# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod. # See LICENSE for details. from twisted.python import log from nevow import loaders from nevow import rend from nevow.stan import directive from nevow.tags import * from nevow import inevow class VirtualHostList(rend.Page): def __init__(self, nvh): rend.Page.__init__(self) self.nvh = nvh stylesheet = """ body { border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; background-color: #efefef; } h1 {padding: 0.1em; background-color: #777; color: white; border-bottom: thin white dashed;} """ def getStyleSheet(self): return self.stylesheet def data_hostlist(self, context, data): return self.nvh.hosts.keys() def render_hostlist(self, context, data): host=data req = context.locate(inevow.IRequest) proto = req.clientproto.split('/')[0].lower() port = req.getHeader('host').split(':')[1] link = "%s://%s" % (proto, host) if port != 80: link += ":%s" % port link += req.path return context.tag[a(href=link)[ host ]] def render_title(self, context, data): req = context.locate(inevow.IRequest) proto = req.clientproto.split('/')[0].lower() host = req.getHeader('host') return context.tag[ "Virtual Host Listing for %s://%s" % (proto, host) ] docFactory = loaders.stan( html[ head[ title(render=render_title), style(type="text/css")[ getStyleSheet ] ], body[ h1(render=render_title), ul(data=directive("hostlist"), render=directive("sequence"))[ li(pattern="item", render=render_hostlist)]]]) class NameVirtualHost(rend.Page): """I am a resource which represents named virtual hosts. And these are my obligatory comments """ supportNested = True def __init__(self, default=None, listHosts=True): """Initialize. - Do you really need me to tell you that? """ log.msg("Initializing %r" % self) rend.Page.__init__(self) self.hosts = {} self.default = default self.listHosts = listHosts if self.listHosts and self.default == None: self.default = VirtualHostList(self) def addHost(self, name, resrc): """Add a host to this virtual host. - The Fun Stuff(TM) This associates a host named 'name' with a resource 'resrc' >>> nvh.addHost('nevow.com', nevowDirectory) >>> nvh.addHost('divmod.org', divmodDirectory) >>> nvh.addHost('twistedmatrix.com', twistedMatrixDirectory) I told you that was fun. """ self.hosts[name] = resrc def removeHost(self, name): """Remove a host. :( """ del self.hosts[name] def _getResourceForRequest(self, request): """(Internal) Get the appropriate resource for the request """ hostHeader = request.getHeader('host') if hostHeader == None: return self.default or rend.NotFound[0] else: host = hostHeader.split(':')[0].lower() if self.supportNested: """ If supportNested is True domain prefixes (the stuff up to the first '.') will be chopped off until it's reduced to the tld or a valid domain is found. """ while not self.hosts.has_key(host) and len(host.split('.')) > 1: host = '.'.join(host.split('.')[1:]) return (self.hosts.get(host, self.default) or rend.NotFound[0]) def locateChild(self, ctx, segments): """It's a NameVirtualHost, do you know where your children are? This uses locateChild magic so you don't have to mutate the request. """ resrc = self._getResourceForRequest(inevow.IRequest(ctx)) return resrc, segments class _VHostMonsterResourcePrepathCleaner: """VHostMonsterResource cannot modify request.prepath because the segments it needs to remove are not appended to prepath until *after* it returns the (resource,segments) tuple. """ __implements__ = inevow.IResource, def locateChild(self, ctx, segments): request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) request.prepath = request.prepath[3:] return request.site.resource, segments _prepathCleaner = _VHostMonsterResourcePrepathCleaner() class VHostMonsterResource: '''VHostMonster resource that helps to deploy a Nevow site behind a proxy. The main problem when deploying behind a proxy is that the scheme, host name and port the user typed into their browser are lost because the proxying web server forwards the request to something like http://localhost:8080/. A vhost resource consumes the next 2 segments of the URL to rewrite the scheme, host and port in the request object. It then "forwards" the request to the site's root resource. To install the resource use something like: >>> root = MyRootPage() >>> root.putChild('vhost', VHostMonsterResource()) >>> site = NevowSite(root) An appropriate Apache configuration using mod_proxy would be:: ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/vhost/http/real.domainname.com/ If you only want to proxy a part of the url tree, try:: ProxyPass /foo/bar http://localhost:8080/vhost/http/real.domainname.com/foo/bar Note how the path is equal on both the public and the private server. Where as the /vhost/http/real.domainname.com part tells the private server the scheme, hostname, and possibly port, the /foo/bar is needed at the end to let the private know the path also. This also means your private server should serve the real content at /foo/bar, and not at the root of the tree. ''' __implements__ = inevow.IResource, def locateChild(self, ctx, segments): request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) if len(segments) < 2: return rend.NotFound else: if segments[0] == 'http': request.isSecure = lambda: 0 elif segments[0] == 'https': request.isSecure = lambda: 1 if ':' in segments[1]: host, port = segments[1].split(':', 1) port = int(port) else: host, port = segments[1], 80 request.setHost(host, port) prefixLen = len('/'+'/'.join(request.prepath)+'/'+'/'.join(segments[:2])) request.path = '/'+'/'.join(segments[2:]) request.uri = request.uri[prefixLen:] return _prepathCleaner, segments[2:]