from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, reactor from twisted.application import internet from twisted.pb import negotiate, pb, tokens try: from twisted.pb import crypto except ImportError: crypto = None if crypto and not crypto.available: crypto = None class Target(pb.Referenceable): def __init__(self): self.calls = 0 def remote_call(self): self.calls += 1 def getPage(url): """This is a variant of the standard twisted.web.client.getPage, which is smart enough to shut off its connection when its done (even if it fails). """ from twisted.web import client scheme, host, port, path = client._parse(url) factory = client.HTTPClientFactory(url) c = reactor.connectTCP(host, port, factory) def shutdown(res, c): c.disconnect() return res factory.deferred.addBoth(shutdown, c) return factory.deferred class OneTimeDeferred(defer.Deferred): def callback(self, res): if self.called: return return defer.Deferred.callback(self, res) class BaseMixin: def setUp(self): self.connections = [] self.servers = [] = [] def tearDown(self): for c in self.connections: if c.transport: c.transport.loseConnection() dl = [] for s in self.servers: dl.append(defer.maybeDeferred(s.stopListening)) for s in dl.append(defer.maybeDeferred(s.stopService)) d = defer.DeferredList(dl) d.addCallback(self._checkListeners) return d def _checkListeners(self, res): self.failIf(pb.Listeners) def stall(self, res, timeout): d = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater(timeout, d.callback, res) return d def makeServer(self, encrypted, options={}, listenerOptions={}): self.tub = tub = pb.PBService(encrypted=encrypted, options=options) tub.startService() l = tub.listenOn("tcp:0", listenerOptions) tub.setLocation("localhost:%d" % l.getPortnum()) = Target() return tub.registerReference(, l.getPortnum() def makeNullServer(self): f = protocol.Factory() f.protocol = protocol.Protocol # discards everything s = internet.TCPServer(0, f) s.startService() portnum = s._port.getHost().port return portnum def makeHTTPServer(self): try: from twisted.web import server, resource, static except ImportError: raise unittest.SkipTest('this test needs twisted.web') root = resource.Resource() root.putChild("", static.Data("hello\n", "text/plain")) s = internet.TCPServer(0, server.Site(root)) s.startService() portnum = s._port.getHost().port return portnum def connectClient(self, portnum): tub = pb.PBService(encrypted=False) tub.startService() d = tub.getReference("pb://localhost:%d/hello" % portnum) return d def connectHTTPClient(self, portnum): return getPage("http://localhost:%d/foo" % portnum) class Basic(BaseMixin, unittest.TestCase): def testOptions(self): url, portnum = self.makeServer(False, {'opt': 12}) self.failUnlessEqual(self.tub.options['opt'], 12) def testEncrypted(self): if not crypto: raise unittest.SkipTest("crypto not available") url, portnum = self.makeServer(True) client = pb.PBService(encrypted=True) client.startService() d = client.getReference(url) return d testEncrypted.timeout = 10 def testUnencrypted(self): url, portnum = self.makeServer(False) client = pb.PBService(encrypted=False) client.startService() d = client.getReference(url) return d testUnencrypted.timeout = 10 def testHalfEncrypted1(self): if not crypto: raise unittest.SkipTest("crypto not available") url, portnum = self.makeServer(True) client = pb.PBService(encrypted=False) client.startService() d = client.getReference(url) return d testHalfEncrypted1.timeout = 10 def testHalfEncrypted2(self): if not crypto: raise unittest.SkipTest("crypto not available") url, portnum = self.makeServer(False) client = pb.PBService(encrypted=True) client.startService() d = client.getReference(url) return d testHalfEncrypted2.timeout = 10 class Versus(BaseMixin, unittest.TestCase): def testVersusHTTPServerEncrypted(self): if not crypto: raise unittest.SkipTest("crypto not available") portnum = self.makeHTTPServer() client = pb.PBService(encrypted=True) client.startService() url = "pb://1234@localhost:%d/target" % portnum d = client.getReference(url) d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"this is supposed to fail"), lambda f: f.trap(pb.BananaError)) # the HTTP server needs a moment to notice that the connection has # gone away. Without this, trial flunks the test because of the # leftover HTTP server socket. d.addCallback(self.stall, 1) return d testVersusHTTPServerEncrypted.timeout = 10 def testVersusHTTPServerUnencrypted(self): portnum = self.makeHTTPServer() client = pb.PBService(encrypted=False) client.startService() url = "pbu://localhost:%d/target" % portnum d = client.getReference(url) d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"this is supposed to fail"), lambda f: f.trap(pb.BananaError)) d.addCallback(self.stall, 1) # same reason as above return d testVersusHTTPServerUnencrypted.timeout = 10 def testVersusHTTPClientUnencrypted(self): try: from twisted.web import error except ImportError: raise unittest.SkipTest('this test needs twisted.web') url, portnum = self.makeServer(False) d = self.connectHTTPClient(portnum) d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"this is supposed to fail"), lambda f: f.trap(error.Error)) return d testVersusHTTPClientUnencrypted.timeout = 10 def testVersusHTTPClientEncrypted(self): if not crypto: raise unittest.SkipTest("crypto not available") try: from twisted.web import error except ImportError: raise unittest.SkipTest('this test needs twisted.web') url, portnum = self.makeServer(True) d = self.connectHTTPClient(portnum) d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"this is supposed to fail"), lambda f: f.trap(error.Error)) return d testVersusHTTPClientEncrypted.timeout = 10 def testNoConnection(self): url, portnum = self.makeServer(False) d = self.tub.stopService() d.addCallback(self._testNoConnection_1, url) return d testNoConnection.timeout = 10 def _testNoConnection_1(self, res, url): client = pb.PBService(encrypted=False) client.startService() d = client.getReference(url) d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"this is supposed to fail"), self._testNoConnection_fail) return d def _testNoConnection_fail(self, why): from twisted.internet import error self.failUnless(why.check(error.ConnectionRefusedError)) def testClientTimeout(self): portnum = self.makeNullServer() # lower the connection timeout to 2 seconds client = pb.PBService(encrypted=False, options={'connect_timeout': 1}) client.startService() url = "pbu://localhost:%d/target" % portnum d = client.getReference(url) d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"hey! this is supposed to fail"), lambda f: f.trap(tokens.NegotiationError)) return d testClientTimeout.timeout = 10 def testServerTimeout(self): # lower the connection timeout to 1 seconds # the debug callback gets fired each time Negotiate.negotiationFailed # is fired, which happens twice (once for the timeout, once for the # resulting connectionLost), so we have to make sure the Deferred is # only fired once. d = OneTimeDeferred() options = {'server_timeout': 1, 'debug_negotiationFailed_cb': d.callback } url, portnum = self.makeServer(False, listenerOptions=options) f = protocol.ClientFactory() f.protocol = protocol.Protocol # discards everything s = internet.TCPClient("localhost", portnum, f) s.startService() d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"hey! this is supposed to fail"), lambda f: self._testServerTimeout_1) return d testServerTimeout.timeout = 10 def _testServerTimeout_1(self, f): self.failUnless(f.check(tokens.NegotiationError)) self.failUnlessEqual(f.value.args[0], "negotiation timeout") class Parallel(BaseMixin, unittest.TestCase): # testParallel*: listen on two separate ports, set up a URL with both # ports in the locationHints field, the connect. PB is supposed to # connect to both ports at the same time, using whichever one completes # negotiation first. The other connection is supposed to be dropped # silently. # the cases we need to cover are enumerated by the possible states that # connection[1] can be in when connection[0] (the winning connection) # completes negotiation. Those states are: # 1: connectTCP initiated and failed # 2: connectTCP initiated, but not yet established # 3: connection established, but still in the PLAINTEXT phase # (sent GET, waiting for the 101 Switching Protocols) # 4: still in ENCRYPTED phase: sent Hello, waiting for their Hello # 5: in DECIDING phase (non-master), waiting for their decision # def makeServers(self, tubopts={}, lo1={}, lo2={}): self.tub = tub = pb.PBService(encrypted=True, options=tubopts) tub.startService() l1 = tub.listenOn("tcp:0", lo1) l2 = tub.listenOn("tcp:0", lo2) self.p1, self.p2 = l1.getPortnum(), l2.getPortnum() tub.setLocation("localhost:%d" % l1.getPortnum(), "localhost:%d" % l2.getPortnum()) = Target() return tub.registerReference( def connect(self, url, encrypted=True): self.clientPhases = [] opts = {"debug_stall_second_connection": True, "debug_gatherPhases": self.clientPhases} self.client = client = pb.PBService(encrypted=encrypted, options=opts) client.startService() d = client.getReference(url) return d def NOTtearDown(self): # every once in a while, one of these tests fails with a leftover # pending timer to ThreadedResolver._cleanup, which is annoying. The # 'stall' method is intended to give these stupid timers a chance to # clean up. d = BaseMixin.tearDown(self) d.addCallback(self.stall, 1) return d def checkConnectedToFirstListener(self, rr, targetPhases): # verify that we connected to the first listener, and not the second self.failUnlessEqual(, self.p1) # then pause a moment for the other connection to finish giving up d = self.stall(rr, 0.5) # and verify that we finished during the phase that we meant to test d.addCallback(lambda res: self.failUnlessEqual(self.clientPhases, targetPhases, "negotiation was abandoned in " "the wrong phase")) return d def test1(self): # in this test, we stop listening on the second port, so the second # connection will terminate with an ECONNREFUSED before the first one # completes. We also slow down the first port so we're sure to # recognize the failed second connection before starting negotiation # on the first. url = self.makeServers(lo1={'debug_slow_connectionMade': True}) d = self.tub.stopListeningOn(self.tub.getListeners()[1]) d.addCallback(self._test1_1, url) return d def _test1_1(self, res, url): d = self.connect(url) d.addCallback(self.checkConnectedToFirstListener, []) #d.addCallback(self.stall, 1) return d test1.timeout = 10 def test2(self): # slow down the second listener so that the first one is used. The # second listener will be connected but it will not respond to # negotiation for a moment, allowing the first connection to # complete. url = self.makeServers(lo2={'debug_slow_connectionMade': True}) d = self.connect(url) d.addCallback(self.checkConnectedToFirstListener, [negotiate.PLAINTEXT]) #d.addCallback(self.stall, 1) return d test2.timeout = 10 def test3(self): # have the second listener stall just before it does # sendPlaintextServer(). This insures the second connection will be # waiting in the PLAINTEXT phase when the first connection completes. url = self.makeServers(lo2={'debug_slow_sendPlaintextServer': True}) d = self.connect(url) d.addCallback(self.checkConnectedToFirstListener, [negotiate.PLAINTEXT]) return d test3.timeout = 10 def test4(self): # stall the second listener just before it sends the Hello. # This insures the second connection will be waiting in the ENCRYPTED # phase when the first connection completes. url = self.makeServers(lo2={'debug_slow_sendHello': True}) d = self.connect(url) d.addCallback(self.checkConnectedToFirstListener, [negotiate.ENCRYPTED]) #d.addCallback(self.stall, 1) return d test4.timeout = 10 def test5(self): # stall the second listener just before it sends the decision. This # insures the second connection will be waiting in the DECIDING phase # when the first connection completes. # note: this requires that the listener winds up as the master. We # force this by connecting from an unencrypted Tub. url = self.makeServers(lo2={'debug_slow_sendDecision': True}) d = self.connect(url, encrypted=False) d.addCallback(self.checkConnectedToFirstListener, [negotiate.DECIDING]) return d test5.timeout = 10 class CrossfireMixin(BaseMixin): # testSimultaneous*: similar to Parallel, but connection[0] is initiated # in the opposite direction. This is the case when two Tubs initiate # connections to each other at the same time. tub1IsMaster = False def makeServers(self, t1opts={}, t2opts={}, lo1={}, lo2={}, tubAencrypted=True, tubBencrypted=True): # first we create two Tubs a = pb.PBService(encrypted=tubAencrypted, options=t1opts) b = pb.PBService(encrypted=tubBencrypted, options=t1opts) # then we figure out which one will be the master, and call it tub1 if a.tubID > b.tubID: # a is the master tub1,tub2 = a,b else: tub1,tub2 = b,a if not self.tub1IsMaster: tub1,tub2 = tub2,tub1 self.tub1 = tub1 self.tub2 = tub2 # now fix up the options and everything else self.tub1phases = [] t1opts['debug_gatherPhases'] = self.tub1phases tub1.options = t1opts self.tub2phases = [] t2opts['debug_gatherPhases'] = self.tub2phases tub2.options = t2opts # connection[0], the winning connection, will be from tub1 to tub2 tub1.startService() l1 = tub1.listenOn("tcp:0", lo1) tub1.setLocation("localhost:%d" % l1.getPortnum()) self.target1 = Target() self.url1 = tub1.registerReference(self.target1) # connection[1], the abandoned connection, will be from tub2 to tub1 tub2.startService() l2 = tub2.listenOn("tcp:0", lo2) tub2.setLocation("localhost:%d" % l2.getPortnum()) self.target2 = Target() self.url2 = tub2.registerReference(self.target2) def connect(self): # initiate connection[1] from tub2 to tub1, which will stall (but the # actual getReference will eventually succeed once the # reverse-direction connection is established) d1 = self.tub2.getReference(self.url1) # give it a moment to get to the point where it stalls d = self.stall(None, 0.1) d.addCallback(self._connect, d1) return d, d1 def _connect(self, res, d1): # now initiate connection[0], from tub1 to tub2 d2 = self.tub1.getReference(self.url2) return d2 def checkConnectedViaReverse(self, rref, targetPhases): # assert that connection[0] (from tub1 to tub2) is actually in use. # This connection uses a per-client allocated port number for the # tub1 side, and the tub2 Listener's port for the tub2 side. # Therefore tub1's Broker (as used by its RemoteReference) will have # a far-end port number that should match tub2's Listener. self.failUnlessEqual(, self.tub2.getListeners()[0].getPortnum()) # in addition, connection[1] should have been abandoned during a # specific phase. self.failUnlessEqual(self.tub2phases, targetPhases) class CrossfireReverse(CrossfireMixin, unittest.TestCase): # just like the following Crossfire except that tub2 is the master, just # in case it makes a difference somewhere tub1IsMaster = False def test1(self): # in this test, tub2 isn't listening at all. So not only will # connection[1] fail, the tub2.getReference that uses it will fail # too (whereas in all other tests, connection[1] is abandoned but # tub2.getReference succeeds) self.makeServers(lo1={'debug_slow_connectionMade': True}) d = self.tub2.stopListeningOn(self.tub2.getListeners()[0]) d.addCallback(self._test1_1) return d def _test1_1(self, res): d,d1 = self.connect() d.addCallbacks(lambda res:"hey! this is supposed to fail"), self._test1_2, errbackArgs=(d1,)) return d def _test1_2(self, why, d1): from twisted.internet import error self.failUnless(why.check(error.ConnectionRefusedError)) # but now the other getReference should succeed return d1 test1.timeout = 10 def test2(self): self.makeServers(lo1={'debug_slow_connectionMade': True}) d,d1 = self.connect() d.addCallback(self.checkConnectedViaReverse, [negotiate.PLAINTEXT]) d.addCallback(lambda res: d1) # other getReference should work too return d test2.timeout = 10 def test3(self): self.makeServers(lo1={'debug_slow_sendPlaintextServer': True}) d,d1 = self.connect() d.addCallback(self.checkConnectedViaReverse, [negotiate.PLAINTEXT]) d.addCallback(lambda res: d1) # other getReference should work too return d test3.timeout = 10 def test4(self): self.makeServers(lo1={'debug_slow_sendHello': True}) d,d1 = self.connect() d.addCallback(self.checkConnectedViaReverse, [negotiate.ENCRYPTED]) d.addCallback(lambda res: d1) # other getReference should work too return d test4.timeout = 10 class CrossfireReverse(CrossfireReverse): tub1IsMaster = True def test5(self): # this is the only test where we rely upon the fact that # makeServers() always puts the higher-numbered Tub (which will be # the master) in self.tub1 # connection[1] (the abandoned connection) is started from tub2 to # tub1. It connects, begins negotiation (tub1 is the master), but # then is stalled because we've added the debug_slow_sendDecision # flag to tub1's Listener. That allows connection[0] to begin from # tub1 to tub2, which is *not* stalled (because we added the slowdown # flag to the Listener's options, not tub1.options), so it completes # normally. When connection[1] is unpaused and hits switchToBanana, # it discovers that it already has a Broker in place, and the # connection is abandoned. self.makeServers(lo1={'debug_slow_sendDecision': True}) d,d1 = self.connect() d.addCallback(self.checkConnectedViaReverse, [negotiate.DECIDING]) d.addCallback(lambda res: d1) # other getReference should work too return d test5.timeout = 10 # TODO: some of these tests cause the TLS connection to be abandoned, and it # looks like TLS sockets don't shut down very cleanly. I connectionLost # getting called with the following error (instead of a normal ConnectionDone # exception): # 2005/10/10 19:56 PDT [Negotiation,0,] # Negotiation.negotiationFailed: [Failure instance: Traceback: # exceptions.AttributeError: TLSConnection instance has no attribute 'socket' # twisted/internet/ # twisted/pb/ # twisted/pb/ # twisted/pb/ # --- --- # twisted/pb/ # twisted/pb/ # twisted/pb/ # twisted/pb/ # twisted/pb/ # twisted/internet/ # twisted/internet/ # ] # # specifically, I saw this happen for CrossfireReverse.test2, Parallel.test2 # other tests don't do quite what I want: closing a connection (say, due to a # duplicate broker) should send a sensible error message to the other side, # rather than triggering a low-level protocol error. class Existing(CrossfireMixin, unittest.TestCase): def checkNumBrokers(self, res, expected, dummy): if type(expected) not in (tuple,list): expected = [expected] self.failUnless(len(self.tub1.brokers) + len(self.tub1.unencryptedBrokers) in expected) self.failUnless(len(self.tub2.brokers) + len(self.tub2.unencryptedBrokers) in expected) def testEncrypted(self): # When two encrypted Tubs connect, that connection should be used in # the reverse connection too self.makeServers() d = self.tub1.getReference(self.url2) d.addCallback(self._testEncrypted_1) return d def _testEncrypted_1(self, r12): # this should use the existing connection d = self.tub2.getReference(self.url1) d.addCallback(self.checkNumBrokers, 1, (r12,)) return d def testUnencrypted(self): # But when two non-encrypted Tubs connect, they don't get to share # connections. self.makeServers(tubAencrypted=False, tubBencrypted=False) # the non-encrypted Tub gets a tubID of None, so it becomes tub2. We # want to verify that connections are not shared regardless of which # direction is encrypted. In this test, the first connection d = self.tub1.getReference(self.url2) d.addCallback(self._testUnencrypted_1) return d def _testUnencrypted_1(self, r12): # this should *not* use the existing connection d = self.tub2.getReference(self.url1) d.addCallback(self.checkNumBrokers, 2, (r12,)) return d def testHalfEncrypted1(self): # When an encrypted Tub connects to a non-encrypted Tub, the reverse # connection *is* allowed to share the connection (although, due to # what I think are limitations in SSL, it probably won't) self.makeServers(tubAencrypted=True, tubBencrypted=False) # The non-encrypted Tub gets a tubID of None, so it becomes tub2. # Therefore this is the encrypted-to-non-encrypted connection. d = self.tub1.getReference(self.url2) d.addCallback(self._testHalfEncrypted1_1) return d def _testHalfEncrypted1_1(self, r12): d = self.tub2.getReference(self.url1) d.addCallback(self.checkNumBrokers, (1,2), (r12,)) return d def testHalfEncrypted2(self): # On the other hand, when a non-encrypted Tub connects to an # encrypted Tub, the reverse connection is forbidden (because the # non-encrypted Tub's identity is based upon its Listener's location) self.makeServers(tubAencrypted=True, tubBencrypted=False) # The non-encrypted Tub gets a tubID of None, so it becomes tub2. # Therefore this is the encrypted-to-non-encrypted connection. d = self.tub2.getReference(self.url1) d.addCallback(self._testHalfEncrypted2_1) return d def _testHalfEncrypted2_1(self, r21): d = self.tub1.getReference(self.url2) d.addCallback(self.checkNumBrokers, 2, (r21,)) return d