# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_xml -*- # # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. # """Micro Document Object Model: a partial DOM implementation with SUX. This is an implementation of what we consider to be the useful subset of the DOM. The chief advantage of this library is that, not being burdened with standards compliance, it can remain very stable between versions. We can also implement utility 'pythonic' ways to access and mutate the XML tree. Since this has not subjected to a serious trial by fire, it is not recommended to use this outside of Twisted applications. However, it seems to work just fine for the documentation generator, which parses a fairly representative sample of XML. Microdom mainly focuses on working with HTML and XHTML. """ from __future__ import nested_scopes # System Imports import copy, re from cStringIO import StringIO # Twisted Imports from twisted.web.sux import XMLParser, ParseError from twisted.python import reflect from twisted.python.util import InsensitiveDict # create NodeList class from types import ListType as NodeList from types import StringTypes, UnicodeType import sys dictsAreNotSequences=0 try: 'x' in {} except TypeError: dictsAreNotSequences = 1 def getElementsByTagName(iNode, name): matches = [] matches_append = matches.append # faster lookup. don't do this at home slice=[iNode] while len(slice)>0: c = slice.pop(0) if c.nodeName == name: matches_append(c) slice[:0] = c.childNodes return matches def getElementsByTagNameNoCase(iNode, name): name = name.lower() matches = [] matches_append = matches.append slice=[iNode] while len(slice)>0: c = slice.pop(0) if c.nodeName.lower() == name: matches_append(c) slice[:0] = c.childNodes return matches # order is important HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS = (('&', '&'), # don't add any entities before this one ('<', '<'), ('>', '>'), ('"', '"')) REV_HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS = list(HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS) REV_HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS.reverse() XML_ESCAPE_CHARS = HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS + (("'", '''),) REV_XML_ESCAPE_CHARS = list(XML_ESCAPE_CHARS) REV_XML_ESCAPE_CHARS.reverse() def unescape(text, chars=REV_HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS): "Perform the exact opposite of 'escape'." for s, h in chars: text = text.replace(h, s) return text def escape(text, chars=HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS): "Escape a few XML special chars with XML entities." for s, h in chars: text = text.replace(s, h) return text class MismatchedTags(Exception): def __init__(self, filename, expect, got, endLine, endCol, begLine, begCol): (self.filename, self.expect, self.got, self.begLine, self.begCol, self.endLine, self.endCol) = filename, expect, got, begLine, begCol, endLine, endCol def __str__(self): return "expected , got line: %s col: %s, began line: %s col: %s" % (self.expect, self.got, self.endLine, self.endCol, self.begLine, self.begCol) class Node(object): nodeName = "Node" def __init__(self, parentNode=None): self.parentNode = parentNode self.childNodes = [] def __hash__(self): return id(self) def isEqualToNode(self, n): for a, b in zip(self.childNodes, n.childNodes): if not a.isEqualToNode(b): return 0 return 1 def writexml(self, stream, indent='', addindent='', newl='', strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=''): raise NotImplementedError() def toxml(self, indent='', addindent='', newl='', strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=''): s = StringIO() self.writexml(s, indent, addindent, newl, strip, nsprefixes, namespace) rv = s.getvalue() return rv def writeprettyxml(self, stream, indent='', addindent=' ', newl='\n', strip=0): return self.writexml(stream, indent, addindent, newl, strip) def toprettyxml(self, indent='', addindent=' ', newl='\n', strip=0): return self.toxml(indent, addindent, newl, strip) def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None): raise NotImplementedError() def hasChildNodes(self): if self.childNodes: return 1 else: return 0 def appendChild(self, child): assert isinstance(child, Node) self.childNodes.append(child) child.parentNode = self def insertBefore(self, new, ref): i = self.childNodes.index(ref) new.parentNode = self self.childNodes.insert(i, new) return new def removeChild(self, child): if child in self.childNodes: self.childNodes.remove(child) child.parentNode = None return child def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild): assert isinstance(newChild, Node) #if newChild.parentNode: # newChild.parentNode.removeChild(newChild) assert oldChild.parentNode is self, 'oldChild (%s): oldChild.parentNode (%s) != self (%s)' % (oldChild, oldChild.parentNode, self) self.childNodes[self.childNodes.index(oldChild)] = newChild oldChild.parentNode = None newChild.parentNode = self def lastChild(self): return self.childNodes[-1] def firstChild(self): if len(self.childNodes): return self.childNodes[0] return None #def get_ownerDocument(self): # """This doesn't really get the owner document; microdom nodes # don't even have one necessarily. This gets the root node, # which is usually what you really meant. # *NOT DOM COMPLIANT.* # """ # node=self # while (node.parentNode): node=node.parentNode # return node #ownerDocument=node.get_ownerDocument() # leaving commented for discussion; see also domhelpers.getParents(node) class Document(Node): def __init__(self, documentElement=None): Node.__init__(self) if documentElement: self.appendChild(documentElement) def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None): d = Document() d.doctype = self.doctype if deep: newEl = self.documentElement.cloneNode(1, self) else: newEl = self.documentElement d.appendChild(newEl) return d doctype = None def isEqualToDocument(self, n): return (self.doctype == n.doctype) and self.isEqualToNode(n) def get_documentElement(self): return self.childNodes[0] documentElement=property(get_documentElement) def appendChild(self, c): assert not self.childNodes, "Only one element per document." Node.appendChild(self, c) def writexml(self, stream, indent='', addindent='', newl='', strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=''): stream.write('' + newl) if self.doctype: stream.write("" + newl) self.documentElement.writexml(stream, indent, addindent, newl, strip, nsprefixes, namespace) # of dubious utility (?) def createElement(self, name, **kw): return Element(name, **kw) def createTextNode(self, text): return Text(text) def createComment(self, text): return Comment(text) def getElementsByTagName(self, name): if self.documentElement.caseInsensitive: return getElementsByTagNameNoCase(self, name) return getElementsByTagName(self, name) def getElementById(self, id): childNodes = self.childNodes[:] while childNodes: node = childNodes.pop(0) if node.childNodes: childNodes.extend(node.childNodes) if hasattr(node, 'getAttribute') and node.getAttribute("id") == id: return node class EntityReference(Node): def __init__(self, eref, parentNode=None): Node.__init__(self, parentNode) self.eref = eref self.nodeValue = self.data = "&" + eref + ";" def isEqualToEntityReference(self, n): if not isinstance(n, EntityReference): return 0 return (self.eref == n.eref) and (self.nodeValue == n.nodeValue) def writexml(self, stream, indent='', addindent='', newl='', strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=''): stream.write(self.nodeValue) def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None): return EntityReference(self.eref, parent) class CharacterData(Node): def __init__(self, data, parentNode=None): Node.__init__(self, parentNode) self.value = self.data = self.nodeValue = data def isEqualToCharacterData(self, n): return self.value == n.value class Comment(CharacterData): """A comment node.""" def writexml(self, stream, indent='', addindent='', newl='', strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=''): val=self.data if isinstance(val, UnicodeType): val=val.encode('utf8') stream.write("" % val) def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None): return Comment(self.nodeValue, parent) class Text(CharacterData): def __init__(self, data, parentNode=None, raw=0): CharacterData.__init__(self, data, parentNode) self.raw = raw def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None): return Text(self.nodeValue, parent, self.raw) def writexml(self, stream, indent='', addindent='', newl='', strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=''): if self.raw: val = self.nodeValue if not isinstance(val, StringTypes): val = str(self.nodeValue) else: v = self.nodeValue if not isinstance(v, StringTypes): v = str(v) if strip: v = ' '.join(v.split()) val = escape(v) if isinstance(val, UnicodeType): val = val.encode('utf8') stream.write(val) def __repr__(self): return "Text(%s" % repr(self.nodeValue) + ')' class CDATASection(CharacterData): def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None): return CDATASection(self.nodeValue, parent) def writexml(self, stream, indent='', addindent='', newl='', strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=''): stream.write("") _nextid = iter(xrange(0, sys.maxint)).next def genprefix(): return 'p' + str(_nextid()) class _Attr(CharacterData): "Support class for getAttributeNode." class Element(Node): preserveCase = 0 caseInsensitive = 1 nsprefixes = None namespace = '' def __init__(self, tagName, attributes=None, parentNode=None, filename=None, markpos=None, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=0, namespace=''): Node.__init__(self, parentNode) self.preserveCase = preserveCase or not caseInsensitive self.caseInsensitive = caseInsensitive if not preserveCase: tagName = tagName.lower() if attributes is None: self.attributes = {} else: self.attributes = attributes for k, v in self.attributes.items(): self.attributes[k] = unescape(v) if caseInsensitive: self.attributes = InsensitiveDict(self.attributes, preserve=preserveCase) self.endTagName = self.nodeName = self.tagName = tagName self._filename = filename self._markpos = markpos self.namespace = namespace def addPrefixes(self, pfxs): if self.nsprefixes is None: self.nsprefixes = pfxs else: self.nsprefixes.update(pfxs) def endTag(self, endTagName): if not self.preserveCase: endTagName = endTagName.lower() self.endTagName = endTagName def isEqualToElement(self, n): if self.caseInsensitive: return (self.attributes == n.attributes) and (self.nodeName.lower() == n.nodeName.lower()) return (self.attributes == n.attributes) and (self.nodeName == n.nodeName) def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None): clone = Element( self.tagName, parentNode=parent, namespace=self.namespace, preserveCase=self.preserveCase, caseInsensitive=self.caseInsensitive) clone.attributes.update(self.attributes) if deep: clone.childNodes = [child.cloneNode(1, clone) for child in self.childNodes] else: clone.childNodes = [] return clone def getElementsByTagName(self, name): if self.caseInsensitive: return getElementsByTagNameNoCase(self, name) return getElementsByTagName(self, name) def hasAttributes(self): return 1 def getAttribute(self, name, default=None): return self.attributes.get(name, default) def getAttributeNS(self, ns, name, default=None): nsk = (ns, name) if self.attributes.has_key(nsk): return self.attributes[nsk] if ns == self.namespace: return self.attributes.get(name, default) return default def getAttributeNode(self, name): return _Attr(self.getAttribute(name), self) def setAttribute(self, name, attr): self.attributes[name] = attr def removeAttribute(self, name): if name in self.attributes: del self.attributes[name] def removeAttribute_has_key(self, name): if self.attributes.has_key(name): del self.attributes[name] def hasAttribute(self, name): return name in self.attributes def hasAttribute_has_key(self, name): return self.attributes.has_key(name) if dictsAreNotSequences: hasAttribute = hasAttribute_has_key removeAttribute = removeAttribute_has_key def writexml(self, stream, indent='', addindent='', newl='', strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=''): # write beginning ALLOWSINGLETON = ('img', 'br', 'hr', 'base', 'meta', 'link', 'param', 'area', 'input', 'col', 'basefont', 'isindex', 'frame') BLOCKELEMENTS = ('html', 'head', 'body', 'noscript', 'ins', 'del', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'script', 'ul', 'ol', 'dl', 'pre', 'hr', 'blockquote', 'address', 'p', 'div', 'fieldset', 'table', 'tr', 'form', 'object', 'fieldset', 'applet', 'map') FORMATNICELY = ('tr', 'ul', 'ol', 'head') # this should never be necessary unless people start # changing .tagName on the fly(?) if not self.preserveCase: self.endTagName = self.tagName w = stream.write if self.nsprefixes: newprefixes = self.nsprefixes.copy() for ns in nsprefixes.keys(): del newprefixes[ns] else: newprefixes = {} begin = ['<'] if self.tagName in BLOCKELEMENTS: begin = [newl, indent] + begin bext = begin.extend writeattr = lambda _atr, _val: bext((' ', _atr, '="', escape(_val), '"')) if namespace != self.namespace and self.namespace: if nsprefixes.has_key(self.namespace): prefix = nsprefixes[self.namespace] bext(prefix+':'+self.tagName) else: bext(self.tagName) writeattr("xmlns", self.namespace) else: bext(self.tagName) j = ''.join for attr, val in self.attributes.iteritems(): if isinstance(attr, tuple): ns, key = attr if nsprefixes.has_key(ns): prefix = nsprefixes[ns] else: prefix = genprefix() newprefixes[ns] = prefix assert val is not None writeattr(prefix+':'+key,val) else: assert val is not None writeattr(attr, val) if newprefixes: for ns, prefix in newprefixes.iteritems(): if prefix: writeattr('xmlns:'+prefix, ns) newprefixes.update(nsprefixes) downprefixes = newprefixes else: downprefixes = nsprefixes w(j(begin)) if self.childNodes: w(">") newindent = indent + addindent for child in self.childNodes: if self.tagName in BLOCKELEMENTS and \ self.tagName in FORMATNICELY: w(j((newl, newindent))) child.writexml(stream, newindent, addindent, newl, strip, downprefixes, self.namespace) if self.tagName in BLOCKELEMENTS: w(j((newl, indent))) w(j(("'))) elif self.tagName.lower() not in ALLOWSINGLETON: w(j(('>'))) else: w(" />") def __repr__(self): rep = "Element(%s" % repr(self.nodeName) if self.attributes: rep += ", attributes=%r" % (self.attributes,) if self._filename: rep += ", filename=%r" % (self._filename,) if self._markpos: rep += ", markpos=%r" % (self._markpos,) return rep + ')' def __str__(self): rep = "<" + self.nodeName if self._filename or self._markpos: rep += " (" if self._filename: rep += repr(self._filename) if self._markpos: rep += " line %s column %s" % self._markpos if self._filename or self._markpos: rep += ")" for item in self.attributes.items(): rep += " %s=%r" % item if self.hasChildNodes(): rep += " >..." % self.nodeName else: rep += " />" return rep def _unescapeDict(d): dd = {} for k, v in d.items(): dd[k] = unescape(v) return dd def _reverseDict(d): dd = {} for k, v in d.items(): dd[v]=k return dd class MicroDOMParser(XMLParser): # glyph: a quick scan thru the DTD says BODY, AREA, LINK, IMG, HR, # P, DT, DD, LI, INPUT, OPTION, THEAD, TFOOT, TBODY, COLGROUP, COL, TR, TH, # TD, HEAD, BASE, META, HTML all have optional closing tags soonClosers = 'area link br img hr input base meta'.split() laterClosers = {'p': ['p'], 'dt': ['dt','dd'], 'dd': ['dt', 'dd'], 'li': ['li'], 'tbody': ['thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody'], 'thead': ['thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody'], 'tfoot': ['thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody'], 'colgroup': ['colgroup'], 'col': ['col'], 'tr': ['tr'], 'td': ['td'], 'th': ['th'], 'head': ['body'], 'title': ['head', 'body'], # this looks wrong... 'option': ['option'], } def __init__(self, beExtremelyLenient=0, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=0, soonClosers=soonClosers, laterClosers=laterClosers): self.elementstack = [] d = {'xmlns': 'xmlns', '':''} dr = _reverseDict(d) self.nsstack = [(d,None,dr)] self.documents = [] self._mddoctype = None self.beExtremelyLenient = beExtremelyLenient self.caseInsensitive = caseInsensitive self.preserveCase = preserveCase or not caseInsensitive self.soonClosers = soonClosers self.laterClosers = laterClosers # self.indentlevel = 0 def shouldPreserveSpace(self): for edx in xrange(len(self.elementstack)): el = self.elementstack[-edx] if el.tagName == 'pre' or el.getAttribute("xml:space", '') == 'preserve': return 1 return 0 def _getparent(self): if self.elementstack: return self.elementstack[-1] else: return None COMMENT = re.compile(r"\s*/[/*]\s*") def _fixScriptElement(self, el): # this deals with case where there is comment or CDATA inside # # tidy does this, for example. prefix = "" oldvalue = c.value match = self.COMMENT.match(oldvalue) if match: prefix = match.group() oldvalue = oldvalue[len(prefix):] # now see if contents are actual node and comment or CDATA try: e = parseString("%s" % oldvalue).childNodes[0] except (ParseError, MismatchedTags): return if len(e.childNodes) != 1: return e = e.firstChild() if isinstance(e, (CDATASection, Comment)): el.childNodes = [] if prefix: el.childNodes.append(Text(prefix)) el.childNodes.append(e) def gotDoctype(self, doctype): self._mddoctype = doctype def gotTagStart(self, name, attributes): # print ' '*self.indentlevel, 'start tag',name # self.indentlevel += 1 parent = self._getparent() if (self.beExtremelyLenient and isinstance(parent, Element) and self.laterClosers.has_key(parent.tagName) and name in self.laterClosers[parent.tagName]): self.gotTagEnd(parent.tagName) parent = self._getparent() attributes = _unescapeDict(attributes) namespaces = self.nsstack[-1][0] newspaces = {} for k, v in attributes.items(): if k.startswith('xmlns'): spacenames = k.split(':',1) if len(spacenames) == 2: newspaces[spacenames[1]] = v else: newspaces[''] = v del attributes[k] if newspaces: namespaces = namespaces.copy() namespaces.update(newspaces) for k, v in attributes.items(): ksplit = k.split(':', 1) if len(ksplit) == 2: pfx, tv = ksplit if pfx != 'xml' and namespaces.has_key(pfx): attributes[namespaces[pfx], tv] = v del attributes[k] el = Element(name, attributes, parent, self.filename, self.saveMark(), caseInsensitive=self.caseInsensitive, preserveCase=self.preserveCase, namespace=namespaces.get('')) revspaces = _reverseDict(newspaces) el.addPrefixes(revspaces) if newspaces: rscopy = self.nsstack[-1][2].copy() rscopy.update(revspaces) self.nsstack.append((namespaces, el, rscopy)) self.elementstack.append(el) if parent: parent.appendChild(el) if (self.beExtremelyLenient and el.tagName in self.soonClosers): self.gotTagEnd(name) def _gotStandalone(self, factory, data): parent = self._getparent() te = factory(data, parent) if parent: parent.appendChild(te) elif self.beExtremelyLenient: self.documents.append(te) def gotText(self, data): if data.strip() or self.shouldPreserveSpace(): self._gotStandalone(Text, data) def gotComment(self, data): self._gotStandalone(Comment, data) def gotEntityReference(self, entityRef): self._gotStandalone(EntityReference, entityRef) def gotCData(self, cdata): self._gotStandalone(CDATASection, cdata) def gotTagEnd(self, name): # print ' '*self.indentlevel, 'end tag',name # self.indentlevel -= 1 if not self.elementstack: if self.beExtremelyLenient: return raise MismatchedTags(*((self.filename, "NOTHING", name) +self.saveMark()+(0,0))) el = self.elementstack.pop() pfxdix = self.nsstack[-1][2] if self.nsstack[-1][1] is el: nstuple = self.nsstack.pop() else: nstuple = None if self.caseInsensitive: tn = el.tagName.lower() cname = name.lower() else: tn = el.tagName cname = name nsplit = name.split(':',1) if len(nsplit) == 2: pfx, newname = nsplit ns = pfxdix.get(pfx,None) if ns is not None: if el.namespace != ns: if not self.beExtremelyLenient: raise MismatchedTags(*((self.filename, el.tagName, name) +self.saveMark()+el._markpos)) if not (tn == cname): if self.beExtremelyLenient: if self.elementstack: lastEl = self.elementstack[0] for idx in xrange(len(self.elementstack)): if self.elementstack[-(idx+1)].tagName == cname: self.elementstack[-(idx+1)].endTag(name) break else: # this was a garbage close tag; wait for a real one self.elementstack.append(el) if nstuple is not None: self.nsstack.append(nstuple) return del self.elementstack[-(idx+1):] if not self.elementstack: self.documents.append(lastEl) return else: raise MismatchedTags(*((self.filename, el.tagName, name) +self.saveMark()+el._markpos)) el.endTag(name) if not self.elementstack: self.documents.append(el) if self.beExtremelyLenient and el.tagName == "script": self._fixScriptElement(el) def connectionLost(self, reason): if self.elementstack: if self.beExtremelyLenient: self.documents.append(self.elementstack[0]) else: raise MismatchedTags(*((self.filename, self.elementstack[-1], "END_OF_FILE") +self.saveMark() +self.elementstack[-1]._markpos)) def parse(readable, *args, **kwargs): """Parse HTML or XML readable.""" if not hasattr(readable, "read"): readable = open(readable, "rb") mdp = MicroDOMParser(*args, **kwargs) mdp.filename = getattr(readable, "name", "") mdp.makeConnection(None) if hasattr(readable,"getvalue"): mdp.dataReceived(readable.getvalue()) else: r = readable.read(1024) while r: mdp.dataReceived(r) r = readable.read(1024) mdp.connectionLost(None) if not mdp.documents: raise ParseError(mdp.filename, 0, 0, "No top-level Nodes in document") if mdp.beExtremelyLenient: if len(mdp.documents) == 1: d = mdp.documents[0] else: d = None for el in mdp.documents: if isinstance(el, Element): if d is not None: d = None break d = el if d is None: d = Element("html") d.childNodes[:] = mdp.documents else: d = mdp.documents[0] doc = Document(d) doc.doctype = mdp._mddoctype return doc def parseString(st, *args, **kw): if isinstance(st, UnicodeType): # this isn't particularly ideal, but it does work. return parse(StringIO(st.encode('UTF-16')), *args, **kw) return parse(StringIO(st), *args, **kw) def parseXML(readable): """Parse an XML readable object.""" return parse(readable, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=1) def parseXMLString(st): """Parse an XML readable object.""" return parseString(st, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=1) # Utility class lmx: """Easy creation of XML.""" def __init__(self, node='div'): if isinstance(node, StringTypes): node = Element(node) self.node = node def __getattr__(self, name): if name[0] == '_': raise AttributeError("no private attrs") return lambda **kw: self.add(name,**kw) def __setitem__(self, key, val): self.node.setAttribute(key, val) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.node.getAttribute(key) def text(self, txt, raw=0): nn = Text(txt, raw=raw) self.node.appendChild(nn) return self def add(self, tagName, **kw): newNode = Element(tagName, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=0) self.node.appendChild(newNode) xf = lmx(newNode) for k, v in kw.items(): if k[0] == '_': k = k[1:] xf[k]=v return xf