JClic: Authoring and playing system for educational activities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains information about the internal structure of JClic and the organization of the source code. For compilation instructions, see the INSTALL file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directories The source code of JClic is organized into the following directories: * src Contains the source code of the JClic modules. It is organized in several sub-directories: - activities JClic activities - author Code specific of the JClic author module - core Main classes of JClic - extra No Java code here: only miscellaneous resources - interface Main interfaces and constants - jclicApplet Code for the JClic applet - jclicPlayer Code for the JClic player module - player Code used by JClic player and JClic author - qt61 QuickTime 6.1 functions, used only in Mac OS X - report/reportServer The stand-alone JClic reports server - report/webApp The J2EE application release of the reports server - report/reportServlets Code common to both versions of the reports server - shapers The cell shape editor of JClic author - utilities Miscellaneous utilities * extensions Contains the code of several libraries and external tools needed to run JClic: - dbconn Implementation of three types of JDBC connections, used by JClic reports: single, pooled and JNDI-defined. - soundspi Classes used to play audio compressed in MP3 and OGG formats. Code from four external projects are used: ** JLayer (http://www.javazoom.net/javalayer/javalayer.html) ** JOrbis (http://www.jcraft.com/jorbis/) ** MP3SPI (http://www.javazoom.net/mp3spi/mp3spi.html) ** Tritonus (http://www.tritonus.org/) - xml Classes used to write, read and parse XML files: ** JDom (http://www.jdom.org) without XPath features. ** CustomJDom - Special XML outputter - img Libraries for graphics processing ** image4j (http://image4j.sourceforge.net) * lib External libraries needed to compile JClic: - jmf-api Java Media Framework API empty implementation, to be used only at compile time. (http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/jmf/) - qtjava-api QuickTime for Java empty implementation, to be used only at compile time. (http://developer.apple.com/quicktime/qtjava/) - servlet-api Needed to compile the J2EE version of JClic reports. Empty implementation, to be used only at compile time. (http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/reference/api) * deploy Contains the "applicaton.xml" file, used in the J2EE web application of JClic reports * dist This is the directory where the JAR files obtained as result of the build process are stored. It contains also some scripts, icons and JNLP (Java Network Launching Protocol) files. * instal This directory contains a script that generates the Windows installer of JClic using the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (http://nsis.sourceforge.net). It contains also an Ant script that launches NSIS and creates a ZIP with all the files needed to run JClic in any Java-enabled system. * keystore This folder contains a key store with a test certificate, that can be used to sign the JAR files for test purposes. Please use your own certificate if you plan to distribute your own versions of the program. * xml XML Schema (XSD) and Document Type Definitions (DTD) corresponding to the documents used by JClic to store skins and projects. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit instructions: JClic was made using NetBeans, version 3.5 and 3.6. Version 3.6 is recommended. You can download this IDE from: http://www.netbeans.info/downloads/download.php?a=arch&p=2 Build JClic and copy the following files into the "lib" directory: dist/jclic/jdom.jar dist/jclic/dbconn.jar dist/jclic/soundspi.jar Launch NetBeans 3.6, create a new project and mount the following 17 filesystems from the directory containing the JClic source code: File-based filesystems: lib/jdom.jar lib/dbconn.jar lib/soundspi.jar Directory-based filesystems: lib/jmf-api src/activities src/author src/core src/extra src/interface src/jclicApplet src/jclicPlayer src/player src/shapers src/utilities src/report/reportServer src/report/reportServlets src/report/webApp After mounting the last filesystem, a new one will be automatically created: src/report/webApp/WEB-INF/classes The classes are distributed into different directories in order to allow the compilation of independent small JAR files. The JClic classes are organized into the following Java packages: / Main classes (JClicApplet, JClicPlayer, JClicInstaller, JClicAuthor and ReportServer) /edu/xtec/jclic Main JClic core classes and interfaces /edu/xtec/jclic/activities The JClic activities. Each group of similar activities has its own package: associations, memory, panels, puzzles, text and textGrid /edu/xtec/jclic/automation The classes that provide automatic contents to activities. One package is included here: "arith", for automatic mental arithmetics. /edu/xtec/jclic/bags Classes dealing with collections of objects like activities, media, and sequence elements. /edu/xtec/jclic/boxes Graphic and multimedia elements: cells, counters, grids, buttons... /edu/xtec/jclic/clic3 Classes used to import Clic 3.0 activities /edu/xtec/jclic/edit Base for "editors", special classes used to modify complex objects. /edu/xtec/jclic/fileSystem Filesystems are objects used to read and write to files under different protocols and formats. /edu/xtec/jclic/media Classes that deal with sound, video... /edu/xtec/jclic/misc Miscellaneous utilities specific to JClic /edu/xtec/jclic/project Components of the JClic project structure /edu/xtec/jclic/report Activity results reporting system /edu/xtec/jclic/shapers Classes that deal with cell and grid shapes /edu/xtec/jclic/skins Support to JClic visual aspects /edu/xtec/jclic/beans Visual controls used in JClic Author. /edu/xtec/resources Different sub-packages containing messages, icons, graphics, sounds, etc. /edu/xtec/util Utility classes not specific to JClic