomeEmphasis self.nextImageId = 0 self.images = GalleryImages(self) self.currentImageIndex = 0 self.systemResources += ["stock-insert-image.png"] self._titleInstruc = x_(u'Enter a title for the gallery') self._addImageInstr = x_(u"Click on the Add images button to select " u"an image file. The image will appear " u"below where you will be able to label " u"it. It's always good practice to put " u"the file size in the label.") # Properties addImageInstr = lateTranslate('addImageInstr') titleInstruc = lateTranslate('titleInstruc') htmlSrc = property(lambda self: '%s%s' % (self.resourcesUrl, self._htmlResource.storageName)) def getResourcesField(self, this_resource): """ implement the specific resource finding mechanism for this iDevice: """ # be warned that before upgrading, this iDevice field could not exist: if hasattr(self, 'images'): for this_image in self.images: if hasattr(this_image, '_imageResource') \ and this_resource == this_image._imageResource: return self.images return None def getRichTextFields(self): """ Like getResourcesField(), a general helper to allow nodes to search through all of their fields without having to know the specifics of each iDevice type. """ # GalleryIdevice has no rich-text fields: return [] def burstHTML(self, i): """ takes a BeautifulSoup fragment (i) and bursts its contents to import this idevice from a CommonCartridge export """ resourceDir = self.parentNode.package.resourceDir # GalleryImage Idevice: title = i.find(name='span', attrs={'class' : 'iDeviceTitle' }) self.title = title.renderContents().decode('utf-8') images = i.findAll(name='div', attrs={'class' : 'gallery_image' }) # image src is stored in the image div tag's value captions = i.findAll(name='div', attrs={'class' : 'caption' }) popup = i.find(name='div', attrs={'class' : 'gallery_popup' }) for image_loop in range(len(images)): image = images[image_loop].attrMap['value'].decode('utf-8') caption = captions[image_loop].renderContents().decode('utf-8') gallery_image = self.addImage(resourceDir/image) gallery_image._caption.content = caption # ====> NOW Also Add the HTML file!!!!!!! #popup_file = popup.attrMap['value'].decode('utf-8') #self._htmlResource = Resource(self, resourceDir/popup_file) # the above seems to behave wacky, only showing the last image, # so for now, try to just re-generate the popup: if len(images) > 0: self._createHTMLPopupFile() # WARNING!!!!! the above still doesn't quite work for the popup! # Dunno, but even once freshly generated, it only shows the last one def genImageId(self): """Generate a unique id for an image. Called by 'GalleryImage'""" self.nextImageId += 1 return '%s.%s' % (self.id, self.nextImageId - 1) def addImage(self, imagePath): """ Adds a new image to the last taking an image path. Generates the thumbnail and the image in the resources directory. """ return GalleryImage(self, '', imagePath) def recreateResources(self): """ Recreates all the thumbnails and html pages from the original image resources. """ log.debug(u'recreateResources for %d images' % (len(self.images))) if len(self.images) > 0: self._createHTMLPopupFile() for image in self.images: image._saveFiles() def _killBadImages(self): """ Kills images that have somehow gotten corrupted and lost their reference to their resource (See #601) """ for i in range(len(self.images)-1, -1, -1): image = self.images[i] if hasattr(image, '_htmlResource'): if image._imageResource is None or image._htmlResource is None: del self.images[i] def _createHTMLPopupFile(self): """ Renders an HTML page that show's the image (Only realy needed for stupid IE) """ _ShowsResources.export() try: # Choose our style dir if self.parentNode: styleDir = self.parentNode.package.style else: # Should really never get here, but just in case... styleDir = 'default' # Render! img = self.images[0] data = docType() + u''' %s


%s %s %s

''' % (img.caption, _('Previous'), _('Close'), _('Next'), self.previewSize[0], self.previewSize[1], unicode(img.imageSrc)) finally: _ShowsResources.preview() # Create the HTML popup window tmpDir = TempDirPath() htmlPath = Path(tmpDir/'galleryPopup.html') log.debug("_createHTMLPopupFile htmlPath=%s" % htmlPath) try: htmlFile = codecs.open(htmlPath, encoding='utf-8', mode='wb') htmlFile.write(data) htmlFile.close() if not self._htmlResource is None: self._htmlResource.delete() self._htmlResource = Resource(self, htmlPath) finally: htmlPath.remove() # Upgrade Methods def upgradeToVersion1(self): """ Upgrades the node to exe version 0.7 """ self.lastIdevice = False def upgradeToVersion2(self): """ Upgrades exe to v0.10 """ self._upgradeIdeviceToVersion1() def upgradeToVersion3(self): """ Upgrades to v0.12 """ self._upgradeIdeviceToVersion2() for image in self.images: image._upgradeImageToVersion2() def upgradeToVersion4(self): """ Upgrades to v0.13 """ # Recreate all the html and thumbnail resources G.application.afterUpgradeHandlers.append(self.recreateResources) def upgradeToVersion5(self): """ Upgrades to v0.19 Some old resources had no storageName. """ self.userResources = [res for res in self.userResources if res.storageName is not None] def upgradeToVersion6(self): """ Upgrades to exe version 0.20.alpha (nightlies) Some packages were corrupted (See #601). """ # TODO: See what caused this corruption. See #601. G.application.afterUpgradeHandlers.append(self._killBadImages) def upgradeToVersion7(self): """ a wrapper to upgrade_recreateResources(self), such that it might be called after the package has been loaded and upgraded. Otherwise, due to the seemingly random upgrading of the package and resource objects, this might be called too early. """ G.application.afterUpgradeHandlers.append(self.upgrade_recreateResources) def upgrade_recreateResources(self): """ Upgrades to Version 0.20 """ package = self.parentNode.package # This hack is needed, because jelly doesn't upgrade things in order. # Sometimes the child is loaded before the parent if not hasattr(package, 'resources'): package.resources = {} self.recreateResources()