# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_application -*- # # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. import sys, os, pdb, getpass, traceback, signal from twisted.python import runtime, log, usage, reflect, failure, util, logfile from twisted.persisted import sob from twisted.application import service from twisted.internet import defer from twisted import copyright reactorTypes = { 'wx': 'twisted.internet.wxreactor', 'gtk': 'twisted.internet.gtkreactor', 'gtk2': 'twisted.internet.gtk2reactor', 'glib2': 'twisted.internet.glib2reactor', 'glade': 'twisted.manhole.gladereactor', 'default': 'twisted.internet.selectreactor', 'win32': 'twisted.internet.win32eventreactor', 'win': 'twisted.internet.win32eventreactor', 'poll': 'twisted.internet.pollreactor', 'qt': 'twisted.internet.qtreactor', 'cf' : 'twisted.internet.cfreactor', 'kqueue': 'twisted.internet.kqreactor', 'iocp': 'twisted.internet.iocpreactor', 'cfreactor': 'twisted.internet.cfreactor', 'threadedselect': 'twisted.internet.threadedselectreactor', } def installReactor(reactor): if reactor: reflect.namedModule(reactorTypes[reactor]).install() def runWithProfiler(reactor, config): """Run reactor under standard profiler.""" try: import profile except ImportError, e: s = "Failed to import module profile: %s" % e s += """ This is most likely caused by your operating system not including profile.py due to it being non-free. Either do not use the option --profile, or install profile.py; your operating system vendor may provide it in a separate package. """ traceback.print_exc(file=log.logfile) log.msg(s) log.deferr() sys.exit('\n' + s + '\n') p = profile.Profile() p.runcall(reactor.run) if config['savestats']: p.dump_stats(config['profile']) else: # XXX - omfg python sucks tmp, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, open(config['profile'], 'a') p.print_stats() sys.stdout, tmp = tmp, sys.stdout tmp.close() def runWithHotshot(reactor, config): """Run reactor under hotshot profiler.""" try: import hotshot.stats except ImportError, e: s = "Failed to import module hotshot: %s" % e s += """ This is most likely caused by your operating system not including profile.py due to it being non-free. Either do not use the option --profile, or install profile.py; your operating system vendor may provide it in a separate package. """ traceback.print_exc(file=log.logfile) log.msg(s) log.deferr() sys.exit('\n' + s + '\n') # this writes stats straight out p = hotshot.Profile(config["profile"]) p.runcall(reactor.run) if config["savestats"]: # stats are automatically written to file, nothing to do return else: s = hotshot.stats.load(config["profile"]) s.strip_dirs() s.sort_stats(-1) tmp, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, open(config['profile'], 'w') s.print_stats() sys.stdout, tmp = tmp, sys.stdout tmp.close() def fixPdb(): def do_stop(self, arg): self.clear_all_breaks() self.set_continue() from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.callLater(0, reactor.stop) return 1 def help_stop(self): print """stop - Continue execution, then cleanly shutdown the twisted reactor.""" def set_quit(self): os._exit(0) pdb.Pdb.set_quit = set_quit pdb.Pdb.do_stop = do_stop pdb.Pdb.help_stop = help_stop def runReactorWithLogging(config, oldstdout, oldstderr): from twisted.internet import reactor try: if config['profile']: if not config['nothotshot']: runWithHotshot(reactor, config) else: runWithProfiler(reactor, config) elif config['debug']: sys.stdout = oldstdout sys.stderr = oldstderr if runtime.platformType == 'posix': signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, lambda *args: pdb.set_trace()) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda *args: pdb.set_trace()) fixPdb() pdb.runcall(reactor.run) else: reactor.run() except: if config['nodaemon']: file = oldstdout else: file = open("TWISTD-CRASH.log",'a') traceback.print_exc(file=file) file.flush() def getPassphrase(needed): if needed: return getpass.getpass('Passphrase: ') else: return None def getSavePassphrase(needed): if needed: passphrase = util.getPassword("Encryption passphrase: ") else: return None def getApplication(config, passphrase): s = [(config[t], t) for t in ['python', 'xml', 'source', 'file'] if config[t]][0] filename, style = s[0], {'file':'pickle'}.get(s[1],s[1]) try: log.msg("Loading %s..." % filename) application = service.loadApplication(filename, style, passphrase) log.msg("Loaded.") except Exception, e: s = "Failed to load application: %s" % e if isinstance(e, KeyError) and e.args[0] == "application": s += """ Could not find 'application' in the file. To use 'twistd -y', your .tac file must create a suitable object (e.g., by calling service.Application()) and store it in a variable named 'application'. twistd loads your .tac file and scans the global variables for one of this name. Please read the 'Using Application' HOWTO for details. """ traceback.print_exc(file=log.logfile) log.msg(s) log.deferr() sys.exit('\n' + s + '\n') return application def reportProfile(report_profile, name): if not report_profile: return if name: from twisted.python.dxprofile import report log.msg("Sending DXP stats...") report(report_profile, name) log.msg("DXP stats sent.") else: log.err("--report-profile specified but application has no " "name (--appname unspecified)") class ServerOptions(usage.Options): optFlags = [['savestats', None, "save the Stats object rather than the text output of " "the profiler."], ['no_save','o', "do not save state on shutdown"], ['encrypted', 'e', "The specified tap/aos/xml file is encrypted."], ['nothotshot', None, "Don't use the 'hotshot' profiler even if it's available."]] optParameters = [['logfile','l', None, "log to a specified file, - for stdout"], ['profile', 'p', None, "Run in profile mode, dumping results to specified file"], ['file','f','twistd.tap', "read the given .tap file"], ['python','y', None, "read an application from within a Python file (implies -o)"], ['xml', 'x', None, "Read an application from a .tax file " "(Marmalade format)."], ['source', 's', None, "Read an application from a .tas file (AOT format)."], ['rundir','d','.', 'Change to a supplied directory before running'], ['reactor', 'r', None, 'Which reactor to use out of: %s.' % ', '.join(reactorTypes.keys())], ['report-profile', None, None, 'E-mail address to use when reporting dynamic execution ' 'profiler stats. This should not be combined with ' 'other profiling options. This will only take effect ' 'if the application to be run has an application ' 'name.']] #zsh_altArgDescr = {"foo":"use this description for foo instead"} #zsh_multiUse = ["foo", "bar"] zsh_mutuallyExclusive = [("file", "python", "xml", "source")] zsh_actions = {"file":'_files -g "*.tap"', "python":'_files -g "*.(tac|py)"', "xml":'_files -g "*.tax"', "source":'_files -g "*.tas"', "rundir":"_dirs", "reactor":"(%s)" % " ".join(reactorTypes.keys()),} #zsh_actionDescr = {"logfile":"log file name", "random":"random seed"} def __init__(self, *a, **kw): self['debug'] = False usage.Options.__init__(self, *a, **kw) def opt_debug(self): """ run the application in the Python Debugger (implies nodaemon), sending SIGUSR2 will drop into debugger """ defer.setDebugging(True) failure.startDebugMode() self['debug'] = True opt_b = opt_debug def opt_spew(self): """Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens. Useful when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.""" sys.settrace(util.spewer) try: import threading except ImportError: return threading.settrace(util.spewer) def parseOptions(self, options=None): if options is None: options = sys.argv[1:] or ["--help"] usage.Options.parseOptions(self, options) def postOptions(self): if self['python']: self['no_save'] = True def run(runApp, ServerOptions): config = ServerOptions() try: config.parseOptions() except usage.error, ue: print config print "%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], ue) else: runApp(config) def initialLog(): from twisted.internet import reactor log.msg("twistd %s (%s %s) starting up" % (copyright.version, sys.executable, runtime.shortPythonVersion())) log.msg('reactor class: %s' % reactor.__class__) def convertStyle(filein, typein, passphrase, fileout, typeout, encrypt): application = service.loadApplication(filein, typein, passphrase) sob.IPersistable(application).setStyle(typeout) passphrase = getSavePassphrase(encrypt) if passphrase: fileout = None sob.IPersistable(application).save(filename=fileout, passphrase=passphrase) def startApplication(application, save): from twisted.internet import reactor service.IService(application).startService() if save: p = sob.IPersistable(application) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after', 'shutdown', p.save, 'shutdown') reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', service.IService(application).stopService) def getLogFile(logfilename): logPath = os.path.abspath(logfilename) logFile = logfile.LogFile(os.path.basename(logPath), os.path.dirname(logPath)) return logFile