# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_iutils -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """Utility methods.""" import sys, warnings from twisted.internet import protocol, defer from twisted.python import failure, util as tputil try: import cStringIO as StringIO except ImportError: import StringIO def _callProtocolWithDeferred(protocol, executable, args, env, path, reactor=None): if reactor is None: from twisted.internet import reactor d = defer.Deferred() p = protocol(d) reactor.spawnProcess(p, executable, (executable,)+tuple(args), env, path) return d class _BackRelay(protocol.ProcessProtocol): def __init__(self, deferred, errortoo=0): self.deferred = deferred self.s = StringIO.StringIO() if errortoo: self.errReceived = self.errReceivedIsGood else: self.errReceived = self.errReceivedIsBad def errReceivedIsBad(self, text): if self.deferred is not None: self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(IOError("got stderr: %r" % text))) self.deferred = None self.transport.loseConnection() def errReceivedIsGood(self, text): self.s.write(text) def outReceived(self, text): self.s.write(text) def processEnded(self, reason): if self.deferred is not None: self.deferred.callback(self.s.getvalue()) def getProcessOutput(executable, args=(), env={}, path='.', reactor=None, errortoo=0): """Spawn a process and return its output as a deferred returning a string. @param executable: The file name to run and get the output of - the full path should be used. @param args: the command line arguments to pass to the process; a sequence of strings. The first string should *NOT* be the executable's name. @param env: the environment variables to pass to the processs; a dictionary of strings. @param path: the path to run the subprocess in - defaults to the current directory. @param reactor: the reactor to use - defaults to the default reactor @param errortoo: if 1, capture stderr too """ return _callProtocolWithDeferred(lambda d: _BackRelay(d, errortoo=errortoo), executable, args, env, path, reactor) class _ValueGetter(protocol.ProcessProtocol): def __init__(self, deferred): self.deferred = deferred def processEnded(self, reason): self.deferred.callback(reason.value.exitCode) def getProcessValue(executable, args=(), env={}, path='.', reactor=None): """Spawn a process and return its exit code as a Deferred.""" return _callProtocolWithDeferred(_ValueGetter, executable, args, env, path, reactor) class _EverythingGetter(protocol.ProcessProtocol): def __init__(self, deferred): self.deferred = deferred self.outBuf = StringIO.StringIO() self.errBuf = StringIO.StringIO() self.outReceived = self.outBuf.write self.errReceived = self.errBuf.write def processEnded(self, reason): out = self.outBuf.getvalue() err = self.errBuf.getvalue() e = reason.value code = e.exitCode if e.signal: self.deferred.errback((out, err, e.signal)) else: self.deferred.callback((out, err, code)) def getProcessOutputAndValue(executable, args=(), env={}, path='.', reactor=None): """Spawn a process and returns a Deferred that will be called back with its output (from stdout and stderr) and it's exit code as (out, err, code) If a signal is raised, the Deferred will errback with the stdout and stderr up to that point, along with the signal, as (out, err, signalNum) """ return _callProtocolWithDeferred(_EverythingGetter, executable, args, env, path, reactor) def _resetWarningFilters(passthrough, addedFilters): for f in addedFilters: try: warnings.filters.remove(f) except ValueError: pass return passthrough def runWithWarningsSuppressed(suppressedWarnings, f, *a, **kw): """Run the function C{f}, but with some warnings suppressed. @param suppressedWarnings: A list of arguments to pass to filterwarnings. Must be a sequence of 2-tuples (args, kwargs). @param f: A callable, followed by its arguments and keyword arguments """ for args, kwargs in suppressedWarnings: warnings.filterwarnings(*args, **kwargs) addedFilters = warnings.filters[:len(suppressedWarnings)] try: result = f(*a, **kw) except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() _resetWarningFilters(None, addedFilters) raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2] else: if isinstance(result, defer.Deferred): result.addBoth(_resetWarningFilters, addedFilters) else: _resetWarningFilters(None, addedFilters) return result def suppressWarnings(f, *suppressedWarnings): """ Wrap C{f} in a callable which suppresses the indicated warnings before invoking C{f} and unsuppresses them afterwards. If f returns a Deferred, warnings will remain suppressed until the Deferred fires. """ def warningSuppressingWrapper(*a, **kw): return runWithWarningsSuppressed(suppressedWarnings, f, *a, **kw) return tputil.mergeFunctionMetadata(f, warningSuppressingWrapper) __all__ = [ "runWithWarningsSuppressed", "suppressWarnings", "getProcessOutput", "getProcessValue", "getProcessOutputAndValue", ]