msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-29 23:15-0400\n" "Last-Translator: smith yang \n" "Language-Team: \n" "Language: zh_TW\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: Pootle 1.2.0\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" ############################################ # FORMATTING ############################################ # Language name as you'd like it to appear in the Languages menu # (Required) msgid "Language-Name" msgstr "正體中文" # Directionality of language # LTR = Left to Right # RTL = Right to Left msgid "Language-Direction" msgstr "LTR" # Scale to apply to font size (2 for twice as large) # Use this if the font is too small for legibility on the Scratch interface msgid "Font-Scale" msgstr "1.2" # Set to 'true' or 'false' # Use this if you do not want any of the text to be bolded, for legibility msgid "Suppress-Bold" msgstr "false" # Font to use on a Windows system msgid "Win-Font" msgstr "MingLiu" # Font to use on a Mac system msgid "Mac-Font" msgstr "LiHei Pro" # Font to use on a Linux system msgid "Linux-Font" msgstr "uming" ############################################ # BLOCKS ############################################ msgid "%H sensor value" msgstr "%H 的偵測值" msgid "%L contains %s" msgstr "%L 包含 %s" msgid "%a of %m" msgstr "%m 的 %a" msgid "%b and %b" msgstr "%b 且 %b" msgid "%b or %b" msgstr "%b 或 %b" msgid "%f of %n" msgstr "%n 的 %f 值" msgid "%n mod %n" msgstr "%n 除以 %n 的餘數" msgid "add %s to %L" msgstr "將 %s 加到 %L" msgid "answer" msgstr "答案" msgid "ask %s and wait" msgstr "提問 %s 並等待" msgid "background #" msgstr "背景編號" msgid "broadcast %e" msgstr "廣播 %e" msgid "broadcast %e and wait" msgstr "廣播 %e 並等待" msgid "change %g effect by %n" msgstr "將 %g 特效增加 %n" msgid "change %v by %n" msgstr "將變數 %v 的值增加 %n" msgid "change pen color by %n" msgstr "將畫筆的顏色值增加 %n" msgid "change pen shade by %n" msgstr "將畫筆的亮度增加 %n" msgid "change pen size by %n" msgstr "將畫筆的大小增加 %n" msgid "change size by %n" msgstr "將大小增加 %n %" msgid "change tempo by %n" msgstr "將節奏加快 %n" msgid "change volume by %n" msgstr "將音量增加 %n" msgid "change x by %n" msgstr "將x座標增加 %n" msgid "change y by %n" msgstr "將y座標增加 %n" msgid "clear" msgstr "清除所有筆跡" msgid "clear graphic effects" msgstr "清除所有圖形特效" msgid "color %C is touching %C?" msgstr "顏色 %C 碰到 顏色 %C" msgid "control" msgstr "控制" msgid "costume #" msgstr "造型編號" msgid "delete %y of %L" msgstr "將第 %y 項從 %L 中移除" msgid "direction" msgstr "方向" msgid "distance to %m" msgstr "到 %m 的距離" msgid "else" msgstr "否則" msgid "forever" msgstr "重複執行" msgid "forever if %b" msgstr "如果 %b就重複執行" msgid "glide %n secs to x:%n y:%n" msgstr "在 %n 秒內,滑行到 x:%n y:%n" msgid "go back %n layers" msgstr "下移 %n 層" msgid "go to %m" msgstr "移到 %m" msgid "go to front" msgstr "移至最上層" msgid "go to x:%n y:%n" msgstr "移到 x:%n y:%n" msgid "hide" msgstr "隱藏" msgid "hide variable %v" msgstr "隱藏變數 %v" msgid "if %b" msgstr "如果 %b" msgid "if on edge, bounce" msgstr "碰到邊緣就反彈" msgid "insert %s at %i of %L" msgstr "將 %s 加到 %L 的第 %i 項" msgid "item %i of %L" msgstr "%L 的第 %i 項" msgid "join %s %s" msgstr "合併 %s 和 %s" msgid "key %k pressed?" msgstr "按下 %k 鍵" msgid "length of %L" msgstr "%L 的長度" msgid "length of %s" msgstr "%s 的長度" msgid "letter %n of %s" msgstr "字串 %s 的第 %n 個字" msgid "list" msgstr "列表" msgid "looks" msgstr "外觀" msgid "loud?" msgstr "有聲音" msgid "loudness" msgstr "音量值" msgid "motion" msgstr "動作" msgid "motor direction %W" msgstr "馬達運轉方向 %W" msgid "motor off" msgstr "關閉馬達" msgid "motor on" msgstr "開啟馬達" msgid "motor on for %n secs" msgstr "開啟馬達運轉 %n 秒" msgid "motor power %n" msgstr "馬達動力 %n" msgid "mouse down?" msgstr "按下滑鼠" msgid "mouse x" msgstr "滑鼠的x座標" msgid "mouse y" msgstr "滑鼠的y座標" msgid "move %n steps" msgstr "移動 %n 步" msgid "next background" msgstr "下一個背景" msgid "next costume" msgstr "下一個造型" msgid "not %b" msgstr "%b 不成立" msgid "operators" msgstr "運算" msgid "pen" msgstr "畫筆" msgid "pen down" msgstr "下筆" msgid "pen up" msgstr "停筆" msgid "pick random %n to %n" msgstr "在 %n 到 %n 間隨機選一個數" msgid "play drum %D for %n beats" msgstr "彈奏鼓聲 %D %n 拍" msgid "play note %N for %n beats" msgstr "彈奏音符 %N %n 拍" msgid "play sound %S" msgstr "播放聲音 %S" msgid "play sound %S until done" msgstr "播放聲音 %S 直到播放完畢" msgid "point in direction %d" msgstr "面向 %d 方向" msgid "point towards %m" msgstr "面向 %m" msgid "repeat %n" msgstr "重複執行 %n 次" msgid "repeat until %b" msgstr "重複執行直到 %b" msgid "replace item %i of %L with %s" msgstr "將 %L 的第 %i 項替換為 %s" msgid "reset timer" msgstr "計時器歸零" msgid "rest for %n beats" msgstr "休息 %n 拍" msgid "round %n" msgstr "將 %n 四捨五入" msgid "say %s" msgstr "說 %s" msgid "say %s for %n secs" msgstr "說 %s %n 秒" msgid "sensing" msgstr "偵測" msgid "sensor %h?" msgstr "偵測器 %h" msgid "set %g effect to %n" msgstr "將 %g 特效設定為 %n" msgid "set %v to %n" msgstr "將變數 %v 的值設為 %n" msgid "set instrument to %I" msgstr "設定樂器為 %I" msgid "set pen color to %c" msgstr "將畫筆顏色設定為 %c" msgid "set pen color to %n" msgstr "將畫筆顏色值定設為 %n" msgid "set pen shade to %n" msgstr "將畫筆亮度設為 %n" msgid "set pen size to %n" msgstr "將畫筆大小設為 %n" msgid "set size to %n%" msgstr "將大小設定為 %n %" msgid "set tempo to %n bpm" msgstr "將節奏設定為 %n 拍/分鐘" msgid "set volume to %n%" msgstr "將音量設定為 %n" msgid "set x to %n" msgstr "將x座標設定為 %n" msgid "set y to %n" msgstr "將y座標設定為 %n" msgid "show" msgstr "顯示" msgid "show variable %v" msgstr "顯示變數 %v" msgid "size" msgstr "大小" msgid "sound" msgstr "聲音" msgid "stamp" msgstr "蓋章" msgid "stop all" msgstr "全部停止" msgid "stop all sounds" msgstr "停止所有聲音" msgid "stop script" msgstr "停止執行此程式" msgid "switch to background %l" msgstr "切換到背景 %l" msgid "switch to costume %l" msgstr "切換到造型 %l" msgid "tempo" msgstr "節奏" msgid "think %s" msgstr "想著 %s" msgid "think %s for %n secs" msgstr "想著 %s %n 秒" msgid "timer" msgstr "計時器" msgid "touching %m?" msgstr "碰到 %m" msgid "touching color %C?" msgstr "碰到顏色 %C" msgid "turn %n degrees" msgstr "旋轉 %n 度" msgid "variables" msgstr "變數" msgid "volume" msgstr "音量" msgid "wait %n secs" msgstr "等待 %n 秒" msgid "wait until %b" msgstr "直到 %b 前都等待著" msgid "when %k key pressed" msgstr "當按下 %k 鍵" msgid "when %m clicked" msgstr "當 %m 被點一下" msgid "when I receive %e" msgstr "當接收到 %e" msgid "x position" msgstr "x座標" msgid "y position" msgstr "y座標" ############################################ # USER INTERFACE ############################################ msgid "(empty)" msgstr "(空白)" msgid "1 script" msgstr "1段程式" msgid "About Scratch" msgstr "關於Scratch" msgid "About this project:" msgstr "關於這個作品:" msgid "abs" msgstr "絕對值" msgid "add comment" msgstr "增加註解" msgid "add comment here" msgstr "由此加入註解" msgid "all" msgstr "所有的" msgid "and" msgstr "和" msgid "Animation" msgstr "動畫" msgid "any" msgstr "任何的" msgid "Art" msgstr "藝術" msgid "background" msgstr "背景" msgid "backgrounds" msgstr "背景" msgid "Backgrounds" msgstr "背景" msgid "brightness" msgstr "亮度" msgid "Brush size: " msgstr "筆刷大小" msgid "button" msgstr "按鈕" msgid "button pressed" msgstr "按下按鈕" msgid "Camera" msgstr "照相機" msgid "can rotate" msgstr "允許旋轉" msgid "cancel" msgstr "取消" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "取消" msgid "Choose a folder" msgstr "選擇資料夾" msgid "Choose new sprite from file" msgstr "開啟角色檔案" msgid "clean up" msgstr "自動排列" msgid "Clear" msgstr "清除畫面" msgid "Clear canvas" msgstr "清除畫板" msgid "Close and continue" msgstr "關閉和繼續" msgid "Close dialog?" msgstr "關閉對話盒?" msgid "Close paint editor?" msgstr "結束繪圖編輯?" msgid "close port" msgstr "關閉連接埠" msgid "Close sound recorder?" msgstr "結束錄音程式?" msgid "color" msgstr "顏色" msgid "Compress Images" msgstr "壓縮影像" msgid "Compress Sounds" msgstr "壓縮聲音" msgid "Compress sounds and images" msgstr "壓縮影像及聲音" msgid "Computer" msgstr "我的電腦" msgid "connected" msgstr "已連接" msgid "Connecting to " msgstr "連接到" msgid "Copy" msgstr "複製" msgid "costume" msgstr "造型" msgid "costumes" msgstr "造型" msgid "Costumes" msgstr "造型" msgid "Could not read" msgstr "無法讀取" msgid "Could not read project; file may be damaged" msgstr "無法讀取作品,檔案可能毀損" msgid "Could not write file" msgstr "無法寫入檔案" msgid "Create account" msgstr "申請帳號" msgid "Create an empty project" msgstr "新增一個作品" msgid "Data sent. Waiting for response..." msgstr "資料已送出,等待回應中..." msgid "delete" msgstr "刪除" msgid "Delete" msgstr "刪除" msgid "Delete a list" msgstr "刪除一個列表" msgid "Delete a variable" msgstr "刪除一個變數" msgid "Delete this background" msgstr "刪除此背景" msgid "Delete this costume" msgstr "刪除此造型" msgid "Delete this sound" msgstr "刪除此聲音" msgid "Delete this sprite" msgstr "刪除此角色" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "桌面" msgid "disable remote sensor connections" msgstr "關閉遠端感應器" msgid "distance" msgstr "距離" msgid "Documents" msgstr "我的文件夾" msgid "don't rotate" msgstr "不允許旋轉" msgid "Don't Save" msgstr "不要儲存" msgid "Done" msgstr "確定" msgid "down" msgstr "下" msgid "down arrow" msgstr "下移鍵" msgid "drag to resize" msgstr "拖曳調整" msgid "drag to rotate" msgstr "拖曳旋轉" msgid "draggable on website?" msgstr "可以在網站上拖曳?" msgid "duplicate" msgstr "複製" msgid "Duplicate" msgstr "複製" msgid "edge" msgstr "邊緣" msgid "Edit" msgstr "編輯" msgid "Ellipse tool (draw outlined or filled ellipse or circle)" msgstr "橢圓工具(可繪製空心或實心的橢圓形)" msgid "enable remote sensor connections" msgstr "啟動遠端感應器" msgid "Enter presentation mode" msgstr "全螢幕模式" msgid "Eraser" msgstr "橡皮擦" msgid "Eraser size" msgstr "橡皮擦大小" msgid "Error!" msgstr "錯誤!" msgid "Examples" msgstr "範例" msgid "Exit presentation" msgstr "離開全螢幕" msgid "Exit presentation mode" msgstr "離開全螢幕" msgid "export" msgstr "匯出" msgid "Export Background" msgstr "匯出背景" msgid "Export Costume" msgstr "匯出造型" msgid "Export failed" msgstr "匯出失敗" msgid "Export Sound" msgstr "匯出聲音" msgid "Export Sprite" msgstr "匯出角色" msgid "export this costume" msgstr "匯出此造型" msgid "export this sound" msgstr "輸出聲音" msgid "export this sprite" msgstr "匯出此角色" msgid "Extras menu" msgstr "額外功能選單" msgid "Eyedropper tool (select a color)" msgstr "色彩選取工具" msgid "Failed:" msgstr "失敗:" msgid "false" msgstr "不成立" msgid "File" msgstr "檔案" msgid "File not found" msgstr "找不到檔案" msgid "Fill tool (fill areas with color or gradient)" msgstr "填色工具(用單色或漸層色填滿一個區域)" msgid "first" msgstr "第一個" msgid "fisheye" msgstr "魚眼" msgid "Flash blocks (fast)" msgstr "積木閃動速度(快)" msgid "Flash blocks (slow)" msgstr "積木閃動速度(慢)" msgid "Flip horizontally" msgstr "左右翻轉" msgid "Flip vertically" msgstr "上下翻轉" msgid "For all sprites" msgstr "適用所有角色" msgid "For this sprite only" msgstr "只適用此角色" msgid "Game" msgstr "遊戲" msgid "Get surprise sprite" msgstr "來個令人驚喜的角色吧" msgid "Get the last thing deleted" msgstr "復原" msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "快速入門" msgid "ghost" msgstr "鬼" msgid "Go To Scratch Website" msgstr "前往Scratch網站" msgid "grab screen region for new costume" msgstr "擷取部分區域成為新造型" msgid "grab screen region for new sprite" msgstr "擷取部分區域成為新角色" msgid "Grow" msgstr "放大" msgid "Grow sprite" msgstr "放大角色" msgid "hello " msgstr "你好" msgid "Hello!" msgstr "你好!" msgid "help" msgstr "幫助" msgid "Help" msgstr "幫助" msgid "Help Page" msgstr "幫助頁" msgid "Help Screens" msgstr "幫助畫面" msgid "Hide Motor Blocks" msgstr "隱藏馬達積木" msgid "High (biggest)" msgstr "最高" msgid "Hmm..." msgstr "嗯..." msgid "Home" msgstr "我的家" msgid "Images compressed" msgstr "影像已壓縮" msgid "import" msgstr "匯入" msgid "Import" msgstr "匯入" msgid "Import an image on top of your current canvas" msgstr "在現有的畫面上匯入影像" msgid "Import Background" msgstr "匯入背景" msgid "Import Costume" msgstr "匯入造型" msgid "Import Image" msgstr "匯入影像" msgid "Import List" msgstr "匯入列表" msgid "Import Project" msgstr "匯入作品" msgid "import project" msgstr "匯入作品" msgid "Import Sound" msgstr "匯入聲音" msgid "Incompatible Scratch file format" msgstr "不相容的檔案格式" msgid "Is the folder read-only?" msgstr "此資料夾是唯讀的嗎?" msgid "JPEG Quality (10-100)?" msgstr "JPEG壓縮品質(10-100)" msgid "kbytes" msgstr "kb" msgid "Language" msgstr "語言" msgid "large readout" msgstr "大型讀數" msgid "last" msgstr "最後的" msgid "left" msgstr "左" msgid "left arrow" msgstr "左移鍵" msgid "length" msgstr "長度" msgid "light" msgstr "光線" msgid "Line tool (draw lines)" msgstr "線段工具(繪製線段)" msgid "List name?" msgstr "列表名稱?" msgid "Low" msgstr "低" msgid "Lowest (smallest)" msgstr "最低" msgid "Make a list" msgstr "產生一個列表" msgid "Make a variable" msgstr "產生一個變數" msgid "Max:" msgstr "最大值:" msgid "meow" msgstr "喵" msgid "Message name:" msgstr "訊息名稱:" msgid "Min:" msgstr "最小值:" msgid "mod" msgstr "餘數" msgid "more" msgstr "更多" msgid "More tags:" msgstr "其它類別:" msgid "mosaic" msgstr "馬賽克" msgid "mouse x:" msgstr "滑鼠的x座標" msgid "mouse y:" msgstr "滑鼠的y座標" msgid "mouse-pointer" msgstr "滑鼠游標" msgid "Move" msgstr "移動" msgid "Music" msgstr "音樂" msgid "My Projects" msgstr "我的專案" msgid "new" msgstr "開新檔案" msgid "New" msgstr "開新檔案" msgid "New background:" msgstr "新增背景" msgid "New costume:" msgstr "新增造型" msgid "New file name?" msgstr "" msgid "New Filename:" msgstr "新增檔案" msgid "New sound:" msgstr "新增聲音" msgid "New Sprite" msgstr "新增角色" msgid "New sprite:" msgstr "新增角色" msgid "No" msgstr "否" msgid "No MIDI ports currently available." msgstr "找不到可用的MIDI連接埠" msgid "No motion blocks" msgstr "無動作積木" msgid "no scripts" msgstr "無程式" msgid "No serial ports found" msgstr "找不到序列埠" msgid "No variables." msgstr "無變數" msgid "Normal" msgstr "一般" msgid "normal readout" msgstr "一般讀數" msgid "Off" msgstr "關" msgid "OK" msgstr "確定" msgid "On" msgstr "開" msgid "only face left-right" msgstr "只允許左、右翻轉" msgid "Open" msgstr "開啟舊檔" msgid "Open a Scratch project" msgstr "開啟一個Scratch作品" msgid "Open Project" msgstr "開啟作品" msgid "or" msgstr "或" msgid "Paint" msgstr "繪製" msgid "Paint Editor" msgstr "繪圖編輯器" msgid "Paint new sprite" msgstr "繪製新角色" msgid "Paintbrush" msgstr "筆刷工具" msgid "Password:" msgstr "密碼" msgid "Percent? (100 gives original size)" msgstr "百分比(100代表原始大小)" msgid "Pictures" msgstr "圖片" msgid "pixelate" msgstr "像素濾鏡" msgid "play" msgstr "播放" msgid "Please enter a number" msgstr "請輸入一個數值" msgid "pop" msgstr "pop聲" msgid "Position the cross-hair to set the rotation center" msgstr "移動十字游標以設定旋轉中心" msgid "Preparing project..." msgstr "作品準備中..." msgid "Project author:" msgstr "作者:" msgid "Project name" msgstr "作品名稱" msgid "Project Notes" msgstr "作品註解" msgid "Project notes" msgstr "作品註解" msgid "Project uploaded." msgstr "作品已上傳" msgid "Projects" msgstr "作品" msgid "Quit" msgstr "離開" msgid "Quit Scratch" msgstr "離開Scratch" msgid "Reading" msgstr "讀取中" msgid "record" msgstr "錄音" msgid "Record" msgstr "錄音" msgid "recording" msgstr "錄音中" msgid "Rectangle tool (draw outlined or filled rectangle or square)" msgstr "方形工具(繪製空心或實心方形)" msgid "Redo" msgstr "重做" msgid "Reference Guide" msgstr "參考指南" msgid "Remote sensor connections enabled" msgstr "遠端感應器連接已啟動" msgid "Remove viewer from stage" msgstr "不顯示在舞台上" msgid "resistance" msgstr "電阻" msgid "resize this sprite" msgstr "縮放角色" msgid "reverse" msgstr "反轉" msgid "right" msgstr "右" msgid "right arrow" msgstr "右移鍵" msgid "Rotate clock-wise" msgstr "順時針旋轉" msgid "Rotate counter-clock-wise" msgstr "逆時針旋轉" msgid "rotate this sprite" msgstr "旋轉角色" msgid "Rotation degrees?" msgstr "旋轉角度" msgid "Save" msgstr "存檔" msgid "Save a copy of the current project" msgstr "將此作品另存一個檔" msgid "Save As" msgstr "另存新檔" msgid "Save changes before quitting?" msgstr "保存更改退出" msgid "Save failed" msgstr "存檔失敗" msgid "save picture of scripts" msgstr "將程式存成圖片" msgid "save picture of stage..." msgstr "將舞台存成圖片" msgid "Save Project" msgstr "儲存作品" msgid "Save Scripts Snapshot" msgstr "儲存程式的照片" msgid "Save Stage Shot" msgstr "儲存舞台的照片" msgid "Save the current project" msgstr "儲存此作品" msgid "Save the current project?" msgstr "儲存此作品?" msgid "Save this project" msgstr "儲存作品" msgid "Scripts" msgstr "程式" msgid "select serial/USB port" msgstr "選擇序列埠或USB埠" msgid "Select tool (move, modify, or delete selection)" msgstr "挑選工具(移動、修改或刪除)" msgid "Set costume center" msgstr "設定造型中心" msgid "Set language" msgstr "設定語言" msgid "Set rotation center" msgstr "設定旋轉中心" msgid "Set Single Stepping" msgstr "設定單步執行程式" msgid "set slider min and max" msgstr "設定滑桿的最小值與最大值" msgid "Share" msgstr "分享" msgid "Share this project" msgstr "分享此作品" msgid "Share This Project Online" msgstr "將此作品分享在網路上" msgid "Show Motor Blocks" msgstr "顯示馬達積木" msgid "show ScratchBoard watcher" msgstr "顯示ScratchBoard監視器" msgid "Shrink" msgstr "縮小" msgid "Shrink sprite" msgstr "縮小角色" msgid "Simulation" msgstr "模擬" msgid "Single-step speed?" msgstr "單步執行模式的執行速度" msgid "slider" msgstr "滑桿" msgid "Slider range:" msgstr "滑桿的範圍:" msgid "Sound quality:" msgstr "音質" msgid "Sound Recorder" msgstr "錄音機" msgid "Sounds" msgstr "聲音" msgid "Sounds compressed" msgstr "聲音已壓縮" msgid "space" msgstr "空白鍵" msgid "Sprite" msgstr "角色" msgid "Sprites" msgstr "角色" msgid "sqrt" msgstr "平方根" msgid "Stage" msgstr "舞台" msgid "Stage selected:" msgstr "選擇的舞台" msgid "Stamp tool (select area, then stamp copies of it)" msgstr "蓋章工具(將選擇的範圍當成圖章使用)" msgid "Start green flag scripts" msgstr "開始執行綠旗控制的程式" msgid "Start Single Stepping" msgstr "開始單步執行" msgid "stop" msgstr "停止" msgid "Stop everything" msgstr "全部停止" msgid "Stop Single Stepping" msgstr "停止單步執行" msgid "Story" msgstr "故事" msgid "Support Site" msgstr "支援中心" msgid "Switch colors" msgstr "顏色交換" msgid "Switch to full stage" msgstr "切換為大舞台" msgid "Switch to presentation mode" msgstr "切換為全螢幕" # Not sure~~waiting for better translation~ msgid "Switch to small stage" msgstr "切換為小舞台" msgid "Tags:" msgstr "標籤:" msgid "Text tool (edit text layer)" msgstr "文字輸入工具" msgid "That variable name is already in use" msgstr "此變數已被使用" msgid "that way" msgstr "逆時針" msgid "The file name already exists. Overwrite existing file?" msgstr "檔案名稱已存在,要覆蓋現有檔案嗎?" msgid "thing" msgstr "物品" msgid "this way" msgstr "順時針" msgid "tilt" msgstr "傾斜" msgid "true" msgstr "成立" msgid "Turbo speed" msgstr "加速模式" msgid "turn into new sprite" msgstr "轉換成新角色" msgid "Undelete" msgstr "復原刪除" msgid "Undo" msgstr "復原" msgid "up" msgstr "上" msgid "up arrow" msgstr "上移鍵" msgid "Updating thumbnails" msgstr "更新縮圖" msgid "Upload succeeded!" msgstr "上傳成功" msgid "Upload to Scratch Server" msgstr "上傳至Scratch伺服器" msgid "Uploading" msgstr "上傳中" msgid "Variable name?" msgstr "變數名稱?" msgid "View on stage" msgstr "顯示在舞台上" msgid "What's your name?" msgstr "你叫什麼名字?" msgid "whirl" msgstr "旋轉" msgid "world" msgstr "文字" msgid "Write Multiple Project Summaries" msgstr "撰寫多個作品的摘要" msgid "Write Project Summary" msgstr "撰寫作品摘要" msgid "Yes" msgstr "是的" msgid "Your project is now online at" msgstr "你的作品已經上網" msgid "Your Scratch website login name:" msgstr "你的Scratch網站帳號:" msgid "Zoom in" msgstr "拉近" msgid "Zoom out" msgstr "拉遠" ############################################ # MIDI INSTRUMENTS ############################################ msgid "Accordion" msgstr "手風琴" msgid "Acoustic Bass" msgstr "原音貝斯" msgid "Acoustic Bass Drum" msgstr "低音大鼓" msgid "Acoustic Grand" msgstr "平臺鋼琴" msgid "Acoustic Snare" msgstr "小鼓" msgid "Agogo" msgstr "阿哥哥" msgid "Alto Sax" msgstr "中音薩克斯" msgid "Applause" msgstr "掌聲" msgid "Bagpipe" msgstr "風笛" msgid "Banjo" msgstr "斑鳩琴" msgid "Baritone Sax" msgstr "上低音薩克斯" msgid "Bass Drum 1" msgstr "低音鼓1" msgid "Bassoon" msgstr "低音管" msgid "Bird Tweet" msgstr "鳥鳴" msgid "Blown Bottle" msgstr "吹瓶聲" msgid "Brass Section" msgstr "銅管合奏" msgid "Breath Noise" msgstr "呼吸聲" msgid "Bright Acoustic" msgstr "亮音鋼琴" msgid "Cabasa" msgstr "抓筒" msgid "Celesta" msgstr "鋼片琴" msgid "Cello" msgstr "大提琴 " msgid "Chinese Cymbal" msgstr "中國銅鈸" msgid "Choir Aahs" msgstr "唱詩歌(啊)" msgid "Church Organ" msgstr "教堂風琴" msgid "Clarinet" msgstr "單簧管" msgid "Claves" msgstr "古鋼琴" msgid "Clavinet" msgstr "響棒" msgid "Closed Hi-Hat" msgstr "閉合雙面拔" msgid "Contrabass" msgstr "低音提琴" msgid "Cowbell" msgstr "牛鈴" msgid "Crash Cymbal 1" msgstr "銅鈸1" msgid "Crash Cymbal 2" msgstr "銅鈸2" msgid "Distortion Guitar" msgstr "電吉他(變音)" msgid "Drawbar Organ" msgstr "電風琴" msgid "Dulcimer" msgstr "大揚琴" msgid "Electric Bass (finger)" msgstr "電貝斯吉他(指撥式)" msgid "Electric Bass (pick)" msgstr "電貝斯吉他(撥片式)" msgid "Electric Clean Guitar" msgstr "電吉他(乾淨音)" msgid "Electric Grand" msgstr "電鋼琴" msgid "Electric Jazz Guitar" msgstr "電吉他(爵士)" msgid "Electric Muted Guitar" msgstr "電吉他(悶音)" msgid "Electric Piano 1" msgstr "電鋼琴1" msgid "Electric Piano 2" msgstr "電鋼琴2" msgid "Electric Snare" msgstr "電子小鼓" msgid "English Horn" msgstr "英國管" msgid "FX 1 (rain)" msgstr "特效1(雨聲)" msgid "FX 2 (soundtrack)" msgstr "特校2(電影音效)" msgid "FX 3 (crystal)" msgstr "特效3(水晶)" msgid "FX 4 (atmosphere)" msgstr "特效4(大氣)" msgid "FX 5 (brightness)" msgstr "特效5(明亮)" msgid "FX 6 (goblins)" msgstr "特效6(小妖精)" msgid "FX 7 (echoes)" msgstr "特效7(迴音)" msgid "FX 8 (sci-fi)" msgstr "特效8(合成科幻)" msgid "Fiddle" msgstr "古提琴" msgid "Flute" msgstr "長笛" msgid "French Horn" msgstr "法國號" msgid "Fretless Bass" msgstr "無格貝斯" msgid "Glockenspiel" msgstr "鐵琴" msgid "Guitar Fret Noise" msgstr "吉他磨弦聲" msgid "Guitar Harmonics" msgstr "合音吉他" msgid "Gunshot" msgstr "槍聲" msgid "Hand Clap" msgstr "拍掌" msgid "Harmonica" msgstr "口琴" msgid "Harpsichord" msgstr "大鍵琴" msgid "Helicopter" msgstr "直昇機" msgid "Hi Bongo" msgstr "南美小鼓-高音" msgid "Hi Wood Block" msgstr "高音木魚" msgid "Hi-Mid Tom" msgstr "中音鼓-中高音" msgid "High Agogo" msgstr "高音阿哥哥鼓" msgid "High Floor Tom" msgstr "落地中音鼓-高音" msgid "High Timbale" msgstr "定音鼓-高音" msgid "High Tom" msgstr "高音鼓" msgid "Honky-Tonk" msgstr "美國西鋼琴" msgid "Kalimba" msgstr "非洲拇指琴" msgid "Koto" msgstr "十三弦古箏" msgid "Lead 1 (square)" msgstr "合成主音1(方波)" msgid "Lead 2 (sawtooth)" msgstr "合成主音2(鋸齒波)" msgid "Lead 3 (calliope)" msgstr "合成主音3(詩歌)" msgid "Lead 4 (chiff)" msgstr "合成主音4(合成吹管)" msgid "Lead 5 (charang)" msgstr "合成主音5(合成電吉他)" msgid "Lead 6 (voice)" msgstr "合成主音6(人聲鍵盤)" msgid "Lead 7 (fifths)" msgstr "合成主音7(五度音)" msgid "Lead 8 (bass+lead)" msgstr "合成主音8(低音+主音)" msgid "Long Guiro" msgstr "長梗笛" msgid "Long Whistle" msgstr "長口哨" msgid "Low Agogo" msgstr "低音阿哥哥" msgid "Low Bongo" msgstr "南美小鼓-低音" msgid "Low Conga" msgstr "康加鼓-低音" msgid "Low Floor Tom" msgstr "落地中音鼓-低音" msgid "Low Timbale" msgstr "定音鼓-低音" msgid "Low Tom" msgstr "中音鼓-低音" msgid "Low Wood Block" msgstr "低音木魚" msgid "Low-Mid Tom" msgstr "中音鼓-中低音" msgid "Maracas" msgstr "響葫蘆" msgid "Marimba" msgstr "立奏木琴" msgid "Melodic Tom" msgstr "古式高音鼓" msgid "Music Box" msgstr "音樂盒" msgid "Mute Cuica" msgstr "庫加鼓-悶音" msgid "Mute Hi Conga" msgstr "康加鼓-悶音" msgid "Mute Triangle" msgstr "三角鐵-悶音" msgid "Muted Trumpet" msgstr "悶音小號" msgid "Nylon String Guitar" msgstr "古典吉他" msgid "Oboe" msgstr "雙簧管" msgid "Ocarina" msgstr "陶笛" msgid "Open Cuica" msgstr "庫加鼓-開音" msgid "Open Hi Conga" msgstr "康加鼓-開高音" msgid "Open Hi-Hat" msgstr "開放雙面鈸" msgid "Open Triangle" msgstr "三角鐵-開音" msgid "Orchestra Hit" msgstr "管弦合奏" msgid "Orchestral Strings" msgstr "交響弦樂" msgid "Overdriven Guitar" msgstr "電吉他(濁音)" msgid "Pad 1 (new age)" msgstr "合成音色1(新世紀)" msgid "Pad 2 (warm)" msgstr "合成音色2(溫暖)" msgid "Pad 3 (polysynth)" msgstr "合成音色3(多重合音)" msgid "Pad 4 (choir)" msgstr "合成音色4(人聲合唱)" msgid "Pad 5 (bowed)" msgstr "合成音色5(玻璃)" msgid "Pad 6 (metallic)" msgstr "合成音色6(金屬)" msgid "Pad 7 (halo)" msgstr "合成音色7(光華)" msgid "Pad 8 (sweep)" msgstr "合成音色8(掃掠)" msgid "Pan Flute" msgstr "排笛" msgid "Pedal Hi-Hat" msgstr "踏板雙面鈸" msgid "Percussive Organ" msgstr "敲擊風琴" msgid "Piccolo" msgstr "短笛" msgid "Pizzicato Strings" msgstr "弦樂撥奏" msgid "Recorder" msgstr "木笛" msgid "Reed Organ" msgstr "簧片風琴" msgid "Reverse Cymbal" msgstr "音鈸" msgid "Ride Bell" msgstr "懸掛鐘" msgid "Ride Cymbal 1" msgstr "高架鈸1" msgid "Ride Cymbal 2" msgstr "高架鈸2" msgid "Rock Organ" msgstr "搖滾風琴" msgid "Seashore" msgstr "海浪聲" msgid "Shakuhachi" msgstr "尺八簫" msgid "Shamisen" msgstr "三味線" msgid "Shanai" msgstr "嗩吶" msgid "Short Guiro" msgstr "短梗笛" msgid "Short Whistle" msgstr "短口哨" msgid "Side Stick" msgstr "鼓邊敲擊" msgid "Sitar" msgstr "西塔琴" msgid "Slap Bass 1" msgstr "重貝斯1" msgid "Slap Bass 2" msgstr "重貝斯2" msgid "Soprano Sax" msgstr "高音薩克斯" msgid "Splash Cymbal" msgstr "濺開鈸聲" msgid "Steel Drums" msgstr "鋼鼓" msgid "Steel String Guitar" msgstr "民謠吉他" msgid "String Ensemble 1" msgstr "弦樂合奏-1" msgid "String Ensemble 2" msgstr "弦樂合奏-2" msgid "Synth Bass 1" msgstr "電子合成貝斯-1" msgid "Synth Bass 2" msgstr "電子合成貝斯-2" msgid "Synth Drum" msgstr "電子合成鼓" msgid "Synth Voice" msgstr "合成人聲" msgid "SynthBrass 1" msgstr "合成銅管1" msgid "SynthBrass 2" msgstr "合成銅管2" msgid "SynthStrings 1" msgstr "合成弦樂-1" msgid "SynthStrings 2" msgstr "合成弦樂-2" msgid "Taiko Drum" msgstr "太鼓" msgid "Tambourine" msgstr "鈴鼓" msgid "Tango Accordion" msgstr "探戈手風琴" msgid "Telephone Ring" msgstr "電話鈴聲" msgid "Tenor Sax" msgstr "次中音薩克斯" msgid "Timpani" msgstr "定音鼓" msgid "Tinkle Bell" msgstr "叮噹聲" msgid "Tremolo Strings" msgstr "弦樂顫音" msgid "Trombone" msgstr "長號" msgid "Trumpet" msgstr "小號" msgid "Tuba" msgstr "低音號" msgid "Tubular Bells" msgstr "管鐘" msgid "Vibraphone" msgstr "抖音琴" msgid "Vibraslap" msgstr "顫擊" msgid "Viola" msgstr "中提琴" msgid "Violin" msgstr "小提琴" msgid "Voice Oohs" msgstr "唱詩歌(喔)" msgid "Whistle" msgstr "口哨聲" msgid "Woodblock" msgstr "木魚" msgid "Xylophone" msgstr "木琴"