# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod. # See LICENSE for details. import gc from nevow import rend from nevow import inevow from nevow import guard from nevow import context from nevow import appserver from twisted.cred.checkers import * from twisted.cred.portal import * from twisted.cred.credentials import * from twisted.internet import address from nevow.testutil import TestCase class FakeHTTPChannel: # TODO: this should be an interface in twisted.protocols.http... lots of # things want to fake out HTTP def __init__(self): self.transport = self self.factory = self self.received_cookies = {} # 'factory' attribute needs this def log(self, req): pass # 'channel' of request needs this def requestDone(self, req): self.req = req # 'transport' attribute needs this def getPeer(self): return address.IPv4Address("TCP", "fake", 12345) def getHost(self): return address.IPv4Address("TCP", "fake", 80) def write(self, data): # print data pass def writeSequence(self, datas): for data in datas: self.write(data) # Utility for testing. def makeFakeRequest(self, path, username='',password='', requestClass=None): if requestClass is None: requestClass = FakeHTTPRequest req = requestClass(self, queued=0) req.user = username req.password = password req.received_cookies.update(self.received_cookies) req.requestReceived("GET", path, "1.0") return req class FakeHTTPRequest(appserver.NevowRequest): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): appserver.NevowRequest.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self._pchn = self.channel self._cookieCache = {} from cStringIO import StringIO self.content = StringIO() self.received_headers['host'] = 'fake.com' self.written = StringIO() def followRedirect(self): L = self.headers['location'] if L.startswith('http://'): L = L[len("http://"):] urlist = L.split('/') urlist[0] = '' nexturi = '/'.join(urlist) else: nexturi = L return self._pchn.makeFakeRequest(nexturi, requestClass=self.__class__) def followAllRedirects(self): R = self MAX_REDIRECTS = 5 I = 1 while R.headers.has_key('location'): assert I < MAX_REDIRECTS, "Too many redirects (to %s)" % R.headers['location'] R = R.followRedirect() I += 1 return R def write(self, data): self.written.write(data) appserver.NevowRequest.write(self, data) def addCookie(self, k, v, *args,**kw): appserver.NevowRequest.addCookie(self,k,v,*args,**kw) assert not self._cookieCache.has_key(k), "Should not be setting duplicate cookies!" self._cookieCache[k] = (v, args, kw) self.channel.received_cookies[k] = v def processingFailed(self, fail): raise fail class FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies(FakeHTTPRequest): def addCookie(self, k, v, *args,**kw): pass class FakeHTTPRequest_forceSSL(FakeHTTPRequest): _forceSSL = True class FakeSite(appserver.NevowSite): pass class GuardTestSuper(TestCase): sessions = {} def tearDown(self): for sz in self.sessions.values(): sz.expire() def createPortal(self, realmFactory=None): if realmFactory is None: realmFactory = SillyRealm r = realmFactory() p = Portal(r) p.registerChecker(AllowAnonymousAccess(), IAnonymous) return p def createSessionWrapper(self, portal): swrap = guard.SessionWrapper(portal) self.sessions = swrap.sessions return swrap def createChannel(self, resource): s = FakeSite(resource) c = FakeHTTPChannel() c.site = s return c def getGuard(channel): resource = channel.site.resource while isinstance(resource, ParentPage): assert len(resource.children) == 1 resource = resource.children.values()[0] return resource class GetLoggedInAvatar(rend.Page): def child_(self, ctx): return self def renderHTTP(self, ctx): session = inevow.ISession(ctx) assert isinstance(session, guard.GuardSession) r = session.getLoggedInRoot() assert r is self return r.__class__.__name__ class GetLoggedInAnonymous(rend.Page): def child_(self, ctx): return self def renderHTTP(self, ctx): raise RuntimeError, "We weren't supposed to get here." class GetLoggedInRealm: __implements__ = IRealm def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): if avatarId == ANONYMOUS: return inevow.IResource, GetLoggedInAnonymous(), lambda: None else: return inevow.IResource, GetLoggedInAvatar(), lambda: None class GuardTestFuncs: def createGuard(self, portal): if not self.guardPath: root = self.createSessionWrapper(portal) else: root = ParentPage('root') cur = root for segment in self.guardPath[:-1]: new = ParentPage(segment) cur.putChild(segment, new) cur = new cur.putChild(self.guardPath[-1], self.createSessionWrapper(portal)) chan = self.createChannel(root) return chan def getGuardPath(self): """ Return a path to the guard. An empty string if guard is a the root, otherwise guaranteed to start with a slash and end with a non-slash. """ if not self.guardPath: return '' else: return '/' + '/'.join(self.guardPath) def testHttpAuthInit(self): p = self.createPortal() chan = self.createGuard(p) p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) for x in range(3): req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath(), "test", "test") self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes") self.assertEquals(len(self.sessions),1) def testSessionInit(self): p = self.createPortal() chan = self.createGuard(p) # The first thing that happens when we attempt to browse with no session # is a cookie being set and a redirect being issued to the session url req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath()) self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.") # The redirect is set immediately and should have a path segment at the beginning matching our cookie self.failUnless(req.headers.has_key('location')) cookie = req._cookieCache.values()[0][0] # The URL should have the cookie segment in it and the correct path segments at the end self.assertEquals(req.headers['location'], 'http://fake.com%s/%s/xxx/yyy/' % (self.getGuardPath(), guard.SESSION_KEY+cookie, )) # Now, let's follow the redirect req = req.followRedirect() # Our session should now be set up and we will be redirected to our final destination self.assertEquals(req.headers['location'].split('?')[0], 'http://fake.com%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath()) # Let's follow the redirect to the final page req = req.followRedirect() self.failIf(req.headers.has_key('location')) # We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "No") def testSessionInit_noCookies(self): p = self.createPortal() chan = self.createGuard(p) # The first thing that happens when we attempt to browse with no session # is a cookie being set and a redirect being issued to the session url req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath(), requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies) # The redirect is set immediately and should have a path segment at the beginning matching our session id self.failUnless(req.headers.has_key('location')) # The URL should have the session id segment in it and the correct path segments at the end location = req.headers['location'] prefix = 'http://fake.com%s/%s' % (self.getGuardPath(), guard.SESSION_KEY) suffix = '/xxx/yyy/' self.failUnless(location.startswith(prefix)) self.failUnless(location.endswith(suffix)) for c in location[len(prefix):-len(suffix)]: self.failUnless(c in '0123456789abcdef') # Now, let's follow the redirect req = req.followRedirect() self.failIf(req.headers.has_key('location')) # We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "No") def testUsernamePassword(self): p = self.createPortal() p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) # Check the anonymous page req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "No") # Check the logged in page req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__/?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes") # Log out chan.makeFakeRequest("%s/__logout__" % self.getGuardPath()).followRedirect() # Get the anonymous page again k = chan.makeFakeRequest("%s/" % self.getGuardPath()) self.assertEquals(k.written.getvalue(), "No") def testLoginWithNoSession(self): p = self.createPortal() p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__/?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes") def testFormWithNoSession(self): p = self.createPortal() chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/?aFormArgument=1' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), 'We got the form.') def testNoSlash(self): """URL-based sessions do not fail even if there is no slash after the session key.""" p = self.createPortal() chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath(), requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies).followAllRedirects() # We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "No") # now try requesting just the guard path self.failUnless(req.path.startswith('%s/%s' % (self.getGuardPath(), guard.SESSION_KEY))) self.failUnless(req.path.endswith('/')) req = chan.makeFakeRequest(req.path[:-1], requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies).followAllRedirects() # it should work just as well as with the slash # (not actually the same page, but SillyPage always says the same thing here) self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "No") def testTrailingSlashMatters_noCookies(self): class TrailingSlashPage(rend.Page): def locateChild(self, request, segments): return self.__class__('%s/%s' % (self.original, segments[0])), segments[1:] class TrailingSlashAvatar(TrailingSlashPage): def renderHTTP(self, request): return 'Authenticated %s' % self.original class TrailingSlashAnonymous(TrailingSlashPage): def renderHTTP(self, ctx): return 'Anonymous %s' % self.original class TrailingSlashRealm: __implements__ = IRealm def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): if avatarId == ANONYMOUS: return inevow.IResource, TrailingSlashAnonymous(self.path), lambda: None else: return inevow.IResource, TrailingSlashAvatar(self.path), lambda: None p = self.createPortal(realmFactory=lambda : TrailingSlashRealm(self.getGuardPath())) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath(), requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies).followAllRedirects() # We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Anonymous %s/" % self.getGuardPath()) # now try requesting just the guard path self.failUnless(req.path.startswith('%s/%s' % (self.getGuardPath(), guard.SESSION_KEY))) self.failUnless(req.path.endswith('/')) req = chan.makeFakeRequest(req.path[:-1], requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies).followAllRedirects() # it should no longer have the trailing slash self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Anonymous %s" % self.getGuardPath()) def testTrailingSlashMatters_withCookies(self): # omitting the trailing slash when not using session keys can # only be done when the guard is not the root resource if not self.guardPath: return class TrailingSlashPage(rend.Page): def locateChild(self, request, segments): return self.__class__('%s/%s' % (self.original, segments[0])), segments[1:] class TrailingSlashAvatar(TrailingSlashPage): def renderHTTP(self, request): return 'Authenticated %s' % self.original class TrailingSlashAnonymous(TrailingSlashPage): def renderHTTP(self, ctx): return 'Anonymous %s' % self.original class TrailingSlashRealm: __implements__ = IRealm def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): if avatarId == ANONYMOUS: return inevow.IResource, TrailingSlashAnonymous(self.path), lambda: None else: return inevow.IResource, TrailingSlashAvatar(self.path), lambda: None p = self.createPortal(realmFactory=lambda : TrailingSlashRealm(self.getGuardPath())) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() # We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Anonymous %s/" % self.getGuardPath()) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() # We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Anonymous %s" % self.getGuardPath()) def testPlainTextCookie(self): """Cookies from non-SSL sites have no secure attribute.""" p = self.createPortal() chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath()) self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.") cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0] secure = kw.get('secure', None) self.failIf(secure) def testPlainTextCookie_evenWithSecureCookies(self): """Cookies from non-SSL sites have no secure attribute, even if secureCookie is true.""" p = self.createPortal() chan = self.createGuard(p) gu = getGuard(chan) gu.secureCookies = False req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath()) self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.") cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0] secure = kw.get('secure', None) self.failIf(secure) def testSecureCookie_secureCookies(self): """Cookies from SSL sites have secure=True.""" p = self.createPortal() chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath(), requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_forceSSL) self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.") cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0] secure = kw.get('secure', None) self.failUnless(secure) def testSecureCookie_noSecureCookies(self): """Cookies from SSL sites do not have secure=True if secureCookies is false.""" p = self.createPortal() chan = self.createGuard(p) gu = getGuard(chan) gu.secureCookies = False req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath(), requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_forceSSL) self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.") cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0] secure = kw.get('secure', None) self.failIf(secure) def testCookiePath(self): """Cookies get the correct path setting sites have no secure attribute.""" p = self.createPortal() chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath()) self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.") cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0] path = kw.get('path', None) wanted = self.getGuardPath() if wanted == '': wanted = '/' self.failUnlessEqual(path, wanted) def testLoginExtraPath(self): p = self.createPortal() p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__/sub/path?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes") self.assertEquals(req.path, '%s/sub/path' % self.getGuardPath()) def testLoginExtraPath_withSlash(self): p = self.createPortal() p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__/sub/path/?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes") self.assertEquals(req.path, '%s/sub/path/' % self.getGuardPath()) def testLogoutExtraPath(self): p = self.createPortal() p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes") # Log out req2 = chan.makeFakeRequest("%s/__logout__/sub/path" % self.getGuardPath()).followRedirect() self.assertEquals(req2.written.getvalue(), "No") self.assertEquals(req2.path, '%s/sub/path' % self.getGuardPath()) def testLogoutExtraPath_withSlash(self): p = self.createPortal() p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes") # Log out req2 = chan.makeFakeRequest("%s/__logout__/sub/path/" % self.getGuardPath()).followRedirect() self.assertEquals(req2.written.getvalue(), "No") self.assertEquals(req2.path, '%s/sub/path/' % self.getGuardPath()) def testGetLoggedInRoot_getLogin(self): p = self.createPortal(realmFactory=GetLoggedInRealm) p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "GetLoggedInAvatar") def testGetLoggedInRoot_httpAuthLogin(self): p = self.createPortal(realmFactory=GetLoggedInRealm) p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) for x in range(4): req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath(), "test", "test") self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "GetLoggedInAvatar") self.assertEquals(len(self.sessions),1) def testErrorPage_httpAuth(self): """Failed HTTP Auth results in a 403 error.""" p = self.createPortal() p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s' % self.getGuardPath(), "test", "invalid-password") self.assertEquals(req.headers.get('location', None), None) self.assertEquals(req.code, 403) self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), 'Forbidden' +'


Request was forbidden.' +'') self.assertEquals(req.path, self.getGuardPath()) def testErrorPage_httpAuth_deep(self): """Failed HTTP Auth results in a 403 error.""" p = self.createPortal() p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/quux/thud' % self.getGuardPath(), "test", "invalid-password") self.assertEquals(req.headers.get('location', None), None) self.assertEquals(req.code, 403) self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), 'Forbidden' +'


Request was forbidden.' +'') self.assertEquals(req.path, '%s/quux/thud' % self.getGuardPath()) def testErrorPage_getLogin(self): """Failed normal login results in anonymous view of the same page.""" p = self.createPortal() p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest( '%s/__login__?username=test&password=invalid-password' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), 'No') wanted = self.getGuardPath() if wanted == '': wanted = '/' self.assertEquals(req.path, wanted) def testErrorPage_getLogin_deep(self): """Failed normal login results in anonymous view of the same page.""" p = self.createPortal() p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword) chan = self.createGuard(p) req = chan.makeFakeRequest( '%s/__login__/quux/thud?username=test&password=invalid-password' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), 'No') self.assertEquals(req.path, '%s/quux/thud' % self.getGuardPath()) class ParentPage(rend.Page): addSlash = True def renderHTTP(self, context): request = context.locate(inevow.IRequest) return 'This is %s at %s' % (self.original, request.URLPath()) class GuardTest(GuardTestSuper, GuardTestFuncs): guardPath = [] class GuardTest_NotAtRoot_oneLevel(GuardTestSuper, GuardTestFuncs): guardPath = ['foo'] class GuardTest_NotAtRoot_manyLevels(GuardTestSuper, GuardTestFuncs): guardPath = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] class SillyPage(rend.Page): def locateChild(self, request, segments): return self.__class__(), segments[1:] class SillyAvatar(SillyPage): def renderHTTP(self, request): return 'Yes' class SillyAnonymous(SillyPage): def renderHTTP(self, ctx): if ctx.arg('aFormArgument'): return "We got the form." return 'No' class SillyRealm: __implements__ = IRealm def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): if avatarId == ANONYMOUS: return inevow.IResource, SillyAnonymous(), lambda: None else: return inevow.IResource, SillyAvatar(), lambda: None class LeakyPage(SillyPage): def renderHTTP(self, request): return "woo" class LeakyRealm: __implements__ = IRealm def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): if avatarId == ANONYMOUS: return inevow.IResource, SillyAnonymous(), lambda: None else: return inevow.IResource, LeakyPage(), lambda: None class LeakTest(GuardTestSuper): def makeRequest(self, sw, p, username): chan = self.createChannel(sw) req = chan.makeFakeRequest( '/__login__?username=%(username)s&password=%(username)s' % {'username': username} ).followAllRedirects() self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "woo") for i in range(10): req = chan.makeFakeRequest( '/foo/bar/baz/bamf/' ).followAllRedirects() def _leaky(self): p = self.createPortal(LeakyRealm) sw = self.createSessionWrapper(p) p.registerChecker( InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse( test0='test0', test1='test1', test2='test2', test3='test3', test4='test4', test5='test5', test6='test6', test7='test7', test8='test8', test9='test9'), IUsernamePassword) for x in range(10): self.makeRequest(sw, p, 'test%s' % x) def test_leak(self): self._leaky() ref = [x for x in gc.get_referrers(context.PageContext) if isinstance(x, context.PageContext)] #print ref #import pdb; pdb.Pdb().set_trace()