# Licensed under the same licence as the package. # # Matej Urbančič 2007 - 2008" # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: eXe 1.04\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-01-18 14:01+1300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-15 11:54+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Matej Urbančič \n" "Language-Team: Institut OKO, Iztok Osredkar, Mira Cvar \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Slovenian\n" "X-Poedit-Country: SLOVENIA\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-EXE-Language: Slovenščina\n" #: exe/engine/appletidevice.py:68 exe/engine/appletidevice.py:189 msgid "" "

If the applet you're adding was generated \n" "by one of the programs in this drop down, please select it, \n" "then add the data/applet file generated by your program.

\n" "

eg. For Geogebra applets, select geogebra, then add the .ggb file that \n" "you created in Geogebra.

" msgstr "" "

V primeru, da je vaš aplet ustvarjen z enim izmed\n" "programov v seznamu, ga prosim izberite, nato dodajte\n" "datoteko apleta, ki jo je ustvaril program.

\n" "

Primer: za Geogebra aplete, s seznama izberite geogebra,\n" "nato dodajte .ggb datoteko, ki ste jo ustvarili v Geogebri.

" #: exe/xului/mainpage.py:283 exe/xului/mainpage.py:849 #: exe/xului/mainpage.py:978 exe/xului/mainpage.py:1034 #: exe/xului/mainpage.py:1055 #, python-format msgid "" "\"%s\" already exists.\n" "Please try again with a different filename" msgstr "" "\"%s\" že obstaja.\n" "Prosim, poskusite znova z drugim imenom datoteke" #: exe/engine/appletidevice.py:65 msgid "" "\"Find the .txt file (in the applet file) \n" "and open it. Copy the contents of this file into the applet \n" "code field." msgstr "" "\"Poiščite datoteko .txt (v datoteki apleta) in jo odprite.\n" "Prekopirajte vsebino te datoteke v kodno\n" "polje apleta." #: exe/webui/block.py:246 msgid "---Move To---" msgstr "--- premakni v ---" #: exe/xului/mainpage.py:301 exe/xului/mainpage.py:723 #: exe/xului/mainpage.py:841 msgid ". Please use ASCII names." msgstr ". Prosimo, uporabljajte ASCII imena." #: exe/engine/clozeidevice.py:60 msgid "
If your goal is to test understanding of core concepts or reading comprehension

Write a summary of the concept or reading long enough to adequately test the target's knowledge, but short enough not to induce fatigue. Less than one typed page is probably adequate, but probably considerably less for young students or beginners.

Select words in the text thatare key to understanding the concepts. Thesewill probably be verbs, nouns, and key adverbs.Choose alternatives with one clear answer.

If your goal is to test vocabulary knowledge

Write a text using the target vocabulary. This text should be coherent and cohesive, and be of an appropriate length. Highlight the target words in the text. Choose alternatives with one clear answer.

If your goal is to test word formation/grammar:

Write a text using the target forms. This text should be coherent and cohesive, and be of an appropriate length. Remember that the goal is not vocabulary knowledge, so the core meanings of the stem words should be well known to the students.

Highlight the target words in the text. Provide alternatives with the same word stem, but different affixes. It is a good idea to get a colleague to test the test/exercise to make sure there are no surprises!

" msgstr "" "
V primeru, da je cilj vaše enote preizkusiti razumevanje osnovnih pojmov ali bralno razumevanje:

Napišite povzetek pojmov ali branja. Ta bi moral biti dovolj dolg, da primerno preizkusi vaše ciljno znanje, vendar ne predolg, da bi postal utrujajoč. Manj kot ena tipkana stran verjetno ustreza, vi pa morda želite napisati precej manj besedila za učence ali začetnike.

V besedilu izberite besede, ki so ključne za razumevanje pojmov. To so najpogosteje glagoli, samostalniki in ključni prislovi. Izberite alternative z enim jasnim odgovorom.

Če je vaš cilj preveriti besedišče:

Napišite besedilo z uporabo ciljnega besedišča. To besedilo mora biti soodvisno in povezano ter primerno dolgo. Označite ključne besede v besedilu. Izberite alternative z enim samim razumljivim odgovorom.

Če je vaš cilj preizkusiti oblikovanje besed/slovnico:

Napišite besedilo z uporabo ključnih oblik.\n" "To besedilo bi moralo biti soodvisno in vezljivo ter primerno dolgo. Zapomnite si, da cilj ni znanje besedišča, zato bi moral biti glavni pomen besednih korenov dobro znan učencem.

Označite ciljne besede v besedilu. Podajte alternative z istim besednim korenom, vendar z različnimi obrazili. Dobro je imeti partnerja za preizkušanje testa vaj, da boste prepričani, da ne bo presenečenj!

" #: exe/engine/multimediaidevice.py:50 msgid "
  1. Click <Select an MP3> and browse to the MP3 file you wish to insert
  2. Click on the dropdown menu to select the position that you want the file displayed on screen.
  3. Enter an optional caption for your file.
  4. Associate any relevant text to the MP3 file.
  5. Choose the type of style you would like the iDevice to display e.g. 'Some emphasis' applies a border and icon to the iDevice content displayed.
" msgstr "
  1. Kliknite <Izbor MP3> in izberite datoteko, ki jo želite vstaviti.
  2. Kliknite na padajoči meni in izberite mesto, kjer bo datoteka prikazana na zaslonu.
  3. Vnesite naslov vaše datoteke.
  4. Povežite MP3 datoteko s primernim besedilom.
  5. Izberite slog poučevalne enote (npr. 'nekaj poudarkov' določi rob ikonam vsebini poučevalne enote.
" #: exe/engine/imagewithtextidevice.py:45 msgid "" "

\n" "The image with text iDevice can be used in a number of ways to support both\n" "the emotional (affective) and learning task (cognitive) dimensions of eXe\n" "content. \n" "

\n" "Integrating visuals with verbal summaries\n" "

\n" "Cognitive psychologists indicate that presenting learners with a\n" "representative image and corresponding verbal summary (that is presented\n" "simultaneously) can reduce cognitive load and enhance learning retention.\n" "This iDevice can be used to present an image (photograph, diagram or\n" "graphic) with a brief verbal summary covering the main points relating to\n" "the image. For example, if you were teaching the functions of a four-stroke\n" "combustion engine, you could have a visual for each of the four positions of\n" "the piston with a brief textual summary of the key aspects of each visual.\n" "

" msgstr "" "

\n" "Poučevalna enota slike z besedilom je lahko uporabljena na številne načine\n" " na čustvenih (afektivnih) in učnih (kognitivnih) dimenzijah nalog eXe.\n" "Primer posamezne dimenzije:\n" "

\n" "Povezovanje slike in besed\n" "

\n" "Kognitivni psihologi navajajo, da v primerih, ko učencem predstavimo\n" "slikovno podobo sočasno z ustreznim besednim opisom,\n" "to zmanjša miselni napor izboljša učenje.\n" "Ta poučevalna enota se uporablja za za predstavitev slik (fotografij, diagramov ali\n" "grafike) skupaj s kratkim besednim povzetkom v katerem so zajete glavne značilnosti\n" "Na primer, če bi poučevali funkcije štiri-taktnega\n" "motorja z notranjim izgorevanjem, bi morali imeti sliko za vsakega od štirih\n" "položajev bata skupaj s kratkim besednim povzetkom kot ključnim vidikom\n" "za vsako sliko.\n" "

" #: exe/engine/attachmentidevice.py:71 msgid "

Assign a label for the attachment. It is useful to include the type of file. Eg. pdf, ppt, etc.

Including the size is also recommended so that after your package is exported to a web site, people will have an idea how long it would take to download this attachment.

For example: Sales Forecast.doc (500kb)

" msgstr "

Določite oznako priponke. Koristno je vključiti določene vrste datoteke (primer; pdf, ppt, itd.).

Priporočeno je tudi vpisovanje velikosti datoteke, da se kasneje, ko je vaš paket objavljen na spletni strani, uporabniki lažje odločijo bodo kako velike priponke bodo pretočili.

Primer: naravoslovje_v_šoli.ppt (485kb)

" #: exe/engine/clozeidevice.py:48 msgid "

Cloze exercises are texts or sentences where students must fill in missing words. They are often used for the following purposes:

  1. To check knowledge of core course concepts (this could be a pre-check, formative exercise, or summative check).
  2. To check reading comprehension.
  3. To check vocabulary knowledge.
  4. To check word formation and/or grammatical competence.
" msgstr "

Dopolnilne naloge so naloge, kjer so nekatere besede izpuščene iz besedila ali pa je izpuščen daljši odsek besedila. Učenec mora vnesti manjkajoče besedilo v ustrezno polje. Pogosto se ta vrsta nalog uporablja za:

  1. preverjanje razmišljanja,
  2. preverjanje branja,
  3. preverjanje besedišča,
  4. preverjanje slovnice.
" #: exe/engine/clozeidevice.py:124 msgid "" "

Enter the text for the cloze activity in to the cloze field \n" "by either pasting text from another source or by typing text directly into the \n" "field.

To select words to hide, double click on the word to select it and \n" "click on the Hide/Show Word button below.

" msgstr "" "

Vpišite besedilo za vaje dopolnilnih nalog.\n" "Besedilo se lahko natipka ali prilepi. Za izbiro besed, ki jih\n" "želite skriti, dvakrat kliknite na besedo in kliknite na gumb\n" "Skrij/Prikaži besedo.

" #: exe/engine/field.py:2725 msgid "

If left unchecked a small number of spelling and capitalization errors will be accepted. If checked only an exact match in spelling and capitalization will be accepted.

For example: If the correct answer is Elephant then both elephant and Eliphant will be judged \"close enough\" by the algorithm as it only has one letter wrong, even if \"Check Capitilization\" is on.

If capitalization checking is off in the above example, the lowercase e will not be considered a mistake and eliphant will also be accepted.

If both \"Strict Marking\" and \"Check Capitalization\" are set, the only correct answer is \"Elephant\". If only \"Strict Marking\" is checked and \"Check Capitalization\" is not, \"elephant\" will also be accepted.

" msgstr "

Možnost dovoljuje manjše število napak črkovanja ali uporabe različne velikosti črk. Izbrana možnost dovoljuje le natančno določen odgovor, kot je zapisan v rešitvi.

Primer: Če je pravilni odgovor na vprašanje Čebela, se upošteva oba odgovora; Čebela in čebela, saj sta si odgovora \" zelo blizu \" in je napačno zapisana le ena velika črka, tudi če je določena možnost \"preverjanje velikih črk\".

V primeru, da možnosti preverjanja velikih črk ni izbrana, pa se v zgornjem primeru, velika črka ne bo štela kot napaka. V tem primeru bo med pravilnimi odgovori tudi beseda čebula.

Če sta določeni obe možnosti \"Strogo označevanje\" in \"Preverjanje velikosti črk\", je edini pravilni odgovor \"Čebela\".

" #: exe/engine/field.py:2746 msgid "

If this option is checked, submitted answers with different capitalization will be marked as incorrect.

" msgstr "

Izbrana možnost omogoča, da se bodo predloženi odgovori z različnimi velikimi črkami označili kot pravilni.

" #: exe/engine/field.py:2751 msgid "" "

If this option is set, each word will be marked as the \n" "learner types it rather than all the words being marked the end of the \n" "exercise.

" msgstr "" "

Izbrana možnost omogoča, da bo vsaka beseda označena\n" "v trenutku, ko bo natipkana in ne samo na koncu, ko bodo natipkane vse besede\n" "izbrane vaje.

" #: exe/engine/field.py:3000 msgid "

Select symbols from the text editor below or enter LATEX manually to create mathematical formula. To preview your LATEX as it will display use the <Preview> button below.

" msgstr "

V besedilnem urejevalniku spodaj izberite simbole ali ročno vpišite LATEX ukaze za zapis matematične enačbe. Za predogled, kako je vaša LATEX enačba videti, pritisnite spodnji gumb <Predogled>.

" #: exe/engine/idevicestore.py:279 msgid "

Teachers should keep the following in mind when using this iDevice:

  1. Think about the number of different types of activity planned for your resource that will be visually signalled in the content. Avoid using too many different types or classification of activities otherwise learner may become confused. Usually three or four different types are more than adequate for a teaching resource.
  2. From a visual design perspective, avoid having two iDevices immediately following each other without any text in between. If this is required, rather collapse two questions or events into one iDevice.
  3. Think about activities where the perceived benefit of doing the activity outweighs the time and effort it will take to complete the activity.
" msgstr "" "

Učitelji bi morali med uporabo poučevalnih enot (PE) imeti v mislih naslednje:

  1. Razmisliti o številu različnih vrst dejavnosti, načrtovanih za vaš vir, ki bodo vizualno označene v vsebini. Izogibajte se preveliki uporabi različnih vrst ali razvrščanju dejavnosti, ker to učence zmede. Običajno so tri do štiri različne vrste več kot dovolj za učne vire.
  2. Iz oblikovnega stališča, se izognite uporabi dveh poučevalnih enot, ki si sledita takoj druga za drugo brez vmesnega besedila. V primeru, da je to namen,\n" "raje združite dve vprašanji ali dogodka v eno poučevalno enoto.
  3. Premislite o dejavnostih kjer zaznana korist opravljanja dejavnosti odtehta čas in napor, ki ju reševanje dejavnosti zahteva.
" #: exe/engine/idevicestore.py:274 msgid "" "

The Reading Activity will primarily \n" "be used to check a learner's comprehension of a given text. This can be done \n" "by asking the learner to reflect on the reading and respond to questions about \n" "the reading, or by having them complete some other possibly more physical task \n" "based on the reading.

" msgstr "" "Bralne dejavnosti se bodo prvenstveno \n" "uporabile za preverjanje učenčevega razumevanja danega besedila.\n" "Učenec lahko razmisli o prebranem besedilu in odgovori na vprašanja\n" "oziroma jih dopolni z neko drugo, mogoče bolj konkretno nalogo\n" "na osnovi branja besedila.

" #: exe/engine/wikipediaidevice.py:54 msgid "" "

The Wikipedia iDevice allows you to locate \n" "existing content from within Wikipedia and download this content into your eXe \n" "resource. The Wikipedia Article iDevice takes a snapshot copy of the article \n" "content. Changes in Wikipedia will not automatically update individual snapshot \n" "copies in eXe, a fresh copy of the article will need to be taken. Likewise, \n" "changes made in eXe will not be updated in Wikipedia.

Wikipedia content \n" "is covered by the GNU free documentation license.

" msgstr "" "

Poučevalna enota Wikipedije vam omogoča, da umestite \n" "obstoječo vsebino iz Wikipedije in naložite to vsebino v vaše eXe\n" "vire. Poučevalne enote članka Wikipedije, ustvari posnetek vsebine\n" "članka. Spremembe zapisa v Wikipediji se ne bodo samodejno posodobile.\n" "V primeru, da želite vsebino posodobiti, morate ustvariti novo kopijo članka.\n" "Prav tako spremembe narejene v eXe ne bodo prenesene v Wikipedijo.

\n" "

Vsebina Wikipedije je zaščitena z GNU splošno javno licenco.

" #: exe/engine/idevicestore.py:382 msgid "" "

The reading activity, as the name \n" "suggests, should ask the learner to perform some form of activity. This activity \n" "should be directly related to the text the learner has been asked to read. \n" "Feedback to the activity where appropriate, can provide the learner with some \n" "reflective guidance.

" msgstr "" "

Bralna dejavnost\n" "zahteva od učenca, da opravi nalogo, ki je\n" "neposredno povezana s prebranim besedilom.\n" "Odziv za dejavnost lahko nudi\n" "smernice za nadaljnje razmišljanje.

" #: exe/engine/galleryidevice.py:411 msgid "" "

Where you have a number of images that relate \n" "to each other or to a particular learning exercise you may wish to display \n" "these in a gallery context rather then individually.

" msgstr "" "

Kadar imate veliko slik, ki se vsebinsko povezujejo\n" "lahko namesto posamičnega prikazovanja, te prikažemo v \n" "diaprojekciji albuma.

" #: exe/engine/package.py:415 msgid "?????" msgstr "?????" #: exe/engine/casestudyidevice.py:199 msgid "" "A case study is a device that provides learners \n" "with a simulation that has an educational basis. It takes a situation, generally \n" "based in reality, and asks learners to demonstrate or describe what action they \n" "would take to complete a task or resolve a situation. The case study allows \n" "learners apply their own knowledge and experience to completing the tasks \n" "assigned. when designing a case study consider the following:
    \n" "
  • \tWhat educational points are conveyed in the story
  • \n" "
  • \tWhat preparation will the learners need to do prior to working on the \n" "case study
  • \n" "
  • \tWhere the case study fits into the rest of the course
  • \n" "
  • \tHow the learners will interact with the materials and each other e.g.\n" "if run in a classroom situation can teams be setup to work on different aspects\n" "of the case and if so how are ideas feed back to the class
" msgstr "" "Študijske poučevalne enote so zgodbe, ki vsebujejo vzgojno\n" "sporočilo. Uporabljajo se za predstavitev dejanskih\n" "situacij in dogodkov, ki omogočajo učencem,\n" " da uporabljajo svoje lastno znanje in izkušnje.\n" "Kadar oblikujete študijsko poučevalno enoto, razmislili o naslednjem:
    \n" "
  • \tKatera vzgojna sporočila prinaša zgodba?
  • \n" "\tKakšne priprave bodo učenci potrebovali, preden se bodo ukvarjali\n" "s to vrsto nalog\n" "
  • \tKje se primer stika z ostalo vsebino učnih enot?
  • \n" "
  • \tKako se bodo učenci vedli do gradiv in drug do\n" "drugega; npr. ali z delovnimi skupinami lahko obravnavamo različne vidike\n" "in kako na koncu vidike združimo v celoto\n" "za nadaljnje delo na poučevalni enoti?
" #: exe/engine/truefalseidevice.py:151 msgid "" "A hint may be provided to assist the \n" "learner in answering the question." msgstr "" "Namig bi morda lahko pomagal \n" "učencu pri odgovoru na vprašanje." #: exe/webui/editorpane.py:261 msgid "Actions" msgstr "Dejanja" #: exe/engine/idevicestore.py:318 exe/engine/idevicestore.py:357 #: exe/engine/idevicestore.py:365 exe/engine/idevicestore.py:426 #: exe/engine/idevicestore.py:463 exe/engine/idevicestore.py:471 #: exe/webui/questionelement.py:100 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Dejavnost" #: exe/webui/editorpane.py:246 msgid "Add Field" msgstr "Dodaj polje" #: exe/webui/element.py:475 msgid "Add Image" msgstr "Dodaj sliko" #: exe/webui/element.py:893 msgid "Add JPEG Image" msgstr "Dodaj JPEG sliko" #: exe/webui/editorpane.py:88 msgid "Add a flash video to your iDevice." msgstr "Dodajte flash animacijo poučevalni enoti." #: exe/webui/editorpane.py:81 msgid "Add a single text line to an iDevice. Useful if you want the ability to place a label within the iDevice." msgstr "Dodajanje posamezne vrstice besedila v poučevalno enoto. Koristno, kadar želite dodati oznako znotraj poučevalne enote." #: exe/webui/editorpane.py:84 msgid "Add a text entry box to an iDevice. Used for entering larger amounts of textual content." msgstr "Dodajanje polja besedila v poučevalno enoto. Koristno, kadar želite vsebini dodati daljše besedilo." #: exe/engine/appletidevice.py:62 msgid "" "Add all the files provided for the applet\n" "except the .txt file one at a time using the add files and upload buttons. The \n" "files, once loaded will be displayed beneath the Applet code field." msgstr "" "Dodajte vse datoteke, pripravljene za datoteko apleta\n" "razen datotek .txt ob uporabi gumbov za dodajanje datotek in nalaganje. Naložene \n" "datoteke, se bodo prikazale pod poljem aplet kode." #: exe/webui/editorpane.py:90 msgid "Add an attachment file to your iDevice." msgstr "Dodajte priponko poučevalni enoti." #: exe/webui/editorpane.py:87 msgid "Add an interactive feedback field to your iDevice." msgstr "Dodajte interaktivni odziv poučevalni enoti." #: exe/webui/editorpane.py:89 msgid "Add an mp3 file to your iDevice." msgstr "Dodajte MP3 datoteko vaši poučevalni enoti." #: exe/webui/testquestionelement.py:122 exe/webui/element.py:1766 msgid "Add another Option" msgstr "Dodaj novo možnost" #: exe/webui/quiztestblock.py:112 exe/webui/multiselectblock.py:91 msgid "Add another Question" msgstr "Dodaj drugo vprašanje" #: exe/webui/casestudyblock.py:113 msgid "Add another activity" msgstr "Dodaj novo dejavnost" #: exe/webui/element.py:2097 msgid "Add another option" msgstr "Dodaj novo možnost" #: exe/webui/multichoiceblock.py:113 exe/webui/truefalseblock.py:109 msgid "Add another question" msgstr "Dodaj drugo vprašanje" #: exe/webui/appletblock.py:121 msgid "Add files" msgstr "Dodaj datoteke" #: exe/webui/galleryblock.py:211 msgid "Add images" msgstr "Dodaj slike" #: exe/webui/flashwithtextblock.py:88 exe/webui/multimediablock.py:92 #: exe/webui/editorelement.py:228 exe/webui/imagemagnifierblock.py:134 #: exe/webui/flashmovieblock.py:87 exe/webui/imagewithtextblock.py:88 msgid "Align:" msgstr "Poravnava:" #: exe/engine/imagemagnifieridevice.py:66 #: exe/engine/imagemagnifieridevice.py:142 msgid "" "Alignment allows you to \n" "choose where on the screen the image will be positioned." msgstr "" "Poravnava vam omogoča izbiro, kje \n" "na ekranu bo postavljena slika." #: exe/engine/multimediaidevice.py:74 msgid "" "Alignment allows you to \n" "choose where on the screen the media player will be positioned." msgstr "" "Poravnava vam omogoča, da izberete\n" "kje na ekranu bo postavljen predvajalnik." #: exe/engine/field.py:2789 msgid "" "Allow auto completion when \n" " user filling the gaps." msgstr "" "Omogoči samodejno zaključevanje besedila kadar \n" " uporabnik izpolnjuje prazna mesta." #: exe/engine/clozeidevice.py:288 msgid "Allow auto completion when user filling the gaps." msgstr "Omogoči samodejno zaključevanje kadar uporabnik izpolnjuje prazna mesta." #: exe/engine/multiselectidevice.py:45 exe/engine/multichoiceidevice.py:62 msgid "" "Although more often used in formal testing \n" "situations MCQs can be used as a testing tool to stimulate thought and \n" "discussion on topics students may feel a little reticent in responding to. \n" "\n" "When designing a MCQ test consider the following:\n" "
    \n" "
  • What learning outcomes are the questions testing
  • \n" "
  • What intellectual skills are being tested
  • \n" "
  • What are the language skills of the audience
  • \n" "
  • Gender and cultural issues
  • \n" "
  • Avoid grammar language and question structures that might provide \n" " clues
  • \n" "
\n" " " msgstr "" "Čeprav se izbirne naloge pogosteje uporabljajo pri uradnem\n" "preverjanju, je lahko tudi preizkusno orodje za spodbujanje razmišljanja\n" "in razprav o vsebinah, kjer so učenci lahko zadržani v izražanju mnenja.\n" "\n" "Kadar načrtujemo preizkus z izbirnimi nalogami, moramo upoštevati:\n" "
    \n" "
  • Kakšni so učni cilji, ki jih zasledujemo z nalogo?
  • \n" "
  • Kakšne veščine se z nalogo preizkušajo?
  • \n" "
  • Kakšne so jezikovne veščine učencev?
  • \n" "
  • Ali obstajajo spolne in kulturne ovire za reševanje?
  • \n" "
  • Ali z vprašanji namigujemo na pravilen odgovor?\n" "
  • \n" "
\n" " " #: exe/engine/idevicestore.py:360 exe/engine/idevicestore.py:466 msgid "" "An activity can be defined as a task or set of tasks a learner must\n" "complete. Provide a clear statement of the task and consider any conditions\n" "that may help or hinder the learner in the performance of the task." msgstr "" "Dejavnost je določena kot naloga ali skupek nalog, ki jih mora\n" "učenec izpolniti. Nalogo morate podati razumljivo, razmislite pa tudi o\n" "pogojih, ki lahko ovirajo učenca pri izvajanju." #: exe/webui/element.py:1243 msgid "Answsers" msgstr "Odgovori" #: exe/webui/appletblock.py:127 msgid "Applet Code:" msgstr "Koda apletov:" #: exe/webui/appletblock.py:103 msgid "Applet Type" msgstr "Vrsta apleta" #: exe/engine/wikipediaidevice.py:64 msgid "Article" msgstr "Članek" #: exe/engine/attachmentidevice.py:43 exe/webui/editorelement.py:328 msgid "Attachment" msgstr "Priponka" #: exe/engine/attachmentidevice.py:104 #, python-format msgid "Attachment %s has no parentNode" msgstr "Priponka %s nima nadrejenega vozlišča" #: exe/engine/rssidevice.py:41 exe/engine/multimediaidevice.py:41 msgid "Auckland University of Technology" msgstr "Tehnološka Univerza v Aucklandu" #: exe/webui/editorelement.py:149 msgid "Button Caption" msgstr "Naslov gumba" #: exe/webui/block.py:222 msgid "Can NOT Undo Edits" msgstr "Ni mogoče razveljaviti urejanj." #: exe/webui/preferencespage.py:116 exe/webui/editorpane.py:269 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Prekliči" #: exe/xului/mainpage.py:301 exe/xului/mainpage.py:721 #: exe/xului/mainpage.py:841 msgid "Cannot access directory named " msgstr "Ni mogoč dostop do mape z imenom" #: exe/webui/flashwithtextblock.py:93 exe/webui/editorelement.py:311 #: exe/webui/imagemagnifierblock.py:114 exe/webui/flashmovieblock.py:92 #: exe/webui/imagewithtextblock.py:93 exe/webui/element.py:591 msgid "Caption:" msgstr "Naslov:" #: exe/engine/casestudyidevice.py:197 msgid "Case Study" msgstr "Študij primera" #: exe/webui/wikipediablock.py:114 msgid "Catalan Wikipedia Article" msgstr "Katalanski članek iz Wikipedije" #: exe/webui/galleryblock.py:229 exe/webui/galleryblock.py:247 msgid "Change Image" msgstr "Zamenjaj sliko" #: exe/webui/element.py:1096 msgid "Check Caps?" msgstr "So črke samo velike?" #: exe/webui/wikipediablock.py:115 msgid "Chinese Wikipedia Article" msgstr "Kitajski članek iz Wikipedije" #: exe/engine/imagemagnifieridevice.py:49 msgid "Choose an Image" msgstr "Izberi sliko" #: exe/engine/multimediaidevice.py:49 msgid "Choose an MP3 file" msgstr "Izbor MP3 datoteke" #: exe/engine/casestudyidevice.py:64 msgid "Choose an optional image to be shown to the student on completion of this question" msgstr "Izberite sliko, ko bo prikazana ob zaključku reševanja te naloge." #: exe/engine/imagemagnifieridevice.py:62 msgid "" "Choose the size you want \n" "your image to display at. The measurements are in pixels. Generally, 100 \n" "pixels equals approximately 3cm. Leave both fields blank if you want the \n" "image to display at its original size." msgstr "" "Izberite velikost, v kateri bodo slike\n" "prikazane. Velikost je določena v točkah. Običajno je 100\n" "točk približno 3 cm. Pustite obe polji prazni, če želite, da se\n" "slika prikaže v originalni velikosti." #: exe/xului/mainpage.py:219 msgid "Clear Recent Projects List" msgstr "Počisti seznam nedavnih projektov" #: exe/engine/imagemagnifieridevice.py:49 msgid "" "Click \n" "on the picture below or the \"Add Image\" button to select an image file to be \n" "magnified." msgstr "" "Pritisnite \n" "na spodnjo sliko ali na gumb \"Izberite sliko\" za izbiro slike, ki jo želite \n" "povečati." #: exe/engine/attachmentidevice.py:68 msgid "Click Select a file, browse to the file you want to attach and select it." msgstr "Kliknite izberi datoteko, prebrskajte med datotekami in izberite tisto, ki jo želite pripeti." #: exe/engine/field.py:2338 msgid "Click Here" msgstr "Pritisnite tukaj" #: exe/webui/common.py:336 exe/webui/common.py:340 msgid "Click for completion instructions" msgstr "Tukaj vnesite navodila za izpolnitev" #: exe/webui/reflectionblock.py:117 msgid "Click here" msgstr "Pritisnite tukaj" #: exe/engine/field.py:3008 msgid "" "Click on Preview button to convert \n" " the latex into an image." msgstr "" "S klikom na gumb predogleda\n" " pretvorite latex v sliko." #: exe/engine/galleryidevice.py:424 msgid "Click on the Add images button to select an image file. The image will appear below where you will be able to label it. It's always good practice to put the file size in the label." msgstr " Kliknite na gumb dodajanja slike in izberite slikovno datoteko. Slika se bo prikazala pod kazalnikom za vpis oznake. Vedno je dobro, da v oznako vnesete tudi velikost datoteke." #: exe/engine/galleryidevice.py:664 exe/webui/truefalseelement.py:152 #: exe/webui/truefalseelement.py:153 exe/webui/common.py:345 #: exe/webui/common.py:346 exe/webui/block.py:260 exe/webui/block.py:261 #: exe/webui/element.py:2140 exe/webui/element.py:2141 #: exe/webui/editorpane.py:360 exe/webui/editorpane.py:361 #: exe/webui/editorpane.py:381 exe/webui/editorpane.py:382 #: exe/webui/linux-profile/extensions/exeex@exelearning.org/chrome/content/about.xul: