from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.python import reflect, log, failure from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, protocol from twisted.pb.tokens import ISlicer, Violation, BananaError, NegotiationError from twisted.pb import banana, slicer, schema, tokens, debug, storage from twisted.pb.slicer import BananaFailure import StringIO, sys import sets #log.startLogging(sys.stderr) # some utility functions to manually assemble bytestreams def tOPEN(count): return ("OPEN", count) def tCLOSE(count): return ("CLOSE", count) tABORT = ("ABORT",) def bOPEN(opentype, count): assert count < 128 return chr(count) + "\x88" + chr(len(opentype)) + "\x82" + opentype def bCLOSE(count): assert count < 128 return chr(count) + "\x89" def bINT(num): if num >=0: assert num < 128 return chr(num) + "\x81" num = -num assert num < 128 return chr(num) + "\x83" def bSTR(str): assert len(str) < 128 return chr(len(str)) + "\x82" + str def bERROR(str): assert len(str) < 128 return chr(len(str)) + "\x8d" + str def bABORT(count): assert count < 128 return chr(count) + "\x8A" # DecodeTest (24): turns tokens into objects, tests objects and UFs # EncodeTest (13): turns objects/instance into tokens, tests tokens # FailedInstanceTests (2): 1:turn instances into tokens and fail, 2:reverse # ByteStream (3): turn object into bytestream, test bytestream # InboundByteStream (14): turn bytestream into object, check object # with or without constraints # ThereAndBackAgain (20): encode then decode object, check object # VocabTest1 (2): test setOutgoingVocabulary and an inbound Vocab sequence # VocabTest2 (1): send object, test bytestream w/vocab-encoding # Sliceable (2): turn instance into tokens (with ISliceable, test tokens class TokenBanana(debug.TokenStorageBanana): """this Banana formats tokens as strings, numbers, and ('OPEN',) tuples instead of bytes. Used for testing purposes.""" def testSlice(self, obj): assert len(self.slicerStack) == 1 assert isinstance(self.slicerStack[0][0], slicer.RootSlicer) self.tokens = [] d = self.send(obj) d.addCallback(self._testSlice_1) return d def _testSlice_1(self, res): assert len(self.slicerStack) == 1 assert not self.rootSlicer.sendQueue assert isinstance(self.slicerStack[0][0], slicer.RootSlicer) return self.tokens def __del__(self): assert not self.rootSlicer.sendQueue class UnbananaTestMixin: def setUp(self): self.hangup = False self.banana = TokenBanana() def tearDown(self): if not self.hangup: self.failUnless(len(self.banana.receiveStack) == 1) self.failUnless(isinstance(self.banana.receiveStack[0], storage.StorageRootUnslicer)) def do(self, tokens): self.banana.object = None self.banana.violation = None self.banana.transport.disconnectReason = None self.failUnless(len(self.banana.receiveStack) == 1) self.failUnless(isinstance(self.banana.receiveStack[0], storage.StorageRootUnslicer)) obj = self.banana.processTokens(tokens) return obj def shouldFail(self, tokens): obj = self.failUnless(obj is None, "object was produced: %s" % obj) self.failUnless(self.banana.violation, "didn't fail, ret=%s" % obj) self.failIf(self.banana.transport.disconnectReason, "connection was dropped: %s" % \ self.banana.transport.disconnectReason) return self.banana.violation def shouldDropConnection(self, tokens): self.banana.logReceiveErrors = False obj = self.failUnless(obj is None, "object was produced: %s" % obj) self.failIf(self.banana.violation) f = self.banana.transport.disconnectReason self.failUnless(f, "didn't fail, ret=%s" % obj) if not isinstance(f, BananaFailure):"disconnectReason wasn't a Failure: %s" % f) if not f.check(BananaError):"wrong exception type: %s" % f) self.hangup = True # to stop the tearDown check return f def failIfBananaFailure(self, res): if isinstance(res, BananaFailure): # something went wrong print "There was a failure while Unbananaing '%s':" % res.where print res.getTraceback()"BananaFailure") def checkBananaFailure(self, res, where, failtype=None): print res self.failUnless(isinstance(res, BananaFailure)) if failtype: self.failUnless(res.failure, "No Failure object in BananaFailure") if not res.check(failtype): print "Wrong exception (wanted '%s'):" % failtype print res.getTraceback()"Wrong exception (wanted '%s'):" % failtype) self.failUnlessEqual(res.where, where) self.banana.object = None # to stop the tearDown check TODO ?? class TestBanana(debug.LoggingStorageBanana): #doLog = "rx" def receivedObject(self, obj): self.object = obj def reportViolation(self, why): self.violation = why def reportReceiveError(self, f): debug.LoggingStorageBanana.reportReceiveError(self, f) self.transport.disconnectReason = BananaFailure() class TestTransport(StringIO.StringIO): disconnectReason = None def loseConnection(self): pass class _None: pass class TestBananaMixin: def setUp(self): self.makeBanana() def makeBanana(self): self.banana = TestBanana() self.banana.transport = TestTransport() self.banana.connectionMade() def encode(self, obj): d = self.banana.send(obj) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.banana.transport.getvalue()) return d def clearOutput(self): self.banana.transport = TestTransport() def decode(self, stream): self.banana.object = None self.banana.violation = None self.banana.dataReceived(stream) return self.banana.object def shouldDecode(self, stream): obj = self.decode(stream) self.failIf(self.banana.violation) self.failIf(self.banana.transport.disconnectReason) self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.banana.receiveStack), 1) return obj def shouldFail(self, stream): obj = self.decode(stream) self.failUnless(obj is None, "obj was '%s', not None" % (obj,)) self.failIf(self.banana.transport.disconnectReason, "connection was dropped: %s" % \ self.banana.transport.disconnectReason) self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.banana.receiveStack), 1) f = self.banana.violation if not f:"didn't fail, ret=%s" % obj) if not isinstance(f, BananaFailure):"violation wasn't a BananaFailure: %s" % f) if not f.check(Violation):"wrong exception type: %s" % f) return f def shouldDropConnection(self, stream): self.banana.logReceiveErrors = False # trial hooks log.err obj = self.decode(stream) self.failUnless(obj is None, "decode worked! got '%s', expected dropConnection" \ % obj) # the receiveStack is allowed to be non-empty here, since we've # dropped the connection anyway f = self.banana.transport.disconnectReason if not f:"didn't fail, ret=%s" % ret) if not isinstance(f, BananaFailure):"disconnectReason wasn't a Failure: %s" % f) if not f.check(BananaError):"wrong exception type: %s" % f) self.makeBanana() # need a new one, we squished the last one return f def wantEqual(self, got, wanted): if got != wanted: print print "wanted: '%s'" % wanted, repr(wanted) print "got : '%s'" % got, repr(got)"did not get expected string") def loop(self, obj): self.clearOutput() d = self.encode(obj) d.addCallback(self.shouldDecode) return d def looptest(self, obj, newvalue=_None): if newvalue is _None: newvalue = obj d = self.loop(obj) d.addCallback(self._looptest_1, newvalue) return d def _looptest_1(self, obj2, newvalue): self.failUnlessEqual(obj2, newvalue) self.failUnlessEqual(type(obj2), type(newvalue)) def join(*args): return "".join(args) class BrokenDictUnslicer(slicer.DictUnslicer): dieInFinish = 0 def receiveKey(self, key): if key == "die": raise Violation("aaagh") if key == "please_die_in_finish": self.dieInFinish = 1 slicer.DictUnslicer.receiveKey(self, key) def receiveValue(self, value): if value == "die": raise Violation("aaaaaaaaargh") slicer.DictUnslicer.receiveValue(self, value) def receiveClose(self): if self.dieInFinish: raise Violation("dead in receiveClose()") slicer.DictUnslicer.receiveClose(self) return None, None class ReallyBrokenDictUnslicer(slicer.DictUnslicer): def start(self, count): raise Violation("dead in start") class DecodeTest(UnbananaTestMixin, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): UnbananaTestMixin.setUp(self) self.banana.logReceiveErrors = False d ={ ('dict1',): BrokenDictUnslicer, ('dict2',): ReallyBrokenDictUnslicer, } self.banana.rootUnslicer.topRegistry.insert(0, d) self.banana.rootUnslicer.openRegistry.insert(0, d) def test_simple_list(self): "simple list" res =[tOPEN(0),'list',1,2,3,"a","b",tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnlessEqual(res, [1,2,3,'a','b']) def test_aborted_list(self): "aborted list" f = self.shouldFail([tOPEN(0),'list', 1, tABORT, tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnless(isinstance(f, BananaFailure)) self.failUnless(f.check(Violation)) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".[1]") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "ABORT received") def test_aborted_list2(self): "aborted list2" f = self.shouldFail([tOPEN(0),'list', 1, tABORT, tOPEN(1),'list', 2, 3, tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnless(isinstance(f, BananaFailure)) self.failUnless(f.check(Violation)) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".[1]") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "ABORT received") def test_aborted_list3(self): "aborted list3" f = self.shouldFail([tOPEN(0),'list', 1, tOPEN(1),'list', 2, 3, 4, tOPEN(2),'list', 5, 6, tABORT, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnless(isinstance(f, BananaFailure)) self.failUnless(f.check(Violation)) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".[1].[3].[2]") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "ABORT received") def test_nested_list(self): "nested list" res =[tOPEN(0),'list',1,2, tOPEN(1),'list',3,4,tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnlessEqual(res, [1,2,[3,4]]) def test_list_with_tuple(self): "list with tuple" res =[tOPEN(0),'list',1,2, tOPEN(1),'tuple',3,4,tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnlessEqual(res, [1,2,(3,4)]) def test_dict(self): "dict" res =[tOPEN(0),'dict',"a",1,"b",2,tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnlessEqual(res, {'a':1, 'b':2}) def test_dict_with_duplicate_keys(self): "dict with duplicate keys" f = self.shouldDropConnection([tOPEN(0),'dict', "a",1,"a",2, tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".{}") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "duplicate key 'a'") def test_dict_with_list(self): "dict with list" res =[tOPEN(0),'dict', "a",1, "b", tOPEN(1),'list', 2, 3, tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnlessEqual(res, {'a':1, 'b':[2,3]}) def test_dict_with_tuple_as_key(self): "dict with tuple as key" res =[tOPEN(0),'dict', tOPEN(1),'tuple', 1, 2, tCLOSE(1), "a", tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnlessEqual(res, {(1,2):'a'}) def test_dict_with_mutable_key(self): "dict with mutable key" f = self.shouldDropConnection([tOPEN(0),'dict', tOPEN(1),'list', 1, 2, tCLOSE(1), "a", tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".{}") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "unhashable key '[1, 2]'") def test_instance(self): "instance" f1 = Foo(); f1.a = 1; f1.b = [2,3] f2 = Bar(); f2.d = 4; f1.c = f2 res =[tOPEN(0),'instance', "twisted.pb.test.test_banana.Foo", "a", 1, "b", tOPEN(1),'list', 2, 3, tCLOSE(1), "c", tOPEN(2),'instance', "twisted.pb.test.test_banana.Bar", "d", 4, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnlessEqual(res, f1) def test_instance_bad1(self): "subinstance with numeric classname" tokens = [tOPEN(0),'instance', "Foo", "a", 1, "b", tOPEN(1),'list', 2, 3, tCLOSE(1), "c", tOPEN(2),'instance', 37, "d", 4, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)] f = self.shouldDropConnection(tokens) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, "..c.") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "InstanceUnslicer classname must be string") def test_instance_bad2(self): "subinstance with numeric attribute name" tokens = [tOPEN(0),'instance', "Foo", "a", 1, "b", tOPEN(1),'list', 2, 3, tCLOSE(1), "c", tOPEN(2),'instance', "Bar", 37, 4, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)] f = self.shouldDropConnection(tokens) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, "..c..attrname??") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "InstanceUnslicer keys must be STRINGs") def test_instance_unsafe1(self): "instances when instances aren't allowed" self.banana.rootUnslicer.topRegistry = [slicer.UnslicerRegistry] self.banana.rootUnslicer.openRegistry = [slicer.UnslicerRegistry] tokens = [tOPEN(0),'instance', "Foo", "a", 1, "b", tOPEN(1),'list', 2, 3, tCLOSE(1), "c", tOPEN(2),'instance', "Bar", 37, 4, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)] f = self.shouldFail(tokens) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, "") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "unknown top-level OPEN type ('instance',)") def test_ref1(self): res =[tOPEN(0),'list', tOPEN(1),'list', 1, 2, tCLOSE(1), tOPEN(2),'reference', 1, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failIfBananaFailure(res) self.failUnlessEqual(res, [[1,2], [1,2]]) self.failUnlessIdentical(res[0], res[1]) def test_ref2(self): res =[tOPEN(0),'list', tOPEN(1),'list', 1, 2, tCLOSE(1), tOPEN(2),'reference', 0, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failIfBananaFailure(res) wanted = [[1,2]] wanted.append(wanted) # python2.3 is clever and can do # self.failUnlessEqual(res, wanted) # python2.4 is not, so we do it by hand self.failUnlessEqual(len(res), len(wanted)) self.failUnlessEqual(res[0], wanted[0]) self.failUnlessIdentical(res, res[1]) def test_ref3(self): res =[tOPEN(0),'list', tOPEN(1),'tuple', 1, 2, tCLOSE(1), tOPEN(2),'reference', 1, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failIfBananaFailure(res) wanted = [(1,2)] wanted.append(wanted[0]) self.failUnlessEqual(res, wanted) self.failUnlessIdentical(res[0], res[1]) def test_ref4(self): res =[tOPEN(0),'list', tOPEN(1),'dict', "a", 1, tCLOSE(1), tOPEN(2),'reference', 1, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failIfBananaFailure(res) wanted = [{"a":1}] wanted.append(wanted[0]) self.failUnlessEqual(res, wanted) self.failUnlessIdentical(res[0], res[1]) def test_ref5(self): # The Droste Effect: a list that contains itself res =[tOPEN(0),'list', 5, 6, tOPEN(1),'reference', 0, tCLOSE(1), 7, tCLOSE(0)]) self.failIfBananaFailure(res) wanted = [5,6] wanted.append(wanted) wanted.append(7) #self.failUnlessEqual(res, wanted) self.failUnlessEqual(len(res), len(wanted)) self.failUnlessEqual(res[0:2], wanted[0:2]) self.failUnlessIdentical(res[2], res) self.failUnlessEqual(res[3], wanted[3]) def test_ref6(self): # everybody's favorite "([(ref0" test case. A tuple of a list of a # tuple of the original tuple. Such cycles must always have a # mutable container in them somewhere, or they couldn't be # constructed, but the resulting object involves a lot of deferred # results because the mutable list is the *only* object that can # be created without dependencies res =[tOPEN(0),'tuple', tOPEN(1),'list', tOPEN(2),'tuple', tOPEN(3),'reference', 0, tCLOSE(3), tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failIfBananaFailure(res) wanted = ([],) wanted[0].append((wanted,)) #self.failUnlessEqual(res, wanted) self.failUnless(type(res) is tuple) self.failUnless(len(res) == 1) self.failUnless(type(res[0]) is list) self.failUnless(len(res[0]) == 1) self.failUnless(type(res[0][0]) is tuple) self.failUnless(len(res[0][0]) == 1) self.failUnlessIdentical(res[0][0][0], res) # TODO: need a test where tuple[0] and [1] are deferred, but # tuple[0] becomes available before tuple[2] is inserted. Not sure # this is possible, but it would improve test coverage in # TupleUnslicer def test_failed_dict1(self): # dies during open because of bad opentype f = self.shouldFail([tOPEN(0),'list', 1, tOPEN(1),"bad", "a", 2, "b", 3, tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnless(isinstance(f, BananaFailure)) self.failUnless(f.check(Violation)) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".[1]") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "unknown OPEN type ('bad',)") def test_failed_dict2(self): # dies during start f = self.shouldFail([tOPEN(0),'list', 1, tOPEN(1),'dict2', "a", 2, "b", 3, tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnless(isinstance(f, BananaFailure)) self.failUnless(f.check(Violation)) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".[1].{}") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "dead in start") def test_failed_dict3(self): # dies during key f = self.shouldFail([tOPEN(0),'list', 1, tOPEN(1),'dict1', "a", 2, "die", tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnless(isinstance(f, BananaFailure)) self.failUnless(f.check(Violation)) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".[1].{}") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "aaagh") res =[tOPEN(2),'list', 3, 4, tCLOSE(2)]) self.failUnlessEqual(res, [3,4]) def test_failed_dict4(self): # dies during value f = self.shouldFail([tOPEN(0),'list', 1, tOPEN(1),'dict1', "a", 2, "b", "die", tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnless(isinstance(f, BananaFailure)) self.failUnless(f.check(Violation)) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".[1].{}[b]") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "aaaaaaaaargh") def test_failed_dict5(self): # dies during finish f = self.shouldFail([tOPEN(0),'list', 1, tOPEN(1),'dict1', "a", 2, "please_die_in_finish", 3, tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) self.failUnless(isinstance(f, BananaFailure)) self.failUnless(f.check(Violation)) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".[1].{}") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "dead in receiveClose()") class Bar: def __cmp__(self, them): if not type(them) == type(self): return -1 return cmp((self.__class__, self.__dict__), (them.__class__, them.__dict__)) class Foo(Bar): pass class EncodeTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.banana = TokenBanana() def do(self, obj): return self.banana.testSlice(obj) def tearDown(self): self.failUnless(len(self.banana.slicerStack) == 1) self.failUnless(isinstance(self.banana.slicerStack[0][0], slicer.RootSlicer)) def testList(self): d =[1,2]) d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'list', 1, 2, tCLOSE(0)]) return d def testTuple(self): d =,2)) d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'tuple', 1, 2, tCLOSE(0)]) return d def testNestedList(self): d =[1,2,[3,4]]) d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'list', 1, 2, tOPEN(1),'list', 3, 4, tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) return d def testNestedList2(self): d =[1,2,(3,4,[5, "hi"])]) d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'list', 1, 2, tOPEN(1),'tuple', 3, 4, tOPEN(2),'list', 5, "hi", tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) return d def testDict(self): d ={'a': 1, 'b': 2}) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.failUnless( res == [tOPEN(0),'dict', 'a', 1, 'b', 2, tCLOSE(0)] or res == [tOPEN(0),'dict', 'b', 2, 'a', 1, tCLOSE(0)])) return d def test_ref1(self): l = [1,2] obj = [l,l] d = d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'list', tOPEN(1),'list', 1, 2, tCLOSE(1), tOPEN(2),'reference', 1, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)]) return d def test_ref2(self): obj = [[1,2]] obj.append(obj) d = d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'list', tOPEN(1),'list', 1, 2, tCLOSE(1), tOPEN(2),'reference', 0, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)]) return d def test_ref3(self): obj = [(1,2)] obj.append(obj[0]) d = d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'list', tOPEN(1),'tuple', 1, 2, tCLOSE(1), tOPEN(2),'reference', 1, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)]) return d def test_ref4(self): obj = [{"a":1}] obj.append(obj[0]) d = d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'list', tOPEN(1),'dict', "a", 1, tCLOSE(1), tOPEN(2),'reference', 1, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)]) return d def test_ref6(self): # everybody's favorite "([(ref0" test case. obj = ([],) obj[0].append((obj,)) d = d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'tuple', tOPEN(1),'list', tOPEN(2),'tuple', tOPEN(3),'reference', 0, tCLOSE(3), tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) return d def test_refdict1(self): # a dictionary with a value that isn't available right away d0 = {1: "a"} t = (d0,) d0[2] = t d = d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'dict', 1, "a", 2, tOPEN(1),'tuple', tOPEN(2),'reference', 0, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) return d def test_instance_one(self): obj = Bar() obj.a = 1 classname = reflect.qual(Bar) d = d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'instance', classname, "a", 1, tCLOSE(0)]) return d def test_instance_two(self): f1 = Foo(); f1.a = 1; f1.b = [2,3] f2 = Bar(); f2.d = 4; f1.c = f2 fooname = reflect.qual(Foo) barname = reflect.qual(Bar) # needs OrderedDictSlicer for the test to work d = d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0),'instance', fooname, "a", 1, "b", tOPEN(1),'list', 2, 3, tCLOSE(1), "c", tOPEN(2),'instance', barname, "d", 4, tCLOSE(2), tCLOSE(0)]) class ErrorfulSlicer(slicer.BaseSlicer): def __init__(self, mode, shouldSucceed, ignoreChildDeath=False): self.mode = mode self.items = [1] self.items.append(mode) self.items.append(3) #if mode not in ('success', 'deferred-good'): if not shouldSucceed: self.items.append("unreached") self.counter = -1 self.childDied = False self.ignoreChildDeath = ignoreChildDeath def __iter__(self): return self def slice(self, streamable, banana): self.streamable = streamable if self.mode == "slice": raise Violation("slice failed") return self def next(self): self.counter += 1 if not self.items: raise StopIteration obj = self.items.pop(0) if obj == "next": raise Violation("next failed") if obj == "deferred-good": d = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, None) return d if obj == "deferred-bad": d = defer.Deferred() # the Banana should bail, so don't bother with the timer return d if obj == "newSlicerFor": unserializable = open("unserializable.txt", "w") # Hah! Serialize that! return unserializable if obj == "unreached": print "error: called after it should have stopped" return obj def childAborted(self, v): self.childDied = True if self.ignoreChildDeath: return None return v def describe(self): return "ErrorfulSlicer[%d]" % self.counter # Slicer creation (schema pre-validation?) # .slice (called in pushSlicer) ? # raising Violation # returning Deferred when streaming isn't allowed # .sendToken (non-primitive token, can't happen) # .newSlicerFor (no ISlicer adapter) # top.childAborted class EncodeFailureTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.banana = TokenBanana() def send(self, obj): d = self.banana.send(obj) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.banana.tokens) return d def testSuccess1(self): # make sure the test slicer works correctly s = ErrorfulSlicer("success", True) d = self.send(s) d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [('OPEN', 0), 1, 'success', 3, ('CLOSE', 0)]) return d def testSuccessStreaming(self): # success s = ErrorfulSlicer("deferred-good", True) d = self.send(s) d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [('OPEN', 0), 1, 3, ('CLOSE', 0)]) return d def test1(self): # failure during .slice (called from pushSlicer) s = ErrorfulSlicer("slice", False) d = self.send(s) d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"this was supposed to fail"), self._test1_1) return d def _test1_1(self, e): e.trap(Violation) self.failUnlessEqual(e.value.where, "") self.failUnlessEqual(e.value.args, ("slice failed",)) self.failUnlessEqual(self.banana.tokens, []) def test2(self): # raising Violation s = ErrorfulSlicer("next", False) d = self.send(s) d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"this was supposed to fail"), self._test2_1) return d def _test2_1(self, e): e.trap(Violation) self.failUnlessEqual(e.value.where, ".ErrorfulSlicer[1]") self.failUnlessEqual(e.value.args, ("next failed",)) self.failUnlessEqual(self.banana.tokens, [('OPEN', 0), 1, ('ABORT',), ('CLOSE', 0)]) def test3(self): # returning Deferred when streaming isn't allowed self.banana.rootSlicer.allowStreaming(False) s = ErrorfulSlicer("deferred-bad", False) d = self.send(s) d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"this was supposed to fail"), self._test3_1) return d def _test3_1(self, e): e.trap(Violation) self.failUnlessEqual(e.value.where, ".ErrorfulSlicer[1]") self.failUnlessEqual(e.value.args, ("parent not streamable",)) self.failUnlessEqual(self.banana.tokens, [('OPEN', 0), 1, ('ABORT',), ('CLOSE', 0)]) def test4(self): # .newSlicerFor (no ISlicer adapter), parent propagates upwards s = ErrorfulSlicer("newSlicerFor", False) d = self.send(s) d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"this was supposed to fail"), self._test4_1, errbackArgs=(s,)) return d def _test4_1(self, e, s): e.trap(Violation) self.failUnlessEqual(e.value.where, ".ErrorfulSlicer[1]") self.failUnlessSubstring("cannot serialize ") why = e.value.args[0] self.failUnless( why.startswith("cannot serialize " "64 bytes) # checkToken (top.openerCheckToken) # checkToken (top.checkToken) # typebyte == LIST (oldbanana) # bad VOCAB key # TODO # too-long vocab key # bad FLOAT encoding # I don't there is such a thing # top.receiveClose # top.finish # top.reportViolation # oldtop.finish (in from handleViolation) # top.doOpen # top.start # plus all of these when discardCount != 0 class ErrorfulUnslicer(slicer.BaseUnslicer): debug = False def doOpen(self, opentype): if self.mode == "doOpen": raise Violation("boom") return slicer.BaseUnslicer.doOpen(self, opentype) def start(self, count): self.mode = self.protocol.mode self.ignoreChildDeath = self.protocol.ignoreChildDeath if self.debug: print "ErrorfulUnslicer.start, mode=%s" % self.mode self.list = [] if self.mode == "start": raise Violation("boom") def openerCheckToken(self, typebyte, size, opentype): if self.debug: print "ErrorfulUnslicer.openerCheckToken(%s)" \ % tokens.tokenNames[typebyte] if self.mode == "openerCheckToken": raise Violation("boom") return slicer.BaseUnslicer.openerCheckToken(self, typebyte, size, opentype) def checkToken(self, typebyte, size): if self.debug: print "ErrorfulUnslicer.checkToken(%s)" \ % tokens.tokenNames[typebyte] if self.mode == "checkToken": raise Violation("boom") if self.mode == "checkToken-OPEN" and typebyte == tokens.OPEN: raise Violation("boom") return slicer.BaseUnslicer.checkToken(self, typebyte, size) def receiveChild(self, obj, ready_deferred=None): if self.debug: print "ErrorfulUnslicer.receiveChild", obj if self.mode == "receiveChild": raise Violation("boom") self.list.append(obj) def reportViolation(self, why): if self.ignoreChildDeath: return None return why def receiveClose(self): if self.debug: print "ErrorfulUnslicer.receiveClose" if self.protocol.mode == "receiveClose": raise Violation("boom") return self.list, None def finish(self): if self.debug: print "ErrorfulUnslicer.receiveClose" if self.protocol.mode == "finish": raise Violation("boom") def describe(self): return "errorful" class FailingUnslicer(slicer.TupleUnslicer): def receiveChild(self, obj, ready_deferred=None): if self.protocol.mode != "success": raise Violation("foom") return slicer.TupleUnslicer.receiveChild(self, obj, ready_deferred) def describe(self): return "failing" class DecodeFailureTest(TestBananaMixin, unittest.TestCase): listStream = join(bOPEN("errorful", 0), bINT(1), bINT(2), bCLOSE(0)) nestedStream = join(bOPEN("errorful", 0), bINT(1), bOPEN("list", 1), bINT(2), bINT(3), bCLOSE(1), bCLOSE(0)) nestedStream2 = join(bOPEN("failing", 0), bSTR("a"), bOPEN("errorful", 1), bINT(1), bOPEN("list", 2), bINT(2), bINT(3), bCLOSE(2), bCLOSE(1), bSTR("b"), bCLOSE(0), ) abortStream = join(bOPEN("errorful", 0), bINT(1), bOPEN("list", 1), bINT(2), bABORT(1), bINT(3), bCLOSE(1), bCLOSE(0)) def setUp(self): TestBananaMixin.setUp(self) d = {('errorful',): ErrorfulUnslicer, ('failing',): FailingUnslicer, } self.banana.rootUnslicer.topRegistry.insert(0, d) self.banana.rootUnslicer.openRegistry.insert(0, d) self.banana.ignoreChildDeath = False def testSuccess1(self): self.banana.mode = "success" o = self.shouldDecode(self.listStream) self.failUnlessEqual(o, [1,2]) o = self.shouldDecode(self.nestedStream) self.failUnlessEqual(o, [1,[2,3]]) o = self.shouldDecode(self.nestedStream2) self.failUnlessEqual(o, ("a",[1,[2,3]],"b")) def testLongHeader(self): # would be a string but the header is too long s = "\x01" * 66 + "\x82" + "stupidly long string" f = self.shouldDropConnection(s) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "token prefix is limited to 64 bytes") def testLongHeader2(self): # bad string while discarding s = "\x01" * 66 + "\x82" + "stupidly long string" s = bOPEN("errorful",0) + bINT(1) + s + bINT(2) + bCLOSE(0) self.banana.mode = "start" f = self.shouldDropConnection(s) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "token prefix is limited to 64 bytes") def testCheckToken1(self): # violation raised in top.openerCheckToken self.banana.mode = "openerCheckToken" f = self.shouldFail(self.nestedStream) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".errorful") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "boom") self.testSuccess1() def testCheckToken2(self): # violation raised in top.openerCheckToken, but the error is # absorbed self.banana.mode = "openerCheckToken" self.banana.ignoreChildDeath = True o = self.shouldDecode(self.nestedStream) self.failUnlessEqual(o, [1]) self.testSuccess1() def testCheckToken3(self): # violation raised in top.checkToken self.banana.mode = "checkToken" f = self.shouldFail(self.listStream) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".errorful") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "boom") self.testSuccess1() def testCheckToken4(self): # violation raised in top.checkToken, but only for the OPEN that # starts the nested list. The error is absorbed. self.banana.mode = "checkToken-OPEN" self.banana.ignoreChildDeath = True o = self.shouldDecode(self.nestedStream) self.failUnlessEqual(o, [1]) self.testSuccess1() def testCheckToken5(self): # violation raised in top.checkToken, while discarding self.banana.mode = "checkToken" #self.banana.debugReceive=True f = self.shouldFail(self.nestedStream2) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".failing") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "foom") self.testSuccess1() def testReceiveChild1(self): self.banana.mode = "receiveChild" f = self.shouldFail(self.listStream) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".errorful") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "boom") self.testSuccess1() def testReceiveChild2(self): self.banana.mode = "receiveChild" f = self.shouldFail(self.nestedStream2) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".failing") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "foom") self.testSuccess1() def testReceiveChild3(self): self.banana.mode = "receiveChild" # the ABORT should be ignored, since it is in the middle of a # sequence which is being ignored. One possible bug is that the # ABORT delivers a second Violation. In this test, we only record # the last Violation, so we'll catch that case. f = self.shouldFail(self.abortStream) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".errorful") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "boom") # (the other Violation would be at 'root', of type 'ABORT received' self.testSuccess1() def testReceiveClose1(self): self.banana.mode = "receiveClose" f = self.shouldFail(self.listStream) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".errorful") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "boom") self.testSuccess1() def testReceiveClose2(self): self.banana.mode = "receiveClose" f = self.shouldFail(self.nestedStream2) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".failing") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "foom") self.testSuccess1() def testFinish1(self): self.banana.mode = "finish" f = self.shouldFail(self.listStream) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".errorful") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "boom") self.testSuccess1() def testFinish2(self): self.banana.mode = "finish" f = self.shouldFail(self.nestedStream2) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".failing") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "foom") self.testSuccess1() def testStart1(self): self.banana.mode = "start" f = self.shouldFail(self.listStream) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".errorful") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "boom") self.testSuccess1() def testStart2(self): self.banana.mode = "start" f = self.shouldFail(self.nestedStream2) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".failing") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "foom") self.testSuccess1() def testDoOpen1(self): self.banana.mode = "doOpen" f = self.shouldFail(self.nestedStream) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".errorful") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "boom") self.testSuccess1() def testDoOpen2(self): self.banana.mode = "doOpen" f = self.shouldFail(self.nestedStream2) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, ".failing") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "foom") self.testSuccess1() class ByteStream(TestBananaMixin, unittest.TestCase): def test_list(self): obj = [1,2] expected = join(bOPEN("list", 0), bINT(1), bINT(2), bCLOSE(0), ) d = self.encode(obj) d.addCallback(self.wantEqual, expected) return d def test_ref6(self): # everybody's favorite "([(ref0" test case. obj = ([],) obj[0].append((obj,)) expected = join(bOPEN("tuple",0), bOPEN("list",1), bOPEN("tuple",2), bOPEN("reference",3), bINT(0), bCLOSE(3), bCLOSE(2), bCLOSE(1), bCLOSE(0)) d = self.encode(obj) d.addCallback(self.wantEqual, expected) return d def test_two(self): f1 = Foo(); f1.a = 1; f1.b = [2,3] f2 = Bar(); f2.d = 4; f1.c = f2 fooname = reflect.qual(Foo) barname = reflect.qual(Bar) # needs OrderedDictSlicer for the test to work expected = join(bOPEN("instance",0), bSTR(fooname), bSTR("a"), bINT(1), bSTR("b"), bOPEN("list",1), bINT(2), bINT(3), bCLOSE(1), bSTR("c"), bOPEN("instance",2), bSTR(barname), bSTR("d"), bINT(4), bCLOSE(2), bCLOSE(0)) d = self.encode(f1) d.addCallback(self.wantEqual, expected) return d class InboundByteStream(TestBananaMixin, unittest.TestCase): def check(self, obj, stream): # use a new Banana for each check self.makeBanana() obj2 = self.shouldDecode(stream) self.failUnlessEqual(obj, obj2) def testInt(self): self.check(1, "\x01\x81") self.check(130, "\x02\x01\x81") self.check(-1, "\x01\x83") self.check(-130, "\x02\x01\x83") self.check(0, bINT(0)) self.check(1, bINT(1)) self.check(127, bINT(127)) self.check(-1, bINT(-1)) self.check(-127, bINT(-127)) def testLong(self): self.check(258L, "\x02\x85\x01\x02") # TODO: 0x85 for LONGINT?? self.check(-258L, "\x02\x86\x01\x02") # TODO: 0x85 for LONGINT?? def testString(self): self.check("", "\x82") self.check("", "\x00\x82") self.check("", "\x00\x00\x82") self.check("", "\x00" * 64 + "\x82") f = self.shouldDropConnection("\x00" * 65) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, "") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "token prefix is limited to 64 bytes") f = self.shouldDropConnection("\x00" * 65 + "\x82") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, "") self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "token prefix is limited to 64 bytes") self.check("a", "\x01\x82a") self.check("b"*130, "\x02\x01\x82" + "b"*130 + "extra") self.check("c"*1025, "\x01\x08\x82" + "c" * 1025 + "extra") self.check("fluuber", bSTR("fluuber")) def testList(self): self.check([1,2], join(bOPEN('list',1), bINT(1), bINT(2), bCLOSE(1))) self.check([1,"b"], join(bOPEN('list',1), bINT(1), "\x01\x82b", bCLOSE(1))) self.check([1,2,[3,4]], join(bOPEN('list',1), bINT(1), bINT(2), bOPEN('list',2), bINT(3), bINT(4), bCLOSE(2), bCLOSE(1))) def testTuple(self): self.check((1,2), join(bOPEN('tuple',1), bINT(1), bINT(2), bCLOSE(1))) def testDict(self): self.check({1:"a", 2:["b","c"]}, join(bOPEN('dict',1), bINT(1), bSTR("a"), bINT(2), bOPEN('list',2), bSTR("b"), bSTR("c"), bCLOSE(2), bCLOSE(1))) def TRUE(self): return join(bOPEN("boolean",2), bINT(1), bCLOSE(2)) def FALSE(self): return join(bOPEN("boolean",2), bINT(0), bCLOSE(2)) def testBool(self): self.check(True, self.TRUE()) class InboundByteStream2(TestBananaMixin, unittest.TestCase): def setConstraints(self, constraint, childConstraint): if constraint: constraint = schema.makeConstraint(constraint) self.banana.receiveStack[-1].constraint = constraint if childConstraint: childConstraint = schema.makeConstraint(childConstraint) self.banana.receiveStack[-1].childConstraint = childConstraint def conform2(self, stream, obj, constraint=None, childConstraint=None): self.setConstraints(constraint, childConstraint) obj2 = self.shouldDecode(stream) self.failUnlessEqual(obj, obj2) def violate2(self, stream, where, constraint=None, childConstraint=None): self.setConstraints(constraint, childConstraint) f = self.shouldFail(stream) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.where, where) self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.banana.receiveStack), 1) def testConstrainedInt(self): pass # TODO: after implementing new LONGINT token def testConstrainedString(self): self.conform2("\x82", "", schema.StringConstraint(10)) self.conform2("\x0a\x82" + "a"*10 + "extra", "a"*10, schema.StringConstraint(10)) self.violate2("\x0b\x82" + "a"*11 + "extra", "", schema.StringConstraint(10)) def NOTtestFoo(self): if 0: a100 = chr(100) + "\x82" + "a"*100 b100 = chr(100) + "\x82" + "b"*100 self.violate2(join(bOPEN('list',1), bOPEN('list',2), a100, b100, bCLOSE(2), bCLOSE(1)), ".[0].[0]", schema.ListOf( schema.ListOf(schema.StringConstraint(99), 2), 2)) def OPENweird(count, weird): return chr(count) + "\x88" + weird self.violate2(join(bOPEN('list',1), bOPEN('list',2), OPENweird(3, bINT(64)), bINT(1), bINT(2), bCLOSE(3), bCLOSE(2), bCLOSE(1)), ".[0].[0]", None) def testConstrainedList(self): self.conform2(join(bOPEN('list',1), bINT(1), bINT(2), bCLOSE(1)), [1,2], schema.ListOf(int)) self.violate2(join(bOPEN('list',1), bINT(1), "\x01\x82b", bCLOSE(1)), ".[1]", schema.ListOf(int)) self.conform2(join(bOPEN('list',1), bINT(1), bINT(2), bINT(3), bCLOSE(1)), [1,2,3], schema.ListOf(int, maxLength=3)) self.violate2(join(bOPEN('list',1), bINT(1), bINT(2), bINT(3), bINT(4), bCLOSE(1)), ".[3]", schema.ListOf(int, maxLength=3)) a100 = chr(100) + "\x82" + "a"*100 b100 = chr(100) + "\x82" + "b"*100 self.conform2(join(bOPEN('list',1), a100, b100, bCLOSE(1)), ["a"*100, "b"*100], schema.ListOf(schema.StringConstraint(100), 2)) self.violate2(join(bOPEN('list',1), a100, b100, bCLOSE(1)), ".[0]", schema.ListOf(schema.StringConstraint(99), 2)) self.violate2(join(bOPEN('list',1), a100, b100, a100, bCLOSE(1)), ".[2]", schema.ListOf(schema.StringConstraint(100), 2)) self.conform2(join(bOPEN('list',1), bOPEN('list',2), bINT(11), bINT(12), bCLOSE(2), bOPEN('list',3), bINT(21), bINT(22), bINT(23), bCLOSE(3), bCLOSE(1)), [[11,12], [21, 22, 23]], schema.ListOf(schema.ListOf(int, maxLength=3))) self.violate2(join(bOPEN('list',1), bOPEN('list',2), bINT(11), bINT(12), bCLOSE(2), bOPEN('list',3), bINT(21), bINT(22), bINT(23), bCLOSE(3), bCLOSE(1)), ".[1].[2]", schema.ListOf(schema.ListOf(int, maxLength=2))) def testConstrainedTuple(self): self.conform2(join(bOPEN('tuple',1), bINT(1), bINT(2), bCLOSE(1)), (1,2), schema.TupleOf(int, int)) self.violate2(join(bOPEN('tuple',1), bINT(1), bINT(2), bINT(3), bCLOSE(1)), ".[2]", schema.TupleOf(int, int)) self.violate2(join(bOPEN('tuple',1), bINT(1), bSTR("not a number"), bCLOSE(1)), ".[1]", schema.TupleOf(int, int)) self.conform2(join(bOPEN('tuple',1), bINT(1), bSTR("twine"), bCLOSE(1)), (1, "twine"), schema.TupleOf(int, str)) self.conform2(join(bOPEN('tuple',1), bINT(1), bOPEN('list',2), bINT(1), bINT(2), bINT(3), bCLOSE(2), bCLOSE(1)), (1, [1,2,3]), schema.TupleOf(int, schema.ListOf(int))) self.conform2(join(bOPEN('tuple',1), bINT(1), bOPEN('list',2), bOPEN('list',3), bINT(2), bCLOSE(3), bOPEN('list',4), bINT(3), bCLOSE(4), bCLOSE(2), bCLOSE(1)), (1, [[2], [3]]), schema.TupleOf(int, schema.ListOf(schema.ListOf(int)))) self.violate2(join(bOPEN('tuple',1), bINT(1), bOPEN('list',2), bOPEN('list',3), bSTR("nan"), bCLOSE(3), bOPEN('list',4), bINT(3), bCLOSE(4), bCLOSE(2), bCLOSE(1)), ".[1].[0].[0]", schema.TupleOf(int, schema.ListOf(schema.ListOf(int)))) def testConstrainedDict(self): self.conform2(join(bOPEN('dict',1), bINT(1), bSTR("a"), bINT(2), bSTR("b"), bINT(3), bSTR("c"), bCLOSE(1)), {1:"a", 2:"b", 3:"c"}, schema.DictOf(int, str)) self.conform2(join(bOPEN('dict',1), bINT(1), bSTR("a"), bINT(2), bSTR("b"), bINT(3), bSTR("c"), bCLOSE(1)), {1:"a", 2:"b", 3:"c"}, schema.DictOf(int, str, maxKeys=3)) self.violate2(join(bOPEN('dict',1), bINT(1), bSTR("a"), bINT(2), bINT(10), bINT(3), bSTR("c"), bCLOSE(1)), ".{}[2]", schema.DictOf(int, str)) self.violate2(join(bOPEN('dict',1), bINT(1), bSTR("a"), bINT(2), bSTR("b"), bINT(3), bSTR("c"), bCLOSE(1)), ".{}", schema.DictOf(int, str, maxKeys=2)) def TRUE(self): return join(bOPEN("boolean",2), bINT(1), bCLOSE(2)) def FALSE(self): return join(bOPEN("boolean",2), bINT(0), bCLOSE(2)) def testConstrainedBool(self): self.conform2(self.TRUE(), True, bool) self.conform2(self.TRUE(), True, schema.BooleanConstraint()) self.conform2(self.FALSE(), False, schema.BooleanConstraint()) # booleans have ints, not strings. To do otherwise is a protocol # error, not a schema Violation. f = self.shouldDropConnection(join(bOPEN("boolean",1), bSTR("vrai"), bCLOSE(1))) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "BooleanUnslicer only accepts an INT token") # but true/false is a constraint, and is reported with Violation self.violate2(self.TRUE(), ".", schema.BooleanConstraint(False)) self.violate2(self.FALSE(), ".", schema.BooleanConstraint(True)) class A: """ dummy class """ def amethod(self): pass def __cmp__(self, other): if not type(other) == type(self): return -1 return cmp(self.__dict__, other.__dict__) class B(object): # new-style class def amethod(self): pass def __cmp__(self, other): if not type(other) == type(self): return -1 return cmp(self.__dict__, other.__dict__) def afunc(self): pass class ThereAndBackAgain(TestBananaMixin, unittest.TestCase): def test_int(self): d = self.looptest(42) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(-47)) return d def test_bigint(self): # some of these are small enough to fit in an INT d = self.looptest(int(2**31-1)) # most positive representable number d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(long(2**31+0))) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(long(2**31+1))) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(long(-2**31-1))) # the following is the most negative representable number d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(int(-2**31+0))) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(int(-2**31+1))) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(long(2**100))) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(long(-2**100))) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(long(2**1000))) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(long(-2**1000))) return d def test_string(self): return self.looptest("biggles") def test_unicode(self): return self.looptest(u"biggles\u1234") def test_list(self): return self.looptest([1,2]) def test_tuple(self): return self.looptest((1,2)) def test_set(self): d = self.looptest(sets.Set([1,2])) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(sets.ImmutableSet([1,2]))) # verify the python2.4 builtin 'set' type, which is mutable if __builtins__.has_key("set"): # we serialize builtin 'set' as a regular mutable sets.Set d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(set([1,2]), sets.Set([1,2]))) return d def test_bool(self): d = self.looptest(True) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.looptest(False)) return d def test_float(self): return self.looptest(20.3) def test_none(self): d = self.loop(None) d.addCallback(lambda n2: self.failUnless(n2 is None)) return d def test_dict(self): return self.looptest({'a':1}) def test_func(self): return self.looptest(afunc) def test_module(self): return self.looptest(unittest) def test_instance(self): a = A() return self.looptest(a) def test_instance_newstyle(self): raise unittest.SkipTest("new-style classes still broken") b = B() return self.looptest(b) def test_class(self): return self.looptest(A) def test_class_newstyle(self): raise unittest.SkipTest("new-style classes still broken") return self.looptest(B) def test_boundMethod(self): a = A() m1 = a.amethod d = self.loop(m1) d.addCallback(self._test_boundMethod_1, m1) return d def _test_boundMethod_1(self, m2, m1): self.failUnlessEqual(m1.im_class, m2.im_class) self.failUnlessEqual(m1.im_self, m2.im_self) self.failUnlessEqual(m1.im_func, m2.im_func) def test_boundMethod_newstyle(self): raise unittest.SkipTest("new-style classes still broken") b = B() m1 = b.amethod d = self.loop(m1) d.addCallback(self._test_boundMethod_newstyle, m1) return d def _test_boundMethod_newstyle(self, m2, m1): self.failUnlessEqual(m1.im_class, m2.im_class) self.failUnlessEqual(m1.im_self, m2.im_self) self.failUnlessEqual(m1.im_func, m2.im_func) def test_classMethod(self): return self.looptest(A.amethod) def test_classMethod_newstyle(self): raise unittest.SkipTest("new-style classes still broken") return self.looptest(B.amethod) # some stuff from test_newjelly def testIdentity(self): # test to make sure that objects retain identity properly x = [] y = (x) x.append(y) x.append(y) self.assertIdentical(x[0], x[1]) self.assertIdentical(x[0][0], x) d = self.encode(x) d.addCallback(self.shouldDecode) d.addCallback(self._testIdentity_1) return d def _testIdentity_1(self, z): self.assertIdentical(z[0], z[1]) self.assertIdentical(z[0][0], z) def testUnicode(self): x = [unicode('blah')] d = self.loop(x) d.addCallback(self._testUnicode_1, x) return d def _testUnicode_1(self, y, x): self.assertEquals(x, y) self.assertEquals(type(x[0]), type(y[0])) def testStressReferences(self): reref = [] toplevelTuple = ({'list': reref}, reref) reref.append(toplevelTuple) d = self.loop(toplevelTuple) d.addCallback(self._testStressReferences_1) return d def _testStressReferences_1(self, z): self.assertIdentical(z[0]['list'], z[1]) self.assertIdentical(z[0]['list'][0], z) def testMoreReferences(self): a = [] t = (a,) t2 = (t,) a.append(t2) d = self.loop(t) d.addCallback(lambda z: self.assertIdentical(z[0][0][0], z)) return d class VocabTest1(unittest.TestCase): def test_incoming1(self): b = TokenBanana() vdict = {1: 'list', 2: 'tuple', 3: 'dict'} keys = vdict.keys() keys.sort() setVdict = [tOPEN(0),'vocab'] for k in keys: setVdict.append(k) setVdict.append(vdict[k]) setVdict.append(tCLOSE(0)) b.processTokens(setVdict) # banana should now know this vocabulary self.failUnlessEqual(b.incomingVocabulary, vdict) def test_outgoing(self): b = TokenBanana() vdict = {1: 'list', 2: 'tuple', 3: 'dict'} keys = vdict.keys() keys.sort() setVdict = [tOPEN(0),'vocab'] for k in keys: setVdict.append(k) setVdict.append(vdict[k]) setVdict.append(tCLOSE(0)) b.setOutgoingVocabulary(vdict) vocabTokens = b.getTokens() self.failUnlessEqual(vocabTokens, setVdict) # banana should now know this vocabulary class VocabTest2(TestBananaMixin, unittest.TestCase): def vbOPEN(self, count, opentype): num = self.invdict[opentype] return chr(count) + "\x88" + chr(num) + "\x87" def test_loop(self): vdict = {1: 'list', 2: 'tuple', 3: 'dict'} self.invdict = dict(zip(vdict.values(), vdict.keys())) self.banana.setOutgoingVocabulary(vdict) self.failUnlessEqual(self.banana.outgoingVocabulary, self.invdict) self.shouldDecode(self.banana.transport.getvalue()) self.failUnlessEqual(self.banana.incomingVocabulary, vdict) self.clearOutput() vbOPEN = self.vbOPEN expected = "".join([vbOPEN(1,"list"), vbOPEN(2,"tuple"), vbOPEN(3,"dict"), bSTR('a'), bINT(1), bCLOSE(3), bCLOSE(2), bCLOSE(1)]) d = self.encode([({'a':1},)]) d.addCallback(self.wantEqual, expected) return d class SliceableByItself(slicer.BaseSlicer): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def slice(self, streamable, banana): self.streamable = streamable # this is our "instance state" yield {"value": self.value} class CouldBeSliceable: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value class _AndICanHelp(slicer.BaseSlicer): def slice(self, streamable, banana): self.streamable = streamable yield {"value": self.obj.value} registerAdapter(_AndICanHelp, CouldBeSliceable, ISlicer) class Sliceable(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.banana = TokenBanana() def do(self, obj): return self.banana.testSlice(obj) def tearDown(self): self.failUnless(len(self.banana.slicerStack) == 1) self.failUnless(isinstance(self.banana.slicerStack[0][0], slicer.RootSlicer)) def testDirect(self): # the object is its own Slicer i = SliceableByItself(42) d = d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0), tOPEN(1), "dict", "value", 42, tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) return d def testAdapter(self): # the adapter is the Slicer i = CouldBeSliceable(43) d = d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, [tOPEN(0), tOPEN(1), "dict", "value", 43, tCLOSE(1), tCLOSE(0)]) return d