# =========================================================================== # eXe # Copyright 2004-2006, University of Auckland # Copyright 2004-2007 eXe Project, http://eXeLearning.org/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # =========================================================================== """ This module is for the common HTML used in all webpages. """ import logging from nevow import tags as T from nevow.flat import flatten from exe import globals as G lastId = 0 def newId(): """ Generates a sequential id unique for this exe session. """ global lastId lastId += 1 return 'id%d' % lastId log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def docType(): """Generates the documentation type string""" return (u'\n' u'\n') def header(style=u'default'): """Generates the common header XHTML""" # NB: Authoring Page has its own header return (docType() + u'\n' u'\n' u'\n' u'\n' u'\n' u'%s\n' u'\n' u'\n' % (style, _('eXe : elearning XHTML editor'))) def footer(): """Generates the common page footer XHTML""" return u'\n' def hiddenField(name, value=u""): """Adds a hidden field to a form""" html = u"\n" % value return html def textInput(name, value=u"", size=40, disabled=u"", **kwargs): """Adds a text input to a form""" html = u"\n" return html def textArea(name, value="", disabled="", cols="80", rows="8"): """Adds a text area to a form""" log.debug(u"textArea %s" % value) html = u'
' return html def richTextArea(name, value="", width="100%", height=100, package=None): """Adds a editor to a form""" log.debug(u"richTextArea %s, height=%s" % (value, height)) # to counter TinyMCE's ampersand-processing: safe_value = value.replace('&','&') if safe_value != value: value = safe_value log.debug(u"richTextArea pre-processed value to: %s" % value) html = u'
' return html def image(name, value, width="", height="", alt=None): """Returns the XHTML for an image""" if alt is None: alt = name log.debug(u"image %s" % value) html = u"\n" return html def flash(src, width, height, id_=None, params=None, **kwparams): """Returns the XHTML for flash. 'params' is a dictionary of name, value pairs that will be turned into a bunch of tags""" log.debug(u"flash %s" % src) stan = \ T._object(type='application/x-shockwave-flash', width=width, height=height, **kwparams) if id_: stan.attributes['id'] = id_ stan.attributes['data'] = src if params is None: params = {} params.setdefault('movie', src) for name, value in params.items(): stan = stan[T.param(name=name, value=value)] return unicode(flatten(stan).replace('&', '&'), 'utf8') def flashMovie(movie, width, height, resourcesDir='', autoplay='false'): """Returns the XHTML for a flash movie""" log.debug(u"flash %s" % movie) src = resourcesDir + 'flowPlayer.swf' params={'movie': src, 'allowScriptAccess' :'sameDomain', 'quality' :'high', 'scale':'noScale', 'wmode':'transparent', 'allowNetworking':'all', 'flashvars' : 'config={ ' 'autoPlay: %(autoplay)s, ' 'loop: false, ' 'initialScale: \'scale\', ' 'showLoopButton: false, ' 'showPlayListButtons: false, ' 'playList: [ { url: \'%(movie)s\' }, ]' '}' % {'movie': movie, 'autoplay': autoplay} } return flash(src, width, height, id="flowPlayer", params=params) def submitButton(name, value, enabled=True, **kwargs): """Adds a submit button to a form""" html = u'\n' return html def button(name, value, enabled=True, **kwargs): """Adds a NON-submit button to a form""" html = u'\n' return html def feedbackButton(name, value=None, enabled=True, **kwparams): """Adds a feedback button""" if value is None: value = _(u'Feedback') kwparams.setdefault('class', 'feedbackbutton') return button(name, value, enabled, **kwparams) def submitImage(action, object_, imageFile, title=u"", isChanged=1): """ Adds an image link which will trigger the javascript needed to post a form with the action and object passed in the args """ onclick = "submitLink('%s', '%s', %d);" % (action, object_, isChanged) titleText = u'' if title: titleText = u'title="%s" ' % title html = u'' % onclick html += u'%s' % (title, imageFile) html += u'\n' return html def insertSymbol(name, image, title, string, text ='', num=0): """ Adds an image link which will trigger the javascript needed to post a form with the action and object passed in the args """ onclick = "insertSymbol('%s', '%s', %d);" % (name, string, num) html = u'' % title html += text if image <> "": html += u'%s' % ('symbol', image) html += u'\n' return html def confirmThenSubmitImage(message, action, object_, imageFile, title=u"", isChanged=1): """ Adds an image link which will trigger the javascript needed to post a form with the action and object passed in the args """ html = u"" html += u'%s' % (title, imageFile) html += u'\n' return html def option(name, checked, value): """Add a option input""" chkStr = u'' if checked: chkStr = u'checked="checked"' html = (u'\n' % (name, value, chkStr)) return html def checkbox(name, checked, value="", title="", instruction=""): """Add a checkbox""" chkStr = u'' if checked: chkStr = u'checked' html = '' if title: html += u'%s' % title html += (u'\n' % (name, value, chkStr)) if instruction: html += elementInstruc(instruction) return html def elementInstruc(instruc, imageFile="help.gif", label=None): """Add a help instruction for a element""" if label is None: label = _(u"Instructions") if not instruc.strip(): html = u'' else: id_ = newId() html = u' ' html += u'%s' % imageFile html += u'\n' html += u'\n' return html def formField(type_, package, caption, action, object_='', instruction='', \ *args, **kwargs): """ A standard way for showing any form field nicely package is only needed for richTextArea, to present all available internal anchors. """ html = '
' html += '%s' % caption if instruction: html += elementInstruc(instruction) html += '
' html += '
' if type_ == 'select': html += select(action, object_, *args, **kwargs) elif type_ == 'richTextArea': html += richTextArea(action+object_, package=package, *args, **kwargs) elif type_ == 'textArea': html += textArea(action+object_, *args, **kwargs) elif type_ == 'textInput': html += textInput(action+object_, *args, **kwargs) elif type_ == 'checkbox': html += checkbox(*args, **kwargs) html += '
' return html def select(action, object_='', options=[], selection=None): """Adds a dropdown selection to a form""" html = u'\n' return html def editModeHeading(text): """ Provides a styled editSectionHeading """ return u'


' % text def removeInternalLinks(html, anchor_name=""): """ take care of any internal links which are in the form of: href="exe-node:Home:Topic:etc#Anchor" For this non-Web Export, go ahead and remove the link entirely, leaving only its text, since such links are not to be in the LMS. Used by: SCORM, IMS, and Common Cartridge exports (note that the Text and iPod exports already remove any HTML tags) """ # use lower-case for the exe-node, for TinyMCE copy/paste compatibility intlink_start = 'href="exe-node:' intlink_pre = 'href="' last_end_pos = 0 next_link_pos = html.find(intlink_start) while next_link_pos >= 0: link_name_start_pos = next_link_pos + len(intlink_pre) link_name_end_pos = html.find('"', link_name_start_pos) if link_name_end_pos >= 0: link_name = html[link_name_start_pos : link_name_end_pos] href_link_name = html[next_link_pos : link_name_end_pos] if anchor_name == "": # if no specific one specified, then removing all of them: log.warn("Export removing internal link: " + link_name) # otherwise we don't yet know if this link should be removed # Okay, try backing up to find the beginning Ideally, eventually do the full tag processing here! openA_start_pos = html.rfind('= 0: openA_end_pos = html.find('>', openA_start_pos) closeA_start_pos = -1 if openA_end_pos >= 0: closeA_start_pos = html.find('', openA_end_pos) closeA_end_pos = -1 if closeA_start_pos >= 0: closeA_end_pos = closeA_start_pos + len('') # okay, hopefully have all the positions by now: full_link_name = "" link_text = "" if closeA_end_pos >= 0: full_link_name = html[openA_start_pos : closeA_end_pos] link_text = html[openA_end_pos+1 : closeA_start_pos] # try the easy way out here, and instead of backing up a few # characters (but: what if other attributes such as popups?) # and trying to remove the entire .. tag pair, # just clear out the href="..." part, which should essentially # default to a no-op, eh? if full_link_name and link_text: # finally, FOR SCORM EXPORT, # remove this particular node name: # and try removing the entire href="" bit of it, # still leaving the # now this routine is also coded to allow the removal of # a single anchor. If so, ensure that it IS the requested: if anchor_name == "" or anchor_name == link_name: html = html.replace(full_link_name, link_text, 1) # else the href quote is unclosed. ignore, eh? last_end_pos = next_link_pos+1 next_link_pos = html.find(intlink_start, last_end_pos) return html def removeInternalLinkNodes(html): """ take care of any internal links which are in the form of: href="exe-node:Home:Topic:etc#Anchor" For this SinglePage Export, go ahead and keep the #Anchor portion, but remove the 'exe-node:Home:Topic:etc' Node portion, since it is all exported into the same file. """ # use lower-case for the exe-node, for TinyMCE copy/paste compatibility intlink_start = 'href="exe-node:' intlink_pre = 'href="' next_link_pos = html.find(intlink_start) while next_link_pos >= 0: link_name_start_pos = next_link_pos + len(intlink_pre) link_name_end_pos = html.find('"', link_name_start_pos) if link_name_end_pos >= 0: link_name = html[link_name_start_pos : link_name_end_pos] log.debug("Export rendering internal link, without nodename: " + link_name) # assuming that any '#'s in the node name have been escaped, # the first '#' should be the actual anchor: node_name_end_pos = link_name.find('#') if node_name_end_pos < 0: # no hash found, => use the whole thing as the node name: node_name_end_pos = len(link_name) - 1 link_node_name = link_name[0 : node_name_end_pos] if link_node_name: # finally, FOR SINGLE-PAGE EXPORT, # remove this particular node name: old_node_name = intlink_pre + link_node_name no_node_name = intlink_pre html = html.replace(old_node_name, no_node_name, 1) # else the href quote is unclosed. ignore, eh? next_link_pos = html.find(intlink_start, next_link_pos+1) return html def findLinkedField(package, exe_node_path, anchor_name): """ find the field which corresponds to the exe_node_name of the form: "exe-node:Home:Topic:etc" of the href="exe-node:Home:Topic:etc#Anchor" rather than searching through the entire node-tree, shortcut straight to the package's list of anchor_fields """ if hasattr(package, 'anchor_fields') and package.anchor_fields: for anchor_field in package.anchor_fields: if anchor_field.GetFullNodePath() == exe_node_path: if anchor_name: # now ensure that this field has an anchor of this name: if anchor_name in anchor_field.anchor_names: # break out and return this matching field's node: #return anchor_field.idevice.parentNode return anchor_field else: # with no anchor_name, there is no way to further # determine if this is the correct field/node or not, # so just break out and return the first matching one: #return anchor_field.idevice.parentNode return anchor_field return None def findLinkedNode(package, exe_node_path, anchor_name, check_fields=True): """ find the node which corresponds to the exe_node_name of the form: "exe-node:Home:Topic:etc" of the href="exe-node:Home:Topic:etc#Anchor" just a wrapper around common.findLinkedField() """ linked_node = None linked_field = None if check_fields: linked_field = findLinkedField(package, exe_node_path, anchor_name) if linked_field and linked_field.idevice is not None: linked_node = linked_field.idevice.parentNode elif anchor_name == u"auto_top" and package is not None and package.root: # allow the node "auto_top" to be found, # even if no anchors are explicitly specified. # IF this node has already been linked to: if hasattr(package, 'anchor_nodes') and package.anchor_nodes: for anchor_node in package.anchor_nodes: if anchor_node.GetFullNodePath() == exe_node_path: return anchor_node # and for those which have not yet been linked to, # go ahead and do a complete and proper walkthru all package nodes: root_node = package.root this_node_path = root_node.GetFullNodePath() if this_node_path == exe_node_path: return root_node else: for this_node in root_node.walkDescendants(): this_node_path = this_node.GetFullNodePath() if this_node_path == exe_node_path: return this_node return linked_node def getAnchorNameFromLinkName(link_name): """ little helper to pull out of the (possibly optional?) Anchor from href="exe-node:Home:Topic:etc#Anchor" """ anchor_name = "" anchor_pos = link_name.find('#') if anchor_pos >= 0: # hash found, => strip off the anchor: anchor_name = link_name[anchor_pos + 1 : ] return anchor_name def renderInternalLinkNodeFilenames(package, html): """ take care of any internal links which are in the form of: href="exe-node:Home:Topic:etc#Anchor" For this WebSite Export, go ahead and keep the #Anchor portion, but replace the 'exe-node:Home:Topic:etc' Node portion, with the actual target's filename, now temporarily stored in the Node's tmp_export_filename attribute, after being processed by the export's Page:uniquifyNames() """ found_all_anchors = True # use lower-case for the exe-node, for TinyMCE copy/paste compatibility intlink_start = 'href="exe-node:' intlink_pre = 'href="' next_link_pos = html.find(intlink_start) while next_link_pos >= 0: link_name_start_pos = next_link_pos + len(intlink_pre) link_name_end_pos = html.find('"', link_name_start_pos) if link_name_end_pos >= 0: link_name = html[link_name_start_pos : link_name_end_pos] log.debug("Export rendering internal link: " + link_name) # assuming that any '#'s in the node name have been escaped, # the first '#' should be the actual anchor: node_name_end_pos = link_name.find('#') if node_name_end_pos < 0: # no hash found, => use the whole thing as the node name: node_name_end_pos = len(link_name) - 1 link_anchor_name = "" else: link_anchor_name = link_name[node_name_end_pos+1 : ] link_node_name = link_name[0 : node_name_end_pos] found_node = None if link_node_name: # Okay, FOR WEBSITE EXPORT, need to find the actual node # being referenced by this link, and its actual export filename: found_node = findLinkedNode(package, link_node_name, link_anchor_name) if found_node and hasattr(found_node, 'tmp_export_filename'): # Finally, replace this particular node name # with its actual export filename: old_node_name = intlink_pre + link_node_name new_node_name = intlink_pre + found_node.tmp_export_filename if link_anchor_name: old_node_name = old_node_name + "#" + link_anchor_name new_node_name = new_node_name + "#" + link_anchor_name html = html.replace(old_node_name, new_node_name, 1) if found_node is None: found_all_anchors = False log.warn('Export unable to find corresponding node&anchor; ' + 'unable to render link to: ' + link_name) # else the href quote is unclosed. ignore, eh? next_link_pos = html.find(intlink_start, next_link_pos+1) if not found_all_anchors: # then go ahead and clear out any remaining invalid links: html = removeInternalLinks(html) return html def requestHasCancel(request): """ simply detect if the current request contains an action of type cancel. """ is_cancel = False if u"action" in request.args \ and request.args[u"action"][0]==u"cancel": is_cancel = True return is_cancel