# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """FTP tests. Maintainer: U{Andrew Bennetts} """ from __future__ import nested_scopes import sys, types, os.path, re from StringIO import StringIO import shutil from zope.interface import implements from twisted import internet from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.trial.util import wait from twisted.protocols import basic from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, defer, interfaces, error from twisted.cred import portal, checkers, credentials from twisted.python import log, components, failure from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address from twisted.protocols import ftp, loopback class NonClosingStringIO(StringIO): def close(self): pass StringIOWithoutClosing = NonClosingStringIO class Dummy(basic.LineReceiver): logname = None def __init__(self): self.lines = [] self.rawData = [] def connectionMade(self): self.f = self.factory # to save typing in pdb :-) def lineReceived(self,line): self.lines.append(line) def rawDataReceived(self, data): self.rawData.append(data) def lineLengthExceeded(self, line): pass class _BufferingProtocol(protocol.Protocol): def connectionMade(self): self.buffer = '' self.d = defer.Deferred() def dataReceived(self, data): self.buffer += data def connectionLost(self, reason): self.d.callback(None) class FTPServerTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Simple tests for an FTP server with the default settings.""" def setUp(self): # Create a directory self.directory = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(self.directory) # Start the server p = portal.Portal(ftp.FTPRealm(self.directory)) p.registerChecker(checkers.AllowAnonymousAccess(), credentials.IAnonymous) self.factory = ftp.FTPFactory(portal=p) self.port = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.factory, interface="") # Hook the server's buildProtocol to make the protocol instance # accessible to tests. buildProtocol = self.factory.buildProtocol def _rememberProtocolInstance(addr): protocol = buildProtocol(addr) self.serverProtocol = protocol.wrappedProtocol return protocol self.factory.buildProtocol = _rememberProtocolInstance # Connect a client to it portNum = self.port.getHost().port clientCreator = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, ftp.FTPClientBasic) self.client = wait(clientCreator.connectTCP("", portNum)) def tearDown(self): # Clean up sockets self.client.transport.loseConnection() d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.port.stopListening) d.addCallback(self.ebTearDown) return d def ebTearDown(self, ignore): del self.serverProtocol # Clean up temporary directory shutil.rmtree(self.directory) def _waitForCommandFailure(self, deferred): try: responseLines = wait(deferred) except ftp.CommandFailed, e: return e.args[0] else: self.fail('ftp.CommandFailed not raised for command, got %r' % (responseLines,)) def _anonymousLogin(self): responseLines = wait(self.client.queueStringCommand('USER anonymous')) self.assertEquals( ['331 Guest login ok, type your email address as password.'], responseLines ) responseLines = wait(self.client.queueStringCommand( 'PASS test@twistedmatrix.com') ) self.assertEquals( ['230 Anonymous login ok, access restrictions apply.'], responseLines ) class BasicFTPServerTestCase(FTPServerTestCase): def testNotLoggedInReply(self): """When not logged in, all commands other than USER and PASS should get NOT_LOGGED_IN errors. """ commandList = ['CDUP', 'CWD', 'LIST', 'MODE', 'PASV', 'PWD', 'RETR', 'STRU', 'SYST', 'TYPE'] # Issue commands, check responses for command in commandList: deferred = self.client.queueStringCommand(command) failureResponseLines = self._waitForCommandFailure(deferred) self.failUnless(failureResponseLines[-1].startswith("530"), "Response didn't start with 530: %r" % (failureResponseLines[-1],)) def testPASSBeforeUSER(self): """Issuing PASS before USER should give an error.""" d = self.client.queueStringCommand('PASS foo') self.failUnlessEqual( ["503 Incorrect sequence of commands: " "USER required before PASS"], self._waitForCommandFailure(d)) def testNoParamsForUSER(self): """Issuing USER without a username is a syntax error.""" d = self.client.queueStringCommand('USER') self.failUnlessEqual( ['500 Syntax error: USER requires an argument.'], self._waitForCommandFailure(d)) def testNoParamsForPASS(self): """Issuing PASS without a password is a syntax error.""" wait(self.client.queueStringCommand('USER foo')) d = self.client.queueStringCommand('PASS') self.failUnlessEqual( ['500 Syntax error: PASS requires an argument.'], self._waitForCommandFailure(d)) def testAnonymousLogin(self): self._anonymousLogin() def testQuit(self): """Issuing QUIT should return a 221 message.""" self._anonymousLogin() return self.client.queueStringCommand('QUIT').addCallback(self.assertEquals, ['221 Goodbye.']) def testAnonymousLoginDenied(self): # Reconfigure the server to disallow anonymous access, and to have an # IUsernamePassword checker that always rejects. self.factory.allowAnonymous = False denyAlwaysChecker = checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse() self.factory.portal.registerChecker(denyAlwaysChecker, credentials.IUsernamePassword) # Same response code as allowAnonymous=True, but different text. responseLines = wait(self.client.queueStringCommand('USER anonymous')) self.assertEquals( ['331 Password required for anonymous.'], responseLines ) # It will be denied. No-one can login. d = self.client.queueStringCommand('PASS test@twistedmatrix.com') self.failUnlessEqual( ['530 Sorry, Authentication failed.'], self._waitForCommandFailure(d)) # It's not just saying that. You aren't logged in. d = self.client.queueStringCommand('PWD') self.failUnlessEqual( ['530 Please login with USER and PASS.'], self._waitForCommandFailure(d)) def testUnknownCommand(self): self._anonymousLogin() d = self.client.queueStringCommand('GIBBERISH') self.failUnlessEqual( ["502 Command 'GIBBERISH' not implemented"], self._waitForCommandFailure(d)) def testRETRBeforePORT(self): self._anonymousLogin() d = self.client.queueStringCommand('RETR foo') self.failUnlessEqual( ["503 Incorrect sequence of commands: " "PORT or PASV required before RETR"], self._waitForCommandFailure(d)) def testSTORBeforePORT(self): self._anonymousLogin() d = self.client.queueStringCommand('STOR foo') self.failUnlessEqual( ["503 Incorrect sequence of commands: " "PORT or PASV required before STOR"], self._waitForCommandFailure(d)) def testBadCommandArgs(self): self._anonymousLogin() d = self.client.queueStringCommand('MODE z') self.failUnlessEqual( ["504 Not implemented for parameter 'z'."], self._waitForCommandFailure(d)) d = self.client.queueStringCommand('STRU I') self.failUnlessEqual( ["504 Not implemented for parameter 'I'."], self._waitForCommandFailure(d)) def testDecodeHostPort(self): self.assertEquals(ftp.decodeHostPort('25,234,129,22,100,23'), ('', 25623)) def testPASV(self): # Login self._anonymousLogin() # Issue a PASV command, and extract the host and port from the response responseLines = wait(self.client.queueStringCommand('PASV')) host, port = ftp.decodeHostPort(responseLines[-1][4:]) # Make sure the server is listening on the port it claims to be self.assertEqual(port, self.serverProtocol.dtpPort.getHost().port) # Semi-reasonable way to force cleanup self.serverProtocol.connectionLost(error.ConnectionDone()) def testSYST(self): self._anonymousLogin() responseLines = wait(self.client.queueStringCommand('SYST')) self.assertEqual(["215 UNIX Type: L8"], responseLines) class FTPServerPasvDataConnectionTestCase(FTPServerTestCase): def _makeDataConnection(self): # Establish a passive data connection (i.e. client connecting to # server). responseLines = wait(self.client.queueStringCommand('PASV')) host, port = ftp.decodeHostPort(responseLines[-1][4:]) downloader = wait( protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, _BufferingProtocol).connectTCP('', port) ) return downloader def testLIST(self): # Login self._anonymousLogin() # Download a listing downloader = self._makeDataConnection() d = self.client.queueStringCommand('LIST') wait(defer.gatherResults([d, downloader.d])) # No files, so the file listing should be empty self.assertEqual('', downloader.buffer) # Make some directories os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.directory, 'foo')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.directory, 'bar')) # Download a listing again downloader = self._makeDataConnection() d = self.client.queueStringCommand('LIST') wait(defer.gatherResults([d, downloader.d])) # Now we expect 2 lines because there are two files. self.assertEqual(2, len(downloader.buffer[:-2].split('\r\n'))) # Download a names-only listing downloader = self._makeDataConnection() d = self.client.queueStringCommand('NLST ') wait(defer.gatherResults([d, downloader.d])) filenames = downloader.buffer[:-2].split('\r\n') filenames.sort() self.assertEqual(['bar', 'foo'], filenames) # Download a listing of the 'foo' subdirectory downloader = self._makeDataConnection() d = self.client.queueStringCommand('LIST foo') wait(defer.gatherResults([d, downloader.d])) # 'foo' has no files, so the file listing should be empty self.assertEqual('', downloader.buffer) # Change the current working directory to 'foo' wait(self.client.queueStringCommand('CWD foo')) # Download a listing from within 'foo', and again it should be empty downloader = self._makeDataConnection() d = self.client.queueStringCommand('LIST') wait(defer.gatherResults([d, downloader.d])) self.assertEqual('', downloader.buffer) def testManyLargeDownloads(self): # Login self._anonymousLogin() # Download a range of different size files for size in range(100000, 110000, 500): fObj = file(os.path.join(self.directory, '%d.txt' % (size,)), 'wb') fObj.write('x' * size) fObj.close() downloader = self._makeDataConnection() d = self.client.queueStringCommand('RETR %d.txt' % (size,)) wait(defer.gatherResults([d, downloader.d])) self.assertEqual('x' * size, downloader.buffer) class FTPServerPortDataConnectionTestCase(FTPServerPasvDataConnectionTestCase): def setUp(self): FTPServerPasvDataConnectionTestCase.setUp(self) self.dataPorts = [] def _makeDataConnection(self): # Establish an active data connection (i.e. server connecting to # client). deferred = defer.Deferred() class DataFactory(protocol.ServerFactory): protocol = _BufferingProtocol def buildProtocol(self, addr): p = protocol.ServerFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr) reactor.callLater(0, deferred.callback, p) return p dataPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, DataFactory(), interface='') self.dataPorts.append(dataPort) cmd = 'PORT ' + ftp.encodeHostPort('', dataPort.getHost().port) responseLines = wait(self.client.queueStringCommand(cmd)) downloader = wait(deferred) return downloader def tearDown(self): l = [defer.maybeDeferred(port.stopListening) for port in self.dataPorts] wait(defer.DeferredList(l, fireOnOneErrback=True)) return FTPServerPasvDataConnectionTestCase.tearDown(self) def testPORTCannotConnect(self): # Login self._anonymousLogin() # Listen on a port, and immediately stop listening as a way to find a # port number that is definitely closed. port = reactor.listenTCP(0, protocol.Factory(), interface='') portNum = port.getHost().port d = port.stopListening() if d is not None: wait(d) # Tell the server to connect to that port with a PORT command, and # verify that it fails with the right error. cmd = 'PORT ' + ftp.encodeHostPort('', portNum) d = self.client.queueStringCommand(cmd) self.failUnlessEqual( ["425 Can't open data connection."], self._waitForCommandFailure(d) ) # -- Client Tests ----------------------------------------------------------- class PrintLines(protocol.Protocol): """Helper class used by FTPFileListingTests.""" def __init__(self, lines): self._lines = lines def connectionMade(self): for line in self._lines: self.transport.write(line + "\r\n") self.transport.loseConnection() class MyFTPFileListProtocol(ftp.FTPFileListProtocol): def __init__(self): self.other = [] ftp.FTPFileListProtocol.__init__(self) def unknownLine(self, line): self.other.append(line) class FTPFileListingTests(unittest.TestCase): def getFilesForLines(self, lines): fileList = MyFTPFileListProtocol() loopback.loopback(PrintLines(lines), fileList) return fileList.files, fileList.other def testOneLine(self): # This example line taken from the docstring for FTPFileListProtocol line = '-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 531 Jan 29 03:26 README' (file,), other = self.getFilesForLines([line]) self.failIf(other, 'unexpect unparsable lines: %s' % repr(other)) self.failUnless(file['filetype'] == '-', 'misparsed fileitem') self.failUnless(file['perms'] == 'rw-r--r--', 'misparsed perms') self.failUnless(file['owner'] == 'root', 'misparsed fileitem') self.failUnless(file['group'] == 'other', 'misparsed fileitem') self.failUnless(file['size'] == 531, 'misparsed fileitem') self.failUnless(file['date'] == 'Jan 29 03:26', 'misparsed fileitem') self.failUnless(file['filename'] == 'README', 'misparsed fileitem') self.failUnless(file['nlinks'] == 1, 'misparsed nlinks') self.failIf(file['linktarget'], 'misparsed linktarget') def testVariantLines(self): line1 = 'drw-r--r-- 2 root other 531 Jan 9 2003 A' line2 = 'lrw-r--r-- 1 root other 1 Jan 29 03:26 B -> A' line3 = 'woohoo! ' (file1, file2), (other,) = self.getFilesForLines([line1, line2, line3]) self.failUnless(other == 'woohoo! \r', 'incorrect other line') # file 1 self.failUnless(file1['filetype'] == 'd', 'misparsed fileitem') self.failUnless(file1['perms'] == 'rw-r--r--', 'misparsed perms') self.failUnless(file1['owner'] == 'root', 'misparsed owner') self.failUnless(file1['group'] == 'other', 'misparsed group') self.failUnless(file1['size'] == 531, 'misparsed size') self.failUnless(file1['date'] == 'Jan 9 2003', 'misparsed date') self.failUnless(file1['filename'] == 'A', 'misparsed filename') self.failUnless(file1['nlinks'] == 2, 'misparsed nlinks') self.failIf(file1['linktarget'], 'misparsed linktarget') # file 2 self.failUnless(file2['filetype'] == 'l', 'misparsed fileitem') self.failUnless(file2['perms'] == 'rw-r--r--', 'misparsed perms') self.failUnless(file2['owner'] == 'root', 'misparsed owner') self.failUnless(file2['group'] == 'other', 'misparsed group') self.failUnless(file2['size'] == 1, 'misparsed size') self.failUnless(file2['date'] == 'Jan 29 03:26', 'misparsed date') self.failUnless(file2['filename'] == 'B', 'misparsed filename') self.failUnless(file2['nlinks'] == 1, 'misparsed nlinks') self.failUnless(file2['linktarget'] == 'A', 'misparsed linktarget') def testUnknownLine(self): files, others = self.getFilesForLines(['ABC', 'not a file']) self.failIf(files, 'unexpected file entries') self.failUnless(others == ['ABC\r', 'not a file\r'], 'incorrect unparsable lines: %s' % repr(others)) def testYear(self): # This example derived from bug description in issue 514. fileList = ftp.FTPFileListProtocol() class PrintLine(protocol.Protocol): def connectionMade(self): self.transport.write('-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 531 Jan 29 2003 README\n') self.transport.loseConnection() loopback.loopback(PrintLine(), fileList) file = fileList.files[0] self.failUnless(file['size'] == 531, 'misparsed fileitem') self.failUnless(file['date'] == 'Jan 29 2003', 'misparsed fileitem') self.failUnless(file['filename'] == 'README', 'misparsed fileitem') class FTPClientTests(unittest.TestCase): def testFailedRETR(self): try: f = protocol.Factory() f.noisy = 0 port = reactor.listenTCP(0, f, interface="") portNum = port.getHost().port # This test data derived from a bug report by ranty on #twisted responses = ['220 ready, dude (vsFTPd 1.0.0: beat me, break me)', # USER anonymous '331 Please specify the password.', # PASS twisted@twistedmatrix.com '230 Login successful. Have fun.', # TYPE I '200 Binary it is, then.', # PASV '227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,%d,%d)' % (portNum >> 8, portNum & 0xff), # RETR /file/that/doesnt/exist '550 Failed to open file.'] f.buildProtocol = lambda addr: PrintLines(responses) client = ftp.FTPClient(passive=1) cc = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, ftp.FTPClient, passive=1) client = wait(cc.connectTCP('', portNum)) p = protocol.Protocol() d = client.retrieveFile('/file/that/doesnt/exist', p) # This callback should not be called, because we're expecting a # failure. d.addCallback(lambda r, self=self: self.fail('Callback incorrectly called: %r' % r)) def p(failure): # Make sure we got the failure we were expecting. failure.trap(ftp.CommandFailed) d.addErrback(p) wait(d) log.flushErrors(ftp.FTPError) finally: d = port.stopListening() if d is not None: wait(d) def testErrbacksUponDisconnect(self): ftpClient = ftp.FTPClient() d = ftpClient.list('some path', Dummy()) m = [] def _eb(failure): m.append(failure) return None d.addErrback(_eb) from twisted.internet.main import CONNECTION_LOST ftpClient.connectionLost(failure.Failure(CONNECTION_LOST)) self.failUnless(m, m) class DummyTransport: def write(self, bytes): pass class BufferingTransport: buffer = '' def write(self, bytes): self.buffer += bytes class FTPClientBasicTests(unittest.TestCase): def testGreeting(self): # The first response is captured as a greeting. ftpClient = ftp.FTPClientBasic() ftpClient.lineReceived('220 Imaginary FTP.') self.failUnlessEqual(['220 Imaginary FTP.'], ftpClient.greeting) def testResponseWithNoMessage(self): # Responses with no message are still valid, i.e. three digits followed # by a space is complete response. ftpClient = ftp.FTPClientBasic() ftpClient.lineReceived('220 ') self.failUnlessEqual(['220 '], ftpClient.greeting) def testMultilineResponse(self): ftpClient = ftp.FTPClientBasic() ftpClient.transport = DummyTransport() ftpClient.lineReceived('220 Imaginary FTP.') # Queue (and send) a dummy command, and set up a callback to capture the # result deferred = ftpClient.queueStringCommand('BLAH') result = [] deferred.addCallback(result.append) deferred.addErrback(self.fail) # Send the first line of a multiline response. ftpClient.lineReceived('210-First line.') self.failUnlessEqual([], result) # Send a second line, again prefixed with "nnn-". ftpClient.lineReceived('123-Second line.') self.failUnlessEqual([], result) # Send a plain line of text, no prefix. ftpClient.lineReceived('Just some text.') self.failUnlessEqual([], result) # Now send a short (less than 4 chars) line. ftpClient.lineReceived('Hi') self.failUnlessEqual([], result) # Now send an empty line. ftpClient.lineReceived('') self.failUnlessEqual([], result) # And a line with 3 digits in it, and nothing else. ftpClient.lineReceived('321') self.failUnlessEqual([], result) # Now finish it. ftpClient.lineReceived('210 Done.') self.failUnlessEqual( ['210-First line.', '123-Second line.', 'Just some text.', 'Hi', '', '321', '210 Done.'], result[0]) def testNoPasswordGiven(self): """Passing None as the password avoids sending the PASS command.""" # Create a client, and give it a greeting. ftpClient = ftp.FTPClientBasic() ftpClient.transport = BufferingTransport() ftpClient.lineReceived('220 Welcome to Imaginary FTP.') # Queue a login with no password ftpClient.queueLogin('bob', None) self.failUnlessEqual('USER bob\r\n', ftpClient.transport.buffer) # Clear the test buffer, acknowledge the USER command. ftpClient.transport.buffer = '' ftpClient.lineReceived('200 Hello bob.') # The client shouldn't have sent anything more (i.e. it shouldn't have # sent a PASS command). self.failUnlessEqual('', ftpClient.transport.buffer) def testNoPasswordNeeded(self): """Receiving a 230 response to USER prevents PASS from being sent.""" # Create a client, and give it a greeting. ftpClient = ftp.FTPClientBasic() ftpClient.transport = BufferingTransport() ftpClient.lineReceived('220 Welcome to Imaginary FTP.') # Queue a login with no password ftpClient.queueLogin('bob', 'secret') self.failUnlessEqual('USER bob\r\n', ftpClient.transport.buffer) # Clear the test buffer, acknowledge the USER command with a 230 # response code. ftpClient.transport.buffer = '' ftpClient.lineReceived('230 Hello bob. No password needed.') # The client shouldn't have sent anything more (i.e. it shouldn't have # sent a PASS command). self.failUnlessEqual('', ftpClient.transport.buffer) class PathHandling(unittest.TestCase): def testNormalizer(self): for inp, outp in [('a', ['a']), ('/a', ['a']), ('/', []), ('a/b/c', ['a', 'b', 'c']), ('/a/b/c', ['a', 'b', 'c']), ('/a/', ['a']), ('a/', ['a'])]: self.assertEquals(ftp.toSegments([], inp), outp) for inp, outp in [('b', ['a', 'b']), ('b/', ['a', 'b']), ('/b', ['b']), ('/b/', ['b']), ('b/c', ['a', 'b', 'c']), ('b/c/', ['a', 'b', 'c']), ('/b/c', ['b', 'c']), ('/b/c/', ['b', 'c'])]: self.assertEquals(ftp.toSegments(['a'], inp), outp) for inp, outp in [('//', []), ('//a', ['a']), ('a//', ['a']), ('a//b', ['a', 'b'])]: self.assertEquals(ftp.toSegments([], inp), outp) for inp, outp in [('//', []), ('//b', ['b']), ('b//c', ['a', 'b', 'c'])]: self.assertEquals(ftp.toSegments(['a'], inp), outp) for inp, outp in [('..', []), ('../', []), ('a/..', ['x']), ('/a/..', []), ('/a/b/..', ['a']), ('/a/b/../', ['a']), ('/a/b/../c', ['a', 'c']), ('/a/b/../c/', ['a', 'c']), ('/a/b/../../c', ['c']), ('/a/b/../../c/', ['c']), ('/a/b/../../c/..', []), ('/a/b/../../c/../', [])]: self.assertEquals(ftp.toSegments(['x'], inp), outp) for inp in ['..', '../', 'a/../..', 'a/../../', '/..', '/../', '/a/../..', '/a/../../', '/a/b/../../..']: self.assertRaises(ftp.InvalidPath, ftp.toSegments, [], inp) for inp in ['../..', '../../', '../a/../..']: self.assertRaises(ftp.InvalidPath, ftp.toSegments, ['x'], inp)