#!/usr/bin/python # =========================================================================== # eXe # Copyright 2004-2006, University of Auckland # Copyright 2006-2007 eXe Project, New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission # # This module is for the TwiSteD web server. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # =========================================================================== """ WebServer module """ # Redirect std err for importing twisted and nevow import os import sys import socket # to test ports already in use... from cStringIO import StringIO sys.stderr, oldStdErr = StringIO(), sys.stderr sys.stdout, oldStdOut = StringIO(), sys.stdout try: from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError from nevow import appserver from twisted.web import static finally: print sys.stderr sys.stderr = oldStdErr print sys.stdout sys.stdout = oldStdOut from exe.webui.packageredirectpage import PackageRedirectPage from exe.webui.editorpage import EditorPage from exe.webui.preferencespage import PreferencesPage from exe.webui.aboutpage import AboutPage import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WebServer: """ Encapsulates some twisted components to serve all webpages, scripts and nevow functionality """ def __init__(self, application): """ Initialize """ self.application = application self.config = application.config self.tempWebDir = application.tempWebDir self.root = PackageRedirectPage(self) self.editor = EditorPage(self.root) self.preferences = PreferencesPage(self.root) self.about = AboutPage(self.root) def find_port(self): """ Previously part of the run() method, this will find the port for this server. Moved outside such that it could be called prior to run() [via application's serve()], which doesn't get called until the client has already been started [via application's launch()]. Instead, we want to determine the server's port first [via application's prelaunch()] such that the client knows it. Note: for safety down the road once run() is called, the port will be set to -1 if none is found. """ # check the configured port. If not available, then # loop through a range of available ports to try and find a free one: port_test_done = 0 found_port = 0 found_other_eXe = 0 test_port_num = self.config.port test_port_count = 0 # could set a maximum range within the users's config file, # but for now, just hardcode a max: max_port_tests = 5000 while not port_test_done: test_port_num = self.config.port + test_port_count try: log.debug("find_port(): trying to listenTCP on port# %d", test_port_num) reactor.listenTCP(test_port_num, appserver.NevowSite(self.root), interface="") log.debug("find_port(): still here without exception " \ "after listenTCP on port# %d", test_port_num) found_port = 1 port_test_done = 1 except CannotListenError, exc: log.debug("find_port(): caught exception after listenTCP " \ + "on port# %d, exception = %s", test_port_num, exc) last_exception = exc ########################### # Since we can connect to this port, see if it's already # running an eXe server, as we only want 1 running at a time: # test_this_host = "" log.debug("find_port(): appears that a service is already " \ + "running on port# %d, seeing if it is another eXe", \ test_port_num) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((test_this_host, test_port_num)) # unset any blocking: s.setblocking(0) # set timeout to reasonably "large enough", but not "too # large" (note that google, e.g., sometimes requires 3secs): s.settimeout(3) # and send a basic HTTP request to obtain the server info: s.send('GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n') try: data = s.recv(1024) log.debug("find_port(): socket test of existing port " \ + "gave result of: %s", repr(data)) exe_server_string = "Server: eXeTwistedWeb/" # above followed by the actual TwistedWeb version number exe_server_string_pos = data.find(exe_server_string) if exe_server_string_pos >= 0: log.debug("find_port(): appears that another eXe " \ + "server is running on port# %d; terminating.", \ test_port_num) found_other_eXe = 1 port_test_done = 1 else: log.debug("find_port(): port# %d not in use by a newer eXe server, but checking if it is Twisted server, in general...", test_port_num) # or, for older versions of eXe, check for regular ol' TwistedWeb server: twisted_server_string = "Server: TwistedWeb/" # followed by the Actual TwistedWeb version number twisted_server_string_pos = data.find(twisted_server_string) if twisted_server_string_pos >= 0: log.debug("find_port(): appears that an earlier version of an eXe server might already running on port# %d; terminating.", test_port_num) found_other_eXe = 1 port_test_done = 1 except socket.error, msg: log.debug("find_port(): timeout on socket port# %d, " \ + "probably not an eXe so continuing search. " \ + "[timeout exception = %s]", test_port_num, \ str(msg)) s.close() # ########################## test_port_count += 1 if test_port_count >= max_port_tests: port_test_done = 1 if found_port: self.config.port = test_port_num log.info("find_port(): found available eXe port# %d", self.config.port) else: self.config.port = -1 if found_other_eXe: log.error("find_port(): found another eXe server running " \ + "on port# %d; only one eXe server allowed " \ + "to run at a time", test_port_num) else: log.error("find_port(): Can't listen on interface"\ + ", ports %s-%s, last exception: %s" % \ (self.config.port, test_port_num, \ unicode(last_exception))) def run(self): """ Start serving webpages from the local web server """ log.debug("start web server running") # web resources webDir = self.config.webDir self.root.putChild("images", static.File(webDir+"/images")) self.root.putChild("css", static.File(webDir+"/css")) self.root.putChild("scripts", static.File(webDir+"/scripts")) self.root.putChild("style", static.File(webDir+"/style")) self.root.putChild("docs", static.File(webDir+"/docs")) self.root.putChild("temp_print_dirs", static.File(self.tempWebDir+"/temp_print_dirs")) self.root.putChild("previews", static.File(self.tempWebDir+"/previews")) # xul resources xulDir = self.config.xulDir self.root.putChild("xulscripts", static.File(xulDir+"/scripts")) self.root.putChild("xultemplates", static.File(xulDir+"/templates")) self.root.putChild("templates", static.File(webDir+"/templates")) # sub applications self.root.putChild("editor", self.editor) self.root.putChild("preferences", self.preferences) self.root.putChild("about", self.about) # A port for this server was looked for earlier by find_port. # Ensure that it is valid (>= 0): if self.config.port >= 0: log.info("run() using eXe port# %d", self.config.port) reactor.run() else: log.error("ERROR: webserver's run() called, but a valid port " \ + "was not available.")