# =========================================================================== # eXe # Copyright 2004-2006, University of Auckland # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # =========================================================================== """ The EditorPane is responsible for creating new idevice """ import logging from exe.webui import common from exe.engine.field import TextField, TextAreaField, ImageField, FlashField from exe.engine.field import FeedbackField, MultimediaField, AttachmentField from exe.webui.editorelement import TextEditorElement from exe.webui.editorelement import TextAreaEditorElement from exe.webui.editorelement import ImageEditorElement from exe.webui.editorelement import FeedbackEditorElement from exe.webui.editorelement import FlashEditorElement from exe.webui.editorelement import MultimediaEditorElement from exe.webui.editorelement import AttachmentEditorElement from exe.engine.idevice import Idevice from exe.engine.genericidevice import GenericIdevice from exe.engine.path import Path from exe.engine.translate import lateTranslate log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # =========================================================================== class EditorPane(object): """ The EditorPane is responsible for creating new idevice """ def __init__(self, webServer): """ Initialize """ self.ideviceStore = webServer.application.ideviceStore self.webDir = webServer.application.config.webDir self.styles = webServer.application.config.styles self.elements = [] self.idevice = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "") self.idevice.id = self.ideviceStore.getNewIdeviceId() self.originalIdevice = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "") self.purpose = "" self.tip = "" self.message = "" self._nameInstruc = \ x_(u"Your new iDevice will appear in the iDevice " u"pane with this title. This is a compulsory field " u"and you will be prompted to enter a label if you try " u"to submit your iDevice without one.") self._authorInstruc = x_(u"This is an optional field.") self._purposeInstruc = x_(u"The purpose dialogue allows you to describe" u" your intended purpose of the iDevice to other" u" potential users.") self._emphasisInstruc = x_(u"Use this pulldown to select whether or not " u" the iDevice should have any formatting " u" applied to it to distinguish " u"it; ie. a border and an icon.") self._tipInstruc = x_(u"Use this field to describe " u"your intended use and the pedagogy behind " u"the device's development. This can be useful " u"if your iDevice is to be exported for others " u"to use.") self._lineInstruc = x_(u"Add a single text line to an iDevice. " u"Useful if you want the ability to place a " u"label within the iDevice.") self._textBoxInstruc = x_(u"Add a text entry box to an iDevice. " u"Used for entering larger amounts of textual " u"content.") self._feedbackInstruc = x_(u"Add an interactive feedback field to your iDevice.") self._flashInstruc = x_(u"Add a flash video to your iDevice.") self._mp3Instruc = x_(u"Add an mp3 file to your iDevice.") self._attachInstruc = x_(u"Add an attachment file to your iDevice.") self.style = "default" # Properties nameInstruc = lateTranslate('nameInstruc') authorInstruc = lateTranslate('authorInstruc') purposeInstruc = lateTranslate('purposeInstruc') emphasisInstruc = lateTranslate('emphasisInstruc') tipInstruc = lateTranslate('tipInstruc') lineInstruc = lateTranslate('lineInstruc') textBoxInstruc = lateTranslate('textBoxInstruc') feedbackInstruc = lateTranslate('feedbackInstruc') flashInstruc = lateTranslate('flashInstruc') mp3Instruc = lateTranslate('mp3Instruc') attachInstruc = lateTranslate('attachInstruc') def setIdevice(self, idevice): """ Sets the iDevice to edit """ self.idevice = idevice.clone() self.idevice.id = idevice.id self.originalIdevice = idevice def process(self, request, status): """ Process """ log.debug("process " + repr(request.args)) self.message = "" if status == "old": for element in self.elements: element.process(request) if "title" in request.args: self.idevice.title = unicode(request.args["title"][0], 'utf8') if "tip" in request.args: self.idevice.tip = unicode(request.args["tip"][0], 'utf8') if "emphasis" in request.args: self.idevice.emphasis = int(request.args["emphasis"][0]) if self.idevice.emphasis == 0: self.idevice.icon = "" if "addText" in request.args: field = TextField(_(u"Enter the label here"), _(u"Enter instructions for completion here")) field.setIDevice(self.idevice) self.idevice.addField(field) self.idevice.edit = True if "addTextArea" in request.args: field = TextAreaField(_(u"Enter the label here"), _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here")) field.setIDevice(self.idevice) self.idevice.addField(field) self.idevice.edit = True if "addFeedback" in request.args: field = FeedbackField(_(u"Enter the label here"), _(u"""Feedback button will not appear if no data is entered into this field.""")) field.setIDevice(self.idevice) self.idevice.addField(field) self.idevice.edit = True #if "addFlash" in request.args: #print "add a flash" #field = FlashField(_(u"Enter the label here"), #_(u"Enter the instructions for completion here")) #field.setIDevice(self.idevice) #self.idevice.addField(field) if "addMP3" in request.args: field = MultimediaField(_(u"Enter the label here"), _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here")) field.setIDevice(self.idevice) self.idevice.addField(field) if not 'xspf_player.swf' in self.idevice.systemResources: self.idevice.systemResources += ['xspf_player.swf'] self.idevice.edit = True if "addAttachment" in request.args: field = AttachmentField(_(u"Enter the label here"), _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here")) field.setIDevice(self.idevice) self.idevice.addField(field) self.idevice.edit = True if ("action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == "selectIcon"): self.idevice.icon = request.args["object"][0] if "preview" in request.args: if self.idevice.title == "": self.message = _("Please enter
an idevice name.") else: self.idevice.edit = False if "edit" in request.args: self.idevice.edit = True if "cancel" in request.args: ideviceId = self.idevice.id self.idevice = self.originalIdevice.clone() self.idevice.id = ideviceId if ("action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == "changeStyle"): self.style = request.args["object"][0] self.__buildElements() def __buildElements(self): """ Building up element array """ self.elements = [] elementTypeMap = {TextField: TextEditorElement, TextAreaField: TextAreaEditorElement, ImageField: ImageEditorElement, FeedbackField: FeedbackEditorElement, MultimediaField: MultimediaEditorElement, FlashField: FlashEditorElement, AttachmentField: AttachmentEditorElement} for field in self.idevice.fields: elementType = elementTypeMap.get(field.__class__) if elementType: # Create an instance of the appropriate element class log.debug(u"createElement "+elementType.__class__.__name__+ u" for "+field.__class__.__name__) self.elements.append(elementType(field)) else: log.error(u"No element type registered for " + field.__class__.__name__) def renderButtons(self, request): """ Render the idevice being edited """ html = ""+self.message+"" html += "
" + _("Add Field")+ "" html += common.submitButton("addText", _("Text Line")) html += common.elementInstruc(self.lineInstruc) + "
" html += common.submitButton("addTextArea", _("Text Box")) html += common.elementInstruc(self.textBoxInstruc) + "
" html += common.submitButton("addFeedback", _("Feedback")) html += common.elementInstruc(self.feedbackInstruc) + "
" # Attachments are now embeddable: #html += common.submitButton("addAttachment", _("Attachment")) #html += common.elementInstruc(self.attachInstruc) + "
" # MP3 fields are now embeddable: #html += common.submitButton("addMP3", _("MP3")) #html += common.elementInstruc(self.mp3Instruc) + "
" html += "
\n" html += "
" + _("Actions") + "" if self.idevice.edit: html += common.submitButton("preview", _("Preview")) else: html += common.submitButton("edit", _("Edit")) html += "
" html += common.submitButton("cancel", _("Cancel")) #html += "
" return html def renderIdevice(self, request): """ Returns an XHTML string for rendering the new idevice """ html = "
\n" html += "\n" self.purpose = self.idevice.purpose.replace("\r", "") self.purpose = self.purpose.replace("\n","\\n") self.tip = self.idevice.tip.replace("\r", "") self.tip = self.tip.replace("\n","\\n") if self.idevice.edit: html += "" + _("Name") + ": \n" html += common.elementInstruc(self.nameInstruc) + "
" html += '' % self.idevice.title this_package = None html += common.formField('richTextArea', this_package, _(u"Pedagogical Tip"),'tip', '', self.tipInstruc, self.tip) html += "" + _("Emphasis") + ": " html += " \n" html += common.elementInstruc(self.emphasisInstruc) html += "

\n" if self.idevice.emphasis > 0: html += self.__renderStyles() + " " html += u'' html += u'Select an icon: \n' icon = self.idevice.icon if icon != "": html += '' html += u'
\n' html += u'%s

\n' html += u'

' % _("Icons") html += self.__renderIcons() html += u'

\n' for element in self.elements: html += element.renderEdit() else: html += "" + self.idevice.title + "

" for element in self.elements: html += element.renderPreview() if self.idevice.purpose != "" or self.idevice.tip != "": html += "\n " html += '%s\n" html += "
\n" html += "
\n" if self.idevice.purpose != "": html += "Purpose:
" % self.purpose if self.idevice.tip != "": html += "Tip:
" % self.idevice.tip html += "
\n" html += "\n" self.message = "" return html def __renderStyles(self): """ Return xhtml string for rendering styles select """ html = ' \n" return html def __renderIcons(self): """ Return xhtml string for dispay all icons """ iconpath = Path(self.webDir).joinpath("style", self.style) iconfiles = iconpath.files("icon_*") html = "" for iconfile in iconfiles: iconname = iconfile.namebase icon = iconname.split("_", 1)[1] filename = "/style/%s/%s.gif" % (self.style, iconname) html += u'
' html += u'%s\n" % icon html += u'
\n' % icon return html # ===========================================================================