import traceback # possibly figure out how to subclass these or something cdef class PyCFRunLoopTimer: cdef CFRunLoopTimerRef cf cdef public object callout cdef CFRunLoopTimerContext context def __new__(self, double fireDate, double interval, callout): self.callout = callout self.context.version = 0 = self self.context.retain = NULL self.context.release = NULL self.context.copyDescription = NULL = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, fireDate, interval, 0, 0, &gilRunLoopTimerCallBack, &self.context) if == NULL: raise ValueError("Invalid Socket") def getNextFireDate(self): return CFRunLoopTimerGetNextFireDate( def setNextFireDate(self, double fireDate): CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate(, fireDate) def invalidate(self): CFRunLoopTimerInvalidate( def __dealloc__(self): if != NULL: CFRelease( cdef void runLoopTimerCallBack(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info): cdef PyCFRunLoopTimer obj obj = info try: if obj.callout: obj.callout() except: traceback.print_exc() cdef void gilRunLoopTimerCallBack(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info): cdef PyGILState_STATE gil gil = PyGILState_Ensure() runLoopTimerCallBack(timer, info) PyGILState_Release(gil) cdef class PyCFRunLoop: cdef public object cf def __new__(self, runLoop=None): cdef CFTypeRef _runLoop if runLoop is None: _runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent() else: if CFObj_Convert(runLoop, &_runLoop) == 0: raise #return -1 # this is going to leak a reference = CFObj_New(CFRetain(_runLoop)) def run(self): CFRunLoopRun() def stop(self): cdef CFTypeRef _runLoop if CFObj_Convert(, &_runLoop) == 0: raise ValueError, "CFRunLoopReference is invalid" CFRunLoopStop(_runLoop) def currentMode(self): cdef CFTypeRef _currentMode cdef CFTypeRef _runLoop if CFObj_Convert(, &_runLoop) == 0: raise ValueError, "CFRunLoopReference is invalid" _currentMode = CFRunLoopCopyCurrentMode(_runLoop) if _currentMode == NULL: return None return CFObj_New(_currentMode) def addSocket(self, PyCFSocket socket not None): cdef CFTypeRef _runLoop if CFObj_Convert(, &_runLoop) == 0: raise ValueError, "CFRunLoopReference is invalid" CFRunLoopAddSource(_runLoop, socket.source, kCFRunLoopCommonModes) def removeSocket(self, PyCFSocket socket not None): cdef CFTypeRef _runLoop if CFObj_Convert(, &_runLoop) == 0: raise ValueError, "CFRunLoopReference is invalid" CFRunLoopRemoveSource(_runLoop, socket.source, kCFRunLoopCommonModes) def addTimer(self, PyCFRunLoopTimer timer not None): cdef CFTypeRef _runLoop if CFObj_Convert(, &_runLoop) == 0: raise ValueError, "CFRunLoopReference is invalid" CFRunLoopAddTimer(_runLoop,, kCFRunLoopCommonModes) def removeTimer(self, PyCFRunLoopTimer timer not None): cdef CFTypeRef _runLoop if CFObj_Convert(, &_runLoop) == 0: raise ValueError, "CFRunLoopReference is invalid" CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(_runLoop,, kCFRunLoopCommonModes)