The root node is exported as document title (with format 'chapter').

Attributes of the root node are used as global document properties if they have the prefix "tex-" in their name. Acceptable names are maxlevel and img-float.

The attribute "tex-maxlevel" is used to define the maximum of nodes until which 'Heading' styles are used. If the attribute is not defined, the default value is 3. The maximum possible is 5 (section, subsection, subsubsection, paragraph,subparagraph.

This is a note belonging to Chapter 1.1.1, such notes are exported with style "Body Text" but any formatting,

or even new lines are lost. That's sad but that's reality.

By marking a node with the attribute 'NoHeading' (the value is not important), you make sure that this chapter will be exported as normal paragraph, together with all nodes below.

By marking a node with the attribute 'LastHeading' (the value is not important), you make sure that this chapter will be exported as the last heading in the hierarchy, i.e. all nodes below the chapter will be exported as normal paragraphs.

Tables look like this

Head 1

Head 2

Head 3

data 1 contains bold, which will  be shown

data 2 contains italics, which will  be shown

data 3 contains underscore and so on, which will  be shown (yet)

more text

more text

more text

The file produced by this XSL-Sheet does not contain any Header information. it is intended as a part which can be included into an existing TeX master file.

You can either use input{filename.tex} to pull it into tex or use include{filename}