msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Scratch\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Evelyn Eastmond \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-28\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-10-28\n" "Last-Translator: Evelyn Eastmond \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: \n" ############################################ # FORMATTING ############################################ # Language name as you'd like it to appear in the Languages menu # (Required) msgid "Language-Name" msgstr "Română" # Directionality of language # LTR = Left to Right # RTL = Right to Left msgid "Language-Direction" msgstr "LTR" # Scale to apply to font size (2 for twice as large) # Use this if the font is too small for legibility on the Scratch interface msgid "Font-Scale" msgstr "" # Set to 'true' or 'false' # Use this if you do not want any of the text to be bolded, for legibility msgid "Suppress-Bold" msgstr "" # Font to use on a Windows system msgid "Win-Font" msgstr "" # Font to use on a Mac system msgid "Mac-Font" msgstr "" # Font to use on a Linux system msgid "Linux-Font" msgstr "" ############################################ # BLOCKS ############################################ msgid "%H sensor value" msgstr "valoarea senzorului %H" msgid "%L contains %s" msgstr "" msgid "%a of %m" msgstr "" msgid "%b and %b" msgstr "%b si %b" msgid "%b or %b" msgstr "%b sau %b" msgid "%f of %n" msgstr "" msgid "%n mod %n" msgstr "%n mod %n" msgid "add %s to %L" msgstr "" msgid "answer" msgstr "" msgid "ask %s and wait" msgstr "" msgid "background #" msgstr "" msgid "broadcast %e" msgstr "expediere la toti %e" msgid "broadcast %e and wait" msgstr "expediere la toti %e si asteapta" msgid "change %g effect by %n" msgstr "schimba efectul %g cu %n" msgid "change %v by %n" msgstr "schimba %v cu %n" msgid "change pen color by %n" msgstr "schimba culoarea stiloului cu %n" msgid "change pen shade by %n" msgstr "schimba intensitatea stiloului cu %n" msgid "change pen size by %n" msgstr "schimba marimea stiloului cu %n" msgid "change size by %n" msgstr "schimba marimea cu %n" msgid "change tempo by %n" msgstr "" msgid "change volume by %n" msgstr "" msgid "change x by %n" msgstr "schimba x cu %n" msgid "change y by %n" msgstr "schimba y cu %n" msgid "clear" msgstr "sterge" msgid "clear graphic effects" msgstr "sterge efectele grafice" msgid "color %C is touching %C?" msgstr "culoarea %C este peste %C?" msgid "control" msgstr "control" msgid "costume #" msgstr "" msgid "delete %y of %L" msgstr "" msgid "direction" msgstr "directie" msgid "distance to %m" msgstr "distanta pana la %m" msgid "else" msgstr "daca nu" msgid "forever" msgstr "pentru totdeauna" msgid "forever if %b" msgstr "pentru totdeauna daca %b" msgid "glide %n secs to x:%n y:%n" msgstr "muta %n secunde la x:%n y:%n" msgid "go back %n layers" msgstr "intoarce-te %n straturi" msgid "go to %m" msgstr "du-te la %m" msgid "go to front" msgstr "du-te la inceput" msgid "go to x:%n y:%n" msgstr "du-te la x:%n y:%n" msgid "hide" msgstr "ascunde" msgid "hide variable %v" msgstr "" msgid "if %b" msgstr "daca %b" msgid "if on edge, bounce" msgstr "daca se afla pe margine, sari" msgid "insert %s at %i of %L" msgstr "" msgid "item %i of %L" msgstr "" msgid "join %s %s" msgstr "" msgid "key %k pressed?" msgstr "tasta %k este apasata?" msgid "length of %L" msgstr "" msgid "length of %s" msgstr "" msgid "letter %n of %s" msgstr "" msgid "list" msgstr "" msgid "looks" msgstr "aspect" msgid "loud?" msgstr "sunet puternic?" msgid "loudness" msgstr "volum sonor" msgid "motion" msgstr "miscare" msgid "motor direction %W" msgstr "" msgid "motor off" msgstr "" msgid "motor on" msgstr "" msgid "motor on for %n secs" msgstr "" msgid "motor power %n" msgstr "" msgid "mouse down?" msgstr "mouse apasat?" msgid "mouse x" msgstr "mouse x" msgid "mouse y" msgstr "mouse y" msgid "move %n steps" msgstr "muta %n pasi" msgid "next background" msgstr "urmatorul fundal" msgid "next costume" msgstr "urmatorul costum" msgid "not %b" msgstr "nu %b" msgid "operators" msgstr "" msgid "pen" msgstr "stilou" msgid "pen down" msgstr "creionul jos" msgid "pen up" msgstr "creionul sus" msgid "pick random %n to %n" msgstr "alege un numar aleatoriu intre %n si %n" msgid "play drum %D for %n beats" msgstr "canta la tobele %D pentru %n" msgid "play note %N for %n beats" msgstr "canta nota %N pentru %n" msgid "play sound %S" msgstr "canta sunetul %S" msgid "play sound %S until done" msgstr "canta sunetul %S si asteapta" msgid "point in direction %d" msgstr "orienteaza in directia %d" msgid "point towards %m" msgstr "orienteaza inspre %m" msgid "repeat %n" msgstr "repeta %n" msgid "repeat until %b" msgstr "repeta pana cand %b" msgid "replace item %i of %L with %s" msgstr "" msgid "reset timer" msgstr "reporneste cronometrul" msgid "rest for %n beats" msgstr "" msgid "round %n" msgstr "rotunjeste pe %n" msgid "say %s" msgstr "spune %s" msgid "say %s for %n secs" msgstr "spune %s pentru %n secunde" msgid "sensing" msgstr "simtire" msgid "sensor %h?" msgstr "este apasat senzorul %h?" msgid "set %g effect to %n" msgstr "seteaza efectul %g la %n" msgid "set %v to %n" msgstr "seteaza %v la %n" msgid "set instrument to %I" msgstr "seteaza instrumentul la %I" msgid "set pen color to %c" msgstr "seteaza culoarea stiloului la %c" msgid "set pen color to %n" msgstr "seteaza culoarea stiloului la %n" msgid "set pen shade to %n" msgstr "seteaza intensitatea stiloului la %n" msgid "set pen size to %n" msgstr "seteaza marimea stiloului la %n" msgid "set size to %n%" msgstr "seteaza marimea la %n%" msgid "set tempo to %n bpm" msgstr "" msgid "set volume to %n%" msgstr "" msgid "set x to %n" msgstr "seteaza x la %n" msgid "set y to %n" msgstr "seteaza y la %n" msgid "show" msgstr "afiseaza" msgid "show variable %v" msgstr "" msgid "size" msgstr "marimea" msgid "sound" msgstr "sunet" msgid "stamp" msgstr "timbreaza" msgid "stop all" msgstr "opreste tot" msgid "stop all sounds" msgstr "opreste toate sunetele" msgid "stop script" msgstr "opreste script" msgid "switch to background %l" msgstr "schimba fundalul cu %l" msgid "switch to costume %l" msgstr "schimba costumul cu %l" msgid "tempo" msgstr "" msgid "think %s" msgstr "gandeste %s" msgid "think %s for %n secs" msgstr "gandeste %s pentru %n secunde" msgid "timer" msgstr "cronometru" msgid "touching %m?" msgstr "atinge %m?" msgid "touching color %C?" msgstr "atinge culoarea %C?" msgid "turn %n degrees" msgstr "roteste %n grade" msgid "variables" msgstr "variabile" msgid "volume" msgstr "" msgid "wait %n secs" msgstr "asteapta %n secunde" msgid "wait until %b" msgstr "asteapta pana la %b" msgid "when %k key pressed" msgstr "la apasarea tastei %k" msgid "when %m clicked" msgstr "la apasarea %m" msgid "when I receive %e" msgstr "la primirea %e" msgid "x position" msgstr "pozitia lui x" msgid "y position" msgstr "pozitia lui y" ############################################ # USER INTERFACE ############################################ msgid "(empty)" msgstr "" msgid "1 script" msgstr "" msgid "About Scratch" msgstr "" msgid "About this project:" msgstr "" msgid "abs" msgstr "" msgid "add comment" msgstr "" msgid "add comment here" msgstr "" msgid "all" msgstr "" msgid "and" msgstr "" msgid "Animation" msgstr "" msgid "any" msgstr "" msgid "Art" msgstr "" msgid "background" msgstr "" msgid "backgrounds" msgstr "" msgid "Backgrounds" msgstr "" msgid "brightness" msgstr "" msgid "Brush size: " msgstr "" msgid "button" msgstr "" msgid "button pressed" msgstr "" msgid "Camera" msgstr "" msgid "can rotate" msgstr "" msgid "cancel" msgstr "" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" msgid "Choose a folder" msgstr "" msgid "Choose new sprite from file" msgstr "" msgid "clean up" msgstr "" msgid "Clear" msgstr "" msgid "Clear canvas" msgstr "" msgid "Close and continue" msgstr "" msgid "Close dialog?" msgstr "" msgid "Close paint editor?" msgstr "" msgid "close port" msgstr "" msgid "Close sound recorder?" msgstr "" msgid "color" msgstr "" msgid "Compress Images" msgstr "" msgid "Compress Sounds" msgstr "" msgid "Compress sounds and images" msgstr "" msgid "Computer" msgstr "" msgid "connected" msgstr "" msgid "Connecting to " msgstr "" msgid "Copy" msgstr "" msgid "costume" msgstr "" msgid "costumes" msgstr "" msgid "Costumes" msgstr "" msgid "Could not read" msgstr "" msgid "Could not read project; file may be damaged" msgstr "" msgid "Could not write file" msgstr "" msgid "Create account" msgstr "" msgid "Create an empty project" msgstr "" msgid "Data sent. Waiting for response..." msgstr "" msgid "delete" msgstr "" msgid "Delete" msgstr "" msgid "Delete a list" msgstr "" msgid "Delete a variable" msgstr "Sterge o variabila" msgid "Delete this background" msgstr "" msgid "Delete this costume" msgstr "" msgid "Delete this sound" msgstr "" msgid "Delete this sprite" msgstr "" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "" msgid "disable remote sensor connections" msgstr "" msgid "distance" msgstr "" msgid "Documents" msgstr "" msgid "don't rotate" msgstr "" msgid "Don't Save" msgstr "" msgid "Done" msgstr "" msgid "down" msgstr "jos" msgid "down arrow" msgstr "" msgid "drag to resize" msgstr "" msgid "drag to rotate" msgstr "" msgid "draggable on website?" msgstr "" msgid "duplicate" msgstr "" msgid "Duplicate" msgstr "" msgid "edge" msgstr "" msgid "Edit" msgstr "" msgid "Ellipse tool (draw outlined or filled ellipse or circle)" msgstr "" msgid "enable remote sensor connections" msgstr "" msgid "Enter presentation mode" msgstr "" msgid "Eraser" msgstr "" msgid "Eraser size" msgstr "" msgid "Error!" msgstr "" msgid "Examples" msgstr "" msgid "Exit presentation" msgstr "" msgid "Exit presentation mode" msgstr "" msgid "export" msgstr "" msgid "Export Background" msgstr "" msgid "Export Costume" msgstr "" msgid "Export failed" msgstr "" msgid "Export Sound" msgstr "" msgid "Export Sprite" msgstr "" msgid "export this costume" msgstr "" msgid "export this sound" msgstr "" msgid "export this sprite" msgstr "" msgid "Extras menu" msgstr "" msgid "Eyedropper tool (select a color)" msgstr "" msgid "Failed:" msgstr "" msgid "false" msgstr "" msgid "File" msgstr "" msgid "File not found" msgstr "" msgid "Fill tool (fill areas with color or gradient)" msgstr "" msgid "first" msgstr "" msgid "fisheye" msgstr "" msgid "Flash blocks (fast)" msgstr "" msgid "Flash blocks (slow)" msgstr "" msgid "Flip horizontally" msgstr "" msgid "Flip vertically" msgstr "" msgid "For all sprites" msgstr "" msgid "For this sprite only" msgstr "" msgid "Game" msgstr "" msgid "Get surprise sprite" msgstr "" msgid "Get the last thing deleted" msgstr "" msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "" msgid "ghost" msgstr "" msgid "Go To Scratch Website" msgstr "" msgid "grab screen region for new costume" msgstr "" msgid "grab screen region for new sprite" msgstr "" msgid "Grow" msgstr "" msgid "Grow sprite" msgstr "" msgid "hello " msgstr "" msgid "Hello!" msgstr "" msgid "help" msgstr "" msgid "Help" msgstr "" msgid "Help Page" msgstr "" msgid "Help Screens" msgstr "" msgid "Hide Motor Blocks" msgstr "" msgid "High (biggest)" msgstr "" msgid "Hmm..." msgstr "" msgid "Home" msgstr "" msgid "Images compressed" msgstr "" msgid "import" msgstr "" msgid "Import" msgstr "" msgid "Import an image on top of your current canvas" msgstr "" msgid "Import Background" msgstr "" msgid "Import Costume" msgstr "" msgid "Import Image" msgstr "" msgid "Import List" msgstr "" msgid "Import Project" msgstr "" msgid "import project" msgstr "" msgid "Import Sound" msgstr "" msgid "Incompatible Scratch file format" msgstr "" msgid "Is the folder read-only?" msgstr "" msgid "JPEG Quality (10-100)?" msgstr "" msgid "kbytes" msgstr "" msgid "Language" msgstr "" msgid "large readout" msgstr "" msgid "last" msgstr "" msgid "left" msgstr "stanga" msgid "left arrow" msgstr "" msgid "length" msgstr "" msgid "light" msgstr "" msgid "Line tool (draw lines)" msgstr "" msgid "List name?" msgstr "" msgid "Low" msgstr "" msgid "Lowest (smallest)" msgstr "" msgid "Make a list" msgstr "" msgid "Make a variable" msgstr "Creeaza o variabila" msgid "Max:" msgstr "" msgid "meow" msgstr "" msgid "Message name:" msgstr "" msgid "Min:" msgstr "" msgid "mod" msgstr "" msgid "more" msgstr "" msgid "More tags:" msgstr "" msgid "mosaic" msgstr "" msgid "mouse x:" msgstr "" msgid "mouse y:" msgstr "" msgid "mouse-pointer" msgstr "" msgid "Move" msgstr "" msgid "Music" msgstr "" msgid "My Projects" msgstr "" msgid "new" msgstr "" msgid "New" msgstr "" msgid "New background:" msgstr "" msgid "New costume:" msgstr "" msgid "New file name?" msgstr "" msgid "New Filename:" msgstr "" msgid "New sound:" msgstr "" msgid "New Sprite" msgstr "" msgid "New sprite:" msgstr "" msgid "No" msgstr "" msgid "No MIDI ports currently available." msgstr "" msgid "No motion blocks" msgstr "" msgid "no scripts" msgstr "" msgid "No serial ports found" msgstr "" msgid "No variables." msgstr "" msgid "Normal" msgstr "" msgid "normal readout" msgstr "" msgid "Off" msgstr "" msgid "OK" msgstr "" msgid "On" msgstr "" msgid "only face left-right" msgstr "" msgid "Open" msgstr "" msgid "Open a Scratch project" msgstr "" msgid "Open Project" msgstr "" msgid "or" msgstr "" msgid "Paint" msgstr "" msgid "Paint Editor" msgstr "" msgid "Paint new sprite" msgstr "" msgid "Paintbrush" msgstr "" msgid "Password:" msgstr "" msgid "Percent? (100 gives original size)" msgstr "" msgid "Pictures" msgstr "" msgid "pixelate" msgstr "" msgid "play" msgstr "" msgid "Please enter a number" msgstr "" msgid "pop" msgstr "" msgid "Position the cross-hair to set the rotation center" msgstr "" msgid "Preparing project..." msgstr "" msgid "Project author:" msgstr "" msgid "Project name" msgstr "" msgid "Project Notes" msgstr "" msgid "Project notes" msgstr "" msgid "Project uploaded." msgstr "" msgid "Projects" msgstr "" msgid "Quit" msgstr "" msgid "Quit Scratch" msgstr "" msgid "Reading" msgstr "" msgid "record" msgstr "" msgid "Record" msgstr "" msgid "recording" msgstr "" msgid "Rectangle tool (draw outlined or filled rectangle or square)" msgstr "" msgid "Redo" msgstr "" msgid "Reference Guide" msgstr "" msgid "Remote sensor connections enabled" msgstr "" msgid "Remove viewer from stage" msgstr "" msgid "resistance" msgstr "" msgid "resize this sprite" msgstr "" msgid "reverse" msgstr "" msgid "right" msgstr "dreapta" msgid "right arrow" msgstr "" msgid "Rotate clock-wise" msgstr "" msgid "Rotate counter-clock-wise" msgstr "" msgid "rotate this sprite" msgstr "" msgid "Rotation degrees?" msgstr "" msgid "Save" msgstr "" msgid "Save a copy of the current project" msgstr "" msgid "Save As" msgstr "" msgid "Save changes before quitting?" msgstr "" msgid "Save failed" msgstr "" msgid "save picture of scripts" msgstr "" msgid "save picture of stage..." msgstr "" msgid "Save Project" msgstr "" msgid "Save Scripts Snapshot" msgstr "" msgid "Save Stage Shot" msgstr "" msgid "Save the current project" msgstr "" msgid "Save the current project?" msgstr "" msgid "Save this project" msgstr "" msgid "Scripts" msgstr "" msgid "select serial/USB port" msgstr "" msgid "Select tool (move, modify, or delete selection)" msgstr "" msgid "Set costume center" msgstr "" msgid "Set language" msgstr "" msgid "Set rotation center" msgstr "" msgid "Set Single Stepping" msgstr "" msgid "set slider min and max" msgstr "" msgid "Share" msgstr "" msgid "Share this project" msgstr "" msgid "Share This Project Online" msgstr "" msgid "Show Motor Blocks" msgstr "" msgid "show ScratchBoard watcher" msgstr "" msgid "Shrink" msgstr "" msgid "Shrink sprite" msgstr "" msgid "Simulation" msgstr "" msgid "Single-step speed?" msgstr "" msgid "slider" msgstr "" msgid "Slider range:" msgstr "" msgid "Sound quality:" msgstr "" msgid "Sound Recorder" msgstr "" msgid "Sounds" msgstr "" msgid "Sounds compressed" msgstr "" msgid "space" msgstr "" msgid "Sprite" msgstr "" msgid "Sprites" msgstr "" msgid "sqrt" msgstr "" msgid "Stage" msgstr "" msgid "Stage selected:" msgstr "" msgid "Stamp tool (select area, then stamp copies of it)" msgstr "" msgid "Start green flag scripts" msgstr "" msgid "Start Single Stepping" msgstr "" msgid "stop" msgstr "" msgid "Stop everything" msgstr "" msgid "Stop Single Stepping" msgstr "" msgid "Story" msgstr "" msgid "Support Site" msgstr "" msgid "Switch colors" msgstr "" msgid "Switch to full stage" msgstr "" msgid "Switch to presentation mode" msgstr "" msgid "Switch to small stage" msgstr "" msgid "Tags:" msgstr "" msgid "Text tool (edit text layer)" msgstr "" msgid "That variable name is already in use" msgstr "" msgid "that way" msgstr "" msgid "The file name already exists. Overwrite existing file?" msgstr "" msgid "thing" msgstr "" msgid "this way" msgstr "" msgid "tilt" msgstr "" msgid "true" msgstr "" msgid "Turbo speed" msgstr "" msgid "turn into new sprite" msgstr "" msgid "Undelete" msgstr "" msgid "Undo" msgstr "" msgid "up" msgstr "sus" msgid "up arrow" msgstr "" msgid "Updating thumbnails" msgstr "" msgid "Upload succeeded!" msgstr "" msgid "Upload to Scratch Server" msgstr "" msgid "Uploading" msgstr "" msgid "Variable name?" msgstr "" msgid "View on stage" msgstr "" msgid "What's your name?" msgstr "" msgid "whirl" msgstr "" msgid "world" msgstr "" msgid "Write Multiple Project Summaries" msgstr "" msgid "Write Project Summary" msgstr "" msgid "Yes" msgstr "" msgid "Your project is now online at" msgstr "" msgid "Your Scratch website login name:" msgstr "" msgid "Zoom in" msgstr "" msgid "Zoom out" msgstr "" ############################################ # MIDI INSTRUMENTS ############################################ msgid "Accordion" msgstr "" msgid "Acoustic Bass" msgstr "" msgid "Acoustic Bass Drum" msgstr "" msgid "Acoustic Grand" msgstr "" msgid "Acoustic Snare" msgstr "" msgid "Agogo" msgstr "" msgid "Alto Sax" msgstr "" msgid "Applause" msgstr "" msgid "Bagpipe" msgstr "" msgid "Banjo" msgstr "" msgid "Baritone Sax" msgstr "" msgid "Bass Drum 1" msgstr "" msgid "Bassoon" msgstr "" msgid "Bird Tweet" msgstr "" msgid "Blown Bottle" msgstr "" msgid "Brass Section" msgstr "" msgid "Breath Noise" msgstr "" msgid "Bright Acoustic" msgstr "" msgid "Cabasa" msgstr "" msgid "Celesta" msgstr "" msgid "Cello" msgstr "" msgid "Chinese Cymbal" msgstr "" msgid "Choir Aahs" msgstr "" msgid "Church Organ" msgstr "" msgid "Clarinet" msgstr "" msgid "Claves" msgstr "" msgid "Clavinet" msgstr "" msgid "Closed Hi-Hat" msgstr "" msgid "Contrabass" msgstr "" msgid "Cowbell" msgstr "" msgid "Crash Cymbal 1" msgstr "" msgid "Crash Cymbal 2" msgstr "" msgid "Distortion Guitar" msgstr "" msgid "Drawbar Organ" msgstr "" msgid "Dulcimer" msgstr "" msgid "Electric Bass (finger)" msgstr "" msgid "Electric Bass (pick)" msgstr "" msgid "Electric Clean Guitar" msgstr "" msgid "Electric Grand" msgstr "" msgid "Electric Jazz Guitar" msgstr "" msgid "Electric Muted Guitar" msgstr "" msgid "Electric Piano 1" msgstr "" msgid "Electric Piano 2" msgstr "" msgid "Electric Snare" msgstr "" msgid "English Horn" msgstr "" msgid "FX 1 (rain)" msgstr "" msgid "FX 2 (soundtrack)" msgstr "" msgid "FX 3 (crystal)" msgstr "" msgid "FX 4 (atmosphere)" msgstr "" msgid "FX 5 (brightness)" msgstr "" msgid "FX 6 (goblins)" msgstr "" msgid "FX 7 (echoes)" msgstr "" msgid "FX 8 (sci-fi)" msgstr "" msgid "Fiddle" msgstr "" msgid "Flute" msgstr "" msgid "French Horn" msgstr "" msgid "Fretless Bass" msgstr "" msgid "Glockenspiel" msgstr "" msgid "Guitar Fret Noise" msgstr "" msgid "Guitar Harmonics" msgstr "" msgid "Gunshot" msgstr "" msgid "Hand Clap" msgstr "" msgid "Harmonica" msgstr "" msgid "Harpsichord" msgstr "" msgid "Helicopter" msgstr "" msgid "Hi Bongo" msgstr "" msgid "Hi Wood Block" msgstr "" msgid "Hi-Mid Tom" msgstr "" msgid "High Agogo" msgstr "" msgid "High Floor Tom" msgstr "" msgid "High Timbale" msgstr "" msgid "High Tom" msgstr "" msgid "Honky-Tonk" msgstr "" msgid "Kalimba" msgstr "" msgid "Koto" msgstr "" msgid "Lead 1 (square)" msgstr "" msgid "Lead 2 (sawtooth)" msgstr "" msgid "Lead 3 (calliope)" msgstr "" msgid "Lead 4 (chiff)" msgstr "" msgid "Lead 5 (charang)" msgstr "" msgid "Lead 6 (voice)" msgstr "" msgid "Lead 7 (fifths)" msgstr "" msgid "Lead 8 (bass+lead)" msgstr "" msgid "Long Guiro" msgstr "" msgid "Long Whistle" msgstr "" msgid "Low Agogo" msgstr "" msgid "Low Bongo" msgstr "" msgid "Low Conga" msgstr "" msgid "Low Floor Tom" msgstr "" msgid "Low Timbale" msgstr "" msgid "Low Tom" msgstr "" msgid "Low Wood Block" msgstr "" msgid "Low-Mid Tom" msgstr "" msgid "Maracas" msgstr "" msgid "Marimba" msgstr "" msgid "Melodic Tom" msgstr "" msgid "Music Box" msgstr "" msgid "Mute Cuica" msgstr "" msgid "Mute Hi Conga" msgstr "" msgid "Mute Triangle" msgstr "" msgid "Muted Trumpet" msgstr "" msgid "Nylon String Guitar" msgstr "" msgid "Oboe" msgstr "" msgid "Ocarina" msgstr "" msgid "Open Cuica" msgstr "" msgid "Open Hi Conga" msgstr "" msgid "Open Hi-Hat" msgstr "" msgid "Open Triangle" msgstr "" msgid "Orchestra Hit" msgstr "" msgid "Orchestral Strings" msgstr "" msgid "Overdriven Guitar" msgstr "" msgid "Pad 1 (new age)" msgstr "" msgid "Pad 2 (warm)" msgstr "" msgid "Pad 3 (polysynth)" msgstr "" msgid "Pad 4 (choir)" msgstr "" msgid "Pad 5 (bowed)" msgstr "" msgid "Pad 6 (metallic)" msgstr "" msgid "Pad 7 (halo)" msgstr "" msgid "Pad 8 (sweep)" msgstr "" msgid "Pan Flute" msgstr "" msgid "Pedal Hi-Hat" msgstr "" msgid "Percussive Organ" msgstr "" msgid "Piccolo" msgstr "" msgid "Pizzicato Strings" msgstr "" msgid "Recorder" msgstr "" msgid "Reed Organ" msgstr "" msgid "Reverse Cymbal" msgstr "" msgid "Ride Bell" msgstr "" msgid "Ride Cymbal 1" msgstr "" msgid "Ride Cymbal 2" msgstr "" msgid "Rock Organ" msgstr "" msgid "Seashore" msgstr "" msgid "Shakuhachi" msgstr "" msgid "Shamisen" msgstr "" msgid "Shanai" msgstr "" msgid "Short Guiro" msgstr "" msgid "Short Whistle" msgstr "" msgid "Side Stick" msgstr "" msgid "Sitar" msgstr "" msgid "Slap Bass 1" msgstr "" msgid "Slap Bass 2" msgstr "" msgid "Soprano Sax" msgstr "" msgid "Splash Cymbal" msgstr "" msgid "Steel Drums" msgstr "" msgid "Steel String Guitar" msgstr "" msgid "String Ensemble 1" msgstr "" msgid "String Ensemble 2" msgstr "" msgid "Synth Bass 1" msgstr "" msgid "Synth Bass 2" msgstr "" msgid "Synth Drum" msgstr "" msgid "Synth Voice" msgstr "" msgid "SynthBrass 1" msgstr "" msgid "SynthBrass 2" msgstr "" msgid "SynthStrings 1" msgstr "" msgid "SynthStrings 2" msgstr "" msgid "Taiko Drum" msgstr "" msgid "Tambourine" msgstr "" msgid "Tango Accordion" msgstr "" msgid "Telephone Ring" msgstr "" msgid "Tenor Sax" msgstr "" msgid "Timpani" msgstr "" msgid "Tinkle Bell" msgstr "" msgid "Tremolo Strings" msgstr "" msgid "Trombone" msgstr "" msgid "Trumpet" msgstr "" msgid "Tuba" msgstr "" msgid "Tubular Bells" msgstr "" msgid "Vibraphone" msgstr "" msgid "Vibraslap" msgstr "" msgid "Viola" msgstr "" msgid "Violin" msgstr "" msgid "Voice Oohs" msgstr "" msgid "Whistle" msgstr "" msgid "Woodblock" msgstr "" msgid "Xylophone" msgstr ""