# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod. # See LICENSE for details. import os from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.python import log from nevow import inevow, rend, loaders, static, url, tags from nevow.flat import flatten from nevow.stan import Proto, Tag from itertools import count cn = count().next cookie = lambda: str(cn()) _hookup = {} ## If we need to use Canvas through a CGI which forwards to the appserver, ## then we will need to listen with the canvas protocol on another socket ## so the canvas movie can push data to us. Here is where we will keep it. _canvasCGIService = None # m = method # a = argument # # # # m = Proto('m') # method call; contains arguments a = Proto('a') # argument; has v="" attribute for simple value, or or child for list or dict value l = Proto('l') # list; has children; children must be simple values currently d = Proto('d') # dict; has children i = Proto('i') # dict item; has k="" for key and v="" for simple value (no nested dicts yet) def squish(it): if isinstance(it, Tag): return a[it] return a(v=it) class _Remoted(object): def __init__(self, cookie, canvas): self.cookie = cookie self.canvas = canvas class Text(_Remoted): x = 0 y = 0 def change(self, text): self.text = text self.canvas.call('changeText', self.cookie, text) def move(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y self.canvas.call('moveText', self.cookie, x, y) def listFonts(self): if hasattr(self.canvas, '_fontList'): return defer.succeed(self.canvas._fontList) cook = cookie() self.canvas.deferreds[cook] = d = defer.Deferred() self.canvas.call('listFonts', cook) def _cb(l): L = l.split(',') self.canvas._fontList = L return L return d.addCallback(_cb) def font(self, font): self.canvas.call('font', self.cookie, font) def size(self, size): self.canvas.call('size', self.cookie, size) class Image(_Remoted): def move(self, x, y): self.canvas.call('moveImage', self.cookie, x, y) def scale(self, x, y): self.canvas.call('scaleImage', self.cookie, x, y) def alpha(self, alpha): self.canvas.call('alphaImage', self.cookie, alpha) def rotate(self, angle): self.canvas.call('rotateImage', self.cookie, angle) class Sound(_Remoted): def play(self, offset=0, timesLoop=0): """Play the sound, starting at "offset", in seconds. Loop the sound "timesLoop" times. """ self.canvas.call('playSound', self.cookie, offset, timesLoop) class GroupBase(object): def call(self, method, *args): """Call a client-side method with the given arguments. Arguments will be converted to strings. You should probably use the other higher-level apis instead. """ flatcall = flatten( m(n=method, t=self.groupName)[[ squish(x) for x in args if x is not None]]) self.socket.write(flatcall + '\0') groupx = 0 groupy = 0 def reposition(self, x, y): """Reposition all the elements in this group """ self.groupx = x self.groupy = y self.call('reposition', x, y) def rotate(self, angle): """Rotate all the elements of this group """ self.call('rotate', angle) _alpha = 100 def alpha(self, percent): """Set the alpha value of this group """ self._alpha = percent self.call('alpha', percent) def line(self, x, y): """Draw a line from the current point to the given point. (0,0) is in the center of the canvas. """ self.call('line', x, y) x = 0 y = 0 def move(self, x, y): """Move the pen to the given point. (0, 0) is in the center of the canvas. """ self.x = x self.y = y self.call('move', x, y) def pen(self, width=None, rgb=None, alpha=None): """Change the current pen attributes. width: an integer between 0 and 255; the pen thickness, in pixels. rgb: an integer between 0x000000 and 0xffffff alpha: an integer between 0 and 100; the opacity of the pen """ self.call('pen', width, rgb, alpha) def clear(self): """Clear the current pen attributes. """ self.call('clear') def fill(self, rgb, alpha=100): """Set the current fill. Fill will not be drawn until close is called. rgb: color of fill, integer between 0x000000 and 0xffffff alpha: an integer between 0 and 100; the opacity of the fill """ self.call('fill', rgb, alpha) def close(self): """Close the current shape. A line will be drawn from the end point to the start point, and the shape will be filled with the current fill. """ self.call('close') def curve(self, controlX, controlY, anchorX, anchorY): """Draw a curve """ self.call('curve', controlX, controlY, anchorX, anchorY) def gradient(self, type, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix): """Draw a gradient. Currently the API for this sucks, see the flash documentation for info. Higher level objects for creating gradients will hopefully be developed eventually. """ self.call('gradient', type, l[[a(v=x) for x in colors]], l[[a(v=x) for x in alphas]], l[[a(v=x) for x in ratios]], d[[i(k=k, v=v) for (k, v) in matrix.items()]]) def text(self, text, x, y, height, width): """Place the given text on the canvas using the given x, y, height and width. The result is a Text object which can be further manipulated to affect the text. """ cook = cookie() t = Text(cook, self) t.text = text self.call('text', cook, text, x, y, height, width) return t def image(self, where): """Load an image from the URL "where". The result is an Image object which can be further manipulated to move it or change rotation. """ cook = cookie() I = Image(cook, self) self.call('image', cook, where) print "IMAGE", where return I def sound(self, where, stream=True): """Load an mp3 from the URL "where". The result is a Sound object which can be further manipulated. If stream is True, the sound will play as soon as possible. If false, """ cook = cookie() S = Sound(cook, self) self.call('sound', cook, where, stream and 1 or 0) return S def group(self): """Create a new group of shapes. The returned object will have all of the same APIs for drawing, except the grouped items can all be moved simultaneously, deleted, etc. """ cook = cookie() G = Group('%s.G_%s' % (self.groupName, cook), self.socket, self) self.call('group', cook) return G class Group(GroupBase): def __init__(self, groupName, socket, canvas): self.groupName = groupName self.socket = socket self.canvas = canvas self.deferreds = canvas.deferreds closed = property(lambda self: self.canvas.closed) def setMask(self, other=None): """Set the mask of self to the group "other". "other" must be a Group instance, if provided. If not provided, any previous mask will be removed from self. """ if other is None: self.call('setMask', '') else: self.call('setMask', other.groupName) def setVisible(self, visible): self.call('setVisible', str(bool(visible))) xscale = 100 yscale = 100 def scale(self, x, y): self.call('scale', x, y) def swapDepth(self, intOrGroup): """Swap the z-order depth of this group with another. If an int is provided, the group will be placed at that depth, regardless of whether there is an existing clip there. If a group is provided, the z depth of self and the other group are swapped. """ if isinstance(intOrGroup, Group): self.call('swapGroup', intOrGroup.groupName) else: self.call('swapInt', intOrGroup) def depth(self): """Return a deferred which will fire the depth of this group. XXX TODO """ return 0 class CanvasSocket(GroupBase): """An object which represents the client-side canvas. Defines APIs for drawing on the canvas. An instance of this class will be passed to your onload callback. """ __implements__ = inevow.IResource, groupName = 'canvas' closed = False def __init__(self): self.canvas = self self.d = defer.Deferred().addErrback(log.err) def locateChild(self, ctx, segs): self.cookie = segs[0] return (self, ()) def renderHTTP(self, ctx): try: self.deferreds = {} self.buffer = '' ## Don't try this at home kids! You'll blow your arm off! self.socket = inevow.IRequest(ctx).transport ## We be hijackin' self.socket.protocol = self ## This request never finishes until the user leaves the page self.delegate = _hookup[self.cookie] self.delegate.onload(self) del _hookup[self.cookie] except Exception, e: log.err() return self.d def dataReceived(self, data): self.buffer += data while '\0' in self.buffer: I = self.buffer.index('\0') message = self.buffer[:I] self.buffer = self.buffer[I+1:] self.gotMessage(message) def gotMessage(self, message): I = message.index(' ') handler = getattr(self, 'handle_%s' % (message[:I], ), None) if handler is not None: handler(message[I+1:]) else: self.deferreds[message[:I]].callback(message[I+1:]) del self.deferreds[message[:I]] def connectionLost(self, reason): self.closed = True del self.socket def done(self): """Done drawing; close the connection with the movie """ ## All done with the request object self.closed = True self.d.callback('') def handle_onKeyDown(self, info): if self.delegate.onKeyDown: self.delegate.onKeyDown(self, chr(int(info))) def handle_onKeyUp(self, info): if self.delegate.onKeyUp: self.delegate.onKeyUp(self, chr(int(info))) def handle_onMouseUp(self, info): if self.delegate.onMouseUp: self.delegate.onMouseUp(self, *map(int, map(float, info.split()))) def handle_onMouseDown(self, info): if self.delegate.onMouseDown: self.delegate.onMouseDown(self, *map(int, map(float, info.split()))) def handle_onMouseMove(self, info): if self.delegate.onMouseMove: self.delegate.onMouseMove(self, *map(int, map(float, info.split()))) def handle_diagnostic(self, info): print "Trace", info canvasServerMessage = loaders.stan(tags.html["This server dispatches for nevow canvas events."]) def canvas(width, height, delegate, useCGI=False): C = cookie() if useCGI: global _canvasCGIService if _canvasCGIService is None: from nevow import appserver from twisted.internet import reactor _canvasCGIService = reactor.listenTCP(0, appserver.NevowSite(Canvas(docFactory=canvasServerMessage))) _canvasCGIService.dispatchMap = {} port = _canvasCGIService.getHost().port prefix = '/' movie_url = url.here.click('/').secure(False, port) else: movie_url = url.here port = lambda c, d: inevow.IRequest(c).transport.server.port def prefix(c, d): pre = inevow.IRequest(c).path if pre.endswith('/'): return pre return pre + '/' _hookup[C] = delegate handlerInfo = [] for handlerName in ['onMouseMove', 'onMouseDown', 'onMouseUp', 'onKeyDown', 'onKeyUp']: if getattr(delegate, handlerName, None) is not None: handlerInfo.append((handlerName, 1)) movie_url = movie_url.child('nevow_canvas_movie.swf').add('cookie', C).add('port', port).add('prefix', prefix) for (k, v) in handlerInfo: movie_url = movie_url.add(k, v) return tags._object(classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000", codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0", width=width, height=height, id=("Canvas-", C), align="middle")[ tags.param(name="allowScriptAccess", value="sameDomain"), tags.param(name="movie", value=movie_url), tags.param(name="quality", value="high"), tags.param(name="scale", value="noscale"), tags.param(name="bgcolor", value="#ffffff"), Tag('embed')( src=movie_url, quality="high", scale="noscale", bgcolor="#ffffff", width=width, height=height, name=("Canvas-", C), align="middle", allowScriptAccess="sameDomain", type="application/x-shockwave-flash", pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer")] class Canvas(rend.Page): """A page which can embed canvases. Simplest usage is to subclass and override width, height and onload. Then, putting render_canvas in the template will output that canvas there. You can also embed more than one canvas in a page using the canvas helper function, canvas(width, height, onload). The resulting stan will cause a canvas of the given height and width to be embedded in the page at that location, and the given onload callable to be called with a CanvasSocket when the connection is established. """ addSlash = True def __init__(self, original=None, width=None, height=None, onload=None, onMouseMove=None, onMouseDown=None, onMouseUp=None, onKeyDown=None, onKeyUp=None, **kw): rend.Page.__init__(self, original, **kw) if width: self.width = width if height: self.height = height if onload: self.onload = onload if onMouseMove: self.onMouseMove = onMouseMove if onMouseDown: self.onMouseDown = onMouseDown if onMouseUp: self.onMouseUp = onMouseUp if onKeyDown: self.onKeyDown = onKeyDown if onKeyUp: self.onKeyUp = onKeyUp def child_canvas_socket(self, ctx): return CanvasSocket() width = 1000 height = 500 onload = None onMouseDown = None onMouseUp = None onMouseMove = None onKeyUp = None onKeyDown = None def render_canvas(self, ctx, data): return canvas( self.width, self.height, self) docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[render_canvas]) setattr(Canvas, 'child_nevow_canvas_movie.swf', static.File( os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'Canvas.swf'), 'application/x-shockwave-flash')) #setattr(Canvas, 'child_nevow_canvas_movie.swd', static.File( # os.path.join( # os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'Canvas.swd'), # 'application/x-shockwave-flash'))