# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_woven -*- # # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ DOMTemplate Most templating systems provide commands that you embed in the HTML to repeat elements, include fragments from other files, etc. This works fairly well for simple constructs and people tend to get a false sense of simplicity from this. However, in my experience, as soon as the programmer wants to make the logic even slightly more complicated, the templating system must be bent and abused in ways it was never meant to be used. The theory behind DOMTemplate is that Python code instead of template syntax in the HTML should be used to manipulate the structure of the HTML. DOMTemplate uses the DOM, a w3c standard tree-based representation of an HTML document that provides an API that allows you to traverse nodes in the tree, examine their attributes, move, add, and delete them. It is a fairly low level API, meaning it takes quite a bit of code to get a bit done, but it is standard -- learn the DOM once, you can use it from ActionScript, JavaScript, Java, C++, whatever. A DOMTemplate subclass must do two things: indicate which template it wants to use, and indicate which elements it is interested in. A short example:: | class Test(DOMTemplate): | template = ''' | Foo | |
| This test node will be replaced |
| | | ''' | | def factory_test(self, request, node): | ''' | The test method will be called with the request and the | DOM node that the test method was associated with. | ''' | # self.d has been bound to the main DOM "document" object | newNode = self.d.createTextNode("Testing, 1,2,3") | | # Replace the test node with our single new text node | return newNode """ import warnings try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle import string, os, sys, stat, types from twisted.web import microdom from twisted.python import components from twisted.web import resource, html from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.web.woven import controller, utils, interfaces from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.python import failure from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.python import log from zope.interface import implements from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET STOP_RENDERING = 1 RESTART_RENDERING = 2 class INodeMutator(components.Interface): """A component that implements NodeMutator knows how to mutate DOM based on the instructions in the object it wraps. """ def generate(self, request, node): """The generate method should do the work of mutating the DOM based on the object this adapter wraps. """ pass class NodeMutator: implements(INodeMutator) def __init__(self, data): self.data = data components.backwardsCompatImplements(NodeMutator) class NodeNodeMutator(NodeMutator): """A NodeNodeMutator replaces the node that is passed in to generate with the node it adapts. """ def __init__(self, data): assert data is not None NodeMutator.__init__(self, data) def generate(self, request, node): if self.data is not node: parent = node.parentNode if parent: parent.replaceChild(self.data, node) else: log.msg("Warning: There was no parent for node %s; node not mutated." % node) return self.data class NoneNodeMutator(NodeMutator): def generate(self, request, node): return node # do nothing child = request.d.createTextNode("None") node.parentNode.replaceChild(child, node) class StringNodeMutator(NodeMutator): """A StringNodeMutator replaces the node that is passed in to generate with the string it adapts. """ def generate(self, request, node): if self.data: try: child = microdom.parseString(self.data) except Exception, e: log.msg("Error parsing return value, probably invalid xml:", e) child = request.d.createTextNode(self.data) else: child = request.d.createTextNode(self.data) nodeMutator = NodeNodeMutator(child) return nodeMutator.generate(request, node) components.registerAdapter(NodeNodeMutator, microdom.Node, INodeMutator) components.registerAdapter(NoneNodeMutator, type(None), INodeMutator) components.registerAdapter(StringNodeMutator, type(""), INodeMutator) class DOMTemplate(Resource): """A resource that renders pages using DOM.""" isLeaf = 1 templateFile = '' templateDirectory = '' template = '' _cachedTemplate = None def __init__(self, templateFile = None): """ @param templateFile: The name of a file containing a template. @type templateFile: String """ Resource.__init__(self) if templateFile: self.templateFile = templateFile self.outstandingCallbacks = 0 self.failed = 0 def render(self, request): template = self.getTemplate(request) if template: self.d = microdom.parseString(template) else: if not self.templateFile: raise AttributeError, "%s does not define self.templateFile to operate on" % self.__class__ self.d = self.lookupTemplate(request) self.handleDocument(request, self.d) return NOT_DONE_YET def getTemplate(self, request): """ Override this if you want to have your subclass look up its template using a different method. """ return self.template def lookupTemplate(self, request): """ Use acquisition to look up the template named by self.templateFile, located anywhere above this object in the heirarchy, and use it as the template. The first time the template is used it is cached for speed. """ if self.template: return microdom.parseString(self.template) if not self.templateDirectory: mod = sys.modules[self.__module__] if hasattr(mod, '__file__'): self.templateDirectory = os.path.split(mod.__file__)[0] # First see if templateDirectory + templateFile is a file templatePath = os.path.join(self.templateDirectory, self.templateFile) # Check to see if there is an already compiled copy of it templateName = os.path.splitext(self.templateFile)[0] compiledTemplateName = '.' + templateName + '.pxp' compiledTemplatePath = os.path.join(self.templateDirectory, compiledTemplateName) # No? Compile and save it if (not os.path.exists(compiledTemplatePath) or os.stat(compiledTemplatePath)[stat.ST_MTIME] < os.stat(templatePath)[stat.ST_MTIME]): compiledTemplate = microdom.parse(templatePath) pickle.dump(compiledTemplate, open(compiledTemplatePath, 'wb'), 1) else: compiledTemplate = pickle.load(open(compiledTemplatePath, "rb")) return compiledTemplate def setUp(self, request, document): pass def handleDocument(self, request, document): """ Handle the root node, and send the page if there are no outstanding callbacks when it returns. """ try: request.d = document self.setUp(request, document) # Don't let outstandingCallbacks get to 0 until the # entire tree has been recursed # If you don't do this, and any callback has already # completed by the time the dispatchResultCallback # is added in dispachResult, then sendPage will be # called prematurely within dispatchResultCallback # resulting in much gnashing of teeth. self.outstandingCallbacks += 1 for node in document.childNodes: request.currentParent = node self.handleNode(request, node) self.outstandingCallbacks -= 1 if not self.outstandingCallbacks: return self.sendPage(request) except: self.renderFailure(None, request) def dispatchResult(self, request, node, result): """ Check a given result from handling a node and hand it to a process* method which will convert the result into a node and insert it into the DOM tree. Return the new node. """ if not isinstance(result, defer.Deferred): adapter = components.getAdapter(result, INodeMutator, None, components.getAdapterClassWithInheritance) if adapter is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Your factory method returned %s, but there is no " "INodeMutator adapter registerred for %s." % (result, getattr(result, "__class__", None) or type(result))) result = adapter.generate(request, node) if isinstance(result, defer.Deferred): self.outstandingCallbacks += 1 result.addCallback(self.dispatchResultCallback, request, node) result.addErrback(self.renderFailure, request) # Got to wait until the callback comes in return result def recurseChildren(self, request, node): """ If this node has children, handle them. """ request.currentParent = node if not node: return if type(node.childNodes) == type(""): return if node.hasChildNodes(): for child in node.childNodes: self.handleNode(request, child) def dispatchResultCallback(self, result, request, node): """ Deal with a callback from a deferred, dispatching the result and recursing children. """ self.outstandingCallbacks -= 1 node = self.dispatchResult(request, node, result) self.recurseChildren(request, node) if not self.outstandingCallbacks: return self.sendPage(request) def handleNode(self, request, node): """ Handle a single node by looking up a method for it, calling the method and dispatching the result. Also, handle all childNodes of this node using recursion. """ if not hasattr(node, 'getAttribute'): # text node? return node viewName = node.getAttribute('view') if viewName: method = getattr(self, "factory_" + viewName, None) if not method: raise NotImplementedError, "You specified view name %s on a node, but no factory_%s method was found." % (viewName, viewName) result = method(request, node) node = self.dispatchResult(request, node, result) if not isinstance(node, defer.Deferred): self.recurseChildren(request, node) def sendPage(self, request): """ Send the results of the DOM mutation to the browser. """ page = str(self.d.toxml()) request.write(page) request.finish() return page def renderFailure(self, failure, request): try: xml = request.d.toxml() except: xml = "" # if not hasattr(request, 'channel'): # log.msg("The request got away from me before I could render an error page.") # log.err(failure) # return failure if not self.failed: self.failed = 1 if failure: request.write("%s: %s\n" % (html.escape(str(failure.type)), html.escape(str(failure.value)))) else: request.write("Failure!\n") utils.renderFailure(failure, request) request.write("

Here is the partially processed DOM:

") request.write("\n
\n") request.write("") request.finish() return failure ########################################## # Deprecation zone # Wear a hard hat ########################################## # DOMView is now deprecated since the functionality was merged into domtemplate DOMView = DOMTemplate # DOMController is now renamed woven.controller.Controller class DOMController(controller.Controller, Resource): """ A simple controller that automatically passes responsibility on to the view class registered for the model. You can override render to perform more advanced template lookup logic. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): log.msg("DeprecationWarning: DOMController is deprecated; it has been renamed twisted.web.woven.controller.Controller.\n") controller.Controller.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) Resource.__init__(self) def setUp(self, request): pass def render(self, request): self.setUp(request) self.view = components.getAdapter(self.model, interfaces.IView, None) self.view.setController(self) return self.view.render(request) def process(self, request, **kwargs): log.msg("Processing results: ", kwargs) return RESTART_RENDERING components.backwardsCompatImplements(DOMController)