"""Post-install GUI to compile to pyc and unpack twisted doco""" from __future__ import generators import sys import zipfile import py_compile # we're going to ignore failures to import tkinter and fall back # to using the console if the required dll is not found # Scary kludge to work around tk84.dll bug: # https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=814654&group_id=5470&atid=105470 # Without which(): you get a windows missing-dll popup message from twisted.python.procutils import which tkdll='tk84.dll' if which(tkdll) or which('DLLs/%s' % tkdll): try: import Tkinter from Tkinter import * from twisted.internet import tksupport except ImportError: pass # twisted from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.python import failure, log, zipstream, util, usage, log # local import os.path class ProgressBar: def __init__(self, master=None, orientation="horizontal", min=0, max=100, width=100, height=18, doLabel=1, appearance="sunken", fillColor="blue", background="gray", labelColor="yellow", labelFont="Arial", labelText="", labelFormat="%d%%", value=0, bd=2): # preserve various values self.master=master self.orientation=orientation self.min=min self.max=max self.width=width self.height=height self.doLabel=doLabel self.fillColor=fillColor self.labelFont= labelFont self.labelColor=labelColor self.background=background self.labelText=labelText self.labelFormat=labelFormat self.value=value self.frame=Frame(master, relief=appearance, bd=bd) self.canvas=Canvas(self.frame, height=height, width=width, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, background=background) self.scale=self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, width, height, fill=fillColor) self.label=self.canvas.create_text(self.canvas.winfo_reqwidth() / 2, height / 2, text=labelText, anchor="c", fill=labelColor, font=self.labelFont) self.update() self.canvas.pack(side='top', fill='x', expand='no') def pack(self, *args, **kwargs): self.frame.pack(*args, **kwargs) def updateProgress(self, newValue, newMax=None): if newMax: self.max = newMax self.value = newValue self.update() def update(self): # Trim the values to be between min and max value=self.value if value > self.max: value = self.max if value < self.min: value = self.min # Adjust the rectangle if self.orientation == "horizontal": self.canvas.coords(self.scale, 0, 0, float(value) / self.max * self.width, self.height) else: self.canvas.coords(self.scale, 0, self.height - (float(value) / self.max*self.height), self.width, self.height) # Now update the colors self.canvas.itemconfig(self.scale, fill=self.fillColor) self.canvas.itemconfig(self.label, fill=self.labelColor) # And update the label if self.doLabel: if value: if value >= 0: pvalue = int((float(value) / float(self.max)) * 100.0) else: pvalue = 0 self.canvas.itemconfig(self.label, text=self.labelFormat % pvalue) else: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.label, text='') else: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.label, text=self.labelFormat % self.labelText) self.canvas.update_idletasks() class Progressor: """A base class to make it simple to hook a progress bar up to a process. """ def __init__(self, title, *args, **kwargs): self.title=title self.stopping=0 self.bar=None self.iterator=None self.remaining=1000 def setBar(self, bar, max): self.bar=bar bar.updateProgress(0, max) return self def setIterator(self, iterator): self.iterator=iterator return self def updateBar(self, deferred): b=self.bar try: b.updateProgress(b.max - self.remaining) except TclError: self.stopping=1 except: deferred.errback(failure.Failure()) def processAll(self, root): assert self.bar and self.iterator, "must setBar and setIterator" self.root=root root.title(self.title) d=defer.Deferred() d.addErrback(log.err) reactor.callLater(0.1, self.processOne, d) return d def processOne(self, deferred): if self.stopping: deferred.callback(self.root) return try: self.remaining=self.iterator.next() except StopIteration: self.stopping=1 except: deferred.errback(failure.Failure()) if self.remaining%10==0: reactor.callLater(0, self.updateBar, deferred) if self.remaining%100==0: log.msg(self.remaining) reactor.callLater(0, self.processOne, deferred) def compiler(path): """A generator for compiling files to .pyc""" def justlist(arg, directory, names): pynames=[os.path.join(directory, n) for n in names if n.endswith('.py')] arg.extend(pynames) all=[] os.path.walk(path, justlist, all) remaining=len(all) i=zip(all, range(remaining-1, -1, -1)) for f, remaining in i: py_compile.compile(f) yield remaining class TkunzipOptions(usage.Options): optParameters=[["zipfile", "z", "", "a zipfile"], ["ziptargetdir", "t", ".", "where to extract zipfile"], ["compiledir", "c", "", "a directory to compile"], ] optFlags=[["use-console", "C", "show in the console, not graphically"], ["shell-exec", "x", """\ spawn a new console to show output (implies -C)"""], ] def countPys(countl, directory, names): sofar=countl[0] sofar=sofar+len([f for f in names if f.endswith('.py')]) countl[0]=sofar return sofar def countPysRecursive(path): countl=[0] os.path.walk(path, countPys, countl) return countl[0] def run(argv=sys.argv): log.startLogging(file('tkunzip.log', 'w')) opt=TkunzipOptions() try: opt.parseOptions(argv[1:]) except usage.UsageError, e: print str(opt) print str(e) sys.exit(1) if opt['use-console']: # this should come before shell-exec to prevent infinite loop return doItConsolicious(opt) if opt['shell-exec'] or not 'Tkinter' in sys.modules: from distutils import sysconfig from twisted.scripts import tkunzip myfile=tkunzip.__file__ exe=os.path.join(sysconfig.get_config_var('prefix'), 'python.exe') return os.system('%s %s --use-console %s' % (exe, myfile, ' '.join(argv[1:]))) return doItTkinterly(opt) def doItConsolicious(opt): # reclaim stdout/stderr from log sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ if opt['zipfile']: print 'Unpacking documentation...' for n in zipstream.unzipIter(opt['zipfile'], opt['ziptargetdir']): if n % 100 == 0: print n, if n % 1000 == 0: print print 'Done unpacking.' if opt['compiledir']: print 'Compiling to pyc...' import compileall compileall.compile_dir(opt["compiledir"]) print 'Done compiling.' def doItTkinterly(opt): root=Tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() root.title('One Moment.') root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', reactor.stop) tksupport.install(root) prog=ProgressBar(root, value=0, labelColor="black", width=200) prog.pack() # callback immediately d=defer.succeed(root).addErrback(log.err) def deiconify(root): root.deiconify() return root d.addCallback(deiconify) if opt['zipfile']: uz=Progressor('Unpacking documentation...') max=zipstream.countZipFileChunks(opt['zipfile'], 4096) uz.setBar(prog, max) uz.setIterator(zipstream.unzipIterChunky(opt['zipfile'], opt['ziptargetdir'])) d.addCallback(uz.processAll) if opt['compiledir']: comp=Progressor('Compiling to pyc...') comp.setBar(prog, countPysRecursive(opt['compiledir'])) comp.setIterator(compiler(opt['compiledir'])) d.addCallback(comp.processAll) def stop(ignore): reactor.stop() root.destroy() d.addCallback(stop) reactor.run() if __name__=='__main__': run()